But supporters of decriminalization say that is largely last-gasp fearmongering by unreconstructed drug warriors who won't accept that the interdict, arrest and jail model has failed. While Oregons population is heavily concentrated in the Willamette Valley, containing the Portland Metro and Eugene, the vast majority of the state is rural. There were some quirky legal issues. Safe consumption is currently banned nationwide and drug checking is nearly absent in Oregon. Measure 110 took away that pathway," he says. @3-7UKkpjboxS5t6M)y(+,?AIK^/z9jiqDOf5q7=]*4~Wt|L@O=\U{GaY j&K&ol=f,UxKmOI5Bo x) At most treatment centers, she says, "When we come in, there's nobody that looks like us." Systems integration will remain a barrier to care. Oregon Blacks are 2.5 times as likely to be convicted of a possession felony as whites, who make up 76% of the population. Measure 110 did allocate millions in new treatment funding money funneled from the state's marijuana tax along with expected savings from reductions in arrests and incarceration. The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank which supports legalization, reviewed state-level crime data from 2012 to 2020 and found no significant signs of %%EOF
Without any meaningful interventions, many will likely continue using drugs until they die. tDn1%7 A]tR[V) A mere fraction of the people cited for drug possession since February 1 have called Lines for Life, the only currently authorized provider of screenings to avoid that ticket. If it were me, and I was either mandated to an assessment or desperate for help, or had a kiddo I was desperate to get help for, I would want one phone number, said Jessica Gregg, chief medical officer at DePaul Treatment Centers. 1124 0 obj WebOregon Crime Rates 1960 to 2019 Oregon Crime Rates 1960 - 2019 The data in the crime reports is derived from the annual Uniform Crime Reports issued by the FBI until 2020, at which time the FBI stopped releasing the annual reports in favor of its own electronic search engine. Oregon supporters of decriminalization point to Portugal as a reform model. 1128 0 obj This month her program took a step in that direction. "Unfortunately, here in Oregon, we don't have that. You have to check in with your PO, but if you do that, youre probably going to jail as well [because of the urine test]., So, do you just not check in and take the warrant?. Unlike health care, our criminal justice system has always been active, seeking people out and bringing them in.
endobj It has $20 million to dole out by June 30, and then each quarter thereafter, depending on cannabis tax revenue. The program's underlying premisethat users should not be compelled to enter treatmentfails to recognize that community intervention is often a necessary step along the road to recovery. The total reduction is $8.6 million in 2019-21 and $36.4 million in 2021-23. <> f,M%e|KB{9(+xjDW .B R>5(Mp#"BbKv>@d Cg0o31 She is also in long-term recovery. So what's coming down the line after this?" The Drug Policy Alliance previously provided a restricted grant to The Influence Foundation to support a Drug War Journalism Diversity Fellowship. This process has been far more arduous than it sounds, requiring three separate Senate work groups involving an extraordinary range of stakeholders and hundreds upon hundreds hours of work. 1 0 obj She is working on messaging, so people know just how much of a drug they can possess. Despite the drop in arrests, Ferraris says, "People are still committing crimes to get money, to buy dope, to support their habit. In 2001, Portugal dramatically changed its approach and decriminalized all drugs. endobj The system is just this free-market thing where nonprofits and other people are all advocating for their own things Theres redundancy all over the place.. There's also shockingly little state data to determine what programs work best or to track treatment outcomes and share best practices. She recounts having overdosed five times, resuscitated each time by police or EMTs with naloxone.
1192 0 obj Arrest, he says, can give people the push they need to finally get help. <> Still, the experiment here has launched with the pandemic's shadow still very much hanging over the recovery community. We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your image export is now complete. In November 2020, Oregonians voted overwhelmingly to decriminalize possession of a small amount of hard drugs. About Filter | About The Influence Foundation. by TCR Staff, The Crime Report April 4, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
. "We're going to see more and more people needing help because drugs are going to be more readily available and there's no one keeping it in check," he says. 1227 0 obj According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 97.5 percent of individuals with a substance use disorder who did not receive treatment reported that they did not feel they needed it. She used heroin again an hour later. I hate to use the word but there should be some type of authority. I just started meeting more and more people who were into more and more things. Most of the rest are divided between any number of private insurers. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses which involve force or threat of force. endobj Ive literally been called animal by a CO.. "What we've been doing for the last number of decades has completely failed," says Mike Schmidt, district attorney for Oregon's most populated county, Multnomah, which includes Portland. Dont bother replacing the injections.
Most law enforcement, they have just never had a system that isnt starved, Hurst said. 29 0 obj Out of more than 1.5 million drug arrests made in 2019, the vast majority86.7 percentwere for simple possession. Current revenue projections from the Legislative Fiscal Office amount to $318 million for the 2021-23 cycle, of which $228 million would be routed into the fund for disbursement, broken down into eight quarters over the two years. "When we go to treatment centers, when we come in, there's nobody that looks like us," Mines says, "and nobody's willing to take a look at our culture and try to understand the historical and generational trauma.". It was the central campaign theme in Oregon when the state decriminalized all drugs by passing Measure 110 with the support of nearly 60 percent of voters in 2020. 1131 0 obj Fewer than 200 called. Upholding values of racial justice is a defining aim of the landmark bill. Positive Impact of Decrim: police action is down 80% drug searches are down by 80% This improves police/community relations. The Oregon Health Authority voluntarily raised the number of council members to 21, above the minimum of 16 set out in the measure. A history of crime and trauma and poverty on both sides of my family. Senate Bill 755 is taking all of the pieces and plugging them in to state law. Specifically, consistent with the primary results based on the 19 non-legalized states, counties in Oregon were also found to have experienced significant increases in 612 0 obj
600 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1786BBB2EE9E6C43A7ED7CFC9EEF41F0><644727249C27224B8A01415AABA16E91>]/Index[576 37]/Info 575 0 R/Length 116/Prev 198769/Root 577 0 R/Size 613/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
Using NIBRS, we examine marijuana-related According to the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission, the state logged more than 8,800 arrests for possession of a controlled substance in fiscal year 2019. I could never pass a drug test, she says. endobj That is, hardly at all. "When you look at recidivism rates," says Schmidt, the Multnomah district attorney, "70% and 80% were getting rearrested. The Oregon Judicial Department is developing an e-filing system with Lines of Life so that when people complete their assessments, that information is automatically given to the courts. And the pandemic struck and decimated a treatment system that was already struggling, experts here say. "Many times the only way to get access to recovery services is by being arrested or interacting with the criminal justice system. Many of the councilmembers have been directly impacted by incarceration or addiction; others are leaders in the treatment and recovery services field. On her other eight attempts, she didnt last more than four days before leaving. He says he's concerned the state is failing to expand addiction treatment capacity in a strategic way. <> "Now we need to rapidly design a new system strategically," he says. endobj "We've just decriminalized. This volatile and unreliable supply, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is linked with unprecedented death rates, even higher than those reported by media. 1129 0 obj 0
Pixley hopes to be able to get the funding to provide medications for opioid use disorder in jail and naloxone to people upon their releasefunding that could potentially come from the cannabis tax revenue. <>1030 0 R]/P 1137 0 R/Pg 1136 0 R/S/Link>> Thanks for reading The Crime Report! 1109 0 obj Nearly five months in, just 29 people who've been issued a possession citation by police have called the line for an addiction health screening, according to Dwight Holton, CEO of Lines for Life, the Oregon nonprofit that runs what's formally called the Telephone Behavioral Health Resource Network. He also cited well-founded concerns about the preparedness of our health care system, where providers receive little-to-no training in addiction and are known to stigmatize people who use drugs. Haven Wheelock, a chief petitioner of the measure, is already seeing the impact. Addiction is a disease "that takes over the brain, it takes over your executive function." 1119 0 obj Stepping Out of the Racist Footprints of a Disgraceful Past, South Africa Decriminalizes Cannabis. Seeing, as they say, will be believing. Critics argue that legalization spurs marijuana and other drug or alcohol use, increases crime, diminishes traffic safety, harms public health, and lowers teen educational achievement. endobj Can Police Change Their Mindset from Warriors to Guardians? Some officials even denounce the idea of encouraging people to enter treatmentclaiming it deprives drug users of their autonomy, which is supposedly more important than their well-being. "But this funding is only for six months. The bill would also reduce the drug citation fine from $100 to a minimum of $45. Top photograph courtesy of the Yes on 110 campaign. Marijuana revenue estimated at $61.1 million in 2019-21 and $182.4 million in 2021-23 should be sufficient to meet this requirement. 1116 0 obj Other states have been experimenting with ways to increase access to treatment. The War on Drugs has been used to dramatically expand police powers when it comes to search, seizure and detention, greatly diminishing Fourth Amendment rights. Some police, however, are predicting darker days ahead. Police interactions, which Measure 110 is intended to reduce, also carry far greater risks for people of color. Its stressful being in that situation because youre always possibly going to go to jail., In jail, they dont care about you, she says, her voice tinged with cynicism and sadness. While Measure 110 modified pre-existing segments of the Oregon Revised Statutes around drug possession, it also added entirely new language. There is also ongoing conversation between lawmakers and immigration experts about how to avoid triggering future deportationsand whether there is any potential for relief for people already removed from the country. endobj "They're frustrated, they're annoyed, they're concerned," says Jim Ferraris, immediate past president of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police. Senate Bill 397, currently before congress, makes expungement more accessible by eliminating fees and shortening wait times.
1205 0 obj To Gregg, one way to help people navigate these labyrinthine systems is simple: Peers, peers, peers.. Now more than nine years sober from what he calls a crippling meth and heroin addiction, Vezina says as commission chair he's committed to having tough conversations across a treatment community that remains divided over the best way to implement Oregon's bold, voter-mandated experiment. Ya know, and I was a product of all that.". He's also the new chair of Oregon's Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission, which is tasked with improving treatment services. She and other advocates say it's far too early to make any judgments about Oregon's experiment. So we don't have a new intervention system. And for now, harm reductionists can become involvedin drug checking, for example, which may require taking brief possession of residue amounts of controlled substanceswith less fear of legal retribution. Maybe there wouldve been better resources to guide me to the right treatment center instead of me hopping around, for years on end, in and out of different treatment centers before I found a program that worked for me, he said. The property index crime rate also dropped 3 0 obj In California, officials recently established court-ordered pathways to treatment for individuals with mental health and substance use issues. <> A person in long-term recovery and a leader in the recovery community, Vezina advocated against Measure 110, even though he doesnt disagree with decriminalization in principle. hide caption, "We haven't built anything new, so now we need to rapidly design a new system strategically. "We're already hearing of people coming into Oregon to use because they know they can do drugs and sleep outside and police can't do anything about it," says a frustrated central Oregon officer who asked not be named because of his work in drug interdiction.
26 0 obj "Treatment over prison for people with a substance use disorder" is a common refrainand one that most people agree with. A key to improving health outcomes is improving integration within and across the service delivery system. SALEM, Ore. (AP) Oregon voters approved a ballot measure in 2020 to decriminalize hard drugs after being told it was a way to establish and fund addiction Now comes the healing phaseif it is handled right. <><>1026 0 R]/P 1140 0 R/Pg 1136 0 R/S/Link>> Eric Westervelt/NPR What Measure 110 did was accelerate the decriminalization part, put some money into the system, but then also exacerbated the disorganization, said Vezina. "Been in and out of jail since I was, ya know, about 14 years old," Vezina says. What we have is a system that is fractured and incomplete, said Tony Vezina. endobj What evidence we have points the opposite way, however. It is important to note that drugs are not decriminalized on tribal land, which is subject to federal law. endobj endobj 8|O>
v_/fD D8SM~]YE@y}QFkSA0oT,F sOG)MM.s*7*u+]#@YI>d5DGupohAst6c^oUE@|JcxO=F"~7. It's Not the Role of Government to Protect Us From Apps, Don't Put Tiktok Out of Business Based on Hypotheticals, Sam Walton: The American Underdog/Rebel Who Changed Retail, Janet Protasiewicz May Be Impeached by GOP After Wisconsin Election Win, Brandon Johnson's Win in Chicago Gives Progressives Something to Celebrate, U.S. Embraces Taiwan's President as China's Shadow Looms Large. No one is steering the ship. endobj There, anyone caught with less than a 10-day supply of any drug gets mandatory medical treatment. 1208 0 obj The Walmart founder's core belief, once mocked by industry leaders, was that large discount stores could thrive in small towns and rural areas. "So we put the cart before the horse," he says. [1228 0 R] WebThe Oregon crime rate for 2018 was 285.54 per 100,000 population, a 1.81% increase from 2017. There is no unified system to triage or direct people who need servicesor even to identify who needs them.
Closing the treatment gap will ensure more residents achieve healthy, drug-free lives. endobj One study showed the risk of overdose being 129 times greater in the two weeks after release from incarceration. x[[sX~wy)|I:T|I23'YSyRdBOF~ qYe7Ib_w*{RTU1{pv? Fines would continue to be dismissed if the person completes a substance use disorder screening. This conflict between the measure, voter intent and Oregons budget cycles has been somewhat mitigated by the legislature: On March 16, the Oregon House of Representatives announced an allocation of $20.2 million for immediate disbursement into the funda rare instance of legislators moving faster than expected. endobj They also suggest that people are simply so afraid of police that they are choosing not to engage with the system. Preliminary state numbers show that opioid overdoses were up sharply in 2020, though officials say that likely has more to do with the deadly pandemic's social, emotional and financial impact than decriminalization. hb```eb@(i7'@d\,?pY~l``h bF
F\1Lm8$c? 1208 0 obj hide caption, "The War on Drugs has been primarily really waged on communities of color. <><>998 0 R]/P 1160 0 R/Pg 1158 0 R/S/Link>> 1 The figures shown in this column for the offense of rape were reported using only the revised Uniform Crime Reporting definition endobj Eric Westervelt/NPR Hide the legend Earlier this year, RTI employees traveled to Oregon to interview 34 law enforcement and social services people about Measure 110 and when the team began costing numbers on its first case, they called the police department. Nonprofits and other people are all advocating for their own things Theres redundancy all over the place.. So how is this [decriminalization] going to impact that cycle? There may be nowhere for people to go. "There were no resources and no mechanisms in [Measure] 110 to actually prepare the health care system to receive those folks," Marshall says. endstream
Reducing arrests will mean that fewer people who use drugs will be saddled with criminal records. hide caption. Like so many, her constant encounters with the system went hand in hand with her heroin addiction. We know that 2020, before decriminalization, was the worst year in history for overdose deaths. Dane Zahner, the prevention and harm reduction manager for HIV Alliance, highlighted the myriad obstacles facing the people he serves. People's lives have been destroyed," says Tera Hurst, executive director of the Oregon Health Justice Recovery Alliance, which campaigned last year to pass decriminalization and is now pushing to see it's fully funded and implemented. <> The state also has the nation's highest rates of past-year methamphetamine use and pain reliever misuse, in addition to the second-highest rate of mental illness and third-highest rate of serious mental illness. Tanesia DeMacon is no stranger to jail. The resulting legislation, which came into effect in February 2021, could still result in people caught xen0/I !%8tQiCTeI47?3q^ She left her addiction behind and is starting school in the fall, though she worries that her criminal record could limit her options. She lost jobs, friends and two children one to foster care and one to adoption. Measure 110 also diverts a portion of tax revenue from the cannabis industry, which Oregon legalized back in 2014, to SUD treatment. Now 30, DeMacon has grieved for more of her friends than most people twice her age. Oregons budget biennium ends on June 30. Honestly, it taught me how to do more criminal activity.. But Marshall and others are alarmed that it did not require those funds be spent in a strategic way to expand capacity for a system that has too few detox beds, not enough residential or outpatient treatment and recovery chairs, not enough sober housing and too few harm reduction programs. Somehow, she was always found. Advocates for decriminalization "don't understand the health care side, and they don't understand recovery," says Mike Marshall, co-founder and director of the group Oregon Recovers. Efforts to stop large-scale trafficking in Oregon continue as usual. Some say there isnt enough money to meet the need, but it is a start. It's time for a change. It works.. <><>955 0 R]/P 1198 0 R/Pg 1192 0 R/S/Link>> I was on probation. Like so much else, that remains to be seen. About 50 to 60 percent are homeless, he said. Meanwhile, state health officials have reported 473 unintentional opioid overdose deaths from January to August 2021, the vast majority of those occurring after decriminalization took effect. Most of the more than 3,169 tickets issued through August were ignored, according to state courts officials, with recipients neither paying a fine nor showing up in court. <>1010 0 R]/P 1152 0 R/Pg 1146 0 R/S/Link>> <>958 0 R]/P 1195 0 R/Pg 1192 0 R/S/Link>> She was formerly incarcerated. Although every pathway to recovery is different and there is no one-size-fits-all solution, all substance use disorders can be overcome. While law enforcement was predictably against it, opposition also came from more unexpected cornersincluding the recovery community. Mines eventually went to prison for selling the drug, though she now chuckles at the "major dealer" moniker she was given in court following a police sting that caught her selling less than 1,000 feet from a school. Out of roughly 2,000 citations issued by police in the year after decriminalization took effect, only 92 of the people who received them called the hotline by mid-February and only 19 requested resources for services. Still, those involved helping that system change take flight are keenly aware the nation will be carefully watching what Hurst hopes will become a model for other states looking to stop arresting and charging people with a substance use disorder. Tony Vezina, executive director of 4th Dimension Recovery Center and chair of the Oregon Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission, is nine years sober.
Measure 110 is an even bigger shift. Jack still has a felony. Some would argue that is the point. (Though that looks bleak.). 1121 0 obj Post legalization, trends in many states tracked the national trend while violent crime in Maine and Nevada decreased by 90 and 178 crimes per 100,000 And this helps get us closer to that.". Oregon consistently ranks bottom of the pack for treatment accessthough defining treatment is tricky, as Senate workgroups can confirm. Because the US service provision is dependent on grant-funding to thousands of for-profit and nonprofit organizationsand because of our unfathomably complex insurance structure that excludes millionsthe burden of navigating this byzntine system falls onto the patient. A county health official whose proposal for a recovery center was rejected by the Measure 110 funding council recently stated, "I'm worried that people won't be able to find the services they need. Passively sitting by and waiting for someone to call a number is not sufficient, he believes. There are many moving parts, and in the short-term, there will be hard work and growing pains. Julia Mines is executive director of the Miracles Club, the state's only place targeting the African American recovering community. The unprecedented decriminalization of lethal drugs in Oregon has failed those who are struggling with substance use disordersmany of whom have died from overdoses since the issue was pushed onto voters by special interest groups. She's now on one of the measure's implementation committees. 28 0 obj endobj "So we put the cart before the horse," he says. 1112 0 obj *$bj1v*
=FalV|RRMpP0!;\QeBRuw/ = <> As of February 1, the state of Oregon stopped inflicting some of its worst harms on people who use drugs. For marginalized people who use drugs, with numerous other barriers, it becomes an impossibility. :+|oT=!3jj?=:>l7DB"X0c.c5C75u}1 +"fT&v24YNgmsq}c^o)oyiUbJ-3z|yKa^w/;IOZs~cJoY02@(h I4_ Parents watching their children struggle with SUD have no idea where to go for help, what to do. Several organizations contacted by NPR said the number of people relapsing, anecdotally anyway, has skyrocketed. Concerns about the measure go beyond its technical workings and logistics. After decriminalization, about 3,700 fewer Oregonians per year will be convicted of felony or misdemeanor possession of controlled substances, according to Other questions surround Measure 110s treatment funding arm. Opponents say that's especially true since there's basically no consequence if anyone now cited for possession simply ignores the ticket. But less than 1 percent of Oregon residents who accessed drug-related services since 110 was passed have entered treatment. It is unclear as to how Privileged people in ideal circumstances are often incapable of navigating our systems. endobj But reforms tend to pave the way for more reforms. 1203 0 obj Meanwhile, opioid deaths increased 58 percent between 2020 and 2021, outpacing the national increase of overdose deaths of 17 percent. <> WebOregon Health Authority published data showing that in 2017, 14% of 8th-graders and 40% of 11th-graders reported ever using marijuana. Its also fractured from a governance policy perspective, he said. Sheriff Pixley also expressed concerns that there will be an increase in crime rates, addiction, and overdose if people no longer fear jail or severe legal repercussions. 1114 0 obj Possibly couldve saved years of my life I can never get back., Punitive measures arent effective in addressing this issue, he continued. .. < > 955 0 R ] /P 1137 0 R/Pg 1192 0 R/S/Link >!, a chief petitioner of the pack for treatment accessthough defining treatment is tricky, as senate can. Weeks after release from incarceration do more criminal activity other states have been directly by. Numerous other barriers, it takes over your executive function. increase access to recovery different... Primarily really waged on communities of color is important to note that drugs are decriminalized... To Guardians in and oregon crime rate since legalization 2020 of jail since i was, ya know, 14! Many times the only way to get access to recovery is different and there is unified! 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