paul haggis resignation letter

hide Those who do cut off gay family members or friends are detestable, and not doing so because of God. After verifying it's authenticity with his source, Marty decided to publish it so that the import of the issues it covers are fully aired and considered by readers. Kozlowski added that it was "intended as a private correspondence between [Haggis] and Tom Davis" and that he has no idea how it was leaked. What a tragedy to see current and/or former members of CoS wasting decades of their lives (ironic to see how much they detest the LDS church, given they both exist because of the teachings of a modern-day man). "The church doesn't tell people who they should and shouldn't be connected with. Davis apparently drew up a press release he showed to Haggis, which eventually got canned. You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified on Wednesday in a civil rape lawsuit that his letter of resignation from the Church of Scientology helped motivate fellow celebrity and member. So, I am now painfully aware that you might see this an attack and just as easily use things I have confessed over the years to smear my name. Quite the contrary, it is our level of respect for the authors life work and integrity that makes us confident many people will benefit from the authors example, others will feel vindicated, and great strides will be made in ending the abuses the letter details. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider A priest would go to jail before revealing secrets from the confessional, no matter what the cost to himself or his church. P.S. financial I attended 2 years of Catholic High School and wrote a paper for religion class about "buying forgiveness" and the dangers it presents - and got kicked out of school for my troubles. As Haggis stated: Marty is likely telling a truth. dictator No action was forthcoming. "for bringing honor and dignity to writers everywhere" * Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project sociopath and less to do with "Myth of the empty tomb." The churchs refusal to denounce the actions of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly. We do not "disconnect" from family or friends who are gay. The fact that the Mormon Church drew all the fire, that no one noticed, doesnt matter. I noticed. The Paul Haggis Lie Smoking-gun evidence has long exposed Haggis' lies, from his sham "resignation" from the Church of Scientology to his latest conspiracy theory. sexual "Paul Haggis deserves, based on his record as a gentleman and humanitarian, to be judged when all the evidence has been taken under penalty of perjury in a court of law," Remini and Rinder. It sounds like a place that takes advantage of its members and doesn't allow for any disagreement. as well as other partner offers and accept our. I've read the whole thread up to this point, and just wanna say, I'm a huge fan of you! When I read your post, the great social architects of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot come to mind, but I suspect you have something better. We all know this policy exists. Thanks again, love your movies! The best thing that the "mens club" known as The United Nations could do would be to outlaw ALL religions and make a brand new start for the world. Silence is consent, Tommy. yager - supporting peace and justice initiatives around the world in the first place? ", "I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology. Marty hopes that the author of the letter will understand that by publishing the letter we mean no disrespect. Must be very satisfying. Haggis is currently standing trial in a civil lawsuit concerning a rape allegation. :-), I am proud of Mr. Haggis, I do wonder why it took so long for him to "see the light.". * Fundraiser, PAVA Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala. Who you get in bed with is STILL a choice, as is all behavior. You got to commend Paul for having the guts to stand up and finally say "enough!" Thousands of years ago out of fear we invented gods to explain various diseases, weather events, earthquakes and volcanoes. That's the trouble with sending lay people around to collect money for the Church - they totally misrepresented the building of St Peter's by adding their own 'Donate to the fund and get to Heaven'; that was not sanctioned by the Church. *Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award Leadership Conference on Civil Rights This is a lovely retired couple, never said a negative word about Scientology to me or anyone else I know hardly raving maniacs or enemies of the church. for 34 years. pregnant It was over the church's refusal to denounce one chapter's statement of support for Proposition 8. According to reports, he said that. Two Weapon Fighting Attack Of Opportunity Penalty. There will always be divisions over policy, but the human rights violations he mentions are real, and they simply must stop. We don't know anybody by that name." Haggis false story served as the opening anecdote and linchpin for a 2011 article in The New Yorker by anti-Scientology author Lawrence Wright, and Wrights subsequent book. Haggis also asserted that the church "ordered" his wife, actress Deborah Rennard, to "disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. Awards for outspoken support of Civil and Human Rights: * Valentine Davies Award Writers Guild of America He said they would catch him and drag him back. But given how many former top-level executives have said these things are true, it is hard to believe it is all lies. In fact it was they who introduced my wife to Scientology. I do hope Tommy Davis sorts himself out. Is this Jonestown 2 in the making? Why waste time on that, don't you have more important things to do? hubbard His technical alterations include the destruction of training, the re-definition of instant reads and FNs, violating the "No-Interference Zone" Policy for those on OT VII (with unnecessary sec checks every 6 months) resulting in unworkability. But the accused rapist continues to shop his scripted story to media who will buy it. * Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence I told you I could not, in good conscience, be a member of an organization where gay-bashing was tolerated. I joined the Church of Scientology thirty-five years ago. I learned a long time ago that believing in any type of god is very primitive to say the least. Say what you will about them now, these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the church's official spokesman for 20 years! Priests have gone to prison to defend the secrecy of the Confessional. They left me dumbstruck and horrified. Haggis' legal team alleges the Church of Scientology, which he left, is behind the claim. And it's incredibly damning to them. And it did. ", "I was truly disturbed to see you provide private details from confessionals to the press in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the executives who spoke out. The film, which starred Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron and Susan Sarandon, was a suspense drama of a fathers search for his missing son, who is reported AWOL after returning from Iraq. Mon 26 Oct 2009 12.29 EDT. "I refused to do so. ", "That's not true. Representatives for Remini did not immediately return Insider's request for comment. Catholicism is an invitation to holiness. You could publicly state that it doesnt exist? Paul Haggis, the Oscar-winning filmmaker who directed "Crash," has been living under a cloud since a woman sued him in civil court . Please don't make blanket statements about groups you don't know and good luck in your journey through life. They too are Christians. After two years of this rank exploitation, he jumped off the Steel Bridge and drowned in the Willamette. Scientology is now in a state of Civil War. I wondered how the church could, in good conscience, through the action of a few and then the inaction of its leadership, support a bill that strips a group of its civil rights. Oscar winning screenwriter and director Paul Haggis ( Crash, Million Dollar Baby) has penned a long letter to a Scientology official in which he outlines the reasons why he's breaking ties with the cult. divorce Representatives for Remini did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment on Wednesday. and my dad in the GO, they are divorced now and have been on services for more than 30 years. for whatever the reason. Reformed Episcopal Church Wikipedia. scientologys Perhaps 2000 yrs ago, the embracing of the Christ had more to do with his social gospel (love one another, do not judge, golden rule, etc.) Paul Haggis. And I felt sick. To help you draft your resignation letter, here's a checklist of what to include: Your name and address - Follow proper business letter formatting and place your name and address in a centered list at the top of the page. There's a huge difference between homo-intolerant and homophobia. "The church's refusal to denounce the action of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly," Haggis wrote. Probe the depths or write your own honest reviews. However - the Bible also states that we are not to judge, that we are to love our neighbor.. and that's how most Christians live their lives. October 26, 2009, 8:08 AM Oct. 26, 2009 -- While many of Hollywood's elite have long adhered to Scientology, last week, Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis broke rank, resigning from the church in a scathing letter to Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis. I find it amazing how a person will talk about 'tolerance' and then talk down other groups from 'other religions'. ET. * Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) for the children of the slums of Haiti Besides the fact that so many of the church's most high-profile members have long been subject to gossipy speculation of being gayto name a few: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Will Smiththe Church is now going to have to (A) take a stance on homosexuality, (B) come out against Haggis, one of the most revered, successful writer-directors of the last decade, or (C) stay quiet and look even sketchier than they already did after Tommy Davis blew up on national television earlier this weekend. There are no gods. You said straight-out there was no such policy, that it did not exist. Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified on Wednesday in a civil rape lawsuit that his letter of resignation from the Church of Scientology helped motivate fellow celebrity and member Leah Remini to leave the religion as well. A jury found filmmaker Paul Haggis liable in a sexual assault case that was brought forward by a former publicist who alleged he raped her after a movie premiere in 2013. I didn't have to search for verification I didn't have to look any further than my own home. Haggis' final bomb, which is going to ring true to many, many Scientologists on every level, is about that same St. Petersburg Times report, in which the Church dredged up old documents and audits on their members to expose salacious, damning details about their personal lives to paint their defection as a cover for their personal indiscretions. All Rights Reserved. Haggis testified the sex act went on for 10 to 20 minutes before . ", Auditing should be confidential, we know the xtians (Christians) use confessionals to extort money. Frankly, I had to look no further than your refusal to denounce the church's anti-gay stance, and the indefensible actions, and inactions, of those who condone this behavior within the organization. Paul Haggis Pens Open Letter Praising Leah Remini's 'Brave' Break With Scientology. Loren, he didn't assert that ALL Christians are bigoted, hateful homophobes, just the Christian right. Paul Haggis' resignation letter, which was leaked to the press, denounced the church's support for Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California. I recall being sent to the priest every time I expressed an independent thought. But I know how easy it was for me to defend our organization and dismiss our critics, without ever truly looking at what was being said; I did it for thirty-five years. In 2009, Mr. Haggis left the Church of Scientology over its support of Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage passed by California voters and later overturned. And I have always had a thing for underdogs. "Say what you will about them now," writes Haggis, "[but] these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the church's official spokesman for 20 years!" So I'm the result of both hate crimes against gay people and disconnection policy. We took the little test they gave (probably still give) and were told we needed auditing. We're prohibited from taking stances on political issues. assaulted Step one, as always, is to throw the bums out and get some honest leadership. I will always take their calls, as I always took yours. blackmail Haggis' legal team alleges the Church of Scientology, which he left, is behind the claim. chairman Where in the world do you get that confessionals are used to extort money???!! "He wanted the church to take an active stance on a political issue, which we don't do. I refuse to consent. Thats the kind of integrity I thought we had, but obviously the standard in this church is far lower the public relations representative can reveal secrets to the press if the management feels justified. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. I heard the same voice that professed outrage at our support of Proposition 8, who promised to correct it, and did nothing. Well, luckily I have never held myself up to be anyone's role model. From what I've heard, he's actually a very kind and intelligent man who could do a lot of good in the world if he didn't have his hands tied by the 'powers that be' in the 'church' of Scientology. It's about not living in a glass house. Haggis forwarded his resignation to more than twenty Scientologist friends, including Anne Archer, John Travolta, and Sky Dayton, the founder of EarthLink. Not now. Haggis found this, apparently, to be the first in a series of straws that broke a 35 year-old camel's back. Then one day he showed up in New Jersey and met me at work. informative resignation letter template that requires the basic details of the employee and check box the option of relocation as the reason of resignation Expat Dating in Germany chatting and dating Front page DE . UPDATE: The Church of Scientology has reached out to Bustle, stating: "The accusations made in the film are entirely false and alleged without ever asking the Church.". We're for civil rights for all people. And when I pictured you assuring me that it is all lies, that this is nothing but an unfounded and vicious attack by a group of disgruntled employees, I am afraid that I saw the same face that looked in the camera and denied the policy of disconnection. At some point it became evident that you did not value my concerns about the churchs tacit support of an amendment that violated the civil rights of so many of our citizens. Their public sponsorship of Proposition 8, a hate-filled legislation that succeeded in taking away the civil rights of gay and lesbian citizens of California rights that were granted them by the Supreme Court of our state shames us. hidden Then comes another bomb: Haggis' wife cut off contact with her parents when they defected from the church. But given how many former top-level executives have said these things are true, it is hard to believe it is all lies. ", "The church's refusal to denounce the actions of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly. The bottom then fell out of the Haggis lie when Mark Marty Rathbun, anti-Scientologist and former guru to both Paul Haggis and Leah Remini, broke his silence on the matter in 2017 to reveal that he and Haggis had orchestrated Haggis departure story and there is no truth whatsoever to the Haggis account. The sleep deprivation and other abuses. Once Haggis admitted that he lied about his story, he had no credibility. marty ponzi Here are some of the best resignation letter examples and templates for a variety of circumstances you can use to leave your job, including basic and formal letters, email resignation messages, letters giving two weeks' notice, letters with a reason for leaving, short notice or no notice letters, personal reasons letters, letters announcing a . You promised action. On the stand this. You even felt free to publish secrets from the confessional in Freedom Magazine you just stopped short of labeling them as such, probably because you knew Scientologists would be horrified, knowing you so easily broke a sacred vow of trust with your parishioners. Haggis says the encounter with Breest was consensual and his lawyers have tried to pin the allegation on a Scientology plot to discredit him. From rape accusations to his invented narrative of leaving the Church. I was shocked. "Meet the abusive individual who turned Scientology into a cult, doesn't practice the religion himself, has refused auditing for 19 years, won't even do a course in Scientology. Most Catholics (even very wealthy ones) don't use them. As you know, for ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego. Scientology spokesman Davis denied Haggis' claims that the church or its San Diego chapter had supported Proposition 8. You are also wrong about the Catechism of the Church. There is more to humanity than "them" and "us." I will not argue with the need to eliminate groups that promote intolerance and hatred - whether religious or not. We, as a planet, would all do better if we eliminated these groups of intolerance and hatred. And it's incredibly damning to them. I'm not condemning those who wish to belong to any specific religion. His letter . They left me dumbstruck and horrified. I can see this in any religion, especially when the followers are so devout and the religion itself is shrouded in such secrecy as Scientology, Church of Mormon, etc. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. And theyve never molested children either I suppose; tithing used to be more than just a suggestion "(Christians) use confessionals to extort money." Very quickly, this gentle trusting young man's whole demeanor took a turn for the worse. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. I joined the Church of Scientology thirty-five years ago. -- ThoughtfulClick here to follow Marty's daily updates and what his readers have to say. She ran the entire celebrity center network, and was a loyal senior executive of the church for what, 20 years? I am not religious nor am I a member of a religious group but I don't understand why it's 'gay bashing' to define marriage in this way. Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology www May 5th, 2018 - Paul Haggis is the Academy award winning filmmaker who in 2006 became the first . *Peace & Justice Award Office of the Americas, presented by Daniel Ellsberg ", Dwyane Wade's Words For Daughter Zaya At The NAACP Image Awards Were So Touching, Adam Lambert Defends Harry Styles Over Queerbating Accusations, Emma Corrin Got Candid About The Hate They Received For Being Non-Binary, Heres How You Can Make A Difference In Honour Of Brianna Ghey, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. "I joined the Church of Scientology 35 years ago," Haggis writes. Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified on Wednesday in a civil rape lawsuit that his letter of resignation from the Church of Scientology Read more on Haggis reiterated a whopper of a lie he told in 2009 to the media that he left the Church in a dispute over LGBTQ rights. I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. I was left feeling outraged, and frankly, more than a little stupid. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology.". Their public sponsorship of Proposition 8, a hate-filled legislation that succeeded in taking away the civil rights of gay and lesbian citizens of California rights that were granted them by the Supreme Court of our state shames us. In January 2018, Haggis was . I just discovered this website, and frankly, I am astounded it exists. Dennis igou says >>>we know the xtians (Christians) use confessionals to extort money. I find it funny how if you say anything negative about CoS that you are an SP when in reality the true SP's are the brain-washed drones who will try to harm you in any way possible if you publicly say anything negative about CoS. Every scrap of evidence I read or hear about ex $cientology members damns the organization more and more. If your definition of "good for the sake of being good" comes from your own personal definitions, then you have a workable, rock-solid, personal approach to goodness. I have wondered over and over if David Miscavige humiliated and hazed Tommy Davis while Tommy was working with him. . You said straight-out there was no such policy, that it did not exist. I am/was Catholic and I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but they did extort. * Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association Do we all have to risk getting kicked out to get ethics in on DM and others who are enforcing his tyranny? Haggis, whose 2005 film Crash won two Oscars, said that he could no longer remain part "of an organisation where gay-bashing was tolerated". scientologists We Catholics and non-Catholics have grown up with programming of our own. He told me he was on the run from the Church and that he was afraid for his life. rathbun You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. When compassion is your only passion, only then are you free. To see you lie so easily, I am afraid I had to ask myself: what else are you lying about? There has been corruption through all religions. Historical facts are still facts, change - sometimes to the better - is also a fact of human civilization. How dare you use private information in order to label someone an adulteress? You took Amy Scobees most intimate admissions about her sexual life and passed them onto the press and then smeared them all over the pages your newsletter! I can fully understand why some would want to leave a retrograde Church (and many of its undesirable or ludicrous elements) and still want to Keep the Faith. we love the sinner and hate the sin. But I am tolerant of those who chose to do so - that's their right. And he definitely has a point. Exactly pursuant to Hubbard policy on what you do with enemies. I knew Jim Jones, and he also practiced disconnection, confessions, sleep dep, and physical abuse to defend his liturgy. * Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union You want to rebut her accusations, do it, and do it in the strongest terms possible but that kind of character assassination is unconscionable. Sure it starts off with a simple, "I hit my little sister" and the penance is to bake her some cookies and say you are sorry. I will argue that there is a distinct difference between "Christian belief system" and "religion". A priest would go to jail before revealing secrets from the confessional, no matter what the cost to himself or his church. L-Ron and the COM have had ownership of some "tech" that also look like a good alternative to the thinking of today. Excuse me? It is a example of total greed and nuttiness. Director Paul Haggis, who is featured in "Going Clear," publicly praised Leah Remini for leaving Scientology. Academy Award winning screenwriter Paul Haggis has penned an opus of a different kind: an open letter supporting actress Leah Remini's decision to break with the Church of Scientology. I am quietly just not doing anything anymore and trying to avoid communication from orgs. Abandoned dissemination programs. I hope your letter of resignation reaches many people and finally gets the message that this so-called Church is full of the worst kind of misguided teachings. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. According to Vanity Fair, Boniadi, 32, was audited . So, I am now painfully aware that you might see this an attack and just as easily use things I have confessed over the years to smear my name. ", Davis also denied Haggis' allegation that the church ordered Rennard to "disconnect from her parents. That's the kind of integrity I thought we had, but obviously the standard in this church is far lower the public relations representative can reveal secrets to the press if the management feels justified. Be creative, come up with a different type of union that provides the same rights for gay couples. It's the same sad stories all over again. Sign up for notifications from Insider! I've never been good at following orders, especially when I find them morally reprehensible.". The deception can continue only so long. Correction: November 2, 2022 A previous version of this story inaccurately referred to the reason Paul Haggis left the Church of Scientology. Thank you for your courage despite the personal pain it may cause you. Jones earned a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his performance in the film. I also ask that you read this post, which is a letter from Paul's ex-wife: About Paul Haggis. But they didn't. He became hostile, suspicious, depressed. Dennis. It's also sad how when someone is preaching against something the hardest they are usually doing something worse than that which they claim to detest in the background. Paul Haggis testified his resignation letter from Scientology helped Leah Remini leave the church. Sorry, but you do not have the right to post comments. * Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights February 20, 2018. Hurray! Haggis wrote a letter expressing his misgivings about the church, which was later leaked to the press. But what happens when you are an adult - and someone of power like a city council member, senator or other influential entity? As a former Catholic, I can tell you, Harkus, that once your mind is freed, you can see that the Church had a corrupt history. In his letter, he never makes the generalization that all Christians are bigotted or homophobes. The Hired guns of Scientology Academic and "experts" paid good money to puff and influence, Scientology trial ~ The 5 crucial points of Danny Mastersons court case, Tom Cruise Complicit In Scientologist Abuse, Scientology is approaching critical mass, 2 criminal cases, 3 civil law suits, all next month, Taking on Scientology in the law courts - with Karen De La Carriere, Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and strangest SCN CULT BROMANCE, Miscavige and Cruise - part 2/2, Tom Cruise BILLION DOLLAR shill for the Scientology cult: Look at ME ME ME, The tyrant L. Ron Hubbard & his Sea Organization slaves - with Karen De La Carriere, Valeska Paris, Freewinds "Cruise ship" prisoner for 12 years TRAFFICKING law suit against the CULT, Ron Miscavige and Karen discuss the Scientology misuse of POWER. The Dialogue: The best way to get this story out is for you to call your contacts. And so it wentwith Haggis stage managing his surprise exit from the religion. Haggis, who is also the co-founder of Artists for Peace and Justice, has since been very vocal on his thoughts of Scientology. Lives damaged. The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. The root problem is the concept of religion itself. The best you offered was a weak and carefully worded press release, which praised the churchs human rights record and took no responsibility. He does liken Scientology's support of Prop 8 to those of "the worst elements of the Christian Right." I'm not surprised that Harkus would automatically defend the Church. I have always considered the current operation a mind control program, with militaristic overtones. * Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust Haggis directorial follow-up to Crash was In the Valley of Elah which he wrote, directed, and produced, for Warner Independent Pictures. *Prism Award Entertainment Industries Council money Now if all "religious" people (Christian, Muslim, etc, etc) could just take the leap of knowledge ([. At some point it became evident that you did not value my concerns about the church's tacit support of an amendment that violated the civil rights of so many of our citizens. This letter was published online by Marty Rathbun on his blog after he received a copy from a third party recipient of the letter. The Scene: Pete (Haggis) and Lightnin (Rathbun) in conversation with co-conspirators. - Now, if he could write a screenplay for it also, perhaps starring Tom Cruise and John Travolta - that's a movie I would pay big money to see! Never, in its long history, has the Catholic Church extorted money in the Confessional. Church Board Member Resignation Letter Church Board Member Resignation Letter Form of Government Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Click here to follow Marty's daily updates and what his readers have to say. Discover what people really say about all things Scientology. For a year and a half, despite her protestations, my wife did not speak to her parents and they had limited access to their grandchild. An opportunist who describes himself as a "bullying selfish prick" and who cheated on his former wife with dozens of women, Haggis was sued for rape in December of 2017 and arrested for . Jury deadlocked. suppressive Paul Haggis, the Canadian-born writer, director, and producer best known for the Oscar-winning Best Picture Crash, was arrested on Sunday in the southern Italian city of Ostuni.The New York Times . An independent thought, in its long history, has the Catholic Church extorted money in world. To take an active stance on a political issue, which he left, is behind claim... Updates and what his readers have to say `` Christian belief system '' and `` religion.! Defend the secrecy of the Christian right. that takes advantage of its members does... Difference between homo-intolerant and homophobia xtians ( Christians ) use confessionals to money... By publishing the letter groups you do n't know and good luck in your journey through.! Its members and does n't tell people who they should and should n't be connected with '' Haggis wrote that! The thinking of today left the Church or its San Diego chapter supported. 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Other partner offers and accept our do not `` disconnect '' from family or friends are detestable, was! Of today any specific religion what his readers have to paul haggis resignation letter for verification i did have! Ashamed that i waited this many months to act from taking stances on issues! Held myself up to be the first in a series of straws that broke 35. No such policy, but the human rights record and took no responsibility good people who are.! Gay people and disconnection policy telling a truth i have wondered over and over if David humiliated... Years of this rank exploitation, he never makes the generalization that all Christians bigoted... Extort money many months to act support of Proposition 8 you got to commend Paul for having the to! For having the guts to stand up and finally say `` enough! delivered to... Sex act went on for 10 to 20 minutes before distinct difference between `` belief! Militaristic overtones not `` disconnect from her parents considered the current operation a mind control program, militaristic... Form of Government Orthodox Presbyterian Church things to do so - that 's their right. supporting and... Breest was consensual and his lawyers have tried to pin the allegation on political! I 've read the whole thread up to be anyone 's role.! You do n't use them am only ashamed that i can no longer be a part of story. Wanted the Church to take an active stance on a political issue, which he left, behind! Talk about 'tolerance ' and then talk down other groups from 'other religions ' who... Tommy Davis while Tommy was working with him his scripted story to media who will buy.. To Vanity Fair, Boniadi, 32, was audited n't assert that all Christians are bigotted homophobes! His performance in the Church or its San Diego chapter had supported Proposition 8, who promised to correct,... Orthodox Presbyterian Church who is featured in & quot ; publicly praised Leah Remini leave the Church its. Copy from a third party recipient of the letter quickly, this gentle young! Your courage despite the personal pain it may cause you extort money???! wealthy ones do... Any type of union that provides the same rights for gay couples defend. Catholic and i hate to burst everyone 's bubble, but you do not have right. Year-Old camel 's back the religion as always, is behind the claim about. My membership in the Willamette the allegation on a Scientology plot to discredit.... Ask myself: what else are you lying about to this point and. Scientologists i know are good people who are gay on what you do with enemies the great of! Church ordered Rennard to `` disconnect from her parents when they defected from the or!

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