} top: -1px; Illinois Appellate Court padding-left: 0; Gilbert Villegas, Did not make the ballot: padding-bottom: 0px; .results_table { To learn more about judicial selection methods, click here. } padding-bottom: 7px; Cassandra Goodrum } The interim justice serves until the next general election occurring at least 60 days after his or her appointment, at which point the justice must run in a partisan election to continue serving.[2]. background-color: #ccc; The 13 seats were up for partisan election or retention election on November 8, 2022. } } Susan Starrett, Rodney Davis(i) } width: 100% Andrew Heldut, Did not make the ballot: overflow-y: auto; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { } padding-left: 8px; background-color: #f4f4f4; if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-down')) { [7][8] Under the new maps created by redistricting, Burke's residence is now located in the 3rd district, and he has declared his intention to run in the election to that seat, leaving the 2nd district with an open race. width: 50px; margin: 0px 10px; The Chicago Tribune's John Keilman said, "Democrats held a 4-3 advantage on the court prior to Election Day, and the party cast the contested races as a referendum on abortion. "The Republicans, meanwhile, aimed to portray their opponents as products of the states Democratic machine who owed their careers to indicted former House Speaker Michael Madigan and other power brokers," Keilman said. } overflow-x: auto; .votebox-results-metadata-p { [3] Retention and partisan elections will be held for several of these positions. Kina Collins } .inner_percentage.Libertarian { text-align: center; left: 0; margin-top: 0px; .non_result_row { Stephany Rose Spaulding max-width: 600px; However, Thomas retired February 29, 2020. Elizabeth M. Rochford (D) defeated Mark Curran (R), and Mary O'Brien (D) defeated Michael J. Burke (R) in partisan elections for two Illinois Supreme Court seats on November 8, 2022. .votebox-results-metadata-p { max-width: 600px; .votebox-results-cell--number { Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. [3] Justices hold ten year terms. Roger Romanelli(Independent)(Write-in), Did not make the ballot: Mohammed Faheem(Independent), Did not make the ballot: Barry Wilson(Independent), Did not make the ballot: Bradley Horges Jr.(Independent), Did not make the ballot: Natasha Thompson-Devine(Independent), Click on the following link for state ballot measure results: The following states held elections for intermediate appellate court seats in 2022. Was early voting available to all voters? vertical-align: middle; In total, the appellate court consists of 54 judges. color: #888; overflow-y: auto; Sign up here to help us distribute the guide in your neighborhood. color: #888; padding-bottom: 0px; .race_header.green { background-color: #6db24f; Illinois Appellate Court Junaid Ahmed, Chris Dargis } The court includes seven justices who are elected to 10-year terms in partisan elections. .race_header.green { Contact our sales team. James Fitzgerald Smith was retained to the Illinois 1st District Appellate Court on November 8, 2022 with 77.2% of the vote. background: #4c4c4c; .courts-container hr {background-color:#f0a236;padding-bottom:2px;}, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. District Court: Central District of Illinois, Northern District of Illinois, Southern District of Illinois U.S. Bankruptcy Court: Central District of Illinois, Northern District of Illinois, Southern District of Illinois, Illinois Supreme Court } padding-top: 8px; Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. padding-bottom: 8px; .non_result_row div { } max-width: 600px; Sonni Williams defeated James Murphy in the Democratic primary for Illinois 3rd District Appellate Court on June 28, 2022. letter-spacing: 0.03em; }
There were no incumbents in this race. text-align: center;
In 2020, Ballotpedia published Ballotpedia Courts: Determiners and Dissenters, a study on how state supreme court justices decided the cases that came before them. height: 22px; Other judges are assigned to the appellate court by the supreme court. .inner_percentage { font-weight: 100; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { margin: 8px auto; text-align: center; } text-align: center; } color: #fff; Incumbent Liam C. Brennan defeated Sonni Williams in the general election for Illinois 3rd District Appellate Court on November 8, 2022. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); top: 2px; font-weight: 200; Angie Normoyle margin-bottom: 4px; padding-bottom: 8px; text-align: center; The results have been certified. .race_header.democratic { font-weight: 300; background-color: #6db24f; Pat Dowell .votebox_legend .non_result_row { The presiding judge selects the panels that will hear appeals. Get a weekly email with candidate writeups, news recaps, and original reporting. width: 100%; position: relative; } } $(this).next('div.vis_widget_table').slideToggle('normal'); .inner_percentage { } background-color: #6db24f; .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { } Here is a link to the audio instead. Intermediate appellate court elections by state, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy, https://docker.ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Illinois_intermediate_appellate_court_elections,_2022&oldid=8961743, Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplreplace parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. The appellate court for each district consists of one or more divisions. } .courts-container hr {background-color:#f0a236;padding-bottom:2px;}, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. District Court: Central District of Illinois, Northern District of Illinois, Southern District of Illinois U.S. Bankruptcy Court: Central District of Illinois, Northern District of Illinois, Southern District of Illinois, Illinois Supreme Court } WebIllinois was one of 30 states that held elections for state supreme court in 2022. overflow-x: auto; The appellate court for each district consists of one or more divisions. } display: block; height: 50px; } .election_results_text { .inner_percentage.Green { } These results are automatically generated from Google. position: relative; background-color: #db0000;
} .indicate_scroll { .percentage_number { Source, .votebox { Each panel consists of three judges. margin: 8px auto; height: 22px; Contact our sales team. margin: 0px 10px; .bptable td p { margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px; }. display: table; max-width: 400px; The primary overflow-x: scroll; background-color: #003388; .votebox-results-metadata { margin-bottom:16px; } Vacancy of Harris Raymond W. Mitchell - Highly Qualified Araceli } width: 100%; } else { padding-bottom: 8px; Yet there are few places to get information about the people running for judge. Evaluations for the November 8, 2022 Election: November 2022 Judicial Evaluation Report If so, was a photo or non-photo ID required? height: 50px; } .race_header.democratic { } } Rami Blan Click here for information on local trial court elections. } .inner_percentage.Republican { Operations: Meghann Olshefski Mandy Morris Kelly Rindfleisch background: #4c4c4c; letter-spacing: 0.03em; Dean Seppelfrick width: 100% !important; Election information in Illinois: Nov. 8, 2022, election. } This included 84 supreme court seats and 300 intermediate appellate court seats. Ellis Taylor, Regan Deering .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { padding-top: 5px; .results_table_container { .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { margin-right: 10px; font-weight: 100; Iymen Chehade } display: inline-block; Source1Source2Source3. Partisan election Check your voter registration card. Karin Norington-Reaves }); font-size: 12px;
.votebox { .votebox-results-metadata-p { } padding:7px 8px 8px; Policy: Christopher Nelson Caitlin Styrsky Molly Byrne Katharine Frey Jimmy McAllister Samuel Postell For most judicial offices, ISBA will provide either an evaluation or a poll rating. display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px solid grey; } Ameena Nuur Matthews Leslie E. South) Mary Katherine Rochford Q } Tech: Matt Latourelle Nathan Bingham Ryan Burch Kirsten Corrao Beth Dellea Travis Eden Tate Kamish Margaret Kearney Eric Lotto Joseph Sanchez. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { font-weight: bold; } Operations: Meghann Olshefski Mandy Morris Kelly Rindfleisch Catherine A. O'Shea padding-left: 10px; display: block; Some judges are elected by the voters in the respective districts; those judges are initially elected to 10-year terms and then may be retained for additional 10-year terms. top: -1px; } width: 50%; } The use of positive and negative numbers in presenting both Confidence Scores and Court Balance Scores should not be understood to that either a Republican or Democratic score is, battleground races we're covering this week. } For an overview of state supreme court elections in 2022, click here. } There were no incumbents in this race. .non_result_row th { See election results, maps, county-by-county vote counts and more for Illinoiss races on Nov. 8, 2022. text-align: center; .race_header.republican { Judges are powerful officials whose decisions on the bench touch many aspects of life, from traffic tickets to divorces, lawsuits, evictions, and criminal cases. Delia Ramirez
Continue scrolling to create your personal voting guide, or. background-color: #003388; Robert Palmer
height: 22px; Territories, two judges on the Northern Mariana Islands Superior Court were on the ballot in retention elections in 2022. letter-spacing: .04em; font-style: italic; .race_header.libertarian { Source. background-color: #6db24f; WebIllinois intermediate appellate court elections, 2022 Local government Click on the following link for local election results: Cook County, Illinois Primary election U.S. .votebox-results-metadata-p { width: 90%; Voters in the 2nd and 3rd districts decided two contested races for the state's highest court. } height: 22px; position: absolute; z-index:1;
overflow-y: auto; left: 0; Illinois Governor Recall Amendment (2010), Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox Amendment (2016), Right to Collective Bargaining Amendment (2022), 2022 Cook County, Illinois elections Circuit Court of Cook County, "Illinois Supreme Court Justice Rita Garman Retires Officially", "Redistricting review: Illinois enacts state leg., supreme court maps Ballotpedia News", "Proposed Supreme Court remap evokes previous failed GOP attempt", "Democrats want to redraw Illinois Supreme Court districts for first time in almost 60 years in effort to maintain majority", "Illinois Supreme Court's history picking of its own replacements", "Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering launches bid for Illinois Supreme Court seat", "Highland Park mayor, Lake County judges among those seeking open Illinois Supreme Court seat", "Final vote count confirms former Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran is GOP nominee for Illinois Supreme Court seat", "Partisan balance of state's top court in play in races shaped by three R's retirement, retention, redistricting", "John A. Noverini: A Judge for all People - Honored to Serve", "2022 General Election Results - Judicial", "Failed retention is first ever in Illinois Supreme Court's history; Overstreet wins Karmeier seat", "Illinois Supreme Court names Democrat to replace Tom Kilbride", "Illinois Supreme Court appoints justice to replace Kilbride; Justice Robert Carter says he won't seek election in 2022", "PRITZKER AT ARM'S-LENGTH CHICAGO's GROWING PAINS OBAMA CENTER CLEARS ANOTHER HURDLE", "November 8, 2022 - General Election Results", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2022_Illinois_judicial_elections&oldid=1142230958, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Daniel B. Shanes, Lake County Circuit Court judge, Susan F. Hutchinson, Illinois Appellate Court judge, John A. Noverini, Kane County Circuit Court judge, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 06:29. if (typeof VoterInfobyState_Toggle === 'undefined') { padding-left: 10px; } padding-bottom: 3px; The judges of each division select a presiding judge for a one-year term. A retention election for Rita Garman was canceled after Garman retired effective July 7, 2022. .inner_percentage.Republican { height: 22px; margin-right: 12px; max-width: 75px; position: absolute; # ccc ; the 13 seats were up for partisan election or retention election Rita... For an overview of state supreme court seats here to help us distribute the guide in your neighborhood election November... ; the 13 seats were up for partisan election or retention election for Rita Garman canceled. Court for each District consists of 54 judges }.election_results_text {.inner_percentage.Green { } } Blan... 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Your neighborhood } Rami Blan Click here for information on local trial court elections. in your neighborhood retention partisan... State supreme court Judicial Evaluation Report If so, was a photo or non-photo ID required block!