safe distance to live from natural gas power plant

RJ We strongly caution natural gas power plants and other industries against the venting of high-pressure natural gas in or near work sites. JM The CSB is trying to devise better safety codes for gas blows, but has yet to identify them. This analysis yielded results consistent with proximity to power plants as a measure of exposure. This pattern remained consistent when daily PM2.5 concentrations near different types of power plants were examined. A three-mile radius isconsistent with environmental justice literature and studies, including theEJ Screening Reportfor the Clean Power Plan. Chang Strmgren T et al. This work was supported by grant K01ES019177 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (X.X.) G Oil and gas production poses all those risks. To help answer questions about environmental justice in the communities around power plants, information on the following six key demographics (e.g., demographic indicators) and demographic index (average of low-income and people of colorpopulations) ispresented below through interactive maps and graphs: These key demographics and information about nearby fossil fuel power plants can be used as a general indicator of a communitys potential susceptibility to these types of environmental exposures. The following sections are presented below: There are over 3,400 fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States. Table1 shows participants' characteristics by term LBW, PTD, and VPTD. These steps and processes may be integrated into one unit or operation, be performed in a different order or at alternative locations (such as a (lease separator, field facilities, or natural gas processing plants), or not be required at all. H Moreover, there is recent evidence suggesting that harmful emissions from power plants may be increasing (16). Particulate matter and ozone cause the extensive list of adverse health outcomes you hear at the end of a prescription drug commercial shortness of breath, heart attacks, premature death; the list goes on. S Quadrant A shows power plants located in or near communities with a low-income percentage greater than the national average and less than the people of color national average. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider. Different countries have a different regulation regarding the measurements of where to reside After exclusion of births that had addresses outside Florida (n = 4,672); births that were missing address (n = 423), unable to geocode (e.g., only post office box available, n = 563), missing gestational age (n = 937), and multiple births (n = 13,686); and those with birth weight out of range (i.e., <500 and >5,000 g) (n = 903) and those with gestational age out of range (i.e., <140 days and >320 days) (n = 125), 423,719 births remained for analyses. EIA's free and open data available as API, Excel add-in, bulk files, and widgets. This generating capacity may likely be replaced by natural gas-fired power plants and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. M 4.5 shows the two schemes considered by the authors. Y Soriano When you select a power plant marker, a small window displays plant data such asemissions, generation, fuel type, and key demographics for the communities within three miles of the plant. G As noted in the Data Considerations section, information about the adjacent communities can be used to raise awareness and to help people understand the extent to which there may be disproportionate, adverse impacts on overburdened communities. In his role, he leads research and advocacy efforts in California and other Western states to advance the transition to a less polluting and less carbon-intensive energy system. Infrared video showing natural gas air pollution emissions at an Energy Corporation of America compressor station in Greene County, Pa., which is located about Bremner Some places in the country, however, still have setbacks for homes that are less then 300 feet. . De Mouzon FHA insures home mortgages to help Americans buy homes. State energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, and analyses. The exposure for this study was proximity to a nonrenewable-source power plant. However, in addition to adjustment for maternal education, which serves as a proxy for socioeconomic status, we also adjusted for census-tract-level median household income from the US Census 2000 to control for ecological (or population-level) socioeconomic status factors. Y In addition, women who were closest to coal plants were exposed to the highest levels of PM2.5 (mean = 10.7 (standard deviation (SD), 2.7) g/m3) during the first trimester, followed by those living close to solid waste plants (mean = 10.1 (SD, 1.8) g/m3), gas plants (mean = 9.5 (SD, 2.1) g/m3), and oil plants (mean = 9.3 (SD, 1.8) g/m3). All rights reserved. We were also unable to adjust for daily activities patterns. Called a gas blow, the operation involved workers streaming natural gas through a pipe at a high velocity in order to remove debris from new piping. (* edit). We also created 20 km buffers around each birth and determined the total number of power plants within this buffer (Table4). Second, we use PM2.5 as a surrogate for pollution from power plants to determine 1) the level of pollution exposure during pregnancy for women living close to power plants and 2) whether the amount of pollution depends on fuel type. et al. et al. To describe exposures to PM2.5 during pregnancy and throughout the study period according to nearest power plants, we used scatterplots with locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOESS) functions (smooth = 0.5) to display averaged daily concentrations during the first trimester (y-axis) by date of delivery (x-axis), as well as daily concentrations (y-axis) by date during the study period (x-axis). Bronson UCS recently co-sponsored a bill in the California legislature that was designed to shed light on pollution from natural gas power plants and require better planning for pollution reductions from plants. Some towns in Texas have setbacks of up to 1,000 feet from a home, fresh water well, school, hospital or public park. T How Much Land Would it Require to Get Most of Our Electricity from Wind and Solar? For VPTD, only oil and solid waste plants had significant associations. They produce toxic and radioactive waste and spew it into the air, poisoning the environment, sickening people, and causing climate change. Oh wait The following map identifies thelocations of power plants and highlights the key demographics of people living within threemiles of those plants. Some of the highest-polluting natural gas power plants emit over 100 tons of NOx per year, which is roughly equivalent to the NOx emissions from traveling 11 million miles(assuming an emissions rate of 8.18 grams of NOx per mile) in a diesel school bus, one of the most-polluting types of vehicles. According to projections from the California Air Resources Board, stationary sources account for roughly 21% of NOx emissions, while mobile sources account for a whopping 74% of NOx emission in the state. HL A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, Table2 provides the unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios for the association between proximity to power plants and term LBW, PTD, and VPTD. Exposures to levels of particulate matter less than 2.5 m in diameter (PM2.5) stratified by power plant type in Florida from 2003 to 2005. Roberts et al. Tools to customize searches, view specific data sets, study detailed documentation, and access time-series data. a Adjusted for maternal age, maternal race, education, marital status, census block group income, and urban neighborhood. This finding is plausible as these plants produce high concentrations of nitric oxides that have been found to increase the odds of these outcomes (30, 33). D More information about the Power Plants and Neighboring Communities Mapping Tool can be foundhere. Logistic regression models were used to test the hypothesized associations. Our continuous exposure analysis showed that proximity to nuclear plants was protective against PTD, but not term LBW or VPTD. It is an environmental justice screening and mapping tool that utilizes standarddata to highlight places that may have higher environmental burdens and vulnerable populations. Many U.S. power plants produce CO 2 emissions. Williams Demand for natural gas fluctuates daily and seasonally, but production and pipeline imports are relatively constant in the short term. The following are the required setbacks to minimize exposure at different distances: 100 feet for 50 to 133kV transmission line 150 feet for 220 to 230kV transmission line 350 feet for 500 to 550kV transmission line 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge MA 02138, USA Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. et al. Some women may spend most of their time outside their residential home; therefore, their exposure may be different from that estimated. It is possible that socioeconomic status confounded the association that we observed in this study. Lets plan for a clean energy future that does not lead to even more air pollution in communities already afflicted with pollution. I dont think it matters. You can walk around in a nuclear reactor perfectly safely now. I dont believe that there are any negative health effects . Buonocore When you sign up you'll become a member of NRDC's Activist Network. JK The content of this manuscript is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funders or data provider. To describe prenatal exposures to PM2.5, we estimated average daily residential exposures to PM2.5 during pregnancy for each birth using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. Petroeschevsky Fann We also found that gas and oil plants had a positive association with adverse birth outcomes, especially PTD and VPTD. Hu In addition, our observation that pregnant women who had a lower level of education, were racial minorities and unmarried, had no prenatal care, used tobacco, and smoked during pregnancy were more likely to be in the adverse birth outcome groups is also consistent with the literature (3840). Data analyses were performed by using SAS, version 9.3, software (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina). If you would like to learn more about these key demographicsor further explore relationships between power plants and environmental justice, investigate EPA's EJSCREEN. These pollutants have been linked to adverse birth outcomes in many studies. Manzanares Stolz Two logistic regression models were used for each outcome: The first model was unadjusted, and the second model was a parsimonious model adjusted for potential confounders on the basis of our directed acyclic graph (Supplementary Data). Demand for these electric plants is increasing, and the thousands of workers who will be constructing them, and working in them, will rely on better protocols and oversight for their safety. Lesson plans, science fair experiments, field trips, teacher guide, and career corner. If something happens to go wrong at a nuclear reactor, anyone living in a 10-mile radius of the plant may Wang A) Daily concentrations of PM2.5 during the study period 20032005 at power plants; B) mean daily PM2.5 concentration at residential address during the first trimester for births in Florida from 2004 to 2005. Comprehensive data summaries, comparisons, analysis, and projections integrated across all energy sources. Underground Natural Gas Storage by Storage Type, The Basics of Underground Natural Gas Storage, Natural Gas Processing: The Crucial Link Between Natural Gas Production and Its Transportation to Market. Ha S Cons. Regional energy information including dashboards, maps, data, and analyses. AD Lanki Vrijheid Furthermore, among the case groups, the percentages of women who had lower education, were black, lived in neighborhoods with lower income, were unmarried, had no prenatal care, smoked, or drank alcohol during pregnancy were higher compared with those in the control group (Table1). Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy. Reports requested by congress or otherwise deemed important. Lamson J Covariates were chosen on the basis of a directed acyclic graph (Supplementary Data available at The type of nearest power plant was also identified by fuel type. The mandated distance from an industrial facility to a home or other sensitive area is called a "setback." Hu This practice, although common, is inherently unsafe. The fact of the matter is that natural gas power plants still produce a significant amount of air pollution, and thats a problem. Neuberger Specifically, for each 5-km decrease in the distance to any power plant, the odds of term LBW, PTD, and VPTD increased by 1.1% (odds ratio (OR) = 1.011, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.002, 1.020), 1.8% (OR = 1.018, 95% CI: 1.013, 1.023), and 2.2% (OR = 1.022, 95% CI: 1.010, 1.034), respectively. The main pollutants resulting from natural gas electricity generation are nitrogen oxides, or NOx. However, the distance from the line is crucial in determining the damage it causes. Saurel-Cubizolles Financial market analysis and financial data for major energy companies. S When stratified for different types of power plants, the results remained generally consistent. We wish to thank the Florida Department of Health for supplying the data. These pollutants are known to contribute to adverse health outcomes, including the development of heart or lung diseases, such as asthma and bronchitis, increased susceptibility to respiratory and cardiac symptoms, greater numbers of emergency room visits and hospital admissions, and premature deaths. In general, PM2.5 concentrations tend to cluster around areas with more power plants (Figure1). The following maps and graphs highlight powerplants located in or near communities with one or more of the six key demographics at or above the 80thpercentile nationally. Energy & Financial Markets: What Drives Crude Oil Prices? The final reason to be concerned about pollution from natural gas power plants is that it may get worse in the coming years. When stratified by type of plants in order to compare birth outcomes among women who lived close to or farther from different types of power plants, our data showed that solid waste plants had associations with all adverse birth outcomes. Gas blows are routine practice within the industry. We also used Census 2000 data to determine census block group income as a proxy for neighborhood socioeconomic status and urbanity. Overall, the percentages of people living closer to power plants were higher among those with adverse birth outcomes compared with those among controls. AE TH The lack of consistent associations between nuclear plants and adverse birth outcomes is consistent with results from several previous studies, which showed no association between distance to nuclear power plants and adverse birth outcomes (1719, 34). Natural gas already emits half the CO 2 emissions of a coal-fired power plant. Association Between Proximity to Power Plants and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Florida From 2004 to 2005. Western States Energy Manager/Senior Analyst. International energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, and analyses. For term LBW, only those living between 10 and 20 km away from any power plant had increased odds. The graph below compares the key demographics ofcommunities near power plants to national averages. Bell The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is home to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). K J Anderson By continuing, you accept our use of cookies. Some layersare not visible until the map is zoomed in. its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. In the graph below, the low-income(verticalaxis) and the people of color(horizontal axis) are plotted for the communitiesaround each U.S. fossil fuel-fired power plant. To our knowledge, few existing studies have evaluated the association between residential proximity to different types of power plants and adverse birth outcomes (20). update email soon. Living next to natural gas wells is no fun From health threats to truck traffic, from rank odors to sinking property values, Coloradans explain what it's like to live near U.S. Chemical Safety Board Lead Investigator Don Holmstrom said in a statement last week: We strongly caution natural gas power plants and other industries against the venting of high-pressure natural gas in or near work sites. Moreover, these associations showed an exposure-response relationship with closer residents having the higher odds. Williams In fact, the rise of natural gas to become the leading U.S. fuel for generating electricity has lowered CO 2 emissions to their lowest levels in a generation. During the study period, power plants in the United States emitted an estimated annual average of 2,491,971 metric tons of carbon dioxide, 10,431 metric tons of sulfur dioxide, and 4,212 metric tons of nitric oxides (27). Exposure to various air pollutants has also been linked to adverse pregnancy-related and birth outcomes including gestational hypertension, premature delivery, and low birth weight (1013). Our study found evidence of increasing odds of adverse birth outcomes among infants born to pregnant women living closer to power plants. J These data are based on the US Environmental Protection Agency's Hierarchical Bayesian Prediction Model output (25). Initial calculations conducted by the USB determined that about 400,000 standard cubic feet of natural gas had been released into the atmosphere within the 10 minutes prior to the incident. Additionally, we were not able to identify critical windows of exposure that underlie these associations. To explore the state-level data, click on a state tosee the number of plants located in communities above the80thpercentile for each of the six key demographics and then click on a demographic to see the distribution of plants across the entire range of percentiles. [33] compared two polygeneration systems, which use natural gas and coal to produce DME and power, using a comprehensive sustainability assessment methodology. We observed a 1.8% (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3, 2.3) increased odds for PTD, 2.2% (95% CI: 1.0, 3.4) for VPTD, and 1.1% (95% CI: 0.2, 2.0) for term LBW for each 5 km closer to any power plant. M For each plant, EPA summarized population percentages ofsix key demographics and demographic indexfor the neighboring communities located within three miles of each plant. S NOXandSO2emissions contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone and fine PM, which can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular problems, and exposure to mercury can increase the possibility ofhealthissues ranging from cancer to immune system damage. et al. Few studies have assessed the associations between residential proximity to power plants and adverse birth outcomes including preterm delivery (PTD), very preterm delivery (VPTD), and term low birth weight (LBW). First, natural gas power plants do not move they just sit there and emit NOx when they are operating. When the results for both analyses were compared, the conclusions were consistent, although those for categorical exposure are stronger. and a University of Florida Graduate School fellowship (S.H.). N N A Therefore, this discrepancy is likely to bias our results toward the null. Msg & data rates may apply. Do you need one? The association between adverse birth outcomes and total number of power plants within 20 km was determined. Prenatal exposure to particulate matter less than 2.5 m in diameter for women living near different types of power plants was also determined by using National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network data. Basic stages of natural gas processing and treatment. Population with less than high school education, Type in keywords to query the entry "power plants and neighboring communities", and. Electric power sector power plants that burned fossil fuels or materials made from fossil fuels, and some geothermal power plants, were the source of about 32% of total U.S. energy-related CO 2 emissions in 2021.. Roth Ren Figure2A and 2B illustrate PM2.5 exposure by types of power plants. Please click here to see any active alerts. et al. EH Natural gas is stored in large volumes in underground facilities and in smaller volumes in tanks above or below ground. Where do hydrocarbon gas liquids come from? The addresses we geocoded to determine proximity to power plants were residential addresses at birth. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. F Women who lived closer to coal and solid waste power plants were exposed to higher levels of particulate matter less than 2.5 m in diameter compared with other types. A Better Way of Paying for a Reliable Electricity Grid, Minnesota Proves Its Readiness for Carbon-Free Electricity. Ha Natural gas is burned to generate heat, electricity, and hot water. Subscribe to feeds for updates on EIA products including Today in Energy and What's New. et al. How strong is the radiation around a nuclear power plant direct outside at the containment? Pretty much the same as the natural background count. et al. with both a low-income percentage and people of color percentage greater than the national averages. Delivering natural gas from natural gas and oil wells to consumers requires many infrastructure assets and processing steps and several physical transfers of custody. J D This study found that women with residential proximity to coal and solid waste plants were exposed to the highest concentrations of PM2.5 during the first trimester, and those closest to nuclear plants were exposed to the lowest concentrations. J Workers might also use air, steam, nitrogen, or water *in lieu of natural gas. Gouveia HUD goes further and states that "Operating and abandoned oil and gas wells pose potentialhazards to housing, in Ohio the setback from a homeis 100 feet, Northeast Ohio Gas Accountability Project. Wellhead natural gas may contain contaminants and hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGLs) that must be removed before the natural gas can be safely transported through high-pressure, long-distance pipelines to consumers. M This practice, although Official websites use .gov Quadrant D shows power plants located in or nearcommunities with both the low-income and people of color percentages less than the national averages. First, analysis of proximity as both a continuous variable and as a categorical variable addresses exposure-response relationships, but it does so in different ways with different assumptions. Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; LBW, low birth weight; OR, odds ratio; PTD, preterm delivery; VPTD, very preterm delivery. et al. JI Natural gas provides a cost-effective option for RE: How far away should you live from a power plant? From a coal-fired power plant I would want to be at least ten miles upwind and nowhere near th Simpson Sign up or text "SCIENCE" to 67369. Zeitlin We further stratify these associations by fuel type. Bell Chen BE You can filter the plants displayed on the map based on demographics, plant characteristics such as size and fuel type, and quantity of annual plant-level emissions of SO2, NOX, CO2, and PM2.5. CC Chang Sandie Ha, Hui Hu, Jeffrey Roth, Haidong Kan, Xiaohui Xu, Associations Between Residential Proximity to Power Plants and Adverse Birth Outcomes, American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 182, Issue 3, 1 August 2015, Pages 215224, Spengler Morara WebThis is so because the stack is usually several 100s meters tall, so that pollutants in flue gas are dispersed in the atmosphere and only have an influence at distances in the range of Burning natural gas for energy results in fewer emissions of nearly all types of air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO 2) than burning coal or petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy. Many fossil fuel-fired power plants (especially coal-fired power plants) have announced plans to retire, based on data collected by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Mangones Webselection of safety distance can prevent optimum utilisation of available space. Uranium fuel, nuclear reactors, generation, spent fuel. R D Lets make sure that does not happen. To access this combined power plants and neighboring communities data in theEJSCREEN mapping tool, from the mapping tool menu: More information can also be found on the Frequent Questions about Power Plants and Neighboring Communitiespage and in the Power Plants and Neighboring Communities Webinar. Dominici Notethat this applies to the site boundary, not to theactual well site.". Steve Clemmer You can explore the distribution of all plants for a particular demographic by selecting the label or bar for the demographic. MS Since then, researchers have further studied this association, including in the California Power Line Study, a 2016 study in the British Journal of Cancer. Liu The power sector has significantly reduced many of these pollutants over the past two decades, but important health and environmental concerns persist. These Experts Are Racing to Protect AI From Hackers. We also compared the odds for different buffer sizes of <5, 59.9, 1019.9, and 20 km from a power plant. A home or other sensitive area is called a `` setback. k J Anderson by continuing, accept. Bloomberg School of Public Health and What 's New that underlie these associations the map is zoomed in steps several. In communities already afflicted with pollution had a positive association with adverse birth outcomes in Florida from 2004 to.... Also unable to adjust for daily activities patterns with closer residents having higher... Liu the power sector has significantly reduced many of these pollutants have linked! 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