Exigent circumstances can excuse the warrant requirement. 340, 367 N.E.2d 949 (1977). See Fulero, supra, 162 U.S.App.D.C. Because those administrators now acted with assistance from a uniformed officer does not change their function. For example in Bellnier v. Lund, 438 F.Supp.47 (N.D.N.Y. This element, loosely termed as "state action", is highly amorphous, and is generally determined on a case-by-case basis after an analysis of the facts involved. The question of dog searches has again been certified by the Court of Military Appeals and remains pending there. Gordon J. v. Santa Ana Unified Scool. After extensive oral argument and presentation of evidence on June 7, 1979, this Court dismissed all but the above captioned defendants. At issue in this law suit is the constitutional propriety of an investigation conducted by administrators of the Highland school system assisted by local police officers at the Junior and Senior High Schools in Highland, Indiana. This Court finds that joinder would have been permissible and that in light of counsel's motion to dismiss party plaintiffs it now DENIES plaintiff's motion for class certification. Tinker v. Des Moines School District, 393 U.S. 503, 89 S.Ct. The outer garments hanging in the coatroom were searched initially. The school buildings are adjacent to one another and the approximately 2,780 students of both schools share common facilities located in the buildings. 681 F.Supp. The school community of Highland has, among several elementary schools, a Junior and Senior High School. It is clear from these provisions that the state has sufficiently interjected itself into the public school systems for this Court to find state action in the present case. The class members were then taken to their respective restrooms, the girls to the girls' room by defendants Olson and Butcher, and the boys to the boys' room by defendants Reardon, Parker, and Lund. In Lopez, suspension of students by a principal was found to constitute state action where the procedures used and challenged on Due Process grounds were expressly provided for in the Ohio Constitution, and state statutes and corresponding regulations. She contacted the various dog handlers in regard to their availability for the inspection informing them of the time and place. 2d 889 (1968); People v. Singletary, supra; People v. D., supra. No student was treated with any malice nor was the operation planned in a way so as to embarrass any particular student. 4 v. Gary, 152 Ind.App. 2d 188 (1966). The Circuit Court for the District of Columbia responded that defendant's contention was "frivolous" and that the actions of the police were responsible and not in violation of any constitutionally protected rights. . See, 28 U.S.C. Document Cited authorities 50 Cited in 35 Precedent Map Related Vincent 438 F. Supp. Subscribers are able to see the revised versions of legislation with amendments. That this was the basis for finding state action is clear from a portion of the Court's opinion wherein it was stated that liability exists "at least where school authorities, acting under color of state law, deliberately decide to punish a child for misconduct by restraining the child and inflicting appreciable physical pain . In Warren, the action of four teachers in removing a student from the school's honor society was determined to be state action, inasmuch as the defendants were under contract with the school board, and the honor society utilized school facilities to hold its meetings. Teachers were informed of the inspection that morning by means of a sealed note upon their classroom desks. Most notable, in this regard, is the compulsory education provision, Education Law 3205, and its companion sections. Baltic Ind. The use of the canine units was decided upon only after the upsurge in drug use at the schools. That New York State is inextricably entwined in its various municipal school systems is obvious from reading the various provisions of the New York Education Law (McKinney's 1970); cf. 834 - NORTH SHORE RIGHT TO LIFE v. MANHASSET AM. Goose Creek Ind. 2 of their federal statutory and constitutional rights under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Individuals with 733, 21 L.Ed.2d 731 (1969). . ; Pro Get powerful tools for managing your contents. Defendant Knox had no advance knowledge of the search in issue, nor had he previously instructed the remaining defendants as to the procedures to be followed in case of an incident of this nature. The proper administration of the public schools necessarily involves the requirement that students be in certain places at certain times. 5,429 F. Supp. Furthermore, the presence of the uniformed police officer in the room, at the request of the school official and with the agreement that no arrests would occur as a result of finding any drugs upon students, did not alter the basic function of the school official's activities. 1983 in an action for declaratory judgment and damages. 2d 317 (La.S.Ct. 556 (1973); U. S. v. Thomas, 1 M.J. 397 (C.M.A. Although unknown by the students, those uniformed officers in the halls that morning were under orders not to pursue any students outside the building. BELLNIER v. LUND Email | Print | Comments (0) No. Highland, Indiana is a community consisting of approximately 30,000 residents located in the northwest corner of the state in Lake County, Indiana. This document shall constitute the Court's findings and conclusions of law as required by F.R.C.P. Bringing these nonschool personnel into the classroom to aid the school administrators in their observation for drug abuse is, of itself, not a search. Sometime that morning, and prior to the commencement of class, plaintiff Leonti complained to defendant Olson that he was missing $3.00 from his coat pocket. Sign up for our free summaries and get the latest delivered directly to you. While it would seem self-evident that the actions of a teacher or school official employed by a public municipality board of education would constitute state action under. To be sure such conduct of a dog must be interpreted by a knowledgeable person. 47 (N.D.N.Y.1977); People v. Scott D., supra, fn. An appeal by defendant Reardon to the class regarding knowledge of the missing money proved fruitless. 20-5-1-1 is a broad grant of authority to those legally responsible for the administration of the public schools and has been so interpreted by the Courts of Indiana. 1 v. Lopez 50 V. Dress and Grooming 52 Bannister v. Paradis 52 Davenport v. Randolph County Bd. Bellnier v. Lund, 438 F. Supp. In Lopez, suspension of students by a principal was found to constitute state action where the procedures used and challenged on Due Process grounds were expressly provided for in the Ohio Constitution, and state statutes and corresponding regulations. Moreover, granting plaintiff's prayer for injunctive relief as to the other aspects of the inspection complained of would be inconsistent with this Court's findings. 1974); see also State v. Baccino,282 A.2d 869 (Del.Sup.1971) (dictum). It is also very clear from the record that some students in this high school are not in sympathy with the claims and contentions of this plaintiff. The existence of such odors often provides useful information to investigative law enforcement officers concerning the location and proximity of illegal controlled substances. A review of the pleadings, as supplemented by the affidavits of defendants Lund, Reardon, Parker, Butcher, and Knox, reveals that, with one minor exception which will not affect the outcome of the pending motion, there are no material issues of fact to be determined with respect to the question of defendants' liability. Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief only upon the Court's finding that the nude body search made without a finding of any reasonable cause to believe is in violation of her Fourth Amendment rights. Plaintiff Leonti stated that he was sure that he had $4.00 when he arrived at school, showing defendant Reardon the four raffle ticket stubs indicating sales proceeds in the amount of $4.00, only $1.00 of which remained in Leonti's pocket. 2d 141 (1974); U. S. v. Falley, 489 F.2d 33 (2d Cir. M. v. Bd. 17710, United States District Courts. The operation was carried out in an unintrusive manner in each classroom. 52. v. South Dakota H. Sch. *1026 It is also apparent that the use of properly trained dogs in public areas accessible to them is a useful aid to law enforcement officials in determining the existence of probable cause to believe that contraband exists within a certain locale. Those named plaintiffs alleged that search activities conducted by certain school officials assisted by local police officers violated the plaintiffs' rights secured by the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. No fault is found with requiring a student to empty clothing pockets and/or purses upon the alert of a properly trained dog conducted by a properly trained person. In this case, the court finds the search unreasonable because no facts exist, other than the dog's alert, which would reasonably lead the school officials to believe the plaintiff possessed any drugs. 2d 527 (1967) (Procedural Due Process). 1971), with Warren v. National Ass'n of Sec. On March 28, 1984, the Court heard argument on the appropriateness of the exclusionary rule as a at 1218; Bellnier v. Lund, 438 F.Supp. The federal government's interest in enforcing safety and health regulations modifies the probable cause requirement. On the morning in question all students were given an opportunity to perform their usual classroom schedule for an extra 1 and periods. There is a basic burden on the plaintiff to show entitlement to a class certification under Rule 23. 2d 576 (1967), the Fourth Amendment protections are the protections of people not places. . den., 419 U.S. 897, 95 S. Ct. 176, 42 L. Ed. 1971) aff'd, 30 N.Y.2d 734, 333 N.Y.S.2d 167, 284 N.E.2d 153 (1972); In re C.,26 Cal. The Court finds this utterly insufficient to hold defendant Knox accountable under 42 U.S.C. 47 (N.D.N.Y. No liability can be found for any of the actions of this defendant. 2201. Various police departments were one such resource. 1973); U. S. v. Lewis, 392 F.2d 377 (2d Cir. 1977) (mem.) 380, 323 A.2d 145 (1974); Mercer v. State, 450 S.W.2d 715 (Tex.Civ.App.1970); In re Donaldson,269 Cal. While it would seem self-evident that the actions of a teacher or school official employed by a public municipality board of education would constitute state action under Monroe v. Pape, supra, this has not been a universally held notion among the various federal courts. Get free access to the complete judgment in STATE EX REL. Defendant Knox was employed in December of 1974 by the Auburn Enlarged City School District as the Superintendent of Schools. 1977); State v. Baccino, 282 A.2d 869 (Del. Students were instructed to sit quietly in their seats with their hands and any purses to be placed upon their desk tops while the dog handler introduced the dog and led it up and down the desk aisles. 1970); Mercer v. State, 450 S.W.2d 715 (Tex.Civ.App.1970); In re Donaldson,269 Cal. In Palacios, the actions of a principal and vice-principal in refusing to allow a student to run for election to student government were found not to constitute state action, as being done pursuant to student government regulations, rather than school policy. See, e. g., McCabe v. Nassau County Medical Center, 453 F.2d 698 (2d Cir. Although the problem of illicit drug use within the schools was not a novel one in Highland before 1978, it became progressively more acute and more visible within the Senior and Junior High Schools during the 1978 academic year. 1214, 1218-19 (N.D.Ill.1976). 206, 498 F.2d 748 (1974), a marijuana-sniffing dog was allowed to sniff the air around a footlocker in a bus depot. reasonable cause test); Bellnier v. Lund, 438 F. Supp. Education of Individuals with Disabilities 54 Board of Educ . The use of the dog in this operation was an aid to the school administrator and as such its use is not considered a search. However, Little and the other trainers did advise the school officials, upon their dogs' continued alert, of the necessity of a pocket and/or purse search. No evidence was presented at trial that shows plaintiff was in any way discomforted by the mere fact of being made to continue her class work for an extra 95 minutes. This action was initiated in a complaint filed by several named plaintiffs protesting certain procedures conducted by officials of the Highland, Crown Point and Merrillville, Indiana school systems. Renfrow decided to use the trained dogs in a drug investigation and he arranged a second meeting for March 14, 1979. 2d 711 (1977), an action brought under 42 U.S.C. v. Otherwise, the phrase "acting under color of state law" would be a mere surplusage, since it was previously specified that the acts of school officials were in issue. 791 (S.D.N.Y.1974), aff'd, 506 F.2d 1395 (2d Cir. For example, drugs, weapons, suicides, robberies, and assaults are now everyday occurrences in some educational facilities. 475 F.Supp. School Dist., supra at 478-79; People v. Scott D., supra, 34 N.Y.2d at 490; Bellnier v. Lund, supra at 53.As one commentator warned: This possibility of harm is even more ominous since the innocent as well as the guilty suffer from unreasonable searches. Presentation Creator Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. . You're all set! It is clear that the major thrust of plaintiffs' cause of action is based upon, Section 1983 requires a showing of action, "under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any State or Territory". This Court finds for the reasons stated below that entry by the school officials into each classroom for five minutes was not a search contemplated by the Fourth Amendment but, rather, was a justified action taken in accordance with the in loco parentis doctrine. Adams v. Pate, 445 F.2d 105 (7th Cir. See, e. g., Education. On March 7, 1980, a teacher at Piscataway High School in Middlesex County, N. J., discovered two girls smoking in a lavatory. In order to keep disruptions to a minimum, late arrivals at the school were directed to a room other than their regular first period classroom. There is nothing sinister about her enterprise. See, e. g., Terry v. Ohio, supra. 2d 617 (1977). Sch. Bd., supra. It finds no fault with the school administrators using their own senses and the senses of properly trained outside personnel and dogs to detect serious conditions that are patently adverse to the proper administration of a public school. This case is therefore an appropriate one for a summary judgment. In the "rare instance" where it is proper to seek guidance from outside this circuit, the . Bellnier v. Lund, No. As a corollary to the state action rule, it is generally stated that to prove a cause of action under 1983, one need not show that the constitutional or statutory infringement complained of is supported by state law, as long as there is some nexus between the state involvement and the deprivation. In all other aspects, plaintiff's prayer for declaratory relief is now DENIED. that reconciling the privacy interests of children with the needs of schools to maintain order does not require strict adherence to a probable cause standard for Fourth Amendment purposes. Picha v. Wielgos, supra. Presentation Goals. In addition, in the case of Bellnier v. Lund, the Plaintiff Leonti said he had 4 dollars when Firstly, the students see the searches of their lockers is an invasion of property given by the school itself "The biggest drawback to a school locker search is the lack of trust students may feel as a result of actions they see as an invasion of . These human senses may generally be aided by such non-living artificial devices as binoculars, flashlights, magnetometers, breathalyzers, camera lenses and ordinary prescription glasses. She was then asked to remove her clothing. Meese, 681 F.Supp. Both were escorted to the principal's office where the student denied smok-275. VLEX uses login cookies to provide you with a better browsing experience. Little's main responsibility was to coordinate the efforts of the school officials with the dog handlers. The defendant alleged such *1021 sniffing constituted an unpermissible action in violation of his Fourth Amendment rights. This is true because the defendants are no longer in a position of authority with respect to plaintiffs to carry out another search of the kind now complained of. Updated daily, vLex brings together legal information from over 750 publishing partners, providing access to over 2,500 legal and news sources from the worlds leading publishers. The schools' administrators delegated by the state with the duty and responsibility to maintain order, discipline, safety and education within the school system supervised the investigation which was designed with the single purpose of eliminating drug use inside the school buildings. 2nd Circuit. Picha v. Wielgos,410 F. Supp. The cases of Picha v. Wielgos,410 F. Supp. On the morning of December 6, 1974, plaintiffs and their classmates, members of the fifth grade class at Auburn's Lincoln Elementary School, arrived at the classroom in their usual fashion. She was not paid for her services that day, nor was she reimbursed for any expenses incurred. See, e. g., Education Law 3001-3020-a. Dogs have long been used in police work. Buss, The Fourth Amendment and Searches of Students in Public Schools, 59 Iowa L.Rev. Use applicable law to enhance school safety and fulfill the duty to protect Slideshow 4416335 by ramiro Testimony at trial indicated the students used several types of drugs including alcohol, marijuana, and PCP, an animal tranquilizer. 259 (1975). All the animals used in the March 23, 1979 inspection were certified and trained by Little at her academy. The conclusion reached in the Warren case, that of finding state action, seems to be the more logical one, especially when the Monroe-Burton principles are applied to the facts of this case. of Ed. In U. S. v. Chadwick,433 U.S. 1, 97 S. Ct. 2476, 53 L. Ed. Randall Ranes Administrator, Student Services Bakersfield City School District. [9] This *1019 latter area also has implications in the public school context. United States District Court, N. D. New York. at 999-1001; see also Picha v. Wielgos, supra. California. 410 F.Supp. In this case, the teacher initiated a strip search after being informed by [2] These reports consisted of direct communication between teachers at the Junior and Senior High School and school administrators, either face to face or by signed written notes; by student tips, usually anonymous, by letters from parents, and by telephone calls, also, usually anonymous. The dog's conduct constituted evidence that caused the court to observe that "Even on the record the issuance of a warrant by a judicial officer was reasonably predictable. Carey v. Piphus, 430 U.S. 964, 97 S. Ct. 1642, 52 L. Ed. [13] This Court notes the state of the law is unclear as to whether the Fourth Amendment and its coordinate remedy, the Exclusionary Rule, apply in full force to searches of students. 1975), cert. 2d 731 (1969). All students were treated similarly up until an alert by one of the dogs. Because of the increasing use of drugs within the school, students, faculty and administrators suffered a loss of morale at both the Senior and Junior High School. Bellnierv. 2d 45 (1961). Get free summaries of new Northern District of Indiana U.S. Federal District Court opinions delivered to your inbox! 282 (1977); Note, Search and SeizureSchool Officials' Authority to Search Students Is Augmented by the In Loco Parentis Doctrine, 5 Fla.St.U.L.Rev. Therefore, the nude search of plaintiff was unlawful because it did violate her Fourth Amendment right against an unreasonable search and seizure. For example, twelve students killed by students in the Columbine High School shooting; Twenty students killed in the Sandy Hook shooting. This element, loosely termed as "state action", is highly amorphous, and is generally determined on a case-by-case basis after an analysis of the facts involved. The latest circuit to find that the dog's actions of sniffing the air outside a defendant's locker was not a search was in United States v. Venema, 563 F.2d 1003, (10th Cir. Wood v. Strickland Question 10 2 out of 2 points Which court case found that schools have the right to discipline students who present messages that conflict with stated anti-drug policies, even where the evidence of disruption of school activities might be absent? While there is a core of privacy so vital to the student's personhood that it must be respected by a school official standing in loco parentis, that sphere of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment can usually be invaded by a school official standing in loco parentis without a warrant, and (rather than upon probable cause) upon reasonable cause to believe that the student has violated or is violating school policy. Ala. 1968) (applying "reasonable cause to believe" stan- dard). Salem Community School Corp. v. Easterly, 150 Ind.App. In the Wood case the court stated: The defendant school administrators acted in good faith and with a regard for the welfare and health of the plaintiff. CourtListener is a project of Free Law Project, a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit. 739 (1974); 2) the Fourth Amendment does not apply because of the doctrine in loco parentis which clothed the school officials with immunity as a "private citizen." 2d 527 (1967) (Procedural due process guaranteed in suspension and expulsion hearings). See, e. g., McCabe v. Nassau County Medical Center, 453 F.2d 698 (2d Cir. Jurisdiction is alleged to exist by virtue of 28 U.S.C. Unit School Dist. Each classroom teacher was instructed to keep their students in the first period class and to have them perform their customary work. Bellnier v. Lund,438 F. Supp. Moreover, uniformed police officers are, unfortunately, not an uncommon sight in today's public schools. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals held in United States v. Bronstein, 521 F.2d 459 (2d Cir. The students were there ordered to strip down to their undergarments, and their clothes were searched. Since no search was performed up until the time the dogs alerted, no warrant was necessary for the initial observation by the school officials. While a school student does not shed at the schoolhouse door rights guaranteed by either the Fourth Amendment or any other constitutional provision (Tinker v. Des Moines School District, supra), the student's Fourth Amendment and other constitutional rights are modified by that limited in loco parentis relationship which the school officials have with the students. Bellnier v. Lund,438 F. Supp. The extent to which the Fourth Amendment, and its coordinate remedy, the Exclusionary Rule, apply to searches of students while in school, however, is far from clear. Plaintiff, as well as other students, is subject to the daily routine of class attendance in an educational environment. 1279 (S.D.Ohio, E.D.1973), aff'd, 419 U.S. 565, 95 S.Ct. Multiple families have lost loved ones in result of school shootings. They often accompany police officers on night patrol in detection through sound and scent of would-be criminals lurking in the dark or moving in stealth. The First Circuit had held that such provided probable cause to believe that the footlocker contained a controlled substance. Baltic Ind. 466, 47 C.M.R. 47 (N.D.N.Y.1977). of Emp. Wooley v. Maynard,430 U.S. 705, 97 S. Ct. 1428, 51 L. Ed. 526 (1977). Cf. Ball-Chatham C.U.S.D. Plaintiff Leonti stated that he was sure that he had $4.00 when he arrived at school, showing defendant Reardon the four raffle ticket stubs indicating sales proceeds in the amount of $4.00, only $1.00 of which remained in Leonti's pocket. See U. S. v. Fulero, 162 U.S.App.D.C. One was a friend of the plaintiff's mother. State action is generally found to exist when what is involved is the exercise of power possessed only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of state. 215 (E.D.Pa.1976), both 1983 actions involving student searches, and cited by both parties in their memoranda, clearly hinged in their holdings upon police involvement in the searches, a factor not present in this case. The school community of Highland has, among several elementary schools, a Junior and Senior High School. Thus, in State v. Young, supra, a well reasoned opinion, the Georgia Supreme Court found three categories of searches, for purposes of the Fourth Amendment: 1) wholly private searches, with no Fourth Amendment applicability; 2) state action, but no involvement of law enforcement agents, so that the Fourth Amendment applies, but not the Exclusionary Rule; and 3) search by law enforcement agents, to which both the Fourth Amendment and the Exclusionary Rule apply in toto. 2251. 1977) (1 time) MM v. Anker, 477 F. Supp. GALFORD v. MARK ANTHONY B on CaseMine. Nor does the fact that the officials had no information about specific students and drug possession invalidate the use of the dogs. Wood v. Strickland,420 U.S. 308, 95 S. Ct. 992, 43 L. Ed. See U. S. v. Unrue, 22 U.S.C.M.A. Such an extended period had been experienced at other times during convocations and school assemblies. The present case clearly falls within the second enumerated category, for which the Young Court suggests that the proper remedy is a civil rights or tort action, rather than exclusion of evidence so obtained from introduction at a criminal trial. The school officials, therefore, had outside independent evidence indicating drug abuse within the school. M. v. Board of Education Ball-Chatham Comm. People trafficking in illegal narcotics often attempt to conceal the odor. The unnecessary duplication of sanctions is evident in either case. 1985. 1974) In Re Ronald B., 61 AD2d 204 (1978) People v. Haskins, 48 AD2d 480 (1975) People v. Overton, 24 NY2d 522 (1967) Opinion of Counsel, 1 EDR 800 (1959) Opinion of Counsel, 1 EDR 766 (1952) Advanced A.I. Times allocated for each class period are determined by the school officials, not the students. People v. D., supra. NOTES In In re T.L.O. F.R.C.P. Plaintiff will not be heard to say that because she was made to stay in her classroom an extra 1 hours, she was denied a constitutionally protected freedom from unreasonable seizure. 436 (1947). We are also of the view that as the intrusiveness of the search intensifies, the standard of Fourth Amendment "reasonableness" approaches probable cause, even in the school context. 1983 if the search is found to have violated the plaintiffs' Fourth Amendment rights. The plaintiff further seeks to have the complained of activities of the named defendants permanently enjoined. The school officials insisted, and the police agreed, that no criminal investigations would occur as a result of any evidence recovered during the school investigation. 410 (1976). U. S. v. Guerra, 554 F.2d 987 (9th Cir. U. S. v. Ramsey,431 U.S. 606, 97 S. Ct. 1972, 52 L. Ed. Furthermore, this court is not here ruling whether any evidence obtained in the search could have been used in a criminal prosecution. v. South Dakota H. Sch. This Court now rules on all three forms of relief, declaratory judgment, injunction, and damages. was granted in October of 1983. Pierson v. Ray,386 U.S. 547, 557, 87 S. Ct. 1213, 1219, 18 L. Ed. Defendant Knox is therefore entitled to a summary judgment dismissing the Complaint against him. The plaintiffs have prayed for three forms of relief, seeking a declaratory judgment, damages, and an injunction. "The student's right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure must be balanced with the necessity for the school officials to be able to maintain order and discipline in their schools and to fulfill their duties under the in loco parentis doctrine to protect the health and welfare of their students." But the alert of the dog constituted reasonable cause to believe that the plaintiff was concealing narcotics. In 35 Precedent Map Related Vincent 438 F. Supp were given an opportunity to perform their work! Been experienced at other times during convocations and school assemblies a declaratory,! 419 U.S. 897, 95 S. Ct. 176, 42 L. Ed public schools, a Junior and Senior school... To strip down to their undergarments, and their clothes were searched initially out in an educational.! Had held that such provided probable cause requirement illegal controlled substances Process ) document Cited authorities 50 Cited in Precedent! 1428, 51 L. 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Individuals with Disabilities 54 Board of Educ 's main responsibility was to coordinate the efforts of actions. 'D, 506 F.2d 1395 ( 2d Cir 50 v. Dress and Grooming 52 Bannister Paradis. Northwest corner of the dog constituted reasonable cause to believe & quot ; where it is to. Free Law project, a Junior and Senior High school shooting ; Twenty killed. 1979, this Court dismissed all but the above captioned defendants implications in Columbine! Picha v. Wielgos, supra EX REL, 506 F.2d 1395 ( Cir... Main responsibility was to coordinate the efforts of the dogs U. S. v. Thomas 1. Most notable, in this regard, is subject to the complete in!, had outside independent evidence indicating drug abuse within the school community of Highland has, among several schools... Enforcement officers concerning the location and proximity of illegal controlled substances day, nor was the operation in... The & quot ; rare instance & quot ; stan- dard ) 557!, education Law 3205, and assaults are now everyday bellnier v lund in some educational facilities (.... Appeals held in united States District Court, N. D. New York a way so as to embarrass particular... & quot ; where it is proper to seek guidance from outside this Circuit, the Fourth Amendment protections the! School community of Highland has, among several elementary schools, a Junior Senior..., had outside independent evidence indicating drug abuse within the school buildings are adjacent to one another the!

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