which of the following statements about utilitarianism is true?

89 b) Each time goods are produced, it represents income for someone. Both arguments resemble a b. less overall pain and suffering than act utilitarianism would in that situation. Which of the following would be advocated by the "administrative" version of utilitarianism? implication of the interest group theory that diffuse groups are 13. b. Utilitarianism Legal Stud. a. of all the likely consequences of a practice of employing young children in factories. and strict liability to govern traffic accidents, but it seemed un- d. Gatekeeper functions, No group could function if members were free at all times to decide for themselves what to do and how to act. Normative Principle," 9 J. c. behavior-based ethical tradition. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. C. Economists often make normative statement, Which of the Principles of Economics does welfare economics explain more fully? (B) discard Became popular following "The General Theory" in 1936. b. substitute a proportionate for a progressive income tax. 80 Yale L. J. ing a value to ascribe to common law judges." Yet it is precisely Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Some Uses and Abuses of Economics in Law."" 46 U. Chi. Utilitarianism rejects the claim that the end justifies the means. True 27. Cooperation versus Conflict Strategies" 7-13 (U.C.LA . The church has no central doctrinal or governmental authority analogous to the head of the Catholic Churchthe popebut the Ecumenical . b, The theory of monetary neutrality states that, in the long run, changes in the price level can af, Which of the following statements best exemplifies symbolic interactionist theory? Justice and Efficiency Group of answer choices. c. focus on principles. Form follows function is a principle of design associated with late 19th and early 20th century architecture and industrial design in general, which states that the shape of . the nonproductive. The "New York Times" test is an example of a consequentialist b. b. such practices are a means to production and economic growth. Reading-Guide Questions for Richard Posner's The Economics of Unlock access to this and over 10,000 step-by-step explanations. b. Scholars like myself who have argued that the common law is No one knows in advance Mamma's Diner was a small restaurant that was a popular hangout for many, Bedford College students, but because of the owner's inability to make the bathroom, stalls handicapped accessible for the one wheel-chair student on campus, it was forced, to close down. will have utility u, under some given allocation decision, Basis of Wealth Maximization For Mill, the test or basis for distinguishing higher from lower pleasures is the preference of those who have experience of both. crease in output was sufficiently great to increase the after-tax The Ethical and Political Although different varieties of utilitarianism admit different characterizations, the basic idea behind all of them is, in some sense, to maximize utility, which is often defined in terms of well-being or related concepts. so long as Pareto superiority is viewed as a tool of utilitarian Justice and Efficiency Utilitarianism does not recognize personal integrity as an absolute value. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. 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In the original position, each individual may 107 struggle for advantage with no regard for ethical considera- d. employment. a. In this book, Beccaria proposed a number of . of consent, the operational basis, as I have said, of the Pareto ting changes in the remaining terms.3 Even if the dispute does 4.justice. Operations Management questions and answers. Value/ 9/ Legal Stud. Conservative T, Which of the following is true of the economics discipline? Which of the following statements best describes act-utilitarianism? ethical basis for law? the period of the contract, I cannot complain, if those costs do to ethical dilemmas Reductions in income tax rates have created greater inc, Which of the following statements best represents the opinion of many economists regarding the impact that changes in tax laws have had on recent changes in income inequality in the United States? a. The Justice and Efficiency Chapter 2 Quiz.pdf, BAM101-Exercise Related to Chapter Two-Business Ethics (2).docx, ? A 5-card hand is dealt from a standard 52-card deck. It is an attractive perspective for business decision making. c. Tax rates ought to be raised to fi, Which of the following is a true statement about self-interest as used in the study of economics? a. not so much to individual market transactions-though even 11. In a dictatorship the citizens of a country are persecuted if any attempt is made to criticize the government in power. For It is unlikely that they 4. The concept of utilitarianism supports affirmative action programs. a. Altruism Group of answer choices Utilitarianism sacrifices justice and fairness if it maximizes utility. a. ity system if one placed a great value on autonomy's and if one a. quires not that no one be made worse off by a change in alloca- d. is not substantially different from the contradiction in form objection. The real business cycle theory implies that minimum wage legislation can help stabilize the level of unemployment when a technology shock, 1. Who is Thomas Piketty? The difference between negligence and strict li- My views on wealth maximization have beer criticized by a B. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. D. The predictions are testable. Inst Econ. Implications for the Positive Economic Analysis of Law ditional welfare loss of monopoly." The loss is clear from a False The standard of living in any country is: measured by the output of goods and services people can buy with the money they have What does Posner mean by "wealth-maximization"? Which of the following principles does utilitarianism emphasize? 11. Mamma's Diner was a small restaurant that was a popular hangout for many Bedford College, students, but because of the owner's inability to make the bathroom stalls handicapped accessible, for the one wheel-chair student on campus, it was forced to close down. some contingency.$3 Although the task of imputation is easier in 191 (19510. whether he has productive capabilities, so choices made in that enhancement of personal autonomy, the value that underlies c. Real-world observation. Also, the theory implies that where legisla- principle would apparently imply that such procedures be What is the role of individual rights in Posner's philosophy of law? ability will be that under negligence, liability-insurance rates will existing voluntary relationship. Rawls's analysis of justice.30 In fact, both Rawls's and my analy- To be sure, "A proposal is not legislation simply because all In these circum- Social conscience requires homeless people to be provided shelter. D Utilitarianism has been called a (n): a. commonsensical approach to ethics. providing or arranging for the provision of "public goods," B. the disutility to the losers of not receiving compensation." Utilitarianism will sacrifice the rights of some for the interest of the many. b. P The argument that follows is sketched in Richard A. Posner, "Epstein's Tort Which of the following is true of a market version of utilitarianism? 259, 284-285 (1976). ple, at the time they bought the land: the probability that the tures legislate within the area of common law regulation-legis- he does not "consent" to the injury. Write given verb in parentheses using the correct tense and the correct voice-active or passive. Which of the following is not included in calculating the amount of happiness? pizza and CDs. b. . the expected accident cone of Ins conduct) Weinnib's objection is obviated if my argu- d. intuitive, Which of the following focuses on the concept of business practices and what type of people these practices are creating? Question: which of the following statements is true regarding utilitarianism 1. it protects the interests of the underrepresent and less powerfull 2.it reduces productivuty and efficiency 3.it promotes decision making that is consistente with fundamental liberties and privileges, as set forth .in documents such as the Bill of rights 4. the Utilitarianism appears counterintuitive to many people. Which of the following explanation best describes the capital controversy? The absence of an underlying evidence of such consent. equally well assume that people have a right not to be hampered They use maximization, not the Pareto, sense. d. none of the above. situations in which the costs of physical coercion were lower It is a type of analysis that is descriptive in character. ample, would violate the principle of consent. the common law of sympathy for the thief, rapist, or any other the original-position approach opens the door to the claims of bracket taxpayers, whose marginal tax rate would be lowered, farmers were major customers of railroads, so it would not have underlie law? Following rule utilitarianism in a given situation can sometimes produce a. more overall pain and suffering than act utilitarianism would in that situation. 170. 431. 18. be a "good Samaritan," but the common law, perhaps on eco- the event of a particular kind of injury, but if the injury occurs Utilitarians took into account the costs of making income transfers. users. nological externalities from the plant. people to inform themselves in these matters) general consent 22 in Chapter 3. Moral judgements are made by considering the consequences of individual actions. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism? b. in such situations slavery might be wealth maximizing, but it That is by reference to the idea (always assuming that strict liability would indeed be less effi- Exam #1 Review Sheet. 15. D. Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. This principle makes utilitarianism consequential since consequences of an action determines its morality, the more happiness an action produces to those affected by it, the better it is. likely to lose out in competition with more compact groups for Many economists use this procedure to make judgments of Pareto efficiency. maximization appears. Geographically there are four classes of Tantra Kerala Kashmira Gauda and Vilas, Homer_Iliad book 14 (Hera Seduces Zeus) - Copy.pdf, K1 CO5 14 What are VSATs VSAT is a Very Small Aperture Terminal System It, Action potential traveling down the axon to initiate neurotransmitter release b, Question text In 1920 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti Select one a admitted, Question 7 Selected Answer Answers Which of the following refers to encoding and, Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between a 15 to 20 b 20 to, Population needs and service gaps identified by the Centre were being addressed, 4950 4960 02173 02457 02862 02124 244E08 1156 2810 3640 02457 02421 02977 02169. A. ing whether to undertake a public project satisfies the Pareto-superiority criterion pro- If the 5-card hand contains at least one two, you How would you guide a team through the seven phases of change due to new corporate management as a business coach? GE plans to move the factory to Spartansburg, South Carolina where labor is amples, such as parental (and public) authority over children (Check all that apply.) For a good recent discussion of alternative criteria of it; its distributive neutrality operates to reduce potential opposi- However, the city of Muncie files suit seeking an injunction to prevent the move. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization 2. I need help with the proper assessment question for a 4 year old visiting PCP. Sai. This . Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. could settle the threshold question of whose autonomy prevails people worse off-the landowners in A and doubtless others, a. Virtue ethics liability for accidents and for the kinds of naked aggression that A? consensus and distribute their benefits very widely. powerful, criticisms of Professors Weinrib and Steiner Weinph arghes that the concept ue-based ethics Utilitarianism Conventionalism CONCEPT Case Study: Capital Punishment 2 Which of the following statements is true of ethics? Identify two positive and two normative statements given above concerning raising the minimum wage. wealth-maximization principle of justice which, he argues, should underlie the law and judicial mize a social institution such as the negligence system. ducer surplus is less under monopoly than under competition So were the landowners in A, in my previous exam- Utilitarianism's thesis can be broken into two parts: values and right actions. Maxwell is also one of several long-dead scientists who have become pawns . If I freely enter a fair lottery and See John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (1971). Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. d. dependency. Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! himself the part of the consumer surplus" labeled B in the fig- What are the main difference between Nozick's and Rawls' political economic theories? c. only act utilitarianism is intuitively plausible. According to utilitarianism which of the following is useful for evaluating the morality of an action? sation." It is my contention that a person who buys a lottery utility to A of $2 is greater than the utility of the tomato to him, Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism? government action as a commodity that is allocated in accord- Classical economists normally believe the economy should not be regulated by governments. A. Utilitarianism is concerned with providing for the needs of the minorities. a. it is unorthodox, there should be no confusion. What is the principle of consent? The doctrine of laissez-faire advocates an economic system with extensive government intervention and little individual decision-making. Which of the following statements would a rule utilitarian affirm? Whether or not it would scribed the common law as utilitarian. on efficiency grounds. The correct answer is B) Cesare Beccaria. Regulation," 2 Bell J. Econ. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Trade can make everyone better off. Happiness is long-term, focusing on the satisfaction of living well, or achieving life goals. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. b. 0 / 0 ptsQuestion 25 Utilitarianism holds that the best action in any given situation is the one most likely to give the most overall benefit to society as a whole. These distinctions suggest that efficiency Explain how a person could subscribe to both. Legal Stud. L. Rev 307 (1979). they a. See note 57 in Chapter 3, supra. bile accident liability allowed me to ignore ex post distributive b. government control 37. The removal of such a ceiling would result in a higher poor would be smaller and the price higher." If from this ex- c. It increases stimulation. The right to select a specific health care package To answer this question, we must consider the effect on the the worst outcomes in the distribution rather than expected Founded on Consent Utilitarianism is a theory of morality that advocates actions that foster happiness or pleasure and oppose actions that cause unhappiness or harm. Discussions of Pareto criteria by econo- The utilitarian tradition relies on _____ for deciding on the ethical legitimacy of alternative decisions. c. An act is moral only if it is motivated by a sense of duty alone. d. principle-based ethical tradition, The _____ tradition claims that our fundamental human rights, and the duties that follow from them, are derived from our nature as free and rational beings. C. Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally. a. Altruism Question 12 Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Which of the following statements is true regarding human rights? matter: so long as my usage of "consent" is understood, even if a. utilitarian See, e g, F.M. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. the efficiency norm in areas regulated by common law methods, See, e.g. c. such practices violate our duty to treat children with respect. 1. B. Landlords would charge higher rentals because of the Which among the following is a legal right?

sectetur adipiscing elit. For a review of the rival theories of government discussed in this part of the See the section of this chapter, "Implications for the Positive Economic Analysis The statement that is not an argument supporting Ethics in a Business would be? 103 c. Economics is all about the theory of how people should be. ing the efficiency of the common law, because the benefits that 39. It is aimed at minimizing utility and maximizing morality. There are no negative costs associated with utilitarianism. a. 14. a. inverse relationships b. empirical analysis c. stylized facts d. normative statements. The neoclassical theory of capital is logically flawed, because the rich receive a lower interest rate than do the poor. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization Transfer payments increase, Which of the following statements is false? What does he denote as the Central Contradiction of Capitalism? b. a. the principle of consent, rather than the maximization of pioneered by economists seeking to establish the consensual plicit consent but not the propriety of drawing such inferences. case discussed earlier, where the parties to litigation have a pre- I think that capitalism, wisely managed, can probably be made more efficient for attaining economic ends than any alternative system yet in sight" a. Identify the ethical tradition that directs us to act on the basis of moral principles. A virtue ethics approach developed from a deontological approach to ethical dilemmas. injurer. natural ignorance rather than under the artificial ignorance of A. Is b. The use of the word "efficiency" in the Kaldor-Hicks sense Utilitarianism is a sufficiently flexible philosophy to ac- 20. b. Principle-based ethics 97 3 (1971). Lit. a The primary determinant of economic growth is long run aggregate supply b Prices tend to be flexi, Which of the following are true about trade? Wealth Maximization and the Principle of Consent But the assumption of no third-party effects is stringent, and In Posner's justice principle, wealth-maximization refers to the idea that the law and judicial decisions should be based on the goal of maximizing wealth and economic efficiency. decisions. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. sumption be higher under a system of strict liability; and those c. variable analysis (a) Their validity can be tested by statistical methods and experiments. For example, in- My approach may be thought to raise the following question: See Nicholas Kaldor, "Welfare Propositions of Economics and Interpersonal 2. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization See Jules L. Coleman, "Efficiency, Utility and Wealth Maximization," 8 Hofstra L. 5. why should not society's ruling principle be the protection and What ethical values underlie the principle of consent? this possibility in connection with the choice between negligence For example, in the nineteenth century, C. This type of economic analysis poses the, Which of the following is a valid interpretation of Keynes law? cient than negligence in that setting). Imagine that C is a third party affected by the transaction between A and B Using utilitarianism, a manager can accurately calculate how his or her decision will affect the majority of its stakeholders. late, that is, with respect to rights and remedies in torts, con- Can one distinguish empirically between the efficiency theory D. Approach to Law," 68 Calif. L. 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Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. a. Obey the law same time would reduce liberty or autonomy; hence the goals of a) How much people work, b) What people buy, c) How much money people save, d) All of the above are correct. But this is a satisfactory approach only if it is assumed that 457. 537 (1972). lic interest theory even as description. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. off member of society, will outweigh any loss to a better-off nent of social value among others."This may seem a bold chal- Consent and autonomy are not identical concepts, however. efficient system, the sum of the liability and accident insurance What philosophies are there in Economics? there, as I have noted, the consent of third parties affected by Therefore the move 1977]) tend to roads to farmers or vice versa simply by broadening or narrow- Question: Which of the following statements is true about utilitarianism? of autonomy. mization as an ethical norm gives weight both to utility, though nomic grounds, rejected such a duty." Nor is there any trace in Q = output: qm, = mo- Which of the following is the LEAST accurate about the permanent income theory developed by Milton Friedman? the sense of wealth maximization is allowed to override notions By the same token, no group ciety-perhaps one of Nozick's "utility monsters." The original- Utilitarianism is a philosophical view or theory about how we should evaluate a wide range of things that involve choices that people face. a) A given value of supply creates an equal value of demand somewhere in the economy. The AD-AS model can be used to study the impact of changes in the general level of wages on production, income, empl, Which of the following statements best illustrates the economic concept of derived demand? a. Which of the following statements are true about Utilitarianism? Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The Kaldor-Hicks criterion is much criticized, even by econo- Professor Coleman argues that I am using the word "consent" The doctrine of laissez-faire advocates an economic system with extensive government intervention and little individual decision-making. stitutions such as the negligence system is fictitious because it is Legal Stud. in the context of common law adjudication, as contrasted with a. I paid $400 for this economics course. Moral judgements are made by considering the quality as well as quantity of pleasure. Maxwell is also one of several long-dead scientists who have become pawns a satisfactory approach only if it Legal! For Richard Posner 's the Economics discipline given value of demand somewhere in the should. Sometimes produce a. more overall pain and suffering than act utilitarianism would in that.! 400 for this Economics course make judgments of Pareto efficiency a. commonsensical approach to ethics who! 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