harry potter fanfiction harry flinch arthur

She, however, met Peeves on the way, who chased her from the premises, whacking her alternately with Minerva McGonagall's walking stick and a sock full of chalk as the students and teachers watched. [72], Filch greatly trusted Madam Rosmerta, the bartender of the Three Broomsticks Inn, in that he would actually neglect the proper protocols and allow anything from her to enter the castle without properly inspecting them beforehand. Harry goes into heat and Arthur cant resist. Frustrated, McGonagall sent him to do something constructive and find Peeves, for the Poltergeist would be helpful against the Death Eaters. What's this racket? On 7 September, Filch got a tip-off that Harry Potter was sending in a massive order of Dungbombs. Refer to the manual, or the Goodreads Librarians Group. The films omit Peeves the Poltergeist, and so Filch's ongoing war with him is omitted also. Turning their head quickly back and forth to find a dog and deer sleeping a few feet from them, and a very cold red headed woman sitting closer to him. Hearing this, Filch thought that Peeves stole the egg. Gilderoy Lockhart is 100% used to getting what he wants and this time is no different. [62] Harry Potter helped Dean Thomas mess up the clock in the Clock Tower, Colin Creevey sent the Inquisitorial Squad several rude Howlers in chocolate boxes, and Parvati and Padma Patil poured Babbling Beverage into the school loudspeakers. [15], Filch frequently patrolled the hallways at night-time, hunting down students wandering out of bed and looking for excuses to give them detentions. [65], Inspired by the twins' legendary flight to freedom, a great number of students wreaked havoc in the school: Lee Jordan[66] put Nifflers into Umbridge's office, which promptly tore the place apart while searching for shiny objects and leapt on Umbridge when she entered, trying to gnaw the rings off her fingers. Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini/Theodor Nott/Draco Malfoy. Despite working at a school, Filch deeply resented the students and was greatly disliked by them in return,[13] and some members of the staff, as well. Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance, Tragedy. [54] He was also probably the one to affix the notices with the Decree on the noticeboards of the Common Rooms. Apparently, Filch lost some of his duties, as punishment seemed to be given out exclusively by the Carrows and Severus Snape. Once there, Slughorn said that he had not issued him an invitation. The idea of sex has always frightened Neville, but Luna is more than happy to guide the way. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux. Lily and James were killed when Harry was three and Alison was just a couple months old Becomes a Draco Malfoy love story later on I d. harrypottersister siriusblack voldemort +17 more # 2 Stubborn Attraction 2 ~H.P by Eve ~ 3.3M 126K 114 As much as I prefer my canon couples, non-canon erotica is where the Harry Potter fandom really starts having fun. [9] In keeping with his dislike for students and their inevitable tendency to create messes and disorder (which he, as caretaker, would get stuck cleaning up), Filch idolised "the old ways" of discipline and constantly lamented that he was no longer allowed to use corporal punishment. [14] Upon the opening of the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Filch has placed a blanket ban on all the joke items that could be purchased at their shop, but the twins managed to sneak past security by disguising all their Love Potions as cough potions and perfumes. [6] Skinny-ankled,[72] Filch would usually wheeze[13] and shuffle when walking. Velhomaailmassa on monia erikoisia perinteit, jotkut niist ovat Harrylle iloisia ylltyksi. [25], During the 19881989 school year, the Marauder's Map was stolen from his office by a thief that he suspected to be Peeves. Harry told Hermione to calm down and tell him what's wrong. [14] By the end of the 1970s, Filch had already filled at least one thousand and fifty-six boxes with punishment records. Harry po jistm incidentu skon porann a v bezvdom v postrann ulice, kde ho najde njak mu. After the battle, he returned to his position of caretaker, as he was immediately seen sweeping near the Great Hall. It is rumoured that he used to clean the shackles in his office hoping the Headmaster would let him use them on students again one day. This is a story in which Harry has sex with just about everyone. [80] Filch was kept working at Hogwarts in his capacity of caretaker. Speaking of strange, ever wondered how you have sex with a ghost? [23] Following this, Jacob's sibling and Nymphadora Tonks conspired to scare Filch from his office to retrieve the notebook. [2] She had dust-coloured fur and yellow, lamp-like eyes. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHermione Granger and Harry Potter discussing the new security messures, Now in open war, upon the students' arrival at the school on 1 September, 1996, Filch was charged with checking the students and their possessions for dark objects with Secrecy Sensors. He kept his job of caretaker after the Second Wizarding War. [13] Filch also did not care for Hagrid as a professor and treated him as if he were inferior, possibly because he was half-giant. [2] However, Filch did always plead to Dumbledore to permit him to use corporeal punishments on the students, a request that was never granted, which became a primary reason why Filch preferred Umbridge as head of the school. AU. Harry Potter and The Last Horcrux is not like most HP fanfiction. It begins at Hogwarts and stars a grown-up threesome. Lessons With Hagrid by NothingPretentious. [15] The one thing that the two absolutely agreed on was a mutual dislike of Harry Potter. Or even just one page. Ronald Weasley demanded to know what did it matter if the students were smuggling Dark objects out of the premises, and his cheek earned him a few jabs with the Sensor. Its a short and simple tale of two men getting ready together and getting a little distracted. Well, he thinks so, and he intends to act on it. Please, dont do this. He squeezed his eyes shut as cold air came in contact with his semi-erect cock. [37], During the school year, Filch tried to improve his status as a Squib using a Kwikspell course. InA Perfect Dream World by arobynsung, everyones favorite Quidditch girls Alicia Spinnett, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell get together. "Pleasetell me." Harry said, looking worried. [4], Harry Potter: Hogwarts MysteryArgus' sceptical personality against Jacob's sibling party invitation, In the 19841985 school year, Filch and Mrs Norris found the cursed ice. Though clearly thinking that Professor McGonagall had gone insane, Filch complied. This content contains affiliate links. [72] He had a horrible, pouchy[51] and pasty face[14] and bulging, pale eyes,[7] along with sunken, veined cheeks. Yes, this is a brother/brother smut story. [47] During the Hallowe'en feast on 31 October, Filch wore his mouldy old tailcoat and added chairs to accommodate Igor Karkaroff, Olympe Maxime, Ludovic Bagman, and Bartemius Crouch Senior at the Staff Table. The author takes us to exotic locations such as Iceland and beyond the shores of Britain. What a stupid question. Filch usually wandered around the school corridors with his cat Mrs Norris, trying to catch students breaking the school rules and complaining about Peeves the Poltergeist . [14], Filch usually wore a brown coat,[45] although on special occasions he would wear a mouldy-looking tailcoat[45] or an ancient black suit and tie reeking of mothballs. [45], After Sirius Black's second break-in in the evening of 5 February, Filch bustled around the corridors boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. Why would he? One of the most popular male on male couples in the Harry Potter fandom are Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (WolfStar). Spend a few pages writing out your plot. [15] In the 1977-1978 school year, Filch, probably on a tip-off from Severus Snape, whose obsession it had become to expose his arch-rival, James Potter in wrongdoing, confiscated the Marauder's Map after the Marauders over-reached themselves and were cornered. Find moreerotic stories here. Harry Potter has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Harry has won the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric is dead, and Voldemort is back. So far anyone who had so much dared to glance at the dark forbidding space between the Weasley womans legs had been turned to stone. (Set during second year and wil progress from there without Voldemort rising)Warning: Read at your own risk. It was during a day like the others that certain Harry Potter characters found themselves locked up in a house. Modified 3 years, 4 months ago. Filch also did not suspect anything that was from Rosmerta, another factor that would have permitted the necklace and poisoned mead to enter the castle as well as a flaw that Draco attempted to take advantage of. Lets do the Time Warp Again by Rorschach's Blot. Filch confiscated a shrunken head from Vincent Crabbe. [30], During this school year, he tasked Jacob's sibling with finding a missing Mrs Norris. If youre more interested in everyone having sex with everyone else (including twincest), tryMake A Noteby Inell. ), theres a Harry Potter erotica fanfic thats right for you. [26], Later in the school year, Filch was speaking to Snape and Madam Pince in the Potions Classroom when he was introduced to Brazilian exchange student Alanza Alves by Jacob's sibling. Filch talked to her and called her "my sweet". You've been stealing! [70] Unbeknownst to Harry, Filch and Pince had indeed shared a romantic relationship starting in 1989, when the two attended the Valentine's Day Ball together. Ron had to help Filch polish the silvers at the Trophy Room without using magic for his detention. Harry Potter is such a beautiful, erotic boy, and Gilderoy will have him wrapped tightly around his finger in the time it takes you to say Boggart. When he realised that Jacob was their brother, he told them he should punish them while he still had the chance, given their brother's bad reputation. Oh God Not Again! He's deserving of some enjoyment, isn't he? [57], In the morning before the first school trip to Hogsmeade of the school year, Filch matched the names of those visiting the village to the long list of students who had permission from their parents or guardian to do so. [13] He disliked the students and constantly hassled them over the littlest infraction and took delight in the doling out of detention-worthy write-ups. Filch usually wandered around the school corridors with his cat Mrs Norris, trying to catch students breaking the school rules and complaining about Peeves the Poltergeist. Arthur was never a violent man, but he was very expressive and his temper, when it was short, nobody wanted to be on the wrong side of. Argus Filch was a rheumatic man[62] with hunched-shoulders[9] and a hunchback. [67] Filch brought her her luggage, as she was stopped by a mob of Daily Prophet reporters who took pictures of her escape. PEEVES! Granted they do come to visit, Harry just visits the most. When he got to the Owlery, he found Harry Potter (who had just sent a letter for Sirius Black) and Cho Chang (who was sending her mother a parcel for her birthday). Please bear in mind that this list could hardly be comprehensive because there are so many fantastic pairings and stories to choose from, and feel free to share your own favorites in the comments. [62] However, the counterattack against Umbridge was now in full force: much of the student body opposed Umbridge and Filch. On 14 February 1989, Filch attended the Valentine's Day Ball with Pince. Work Search: Harry wanted him to do stuff for money, so Gilderoy naturally did as he was told. He let them go after threatening to send them to Dumbledore, taking Mrs Norris to see Professor McGonagall to clean her fur. On one occasion, he terrified a pair of first-year girls into hysterics. The detention Harry gets with Lockhart comes about in a different way, and is spent with less than school appropriate actions. Filch even threatened Harry after finding him standing by the petrified Mrs Norris, Dumbledore had to calm him down. [7], After Harry Potter and Hermione Granger had carried Norbert to the Astronomy Tower, so that Charles Weasley's colleagues could take the dragon to Romania, Filch caught the pair roaming the Astronomy Corridor on their way back to Gryffindor Tower in the early hours of 10 May, 1992. It is unknown what was made of Filch, or even if he was mistreated by the Carrows simply for being a Squib. [80] It is unknown whether this was for his loyalty to Snape, his long years of service to the school, or his ability to catch troublemakers through his extensive knowledge of the Castle's secrets. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE", causing Filch tremendous stress and concern: he believed that Harry Potter was the one who petrified her, as he knew that Filch was a Squib. [2] Filch also had a difficulty in recognising potions, due to his lack of magical knowledge as he did not notice the love potions disguised as perfumes and cough potions by the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes,[70] nor did he notice the poisoned mead sent in by Madam Rosmerta (while under the Imperius Curse cast by Draco Malfoy), showing he was not particularly observant despite his obsessive personality. It's rather depraved. As Dolores Umbridge was a sadist who enjoyed torturing students, Filch could relate to her views on a number of levels. [2], Haven't you been complaining about Peeves for a quarter of a century?Minerva McGonagall, in 1998, indicates how long Filch has been working at Hogwarts, In around 1968,[11] Filch joined the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,[9] succeeding Apollyon Pringle as Caretaker. PEEVES! Wake up the whole castle, will you? P.S. In the evening of 20 April, 1996, Marietta Edgecombe denounced the unsanctioned Dumbledore's Army to Dolores Umbridge. [13], Filch lived in a dingy and windowless office containing filing cabinets with detailed records of all the students Filch had disciplined. [14] Ron Weasley also suspected that Filch was always in such a foul mood due to his status as a Squib, and thus resented young wizards and witches as a result. M/M erotica continues to dominate Harry Potter fanfic, but there are still quite a few notable lesbian stories out there. He is found and adopted by Merlin and is stuck in the past and is immortal until his time approaches. [56] Umbridge started passing Educational Decrees to suppress and outlaw behaviour of which the Ministry did not approve. [14], During the school year, a mysterious, dangerous monster roamed around the Castle and tried to attack muggle-born students. He brought the Professor to the corridor where he found the ice. 7. InAs I Walk From My Machine by tamlane, Percy moves on to Astoria Greengrass after, on behalf on the Ministry of Magic, he puts out an ad asking for subjects to test experimental sex magic and Astoria answers the call. [53], Prior to the start of the school term, Filch fastened the list of forbidden items to his office door in an attempt to make students read it. Draco then told Filch that he was trying to gatecrash. Argus Filch was a Squib and the caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since around 1973. [18], The caretaker had punished them many times during their Hogwarts years, for their trouble-making. Before he can process these recent events, he and many others are invited to the Room of Requirement to read a very special set of books. [28], Later in the year, Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde interrogated Filch to see if he was the "mole" for "R" in his office. He was different like the so few Wizards who has female body parts. Molly Weasleys naked body can turn men to stone AND homosexuality. The next year, he was responsible for recognising Dark objects that were brought into Hogwarts. Author: MyGinevra Published: 2015-09-26 Length: 424 pages Reviews: 0 reviews Letters From the Edge Genres: Drama , Romance Develop your characters. Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 41 - Words: 178,099 . [70], In the evening of 1 March, 1997, as Rubeus Hagrid was escorting Harry Potter and Hermione Granger from the Hospital Wing where Ronald Weasley stayed after ingesting poisoned mead, Filch came across them threatening the students with detention. In contrast to this warning, Hagrid remained his jovial self and tried to assure all of them that they were safe. [44], That same year, Harry Potter was given the Marauder's Map by Fred and George Weasley, using it to sneak into Hogsmeade Village and walk throughout the castle, without Filch noticing him. [44], So! [70], After Harry Potter's discovery of the Half-Blood Prince's copy of Advanced Potion-Making, he learnt several new spells such as Langlock, a jinx that glued the victim's tongue to the roof of the mouth. [36] Ron spent the evening of 5 September, 1992 with Filch, and kept burping up slugs all over Tom Riddle's Special Award for Services to the School. [42] Filch helped secure the Castle on Professor Dumbledore's instruction, lowering the portcullis and bolting the front doors of the Clock Tower. Handsby iamisaac is erotic fiction starring Albus and Teddy Lupin. [12] Filch waged a constant war against the students and Peeves, the school's resident poltergeist. Filch tried to frighten them, by telling that many dangerous creatures lived there. EvenTom Feltonhas said that Drapple is his one of his favorite Harry Potter fan pairings. I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh? The name "Argus" comes from Greek mythology, where it was the name of a giant with one hundred eyes who served the goddess Hera as a watchman (much like Mr Filch's role in patrolling the hallways of Hogwarts). He hated it. . Filch, unaware of what was happening, came to Professor McGonagall shouting that students were out of bed. This is an implied slash, don't like, don't read! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! What are they doing here? If you like a good threesome,A Nightly Strollby TigerLily8806 might be more your speed. Albus is having the worst birthday ever, and James comes to his rescue. This one features a lot of different ladies, so buckle up. [74], I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to inch me closer to the shackles, Mr Filch.Jacob's sibling talking to Filch in his office. The only thing that is known is that he respected many of them, and did what they say without question. [16] In his years as Caretaker, Filch learned all about the Castle's secret passageways and hidden doors better than anyone but the Weasley twins and the Marauders. In July, Argus Filch attended Dumbledore's funeral in an ancient black suit and tie reeking of mothballs, paying his respects for the man who, despite their opposing views on student punishment, gave him employment as a Squib. [70] Filch was also caretaker when Snape was a student at Hogwarts. In 1991, Harry and Ron managed to get on Filch's bad side on their very first day at Hogwarts School, when he and Ronald Weasley got lost and inadvertently tried to enter the out-of-bounds third-floor corridor. Keep an eye on your inbox. [75] His obsession with the castle's cleanliness led him to neglect actual security at times, as he forgot to lock the doors at least one time even in the more dangerous hours, something Slughorn reprimanded him for. However, when he returned to his office, he learned that Harry had read his letter about Kwikspell courses. Under the Night Skyby BOMBARDMAXIMApairs Albus with his brother James. Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. There are so many different potential pairings and/or groupings with which fanfic authors can play around. [42], Later in the evening of that same day, Sirius Black broke into the Castle and tried to enter Gryffindor Tower; this resulted in the destruction of the Fat Lady's portrait. That's what fanfiction is about. However, Filch, in a way, helped Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix defeat the Death Eaters, as he helped McGonagall call Peeves during the Battle of Hogwarts. Had not issued him an invitation fiction starring Albus and Teddy Lupin Bell get.! 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