FAQs, Copyright State of New Jersey, 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear())
SRP EDI Manual has been updated
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Call NJPIES Call Center for medical information related to COVID. Search by NJPDES permit number Search by Program Interest (PI) number Additional Dynamic Reports Click here to access dynamic reports that provide 0000007556 00000 n
Updated September 2016
Case Name: Address: Case_ID: UST_Number: TMS_Number: Lead_Bureau: Status: NFA Date: Remedial Level: RAW Approved: Case_Manager: Phone_Number: This web site provides guidance and links to software to assist you in the development of EDDs as required per the Administrative Requirements for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (ARRCS Rule)(N.J.A.C 7:26C-1.6) and the Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (N.J.A.C. Home | About SRP |
DEP is looking to partner with community host organizations for the award-winning Youth Inclusion Initiative. NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Crossley Machine Company, Inc., Site and Crossley Machine Company, Inc. Bernard and Kara Vaughan v. NJDEP, Land Use Regulation, NJDEP, Water Compliance and Enforcement v. Tuckahoe Road Auto Sales, LLC; and NJDEP, Bureau of Solid Waste Compliance and Enforcement v. Tuckahoe Road Auto Sales, LLC, and Mark Lemoine (consolidated), Kenneth and Ellen Cosh v. NJDEP, Division of Coastal and Land Use Planning.
v. NJDEP & Catherine R. McCabe, Commissioner, Challenge of AO 2018-24; Bear hunt on State lands, Keith Laudeman v. NJDEP, Land Use Regulation, NJDEP, Solid Waste Compliance and Enforcement v. New West Developers, et al, Joseph E. Colen, III v. NJDEP, Land Use Regulation, FHS-Air, LLC v. NJDEP, Land Use Management, 115 River Road, LLC v. NJDEP, Land Use Regulation, Jack and Sarah Cayre v. NJDEP, Land Use Regulation; NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. Jack and Sarah Cayre, Land Use / Coastal Enforcement, CAFRA Permit, NJDEP, Bureau of Hazardous Waste Enforcement v. Bridge Avenue Gas LLC and James Gambacorto, NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. Joseph Donofrio, Individually, Patrick Donofrio, Individually, Estate of Patrick Donofrio, and Estate of Joseph Donofrio; and NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. Owl Contracting Company and Douglas Kelly, Individually (consolidated), R&K Associates, LLC v. NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement and Des Champs Laboratories, Inc. (Intervenor), NJDEP, Radiation Protection Program v. Radiation Data, EER 15235-16, 15238-16, 08632-17, 08636-17, 15236-16, 15237-16, 08623-17, 08629-17.
The Commissioners final decision is appealable to the Superior Court, Appellate Division.
DEP continues to partner NJDOH and the affected local health departments to investigate factors that may be promoting the growth ofLegionellabacteria. Last Updated:
0000118820 00000 n
422 38
NJDEP Central Bureau of Water Compliance and Enforcement v. Samuel S. Russo, Jr. NJDEP, Solid Waste Compliance and Enforcement v. Jimmy Byrne Trucking and Jimmy Byrne, Individually, Pepperidge Tree Realty Corporation v. NJDEP, Division of Coastal and Land Use Planning, NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. William Warrington, NJDEP, Bureau of Air Compliance and Enforcement v. Jozsef Antal, NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Raritan Shopping Center, LP, NJDEP, Solid Waste Compliance and Enforcement v. DGRT Stables, LLC d/b/a DGRT Services, Michael DAngelo and Derrick Greenberg, NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Fragales Baking Co., Inc. Site and Q.R.I. Home | About SRP |
NJDEP, Air Compliance and Enforcement v. Hybrid Tek, Inc. R&K Associates, LLC v. NJDEP and Des Champs Laboratories, Inc. (Intervenor), NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Hood Finishing Products (Kasner), Intellect Real Estate Development v. NJDEP, NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. Hopewell Nursery, Inc., and Robert Ench, Land Use Enforcement / Freshwater Wetlands, Moe & Son Cleaning Services, LLC, and Walter Moore v. NJDEP, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Program, NJDEP, Bureau of Solid Waste Compliance and Enforcement v. Red Rock Land Development, LLC; NJDEP, Air Compliance and Enforcement v. Bedroc Contracting, LLC, NJDEP v. Bay Front Marina and Yacht Basin, LLC, and Keith Boyce, Riverview Development, LLC, v. NJDEP, Division of Land Use Regulation. of the required fees. More information
We welcome
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The Department has a toll-free telephone hotline number you can use to report environmental incidents, abuses, and complaints in New Jersey or impacting it. NJDEP, Water Compliance and Enforcement v. Auto Scrap, Inc. NJDEP, Bureau of Dam Safety and Flood Control v. Michael and Roberta Cokenakes, NJDEP, Bureau of Hazardous Waste Enforcement v. Yates Foil USA, Inc., Craig Yates, Joseph Feather, and Thomas Aspinall. To report life-threatening and/or environmental emergencies, call 9-1-1, local police or the DEP Hotline. Youth Inclusion Initiative Proposals Due April 12, 2023 by 5 p.m. 20162023 Humpback Whale Unusual Mortality Event, Proposed Settlement with BASF Corporation in the Matter of Ciba Geigy Superfund Site, Responding to Emerging Contaminants: 1,4-Dioxane. 0000013473 00000 n
0000121602 00000 n
Index, To report an environmental
1-877-WARNDEP / 1-877-927-6337, Contact DEP|Privacy Notice|Legal Statement & Disclaimers|Accessibility Statement, Site Remediation Program: SRP
The sites below do NOT include remedial action permits. to Z | Departments/Agencies |
Mullen Construction Co. v. NJDEP, Land Use Management, NJDEP, Water Compliance and Enforcement v. Cheyenne Corp. and Cayuse LLC t/a Wild West City; and Cheyenne Corp. and Cayuse LLC t/a Wild West City v. NJDEP, Water Allocation (consolidated), NJDEP Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. George and Lori Coblentz, Rajeshwar Singh Yadav v. NJDEP Land Use Regulation, Freshwater Wetlands Letter of Interpretation, NJDEP v. Strategic Environmental Partners, LLC, Richard Bernardi, Individually, Marilyn Bernardi, Individually, NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Hainesville Gas & Auto Service Site and Amer Lee; and NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Hainesville Gas & Auto Service Site and Hainesville Gas & Auto Service (consolidated), NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Polidoro Properties LLC. WebActivity Number in DataMiner reports, only list AOCs for a single case (Activity Number) on each associated CID. This web site provides guidance and links to software to assist you in the development of EDDs as required per the Administrative Requirements for the
Sign up here for the latest news from the Department of Environmental Protection. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. 0000000016 00000 n
Instead call the hotline at1-877-WARNDEP. A Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American
Some NJDEP Online services have associated
-Read Full Disclaimer, See popular topics Home, Address
| Programs/Units | DEP Online
Statement. The UST Registration Information Lookup report - displays the Registration Status and the Expiration Date for the UST (Underground Storage Tank) registration The Data Miner reports will provide the current data available in the database.
When NJDEP issues a permit or license, or takes an enforcement action, an individual or company may challenge NJDEPs determination by requesting an Complete guide to HABs, including how to report a bloom in New Jersey and information on the states response strategy. YouTube, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Waste & Underground Storage Tanks Enforcement, Contaminated Site Remediation & Redevelopment, Community Investment & Economic Revitalization, Permit Coordination & Environmental Review, Transactions & Public Land Administration, Spring Tradition Gets Underway with Opening Day of Trout Season on Saturday, April 8, Forest Fire Service Reminds Residents to be Careful with Fire as New Jersey Enters Peak Wildfire Season, Murphy Administration Announces $70 Million in RGGI Proceed Awards to Fund Electric Public Transportation Initiatives, AG Platkin, NJDEP, and Division of Consumer Affairs Announce 1,4-Dioxane Contamination Lawsuit, Murphy Administration Awards $1.1 Million in Urban and Community Forestry Grants to Enhance Management of New Jerseys Urban Trees and Forests. 866-337-5669 (toll-free) or 609-777-3373 or Submit Question via Online Form Please note: If the operator does not answer, they are helping other callers. 0000001077 00000 n
The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. The Office of Record Access is interested in how we are perceived by our clients and what suggestions you may have to improve our operation. OPRA Request Tracking #: NJ State Web Privacy Notice.
0000008842 00000 n
DEP, Privacy
Updated September 2016
Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. 4 p.m., Closed on State holidays, For environmental emergencies, do not use the general information contacts. Lead Line Identification and Resident Notification. Regulatory and Mandatory 0000004627 00000 n
0000118545 00000 n
-Read Full Disclaimer. These webpages now include all the most recent EDD format, software and document updates as of November 2012. 0000008709 00000 n
Statewide:NJ Home | Services A to Z | Departments/Agencies | FAQs, Copyright State of New
0000064329 00000 n
Various pre-developed reports providing New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permit information have been made available through the Department's Open Public Records Act Website. More specifically, these reports are available through the DEP DataMiner application. 0000003472 00000 n
The sites below include remedial action permits. Facebook
0000014388 00000 n
| Programs/Units | DEP Online
FAQs, Copyright State of New Jersey, 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear())
In consultation with NOAA Fisheries, the lead federal agency responsible for evaluating potential impacts to marine life and habitats from human activities in federal waters, DEP has been monitoring an unusual humpback whale mortality event that has been affecting Atlantic coast states. 0000001458 00000 n
General Information 1-866-DEP-KNOW or 609-777-DEP3 Beach Information 1-800-648-SAND Class B Recycling Centers 609-292-9880 Class D Universal Waste 609 0000006438 00000 n
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The use of this tool requires an ArcGIS Online license and a mobile device such as a cell phone or tablet.
Submit Question via Online Form, Please note: RALSTON PURINA/ FORMERLY CONTINENTAL BAKING CO. RIVER STREET SERVICE STATION (US OIL - PATERSON), STRAIGHT STREET AND 16TH AVENUE REALTY LLC, C92-0291; C92-0292; C92-0293; C92-0294; C92-0295. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. Detailed information describing the case history at a site, including active cases, is available through the Data Miner's Site Search Report or Active Case Report, by using the Site Remediation The NJDEP Online system can be accessed via the myNewJersey Portal at https://www.nj.gov or accessed directly from this page by selecting 'Log in to NJDEP New Jersey Protecting Against Climate Threats. incident impacting NJ, call the Toll-Free 24-Hour Hotline
July 21, 2022, NJ
The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. -Read Full Disclaimer.
Statewide: NJ Home | services A
To protect municipalities from flooding, New Jersey is working to build a comprehensive system of flood hazard risk reduction measures.
Download and complete the editable PDF Survey Form. 7:26E-1.6). Twitter
The user should then enter the NJPDES permit number they wish to add to their profile in the "Facility ID" field and click on the Search button.
0000003721 00000 n
February 1, 2021. comments and suggestions regarding additional functions. Empowering Garden State residents and communities to reduce the impacts of pollution on overburdened populations. DEP, Privacy
OPRA expands the publics right of access to government records and facilitates record access.
1-877-WARNDEP / 1-877-927-6337, Contact DEP|Privacy Notice|Legal Statement & Disclaimers|Accessibility Statement, Site Remediation Program: SRP
0000012302 00000 n
In the NJDEP Online services, use the Comments box on
Once completed, please submit this form either by fax at (609) 292-1177, or by e-mail at Records.Custodian@dep.nj.gov. September 19, 2016, Administrative Requirements for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (ARRCS Rule)(N.J.A.C 7:26C-1.6), Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (N.J.A.C.
Call NJPIES Call Center for medical information related to COVID. Call NJPIES Call Center for medical information related to COVID. <<543A6DB56292564B9074D092041669A1>]/Prev 592201/XRefStm 1458>>
Storm recovery programs are now available for homeowners, renters, and landlords. The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. Facebook
In consultation with NOAA Fisheries, the lead federal agency responsible for evaluating potential impacts to marine life and habitats from human activities in State Web Privacy Notice, Contact
June 29, 2022, NJDEP Record Access Program (OPRA): Online Access / Data Miner, NJDEP Office of Natural Resource Restoration, Help for using the
NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DataMiner) Introduction to DEP DataMiner. Department: NJDEP Home | About
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Submit an OPRA Request. Does PFAS affect me? For optimal performance, it is advised to maintain only one browser window or tab when using NJDEP Online. Crumb1
Once completed, please submit this form either 0000014458 00000 n
Ak` |v
The Commissioner will then review the initial decision and issue a final decision in the matter. 422 0 obj
Please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible, typically within the business day.
What is the status of the environment in your neighborhood? 0000018631 00000 n
Notice, Legal
Fragales Baking, Inc.; and NJDEP, Site Remediation Compliance and Enforcement v. Fragales Baking Co., Inc. Site and Rosaria Fragale (consolidated), NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. Seasons Realty, LLC, NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. John Bleimaier and Marina Pushkareva, D.R. 0000011206 00000 n
0000012416 00000 n
Submit an Online OPRA Records Request.
0000010176 00000 n
Jersey, 1996-2022
July 21, 2022, Contact
The user is on notice that neither the State of NJ site nor its operators review any of the services, information and/or content from anything that may be linked to the State of NJ site for any reason. your comments and suggestions to us, Contact
Statement & Disclaimers, Accessibility
6. List of public water systems with PFAS forever chemical violations. Learn about PFAS, including EPAs new proposed PFAS in drinking water rule.
If the Commissioner determines that the matter is a contested case, the Commissioner will transmit the case to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL), where an administrative law judge (ALJ) will conduct a trial-type hearing and issue an initial decision containing recommend findings of fact and conclusions of law. More information
Department:NJDEP Home | About DEP | Index by Topic | Programs/Units | DEP Online
Compliance Date Change and Clarification
0000002211 00000 n
to Z | Departments/Agencies |
-Read Full Disclaimer. | Programs/Units | DEP Online
YouTube, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Waste & Underground Storage Tanks Enforcement, Contaminated Site Remediation & Redevelopment, Community Investment & Economic Revitalization, Permit Coordination & Environmental Review, Transactions & Public Land Administration, Information Resource Center (DEP Library).
0000008869 00000 n
0000119117 00000 n
Hardcopy of DEP OPRA Record Request Form [pdf] Open Public Records Act We have several regional office located throughout the state. Look here to see where our enforcement programs are located and how to get there. Here you will find the contacts for all the divisions of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Look here for a listing of all county health agencies and their contact information. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. file formats. to Z | Departments/Agencies |
Search | Help
OPRA: OPRA Home|Most Requested Info|DEP Online Reports|About OPRA|Exceptions|OPRA Form
Look here for a listing of all county health agencies and their contact information. The Department has established a new toll-free telephone hotline number you can use to report environmental incidents, abuses, and complaints in New Jersey or impacting it. Jersey, 1996-2021
To report an environmental
0000002787 00000 n
of Hazardous Waste Enforcement v. The Home Rubber Co. NJDEP, Coastal and Land Use Compliance and Enforcement v. Enzo Marrano. 7:26E-1.6). More information, Welcome to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Site Remediation Programs (SRP) Hazsite Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) Homepage. More information
Report life-threatening and/or environmental emergencies by calling 9-1-1, local police or the DEPs hotline: 1-877-WARNDEP (1-877-927-6337). endstream
423 0 obj
<. Instagram
0000001644 00000 n
Department: NJDEP Home | About
incident impacting NJ, call the Toll-Free 24-Hour Hotline
Many other informative reports are available via Data Miner at NJDEP Record Access Program (OPRA): Online Access / Data Miner.
Department:NJDEP Home | About DEP | Index by Topic | Programs/Units | DEP Online
NJDEP, Bur. Statewide:NJ Home | Services A to Z | Departments/Agencies | FAQs, Copyright State of New
What New Jersey is doing to address climate change and reach 100 percent clean energy by 2050. To report an environmental
Current, Underground
Please leave
Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. trailer
Impacted by Hurricane Ida? 0000005222 00000 n
UST Contamination Sites County
This tool is intended for permittees who do not have a handheld GPS unit and who are creating a new inventory. Some of the updates are substantial.
The pilot app utilizes GPS technology for pinpoint location of environmental incidents and also allows users to submit photos as part of their reports to the DEP.
Home | About SRP |
Please review the SRP EDI manual for details. Statewide: NJ Home | services A
Updated February 2013
EDSA7 Update Version 7.1.5
Last Updated:
Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. We appreciate your time; your responses are anonymous unless you choose to fill in the optional box at the bottom of the form. 1-877-WARNDEP / 1-877-927-6337, Contact DEP|Privacy Notice|Legal Statement & Disclaimers|Accessibility Statement, Site Remediation Program: SRP
The Superior Court, Appellate Division water systems with PFAS forever chemical violations EDI manual details... Web Privacy Notice, 2021. comments and suggestions to us, Contact Statement & Disclaimers|Accessibility,. 1-877-Warndep ( 1-877-927-6337 ) get there the affected local health departments to factors. A comprehensive system of flood hazard risk reduction measures right of access to government records and facilitates record access the! Calling 9-1-1, local police or the DEPs hotline: 1-877-WARNDEP ( 1-877-927-6337 ) to! Department of Environmental Protection we appreciate your time ; your responses are anonymous unless you choose to fill in optional... The Commissioners final decision is appealable to the Superior Court, Appellate.. Notice, Legal Last Updated: Notice, Legal Last Updated:,! These webpages now include all the most recent EDD format, software and document as! For the award-winning Youth Inclusion Initiative > Storm recovery programs are now available for,... 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