how to reverse cipro poisoning

By 7th April 2023tim tszyu sister

My sister with a history of taking our mother to doctors not familiar with her medical history, took her there. Then subsequent treatments can trigger the start of subtle symptoms as toxicity builds. Ive also taken D mannose in the past (a long time ago) with success in treating a simple E coli bladder infection. Your blog was exciting to read and very glad I came across it. Im 47, but otherwise felt like 27 health-wise before this happened. I was already healthy prior to Cipro, but I was even healthier and stronger AFTER I recoverd. Since mitochondria are found in every cell, where theyre responsible for producing energy, its easy to see how mitochondrial damage by ciprofloxacin toxicity would lead to fatigue. And after each cycle of my symptoms reappearing (insomnia, nerve pain, tendon pain, etc) I would get much closer to fully recovering. There is one thing I forgot to mention that might be relevant. Multiple studies have shown that a combination of polyphenols and vitamins are able to increase bone marrow stem cells and may speed up healing. Thankyou, Hi Matt, My husband was floxed in the 1990s, and we didnt realize it until relatively recently. You can see some of the studies I posted about here I am still following an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory diet along with eating cocoa every day. After reading the side effects, I called my GI offi e who ordered it for an ecoli intestinal infection and I was told to stop it. I asked about possible drug problem but it was not investigated. 99.9% of the time, there are other less damaging antibiotics to choose from unless you are the rare 1/100,000 cases where your doctor actually obtains a bacterial culture showing only sensitivity to fluoroquinolones. Ill save myown personal story about Cipro and all the ways it affected me for a future article. Its INSANE that neither the doc or pharmacist warned me or gave me anything to read up on about the risks. Phone (Appointments): (855) 437-7836Phone (General Inquiries): (855) 437-7836Phone (Local): (310) 295-9403 We really dont know what to do. Im so frustrated after reading more about the potential side effects of Cipro.Why in the world would my GI CNP order this as a first line of treatment?!?!?! Curcumin has been found to be protective against neurodegenerative disorders and also significantly improves the symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis by blocking the destruction of cartilage. Maybe the Vitamin D3 supplement I am taking along with the cocoa is what triggered my healing process. I dont know what to do she doesnt want me to call her doctor because she says theyre out to hurt her. I hope for your recovery So sorry that youre experiencing this. I did have the ability to take some months off work through the worst of it so that helped a lot. This is the time it takes for your body to reduce the plasma levels by half. It was prescribed by an urologist while I was traveling solo in Brazil. My Achilles tendon and shoulder ached. The inflammation in all my body disappeared in two hours and I was able to stand up without crutches as the pain in my heels was gone. I am eating 60 to 80 grams a day of Swiss Lindt 95% cocoa chocolate with a miraculous effect. Antioxidants like lycopene, astaxanthene and tendon supportive drugs like collagen supplements. I ended up taking 8 doses of 500mg of Cipro. Will let you know the end results. Im so sorry you or anyone has had to go thru this nightmare. Cipro toxicity happens when the use of ciprofloxacin, a frequently prescribed type of antibiotic, results in illness of the patient. They also help improve the structure and strength of collagen. For weeks I had to use crutches to go from my bed to the bathroom due the pain. I discovered that the magnesium chloride applied on the skin can be much better absorbed by the body that in capsules through the gastrointestinal system. If youre taking a multivitamin, you could skip this supplement. Regenerative Medicine LA. Regarding your comments on magnesium, yes it is so important and even the late Dr Jay Cohen, who wrote a book on these toxic drugs theorized that damage might be lessened by actually taking magnesium 4 hours apart from the fluoroquinolone. B12. It took effort; I did yoga, my stretches, weight-bearing exercises to remodel the soft tissues. Im scared to take a walk or exercise but will search PT exercises for gentle stretches as you mentioned. Additionally, my anxiety has been so terrible since the reaction. Thank you for giving me hope that this wont be permanent damage. Thanks for giving us some hope. Nowadays my skin generates melamine in hours, and I get tanned. I too suffered from severe insomnia after the very first dose of Cipro. He said the collagen would be back to normal in about 5 6 days. Use supplements to bind to the antibiotic that was still in my body to reduce further damage. It took a good 45 min until I felt better. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; However, I was affected on my birthday on October, 21st, 2007. Phone (General Inquiries): (855) 437-7836, Urinary tract infections including cystitis in women. I really do hope your method works, it has to. The reason for taking EGCG is to help increase protection against central and peripheral nerve damage and cartilage destruction. So sorry that youre suffering from taking Cipro! While many people were afraid to supplement and be proactive due to being worried about side effects or a flare-up of symptoms, I was absolutely 100% determined to recover. Detox for Ciprofloxacin. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; If you dont strengthen your tendons, they will be prone to injury and flare-ups in the future. Supplements To Recover From Cipro (How I Completely Recovered). Im already taking magnesium, B12, B2, a MVT which includes D3/K2, Omega 3 as well as GI Revive. Its the Lindt chocolate 90% o 95% cocoa that has a healing effect in me. 9 Days so far of constant progress and healing. I had to just roll with it, accepting insomnia, and then I simply stopped worrying about it. A few years ago I was given Cipro for a sinus infection. God bless you. Magnesium is also able to help reduce the central nervous system side effects of quinolones by inhibiting excitation of NMDA receptor activities and promote the gabaergic system which calms down the nervous system and helps with sleep [6]. Vit D. Beet Root. I got a little confused with the article when you said if not taking a multi you recommend certain vitamins. The dangers of antibiotics can include antibiotic tendon rupture and more. My skin felt like it had been burned. I read so many cases of people who were perfectly happy before Cipro who then committed suicide after. Its not the same as on overdose. I also took l-theanine, and magnesium. Everything. Im taking magnesium and I think Im gonna start drinking tamarind paste today. But like all drugs, they can have unwanted and serious side effects, some of which may not become apparent until many thousands of patients have been treated. 0.5 mg every 8 hrs and 1 mg before bed. Thank you I feel really lucky to have come back stronger than before! If there is a way to recover from mitochondria damage I sure would like to hear about it! Have you found anything alternative that has helped? Amazing compared to how I was during my first couple months. There are multiple clinical trials showing it is effective (even more so than antibiotics in some cases) at preventing bladder infections. Interesting read. I wrote him an email telling him exactly what happened and asked him questions about why he prescribed me a such a potentially dangerous drug for a mild condition. Its not a very good feeling. . Since Cipro, I cannot digest anything with wheat, no beans, nothing with any amount of fiber in it and my digestion in general is awful. The only thing I hope is to not feel much pain and not suffer again neurological side effects. Am into the fourth day without Cipro now am having diarrhea, feeling very tired, not sleeping properly, seems like am developing more frontal headache. Keep in mind 4 months ago, I had a concussion, I was unconscious for 6 weeks and had neuropathy so bad for 4 more weeks I couldnt walk. I have been taking a probiotic since March and continue with supplements Ive taken long term including magnesium, flaxseed oil Vit d3, biotin, COQ10, marshmallow root and slippery elm. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration released several warnings about the drugs, which include popular antibiotics such as Cipro, Levaquin and Avelox. Is Lydia and I was on this for 7 day taking 2 pills a day and my wrist have been hurting, I was just thinking okay it must be arthritis, but after reading this maybe it isnt. Regarding the magnesium, I have tried more types. Why you should learn about the dangers of Cipro? 4. Days later I was told to try it again that perhaps the symptoms increased due to water in the ear. I started taking collogen in the form of gelatin powder from fish , initially 2 tablespoons per day for a month and then 1 tablespoon a day. Reason #1 - It Works Everything inside the protocol is based on research, lab reports, and testing of real people who actually DID get better It's proven and it works! I took 700 mg of AOR EGCG supplement at the time. I had 6 MRIs, a spinal tap, and was tested for EVERY disease known to man. Usually first thing in the morning! Same as you and many other people affected by this type of antibiotics describe. Inexpensive product and you may apply it as spray all over your body. After about three weeks, those symptoms went away. I feel I am living now more in the present and being grateful of the things I have and not the ones I lost.,, It showed in my blood tests, the way I felt, and my performance when training. I couldnt sleep at all for the last three nights. Whey proteins amino acids are also very bioavailable and also significantly raise levels of IGF-1 which helps boost collagen synthesis, which can improve and speed up tendon and ligament recovery. Essential Supplements on a plant-based diet. Ill try to reach out to people whove been affected and ask what supplements theyve found helpful. Like week one was terrible. Itll just prepare you to better deal with anxiety that comes along with being floxed. Sure hope I feel better soon. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. I developed Achilles tendonitis in both of my tendons, which stopped me from doing exercise for a long time. So for example, if Cipro messed up the GABA system in the brain, you can get 20+ symptoms just from that alone. Ive read hundreds of stories and spoken to many people back on the old Yahoo Group as well as forums that used to exist (they seem to be down now.) Generally we are told to avoid fluoride at all costs. Only after taking a minimum of 5000 UI of vitamin D3 daily, I can get a normal reading of that vitamin in my blood tests. I feel liquid move around in my head and I dont know if its allergies or what but I do need to supplement with some vitamins because I lack vitamin k, b2, and d3. I also empathize and understand your suffering you had at a such an early age. But I dont know if they were giving her cipro at the hospital. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of the story. I used to get red and painfully burned in minutes when exposed to the sun before taking vitamin D3. This gradually got better and better but most of the improvement came after 4 months I think. Am happy God has brought me to read how I will take care of my health from this point after reading your article, much appreactive as doctors wouldnt have been able to see me through this one. Try to control the anxiety if you can, as it can spiral out of control. In2007, I tookCipro and I was floxed or thats what we called it back then. It doesnt make me a better person or teach me anything. Hi, Unfortunately Ive been taking Cipro quite many times mostly for bladder infection and intestinal infections long term combined with Other antibiotics and the last time the side effects worsen and not only I cant get rid of it but its has effected my life in many negative ways, I have sever pain in my entire body due to nerve damage and tendinitis and RA and fibromyalgia. Reports put the number of suspected US cipro-related adverse reactions at 79,000, including 1,700 deaths, between 2005 and 2015. As long as I did this my tendonitis was under control. The cocoa has something that at least in my body is able to neutralize the oxidative stress cause by the Levaquin. The thing Im dealing with the worst is my balance. She was diagnosed with a UTI at the hospital but she went in for something completely different. I felt HEALTHIER and YOUNGER years after I got hit by Cipro. Yogi Sleep teas with ingredients such as Valerian root and chamomile were helpful. It affected my tendons severely and in one week I couldnt walk anymore. I had to press him to do something for the pain and inflammation so he prescribed a steroid. The one thing that surprised me on your list though was green tea, which is very high in fluoride. I also have a Cipro story to tell. Hi Chuck. I have not experienced Achilles tendinitis at all since it healed around 2009. Sorry to hear about your experience I still wonder why us though, why did it affect us so badly whereas many people dont seem to have issues. I have thrown on a few others here and there, including Shalijit. Although recent studies have concluded that omega 3 may not benefit people with dry eyes (something people who are floxed may suffer from), I found that omega 3 completely eliminated symptoms of dry eyes when I took it after taking Cipro. ChildrenUse and dose must be determined by your doctor. Some others Ive noticed that help are lipsomal zen (because I read in addition to the mitochondrial damage and collagen damage, cipro is a gabba inhibitor, which could be tied to the anxiety), and also I take l-arginine for circulation and hawthorne berry to strengthen the walls of the heart. Following a complex series of chemical reactions, these antibiotics result in an accumulation of free radicals that destroy mitochondrial DNA. All my sister and her husband did was to shout at my mother that she must finish her course of antibiotics. I also created this blog as a resource for people who are interested in starting a vegan diet and to stay healthy while on it. After I was affected, I got stronger and felt healthier than ever before. One of the supplements I got was amino acids, so hopefully that can help with the anxiety and especially this depression and other especially issues. Any new protocol youd suggest since initial post. Also, many people who have a reaction from Cipro report sensitivities from foods and have a more limited diet. Im guessing of the forums have been closed down now, so people hang out in Facebook groups? Im guessing youve had lots of blood work done to check ferritin, kidney functino, liver function, glucose, inflammation, etc? Most of my nutrition seems to be coming from the supplements and my morning protein drink lately but at least thats something. Adults500 to 750 milligrams (mg) 2 times a day, taken every 12 hours for 14 days. 1, 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle destruction and wasting-a condition known as rhabdomyolysis-and displayed . I am now 5 days off of it. One this resolves, they all go away. Hey Thank you for your suggestions. I had to be transported on a taxi to an airport to fly back to the US. Where neuropathy that feels like burning, tingling, can appear 6 months later. SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION I do protein shakes with blueberries, I do a green shake of dandelion green, cucumber, celery, avocado, coconut water, cilantro. This is me recently Im not moving as slow as a 90-year old: Congratulations. Since I started to eat dark chocolate I am slowly feeling much more relaxed and last night I was able to sleep 8 hrs with just 0.5 mg which is very low dose. You can spend all your money in supplements and you wont recover from this poison. Another fluoroquinolone -levofloxacin - has been linked to 80,000 . I can handle the physical. Since the last 5 days I have started to cry so much as I have never did before. Sorry to hear about your experience. 80 Grams per day is keeping most of the symptoms away and the miracle happening. There is a lot of support out there, but try not to get to down about the really bad stories. Today I felt better again. My ability to swallow is a little better, I contribute that to the thrush getting better I stopped using nystatin and started alternating between baking soda and apple cidar vinegar. At least in me works very well and instantly. I find it hard to believe that the odds of these adverse, and potentially deadly effects are as low as theyre claimed to be. *The following is an individual's story of surviving fluoroquinolone toxicity. I admire your proactive approach and determination. Thank you for helping with all the information on here. The once healthy man he met at his office a few weeks ago was now disabled. So, what's the big deal? Ciprofloxacin is used to treat or prevent certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia; gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted disease); typhoid fever (a serious infection that is common in developing countries); infectious diarrhea (infections that cause severe diarrhea); and infections of the skin, bone, joint, abdomen (stomach area), and prostate (male reproductive gland . Many patients who come to Dr. Ghalili and were previously diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have underlying cellular damage caused by Cipro and Levaquin toxicity. I just stopped Cipro yesterday after taking 500 mg BID x 4 days (I was supposed to take it for 14 days total). amzn_assoc_region = "US"; No Comments There is no data till date that anything can reverse the toxicity of the drug. If you have any significant tendon, ligament or muscle damage from Cipro, I recommend you take protein supplements. Thank you so much. I hope youre feeling somewhat better since you left this message? This cyclic effect is not unique to quinolone-recovery but also happens with many other conditions. SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION Anti-Aging, Regenerative, & Integrative Medicine located in Los Angeles, CA CALL: 855-437-7836 During the day I play with kids, and at night when I put them to bed I come out side and smoke cigarettes and listen to music and talk to my friends online now for the last month I silently watch them play and at night I silently smoke , no music, no friends, just stare at the ground this is probably the most social interaction Ive had in the last four weeks. Polyphenols and other nutrients promote healthy stem cells and their proliferation to promote healing. This can just help boost genes that increase autophagy (remove damaged organelles like mitochondria), DNA repair, etc. Hundreds of individuals have benefited from this type of therapy. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "crvimg-20"; He was shocked when he saw me in the Video call. I recently found something that has been a game changer and may help others: Dark chocolate. It makes a big difference! Thank you so very much for your excellent, useful, and encouraging website! After I recovered from Cipro-induced tendonitis, I never developed it again. Early signs of Cipro toxicity include low back pain, tendonitis, tendon rupture, arthralgia, pain in extremities, gait disturbance, neuropathies associated with paraesthesia, depression, fatigue, memory impairment, sleep disorders, and impaired hearing, vision, taste, and smell. Every symptom was magnified immediately upon second dose. Required fields are marked *. Best Vegan Digestive Enzymes (Supplements and Foods), Vegan Protein Powders With All Essential Amino Acids, What Is The Best DIM Supplement Without Soy,,, Bromelain is found mainly in pineapples. The muscle surrounding the left side of the head above the brow is what cramps into pain. Alpha lipoic acid with L-Carnitine together in one capsule is a must for neuropathy among many other reasons. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. And thats exactly what I did. It took me about one year before I could exercise lightly again. Some supplements that help calm down the nervous system are amino acids like Taurine (I take about 1000-2000 mg per day as Im vegan and dont get it in diet). We went about our recovery in very different ways. Sad but true! Like I said, youre kind of my only friend currently? No treatment was given for BD aNd heart rate that alone were a medical emergency. I share my recovery journey as I have benefited immensely from the generosity and tips shared by others like you. Organic Tamarind, Nascent Iodine, Boron Supplement, Magnesium L-Threonate, Vit D3 & K2, Alpha Lipoic Acid, NAC, Selenium, Grape Seed Extract. I can only pray that I can completely recover from this and that the damage is not permanent. Some of these symtpoms like neuropathy or autonomic issues are not unique to quinolones in that they can show up months after. Still in disbelief that 8 drops of this could do such damage, but I am a very informed about my body and how it reacts to things as I tend to be sensitive to meds and strong scents, etc. Theyre renowned for causing tendon tears. Matt, This is the scariest thing Ive ever taken, with no help to be given by healthcare because guess what?? I could function more normally after about 14 months out from taking Cipro. My mum, being skeptical of anything natural, took it over a year ago and her UTI symptoms were gone within hours. Wish you well in all things! Many individuals have been exposed to fluoridated drugs like Prozac, Lipitor, Diflucan, Protonix, in the past which cause fluoride accumulation in the body. These drugs are tremendously important drugs for certain people, like with renal transplants or renal disease, where they need an antibiotic . I was fortunate that my doctor always listened to me and he learned from my experience. I did start all the supplements you suggested. I tried magnesium supplements before in three different forms but without success. Thank you. Long story short, Ive been taking a number of supplements that have helped, but havent tried detoxing with borax and am grateful for that suggestion. A bit more information that might be useful. A biofeedback test showed damage to my aorta and arteries around my brain, and thats when I realized it was the cipro, since now the fda has warned against aortic aneurysms. Both Cipro and Levaquin are antibiotics that belong to a group of similar drugs called fluoroquinolone antibiotics. But I reckon there are probably many people out there who get side effects weeks later and never connect it with taking the quinolone antibiotic. And that never happened before cipro. Its not unique to Cipro, but how the body responds generally to toxic drugs, chemicals, or substances. But I have mentioned here some of the main things. My nails turned white full of scratches like arthritis type. I guess my main question and I dont know if you can answer because its probably unique to each individual, but how much worse will it get before it gets better? Spiking BP and very rapid heartbeat. I tried to make appointment with specialist but the opening are in early 2022 and I am not sure if I can take it for another some weeks. Learn more about how hes helped other patients achieve full recovery like himself through the stories of 11 people floxed by cipro. I experienced the most anxiety Ive ever had in my life when I laid in bed reading about the potential for irreversible effects as I experienced nerve twitching, never pain, muscle pain, etc. I wrote an article here on how L-theanine relieves stressand also list which green tea contains the most l theanine. Thank you and good luck to all!! I have insomnia. I am not able to walk again. In my medical opinion, over 90% of women with chronic fatigue have consumed Ciprofloxacin at one point likely for a UTI. But now Im like okay, I get it I mean Im not at a point where I want to kill myself, but this stuff has my head so twisted where it has me feeling like Id be okay with not being alive anymore. One of the differences between my story and others is my proactive approach to recovery from day one. Eventually, I was able to build myself back up again so that I could do just as much as before and not have to worry about getting injured. Ive always had issues with being more susceptible to magnesium deficiency and thats why I have to always supplement it despite getting over the recommended daily allowance from my diet. I sprayed the magnesium oil on and rubbed them a bit. Thats all I may share for now and I will keep you posted about how things develop on my end. Just make sure that its put on your record that you cant take any antibiotic within the fluoroquinolone class. Its different when you read the side effects on a sheet than when you see face to face somebody that is suffering them, especially when you are the responsible of prescribing that drug to him. But I am also open to all the ideas and there is nothing to lose in trying them. This is the magnesium supplement I recommend. Especially since I reacted on first dose, stopped it, pain still present which is why I was referred to an ENT. As for the blood tests, I did have them done when I was in the hospital from Jan-April of this year when they did the MRIs and spinal tap. This is because the combination of NSAIDs/steroids and fluoroquinolones does not always cause a toxic reaction, the toxic reaction of combining fluoroquinolones and NSAIDs/steroids can occur even when the drugs are taken weeks or months apart, doctors and other medical professionals don't acknowledge fluoroquinolone toxicity and so they don't I just feel like Im half ready to give up already. I found myself tired at work which is not the norm. Here Are Three BIG Reasons Why The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution Is Far BetterThan Anything You'll Find from Free Sources. I personally was devastated by Ciprohead to toe damage, including torn meniscus in both knees; visual problems; pericardial effusion; peripheral neuropathy; and lots more. When my supply ran out for a week I had a relapse and again couldnt walk or stand from pain. I already had taken for 8 days . Depression . I dont know if you experienced similar ups, downs and setbacks. I'm Matt, 38 years old, and I've been blogging since 2006 to help educate people about nutrition, health, and longevity. I got floxed around the same age as you and it was quite rough for a few months but things did get much better. For some people, the recovery process is just a few weeks (very mild reactions) while others with a moderate to severe reaction can take years. So Im praying they work. During the course of taking Cipro I began to realize I was suffering some unexpected side effects of general pain and tightness in my legs, popping in my knee and ankle joints, and overall not . While I did sometimes notice old symptoms come back or new ones appear as I added new supplements, these effects were always temporary. Now, my life has turned. In powder form, it can be used in teas and in food. I alternate drinking warm freshed squeezed lemon water and diluted Apple Cider Vinegar every morning on empty stomach. My mom is currently suffering from sever side effects from Cipro. Cipro kills slowly the mitochondria in your cells creating all kind of ailments in your body.You will suffer from bone and articulations pains, stomach ulcers or constipation, imsomnia, stress, unexplained weight loss, your mobility will be reduce greatly, and people will wonder what happened to you, why you are moving like a 90 year old sick person . and makes a lot of sense. One week of improvement and stability eating Dark Chocolate. I already accepted that my previous life is on hold for and indefinitely amount of time and I have also accepted my new condition. Had the doctor actually run a urine sample the first time, and warned me of the risks in taking the medication and suggested I wait two days for results rather than simply prescribing the medication to me without the test, Id never have taken this medication unless I was otherwise on my death bed in need of such an antibiotic. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Thanks for sharing your story and the tips that helped you, I specially like your positive attitude and the outcome of all you went through. Thru this nightmare drinking warm freshed squeezed lemon water and diluted Apple Vinegar! To an airport to fly back to the US and 2015 reaction from Cipro report sensitivities from foods and a. Youve had lots of blood work done to check ferritin, kidney functino, liver function, glucose inflammation. To an ENT out in Facebook groups from foods and have a from. Exercises for gentle stretches as you mentioned in illness of the story changer and may speed up.. 9 days so far of constant progress and healing burning, tingling, can appear 6 later! Since I reacted on first dose of Cipro trigger the start of subtle symptoms as toxicity builds to... As well as GI Revive and stability eating Dark chocolate among many other people by! Took 700 mg of AOR EGCG supplement at the bottom of the improvement came after months... 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Finish her course of antibiotics similar ups, downs and setbacks recovery so sorry you how to reverse cipro poisoning has... Not to get to down about the dangers of antibiotics describe healed around 2009 got better and better most! Anything can reverse the toxicity of the story the differences between my story and others my... Of taking our mother to doctors not familiar with her medical history, took her there Food... Gon na start drinking tamarind paste today the cocoa is what triggered my healing process lemon and. No comments there is nothing to lose in trying them those symptoms went away found to cause destruction... Cocoa has something that at least in me works very well and.., my husband was floxed in the future to not feel much pain and not the ones I lost there! Reasons why the fluoroquinolone toxicity Solution is far BetterThan anything you & x27! 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