by faith: sermons on hebrews 11

Pastor Colin Smith preached this sermon on the faith of Sarah from Hebrews 11:11-12 as part of the series "Living By Faith." About. The author mentions Moses (11:24-26), who refused to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter, choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God. He considered the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; . Imagine what those in the Egyptian court must have said about Moses: He walked away from the wealth and prestige of being the son of Pharaohs daughter to lead a ragtag bunch of common slaves out into the Judean wilderness! Some of you who are younger are trying to figure out if you will follow Jesus. He wants them to become imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises (6:12). I suggest this expanded paraphrase of 11:1, Faith makes real in our experience the promises that God has given about the future. Man looks on the outward and makes his judgments that way. Dont go looking for a God of your own imagination. O glorious victory That overcomes the world." 1 John 5:4. That's as fine a tribute as you are likely to find, and not just about a public figure. Let's read the text ( Hebrews 11:1-3 ): Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Faith A Sermon . You are calling God a liar if you do not trust Him, and you cannot be close to a liar. You are the church, and Lifeway is here to serve you with biblical resources for everything life brings your way. Ten generations are recorded here from Adam to Noah. For them it was all about the faith. God picked him up and carried him across it (A.W. That's what Tim Russert said to Jon Meacham when he invited him to appear on Meet the Press to debate noted atheist Christopher Hitchens. And we know how Noah saved his family while the world around him perished. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him (Gen 5:24). He's right! Nothing is impossible with God. God had brought them through these hard times which included the loss of their property and being made homeless. Walking is not sitting and walking is not sprinting. We read this story and we wonder, How can this be? Adam died after 930 years. Adam and Eve disobeyed a single command in the Garden. Faith connects you to God; it is your admission that you are dependent upon Him; that your hope is in Him. Abel had faith; Cain did not. Therefore, now is a good time to tackle the subject of faith. When he looked at Abel's heart, he found faith there, and it was faith that he rewarded. We've heard and read that in the Bible's creation story innumerable times. Why? Take that faith away and we have nothing left. Any exceptions to the above must be approved by Unlocking the Bible, 1-866-865-6253. And in the light of that Enoch walked with God. It is the first murder in human history. Enoch's journey led him to God, and when he found God, he walked with him. Enoch was taken soon after Adam had died. Creation is dependent upon the Son for its maintenance. ''Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We learn from them that: The story of Cain and Abel, recorded in Genesis 4, is a tale that is so well known that many people who never read the Bible know that Cain killed Abel. To that end, he devotes chapter 11 to an explanation and illustration of genuine faith that endures. I need not try to convince you of anything. Why is the doctrine of creation by Gods word crucial for knowing Him and for the Christian life. And if you live out your faith every day, it's natural and normal to expect your family to follow in your steps. Both faith and works come from God. Independent/Bible. There is clearly a reference here to God revealing His name to Moses. In other words, people are believing what they want and doing what they want and thinking what they want. Rick Ezell is the pastor of First Baptist Greer, South Carolina. What were their growing-up years like? The Word feeds your faith, and faith feeds your understanding (v. 3). What they did, they did by faith. the writer also was confident that the church would be able to stand the test. We are not a very trusting people. It's easy to look at Enoch or Noah or Joseph or Moses or David and say, "I could never do that." Down deep in our hearts, we have believed a lie that the life of faith is restricted to a few "special" people. At one point before we knew how things would turn out, I said to Marla, I am at peace that even if I get fired, God will take care of us, because I did the right thing. Live to please God and you will know His peace, even if people angrily oppose you. Enoch's story teaches us that death for the believer is not a traumatic event - though on earth it often seems traumatic. The fact that the author puts verse 3 at the start of his list of by faith examples, shows that faith in God as Creator is foundational to knowing God. He saw thousands of specific answers to prayer, which he carefully recorded and later published. As it is difficult to directly translate into English because it has many meanings, we must look at the context here. Pew Forum director Luis Lugo says, "You no longer have an alignment of affiliation, belief and behavior. 3:14) as subjective, hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end. But the respected Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (ibid., VII:587) argues that it does not refer there to subjective assurance, which rests within us, but to the objective reality of the faith. You are currently impersonating {{}}. You will always be on guard. This is for us today. i. That's the power of a godly leader. takes both words in an objective sense. God said to Abraham, Do not be afraid I am your shield, your very great reward (Gen 15:1 NIV). His faith saved his entire family. You will not believe the personal information that the person shares with you, because you think, I dont trust this guy!. You become a father, or a mother, and you find yourself saying, God has given me this wonderful gift and if I am to raise this child in this ungodly world, I need strength. A lack of truth erodes trust and causes distance in relationships. Christ said he would return, but it has been 2,000 years! Adam lived to see his great, great, great, great, great, great, grandchildren. In. By faith he believed God regarding things he had not yet seen. Neither type of faith brought forth fruit to maturity. We have to believe it. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Every day Lisa and David Holden asked God for a baby. You cant walk with someone when you are hiding from them. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. God has made Himself known in the Scriptures, and If you want to walk with Him, you must believe what He says about Himself. Hebrews, Chapter 11, and Verse 1. Just one tap away from sermons, blogs, and other resources. You would think that a discovery such as human DNA, which shows amazing design, would cause all scientists to fall down in worship before God. Colin Smith; Our History & Mission; Our Team; Statement of Faith; Media & Radio Inquiries; Until recently, the nearly universal voice of the Church was the traditional view that God created all from nothing. Genesis 4:4 says that God looked with favor on Abel and his offering. We live in a world that is far from God and all of us are going to die. And I will let you in on the secret of when it will happen: When your son dies, the judgment will come., Pink asks this question: What effect would such a revelation have on you? NOTES FOR SERMON ON HEBREWS 11:23-28 Part 2 (See Part 1) Vance Havner summed up Hebrews 11:24-29 Faith chooses the imperishable (He 11:24, 25, 26) Faith sees the invisible (He 11:27) Faith does the impossible (He 11:28, 29) Warren Wiersbe - True Bible faith is confident obedience to God's Word in spite of circumstances and consequences. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. How do I know that? This indicates that things were going to become even more difficult in the immediate future. But even if your progress is slow, you will still be moving forward. How did they know to bring an offering to God? Faith says, "I believe God. 4:4). Here is something that everyone who loves the Lord will aspire. And the author of Hebrews is explaining that by way of illustration in Hebrews chapter 11. He is known as "The Father Of The Faithful. As we saw in chapter 10, Christs sacrifice on the cross is the only basis for forgiveness of sins. Faith was about my belief in God. Enoch lived with a profound awareness that judgment was coming. Hebrews 11 paints a picture of what a life of faith looks like. Enoch knew that the judgment of God was coming soon. Hebrews 11:32-35a Elijah: Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-23) Elisha: Shunammite Woman's Son (2 Kings 4:18-37). The Roman Catholic Church promised Jan Hus, the brave Czech martyr, safe passage to a hearing. The greater the difficulties, the easier for faith. It has the idea of a "foundation or basis. The word also is used as a technical term for the unity of the Trinity, although this is not what is implied here. It did for three men: Abel, Enoch, and Noah. A.W. Husbands, observe this carefully. Faith is trust in what God said simply because it's God who said it. Enoch was the seventh of these 10 generations from Adam to Noah. He wanted Meacham, an Episcopalian, to defend the Christian faith against the sulfuric criticism of Christopher Hitchens. Faith taken seriously makes a difference in our world and changes the way we live. Enoch was surrounded by people who had no place for God. The first verse of the Bible hits us squarely with a vital fact: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. You cannot begin to understand yourself, other people, world history, or God if you reject the early chapters of Genesis. The author says that faith gives us understanding of how the material universe (and time) came into being, namely, by Gods spoken word. Suddenly there is a break in the clouds. The lifespans of these generations are about ten times as long as our lives today. One brother kills another in an outburst of rage and envy. The writer of Hebrews is expanding what he previously taught in verse 6: The roll call of the saints of the Old Testament would have been well known to the congregation. He feels it in a way that he did not before. If you add the ages at which each of these patriarchs became a father, you will find that from Adam to the birth of Enoch was 622 years (130 + 105 + 90 + 70 + 65 + 162 = 662 years). Second, if you have trusted in Christ as Savior, live each day to seek His approval. 2 For by it the men of old gained approval. He will establish the truth, right every wrong, and bring the whole world to justice. Taken seriously, makes a difference, changes the way we live. Ha! 4:15). But if you will starve the flesh and feed your faith, it will grow. the Father chose that all things be summed up in the Son, It is this Son who became incarnate in Jesus Christ. For 65 years he lived for himself, but when his son Methuselah was born, he began to walk with God. The most important thing about you what will matter about you forever is not how many people know your name, or not how many people follow you on social media. When Noah entered the ark, his wife went with him. It has even entered our language as a synonym for troublemaking - Raising Cain. What matters about them is the relationship they have with Jesus. In November of 1994, Scott and Janet Willis, along with their six children, were traveling in their minivan from their home on the south side of Chicago to Milwaukee on Interstate 94. It is a willingness to trust in, to rely on, and to cling to. Hebrews now refers to creation itself. God is the reward of those who seek Him. Your world changes. Suddenly they realize the heavy weight of responsibility that is upon them. Fathers, listen up. It renders the first phrase (p. 847), in faith things hoped for become realized (or, reality). But note this. But I often see people violate this principle in their personal relationships, causing much damage. Any duration. God is merciful and just, so when we do justly and love mercy, then we walk humbly with our God (Mic 6:8). Scripture: The author does not want us to have a temporary, flimsy faith that shrinks back to destruction. It is about the faith and that faith must be in Jesus. Matter is not eternal. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. God will do whatever it takes to get us back. I often wonder if I would be a Christian if I hadn't been born in a Christina home, reared by Christian parents, lived next to a Christian church, surrounded by Christian people. They were not to cast away their confidence which brought such great reward. We have far more spiritual advantages than Noah had. Search. Hebrews 11:17-19 I. It refers to the repeated phrase, then God said (Gen. 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26). You hear, touch and smell things that you miss in the car. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart (Jer 29:13). From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. v. 24. I think that's often how we hear today's second reading ( Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 ). If you would draw near to God, you must believe that he exists (vs. 6). Death becomes the doorway into the unfiltered presence of God. Tim Russert was 100-percent right. The seed sown on the rocky ground sprang up quickly, but it also quickly withered and died when trials hit. That's a good statement any way you look at it, and it gains new poignancy after the sudden death of Tim Russert. Whatever we may say about the two offering of Cain and Abel, the real difference was in the heart. Good works flow from saving faith as their source and give proof of genuine faith (Eph. Later in the day that Russert died Howard Fineman of Newsweek magazine made this observation during a television interview: "Tim Russert Did Not Pursue False Gods, He Pursued the Real One.". What a loony tune!. It gains Gods approval. Thirdly, God chose the Son who is His express image to purge our sins. The "end" is often the culmination of a lifetime pursuit of intimacy with God. 1:18-22), sinful men suppress the truth in unrighteousness. And that promise was fulfilled when Jesus laid down His life for us on the cross. I don't know how much faith they had, but they had enough to follow the head of the family. Abels sacrifice of a lamb from the flock points forward to Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). 1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God (Hebrews 6:1) When we learn to depend on God's work in us, we learn to be perfectly peaceful, calm, undisturbed by . Jesus: The Truer and Better Object of Faith: Hebrews 11:1-6. Scripture: Hebrews 11:7-12 John Piper Sermon The Hope of Exiles on the Earth Jun 29, 1997 Scripture: Hebrews 11:13-22 John Piper Sermon Liberated for Love by Looking to the Reward Aug 3, 1997 Scripture: Hebrews 11:23-28 John Piper Sermon Faith to Be Strong and Faith to Be Weak Aug 10, 1997 Scripture: Hebrews 11:29-38 John Piper Message George Muller was another man who made Gods promises real by faith, and proved in a visible way the reality of the invisible God. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. Please open your Bible at Hebrews 11 as we continue our series, Living by Faith. And John MacArthur, with his rich, expository style of preaching, draws out the lessons we can learn from each of them. Yes, it is. And God honored them because of their faith. Habakkuk lived in difficult times before the Babylonians came to take away Judah into captivity. The constant, conscious enjoyment of the presence of God that, by faith, is possible for you now is a taste, an anticipation of the joys that will be yours forever in heaven. Think about this: Walking with God! That is the greatest privilege possible. He called his favorite son, Esau, and requested that he bring back some . Ditto for Cain. Knowing the U nknowable. Our weekly email connects you to the latest content and resources. All Videos Images Commentaries Devotionals Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. But this first one goes back to Genesis 1, to the biblical account of creation. Certainly Cain represents all those people in the world who believe they can make up their own religion. To blast a person may be truthful, but it is not loving. If we are going to follow Jesus, we must do the same. Without faith you will not believe it anyway. By faith they saw the unseen God as more real than the enraged king standing in front of them, threatening to roast them alive. On a lifespan of 90 years that would be about 18 years old. Enoch got through his early years without too much trouble. And for all of us, men and women alike, take heart from Noah's example. By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him (Heb 11:5). Faith comes down to us as a gift from God. ii. 3:16-18) oozes with faith in the unseen God: O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. Now faith is the substance: Just as our physical eyesight is the sense that gives us evidence of the material world, faith is the "sense" that gives us evidence of the invisible, spiritual world. How could he do that? Before we leave verse 1, lets apply it by illustrating how faith worked in the lives of three Hebrew young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego (Daniel 3). It is the doorway through which we enter the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The early chapters of Genesis chart the growth of sin in the world and its devastating effects. This faith lays hold of Gods promises and the reality of the unseen world, obediently applying those realities to present trials. As John Stott remarked, death is a "trivial episode" to the believer. 2:4). The subjective understanding is, faith means being confident of what we hope for, convinced of what we do not see. An objective understanding is, faith means the reality of the goods hoped for, (Helmut Koster, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. Adam and Eve chose a different vision. What is the characteristic that binds all these triumphs/victories together? That would conflict with the entire teaching of the New Testament, that faith is simply the channel through which Gods blessings flow. The reward of seeking God is finding Him. God had revealed the acceptable sacrifice and faith listens to what God has revealed. To walk with God does not mean that you are perfect, but if you are walking you are making progress. All of the others relate to a parade of characters from the Old Testament who trusted in God. In this sense, the phrase is parallel to our confession (ctive sense in 11:1: faith is the reality of the goods hoped for. Faith is the reality of what is hoped for in exactly the sense in which Jesus is called the [exact representation] of the reality of the transcendent God in 1:3 (ibid.). Because he was looking to the reward (11:26). He cites Habakkuk 2:4, But My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him. Then he expresses his confidence in his readers (10:39), But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul. His subject is enduring faith. Some of his readers were in danger of shrinking back to destruction. On the other hand, to deceive someone under the guise of love is to deny truth. Seth lived 912 years (Gen 5:8). You are at peace in the presence of God, because you have nothing to hide from Him. God walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden, but when they sinned, they hid from Him. Men, God holds you accountable to set the pace for your entire family. God gives us the faith required to please Him. Try. Verse 1 says that faith has substance. Faith is tangible, even though it is invisible. If someone lies to you or deceives you, you will not trust what he says or does. Faith is unconditional trust in the promises of God. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made out of things which do appear. Hebrews 11 New International Version Faith in Action 11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Walking with God is the greatest pleasure. You have to factor in eternity. Bible Study & Sermon Videos; hebrews-11:2; Hebrews-11:2. And if you add up all the numbers, you find that Enoch was taken up to heaven after 987 years. Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him" (NIV). Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Two seemingly paradoxical things are true of faith: On the one hand, it is our responsibility to believe the gospel, because God commands us to believe (Mark 1:15). Any date. 12:2). Impossible Without Faith: Hebrews 11:17-40. Reminder: You are currently impersonating {{}}. Concerning faith, he wrote (George Muller of Bristol, A. T. Pierson [Revell], p. 437, italics his): It is the very time for faith to work, when sight ceases. We think it's easy to believe and easy to keep believing, but it's not - not for most of us. And we must exercise the faith we have or it will begin to wither and die on the vine. Scriptures: Hebrews chapter 11 has the answer we are looking for. Chapters 11 and 12the final major portion of the epistleestablishes a call to respond in the only appropriate way, namely, by faith, to the realities the writer has discussed. What I am about to say will probably sound obvious (Duh!). Such faith, as we will see in the numerous examples of Hebrews 11, is down to earth and practical. By Faith the Invisible is Made Visible (Hebrews 11:1-2) Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. We have to believe it all on the strength of God's promise. Noah's faith saved his entire family. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. All of us are on a journey going somewhere. On the other hand, sinners are unable to believe because of spiritual blindness (2 Cor. It is reflected in their giving, their truth-telling, their church attendance, their integrity. When He sends difficult trials into our lives, whether persecution, the loss of our health, or the loss of a loved one, we have to trust Him, believing that He is acting in love to form Christ in us. All have to cross the river. Since the two halves of 11:1 seem to be parallel, conviction (Greek, elenchos) would need to be taken in an objective sense, also, as proof of things one cannot see (ibid., VII:586). He is not focusing on the aspect of justification by faith, as Paul does in Romans 3. Sown on the cross is the relationship they have with Jesus his great, great, great,,. What they want and doing what they want and thinking what they want and doing what they and... The whole world to justice Stott remarked, death is a good time tackle... 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