On 22 October 1939, Congress ministries tendered their resignations. In Bombay, the Government also took steps to. But, within the narrow limits of their powers, and the time available to them (their tenure lasted only two years and four months), they did try to introduce some reforms, take some ameliorative measures, and make some improvement in the condition of the people to give the people a glimpse of the future Swaraj. [8] Most of the 26 seats the Congress captured were in NWFP, Madras and Bihar. The Congress Ministries paid a lot of attention to. Congress willing to support Muslims, Congress agreed to extra seats, gave Muslims more seats than population, Congress agreed to no law affecting the community being passed until 3 quarters supported it showing support for minorities, Council of princely states that was purely advisory/A talking shop, Viceroy could change laws for the safety of the Indians, this could be exploited and gave less power, System of Diarchy laws made by Indians in transferred subjects could be amended or removed, Number of voters increased but still low -2%- because of high property qualification. Another dilemma of Congress leadership was visible regarding. Why fibrous material has only one falling period in drying curve? spyware.
[19] The party offered the Muslim League a role in government if it merged itself into the Congress Party. Reasons responsible for the failure of the All India Muslim League in the elections were as follows: One of the reasons for the poor performance of the league in the elections was its image as a political party of the upper-class Muslims. The Muslim League is considered to be a weak party during the 1930s but actually it had started successfully engaging the regional elements in the Muslim politics during this time. Hindu Muslim clashes in Calcutta during this day, resulted in 4000 people losing their lives, British realized that these two communities could not live together peacefully. The Governor called upon Sir Muhammad Sadulla, ex-Judicial Member of Assam and Leader of the Assam Valley Muslim Party to form the ministry. The election had not been a success for the muslin league. While Muslim estrangement from the Congress was indeed evident during the Civil Disobedience movement, the success of the Muslim Unity Board comprised of Nationalist Muslims closely aligned to the Congress Swarajists in the 1934 The police opened fire, killing two and injuring over seventy. The Congress ministries resigned in October and November 1939, in protest against Viceroy Lord Linlithgow's action of declaring India to be a belligerent in the Second World War without consulting the Indian people. Forthcoming Bank of India P.Os Exam? However, with the election approaching, they could hardly ignore the organisational bases created by the provincial kisan sabhas, and. Hindus voted for Congress/Independence, Muslims voted for League/Pakistan creation. Do you get more time for selling weed it in your home or outside? In November 1938, the Governments passed the. He wanted reliance to be placed on the political education of the masses against the use of violence. The Congress formed governments in United provinces, Bihar, the Central Provinces, Bombay and Madras.
Sultan of Turkey dethroned, immense figure in Muslim world. They thought that they could live peacefully under Congress rule so many of the muslims casted there votes in favour of the Congress, It was there first major elections and had no idea how to fight or to campaign .. Jinnah supported British (important for Pakistan), Gandhi wanted subjects like Defence and Foreign Affairs to be under control of central government. After result Unionist Party under the leadership of Sikandar Hayat Khan formed the Government. This was easy because the Congress was an open party which anybody could join. Have some awesome study resources for CAIEs? The Congress Ministries had, therefore, to act rapidly and achieve as much as possible in the short time available to them. There was all around increased civil liberty and many legislations regarding land reform, industry reform, social reform etc. In contrast, Indian National Congress won almost the majority of seats of both Hindus and Muslims and formed its government in the provinces. The Congress ministries resigned in October and November 1939, in protest against Viceroy Lord Linlithgow's action of declaring India to be a belligerent in the Second World War without consulting the elected representatives of the Indian peoples. This marked shift in Congress ideology and policy towards industrial relations dispelled capitalist fear and brought about a rapprochement between the two.
what will be asked in Descriptive Paper? Comment. Introduced to counter nationalism. However, it was able to draw on the support of some small pro-Congress groups to form a working majority. The exceptions were Bengal, where the Congress was nevertheless the largest party, Punjab, Sindh, and Assam. Another reason cited by pro-league circles was the poverty and illiteracy among Muslims as dominant phenomena. The Act provided for a limited adult franchise based on property qualifications such as land ownership and rent, and therefore favored landholders and richer farmers in rural areas. It performed a little better in Bengal, capturing 39 of the 117 seats for Muslims, but could not form a government. He, therefore, advised giving up of offices and starting preparations for another phase of Satyagraha. Your email address will not be published. [7], The 1937 elections demonstrated that neither the Muslim League nor the Congress represented Muslims. "Congress-Muslim League tussle 1937-40: a critical analysis", Aakar Books, 2003, pp 90, 1937 Madras Presidency legislative assembly election, Madras Presidency legislative council election, 1937, Role of Sir Abdullah Haroon in Politics of Sindh (18721942), Schwartzberg Atlas - Digital South Asia Library, "Lecture by Prof. Stanley Wolpert: Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's Legacy to Pakistan", "Appeal for the observance of Deliverance Day, issued from Bombay, on 2nd December, 1939", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1937_Indian_provincial_elections&oldid=1146429777, Provincial Assembly elections in British India, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2017, Articles with failed verification from August 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 March 2023, at 20:50. Q.STARTING WITH THE EARLIEST, ARRANGE THESE FILMS DIRECTED BY
The Sind United Party emerged the leader with 22 seats, and the Congress secured 8 seats. In U.P., Kanpur was the seat of serious labour unrest as the workers expected active support from the popularly elected Government. The reason was that an accession of a specific number of Indian states to the federation was a The time constraint became even more apparent as war clouds gathered in Europe from 1938 onwards. and if why then how? Jinnahs importance to the Pakistan Movement: Jinnah declared the QIM black mail, felt that Congress tried to exploit poor conditions of British in WW2. But his angle of vision was very different from that of the Communists.
Jinnah wanted this in provinces, Gandhi wanted Congress and League to work for general Independence first, Gandhi rejected the two nation theory, believed that all Indians were one nation, but this was basis for Pakistan Movement, Gandhi said that of 6 declared provinces, only 3 could be made part of Pakistan since they were >Muslim majority, Punjab, Bengal and Assam should be communally divided as they were partially Muslim. It also demonstrated the provincial moorings of Muslim politics. Consequently, it could not run an effective campaign in its favor. In Madras, too, the Government promoted the policy of internal settlement of labour disputes through government sponsored conciliation and arbitration proceedings. How did the Varnashrama Dharma manifest the increasing social complexities in the Gupta and post-Gupta period arising from social and economic developments? Gandhi suggested that Congress and Muslim League work together, and Partition after Independence, but Jinnah was too clever to agree to this. What are the names of God in various Kenyan tribes? Only 46 delegates came. difference between sensex and nifty. Congress won absolute majorities in five provinces and was the largest single party in four others. Some Muslim Leaders thought that Indian Muslims would also be punished through reforms, etc. On the other hand, the Congress was much organized, well-structured, and widespread political party. This new anti-labour mood was visible in other provinces too, where. Thus inspired Indian Muslims with Muslim Homeland goal. Agrarian legislation by these Ministries differed from province to province depending on, the class composition and the outlook of the provincial Congress organization and. Nehru even went so far as to claim it to be a part of our freedom movement. setting up popular organs of authority in form of. What can you do for us that someone else can't? [13], The Sind Legislative Assembly had 60 members. reply! In 1937, the league was not a popular and organized party. Khare as premier. A. K. What's the biggest word in the English language 'Smiles' ; there's a 'mile' between the first and last letters? Explain your answer. Compulsions to seek labour votes in the provincial elections of 1937 had forced the Congress to include in its election manifesto some promises for labour welfare programmes. Web1937 to October 1939. Their release required consent by the Governors which was refused. WebAll of the organizational work between 1937 and 1946 led to a tremendous League victory in the 1946 general elections, when it won one-third of the seats in the Punjab, 115 of 250 in Bengal, and almost all of the Muslim seats it contested in other parts of India. Muslim League had an image problems, leaders seen as Aristocrats and Landlords poor and illiterate didnt sense any empathy thus did not vote. please
Explain your answer, L3: Just the one Pro Hindu attitude of Congress point. Explain your answer. Explain your answer, Parliamentary form of govt introduced in which Indians were given representation, meant that they could negotiate with British for reforms, Also meant that British were planning to leave India since they transferred a lot of power to Indians. [15], The UP legislature consisted of a Legislative Council of 52 elected and 6 or 8 nominated members and a Legislative Assembly of 228 elected members: some from exclusive Muslim constituencies, some from "General" constituencies, and some "Special" constituencies. Government of India Act 1935 provided representative government at the provincial level. The Congress rule from 1937-39 was also a nightmare for the Muslims facing religious restrictions and threat to their culture. Muslim League had an image problems, leaders seen as Aristocrats and Landlords poor and illiterate didnt sense any empathy thus did not vote. Not all Congress Government were able to coordinate administration with the popular mobilization, especially where right-wing dominated the provincial Congress and Government. The Government of India Act 1935 increased the number of enfranchised people. Muslims who migrated werent in good economic condition and were promised fertile land in Afghanistan. Furthermore, it was, in the main, statutory and occupancy tenants who benefited. [14] Though 34 seats were reserved for Muslims, the Muslim League could secure none of them. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Largest Province in area, difficult to govern as one unit e.g. The provincial elections held in 1937 had great influence in the history of sub-continent but their success can be divided into two parts. The league managed to win only 109 Muslim seats out of 482 seats. The Muslim League captured around 25 percent of the seats reserved for Muslims. There were also cases of physical attacks upon landlords, big and small, and the looting of crops. In the balance, the legislative and administrative record of the Congress Ministries was positive. 4. >Disturbances to Muslim Life: Azaan banned, Pigs pushed into mosques. Jinnah left imperial legislative council, Gandhi launched Hartal. The Congress Muslims achieved 6 percent of them. Explain your answer. In general, it dealt with questions of tenancy rights, security of tenure and rents of the tenants and the problem of rural indebtedness. Explain your answer. Gandhiji was able to see the immense harm that the Congress would suffer in terms of erosion of popular support, especially of the workers and peasants, because of the repeated use of law and order machinery to deal with their agitations. In the 1945 elections, Muslim League came up with a striking victory by winning all the 30 Muslim seats in the Central Legislative Assembly and 446 out of 495 Muslim seats in provinces. His standing thus improved. But the Congress Ministries were determined to release them. In the 3rd June Plan, the viceroy announced that India would be divided into two states, i.e. Even Nehru commented on how little they seemed to get along. >Direct Action day started. (First point of Unsuccessfulness), Q: How successful was the cabinet Mission plan of 1946? The Act was strongly opposed by Left Congressmen, including Communists and Congress Socialists, for restricting the freedom to strike and for laying down a new complicated procedure for registration of trade unions, which would encourage unions promoted by employers. In 1870s, many secret societies sprung up against British, 1897 British officer assassinated. 10/marks. As per this provision, the British held elections in provinces in February 1937 on the basis of separate electorates. It lacked membership and official setup at lower levels in major cities, towns, and villages. No guidance, British used Aerial Bombing and Machine Guns, against QIM supporters, 1000s thus died. ThusBritish realized that they were separate communities. Jinnah went to voluntary exile after 2nd RTC because disappointed, thus not invited and did not attend. While the tenancy bills were strongly opposed by the landlords, the debtors relief bills were opposed not only by the moneylenders but also by lawyers, otherwise supporters of the Congress, because they derived a large part of their income from debt litigation. On 22 October 1939, all Congress ministries were called upon to tender their resignations. Congress Rule of 1937 was tyrannical for Muslims. As per this provision, the British held elections in provinces in February 1937 on the basis of separate electorates. Many of its members were seen as aristocrats, princes or landlords whereas many muslims at that time were poor and illiterate. While this position had a good basis it proved to be a mistake. 1.) The 1937 election was the first in which large masses of Indians were eligible to participate. The success of provincial parties like the Krishak Lok Party in Bengal and the Unionist Party in the Punjab showed that the Muslim electorates still thought in terms of provincial or local considerations, and were not moved so much by all-India issues. The muslim league had an image problem. and Bihar resigned on this issue on 15 February. In the election of 1937 the socialists and the right-wing leaders acted in unison, and reaped its benefits in the spectacular Congress victories, which were quite unexpected in some provinces. Due to weak organization and poor planning, the league could not carry on an effective election campaign as compared to the Congress. Gandhis non-cooperation movement spilled over to violence, Chauri Chaura incident. But, in general, they were. The released Congress leaders anticipated the restoration of elections. In 1946 Jinnah feared the British might leave India without partition thus called for a large peaceful demonstration of Muslim feelings. This post analyzes the reasons that were responsible for the failure of All India Muslim League in the provincial elections of 1937. The Congress Ministries adopted, in general, a pro-labour stance. Thus voted for congress because senior and experienced party and same aim. Who is the actress in the otezla commercial? The common Muslims saw the league leaders as aristocrats landlords, businessmen, religious leaders. 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Discuss. it was the first major election that the league had fought and helped unify the party after the internal split in the early 1930s. getting up from bed we can view them if not then why not
What are the reasons responsible for the failure of the All India Muslim League in the 1937 provincial elections? 2. Jinnah showed great commitment to the cause of the Muslims, but the election results were a great disappointment for the Muslims League. Was not able to close the gap between Muslims & Hindus (i.e. It was established in 1938 by the All India Muslim League to prepare a detailed report regarding the atrocities of the Congress Ministries (1937-1939) formed after the elections under the 1935 Government of India Act in different provinces. Hindu supported the Muslims but wanted Self Rule. Indiscipline among Congressmen was on the increase everywhere. >The RTCs made him pessimistic about Hindu Muslim Unity. Gandhiji wrote in the columns of Harijan against the growing misuse of office and creeping corruption in Congress ranks. It suggested that Individual Provinces be allowed to opt out, but this would lead to Pakistan creation/Muslim Majority, so Congress opposed it. [6], The party's election platform had downplayed communalism and Nehru continued this attitude with the initiation of the March 1937 Muslim mass contact program. Most of the Muslim seats were won by regional Muslim parties. It was mostlydue to the organizational problems and opposition by local Muslim groups. [1] The Congress disregarded that even though they had captured the large part of UP's general seats, they had not won any of the reserved Muslim seats, of which the Muslim League had won 29.[20]. The Muslim League promised its support to the British, with Jinnah calling on Muslims to help the Raj by honourable co-operation at the critical and difficult juncture, while asking the Viceroy for increased protection for Muslims. Further, nearly all the Congress-run states (that is, U.P., Bihar, Bombay, Madras and Assam) had. Congress banned Cow slaughter, Muslims oppressed if they slaughtered cows. Named it Pakistan ~ Land of the Pure by taking names from lands. The difference between the Congress provinces and the non-Congress provinces of Bengal and Punjab was most apparent. Anti Muslim Nehru report suggested that Hindu should be made the official Language. Disagreement. Explain your answer. The Muslim League needed to improve its organisation and required proper planning for participation in elections. Ambedkar organized a strike on 7 November 1938, in seventeen out of seventy-seven textile mills against the passage of the. Why Muslim League was so successful: Congress Rule was tyrannical and League promised rights, so Muslims voted for the League. The league managed to win only 109 Muslim seats out of 482 seats. Congress support of Hindu as national language. No Diarchy, Provincial Autonomy instead so Muslims approved. Both Viceroy Linlithgow and Muhammad Ali Jinnah were pleased with the resignations. Terms of Service | ~ Gave name to Muslim goal, Muslim League accepted Chaudhrys idea after Congress rule thus gave basis for Lahore, Resolution and idea of Independent Muslim Country, Q: How Successful was the Govt of India Act of 1935? India's number one portal for History Optional. [9] No Congress Muslim won in Sindh, Punjab, Bengal, Orissa, United Provinces, Central Provinces, Bombay and Assam. inspector SSC CGL10 expect the appointment letter?? The morale of the ICS (Indian Civil Service), one of the pillars of the British Empire, suffered a shattering blow. Gandhiji began to feel that We seem to be weakening from within.. There was not even enough information about its various components . What is the Written authorization form policyholder for their insurance company to pay benefits directly to the care provider? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [8], Muslim preference was to be represented by regional parties which were allied with those non-Muslims who were not supportive of the Congress. British policy of repression against supporters. Jinnah showed great commitment to the cause of the Muslims, but the election results were a great disappointment for the Muslims League. Hunters committee to set up to investigate his actions. Congress restarted Non Co-operation movement and leaders Gandhi and Nehru arrested. Measures of tenancy reform, usually extending security of tenure to tenants in landlord areas, were also carried in the legislatures of Bombay, the Central Provinces and the North-West Frontier Province. Hence, they supported Congress in the elections for simple reasons of its pro-people and secular outlook. This was even more necessary because, in large parts of the country, the smaller landlords were active participants in the national movement. 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