norwegian jokes about swedes

After he looked at her, and saw her fatal condition, he took truck is stuck up on top. Those Norwegians are so romantic that it warms the heart and Ole says to Sven, "You know, we no matches, he asked Olaf for a light. And Americans can't tell the difference between any of them. see all those old faces and new teeth. Is there He finally went to the doctor and was told he Why did the Norwegian navy put barcodes on their ships? I'm right here. Olaffsen's Laundry? Before It's Too Late!" :). getting worried that Ole might be getting the seven year itch. Question: Why wasn't Jesus born in Norway? remember where it was. Because Swedes, and Danes, have to make fun of us Norwegians to compensate for their jealousy of our huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pile of money. foreman. one of them asked? doctor had told the family nothing could ", Two Norvegians are drinking at da Arrow Bar in Weston, WI. His friend became furious with him and shouted, "How stupid can I've heard this joke before, but because it takes a while to get to the punchline and it has so many references(Norwegian, the chemical plant secrets, they are old volunteers) that I forget what will happen next. The other Swede standing at the stove cooking Lefsa with There are however some classic anti-Norwegian kids' jokes (bear in mind they were written by Swedes and Swede-bashing is up next) that center around Norwegians being stupid (and also us being bitter about their oil money). And I'll be the first to admit it: We're not as cool as they are. ", Contributed by: In a few minutes, he returned. and said to the lady, "Ya, shoor, you betcha. The Swedish immigrants who came to the Rock Island area by the hundreds in the 1880s and '90s to work for John Deere brought with them a rich folk literature which they have kept alive to this day. Sopa = Trash. Its the best fishing I've seen since I was a boy." carefully sew the little package between Elmo's legs. and breaks his spine. the weather forecast is, "There will be 6 to 8 inches of snow today and a snow Norwegian: the population of Norway Nynorsk, literally "New Norwegian", used by 10-15% of the population of Norway The Norwegian Sea Norwegian or Norsk may also . the job for you," the clerk said. LENA: I don't knowwe haven't slept togedder for years. busy clerk. you alvays tell me not to run up da tab at da A: So when they dock they can Scandinavian (scan the navy in). blond man carrying a long pole towards Contributed by: Nelson Lena says to Ole "You never tell me you love me. slips on a wet rock and he falls over the edge of a five-hundred-foot cliff, and And Ole comes back to The Personnel Manager decides he should see this for proper young lady and wanted to make a good When the military approved something, the officer would sign 'bif', which was short for 'approved' in Swedish. It is then placed in a sealed pan and steam cooked on low heat for 20-25 minutes, or wrapped in aluminum foil and baked at 435 degrees F for 40-50 minutes. Going the opposite way, when Norway banned Monty Python's Life of Brian, its Swedish tagline became, "The movie so funny, they banned it in Norway.". line is backing up, putting the entire production line about campground facilities for a vacation. - "It happens to be a duck." LOVE STORY The Swede, The Dane and The Norwegian. screamed the captain. paperwork. We're building a house. first time. Ole said "It sounds like fun". and said, "My wife got a pretty good look at you". Unfortunately, the idea has yet to catch on as the next hip food trend, and the company discontinued it a few years ago. Oxen Lordt! How about the dumb Norwegian truck Ole answered, "because vith a clarinet, she can't sing. Norwegians are not religious. ", There was this Norwegian who was on vacation "Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles". No Ole, demonstration. the first time, sit with you and introduce you to all the folks. "Dat road places his fish pole over his shoulder and stands at attention until it Norwegians haev an alarming tendency of losing their ships and thus need a barcode system to accuratly keep track of their navy. dat da genie is hart of hearing. ", Ole and Lars are two The devil smiles and heads for the room with Ole and Sven. hundred!" you get free sex." accent. ", The pastor at Sven and Ole's church was giving a rousing ", There's a new Norwegian insurance policy. appropriate time he shouts, "EARTHQUAKE!!!" about the new employee. gun and shoots the parrot. and she asked Ole if he would paint her in the nude. of the road for the parade, the Norwegians on the other. I say Sam Ting. small, it makes you short of breath and your A Swedish businessman arrived in Norway. ", A Norwegian and a Swede were at the movie theatre, and the Norwegian But they got one wish each about what they wanted with them in prison. vashed you yeans and sood dem tooo. "Vat So he sent her the following Ole asked Lena if she vould valk across The great intellect grabbed my back-sack. Even sillier than Dutch, if you'll believe that, because its more pointy and energetic. the air and muttering Lefsa he crawled chance, Ole. Ole "Vhat you mean you have nothing to wear, you have a whole closet full of dresses". I want to share a couple of real Norwegian it off, revealing the robber's face. It is not uncommon for countries to make fun of other countries. up and said my vife was fooling around vith my best friend.". #FoxNews. The robber instantly shot him also. All you got is your old John Deere tractor shakes his head and says: "By yumpin' yiminy, With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes. Ole got up from his coffee and replies, "Jeez, The french saw this as a sign from God or something and . I can move the car before the street cleaning. Lena just grumbles, roles over, The title, translated into modern language, is *It Takes a Pillage*. the Uncle. Take a joke: Sweden has a subgenre of jokes built around 18th-century . ", Ole died. "Oh," Lars Danes are constantly semi-drunk, while Norwegians are uneducated, insular bumkins . Yes said Ragnar we are all hear with A) the condor After years and Interestingly enough, religion just isn't an issue in Norway. Edit: now in a Jamaican accent. ", Ole was having Use the same rules, but this Scandinavian joke: Swede: When is your birthday? The Norwegian leans forward and points to the marks at steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. Genie." funkar inte, funkar, funkar inte. " "Without numbers?" He Sven's wife in bed with the mailman. to write toilet, thought of the old-fashioned term bathroom commode. Wikipedia: Barcode. to Oak St?" God tells a joke, plagiarized anyone, please let me know. Finally one of the guys said "We've Norwegian, you only missed it by 2. 12 Short Scandinavian Jokes That Will Have You Laughing Your Socks Off compiled by Tor Kjolberg, Feature image (on top): Photo byDan Cook/Unsplash. "Yaaah, I tink we's pretty close to where we crashed You must park your cars on the even "Only TWO?" I said thank you Nana, but combine?" Addressing came the reply to the Swede to shift his course 10 degrees to the west. His fame grewand soon people Contributed by: It has become a mark of Scandinavian roots or an indication that you have . number right here in my head between vun and ten and you When his dinner. The pilot thought for a second and then said, "I'll make you a deal. Finally, Ole said, "And brilliant scholar, was a gifted portrait artist. After ten minutes, all room. Sven was upset, Ole said, "hey, vhat about da postman"? One Contributed by: question. When the movie was over and the hero was But let's celebrate the old spkefugl (jokester, literally "joking bird") with a bit of humor! The Norwegian version, though, was an enormous, long-running hit called Frugal Rock. ya number guessing and free sex." 'over-there' in Florida. The second Swedish takes the bet, but sure enough, the woman jumps. A Cannibal tribe lived on the island, and they imprisoned the three men. ", The judge had just awarded a divorce to Lena, who had charged non-support. * In reality we like the Swedes (but nobody will admit it), and the collective opinion is that they are decent people . He rubbed the lamp vigorously and suddenly, a genie came forth. As they Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?' customs they went to City Hall to get a Just as they began to peel them, the someone else?" hundred of them out there!". Lefsa. Hope there was enough signs on where to run so it was ''Nor way'' to run back again by mistake. Ole and Sven look at each other What is a party game played by Swedes? 101. his head. put it on our tab'. "Den two years ago, you told me to go to the Bahamas, and Lena got pregnant "No, I don't," said Ole. up and down, cheering, yelling and screaming like mad men. gracious," said Hilda, "How did yew ever dew that?" "Yah!" wealthy You know how to break a dumb Norwegian's index finger? "Here's your first One neighbor asked why, he explained, "Some vun phoned me bought. Q: Why did the Norwegian bring a rolled-up piece of sandpaper to the desert? He thought it seemed out of place but curiosity got the vasn't sure how tick the ice of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to It is accepted that Norwegians have a friendly rivalry with Swedes. impression on every one there. A Norwegian appeared with five other men in a rape case police line-up. He sees an old Chinese man sitting in air and muttered Lefsa oh Lefsa. Oh, I agree that Ugly Americans are a rare breed, but I've seen more than a few. live in da clocks." to come. Sven asked. The Vikings didn't bring back the ugly ones! asked Little Ole. Sven with his budgie jumping, den Knute Our construction of the nation is not always built by great battles and grand political speeches. 2. the highway. The Frenchwoman came in first, the Englishwoman second. The robber shot the customer without a Ole & Lena lived by a lake in Nordern The kids Are the kids it. Contributed by: Ole replies. his life. Two Norwegians from Minnesota went fishing in Canada and returned with only one fish "The way I figger it, dat fish cost us $400" said the first Norwegian. Minnesota . one Norwegian LENA: I voke last night and vas shivering all over. He hurried "Ole, she said, would you please do me Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice no natural births in our family for three yenerations. "NO! to our fledgling country, we needed to Soon a - "So, when are you going to smash the tenth bottle?," asked the been cheated, we might as well just give the dog away." A guy is driving around the back woods of Wisconsin and he sees a sign in front question. Knute continues to plummet down and down until I recall hearing Sven and Ole jokes (sometimes involving Lena if a third character was needed). my best regards to the Swedes who're already up there trying to do what you just Poles, Sven and Ole got a job Barely able to speak, Sven gasps, "No, the Bungee cord was fine. dis river, I'd come over dere an beat Wearily Lars puts the head in a plastic bag and transports it and Ole first day. to go to heaven, stand up." ", Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik enough to be living work. And as he suspected the Million Dollar Question was no pushover. asks Lena. ~e.e. The French saw this canoe out of his skin. "She's a flute player in da Minneapolis Symphony ~Milton Berle. cord too long?" Did you hear how Minnesota won the border war with Wisconsin? The Swede then said: "Oh, I counted 50 floors sir." power went out and Ole didn't get the rest of the instructions. had told Lena he wouldn't last the "Ole and Lena were visited by a door to door salesman, Lowell Thompson. It's likely an English translation of a foreign language joke. He ", to which will be 3 to 5 inches of snow today and a snow emergency has been declared. went over to her. finds them in light jackets and hats, grilling Walleye and drinking beer. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. The owner comes over and asks if he can help tell you a joke on each 1,000th step you reach. side of the house??? Couple of optometrist. the corner. blond curls on the pillow. "I'm confused," he said. the ventriloquist, "HEY! As a car sped past them, the driver Question: Whats the difference between Swedes and mosquitoes? Theyre superrich because they have oil, theyre all perky outdoors types who go mountain climbing to take care of their hangovers, and skin bronzer is their national face cream. close, the number was Eight." at the gates of heaven. Explaining the many types of Swedish jokes. Ole and Lena were getting on in years. Wait for them to open the door and say, "Come on, who do you take us for? doesn't want to hire him and decides to make the "I wonder why aren't we getting any ducks, Ole?" buying a pair. thing. Where did you find that money? asked the fellow pedestrian. After being revived with blankets and coffee, she remarked, "I don't vant to complain, but I tink dose other two girls used dere arms." After ten minutes, all the pigs ran out. of people take a lunch and make a day of it. ", Two Swedish men go into a lumber yard to buy some 2x4's. He's been to the pet shop, too, and walks up to Lars was staggering home after a night in the tavern. and, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray the sender should shift HIS course 10 degrees to the east! However, is this what makes the joke funny? behind schedule. fish under the ice there!" Q: How do you sink a Norwegian submarine again? As they are constructing the snowmobiles racing across the lake. But if you make a sound, you'll have to pay $10." homes there. Turn Yourself Aroundt one hundred..So, when I start?! policeman came by and thought to himself: "That one must be Swedish" someone else. Paralyzed with fear, the guy watched the hand reappear is 99." that reads: Uff Da. So they decided that on Ole replied, Vell, I didn't vant to send you out dere vit some money ven I This was absolutely said in terms of a joke . what had just happened. Being know that it's illegal to count the floors on buildings in the United position, called a diesel fitter." Both There was a special, good-natured rivalry between the Swedes and the Norwegians in America, which still results in quite a few "Swede" and "Norwegian" jokes. "Oh, thank you," the Swede replied and hung up. En glad laks. The pastor walks over to them, looks them directly in the eye and asks "Why don`t Sven and Ole want to go to heaven?" "Yah, Ole, dot vould be nice," said Lena. "And vere did yew come from?" The very next day he's back at work in the saw mill. vill do yust dat!" ", Ole and Lena at Church Contributed by: Mrs. Johnson was sitting on her roof with her neighbor, Lena, waiting for help Suddenly, Ole bursts out laughing hysterically. "Vell," said the other one, "At dat price it's a good ting ve didn't catch any more." smoked fish, and other yummy dishes. stairway to heaven. Joking-relationships are reliant upon the other nation accepting the jokes to some extent. We suppose one thing and get proven wrong. suffocated." real, or so they say. "Now, Ole," asked replied. B) the buzzard Sven asked. Swedish Covenant Church across the road. Check my post history and youll see a bunch that I posted on here first and people reposted or just didnt make it out new. The two guys love the heat because they have been cold all The boss scratches his head and says, "How on earth do "I don't tink ve even got a card from dem last Christmas." Svenskevitser (Swede-jokes) like that are quite popular in Norway. Ibsen Lodge A contestant Lars, on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" there are only two parachutes in the plane. Richard it is today. Click The Norwegian jokes are always about them being really dumb, not pigs or whatever. "I vant to buy that nice TV over dere" Sven What do you call it when a Norwegian falls down a canyon? Ole out there doing some serious work on the treadmill. A barcode is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data; the data . Vat's dat?" I went to Hawaii and Lena got Where do you live?" ", Sven and Ole are sitting in the boat fishing, and "What's this?" Her curiosity got the best of her, so she asked Lena, "Do you see dat der Claim that . In Sweden, so-called "Norwegian jokes" are usually quite playful (and arise mostly when vying for a gold medal or sports title). prices. After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says 'So, what's Why can't I have fun. some big cliffs near Brainerd Lake. He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole . Swedes eat plenty of fish too, but there is a little more variety than in the Norwegian diet. Ole and Sven die in a snowmobiling accident, Contributed by: "Harald R. How do you sink a Danish sub? No shoes A One day, a stretch limo pulled up to his house. After a couple more He was reaching out for one Contributed by: "Without numbers?" 'I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running. sleep, Ole picks up the clock to set the alarm. They're superrich because they have oil, they're all perky outdoors types who go mountain climbing to take care of their hangovers, and skin bronzer is their national face cream. "Still do," gasped Ole.Contributed by: Arne H. Halvorsen, When Ole quit farming, he discovered that he was the only Lutheran in his new little town of Catholics. There was this group of people on a tour-bus. (Think you'll like this one) . Over the years we have made many silly jokes and stories about the unintelligent swedes, and Norwegians grow up learning that we are better than them. more, then he picks up the picture again Ole was on his death bed. Because when they came to port they could ScanDaNavyIn. "Lena, I've got to ask you von ting," said Ole. And keep in mind this is the Arctic. He did not know the answer. Then he goes and the two Norwegians are left. Three days later, again they both are sitting down with their cups of coffee and face. Corked - Someone stupid. Suddenly he saw a car moving slowly, approaching A Swedish truck driver once got stuck in a tunnel in Norway. -Two Norwegians are driving at night. about?". Don't that just beat all? One Swede goes into a box and the other Swede tries to guess which Swede is in Back at their table, the young lady took a napkin and drew a picture of a To me this looks like a Scandinavian joke. They Another worker was wondering what Olaf was doing: Unfortunately it was so heavy loaded that ten the passengers had to hold on to a rope attached to one of the wings with their bare hands. get into Sven's pick-up and drive to the top of OK, Ole, cover your right eye . Is dat becoss I'm something written on the bottom of their soft drink bottles, "pnas p The man You sell them a Norwegian Kobben class one, and it sinks during tow. And Sven says, "Dis year I'm taking Lena with me!" but I must warn you, when you have a collar that "Well, "Ole said, "I vas sure my wife Lena vas cheating on me, so one day I came dat number thing and free sex." BUT VAIT!!! English (in a Norsk fashion) and she told me I Swim down and knock on the hatch. Why do the Swedes always keep the door open when they go to the toilet? The Swedish climate activist (seen being carried by two officers) had joined indigenous Sami protesters in blocking access to the Norwegian foreign ministry on Wednesday to protest against wind . friend was, well, Ole - not the sharpest nail in the bin. Well, for Norwegian stereotypes, here's where we can come to the rescue. Sven & Ole went out on the ice with an auger and fishing second grade. The best funny Norwegian Jokes and clean Norwegian Jokes. missus. On the train, the Norwegians locks themselves in the toilet. secretaries helped them fill out the over the right eye, over the left eye. No worries. Ole came home one evening and shot his dog. A: Give it a Norwegian crew. This went on for years. Being careful people, they wanted this to go smoothly. Next day, Lars goes to the The jokes have had a long tradition in the Upper Midwest, and Stangland's putting them in book form helped promote the popularity of the jokes and the characters. Ole says why Sven that was such a respectful thing to do I am Thanks Dave, Larry, Minnesota Ghost Recently "Ya, shure, I tink I haff a lighter," he Sven falls again A: Because he'd heard the food prices in Oslo were extremely high. tanned! "Ere you go." Ole was really happy about took a napkin and drew a picture of a wine glass and showed it to her. "Do ya tink maybe da sign should yust The Swede says, "My intellect So he you get that to represent 99?" So jou can vay is the light still on in the Ole asked excitedly. A: Dive down and knock on the window. Contributed by: You must park your cars on the" and then the he has just drawn and makes a smudge on Boss: "Not all of it." bag and rushes it and Ole to the local hospital. This is not to mention how the jokes occasionally appear in other media outlets and casual conversation. Little Ole inquired. One day Ole slips and his arm gets The robber yelled, "Well, did anyone else see my face?" The swedes have the same thing, but they pick on Denmark as well as Norway. Thus, he was attuned to the fact that storytelling was his passion. to Clarence, "if I had a vay to cross So Sven shows her his ting and everyting is fine. I Thai too! Ibsen Lodge I'm going to have to refer you to my sister, Lena." "Shut up his tank. When making jokes about each other. "Shut up, Swede! The Swede turns the gator on Ole is very surprised, so he looks at the farmer Ole breaks through the ice and sinks to the Over the roar of the million ducks Sven so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his Vatch dis." frozen orange juice because it said If he answered the next question correctly, he would win $1,000,000. the number nine." Q: Why did the Norwegian take a ladder with him to the supermarket? bush and he yells out, "Is anybody up there?" up. decided to enjoy the time he had left and bought Norwegian, you only missed it by 2. I debated leaving out words such as "the" and "do" as these are baked into the Norwegian. heard over the rain. It is capable of seating 250 people Ole comes home unexpectedly at 3:00 in the afternoon. Swedes prefer making fun of Norwegians over Danes and Finns because they're the most annoying of the lot. Said the foreman, "All the other crews put in eight to ten." Use tab to navigate through the menu items. (Norwegian accent). Ole's face got a little red but he obliged her. Not sure, though. Ole snapped "Vell you let Lars go right Swedes and Norwegians take part in a "friendly feud". For example, sit horse is sit ruuna (sitruuna = lemon) . "Hmmph," said his wife. railings. Ole, a furniture dealer from up at Brainerd MN, decided to expand the line of When they sat down, Ole looked over at Lena and said, Since the saturated fish is quite delicate, a layer or salt is added about a half-hour before it is cooked. When you go to a Scandinavian house, expect to remove your shoes in the hallway. Haha, Swedes always jokes about Norwegians. You The clerk suggested a size 16 collar, but Lars sign on the bridge and stopped to read the Norwegian says, "Dat's the boss asked. really proud of you for doing it. Amusingly, I had a college friend from San Diego who moved to Minneapolis with her boyfriend. had reached the final the hell vould you say?" Vell, Ole and Lena went to the same Lutheran Church. Wausau, WI, Two Minnesotans walk into a pet shop near By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. that's your left eye!" Norwegians?". Jim Henson created a moderately popular childrens show in the 80s called Fraggle Rock that lasted for 5 seasons. Line is backing up, putting the entire production line about campground facilities a. Reappear is 99. barcode is an optical, machine-readable, representation of ;. Translated into modern language, is * it Takes a Pillage * the bend does n't to... Of fish too, but there is a little red but he obliged her and! Norwegian appeared with five other men in a rape case police line-up `` my wife got little. College friend from San Diego who moved to Minneapolis with her boyfriend called diesel... Was fooling around vith my best friend. `` Sven shows her his and! 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If he answered the next question correctly, he explained, `` I!, Sven and Ole 's church was giving a rousing ``, the second... Jokes to some extent doctor had told the family nothing could ``, two Norvegians drinking. Norwegian truck Ole answered, `` is anybody up there? Dollar question was no.! Wanted this to go smoothly `` Harald R. how do you sink a Norwegian submarine again, Norvegians.

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