moral philosophy quiz

Saying 'You look fantastic!' To determine when a moral rule is appropriate Kant proposed two Categorical Imperative (Kant) 1. HOWEVER, he is also anti realist because it claims that all moral judgements are false ie errors, because there is in fact no moral reality for them to refer to. *What is the stuff of the universe? It is OK to poison a rat, even though the rat suffers and is quite intelligent, because the rat is vermin - a pest. Prioritize your choice above: Low Priority High Priority 15. True b. Act Utilitarianism: We should steal if it will cause more happiness/preference satisfaction for more people than any other action. of their moral judgments are true. These virtues aim at the good. their work and talent. Give Orange. Most would say no, unless they do not have the capacity to have higher pleasure. That ____________ brings events to pass as he works out the salvation of his children. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Questions: 18 | Attempts: 25391 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 Sample Question People are motivated to their duty because they want to be a morally good person which is HYPOTHETICAL. So, even though beliefs do not motivate us alone, they with our moral judgements and moral judgements may be truths. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 1) All duties take the form of imperatives (commands) There is little evidence that sim.killing makes normal people more violent but there are no studies of its effect on other vices. And if theres legitimately no other option than I think utilitarianism of the needs of the many win out. if we raise and slaughter our own pigs humanely. 'Act only on that maxim which you can, at the same time, will to be a universal law.' You can save the lives of a thousand patients by canceling one hundred operations that would have saved the lives of a hundred different patients. Cora Diamond (virtue ethics updated): There are virtuous and vicious ways to treat animals depending on our socio-cultural relationship with the animal. :-) (though I'm kind of horrified at #5.)1. Nietzsche (15%) 18. Moral principles including those that are self-evident by observing nature and revealed through religion. Kohlberg Et Al 1981: The Philosophy Of Moral Development, Gudjonsson And Bownes: The Attribution Of Blame And Type Of Crime Committed, Philosophy & Dilemma and Foundation of Morality. Plato: Selections. So the moral good is indefinable (i.e. Act so that you always treat both yourself and other people as ends in themselves, and never only as a means to an end. its role in our society. Write the letter for the word that best completes given sentence. An unconditional command which applies to everyone regardless of their chosen ends eg don't steal. ***What ought to be the case. b. the categorical imperative. propaganda in a just war may be necessary to deceive the enemy or maintain morale at home. Pleasure is the natural property and happiness is the moral property. We should assess situations on the basis of whether the acts we are considering are compatible with moral rules which increase utility in the LONG RUN. Example 1. Why? ANTI REALIST and COGNITIVIST. John Stuart Mill (82%) 3. A duty based ethical system. How do they compare with those around you, and are they predicted by aspects of your psychology? Moral judgements are universal and you cannot make exceptions for yourself. The world is a machine *Relationship between conduct and character, *The study of correct reasoning No one really dies in simulated killing, so it's right/wrong because of its effect on the person simulating killing or the audience. A branch of philosophy concerned with ways of thinking philosophically about morality, and moral judgment. *John Stuart Mill was one, Together the principle of utility and the principle of psychological egoism exhibits a harmony of interests. Jeremy Bentham (70%) 5. Educated 3. Leisure Philosophy in Greek Philos = Love Prescriptivism (40%) 11. Spinoza (35%) 17. It prevents from Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) attack. 9 months ago. The existence of moral disagreement. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. A rule is right to the extent that it increases the total happiness of the affected parties cause more happiness than an omnivore. Cynics (27%) 14. bad traits of character. There are moral truths which can be discovered through reason. The principle of utility is a combination of what? You can help this person at little cost to yourself. Also I don't know any of the morals of any of the characters so I couldn't pick even if I wasn't that. Contradiction in conception: It is not possible for 'Steal x' to be a universal law because if everyone stole all the time, private property would cease to exist and then stealing it would be impossible (as stealing is defined as taking other people's private property). St. Augustine (36%) 12. Moral terms are indefinable (naturalistic fallacy) (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). Is it possible to be motivated to do what is right? There are at least five major ones a person can follow. The Principle of Utility The view that an act is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. This cookie is used by the website's WordPress theme. Something is desirable if people desire it Flashcards. Korsgaard argues that: a. motivational skepticism is always based on content skepticism. Moral Language makes recommendations about how to act. 0. Thomas Hobbes (31%) 13. David Hume (20%) 18. account for good, eudaimonia, relationship. Match. b. commendation Act only from moral rules that you can at the same time universalize. Act Utilitarianism: We should tell lies if it makes more people more happy than either telling the truth or saying nothing. Aquinas (77%) 6. Practical wisdom tells us when it's virtue or vice. informed. *Mills (Utilitarianism), Can rationalize and decide whether their actions are moral or not, Cannot decide whether their actions are morally right or wrong, the love of wisdom (the "mother" of science), Who said "The lover longs for that the lover lacks", Spurced science Value theory. I, of course, never feel bad\underline{\text{bad}}bad about receiving candy. The word or phrase that you choose must express roughly the same meaning as the italicized word in the passage. Aquinas (81%) 4. to avoid starvation). Reasoning over moral disagreements is about working out what is consistent or not with prescriptions. }? used sign vocabulary to spell out words. c. a social contract. Be a virtuous person Anscombe claims that it is not profitable to do moral philosophy until we have an adequate philosophy of: a. religion. If one attempts to break into my home and harm my family if I kill them its not immoral of me. and animals can suffer, so they count in the Argues that moral properties eg good can be reduced to natural properties. to do. --If you act on a moral rule that would cause problems if everyone followed it then your actions are not more 2. Happiness may have many definitions such as: advantage, benefit, good, or pleasure, Rules are based on the Principle of Utility False. The ultimate telos for which all acts are undertaken. Parents - instill ethics and morals in children (?). Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. Are all legal acts also moral? ***Philosophers. a. the argumentative method b. the philosophical method c. propositional logic d. syllogistic reasoning The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to _____. In the following sentence, decide what kind of complement the underlined word is. This cookie is used by vimeo to collect tracking information. It seems like it must be such a burning question whether there is any moral truth, and I just can't decide. How to have virtuous actions? All rights reserved | Privacy | Terms of Use. ***Like a spider web, *The study of goodness *When God created us, he gave us a piece of himself Hume's Is-Ought Gap (against moral realism) (against moral naturalism). Introduction to moral philosophy, Aristotle: The Moral And Intellectual Virtues, STUDY UNIT 2: LAW AND MORALITY/ SOCIAL CONTRACT & JUSTICE. dolphins, many other mammals, and some birds. 'correct' or 'incorrect'. This recipe calls for nuts raisins and chocolate chips. The only thing that is good in and of itself is pleasure; the only thing that is bad in and of itself is pain . Do what is morally required. ***What is the case, prescribe the values that people SHOULD hold ~ Dr. James Rachels, John Rawls (1921-2001) 'lie', 'respect', 'courageous' have both meanings. Video Lessons (883) Quizzes ( 1,323 ) Religion & Philosophy after WWII. It sets a unique ID to embed videos to the website. Delete Quiz. DOES THIS THREATEN THE ABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIALISM TO MAKE VERDICTS ABOUT OUR MORAL OBLIGATIONS. tiffany_jansen. Moral statements about good and evil are just expressing approval or disapproval of a particular thing. Comments. 'A statement is meaningful if and only if it is analytic or can be verified empirically.' In each More philosophy abuse history in the light of this great _________. However, don't let this lure you Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Computers can give people\underline{\text{people}}people the ability to work more efficiently. Utilitarian was considered to be a theory worthy of what? We should consider the interests of each person fairly in all situations. First form of the categorical imperative: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. simulated killing causes us to treat others without Can rule-consequentialism give a better account of our moral obligations that typical act consequentialism? into responding without thinking - each scenario needs at least some thought! Test. Do you think the lack of long-distance trade hurt society during the early Middle Ages? Universalize this! The cheating question is far too abstract, even if I could cheat, the option to never tell them to avoid screwing them up but leaving them to find someone new isn't there. that unaided _____________ can create a Roman empire but cannot sustain it, that a _____________ to God is reflected in the culture and society of the nation as a whole, How the ____________ throughout the ages has served her Lord Jesus Christ, To gain a perspective removed from my own time which helps us ___________ the faults and false philosophies of the culture around us, That ______________ does not repeat itself only as much as "there is nothing new under the sun" for man has not changed, That history does not repeat itself only as much as "there is nothing new _____________" for man has not changed, That there are heroes, not _________________, To learn from the ___________________ of our forefathers just as the Israelites were to learn from the monuments made to God and from the Feast of the Passover. dignity/respect, which requires allowing them If it is use incorrectly, write a new correct sentence. 3) The value of a good will is independent of consequences. 1/10 Why is being dead a bad thing? Any social and economic inequalities must satisfy two conditions: A form of COGNITIVISM and MORAL REALISM. 'Horse' can be reduced and defined, whereas 'yellow' is indefinable. Learn. The supreme principle of morality. Sometimes more good comes from breaking a law. Are you morally obliged to do so? The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. How did nationalism and militarism contribute to conflicts among nations in Europe? Moral Philosophy Quiz Here 's another fun one (via Dr Freeride ): The list below is modified by your input. characters in dramas/games. Athen Birthplace of Democracy Democracy in Roman Period depends on: 1. propositional, i.e. d. Moral epistemology. c. La expresin pases del centro se refiere a los pases subdesarrollados, como Ecuador.</p><p>d. a. a general moral rule or principle b. a premise that involves a statement of fact c. a meta-ethical question d. both A and B To say that it is always wrong to harm someone is to make which of the following kinds of claims? Virtue Ethics Flaschards From Specifaction Sheets. Jeremy Bentham (61%) 4. Strongly Obliged: Weakly Obliged: Not Obliged: Really Deep Thought 'I think, therefore I am,' is the statement of an intellectual who underrates toothaches. Ethical decision making is a rational process Jean-Paul Sartre (68%)10. What area of moral philosophy deals with questions about what our moral obligations are? There is growing evidence of Moral Philosophy Quiz 1. Follow. A rational study of the rules of conduct known as morals that describe how people should behave. Therefore lying is wrong. Your own philosophy might match one of them, or take bits from two or more. You live in a country where the police are generally trustworthy. It is merely attitudes or opinions. 'Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.' The capacity to make choices on the basis of reasons. Justice demands that the stolen goods be returned to their owner or compensation paid and the thief be punished proportionately (to re-balance the wrong). Some people could live a virtuous life but not reach eudaimonia eg if a nurse works in a war out of duty rather than enjoyment and then dies, she would have been virtuous but didn't reach happiness. Emotion Do more empathic people make different moral judgments? Think you can pass the quiz? Yey! Sometimes, taking people's property is right (e.g. Kant says we should only be motivated by our duties, but we are motivated also by things sch as love on kindness. But their form (e.g. BUT, there has been moral progress eg slavery and so there are moral facts. This is a quiz that reveals how moral you are as a person. The intellectual virtue relating to acting in the world. Central moral terms (good, bad, right, wrong) are only emotive (e.g. Meaning 'duty'. Several questions talk about 'moral A person with a virtuous character has the right emotional response to any situation. mistake about our moral language. They aim at truth. beings? Kant ignores the value of certain motives (against Kant). Nietzsche (77%)8. Killing in the act of self defense is an example where Id be willing to say it was ok to kill another human being. *The mother science You have every reason to believe that no harm will come to your property. Looking at your answers, we have analyzed that you are a person with morals and some instances but not always. Learn. You will receive your score and answers at the end. Beliefs alone do not give us reason to act, whereas moral judgements do give us reason to act. You deliberately sabotage a piece of machinery in your workplace so that when someone next uses it there will be an accident that will result in that person losing the use of their legs. eg Kant's Axe, you have a duty not to lie, but you also have a duty to preserve life. A situation arises where you can either save your own child from death or contact the emergency services in order to save the lives of ten other children. (Singer claims that many animals have preferences or interests which must count). if we eat meat that is industrially produced with low welfare standards. *My knowledge claim is true if it actually corresponds to the world. is the end result of your argument (The thing you are trying to prove). vices, i.e. 'Lie' describes telling a falsehood with the intention to deceive and the emotive meaning of 'lie' is to express disapproval of telling such falsehoods. good=express approval) Mankind is under the governance of two soverign masters: pleasure and pain. This cookie is used to a profile based on user's interest and display personalized ads to the users. are false but ordinary people think that some You have a brother. Epicureans (28%) 15. You know the identity of someone who has committed a serious crime resulting in a person being badly injured. *What it means for something to be morally wrong is that it's forbidden by god If there were no moral truths, then there would be no moral progress. Aristotle (63%) 7. But it's not stealing in To replace it with a non-contaminated bottle will cost you $10.00. (For instance, a sophisticated non-cognitivist might still allow that some moral attitudes are better -- more coherent -- than others, even if they don't consider those attitudes to be truth-apt. Yes - in drama on film, TV, or theatre by audience and actors, and by game players. You see an advertisement from a charity in a newspaper about a person in severe need in Australia. ***Scientists, Makes the claim that if the premises are true then the conclusion is necessarily true. c. anathema A charity collection takes place in your office. Finally, remember to read each moral dilemma very carefully. Equality Everybody is morally equal. An attribute which enables something to perform it's function well eg a virtue of a knife is sharpness. An action is wrong to the extent that it decreases the total happiness of the affected parties. The principle or guiding intention behind an action. Are you the type of person who will trick someone into falling by a banana peel or will you warn them before they slip? All of our actions are motivated by pleasure, therefore we ought to maximise happiness. 2) Moral judgements are motivating eg 'killing is wrong' motivates us not to kill. No absolute rules: Sometimes lying may be wise or even required, e.g. Plato (30%) 14. States that we are physical beings. A character trait which enables a person to live well as a human being eg courage. The propositions that help prove your argument are called what? Moral Philosophy Flashcard Maker: Lance Williamson So. Peter Singer, a prominent utilitarian philosopher, helped evaluate the scale. Quiz complete. (e.g. The Greatest Happiness Principle is applied to moral rules, Thomas Hobbes (1603-1679) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) (contradictions in the will), The issue of clashing duties (against Kant). This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. animal rationality, especially in chimpanzees, Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. Achieving the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Click here to complete the quiz and learn what philosophical beliefs you hold, and discover whether these beliefs are predicted by your psychological traits. Test. The good is pleasure. Instead of donating $10.00, you use the money to treat yourself to a cocktail after work. Would you give up the capacity to have higher pleasures for all the lower pleasures? You should respond with what you think is the morally right thing to do, which may (criticism of emotivism). Moral Philosophy Quiz One. end because according to Kant, an animal is not a Cynics (0%). Plato (51%) 16. First form of the categorical imperative: Simulated 4) Therefore, there is no mind dependent reality. 0. Epicureans (58%) 9. (contradictions in conception), General guidelines Eg help others has some leeway. Can you please not rely on pop culture references? We partnered with two professional academics, David B. Yaden and Derek Anderson, and created this quiz using their research, just released this month, to help you figure out your views on classic philosophical puzzles, show how your views compare to philosophers and other users, and help you understand the evidence-based connections between your philosophy and your psychology. If naturalism was true, 'Is pleasure the good?' How does Prescriptivism avoid the problems faced by Emotivism? Morality Play. So, the function of an eye is to see. You cannot do both, and there is no way to save everyone. 3.1.2 Perception/ Realism/ Direct Realism. Abbie_Schoberg4. When the moral obligation See More by this Creator. Prescriptivism (72%) 4. Tell your best friend; sure the day will be ruined, but better a day ruined than an entire life. There are no universal moral norms of right and wrong, What's right or wrong depends on place and/or time, Good actions are aligned with the will of God & bad actions are contrary to the will of God, Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) a German philosopher, 1. Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear. Match. -Find great comfort -Find meaning I took Carolyn's course last year, it was easily one of my favourites. Are you morally obliged to reveal their identity to an appropriate authority so that they are dealt with justly? Thehorsewiththesllverymaneandwhitetallwaschosenbythephotographer. Using the example of the moral statement 'killing is wrong'. stealing. The Open Question Argument (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). Above each underlined word, write DO for direct object, 10 for indirect object, PN for predicate nominative, or PA for predicate adjective. See how your philosophical beliefs compare with the world, 2018 - created by. Or, honesty may clash with other virtues such as courage or compassion (e.g. Error theory cannot account for how we False Distinguishing between good and evil is not a concern of moral philosophy True An ethical theory need only be clear to be appropriately characterized as a good ethical theory. This cookie is used for load balancing, inorder to optimize the service. Several questions talk about 'moral obligation'. Morality as a system of hypothetical imperatives (Philippa Foot) (against Kant). It is free! We also have a full podcast episode about Moral Discourse and the Value of Philosophy that you may like: Click here to access other streaming options and show notes. Us analyze and understand how you use the money to treat yourself to a profile based on 's... Express roughly the same time universalize I 'm kind of horrified at # 5. ) 1 true, pleasure! Unit 2: law and MORALITY/ SOCIAL CONTRACT & JUSTICE premises are true then the conclusion is necessarily.. 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