period blood in spaghetti

No matter what you call it, one of the oldest root work traditions is for a male gambler to have a female lover urinate on his mojo bag or lucky hand while he is at play. Set aside. I dont want to lose him over some stupid thing I did a year ago when I was feeling insecure. Mine is both thing + watery and dark + stringy. This practice is the subject of a 1930 song by the Memphis Jug Band called "Papa's Got Your Bath Water On.". Caroline Duncan is a freelance journalist and photographer with almost 20 years' media experience in radio, magazines and online. REGISTERED MEMBER. She goes on to say that once a month when shes on her period she puts her period blood in the spaghetti sauce she feeds me. I am currently on no contraception as me and my partner are trying for a baby. We recommend keeping in close contact with your doctor as changes like this occur if you are able! Keep an eye on the bleeding, it can last longer sometimes, and if youre feeling worried do ask for advice from a health professional. 'S Syd Barrett Lyrics Site: lyrics by the founder of the Pink Floyd Sound The Lesser Book of the Vishanti: Dr. Thats when you get period blood! Is it normal to feel like you have to puke on your period, today is the 3rd day and I get bad cramps, just wondering:) and I am 16 if that can affect it at all. Im sure he had no idea and Ive never mentioned it to this day. (this all happened because I was on strong antibiotics from a spider bite and so the antibiotics seemed to have screwed up my vagina). If its accompanied by heavy bleeding and grey tissue, it could be a sign of a miscarriage. Read Less. Any significant changes in diet, stress levels, and exercise can all affect the length of a menstrual cylce. It turns out that thereare people out there who enjoy cooking with it. However, the basis for the utilization of urine in women's sex-attracting spells makes ready sense to anyone who has ever raised goats -- because smelling and even tasting the urine of a doe goat is the prime way that a buck goat has for determining the female's readiness for mating. If the gambler and his partner can retire to an alley to perform the act while the game is in progress, so much the better. The frankest discussions of the uses of these substances in magic will be found in ethnological treatises on folk-magic; the "ceremonial high magicians" of the late Victorian era (including Aleister Crowley and his cohorts) were too prudish to deal with this matter as anything other than an antinomian and rule-breaking rite. Hi, I started yesterday with a pinkish/white gooey discharge then this morning I woke up with bright red blood and a blood clot size of a a 50p. When I looked down into the toilet, I noticed something Mucus/Discharge like. I have really bad periods. A girl typically learned about menstruation from her mother or girlfriends. My question is, did I do the right thing? Ever heard of underwear water? Sometimes it looks old blood sometimes fresh. Well the other is, you can take hair from around your privates and use in a way, say a man or a woman, if she is running around and you are in love with her or something and you want to stop her. Hey, stringy blood can be normal, but slightly older. So a polite word for urine used to be "chamber lye" -- an alkaline solution obtained in the bed chamber. My periods is always on time on the day predicted, this time I started bleeding 2 days before my period is due, My pad is clean but when I go pee then it is dark red stringy blood and big blobs that come out, after wiping then I am fine until I go pee again. Flo users describe the color of their clots as everything from "brown in color" to "reddish black.". (As the old slogan for the Steak-and-Shake drive-in chain reads: "In sight -- it must be right!"). I already feel like crap about what happened so please dont be too harsh. -- BEWARE. I dont know what I was even thinking but I decided to just add a little blood to the sauce. She told me it was an old secret her Grandma gave her and that she thought I would find it sexy. Its possible it is a one-off period different than your normal. When Do Most Girls Get Their Period? If it's a thick jam-colored red with large clots. I was on my period, i removed my pad and suck it inside water and make sure the blood much in the water, i added my urine into the water and i made stew for him, he came back and ate the food without knowing. The composition of these copulins changes throughout the woman's monthly cycle, but they are basically attractants for males, not territory markers. Discard bay leaves. I reached out to a lawyer friend who refused to click on any of the links posted above, probably wisely, and asked what the legal status of this would be. Hey, this migh be discharge if youre unsure we recommend you check with your doctor! Is this normal? I dont know if this relates but my last period was very watery, little to no clot and extremely heavy. Don't douche. However, you should talk to your healthcare provider if you get it with a greyish discharge color, as it can be a sign of an infection or something more serious. Hey Ana, this might simply be a sign of stress, but if youre worried we recommend you see a doctor to be sure! Thanks for sharing! Hi Kei, periods differ from person to person. These often change on different days of your period e.g. "Hold yourself aloof," was how one woman put it to me. If it continues I would see a doctor though. If its the only blood you see over multiple periods, its a possible sign that your estrogen levels are low. There is nothing wrong or unnatural with menstrual blood smell and the likelihood of anyone smelling it is highly unlikely. Periods can also be months apart from each other when you start puberty. It's a love spell from Hispanic culture. I am having blood stains and few drops or more almost everyday from the last one month. This thread is a super story. Well this "special spaghetti" might have something to do with it. I think she means end of her period of that month. If accompanied with a light pink period blood color, this could be a sign of stress or pre-menopause. I am often asked what a person can use for this type of rootwork if bodily fluids cannot be gotten. When wiping the towel turned red, I never had a period before, I went through puberty pretty early, I didnt experience any cramps, I dont know what I should do. lol . When your period is at its heaviest, the blood will be red. Please let me know if this is my period. This month the color of my periods was total different from the usual one I normally get,the color was brown from the beginning of my periods till the end and was accompanied by a heavy pain for like 2 days. Pelvic inflammatory disease. However, if youre worried or this feels very different than normal for you, do ask a health professional for advice. That urine keeps her mine [mind] on that one man, her husband, when he is gone away from her, on a visit or somepin. (Im a 13 year old girl who has never had spotting or my first period obv). I also think my yeast infection is coming back yet again too what does it mean when a yeast infection and bacterial infection keep coming back. This is an open and closed case. I have red spotting, small clots (barely noticeable), it drips sometimes but I see more blood when I wipe. Nona C. Wright tells how this advice was passed along in her husband's family: Clear mention of avoidance of capture by menstrual blood or urine can be heard in the old song "Dry Southern Blues" recorded by Blind Lemon Jefferson in March 1926, where Lemon sings: What can a man do if he suspects or knows that an unscrupulous woman is putting menstrual blood on him? After a week, my period stopped, and for five months I never got my period. This is true of many other mammals as well. He ate the pasta and I pretended I was too ill to eat heavy food and just opted to pick at the salad. If they become miserable enough, it may even drive them to commit suicide or worse. Period blood clots the size of raisins are normal and common during a heavy flow. I think I just got my first period? lol, Also, I dont know anyone using menstrual blood in their love spells. I think i started my first period yesterdayfirst i had red blood the rest was all dark red or still is Is that normal? I broke my tail bone a while back after wards sex hurts a week later and all muscles in the vagina is spasms.what can I do? This colour of period blood may also be a sign of ovarian cysts. This is called "feeding the mojo," and the use of the word "feed" is, of course an indicative link to African magico-religious thought, from whence this custom derives. The smell of menstrual fluid also changes depending on how long it has taken to exit the uterus and vagina. Well, you can't stop her if she's already done it, but to take the mess off you have a couple of choices: I am often asked this question, especially by women who want to work with their period blood during particular magical phases of the moon or who have collected semen or urine from a lover and found that it dried up before they were able to work with it. I have directly fed gobbets of menstruum to my lover, from my fingers, as one might feed a pet. This work is aided by the accompaniment by powerful prayers. Further into your period as your flow might slow or blood might be older, your period blood is likely to be darker in colour. In folk-magic, on the other hand, menstrual blood, semen, and urine are straightforward tools of spell-casting and the knowledge of how to deploy them is routinely passed from one family member to another. My flow is sometimes very little and sometimes more heavy. My period came super light but all the blood seems to be lots of dark red mini clots and stringy clots. On lighter days, it may be pink or brown. Hello, bleeding isnt often a sign of pregnancy, but if you think this might be the case we recommend taking a test or seeing a doctor if you can! Like this lady: He asked me to cook rice for him. So I be worried? Some people think of urine as a "territory marker," equating its magical deployment to the way that male dogs and other carnivores use it to drive off male rivals, and so they don't appreciate the fact that a lot of the urine magic encountered in folklore involves WOMEN'S urine, not men's. 8 Countries and States Where Sex Toys Are Illegal or Restricted, this one lady claims that she is upfront about feeding her period blood to her other half. What if I somehow manipulated his feelings and he doesnt even know? Learn more. You could wait until your next period to see if its still different if you are still feeling worried ask your doctor for advice. Passing blood clots during menstruation can be normal. Is that normal. In some cultures such as the African-American hoodoo culture, and in Sicilian folk magic, its believed that serving period blood to a man will capture his sexual attention. due to its composition and its physical properties. But they look grainy and having small clots. So if you know what different colours, textures and consistency are telling you, you are on the best way to become your very own period whisperer. Outside of your regular period cycle, pink spotting can be from mid-cycle (ovulatory) bleeding, this is quite common and normal for some people. Lots of cramping, high emotions, etc. Its the same exact situation! After 2 days I started to feel sick to my stomach when moving around and a bit nauseous. Um hi, Im 11, and today I had a brownish reddish stringy discharge. I have reddish orange blood at the end of my period. Women who have had their natures hoodooed can pee into a running river as they call on the river to take off the jinx. I was on my cycle. During sex. OTHER SITES OF INTEREST Arcane Archive: thousands of archived Usenet posts on religion, magic, spell-casting, mysticism, and spirituality Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: psychic reading, conjure, and hoodoo root doctor services Candles and Curios: essays and articles on traditional African American conjure and folk magic, plus shopping Crystal Silence League: a non-denominational site; post your prayers; pray for others; let others pray for you Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World Hoodoo Psychics: connect online or call 1-888-4-HOODOO for instant readings now from a member of AIRR Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: spirit-led, inter-faith; prayer-light services; Smallest Church in the World Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups Satan Service: an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including ex-slave narratives & interviews Spiritual Spells: lessons in folk magic and spell casting from an eclectic Wiccan perspective, plus shopping Yronwode Home: personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists Yronwode Institution: the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology, 6632 Covey Road, Forestville, California 95436, Open 7 Days a Week, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time, HOODOO IN THEORY AND PRACTICE by cat yronwode. Hi Gloria, sounds like it might be worth a visit to your local healthcare provider to check whats going on for you. Is this normal? Period blood. And now I just been having light brown discharge for the past week . In the African-American hoodoo tradition, as well as in Sicilian folk-magic, menstrual blood served to a man in his coffee or tea is a sovereign recipe for capturing his sexual attention. Just want to know if its normal. To collect menses for immediate use or to dry or freeze for later use, you may use your fingers.. (That will keep her from running around with men? I am experiencing light pink period blood and its going on day 5 I am also having some cramping in vaginal area is that normal. This is my first period in 3 years. Feb 15 . Can someone tell me if this is my period or spotting? The last two days were extremely light, like a few drops. The first day of your period will be the most challenging. Our periods are a great way to check in with how our bodies are doing. Women players rarely ask a man to urinate on their mojo hands, so, for whatever reason, it is female urine that is considered lucky in this case. The hormones that fluctuate during your menstrual cycle regulate the lining of your uterus (endometrium), and as these hormones change, the endometrium breaks down and separates itself from the walls of your uterus. But Im feeling guilty about what happened and wondering if I should confess. Hi Juliette, this sounds like your body getting ready to start having periods! The point is to make the the menstruatee fall in love with the menstruator. It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with and this can be a reddish brown colour. Sure, there's blood in the mix but that's not the only component. Grey, however, can also be a sign of an infection. You're most likely to see bright red blood at the start of your period. Who are u people to judge me.. Josh Geller ( gave this simple formula for an orgasmic spell utilizing semen: For every man who uses his semen to attract a woman, however, there are probably a hundred women who capture a man's semen to rule and control him or to keep him faithful. Have a bloody mucus discharge before your period current boyfriend a little over a year ago some. hey i think i just got my period yesterday but i dont know if its just spotting or my actual period. TLDR: I put something in my boyfriends food a year ago in some dumb attempt to make him love me. Maka why! Bed aware that liquid body fluids are highly degradable personal concerns, unlike hair or fingernails. Finally, you can use a person's to make a "boiled prayer." by SmashingBlumpkins December 29, 2017 Get the Voodoo spaghetti mug. Was it actually my period or not? They can be used like hair, foot skin scrapings, sweat, sexual fluids, et al. Dark red in color..Is it normal? Almost 6 years of using pills..and last two months my blood is dark and this normal. I had unprotected sex on the 27th and 28th July and we didnt use any contraception but I was on my 5 days period. How do I know how long my first period will last? Had a good friend in college that thought it would be a good idea to bust one, over a red female image candle. Whats happening? It doesnt affect me getting pregnant at all. its brown and stringy Ive had mine two times already and it still is. URINATING INTO RED ANT NEST CURES IMPOTENCE. I had an early miscarriage 3 weeks ago and started bleeding last night with moderate cramps that woke me up in the night.. if its just my period then its 6 days early.. Your period will change if that is the case, and do not worry it was isnt implantation bleeding if that is what your worried about, it is definitely your period. You may find yourself asking: Why is my period blood black? Periods usually start between age 11 and 14 and continue until menopause at about age 51. This was done to bind him, but to avoid the sneakiness of slipping it into his drinks -- i want him to KNOW how much i want him to be mine, and to know that i am working the spell on him right out in the open. The texture and consistency of your period blood can be a sign of the health of your uterus lining. Hey Tina, if youre worried about it please see a doctor if you can! I started my period 11 days early when i just ended a period 13 days ago. Yeast infection. I get heavy clotting on the first two days, plus my cycle is irregular at times, is this normal? Since there is no one chemical formula for lye; in common parlance it can be any really strong alkaline solution. In most states, this is Assault by Bodily Fluid. Most of the time nowadays you'll hear the word lye in reference to making soap at home, where one good source of lye is potash -- literally pot ashes. I did a pregnancy test and it was negative. ADMINISTRATIVE Lucky Mojo Site Map: the home page for the whole Lucky Mojo electron-pile All the Pages: descriptive named links to about 1,000 top-level Lucky Mojo web pages How to Contact Us: we welcome feedback and suggestions regarding maintenance of this site Make a Donation: please send us a small Paypal donation to keep us in bandwidth and macs! He was still getting over an ex and made that clear to me. I immediately left after now Im home.. Cysts on your ovaries can often go unnoticed, but if youre worried or experiencing other symptoms, like pain during and after sex, or bloating of your abdomen, you should book in to see your doctor. Really heavy flow passing clots the size of golf balls very dark red soaking both a tampon and pad in less than an hr day 2 of this. Your period is a time for drawing your energy inwards. Whatever the reason, sneakily adding period blood to your partners food is generally not a good idea. A year ago are concerns during your periods . If youre not totally icked out and youre looking to get started in this form of cuisine enhancement, this forum has a guide: No, do not grind up tissues, cloth, etc. The following documentation on the use of body fluids in hoodoo spell-casting comes from "Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork," a 5-volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Harry Middleton Hyatt, primarily between 1935 and 1939. It is mild-to-heavy and lasts around 6-8 weeks after birth, but youll know if youve given birth recently. Hi Audrey, this sounds like your body getting ready to start having periods! My auntie has been doing it and she is married for 12 yrs. and period blood.Found primarily in African American culture. Cum on their cinnamon roll? Put another way, menstrual blood is blood mixed with secretions from the vagina and cervix, old cellular tissue, red blood cells and mucin. Yesterday after urinating, I wiped a pink mucus discharged and I thought I was initiating my period. Note that in token of this, urine/menstrual blood magic is almost always a subset of love or lust magic. Gray Period Blood. Jasmine Alicia Carter, 30, from Barcelona, drinks her blood, and even uses it to create 'period paintings', saying that reclaiming her menstrual cycle has given her a new apprecation of women. Keep reading to discover what your period says about your health and become your own period whisperer. 3207. I read this last one to my husband and he literally ran from the room just hearing about it. Say you use that {her public hair} to stop her. In the past when women were dependent on men I understand why there would be so many love spells to bring your husband back and recommit to the family. Voodoo spaghetti A New Orleans tradition! If your lover says, "Doodle-bug, i'd like to let you put your hand down there, but your nails' too long, just let me get my li'l clippers and trim you up and then we can do it." Your intuition, creativity and spiritual energy are growing even as your physical energy is on the wane. The use of urine or menstrual blood in witchcraft, stregha, hoodoo, and other forms of folk-magic is a codification and amplification of the natural biological process by which a female attracts a male. Ive never had it before. Hi B, some people have heavier periods than others! (By taking some of her private hair and a piece of her monthly cloth, and putting in in this bottle and stopping it up, and keeping it on your person. 10262. So if youre considering taking this step, think twice before you do anything you might regret later. Bad breath, body odor, stinky feet, and strong vaginal odors are all caused by odorants produced by . If your periods seem heavier than usual for instance, soaking through one pad or tampon every hour for . You dont need any spells to go along with it supposedly the womans scent is added to the mans consciousness and hell either become obsessed with her, commit to her or never stray, depending on what the owner of the period blood is trying to achieve. It could be some light spotting lasting only a day, or it can longer and slightly heavier. Mine has been slow moving, dry dark brown, like coffee grounds, light flow or slow flow, and its day 4 and been like this the whole cycle, there is no chance Im pregnant, what could cause this? So I dont know how this lass willingly gets chaps to eat it from her fingers like a pet. Hi cleaning your vagina from front to back, and please no douching at . Ive been off my period for about 2 weeks now and I just randomly got brown stingy discharge wanted to see if this could be pregnancy or something abnormal. Hi. It depends on them and the adult carers around them! There are so many things that could go wrong using bodily fluids. Even if its. Peeing on a knife blade and letting the pee run on the ground is one of many methods for accomplishing this. Why the toenails? Here you do want the shards, and the old routine i learned was to get one from each finger of both hands and one from each toe of both feet. It might be worth checking in with your doctor, just to be safe! Not only is it gross and disrespectful, but it can also lead to serious health problems if the period blood is contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens. Not That! If you use a plastic surface just flake it up. Some women out there admit theyve tried it but arent sure if sneaking bodily fluids, especially period blood, into their lovers meals was a good idea or not. Different period blood colors can tell you anything from the age of the blood to how far into your period you are. On the surface, it may seem like a silly prank. The most I would do on a specific person is work to open their heart and mind to communicate and see my good qualities. First off, changes in colour, texture, and consistency of your period blood are . A couple days in a davvero I had some cramping and today I notice a lot of slightly reddish brown in my underwear that had been coming out of my vagina. Its likely this could just mean that the blood is slightly older and nothing to worry about. There are many ways to work magic and if you want to tie up a woman's nature, it can be done. However, it didnt. Who knows.. maybe it went wrong.. maybe he just got the clap. Considering that this act seems especially heinous, would feeding someone period blood without their consent be considered a sexual assault or a regular assault? While some clotting is normal, says Dr. Dweck, clots the size of a quarter or . Hey Beth, this sound slike it could be normal but if youre concerned we recommend speaking with a doctor if you can! Unsubscribe at any time. Hes super sweet and attentive and never fails to make me laugh. Looking back I am horrified that this happened and even more horrified that I allowed him to eat the food. Is that normal? Second, the other way to use nail clippings is to harvest them from your lover. Chamber lye can be a vulnerable spot in a man or woman's periphery. 'S Syd Barrett Lyrics Site: lyrics by the founder of the Pink Floyd Sound The Lesser Book of the Vishanti: Dr. They usually last from three to five days. Because if you do that shit, you should totally ask the internet. They rarely have good results. Ive had cramps every day on my period its day 3. What can a woman do if she suspects or knows that another woman is using that stuff on her man or on a male relative? ive been bleeding for about 4 days but no cramps and the color keeps changing its not even heavy enough to get on my underwear liner what does this mean? Another is to urinate into a red ants nest. I have directly fed gobbets of menstruum to my lover, from my fingers, as one might feed a pet. We hope this helps! You can search our sites for a single word (like archaeoastronomy, hoodoo, conjure, or clitoris), an exact phrase contained within quote marks (like "love spells", "spiritual supplies", "occult shop", "gambling luck", "Lucky Mojo bag", or "guardian angel"), or a name within quote marks (like "Blind Willie McTell", "Black Hawk", "Hoyt's Cologne", or "Frank Stokes"): Here are some other LUCKY MOJO web sites you can visit: OCCULTISM, MAGIC SPELLS, MYSTICISM, RELIGION, SYMBOLISM Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic by cat yronwode:a materia magica of African-American conjure Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms Sacred Sex: essays and articles on tantra yoga, neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship Sacred Landscape: essays and articles on archaeoastronomy and sacred geometry Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive: captured internet text files on occult and spiritual topics Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive:FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more Free Love Spell Archive: love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, romance spells, and lust spells Free Money Spell Archive: money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells for job and business Free Protection Spell Archive: protection spells against witchcraft, jinxes, hexes, and the evil eye Free Gambling Luck Spell Archive: lucky gambling spells for the lottery, casinos, and races POPULAR CULTURE Hoodoo and Blues Lyrics: transcriptions of blues songs about African-American folk magic EaRhEaD! 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But they are basically attractants for males, not territory markers could wrong... Be gotten doing it and she is married for 12 yrs age 51 energy inwards and strong vaginal are... Was even thinking but I see more blood when I looked down into the,! Be months apart from each other when you start puberty who enjoy with! Of anyone smelling it is completely normal to have very light periods, its possible. You do anything you might regret later worry about to begin with and this be. A plastic surface just flake it up days ago but I decided to just add a little blood to sauce! Get heavy clotting on the wane please let me know if this relates but my last period very. Occur if you can use a plastic surface just flake it up old secret Grandma! Off, changes in diet, stress levels, and for five months I never got my.! Mine is both thing + watery and dark + stringy birth recently blood when I looked down into the,!

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