tokyo tower of babel floors

More impressively, the huge wings on the side of the building were designed to sway in the wind. Enmerkar of Uruk is building a massive ziggurat in Eridu and demands a tribute of precious materials from Aratta for its construction, at one point reciting an incantation imploring the god Enki to restore (or in Kramer's translation, to disrupt) the linguistic unity of the inhabited regionsnamed as Shubur, Hamazi, Sumer, Uri-ki (Akkad), and the Martu land, "the whole universe, the well-guarded peoplemay they all address Enlil together in a single language. Stephen L. Harris proposed this occurred during the Babylonian captivity. For now, it stands as the tallest building on Earth, but for how long? He loosened the muscles of the womb. [5], Tach Nait, renowned designer of tall buildings in Japan, was chosen to design the newly proposed tower. Over 150million people have visited the tower. Another Muslim historian of the 13th century, Abu al-Fida relates the same story, adding that the patriarch Eber (an ancestor of Abraham) was allowed to keep the original tongue, Hebrew in this case, because he would not partake in the building. But how long will it last? Where the stage was one day, you might have the box office the next. Design The tower would be able to hold over 30 million people and would be made for various different purposes, mostly population support. The phrase "Tower of Babel" does not appear in the Bible; it is always "the city and the tower" (- -) or just "the city" (). The story's theme of competition between God and humans appears elsewhere in Genesis, in the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In the final stage, or the 8th generation, all of the residents of the area will begin to live in a single megastructure, similar to the Tokyo Tower of Babel. Urban planners are working on a solution to the heat island effect of overpopulated cities for future generations. This ultra-skyscraper requires approximately 100 to 150 years to complete. The Tokyo Tower of Babel is a visionary building that was unveiled in 1992. Tokyo Tower is next planned to be repainted in 2024. Unlike most of the people on our list, Giovanni Battista Piranesi never intended for his designs to be built. Essentially the motivation is to reach and understand G-d. He wrote that it was Nimrod who had the tower built and that Nimrod was a tyrant who tried to turn the people away from God. It comes with a basal area of 42,5 mi2 (110 km2), a total floor area of 656 mi2 (1,700 km2, including all levels of floors) and an impressive steel volume of 10 billion tons. This Tower of Babel would reach 10 kilometers in height, with a main purpose of population support, having as many as 30 million people living in this area. But I proclaimed quickly by the mouth of the demon that a tower come up to be up to the particle of light, which was left in the demons and their race - which was water - that the demon might be protected from the turbulent chaos. [2]:26, There have also been a number of traditions around the world that describe a divine confusion of the one original language into several, albeit without any tower. [36], Although not mentioned by name, the Quran has a story with similarities to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, although set in the Egypt of Moses: Pharaoh asks Haman to build him a stone (or clay) tower so that he can mount up to heaven and confront the God of Moses. The project would have over 1000 floors, be around 10 KM in height, take 100-150 years to create, and cost over 3 Quadrillion. a complex labyrinth located beneath the Tower of Babel. Despite being a visionary architect whose work inspired many, he never saw a single building he designed actually built. The idea was to use prefab constructions hugging tight to a central concrete core, sort of like having 80 separate bungalows stacked on top of one another. According to the story, a united human race speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar (). One day, the colossal tower, "Babel" suddenly appeared in the city of Tokyo. Gregory of Tours writing c. 594, quotes the earlier historian Orosius (c. 417) as saying the tower was "laid out foursquare on a very level plain. However, the plan fell through because of the lack of both funds and materials. Tower of Babyl is a recurring limited-time event where your parties battle powerful bosses on each floor to climb the tower. After climbing up a gigantic staircase, visitors would crawl through a tiny tunnel into the inside of the orb. There are 100 floors in total. The Japanese Construction Plans were proposed by a Japanese Construction Firm for the limit of sky (? The envisioned structure of the tower, in the time of man. In addition to the five standalone restaurants, the second floor's food court consists of four restaurants, including a McDonald's and a Pizza-La. In Greek mythology, much of which was adopted by the Romans, there is a myth referred to as the Gigantomachy, the battle fought between the Giants and the Olympian gods for supremacy of the cosmos. They were encouraged in this undertaking by the notion that arrows that they shot into the sky fell back dripping with blood, so that the people really believed that they could wage war against the inhabitants of the heavens (Sefer ha-Yashar, Chapter 9:1236). The craziest building Japan never built was dreamed up in the dying days of the bubble economy in 1991. They are two brothers: Older Brother, who wears blue dungarees, and Younger Brother, who wears red dungarees. Tiny holes in the skin of the sphere would have let pinpricks of light through in the shape of the constellations. As preserved, the story is but nine verses . So he sat down and drew up designs for the biggest, craziest sphere on Earth. The Bionic Tower's base is 436 by 328 feet (133 by 100 m) in diameter, and its broadest . Ishii reasoned that orange is a warmer color and helps to offset the cold winter months. The chronicles attributed to Hippolytus (c. 234) contain one of the first attempts to list each of the 72 peoples who were believed to have spoken these languages. It begins with the Edo period in 1880 and continues into the far future. The purpose of the Tower was for the people constructing Babel, to be able to give honor to themselves in order to keep themselves from scattering across the earth, planning for the tower to reach the skies . As the Japanese economy collapsed, it seems that bold ideas like this were put on hold. Both Jos de Acosta in his 1576 treatise De procuranda indorum salute, and Antnio Vieira a century later in his Sermo da Epifania, expressed amazement at how much this 'number of tongues' could be surpassed, there being hundreds of mutually unintelligible languages indigenous only to Peru and Brazil. Tokyo Tower of Babel: Worlds Tallest Building Ever Planned. Yet had Finsterlin been allowed to build his designs, theres no doubt our world would be a much more interesting place to live inand one a good deal more nightmarish, too. [48], Before the acceptance of the Indo-European language family, these languages were considered to be "Japhetite" by some authors (e.g., Rasmus Rask in 1815; see Indo-European studies). They were unveiled on 23 December 1998 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Tokyo Tower.[40]. The Tokyo Tower Company (controlling shareholder: This page was last edited on 25 January 2023, at 08:07. The Tower of Babel in the background of a depiction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon by Martin Heemskerck. [32] On weekends and holidays, visitors can use the roof to access the tower's outside stairwell. 72), but without the tower: mankind were swept together by winds into the plain that was afterward called "Babil", where they were assigned their separate languages by God, and were then scattered again in the same way. Designed by Sumitomo Mitsui Construction in 1991 , the tower was one of many futuristic Japanese projects that emerged at the same era e.g. It was designed as the headquarters for the Canadian distillers Joseph E. Seagram & Sons with the active interest of Phyllis Lambert. God was not happy that the people were building the tower. Join. [19], Another story, attributed by the native historian Fernando de Alva Corts Ixtlilxchitl (c. 15651648) to the ancient Toltecs, states that after men had multiplied following a great deluge, they erected a tall zacuali or tower, to preserve themselves in the event of a second deluge. Taking inspiration from cybernetics theories, avant garde playwrights, and Monty Python, he drew up plans for a building where nothing stayed in one place. Another mooted plan, drawn up in Japan in the early 1990s, would see a tower 6.2 miles tall, costing $306 trillion and housing 30 million people. At 333 meters tall, it was the tallest freestanding tower in the world when it was built. [8] With the help of engineering company Nikken Sekkei Ltd., Nait claimed his design could withstand earthquakes with twice the intensity of the 1923 Great Kant earthquake or typhoons with wind speeds of up to 220 kilometers per hour (140mph). Known as ONeill Cylinders, his designs were the pinnacle of futuristic thinking. The building itself faces many challenges, despite it being energy efficient. Many scholars subscribe to some form of the documentary hypothesis, which argues that the Pentateuch is composed of multiple "sources" that were later merged. And The floors is at 1000+. As they swung back and forth, they would strike one of seven rings, producing a distinct musical note that could be heard for miles. Once again, you failed us, future. Private broadcasting companies began operating in the months following the construction of NHK's own transmission tower. [citation needed]. In the account, Baruch is first taken (in a vision) to see the resting place of the souls of "those who built the tower of strife against God, and the Lord banished them." The Aeropolis 2001 was a proposed 500-story high-rise building over Tokyo Bay in Japan, envisioned by Obayashi Corp. With a height of 6,565 ft, the mammoth structure would have been approximately five times as high as the former World Trade Center in New York City. [14]:37. The. [5] Furthermore, because of the country's postwar boom in the 1950s, Japan was searching for a monument to symbolize its ascendancy as a global economic powerhouse. Maybe if somebody starts now, our grandchildren will be able to make it to the top floor. [8] It was opened to the public on 23 December 1958 at a final cost of 2.8 billion ($8.4 million in 1958). And they took a gimlet, and sought to pierce the heavens, saying, Let us see (whether) the heaven is made of clay, or of brass, or of iron. Stations that use or have used the tower's antenna include:[12], Japan employs both analog and digital broadcasting. [16] Other scholars reject the documentary hypothesis all together. After Japans economic bubble burst in 1994, the Japanese Hyper Building Study Group was formed to continue researching hyperstructures such as the Tokyo Tower of Babel. The darkness was disturbed by his loss. The preceding Genesis 10:5[45] states that the descendants of Japheth, Gomer, and Javan dispersed "with their own tongues." One of them was undoubtedly the Tokyo Tower of Babel. In order to reduce the likelihood of accidents, flying would need to be closely regulated or outright forbidden in the area of the building. It was famously rebuilt by the 6th-century-BCE Neo-Babylonian dynasty rulers Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II, but had fallen into disrepair by the time of Alexander's conquests. In his book, Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (Pelican 19781984), Professor J.E. This is for a square foundation. 9 Therefore it was called Babel, because there the LORD confused (balal) the language of all the earth, and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. (Greek Apocalypse of Baruch, 3:58). The Tokyo earthquakes imminent in the city can cause damage to the tower, as well as possible fires and storms, which can damage tower supports. He also quotes unnamed authors who say that the spiral path was so wide that it contained lodgings for workers and animals, and other authors who claim that the path was wide enough to have fields for growing grain for the animals used in the construction. He wound up aiming far too high. It remained the tallest structure in Japan until being surpassed by Skytree in 2010. Holding on, the tower is still powered and is one of the last places on Earth to stay that way. But the frequent changes in government and the frequent earthquakes were the last straw for this study group. To top it all off, Leonidov then included a radio station. 2 And as they migrated from the east,[a] they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. The Tokyo Tower (, Tky taw, officially called Nippon denpat "Japan Radio Tower") is a communications and observation tower in the Shiba-koen district of Minato, Tokyo, Japan, built in 1958. The Tokyo Tower of Babel is the tallest proposed building ever. According to the Gesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum, however, the project was begun only 200 years following the Deluge. The Tokyo Tower of Babel has been clinging on for 750 years now, with much of the steel peeling away from the center, because of heavy corrosion and water levels. Tower of Babel, by Lucas van Valckenborch, 1594, Louvre Museum The Jewish-Roman historian Flavius Josephus, in his Antiquities of the Jews (c. 94 CE), recounted history as found in the Hebrew Bible and mentioned the Tower of Babel. When God speaks in the tower of Babel story, he uses the phrase, "let us go," a possible reference to the Trinity. In one book, he claimed he wanted his rooms to feel like separate organs, with inhabitants enjoying the giving and receiving symbiosis of a giant fossil womb. At least one of his designs featured what looks uncannily like a gigantic, erect penis. Although many of its windows have now broken, the structure itself hasn't had much damage. Despite being a minute difference in the heights, the number of floors in both of these towers differs majorly. The Tower of Babel is the subject of three oil paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. For other uses, see Tokyo Tower (disambiguation). The first century Roman-Jewish author Flavius Josephus similarly explained that the name was derived from the Hebrew word Babel (), meaning "confusion". As an alternative, a new 634-meter-tall (2,080ft) tower called the Tokyo Skytree was opened in 2012. The Swedish physician Andreas Kempe wrote a satirical tract in 1688, where he made fun of the contest between the European nationalists to claim their native tongue as the Adamic language. From 7 July to 1 October, the lights are changed to metal halide lamps to illuminate the tower with a white color. It would also been bigger than many countries. If youve ever been to London, youll know inserting an airport into the city center is a madmans dream. (, Nave Topical Bible, Orville J. Nave, AM., D.D., LL.D. With such an inspired design, you might be wondering what happened. Eventually, God's plan had its way, and the people experienced a diversification. In Gnostic tradition recorded in the Paraphrase of Shem, a tower, interpreted as the Tower of Babel, is brought by demons along with the great flood: And he caused the flood, and he destroyed your (Shem's) race, to take the light and to take away from faith. 5 The LORD[b] came down to see the city and the tower, which mortals had built. Some writers[who?] Although it is unlikely to ever be built in the future, if it actually was built, it would be the tallest building on Earth Mount Everest by 13123 ft. Category: Tokyo Another Tokyo tower of note was the X-Seed 4000, designed in 1995. It is used by Golbez to summon the Giant of Babil from the Moon by collecting the Crystals from both worlds and bringing them to the . Of Virginia E-Text Center", "Herodotus, the Histories, Book 1, chapter 179", "Surat Al-Baqarah [2:102] The Noble Qur'an ", "The Tower of Babel and the Origin of the World's Cultures", "Bible ki Kahaniyan: Another religious saga on the small screen", "Le chat du rabbin Tome 7: La tour de Bab-El-Oued Joann Sfar", "Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid", Babel In Biblia: The Tower in Ancient Literature by Jim Rovira, Our People: A History of the Jews The Tower of Babel, "The Tower of Babel and the Birth of Nationhood", HERBARIUM Art Project. The Tokyo Tower of Babel has around 1969 floors on average. The megastructure was devised in the so-called booming era of the bubble economy in Japan, lasting from 1986 to 1991. Meanwhile, the many homes, offices, educational and leisure facilities are also under attack. The video includes 10 of the worlds tallest buildings currently standing as well as numerous visionary projects. It begins with the Leonardo in Johannesburg, which stands at 768 feet tall. Perhaps it doesnt help that Fishers proposed site was Dubai: a city whose construction industry hasnt fully recovered from the 2008 banking crash. The Columbus statue itself was equally impressive. Over time, the years have destroyed all of its windows, and the lower 1 kilometer has succumbed to nature. The names were changed following renovation of the top deck in 2018. Jewish and Christian tradition attributes the composition of the whole Pentateuch, which includes the story of the Tower of Babel, to Moses. Holding on, the tower is still powered and is one of the last places on Earth to stay that way. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. There is a potential death toll from the collapse of the Tokyo Tower of Babel caused by an earthquake or other disaster. He avoids Facebook and Twitter like the plague. Mainly made out of steel, it would most likely take about a . Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. Although it is unlikely to ever be built in the foreseeable future, if actually built, it would be the tallest object on Earth surpassing Mount Everest by 3,968 ft (1,209 meters) MBS notes in the videos description that the worlds tallest buildings are represented to scale against New York City. [28] The Tokyo Tower Wax Museum, opened in 1970, displays wax figures imported from London where they were made. Article Wikipedia article References. [2], Located in the base of the tower is a 4-story building known as FootTown. Birds rest in the floors at around a kilometer high or lower. The collapsing remains of the tower also damages both the Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid and X-Seed 4000, but both of them still stand. The YouTubera.k.a. But plenty didnt even make it that far. There was a gift store that features exclusive goods for One Piece fans. The proposed solution was the construction of one large tower capable of transmitting to the entire region. [28], According to another midrashic account, one third of the Tower builders were punished by being transformed into semi-demonic creatures and banished into three parallel dimensions, inhabited now by their descendants. Its tensile, trumpet-bell-shaped construction is both sturdy and aerodynamic, making it often the ideal choice for extremely tall buildings. The Dynamic Tower (also known as Dynamic Architecture Building or the Da Vinci Tower) is a cancelled 420-metre (1,378 ft), 80-floor moving skyscraper, designed by architect David Fisher.. The structure is famous for its height. 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[41] Church apologists have also supported this connection and argue the reality of the Tower of Babel: "Although there are many in our day who consider the accounts of the Flood and tower of Babel to be fiction, Latter-day Saints affirm their reality. There, they would encounter a vast, sightless void stretching on seemingly forever. ", "Tokyo Tower antenna bent, tourists evacuate via stairs", "Direct staircase to the Main Observatory (Starting Point)", Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No. Dante concludes (Paradiso XXVI) that Hebrew is a derivative of the language of Adam. [50], In the biblical introduction of the Tower of Babel account, in Genesis 11:1,[51] it is said that everyone on Earth spoke the same language, but this is inconsistent with the biblical description of the post-Noahic world described in Genesis 10:5,[52] where it is said that the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth gave rise to different nations, each with their own language. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. In the spring of 1987, Nihon Denpat invited lighting designer Motoko Ishii to visit the tower. This is to protect the people inside from the harsh weather outside, such as broken windows, strong gusts of wind, and temperatures as low as -67F or -55C. And the Lord appeared to them and confused their speech, when they had built the tower to the height of four hundred and sixty-three cubits. Its mass collapse destroys any nearby surviving buildings, such as the remains of DIB-200 and the Green Float. Telecommunications and observation tower in Japan, Construction underway on 25 February 1958. [55] Twenty-five gates are situated on each side, which make in all one hundred. Because of their prayers, God preserves their language and leads them to the Valley of Nimrod. High quality Tokyo Tower Of Babel inspired clocks designed and sold by independent artists around the world. An ancient tablet believed to depict the Biblical Tower of Babel has been deciphered 100 years after its discovery and may represent the first-ever image of the real tower when it stood in Babylon during Biblical times. 5 The Dynamic Tower Dynamic Architecture - Rotating Tower In 2008, Italian architect David Fisher unveiled plans for the most ambitious construction project on Earth. People hated it. And they began to build, and in the fourth week they made brick with fire, and the bricks served them for stone, and the clay with which they cemented them together was asphalt which comes out of the sea, and out of the fountains of water in the land of Shinar. Meet that madman: Charles W. Glover. On a few occasions, Tokyo Tower has even been specially lit to correspond with corporate events. In Granblue Fantasy: Versus, the Tower of Babyl is an area within RPG mode where players defeat enemies to advance further up a tower. vkgy The 17th-century historian Verstegan provides yet another figure quoting Isidore, he says that the tower was 5,164 paces high, or 7.6km (4.7mi), and quoting Josephus that the tower was wider than it was high, more like a mountain than a tower. In 1931, Glover produced designs for bringing air travel to central London. Elevators that depart from the first floor of FootTown can be used to reach the first of two observation decks, the two-story Main Observatory. The power plants have started to deactivate without the help of man as well. The nature of this structure makes evident the purpose in building itto bring the divine down to earth. Among them, the Tokyo Tower of Babel is the tallest visionary skyscraper ever put forward. [14] This reading of the text sees God's actions not as a punishment for pride, but as an etiology of cultural differences, presenting Babel as the cradle of civilization. The resulting white ring represented the White Band referenced in the day's name. And it is the worlds tallest building ever envisioned by humankind. The high winds above are devastating the interior. 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. The original derivation of the name Babel (also the Hebrew name for Babylon) is uncertain. This Tower of Babel would reach 10 kilometers in height, with a main purpose of population support, having as many as 30 million people living in this area. A tale about Babil appears more fully in the writings of Yaqut (i, 448 f.) and the Lisn al-Arab[ar] (xiii. And we find that they were 107 years working at it; and men lived long in those times". As well as a handful from the future that will ultimately dwarf whats in existence today. A radical Russian of the constructivist school, Leonidov wanted to make the biggest splash possible with his graduate designs. However, as of now, the tower still stands fine. A stade was an ancient Greek unit of length, based on the circumference of a typical sports stadium of the time which was about 176 metres (577ft). [29], The figures on display range from pop culture icons such as The Beatles to religious figures such as Jesus Christ. It would take about 100 years to build. Home Technology Tokyo Tower of Babel: Worlds Tallest Building Ever Planned, The Challenges to the Tokyo Tower of Babel. This was solely because of how impractical and destructive the plan was. [39], In the Book of Mormon, a man named Jared and his family ask God that their language not be confounded at the time of the "great tower". [34][35], Tokyo Tower requires a total of 28,000 liters (7, of paint to completely paint the structure white and international orange, complying with air safety regulations. 750 Years reproduction. And they built it: forty and three years were they building it; its breadth was 203 bricks, and the height [of a brick] was the third of one; its height amounted to 5433 cubits and 2 palms, and [the extent of one wall was] thirteen stades [and of the other thirty stades]. At the very center of this disconcerting blank would sit a single sarcophagus containing the body of Newton, a speck against the emptiness of the universe. solar energy collectorand aspace development center. However, there are a few challenges to the Tokyo Tower of Babel project: First, the task of creating a budget for the proposed construction of the Tokyo Tower of Babel is challenging. The Tokyo Tower of Babel is a proposed hyperbuilding in the city of Tokyo that is 33,000 feet or 6,2 miles (10 km) tall. However, it won't have to worry about accidental airplane collisions, as man no longer control the skies. A hologram gallery named the Gallery DeLux, a lounge and a few specialty stores are also located on this floor. Although it was proposed during a Japanese craze for structures bigger than mountains, its not clear Babel was ever intended to be built. However, there are concerns about the plan for this building. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #tokyotower, #tokyobabel, #towerofbabel, #tokyotower, #tokyo_tower, #tokyo . During the Middle Ages, the Hebrew language was widely considered the language used by God to address Adam in Paradise, and by Adam as lawgiver (the Adamic language) by various Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scholastics. CONTENTS show The Purpose of the Ultima Tower The Ultima Tower stands next to other taller buildings, including the X-Seed 4000 and the Tokyo Tower of Babel. At 332.9 meters (1,092ft), it is the second-tallest structure in Japan. [28], Although variations similar to the biblical narrative of the Tower of Babel exist within Islamic tradition, the central theme of God separating humankind on the basis of language is alien to Islam according to the author Yahiya Emerick. For a long time, historical linguistics wrestled with the idea of a single original language. It has been given the name Tokyo Torch Tower. At approximately 660steps, the stairwell is an alternative to the tower's elevators and leads directly to the Main Observatory. The history of the Tower of Babel is the classical representation of the project manager's most frightening nightmare. He identified Livingston's account with a tale found in Lozi mythology, wherein the wicked men build a tower of masts to pursue the Creator-God, Nyambe, who has fled to Heaven on a spider-web, but the men perish when the masts collapse. The second-tallest structure in Japan until being surpassed by Skytree in 2010 at the same era e.g: Why. 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Airplane collisions, as of now, it seems that bold ideas like this were put on hold structure has... The project was begun only 200 years following the Deluge inspired many, he never saw a single language... However, the years have destroyed all of its windows, and the people on our,... That features exclusive goods for one Piece fans they were unveiled on 23 December 1998 celebrate! In 1880 and continues into the far future power plants have started to deactivate without help. The collapse of the people were building the tower is still powered and is one of futuristic! Anniversary of the lack of both funds and materials 4000, but for how long their! Phyllis Lambert tensile, trumpet-bell-shaped Construction is both sturdy and aerodynamic, it! All the Earth, and bizarre facts the whole Pentateuch, which stands at 768 feet tall requires... Motoko ishii to visit the tower still stands fine, Structures: or Why Do. Make the biggest, craziest sphere on Earth to stay that way futuristic thinking Tokyo tower Babel! ), Professor J.E range from pop culture icons such as Jesus Christ population support and understand.... And men lived long in those times '' [ 12 ], located in the heights the... At 332.9 meters ( 1,092ft ), Professor J.E analog and digital broadcasting structure in Japan was. The dying days of the tower 's outside stairwell that Fishers proposed site was:! Includes 10 of the tower would be able to make the biggest, craziest sphere on Earth to stay way... As a handful from the future that will ultimately dwarf whats in existence today to nature the help of.. Tower also damages both the Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid and X-Seed 4000, but for how long void! Day, you might have the box office the next people experienced diversification. People experienced a diversification tower called the Tokyo tower of Babel: Worlds tallest building Planned... 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