A small hole" will be enough to allow a little gas to spurt out, create fumes and consequently an explosion and fire. A brush full of paint today will keep disintegration away tomorrow. Keep your paint thinned down. Make a receptacle or canvas cover for the bridge phones and mikes for they are most likely to become wet. Sampson Post.-Is indispensable in anchoring. These ships are small, fast and agile, and extremely dangerous due to the on-board torpedo launchers. Transmissions over VHF have gone 400 to 500 miles beyond the horizon. So don't gripe if the galley must be secured to give the needed juice to the radio equipment. Like Commander K. did one night. During that period, they fired 354 torpedoes, claiming 38 vessels totaling 23,700 tons sunk. Likewise, observe all the health requirements put out by your squadron doctor. You boat's speed depends to a great extent on the bottom condition. This exercising will limber up the parts and dry them as well. I found a site for Ron 11 and their boats. You may think the air is clear because you do not hear any transmissions, but, remember, they may be receiving you several hundred miles away where they may be making a strike. Take a musical instrument if it can stand the gaff. This booklet was created months before the end of a deadly, bitterly fought war with Imperial Japan. This little booklet is to help you achieve that one purpose. The Lux Hand trigger-release extinguisher can be used several times without loss from leakage. Jamming by the enemy is certainly to be expected, so be prepared for it. They are distinguished by the color of their cores. PT Boat Full Load Displacement They all had a full load displacement of 56 tons. Herbert Stadler, USNR, the boat captain, was killed; Ens. It will then probably drop or squirm off. This space is also a good spot in which to stow canned goods and your spare anchor, as well as spare soap and toilet tissue. Don't rub off the blue tint. In case of puncture or suspicion of damage to a cell, have it inspected and repaired within 72 hours by a competent repairman. Your refrigerator pump and motor need servicing. Rather than depending on money orders, which are often hard to get, set up a checking account so you can send presents home and pay small bills. Docked beyond the PT boats are USS POTOMAC (AG-25) and CUYAHOGA (AG-26). Do not use it to wash out cuts or sores. Note, too, any splits you may see in any part of the boat's structure and call them to the attention of your boat officer. The boat on hearing or seeing the noise or flashes will immediately reverse course and pick you up. Enemy tanks and trucks also appear on the tally sheet. See, feel, and think about every piece of equipment on the boat. Many of the smaller boats were eventually removed from combat roles and used as utility vessels (also known as small boats). The puncturing of your gas tanks is not usually the cause for explosion. Enemy tanks and trucks also appear on the tally sheet. This precaution is particularly applicable with a 20-mm gun. The Japs have many. Pound for pound, the deadliest boats of World War II weren't the carriers or the legendary battleships, they were the humble patrol torpedo boats. Keep those guns in shape by learning your drills and routines now. PT Boat Size The PT boat ranged in size. Other such valuable bits of information are contained in this manual. We aren't blaming him for being scared but we are blaming him for not knowing his boat. This operational casualty is explained quite fully in the "Packard Maintenance Manual, Bulletin," #17, 1-19-43. Take care of the one you have. We have not attempted to correct any errors found in the original document. It aids you in night vision. In firing, the lock frame must be fully forward. Put one in your life jacket. Make it a practice to note any unusual movement of bulkheads, gussets, or stringers. 3. You have the best equipment available. In addition to the balsa raft, each boat is equipped with two 7-man 'lubber rafts which are ideal for abandoning ship. If an engineer does not want to be a flaming torch of fire, he had better sniff the engine room for gas fumes before he starts the engines or any electrical apparatus in the engine room. Shoestrings. A good length of hose is also invaluable. The World War II Database is founded and managed by The best watch straps are canvas (no metal parts). They must be kept in a ready-to-go condition and placed on the fuel dock completely set up. Useful thinking can earn you a rate. When you hit something with a 20-mm., you really do some damage. However, there are now available "chlorination kits" which purify the water without leaving that chlorine taste. Polmar, Norman and Samuel Loring Morison. Like every man-o'-war, a PT is made for only one purpose: To Meet the Enemy and Destroy Him This section has been inserted by request of countless men about to leave for the war zone.. McMahon died Sunday at an Encinitas convalescent home in northern San Diego County, where he lived for the last 15 years. Holes cut in marine shoes and in sneakers have helped numerous such cases. (Don't ruin your good watch.) It is never safe to attempt the stopping of a hot deck run. Originally conceived as antiship weapons, PTs were publicly, but erroneously, credited with sinking Japanese warships during the early months after Pearl Harbor. In particular see Appendix C, "PT Boat Order of Battle," which includes hull numbers, designer/builder, completion date and disposition when known. Ballard contends the wreck is intact under the sand, except for a gash in her side. want to. Megaphone communication between boats in a section should be used to minimize radio transmissions. 2 pairs of shoes. The guns must fire when you want them. Good results have been had with a ratio of 1 AP and 3 HE. It is a dry, clean spot and accommodates much ammunition. Observe inspection periods and procedures. This will hold no great danger while the engine is running; but when the engine is secured, gas will seep into the crankcase which may cause explosion and fire when you next start the engine. We hope that visitor conversations at WW2DB will be constructive and thought-provoking. (3d print model). 5. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1987. A boat believed to be the PT-59, a Navy vessel Kennedy commanded after the PT-109 was sunk, has been mired in the muck off Manhattan for decades. To combat moisture from spray, watertight overhead and bulkheads cannot be allowed to wear or leak. All equipment should be run at least 15 minutes a day. The camouflage scheme is an one-off 'design' apparently applied by her crew. Check all intelligence dope before you go out on patrol. Oceangoing tug. See special note from Garth. I have been working on the PT Boaters MIA/KIA list and I have located and/or Identified what happened to them. Remember it's the simple, common-sense things that are important. Gun.-This gun is so powerful that it has earned the name "cannon." The PT-305 is the world's only fully restored combat-veteran PT boat in operation today. Submarines 161 Alabama (BB8). Vietnamese Fishing Boat. Rocks and "nigger heads" have stunned many men. Have the first-aid kit topside or on the dock where you can get to it. You may be able to sneak up on a Jap barge but don't try it with one of Uncle Sammie's Dreadnaughts. There is a handy operating manual which can be used to good advantage. Dirt from the cockpit has often clogged this drain. The story of Kennedy and PT-59 begins on the morning of August 2, 1943, in the Solomon Islands, when PT-109. The safety plug must be removed from the firing panel and in the possession of the person carrying out loading or unloading operations.-This is probably the most important safety precaution to observe and must be strictly adhered to at all times. "-JOHN PAUL JONES. Direct hit would often disintegrate entire boats. OCLC 16093618. Swiss files and chisels or any similar small tools are a great help in smoothing out souvenirs. 3. Even $1 per month will go a long way! If your magazines have been in use a long time, it is wise to pull out a few rounds before loading, but be sure you still have on the full tension. Gas Mask.-Every man in the forward areas is issued a gas mask. These boats are of the PT 9-19 series. Practice all operations, especially cocking and loading, in the dark or with your eyes closed. ARMAMENT.-Treated in the GQ Drill Section. Made famous by Kennedy's PT109 service in WWII, these boats were high powered (3 Packard V12's !) This versatility has gained for it an important part in the fleet. 1. Don't forget your clips of 45 cal. Check your frequencies often and calibrate properly. Above, you see PT-191, an eighty-foot Elco PT-103 Class boat, of the original production series. The whistle and reflector are useful in signaling. Remove the ogre and replace with new wood and plenty of wood preservative. If so equipped and you fall off over the side you have a variety of signalling gear with which to attract attention to your plight and your position. 9. Life on a PT boat during wartime could be perilous, and with a small crew of 14 to 17 men under one's command, leading by example and being willing to take . Very much like fire, your PT can be your best friend or worst enemy. For example, the engineer of PT boat 191 that was badly hit by Japanese aircraft, received the Navy Cross for fixing the damaged engine, preventing fire, and saving the lives of injured crew members, all while still under Japanese fire. Keep loose gear-such as oil cans-clear of rudders and steering gear. On one patrol, a Japanese floatplane spotted the PT-109. 1. . America invested heavily in capital ships in the inter-war years, concentrating on battleships and carriers that could project power across the deep oceans. I have also been working on assembling who was on what PT Boat crew list. So also on a PT which is often based on an island with no fresh-water supply. Men living ashore should keep their mosquito netting tucked under the mattress. Don't give away this advantage by having dirty, wet, or shattered binoculars. Cracks in paint around structural members will show movement. Some day you may have to use them to help start the generator. Login / . The gunners are gradually being forced out, but it still is the ideal place for stowage of gun barrels and other spares, as well as for small arms. Another thing, you will want to keep your boat's sides clean of lye stain. Garbage disposal appears to be a simple procedure on a PT but there are rules. If it is not, mosquitoes, snakes, scorpions, centipedes, and other venomous creatures can get in. One Elco boat,PT 617, survives at Battleship Cove, Fall River, Massachusetts. Stay well clear of them when they are being fired, loaded, or unloaded. Also everybody has clothes to wash. 1. These accidents may be avoided by frequent dropping of dummy torpedoes from the racks, exercising of the racks with exercising cables which are being provided by the Bureau of Ordnance, and vigilant inspection and lubrication of all moving parts of the rack. They will, only if you have done your drills so that you can do everything automatically. They may be sucking your blood and injecting a disease into you for hours unless you inspect your body for them. magazine with no tension on it. Let the time nozzles control your density of smoke. See, feel, and know the operation, maintenance, and purpose of every piece of equipment on the boat. Engine operating instructions are covered in the "Packard Operating Manual" and the "Packard 4M-2500 Marine Engine Construction Operation and Servicing Manual." New York: Ships and Aircraft, 1945. In reality that type of attacks might had been deployed, but those types of attacks would be rare as high speed attacks would attract too much attention, and even a single near-miss from a destroyer shell would often seriously threaten the integrity of hulls. MK VI weaponry. PT-305 ("Half Hitch","Barfly", "USS Sudden Jerk") is a Higgins 78-foot (24 m) boat, assigned during the war to RON22, and saw action against the Germans in the Mediterranean Sea. Loose projectiles can be fired, but they will be short on range and lacking in accuracy. Gasoline fumes may be anywhere in the boat. Know your alternate frequencies and when to use them. Transmit as little as possible to expedite traffic, to reduce confusion, and to avoid enemy interception and RDF tracking. 19. In particular, stay well clear of river deltas. 5. The primer end of the shell must be snug against the magazine-push them aft. Another distinction is that the time fuse is ignited more easily with a match than the Prima Cord. 13. Keep the sound phones in good shape. tracer. Nature does not grow new noses or new eyes or new fingers. Cockpit Scupper: Do not sweep dirt down this drain. 2. Have on hand some wooden plugs for stopping up bullet and shrapnel holes. Officer and sailors models of the Second World War. Don't keep rockets aboard your boat while the boat is tied up at the dock for repairs. Carry a couple. Also your most important chartroom equipment needs the steady and reliable source of current it puts out. jam. A gun without ammunition is merely a club and you can pick a club up anywhere in the jungle. Motor Torpedo Boats, Tactical Orders and Doctrine, 1942. PT-321, an Elco 80-footer of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 21 (MTBRon 21), picking up Japanese survivors in Surigao Strait, Philippines, 25 Oct 1944. Think of yourself and your shipmates. Keep clean by washing with fresh sanitary water and soap. Remember that a PT is exposed to moisture from both the sea and the atmosphere. If the first round of torpedoes missed and the boat was not detected, the commanding officer of the boat might order his crew to maneuver stealthily and make a second attempt. Maps of the world to keep you up with the war and for general interest. Since the U.S. produced the heavier and longer 21-inch torpedoes, the U.S. Navy wanted a larger PT boat. Shaving gear and toilet articles. Hand mirror that will not rust. Higgins PT boats were sent to Russia and Britain at the start of WW2 before the United States became directly involved. Combined with destroyers and cruisers to . T.P.-1, Pointers on Boiler Operation PTs operating reasonably close to enemy territory or units can give away their position and valuable information by useless chatter over a VHF circuit. Nevertheless, the first PT boats used in the Pacific War were directly related to MacArthur as they evacuated personnel out of the Philippine Islands, including MacArthur and his family. List of all US PT Boats PT Boat Losses PT Boat Bases PT Boat Specs PT Boat Squadrons Each man on board will be responsible for certain kinds of gear to haul along. Lacking replacement, use plexiglass cut from chart house ports. The deck of the cockpit should be kept clean. "PT" is the US hull classification symbol for "Patrol Torpedo". Bullnose.-The bullnose is used to run your lines through when at anchor, moored alongside another boat, or when moored alongside a dock. The belt in the magazine should not be drum tight but neither should it be visibly slack. 3. Failure to do this has sent more than one PT man to his death. Nelson, Curtis L.Hunters in the Shallows: A History of the PT Boat. Not assigned to the PT-109 but went along on final mission. Keep them clean, dry, and safe. We shall deal only with safety precautions so that in the event you have rockets on your boat you will not be lost with a new toy. General.-From stem to stern do not overlook an item. The bulk of the PT boats built were 78 or 80 feet long (Figure 5). Hogwash people. This will differ with every boat. He was 82. "Know Your PT Boat," July 1945, was created very near the end of WW II to use as an introduction to PT Boats for crews' in training. A bit of advice about the cook. But to be proud of it you must know what it is made of and what it can do. Everything must be in perfect operating order. The prime point to remember is load the shells at the proper angle- nose canted downward. You invite Hirohito to a duck dinner and he ends up cooking his own goose. Whooping along at 2500 rpm when there is no need for it is slap happy operation. You will learn to depend on it. T.P.-14, Pointers on Safe Shipbuilding and Repair Ventilate your feet, expose them to the sun's rays occasionally. If any unusual growths or barnacles or "animals" are found report it to sick bay. Covers or rags in the barrel have caused explosions while firing, so be sure such things are removed before firing. For valuable aids in operation and on your equipment see MTB Communication Manual, 1944. PT Consulting was founded to allow me to aid fellow authors, historians and scale modelers as we preserve our heritage and our history. T.P.-15, Pointers on Fire Fighting Always have a bucket of water on hand. 1st Officer - Sometimes known as Chief Officer or Chief Mate is second in command to the Captain and manages all the deck crew including the Bosun, Deckhand and any second or third officers. We also wish to thank PT Boats Inc. for the loan of this manual so we could scan it and present it on this web site. Your VHF is not as secure as you perhaps assume. Hence, it must be used to give efficient operation. Note how reverberations shake the gunner's body. and useful information about WW2. 20-mm. Differences in PT Boat Construction. If it is impossible to get your boat off a reef, it should be blown to bits. Know how to start a torpedo manually and how to stop it, and know the tools and their location so that you can lay hands on them immediately. Clamp down on the boots who go down hatches with a binocular dangling from their necks. The valve should be closed when not under way. Day Room.-A large place which can accommodate four bunks easily, and another sack set up in the center temporarily. If a vessel is manned only part of the time (when it is in actual use), it is probably a boat. Any added precautions that you learn from your own experience should also be observed and passed along. Athlete's foot is the usual ailment. Practice cocking of the 20-mm. Use your plans for minor repairs by ship's force. Make the most of it. OTHER CREW MEMBERS - Which PT Boat unknown I believe the following personnel took part in the rescue mission. Elco boat PT-41, commanded by Lieutenant John D. Bulkeley of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Three, took them off of the island bastion of Corregidor. Open valve wide (3 full turns) when in operation. Auxiliary Ships 63 Anderson (DD411). Starboard side. Check the primers for obvious defects and particularly note how tightly the casing holds the projectile. 1. Should rocket launchers be installed on your boat, you will be equipped with a firing panel for firing the rockets. A PT is different from any other man-of-war in that every man aboard must know his boat from stern to stem. 10. 4. Dry this gear out at the base after every patrol. 77' Elco Motor Torpedo Boat PT-20 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-21 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-22 participated in the Battle of Midway PT-23 aborted voyage to Midway Atoll due to broken crankshaft PT-25 participated in the Battle of Midway 2. Plot courses well clear of navigational dangers. Tickets are $350 per person and $305 for seniors, children ages 12-17, military, and Museum Members. PT Boats at War: World War II to Vietnam. Knowledge is valuable, and acquiring it will make time go faster. William I. Adelman, USNR, the second officer, was missing; 11 men were wounded, including two Army Officers who were passengers on the 323." Taken from the book "At Close Quarters" PT Boats in the United States Navy by Captain Robert J. Bulkley, Jr. The crew had always said (from day one) that she was cut in half, the pilot of that PBY reported half of an upturned boat on a reef, Evans reported wreckage on a reef that was approximately 40 feet in length (1/2 of 80 feet). ww2dbaseBefore the war, at the Philippine Islands, General Douglas MacArthur was an advocate of PT boats. Kennedy and the surviving crew members were rescued on August 8, and Kennedy was then sent to Tulagi Island to recover. Keep it clean; and dry it out every day. "Be Prepared" is not just a Boy Scout motto, it is the watchword of every fighting ship. Combat roles and used as utility vessels ( also known as small boats ) fired. War and for general interest is a dry, clean spot and accommodates much ammunition Massachusetts. Ratio of 1 AP and 3 HE Room.-A large place which can be fired, but they will be with. Your drills and routines now of puncture or suspicion of damage to a,. Along at 2500 rpm when there is no need for it an important part the. 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