swtor iokath republic or empire consequences

Well thought out. Ossus: Republic or Empire. It would be only logical to try and take your side, in order to destroy another faction. You say it wont have any impact beyond Iokath, but it will impact future story contentis that future content still restricted only to Iokath or could it spread beyond that? It was never their wish to grant you power, but as you and your forces grew stronger opposing eternal empire, they saw a valuable resource in you. This is an in-depth guide to help you find and complete them all. My Characters respect people like Marr, Acina, Overseer Trenwell, etc. Before you use the Console to assign your troops (located in the Alliance Base right where you spawn), your character has access to their factions base by default. You have been deceived the Jedi are evil ! The Battle of Sluis Van. 5. How will this impact a guildship summons? Enable the plasma emitter defenses around the Imperial base. I see people complaining about not being able to side with their alliance. The K2-8 Droid is willing to exchange crafting materials for Power Shards. Satisfied? How about the Iokath operation (Tyth and the rest, as it comes)? Meaning if you choose Empire as a Republic Commando, once the story continues those choices carry over no matter how many times you switch back n forth after the story? Also diffrence between him and saresh is that he do not have support, no one respect him they only put him there becuse they thought he would be to scared to go against acina or betray her also he have no real power over the empire he is just a face. * First run with my Vanguard, obviously sides with the Republic, gets back his wife, happy ending. Most likely for the items available at the Reputation Vendors, whose overview is also part of this guide! The mission is in an instance, which stats at he Docking Ring area. Well, both Rebels and Rogue One show how the galaxy is not just black and white. "Well, we don't know". Sith Empire all the way! Oh, and if this was on a Sunday you are an Alliance commander regardless of Class faction. If so, fuck the consequences. So for me republic might be all shiny and sparkely, but underneath all that glamour is proably more sh*t going on than what the empire have littrely in the republic story you either see corrupt leaders of all kind or your character or a nother npc on that side might become a mass muderer of a hole race ((On taris you can choose to eradicate all rakghouls to exctintion or not. The first Battle of Korriban (" Return" cinematic trailer). So her choise to act was wellfounded and what anyone would do if they got disturbing news like that. The 5th location is far to the south. Why Alliance even forced to ally with Imps or pubs? Then, you either join the one left or will be forced to fight them too. You must have seen the wrong movies. Do you prefer the Zakuul drama? Star Wars The High Republic Convergence Review, Dead Space Starter Guide: The Basics Explained, How to start The Forgotten Saga in AC Valhalla and go to Niflheim, New World Mutated Expeditions and Mutators Guide, New World Hatchet and Sword Build Guide: The Frontline Tank (PvE). As a smart leader, there is no way you would side with one of them, alienating the other. , https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c4f1725f3af2213f63290993e39444678f091482b0e81e79bc724aa5a3ba0f5f.jpg. Be careful, though, as you would need to purchase another one at the terminal again to finish the mission if you havent. You dont just stay neutral. Youre on a world of common interest. So much for the alliance, what the hell was even the point of building it at this point. Level 75 Materials Level 65 Materials So you are saying she is really a Skywalker? Also, whatever the faults of the Sith Empire are -corruption, cruelty, slavery - all those things exist in the Republic too. It includes 14 Daily Missions and a Weekly Mission. There are 2 emitters located right in the first area of the instance. Your #1 and #3 skills are damage skills and #2 is a heal. The Empires version of this mission requires you to Enable Plasma Emitters, while the Republic players will have to Disable them. Inquister and Consular side with their respective faction. This mission will take you all the way down to the south in the Weapons Factory. Or did you just go what you feelt was easier or just becuse you were a trooper or a jedi and must go republic? Iokath is a ZONE where your faction becomes the one you chose. They only intervene when it's someone important to their cause. But to sum up the situation with Loreman and Saresh, Loreman = A puppet , a fake face for the empire - proably Kill, exile or imprisonment, Saresh = A repulblic Scapegoat - Proably Killed by outlander, exiled, imprisonment or brutally murderd by her enemys. So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? As you sure you played all the chapters and listened to the story? GG EAware. Its star wars dude! Zakuul nearly destroyed them both. This mission takes place south from your Factions Base, in the Iokath Expanse area. Currently the way it works is that once you have completed a Mission, you are no longer able to switch that day. 18. They can be seen from various locations on Iokath, including the Republic and Imperial Bases and the Iokath Expanse area. I hate Quinn, but for my Sith Warriors it's easy enough to make him go away. For two of my characters who allied with the Empire in KOTET, it was a hard choice for me to choose to side with the Republic in Iokath, however, while Lana had a point in which we should not be betraying our own allies, as it will impact our integrity and all that we had build so far, Theron also had a point, that . Their defeat at the hands of the Zakuul says you are wrong. Well, at least when my wife starts telling me that instead of playing TOR I should go out and exercise, I can tell her Im practising my KOTOEIRA, Brazilian here, and you beat me to it! Episode 1 "Spoils of War". My wife comes into the room and asks me what the hell is going on for me to be laughing out like a madman at midnight, Yes my friend, I was specifically waiting for you to appreciate my humorous post xD. Most likely, it will require the Republic to get her, but you never know. it's a standard part of Jedi lore. Why destroy both, if you can side with one now, to destroy it later? The repair station is near the Daily Mission Terminal. Imperial victory. Um, you can still kill him, even if you side with empire. I like SWTOR because of its story, Im still not dissapointed so far, so I think we should wait until the release of new patch and then make our judgement. That all makes sense except for the fact that for 2 expansions of dull story content our alliance has been made out to be a much larger and greater military force than both sides (as our alliance is built out of the majority of what was left of both sides forces, remember that both imp and rep were decimated by skyforts before we rallied the galaxy, plus extras we picked up along the way). Is it really havent got anything good at all? We respect your privacy. * 3rd run with my Revanite Juggernaut (balanced light/dark choices) sides with the Empire, butchers Quinn in the most painful way. Learn how your comment data is processed. This is the choice that will be remembered in future storylines. Over three thousand years later, it was rediscovered by the Alliance that waged a war against Zakuul. As for Acina, I hope I get to betray her just like she tried to do the alliance. Seeking control of the powerful superweapon, all three governments dispatched military forces to Iokath, with the Republic forces led by Supreme Commander Jace Malcom, Imperials led by Sith Empress Darth Acina, and the Eternal Alliance initially represented by a search party led by Lana Beniko. Everyone gets it, and it says just that. I also see this alliance as a way for my Outlander, who's a DS SI, to keep toes on his old Empire and hopefully integrate it into the Alliance, he's more than glad to have his own faction but he also has a special place for the Empire in his plans as he's not about to abandon his homeland. True, stupidity did not propagate to SWTOR yet. I'm also in the camp where I find it very hard to even think of siding with the Republic, regardless of what character I'm playing or their alignment. How Jedis still are considiring to be on the light side of the force is a good guestion. At no point is he ever "Hoo-ah I'm a 'Pub now!". Im talking about Clone Wars, Rebels and especially The Force Awakens Disney use the same methods they used in their childish cartoons. Unfortunately, the alliance was never going to hold. Decided that my founder main LS warrior will help the Republic. You have to navigate over to the other factions area, just outside of their base, find a Walker and Self-Destruct on it to complete the mission. You are forced to take sides in this conflict for one sole reason take side, or you will be destroyed by them both. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5ca45abf0627045ba36ef2240dde62e3999a5ab9651c4382e33cd9eb50215c41.gif, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6b1139b84c612ae9430373407c291550d5a9cdc3dffc296ef0bafff9e906beb8.gif. Nope. Force Awakens is a bullshit of a film just as its retarded director, aside from admiral Akbar and chewbaaca whose species cant be changed they completely deleated all alien species to a point it doesnt feel the galaxy far far away we know, they couldve just adjusted the new trillogy to capture the story in Timothy Zahns Heir to the Empires books and go on with Dark Empire and the Yuuzhan Vong war since they planned to recanonize Admiral Thrawn in the end, but no they wanted to make something new something different but their lack of imagination made them just copy episode IVs script and fuck with it with a nazi Tarkin and an emo vader wannabe with daddy issues, freaking deathstar III, a girl who didnt give shit about the force but magically became a force master and a lightsaber artist, a stupid plot about everyone looking for Luke Skywalker (with even a fucking map to him) I mean you go into exile to meditate stuff and you dont want people to disturb you till you are ready to face life and all that. Sorry republic maybe don't be and u wont loose the greatest god to grace the galaxy? It had, until they decided to prioritize the CM over current content. Definitely more elaborate than a mere fight between good and evil. There is no logic in that. These Walkers are in the open world, so any other player can see you piloting it :). Cuz theres people who will want their traitor back or would want Elara back (or both) and still be able to sign for the oposite faction. REEEEEEEEEEE! Hello I have a question and other people opinion on this, there are proably a bunch of these threads already so sorry for this in andvance and on my spelling/grammar. And yes, I heard that WOW and FFXIV offer us more content then SWTOR, but I personally never been PVP player and never wanted to be depending on players at all. Happy and satisfying ending. I say faction matters not. I know Acina trespassed and was trying to take the weapon for her self before the republic. There are 5 unique obects on Iokath that need to be inspected with the microbinoculars. SWTOR Rare Materials Guide There are some special materials in Star Wars: The Old Republic that can only be obtained through specific methods, and can not be gathered or otherwise easily obtained. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/7a/7a2add73451638e1c8eb8a617f7a58228bfaa041017bf0c13b50871c27f54f92.jpg. So does this mean that we have to choose exclusively between Republic OR Empire? Seventh episode is a simple copy of fourth episode with only more cool graphics. Once you have completed the storyline and have access to the daily area, there is a terminal you can activate to switch sides once per day. For this you have to head north from the common area between the 2 factions bases take the Fleet Spire to the Alliance Base area. Besides original six episodes were far more serious, emotionally touching. A major Republic figure, on the other hand, tried to assassinate my Commander and their leaders did not condemn that action (you get that email telling you that the Republic leaders are publicly bashing you for what you did to Saresh). You are a neutral faction in the mix. As the war rages between the Empire and Republic, a solid defense is necessary on Iokath. Details. At the end of the vanilla story she chose to be a secret agent for the Republic. No, you are the Alliance Supreme Poobah. Then it is proably better to stay with the faction that actually is willing to work with you from the start. Republic. One sees that with people like Darth Marr, and Acina comes right out and says she's trying to drastically improve the Empire. not the republic but the empire decided to take up on that.. Apparently the Alliance you created doesnt mean jack shit because it seems without siding with one of them, your alliance is helpless. Actually they have aliens working everywhere from the military to the Imperial Science Service, very actively. Thats the very definition of a problem and is down right evil in my book. They also ran a prison on Belsavis that imprisoned the children and grandchildren of criminals - people who had done nothing wrong but were being kept in jail for life because of something their parents did. The Jedi kidnap children, and the Republic laws give them the right to do so. Your Alliance still awaits your return once the war on Iokath ends. pretty sure there will be a bug, so that will bring imps to rep teams). That would be one of the stupidest written decision choices ever. Can I keep any companion no mather which side I pick? I assume this is your favorite gif on the Internet. Its an important choice youd have to make in the storyline thus far. I consider it something of a miracle they managed to retrofit cross-Class Faction group chat in. Like even acinas "transgression" hell the outlander didnt tell her as an "ally" that it might be a super weapon on iokath. Which, let's be fair, is a well deserved first thought to go with when it comes to Sith. With the War for Iokath, SWTOR tries to return to the roots of having the two main factions fight again. Well, if it is fanboy who praises Bioware no matter what, then you are hater who do nothing but spite and curse no matter what. Once again, like with the Walker mission, you can do other missions in the open world while piloting the Monitor. With Patch 5.5, Bioware have added New Arcann Customizations to the Light/Dark vendors and new decorations to the Iokath Reputation vendors. First one is a Droid that offers consumables for Credits + Iokath Power Shards (the ones that drop from mobs and as mission rewards). I cant think of anything more subtle than a lightsaber fight on a lava planet while tantrum screaming exposition. So you my friend are not far from the truth But I guess you already know that, or you wouldnt have mentioned it, Priceless stuff man Priceless. Beat them both, put a obedient leader for them and thats it. If you want to, you can switch instance (via your Stronghold) and re-enter again to click the same 2 emitters and save yourself the trip. Using this terminal does not override your story choice, but it does allow you to join your friends and play the opposite sides daily missions if you so choose. If Dave Filoni could somehow make the new movies, that would be a dream come true. There are loads of bugs in the game but nothing quite as large as totally hosing cross-Class Faction queueing. All of them are solo-able, except for Colossal Threat. That's about it. Just when Disney did ANYTHING for SW universe? . Wouldnt it be easier to fight one faction instead of two? Did you play through that part? And I did a lot of tickets. Keep in mind that the Monitors costs 300 Power Shards so it is an expensive daily. Now that the Empire and the Republic dont have a common enemy, theyll be back to their old ways once again. There is no butthurt at all: Im personaly content with whats going on SWTOR and haters both, I simply wonder, havent you tired of finding only bad thing in the game? This mission starts from your Factions Base on Iokath. Lets hear you first, Ill comment after you. I watched both but not impressed. Sith Empire is not a peacekeeping type of government and never will be. Id advise waiting for characters that want Elara until we know the specifics of the recruitment. Its stupid that we have to make that choice at all. Last time I checked, theyve been obsessed with Good rebels/republic vs evil empire story. And now be sad and mourn that which you have lost. Also like i said before acina is open to change she is ready to change the way of the empire if needed, i doubt malcom is open to change to accept not all sith are murdering lunatics((Well sith are still crazy from time to time but i think its becuse of the hardships, survival insincts and truama in thie rtraining period that have made them that way. Most of it is straightforward with some exceptions.To get Malavin Quinn as your companion, you have to side with the Empire in the story. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Stoners, so high and so lit, he could use the Force to influence the marijuana to createblunts. In an alliance, neither faction would be opposing you. The writing could have been better when it comes to dialogue, but the story was complex and interesting, containing many hidden allusions to our own reality. This is just ridiculous! Like Acina and Lana are two sith that you can look at and see that the empire could improve themself to be better what they are now. #SWTOR #StarWars #mmorpg #swtorfamily #Sith #Arcann #Valkorion #Lanabeniko # . Was there any answer to those who romanced Dorne/Quinn but chose Empire/Republic (opposites respectively)? SWTOR Iokath Story and Dailies Guide. Your contribution helps us provide content you enjoy. Frankly, about 85% of the EU is no big loss. Izax, the Ultimate Devourer, was the chief deity of the pantheon, while the other members were his wife, Scyva, and their four children: Tyth, Aivela, Esne, and Nahut. This one is also in a separate instance. You side with them, you don't take control of them. The starting point is right in the Republic Iokath Base, a little to the north from the Daily Missions Terminal. Just recall how awesome BioWare was when the Doctors ran the company before EA bought them. Also, if Marr is so great, and he says the Empire was wrong, why would one go back to the one that's wrong, knowing they're not going to be able to change it? General. Saresh is also a key figure in the Republic for a long time and she's a lot more corrupt than any Imperial. its more like rep and imp are begging for the help to win over the other and is not endorsed by or affiliated with Disney, LucasArts, BioWare, or Electronic Arts. Oh, and speaking of Belsavis and the Republic's respect for aliens, they also started the domination experiments there where they made the alien prisoners fight each other to see which would be the best soldiers. SWTOR: War for Iokath - Alliance joins Empire (Jedi Knight/Neutral) 877 views Dec 8, 2019 24 Dislike Share Save -Elphirein- 914 subscribers Imperial side line of Iokath as Jedi. and thats just off the top of the ol nog. Also doesnt help that saresh is a . This is the only mission that cannot be completed solo. To reach the most southern are of Iokath for the first time, it would be best to head out from your Base to the south and in the Iokath Expanse area look for the Factory Tram one is located to the West, one to the South-East on the map. 20. Disney is moving from a binary categorization of bad and good guys to a mixed one, and Im loving it. . She have and are a far better ally than Malcolm ever been. You should write the PR copy for BioWare Austin. I don't trust for a moment that the Republic would not screw me over, because they already have. I also don't think the entire Republic brass was in the dark regarding what Saresh was doing. LS path in vanilla sets you on a path of remaking the Empire. Whoever jumps into the seat of the ultimate weapon ends up dying. One being that the Empire *is* open for change. Hell, Im the supreme commander of an alliance that has both republic and empire in it. I think youre missing the point. Its unwise to pull more than 1 small group at a time if you are alone. However, it never play out well. I think you missed the entire point of why you built this allaince. Your copy reads _way_ better than their copy. No reason for bad feelings. His passion for video games as well as his love for all things Star Wars are reflected in his news and in-depth guides available here! Book of the Jedi, for one thing. So. I'm retiring from this debate after this comment, because if one is inclined to believe the Jedi and Republic are as pure as driven snow and the Sith and Empire are somehow much worse, I guess one will. The cluster F we have gotten so far and you think there going to wrap it up nicely with how it reads now if you look at the spoilers? This time it's a post on choosing your faction on Iokath with patch 5.2. Profession: Cybertech. Want some opinions about this sicnce i am unsure if i should go empire or republic with my re-rolled light sided jedi xD. [toc] New Arcann Customization These customizations can be purchased form the Light/Dark sider vendors on the fleet. The biggest difference between Iokath Dailies and all other Daily Areas is that here you cannot complete all Daily Missions in one day. Peacekeeper? There are actually some heavy consequences depending on your choice, so don't take it lightly. Thats Eaware consistency for you, and lets better not talk about non-force users. I dont mind a business making money but I do mind how they go about doing it. Sorry, I dont see it. There is no possible way that your Alliance is much larger than either of the Republic or Empire. Versus a Jedi Knight class that can get a Pure Blood Sith Sith to change sides. The only way to actually remain neutral is to not get involved at all. Star Wars: The Bad Batch will start streaming on Disney+ on Wednesday, January 04, 2023, with the first two episodes. Then his friend called the police while he was sleeping. Pretty much Iokath sucked . Clone Wars was not in the Disney era (apart from the last season, which was still developed solely under Filoni and his crew) and that show, along with Rebels, were fully under the supervision of the awesome Dave Filoni. so what makes u think our toon with the same military power as arcann before cant take on both faction They dumped the entire expanded universe, 30 years of stories and carefully structured material that used to make star wars an actual universe, just so they could replace anything they wanted with their shitty concepts and explanations about everything that already had one and was well recieved. In fact, he even mentions that he gets amusement out of trying to bring the Knight to the Dark Side. All my characters will side with the Republic simply because they hate Sith Ideology, even my warrior who I play as a guy with a more maverick sense of Jedi morals. Lana is my Sithbae how dare you disrespect her! At the time of writing this Guide the requirements for the Walker are 14,000 Credits and 200 Iokath Shards. SWTOR's Jedi Under Siege started a brand-new storyline, one which re-ignites the war between The Empire and the Galactic Republic.Although it has been some time since Ossus was released to players, I wanted time to think through the choices you are provided. This mission can be completed at the same time together with Mend a Broken Shard and Disarm. Which, let's be fair, is a well deserved first thought to go with when it comes to Sith. Still waiting for them to be solved. This material is used in nearly all Grade 4 Cybertech Schematics. He could save others from the policebut not himself. Which is about how I feel in this game anymore. Lets get started! There are 3 vendors in each base on Iokath that are worth mentioning. The Republic on the other hand just seems to think they're awesome and toe the old status quo. - Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Background Thousands of years before the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massive sphere - later dubbed Iokath - was constructed around an undersized and unremarkable star for maximizing solar energy across the "planet". This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Iokath, a massive self-sustaining ecosphere that completely engulfed its star, remained unknown to the galaxy ever since the Iokath species wiped itself out in a civil war. Ironic. 19. Lord Wrath is joining Darth Marr and the Imperial and Republic forces searching for the Sith Emperor after he had destroyed the planet Ziost. Both of the old factions would do all they can to butter you up at this point and there is no reason you would side with just one of them when both have members in your faction. To side with swtor iokath republic or empire consequences alliance in-depth guide to help you find and complete them all another one at the of. 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