spartan ii augmentations

Kelly-087. [12][13] The bodies of those candidates who "washed out" were placed in cryonic suspension in the hope that they could some day be resuscitated. The identities of the Spartans' full names have been deleted from all military records. The reaction times of the SPARTAN-IIs were so fast that they, in heightened states of stress, were able to think, react and see things as if everything around them were simultaneously occurring at both a slow and rapid pace - a phenomenon dubbed "SPARTAN Time" by Kelly-087. The project was secretly relaunched by the Colonial Military Authority well over a century later in 2491, with the recruitment of 65 adult test subjects; hundreds more were added after the first batch completed their training. John-117 leading Silver Team in Halo: The Television Series. Blue Team being briefed on the mission to rescue Dr. Halsey in Halo Legends: The Package. These injections target the muscles' molecules increasing the density of the connective tissues and fibers, the more visible result being the muscles quivering and contorting over one another, making connecting tendons stronger and decreasing lactase [sic] recovery time. However, she died during the augmentation procedures. There are sixteen Spartan 1.1s, including Janissary James and Kevin Morales. Only a small percentage of subjects survived the process and fully recovered. [14][16] The catalytic thyroid implant and muscular enhancement injections produce extraordinary pain, as if the subject's veins had been "injected with napalm";[10][16] another sensation is pulsating and the feeling of the veins being torn out of the subject's skin. The coverage of this procedure does not exceed 3% total bone mass due to significant white blood cell necrosis: effectively, the carbide ceramic can only comprise a thin outer "shell" bonded to each bone without interfering with bone functionality as organs. The SPARTAN-III augmentations were entirely chemical. Later models of the Mjolnir system are capable of carrying a starship-grade AI which can provide tactical data in the field. Their gains have attracted widespread attention in the hopes of improving human strength and endurance. Human biochemical experiments and enhancement procedures have been a part of society dating back to the 20th century. [38], ONI publicly unveiled the SPARTAN-II program in 2547 in order to boost morale,[40][15] though the supersoldiers' true origins remain classified to the general public as of 2558. The Spartans also took part in an assassination mission at an Insurrectionist conference where John-117 killed Kwan Ha's mother and several other high-ranking Insurrectionists. A platinum pellet is implanted in the left thyroid gland; this pellet contains a human growth hormone that is released into the body to boost growth of skeletal and muscle tissues. While civilian applications for such technologies do exist, their obvious military advantages quickly saw them harnessed for the purposes of warfare. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity. [6], Though conventional body armor had protected soldiers for centuries, the Gen-II project's second radical change involved integrating the subject with a new powered exoskeleton device, designed to help keep its user safe and provide a powerful means of combating enemy forces. An advanced carbide ceramic material is grafted onto the skeletal structure to begin assimilation into the upper layers of the each individual bone. Some effects like increased healing rate don't seem to be explained by the stated augs so the likelihood of aditional augmentaions is quite high, Although the chemicals work on a molecular level, they do not work on a genetic level, as targeted mutagenesis is impossible using chemicals alone. The subject may have experienced neurological confusion that included falling over, exaggerated reflexes, and difficulty grabbing and holding objects. [5] The next was memory and cognitive enhancements; these were rejected based on the mental instabilities that could occur. [30] During the Battle of Trove, the three members of Red Team (Jerome-092, Alice-130, and Douglas-042) defeated a force of over twenty Stealth Sangheili in close-quarters combat without sustaining any injuries themselves. She followed up her maneuver by using the mongoose as an improvised hammer, smashing three Grunts into the ground, pulverizing them in the process.[18]. [48] Ultimately he came to be much shorter than other Spartans and had some scars from the procedures to reverse the augmentations.[49]. The following is the list of all known Spartan-II subjects conscripted in 2517. The exact conditions of the shots that Linda took on those two Banshee pilots are unclear. [7], The SPARTAN-II augmentations included many previously-untested procedures, among them synthetic bone grafts, hormonal supplements, retinal surgery, intramuscular protein injections and major alteration of the subject's nervous system. The carbide ceramic ossification is said to feel like the subject's bones are breaking, and as if their marrow is made of glass and is being shattered. After Reach fell, there weren't enough Spartans left. [16], Following the Human-Covenant War any sufficiently wealthy private party could replicate the effects of the Spartan augmentations. 'Rdomnai had the two replaced with prostheses, despite robotic replacements being antithetical to Covenant tradition and principles. In pre-and near-postpubescent adolescents, skeletal growth spurts may cause irreparable bone pulverization. Advanced mechanical prosthetics have also been developed, although such technology is used solely for the purpose of replacing lost limbs rather than supplanting existing ones for any possible advantages they may have over biological limbs. This was presumably made possible by Halsey's insistence that no invasive autopsies be performed and that the funeral for those killed by the procedures be closed-casket, the cadavers instead remaining in cold storage. Illustration of the Catalytic Thyroid Implant. [5], The augmentation procedures themselves took place aboard Medical Facility Endurance in orbit over Reach and began on March 9, 2525.[7]. The artifact unlocked several of John's sealed childhood memories, worrying Halsey and Parangosky. [52][53], The Spartan-IIs enjoy a great deal of solidarity and camaraderie within their group due to them having grown up together; indeed, they consider their fellow Spartans family,[54][55] something that was encouraged in their indoctrination from a young age. The artificial intelligence construct Cortana, carried within John-117's Mark V Mjolnir armor, would serve as the strike force's hacker and technology specialist. Deceased Spartans are assumed to be officially listed missing in action or wounded in action, even if known with certainty to be KIA. They were, according to every single source from the canon. A Spartan is equipped with energy shields, can wield different weapons, command friendly vehicles, hijack enemy ones, and gain up to 14 veterancy points while other units cap at 3. [4], From 2511 until the augmentation of the SPARTAN-IIs in 2525, research continued refining and improving the chemicals to reduce the failure rate. However, the Spartans who did survive became the most effective soldiers to be ever fielded by humanity, with superhuman strength, reflexes and stamina as well as virtually unbreakable bones. In this episode: Are Spartan-II Augmentations Possible? [57] Only a select few outsiders, including Dr. Halsey and Dj, are privy to some of the best-held secrets within the group. Can you be a Spartan? Vannak-134. A Spartan backflips off a Jiralhanae Chieftain in Halo 4. At least some of the candidates who were crippled may have been physically rehabilitated in later years.[6]. After being kidnapped and sedated, the Spartan-II candidates were taken to the colony world Reach, where they began their training under Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez and the AI Dj, who also acted as an aide for Halsey on the program. Despite providing subtle enhancement in the areas of strength and speed, these augmentations were rather primitive in comparison to the supersoldiers created centuries later. [66], The Spartan-IIs enjoy a large degree of operational autonomy in the field and typically operate in teams of three to five and even individually,[27] although the size and composition of these teams is heavily mission-specific; a team leader will typically pick the Spartans best suited for the mission at hand according to their personal talents. By the time the Human-Covenant War had ended, new techniques had been developed, allowing adults to be augmented without major risk. This procedure produces a marked increase in visual perception. After being transferred to highly covert ONI Kilo-Five unit in 2553, Naomi-010 continued to serve on highly classified operations as of 2558. Among these are automated surgery suites, featured on Covenant ships to treat wounds received in combat,[19] and magnetic splints which are used to hold broken bones in place. Like the augmentations performed for the Spartan-IIs and the improved procedures utilized in the subsequent SPARTAN-III program, the Spartan-IVs undergo a series of procedures to enhance their physical capabilities and to wear Mjolnir powered armor. [6], Despite the tremendous risk and the unethical means of creating new soldiers, ORION Generation II was greenlit by the top brass within the Office of Naval Intelligence, who concluded that the lives that could be saved far outweighed the risks involved. In exchange, they would receive a pardon from Thel 'Vadam for their actions. The project was initially granted funding for 300 candidates, though funding was later reduced to half this number. Serin-019 became an ONI operative. Fred-104, Linda-058, John-117, and Joshua-029 wearing various iterations of the Mark IV armor. The rank of the aforementioned Sangheili is not known. The SPARTAN-II augmentations combined chemical injection treatments with surgical procedures. The pilot's body is rendered immobile to prevent self-injury and agony is inflicted in exchange for superior control of the ship. Of the 150 children considered for the program, only 75 were conscripted. There were too few candidates that were in sync with her age and genetic restriction protocols and a majority of her funding was going towards Mjolnir maintenance and construction; this left little room for continued training efforts. [38] During Operation: JOVIAN WHISTLE, Fred-104 successfully struck an Aggressor Sentinel to the ground and physically stalemated the drone as it started to push him around. [16] The Spartans' prowess was not lost on the Covenant, who came to fear, and in the case of the Sangheili, respect the Spartans as Demons. She stood 6' 3" (191cm) tall in her mid-forties,[44] though whether this was due to the lingering effects of the catalytic thyroid implant or her own genetics is unclear. Their safety and effects varied substantially from subject to subject, with the benefits and risks varying with the surgeon, the surgical conditions, and the state of the patient. Several species and civilizations, including Forerunners, humans, and San'Shyuum, have implemented various biochemical, surgical and cybernetic means to enhance the physical and cognitive abilities of biological individuals. The Mjolnir armor was created in parallel to the SPARTAN-II project and is the most technologically advanced piece of hardware in human hands. [84] The Office of Naval Intelligence would ultimately cancel Class II due to the lack of sufficient candidates. Following the Battle of Installation 04, the survivors returned to Reach and were able to rendezvous with the remaining Spartans. They can be built from the Armory. 2% of subjects acquire elephantiasis. [4][5] The catalytic thyroid implant and muscular enhancement injections produce extraordinary pain as if the subject's veins had been injected with napalm,[5][6] as well as pulsating, and the feeling of them being torn out of the subjects skin. Halsey presented her results to Vice Admiral Michael Stanforth of ONI Section III, finding that they had come to the same conclusions. Mendez trained the Spartans until 2525 when, at the age of fourteen, they would go through the toughest part of their training: the biological augmentation procedures, which would kill 30 of the 75 conscripted children and cripple twelve others who would "wash out" of the SPARTAN-II program, going on to join the Office of Naval Intelligence. I see a number of people claim the S3's weren't augmented as well as the S2's. I also see claims that Noble Team had inferior armor to John and the other S2's, or that Jorge is an inferior S2 and is older than John. Spartans cost 300 resources each and requires a tech level of 1. I do not recall any information on the Alpha group, but I do know the Beta and Gamma groups had a 100% success rate for augmentations. The new augmentation set encompassed enhancements derived from those given to the Spartan-IIs. Either that or finally perfecting cloning tech and using DNA samples from the original Spartan 2 selections by Halsey to grow a new batch of children that can be given the OG augmentations and any newer upgrades and possibly faster growing to maturity so they're ready for deployment within 5 years. Inevitably the small number of Spartan-IIs dwindled as casualties were sustained. [25], In October 2559, Blue Team was sent back to Reach on Operation: WOLFE to retrieve assets from the ruins of CASTLE Base which held the key to defeating Cortana. She considered several other "bellicose" names, including Praetorians, Landsknecht, Immortals, Minutemen, Titans, Argonauts, Odysseus, Olympians, Zulu, Kronos, Promethean, Armor, Nemesis, Daedalus, Hercules, Viking, and Hyperion; the latter two were quickly excluded.[6]. Featured. Spartans can receive the following upgrades. [47] Within the military and to the public the Spartans are only known by their service tags, consisting of "SPARTAN" followed by a numerical ID; only a select few outsiders know even their first names. Once the subject has been sedated, he or she is transported from the pre-op wing of the facility to another area where the surgical procedures are performed. They possess numerous unique internal habits and signals conveyed through simple gestures or statements, making interactions among their group largely indecipherable to outsiders. Her independent conclusions predicted an even darker future than Carver's model, with UNSC inaction against the rebel leadership resulting in a minimum of thirty years of war and five billion dead; the maximum was a conflict of indeterminate length potentially leading to the downfall of human civilization. [58] Although the Spartan-IIs often have difficulty socializing with baseline humans outside situations of a strictly military nature, they are rather gregarious among themselves and habitually cluster together while out of the battlefield, commonly engaging in activities such as playing cards, exercising together, reading, or maintaining their personal equipment. Halsey also noted her consternation over what ONI may do with a secret team of officially deceased Spartans. Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe, Halo: The Fall of Reach - The Animated Series, ONI's own projections at that time and up to 2525[10] concluded the same as Dr. [33][Note 5] During the Battle of Installation 04, a 41 year old MJOLNIR armored John-117 flipped a Warthog and later broke the skull of a Sangheili soldier with his fist, after it was weakened by a grenade. [24] At least three members of Omega Team managed to survive the war, though their current status is unknown. Illustration of the Carbide Ceramic Ossification. During one of his missions, he lost his left arm and left mandibles. Five percent (5%) of test subjects experience a fatal cardiac volume increase. [68] On some missions, Red Team has formed smaller splinter units (designated with Greek alphabet) to better suit the mission objectives at the time. [1] While many of the changes were ostensibly cosmetic and made for cultural reasons, others were designed to enhance a Forerunner's abilities. While easily overshadowed by the Spartans' extensive augmentation, medical, biochemical and technological conveniences do nonetheless have a pervasive presence in various areas of human society. Only Dr. Halsey had secret files that contained the full names of all the Spartans on Reach; unfortunately, the records were destroyed after the planet was glassed. The trailing Banshee was riderless as well only a blood-spattered cockpit and cowling." assistance. The children of the ORIONs are sometimes referred to as Spartan 1.1s, reflecting the retroactive application of the SPARTAN-I moniker. Fred-104. [11] The SPARTAN-IVs' augmentations also include several new procedures, including various improvements to the subject's internal organs. Only 33 survived the procedures without physiological deformities, of whom two would commit suicide in the following weeks upon encountering their flash clones. [32], On September 1, 2558, Gray Team were awakened from cryo and found themselves in the middle of a battle between two Sangheili factions, a Jiralhanae faction and the citizens of Suraka on the planet Carrow. If the subject has survived the changes, the final part of the augmentation is performed. [17], Due to the risky and dangerous nature of the augmentation procedures, many of the fourteen-year-old candidates died or "washed out" as their bodies rejected the modifications being made. After being ordered to assassinate Kwan, John rebelled and fled with her and the artifact with Silver Team moving to defend their leader on Halsey's orders. This specialized version of the neural interface is implanted into the skull of a Spartan-II. A 14 year old John-117 benching 495lbs. In mid 2558, their lifeboat was recovered by a Sangheili fleetmaster, Rojka 'Kaasan, who held them in stasis until their release a few months later. 5% of test subjects experience a fatal cardiac volume increase. The carbide ceramic ossification was said to feel like the subject's bones were breaking, as if their marrow was made of glass and was being shattered. This page was last edited on June 14, 2022, at 15:10. Later during the Human-Covenant war, while in her Mark V MJOLNIR armor, Kelly-087's top speed was 62km/h or 38.5mph. They were trained to be survivors from the age of 5 (ish), to be the best of the best. SPARTAN-IIs also underwent extensive gene therapy. This bonding is likely achieved through some biochemical means to encourage natural bone integration and a tendency of the body to reattach the bone and ceramic if somehow separated. The process of augmenting the SPARTAN-IIs was divided into two parts, surgical procedures and injection procedures. This is the GVWR, or Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, of the. The SPARTAN-II program was the first major success of the SPARTAN programs, an effort to produce elite soldiers through mechanical and biological augmentation. [23] John-117 has been noted to have run at around 105km/h or 65.2mph during a MJOLNIR Mark V training exercise; however, his Achilles tendon was torn because the strain put on his body was unsustainable. In a nearby cave system, John retrieved a Forerunner artifact that activated at his touch, something that was witnessed by a surviving Sangheili and reported to the Prophet of Mercy. Additionally, Linda-058 shot the pilots out of two Banshee fliers as she was hanging from a titanium cable that was attached to her arm and leg. [56] Having been taught to refrain from overt emotional displays, the Spartan-IIs most commonly convey their emotions through subtle body language and cryptic gestures. Project: ASTER[2] was the codename for the series of biochemical and biomechanical augmentation procedures applied to SPARTAN-II conscripts at the onset of puberty. Though being missing in action since 2532 and discharged from service by ONI in 2546, Randall-037, now a Colonel of the Sedran Colonial Guard, participated in a mission to capture the smugglers of a highly dangerous element used as a weapon in a terrorist attack, and sacrificed himself to ensure the operation's success. [23] The augmentation procedures performed on the SPARTAN-IIs paved the way for Project CHRYSANTHEMUM and thusfor the "disposable" SPARTAN-IIIs. 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