how american industry won world war ii quizlet

I think winning a war means more than keeping women pretty. Bordo, Michael. In February, 1945, this meeting of the Allied leaders took place, at which they agreed on how to occupy Germany after the war and the Soviets promised help against Japan, in return for various secret agreements. Employment did not just increase on the industrial front. What was the state of the American military and the American economy in the years leading up to WWII? Migration was especially strong along rural-urban axes, especially to war-production centers around the country, and along an east-west axis (Kennedy, 747-748, 768). Department-store sales in November 1944 were greater than in any previous month in any year (Blum, 95-98). an Allied tactic where only certain islands were targeted for attack in the Pacific - these islands had strategic significance. The post-war baby boom embraced the role of women as caretakers and homemakers. Freedom of religion Wartime Women: Sex Roles, Family Relations, and the Status of Women during World War II. Propaganda tool to character who encouraged women to take factory jobs. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population, 1940 to date. Available at Washington, DC: Historical Reports of War Administration; United States Maritime Commission, no. Rockoff, Hugh. The war dictated that aircraft, ships (and ship-repair services), military vehicles, and munitions would always rank among the quantitatively most important Lend-Lease goods, but food was also a major export to Britain (Milward, 72). Spell each of the following words, adding the suffix that is given, Example:clever + ness = clearness\underline{\textit{clearness}}clearness. Because Pearl Harbor had united the nation, few people were prosecuted for disloyalty or sedition, unlike during World War I. Ships for Victory: A History of Shipbuilding under the U.S. Maritime Commission in World War II. Posted 6 years ago. Milkman, Ruth. The pool of unemployed men dried up in 1943, and further employment increases consisted of women, minorities, and over- or underage males. Sources: 1940 GDP figure from Nominal GDP: Louis Johnston and Samuel H. Williamson, The Annual Real and Nominal GDP for the United States, 1789 Present, Economic History Services, March 2004, available at (accessed 27 July 2005). Direct link to 33077's post abby Table 1 shows the dramatic increases in GDP, federal spending, and military spending. Many Americans continued to live in poverty throughout the 1950s, especially older people and African Americans. Anderson, Karen. The first Allied planning for peace took place in August 1941 when American and British leaders met in a ship off the cost of Newfoundland. The real event that changed America into a nation actively at war was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It was the first peacetime draft in American history, assigning over 800,000 men to the armed forces. The Great Depression was caused by all of the following factors EXCEPT: A. a land speculation bubble in Florida. These jobs provided unprecedented opportunities to move into occupations previously thought of as exclusive to men, especially the aircraft industry, where a majority of workers were women by 1943. (Watkins, 2002; Johnston and Williamson, 2004), Unemployment was another measure of the depressions impact. The average income tax rate peaked in 1944 at 20.9 percent (Fact Sheet: Taxes). The industrys position in the vanguard of American preparedness grew from its strategic import ever more ships were needed to transport American goods to Great Britain and France, among other American allies and from the Maritime Commissions ability to administer the industry through means as varied as construction contracts, shipyard inspectors, and raw goading of contractors by commission officials. Five million women entered the workforce between 1940-1945. Identify the underlined clause as subordinate or independent. American techno-scientific innovations mattered most dramatically in high-tech sectors which were often hidden from public view by wartime secrecy. Although both parties pledged progress in 1948, the only major development before 1954 was integration of the military. }}thepublicanserved. . With this rapid rise in power and influence, the United States had to take on new responsibilities, signaling the beginning of the "American era." October 23, 2020. After the slump of the depression the sudden influx of demand greatly benefited the economy. The unprecedented growth of the U.S. economy translated into prosperity that resulted in millions of office and factory workers being lifted into a growing middle class that moved to the suburbs and embraced consumer goods. Congress finally began to heed President Roosevelt's warnings and appropriated billions of dollars for defense and passed this act in 1940. Complete the given sentence by choosing the correct pronoun form.\ Allied strategy in World War II utterly depended on the movement of war materiel produced in the United States to the fighting fronts in Africa, Europe, and Asia. They even saw some combat: a Mexican fighter squad fought valiantly in the South Pacific in 1945. Wartime Prosperity? military aviators from the Empire of Japan who executed suicide attacks against Allied shipping in the closing stages of the Pacific campaign of WWII. recognized in 1933 by USA after broken ties, an Allied battle plan attacking the Axis powers through Italy - divides Hitler's forces and draws attention away from Normandy in preparation for D-day, after Germany takes control of the French government, these French citizens disrupt the German military so as to help the allied war effort, all black unit of fighter pilots. (Though scholars are still assessing the impact of Lend-Lease on these two major allies, it is likely that both countries could have continued to wage war against Germany without American aid, which seems to have served largely to augment the British and Soviet armed forces and to have shortened the time necessary to retake the military offensive against Germany.) Lynching virtually died out, several states outlawed discriminatory voting practices, and others adopted fair employment laws. A Reassessment of the U.S. Economy in the 1940s. Journal of Economic History 52, no. E. increased government regulation of banking and the stock market. With such a large pool of taxpayers, the American government took in $45 billion in 1945, an enormous increase over the $8.7 billion collected in 1941 but still far short of the $83 billion spent on the war in 1945. D. She is tired of cooking all day long for the children. The U.S. Supreme Court decisions in. the fascist prime minister and dictator of Italy from 1922 until 1943, when he was overthrown from power. When the United States entered World War II after the 1941 attacks on Pearl Harbor, men shipped overseas by the millions to serve in the war. As the European situation became more tense, the United States continued to hold to its isolationist policy. Finally, the wars global scale severely damaged every major economy in the world except for the United States, which thus enjoyed unprecedented economic and political power after 1945. Direct link to Jeff Kelman's post Were it not for World War, Posted 6 years ago. Minority women faced particular difficulties during the World War II era. 4310. In July 1941, the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis was created. The American Home Front, 1941-1945. The Best War Ever: America and World War II. I agree with hs4j, war is not good, but the War did get the U.S. out of the Great Depression, and it proved to many that women were capable of doing more than keeping the house clean and the family fed. Foreign lives. First, in late 1942, Nelson successfully resolved the so-called feasibility dispute, a conflict between civilian administrators and their military counterparts over the extent to which the American economy should be devoted to military needs during 1943 (and, by implication, in subsequent war years). }}theoldmanwas. Lichtenstein, Nelson. To cover the other $167.2 billion, the Treasury Department also expanded its bond program, creating the famous war bonds hawked by celebrities and purchased in vast numbers and enormous values by Americans. The wars effects were varied and far-reaching. 1 (February 1976): 1-16. 1938; Chamberlain, France and other countries (not the USSR) --> appeasement: agreed that Sudentenland should be ceded to Germany if Hitler promised to end expansion --> Chamberlain thought he secured peace with Germany. The war saw industrialized genocide and nearly threatened the eradication of an entire people. Working women, especially mothers, faced great challenges during World War II. Its orders were to shoot German and Italian warships on sight, thus making the United States an undeclared participant in the Battle of the Atlantic. (Main Countries) -Soviet Union -France -Britain -China -United States Who were with the Allies? Direct link to Bradley Reynolds's post After the war many men we, Posted 3 years ago. David R. Henderson, 2002. Lingeman, Richard P. Dont You Know Theres a War On? Though neither Nelson nor other high-ranking civilians ever fully resolved this issue, Nelson did realize several key economic goals. Jews and other groups that some Germans considered "undesirable" were the main victims. B. This new era introduced factories . For instance, as Table 4 shows, the population of the three Pacific Coast states grew by a third between 1940 and 1945, permanently altering their demographics and economies. Freedom of speech and expression Manufacturing output tripled. WW2 seemed to put America at the summit of the world. Source: Nash, 221. Second (and partially as a result of the feasibility dispute), the WPB in late 1942 created the Controlled Materials Plan, which effectively allocated steel, aluminum, and copper to industrial users. In the Air Force in 1993. Available at Japan promptly retaliated by signing a limited treaty of alliance, the Tripartite Pact, with Germany and Italy. Goldin, Claudia. Though both the New Deal and mobilization for World War I served as models, the World War II mobilization bureaucracy assumed its own distinctive shape as the war economy expanded. (Darby, 1976, 7. In the summer of 1940, about 5.3 million Americans were still unemployed far fewer than the 11.5 million who had been unemployed in 1932 (about thirty percent of the American workforce) but still a significant pool of unused labor and, often, suffering citizens. The so-called "Manhattan Project" cost nearly $26 billion in today's dollars. April 1993. Death is a thief (who, whom) kills us all. Well, because of their work in WWll women started standing up more for equality, but "getting a chance" at working men's jobs whilst they were away at war didn't really happen as much as, maybe Vietnam. Show more 2 (February 1992): 1-34. A \rule {2cm}{0.15mm} of the radio program can be ordered from the station's Web site. The total cost of the war to the federal government between 1941 and 1945 was about $321,000,000,000 (10 times as much as World War I). the first major battle to be fought entirely in the air. The depression has made it harder for her to feed and house her relatives. Who threatened to lead a march against Washington DC because of racial discrimination during WWII? The war was on the minds of the children by them having to work in camps and getting taken away from their families. On what two cities were the atomic bombs dropped during WWII? As Table 2 shows, output in many American manufacturing sectors increased spectacularly from 1939 to 1944, the height of war production in many industries. (For U.S. military involvement in World War II, see the article World War II.). This caused a very high national debt. In 1942, on the basis of groundless racial fears and suspicions, virtually the entire Japanese-American population of the West Coast, amounting to 110,000 persons, was rounded up and imprisoned in relocation centres, which the inmates regarded as concentration camps. The war decisively ended the depression itself. They sought peace through isolation and throughout the 1920s advocated a policy of disarmament and nonintervention. The USA had to first overcome the Axis in Europe before it could go full out up against Japan. secret agreement signed by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1941 outlining the two nations' war aims for self-determination Axis Alliance alliance between germany, italy, and japan because they all wanted empires and they were totalitarian Battle of Britain During the first 30 years of the 1800s, American Industry was truly born. Direct link to edie's post If america was at war , w, Posted 5 years ago. The Great Compression: Wage Structure in the United States at Mid-Century. Quarterly Journal of Economics 107, no. The experience of World War I had a major impact on US domestic politics, culture, and society. Neither Germany nor Japan (or for that matter Italy) had any oil. The 15 million Americans who joined the military who, that is, became employees of the military all moved to and between military bases; 11.25 million ended up overseas. In fact, about a quarter of women worked outside the home in 1940. Between 1939 and 1945, the hundred merchant shipyards overseen by the U.S. Maritime Commission (USMC) produced 5,777 ships at a cost of about $13 billion (navy shipbuilding cost about $18 billion) (Lane, 8). For somewhat different figures, see Table 3 below.). The Army Air Corps possessed only 1,100 combat planes, many of which were outdated. Subject: There are three men who aresittinginatavern. Even for contemporary observers, not all industries seemed to be lagging as badly as autos, though. \underline{\text{the publican served. Women faced challenges in overcoming cultural stereotypes against working women, as well as finding adequate childcare during working hours. How did World War II affect the U.S. economy? in 1938, allied leaders allowed Hitler to annex part of Czechoslovakia in return for his promise to demand no further territory. Despite the stereotype of the "1950s housewife," by 1950 about 32% of women were working outside the home, and of those, about half were married. With the USMC supporting and funding the establishment and expansion of shipyards around the country, including especially the Gulf and Pacific coasts, merchant shipbuilding took off. Available at, To join the newsletters or submit a posting go to, Budget of the United States Government: Historical Tables Fiscal Year 2005,,,,,,,, Any talk of weapons that won World War II begins and ends with the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. These methods, including the substitution of welding for riveting and the addition of hundreds of thousands of women and minorities to the formerly all-white and all-male shipyard workforces, were a third crucial innovation. As a result, relations with Latin-American nations improved substantially under Hoover, an anti-imperialist. Direct link to Brant's post sus imposter?, Posted 4 years ago. He ordered the War and Navy departments to resupply British divisions that had been rescued at Dunkirk minus their weaponry, and in September he agreed to exchange 50 obsolescent destroyers for 99-year leases on eight British naval and air bases in the Western Hemisphere. American family watching TV in 1958, photo by Evert F. Baumgardnerfor National Archives and Records Administration. In 1940, Walter Reuther, a high-ranking officer in the United Auto Workers labor union, provided impetus for conversion by advocating that the major automakers convert to aircraft production. He then explores the deeper factors affecting military success and failure: industrial strength, fighting ability, the quality of leadership, and the moral dimensions of the war. towards the end of WWII Japanese pilots conducted suicide missions, crashing their planes into ships to sink them, Japanese Internment was constitutional because individual or group rights may be limited to protect national security. The federal government spent about $350 billion during World War II or twice as much as it had spent in total for the entire history of the U.S. government up to that point. Women on the home front were critical to the war effort: Between 1940 and 1945, the era of "Rosie the Riveter," the female percentage of the U.S. workforce increased from 27 percent to nearly 37. Deal between Roosevelt and Churchill where Roosevelt gave Britain 50 old destroyers for the right to build bases in British territory in the Americas. Often these systems use Secret Police to imprison, torture, or kill any critics. Answer about the excerpt from To Nano. What motivates the grandmother in the story to change her feelings about feeding To Nano? (Main Countries) -Japanese invade the Philippines (American Territory) -U.S. is mad. This left many of the civilian and military. Cold War & Civil Rights, chapters 20, 22, & 2, Ch. It marked a turning point in World War II. The militarys opposition to Nelson had contributed to the accession by James Byrnes and the OWM to the paramount spot in the war-production bureaucracy. As Table 7 shows, this shift as measured by declines in overall federal spending and in military spending was dramatic, but did not cause the postwar depression which many Americans dreaded. Chinese American women also found a place in the defense industry. Under the direction of the U.S. Army and several private contractors, scientists, engineers, and workers built a nationwide complex of laboratories and plants to manufacture atomic fuel and to fabricate atomic weapons. On March 5, 1933, the German parliament voted him the power he needed to launch Germany on a program of conquest in central and eastern Europe. The gap in the labor force created by departing soldiers meant opportunities for women. Peter Jenning says that because Americans actually came together to help the war end. During World War II, in addition to turning out several million military vehicles, American automobile manufacturers made some seventy-five essential military items, most of them unrelated. this political party controlled Germany from 1933-1945, during the World War II era. The wars rapid scientific and technological changes continued and intensified trends begun during the Great Depression and created a permanent expectation of continued innovation on the part of many scientists, engineers, government officials and citizens. Why? As Italy prepared to invade Ethiopia, Congress passed the Neutrality Act of 1935, embargoing shipment of arms to either aggressor or victim. Aerospace provides one crucial example. What was the Japanese surrender in the Pacific called? Neither country would compromise on the China question, however, Japan refusing to withdraw and the United States insisting upon it. Neither General Max nor the wage-increase limit was entirely successful, though federal efforts did curtail inflation. Available at Public opinion polls, a new influence upon decision makers, showed that most Americans favoured Britain but still wished to stay out of war. This was a war, Ribbentrop ruefully concluded,. Even before the war ended, the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 determined key aspects of international economic affairs by establishing standards for currency convertibility and creating institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the precursor of the World Bank. Friedberg, Aaron. Recognizing Complete Subjects and Predicates. Explain the "patriotism" women felt when working in the factories. A global economic crisis gave way to a global war that would become the deadliest and most destructive in human history. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2004. Some have called Sam Slater's mill the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. Japan at first caused problems for America but after a hard time of constant battle the turning point was the battle of the Wake in which America won and somehow gained a pivotal point in the war against Japan, What were the costs of World war 2 and what were its effects on America's role in the world. Although the armed forces continued to practice segregation, as did Red Cross blood banks, Roosevelt, under pressure from Blacks, who were outraged by the refusal of defense industries to integrate their labour forces, signed Executive Order 8802 on June 25, 1941. Explain the "patriotism" women felt when working in the factories. In consequence the national debt increased fivefold, amounting to $259,000,000,000 in 1945. governmental leader who has absolute control, Once communism gets a foothold, everything around it falls as well, 1st American hero, bombing raid in Tokoyo, Commander of the Allied forces on the Philippine islands, the British military is trapped on the French coast but using civilian and military ships manages to evacuate most of its army - considered a miracle, English army rescued (civilians helped) against English channel, General who commanded troops in North Africa. By the end of the 1950s, 87% of all U.S. families owned at least one television, 75% owned cars, and 60% owned their homes. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964. Nevertheless, many achieved a degree of financial self-reliance that was enticing. Second, the commission funded entrepreneurs, the industrialist Henry J. Kaiser chief among them, who had never before built ships and who were eager to use mass-production methods in the shipyards. Why was FDR's death so hard on the American people? FDR's death was so hard on the American people because he had led them through the two crisis that had happened and he was just a great president to everyone. Hitler unleashed his U-boat "wolf packs" into the Atlantic Ocean with orders to sink anything carrying aid to Britain, but Britain's and the United States' superior tactics and technology won them the Battle of the Atlantic. Table 3 shows the overall employment and unemployment figures during the war period. Despite American reluctance to be in the "blood business" of selling military supplies, the U.S. Congress agreed to this policy, which allowed sales of arms to the Allies if they paid up front and transported the goods in their own ships. Moreover, the New Deal had accustomed Americans to a national government which played a prominent role in national affairs and which, at least under Roosevelts leadership, often chose to lead, not follow, private enterprise and to use new capacities to plan and administer large-scale endeavors. Not yet (even in 2023) in the Marine Corps. Although women often earned more money than ever before, it was still far less than men received for doing the same jobs. First, the commission itself allowed the federal government to direct the merchant shipbuilding industry. Connery, Robert. In the Pacific Roosevelt continued Hoovers policy of nonrecognition of Japans conquests in Asia. Direct link to vsk29559's post I know women were allowed, Posted a year ago. British prime minister and pursued a policy of appeasement. This network included laboratories at the University of Chicago and the University of California-Berkeley, uranium-processing complexes at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Hanford, Washington, and the weapon-design lab at Los Alamos, New Mexico. population boom, no resources, aggressive country. The United States became a global influence in economic, political, military, cultural, and technological affairs. The decade following World War II is fondly remembered as a period of economic growth and cultural stability. When Japan invaded China in 1937, however, he seemed to begin moving away from isolationism. How does FDR communicate with the American people and why is it important? Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (19291945) Standard 3: The causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad, and its reshaping of the U.S. role in world affairs Historical Thinking Standards: 1. For instance, many women left the labor force beginning in 1944 sometimes voluntarily and sometimes involuntarily. Most importantly, American mobilization was markedly less centralized than mobilization in other belligerent nations. 2, 1949. A Statistical Summary of Shipbuilding under the U.S. Maritime Commission during World War II. In his first inaugural address in 1933, President Roosevelt pledged that the United States would follow this policy and respect the sovereign rights of all nations in the Western Hemisphere. Unlike Nelson, Byrnes was able to establish an accommodation with the military services over war production by acting as an arbiter among contending forces in the WPB, settling disputes between the board and the armed services, and dealing with the multiple problems of the War Manpower Commission, the agency charged with controlling civilian labor markets and with assuring a continuous supply of draftees to the military (Koistinen, 510). The role of women in U.S. society became an issue of particular interest in the post-war years, with marriage and feminine domesticity depicted as the primary goal for the American woman. For each of the following Bonds served as a way for citizens to make an economic contribution to the war effort, but because interest on them accumulated slower than consumer prices rose, they could not completely preserve income which could not be readily spent during the war. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. \underline{\text{are sitting in a tavern. U.S. States Dates of Admission to the Union Quiz, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the military draft, United States: manufacturing during World War II, Office of Scientific Research and Development, barracks at the Minidoka Relocation Center. : The 1950s witnessed the explosion of a consumer goods economy. Soviets supplied North Korea with weapons via the airforce. What effects did World War II have on the American economy? Were it not for World War II and all of the involvement of women in the military industrial complex, could it be argued, that women around the western world would have perhaps been relegated to certain allegedly "female" job types and occupations? The Allied powers including the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union worked together to defeat the Axis powers, which consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Perhaps 80 million lost their lives during World War II. By adapting well-known manufacturing techniques and emphasizing easily-made ships, merchant shipbuilding became a low-tech counterexample to the atomic-bomb project and the aerospace industry, yet also a sector which was spectacularly successful. Many women also flocked to work in a variety of civil service jobs. Why were Anabaptists considered by both Catholics and Protestants to be dangerous radicals? There have been women in the United States Marine Corps since 1918,and in the Coast Guard since 1942. 350,000 women served in the armed forces during World War II. Some were killed in combat or captured as prisoners of war. The war question was soon resolved by events in the Pacific. -Germany -Italy -Japan Who were in the Axis Powers? In an encyclopedia or botanical reference book, find out what these plants look like and then use them in a series of illustrations that will capture the story's lush setting. In order to recruit women for factory jobs, the government created a propaganda campaign centered on a figure known as. Direct link to sarah mazur's post Well, because of their wo, Posted 6 years ago. He gave the order to drop both atomic bombs. In 1942, Americans spent $95 million on legal pharmaceuticals, $20 million more than in 1941. if woman did not start working then would we have had woman working know a days. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1975. With such a large pool of taxpayers, the American government took in $45 billion in 1945, an enormous increase over the $8.7 billion collected in 1941 but still far short of the $83 billion spent on the war in 1945. To try to address the dual role of women as workers and mothers. Did they ever serve with the Marine Corps or Coast Guard? Standard 3 - Historical Analysis and Interpretation: In overcoming cultural stereotypes against working women, especially older people and Americans... All industries seemed to begin moving away from their families even saw some combat: a of... No further territory women for factory jobs out, several States outlawed discriminatory voting practices, and in South. Fondly remembered as a period of economic growth and cultural stability advocated a policy of nonrecognition of Japans conquests Asia... Through isolation and throughout the 1950s, especially older people and African Americans - these islands had strategic.... 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