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#L,^:gj"fUsGG+;tnA18kwna!aB,aD^T$JYg[*i! yes Absorbance data are collected using a SPECTRAmax 250 microplate spectrophotometer equipped with SOFTmax PRO used to measure the absorbance. WebEnzymatic coupled assays are usually based on the spectrophotometric registration of changes in NADH/NAD + or NADPH/NADP + absorption at 340 nm accompanying the Serial dilutions of NADH and NAD+ ranging from 0-500 g/ml were made using TE pH 8.0 aqueous buffer as the diluent. How should the instrument be configured to measure fluorescence at this wavelength? 'F`c/A`DB9^cR+(m!BJkI9l+?$RsS1G1UGfIl5E:qRb5](/q0AmB4nV
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9. If you measure the absorbance of known concentrations of NADH in a 1 cm cuvette you get data similar to that below. Accessed Sept. 14, 2018. https://www.biotek.com/resources/application-notes/determining-nadh-concentrations-with-synergy-2-multi-mode-microplate-reader-using-fluorescence-or-absorbance/. !-&
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