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Activities promote physical and mental well-being, socialization, nutrition, life-long learning and volunteer opportunities. This picnic will be for residents of the towns of Clinton and Hyde Park, including Staatsburg. This site uses Javascript for many of its applications and functions. WebVolunteer Opportunities: 1-on-1 tutoring help for adult learners seeking help with basic reading and writing in English; also volunteer opportunity for adults desiring to be trained Municipalities assist by providing rent-free space. There will be 10 picnics throughout the summer held at various parks in the county. Todd N. Tancredi is director of the Dutchess County Office for the Aging. The Dutchess County Office for the Aging partners with the following municipalities in the operation of its Senior Friendship Centers and Home Delivered Meals Programs: Town of Poughkeepsie, Town of Pleasant Valley, Town of LaGrange, City of Beacon (Housing Authority), Village of Millerton, Town of Pawling, Town of East Fishkill.
Service providers are co-located such as health screenings, grief counseling, Alzheimers education and caregiver support. Quarterly information about news and upcoming events for older adults and caregivers in Dutchess County. Seating is limited at each picnic. * Wednesday, July 7: Stissing Mountain High School, 2829 W. Church St. (state Route 199), Pine Plains. This program is offered to adults ages 18 and older and is conducted in both deep and shallow water. The Department also operates the largest municipal golf system with 20 courses at 18 locations and owns great cultural venues including the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre and the world famous Hollywood Bowl. SEE ALSO: Dutchess Office For The Aging Promotes Senior Socialization, Dutchess Office For The Aging Promotes Senior Socialization. Sepe said shes been wanting to volunteer for something for a long time and saw an email from the Office for the Aging about coming events, one of which was a training session for the Friendly Calls program. Through its distinctive role of committed advocate and community partner, the agency strives to ensure clients' needs will continue to be met now and in the future. Call or email before visiting many issues can be resolved without having to leave the safety of your home, 845-486-2555. OFA serves residents from every community in Dutchess County at the picnic in their area. Monitoring of CSBG Eligible Entities Amidst the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis. Residents age 60 and over are invited to mingle and enjoy a free chicken bar-b-que lunch at a picnic in their local area. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30am-430Pm. Please enable Javascript in order to take advantage of the many features our site offers. This has proven to be a ray of sunshine for half an hour a week.. The picnic is for residents of the town of Wappinger and the village of Wappingers Falls. She said there are close to 60,000 people over the age of 60 in Dutchess County, so more volunteers are needed. Residents age 60 and over are invited to come out and socialize with their friends and neighbors at the event designated for their hometown and learn more about the programs and services offered by the Division of Aging Services. At this years OFA picnics seniors receive hot lunches featuring either hamburgers or vegetarian burgers, along with side dishes, prepared onsite by OFA meal contractor Bateman Senior Meals, which also prepares the meals for OFAs Home Delivered Meals (HDM) program.
How to Use this Site For details, call OFA at 845-486-2555 or email ofa@dutchessny.gov. 4-Bedroom Dutchess Colonial With Parklike Landscaping, 3 Venomous Snakes To Know On Your Walks, Jogs And Hikes Around NY, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster Score High in Latest County Health Rankings, Lawmakers, Counties Oppose Radioactive Discharge From Indian Point, County's Friendly Calls Program For Seniors Is 'A Ray Of Sunshine', No, Steamin' Weenie Is Not The NY State Dept, AG Clarifies, 5 Upcoming Open Houses In And Around The Mid Hudson Valley Area, Walkway Over The Hudson Continues Bringing Communities Together, Savory Saturdays: Throw Us Some Cider And Serve Up The Sausages. Thousands of seniors throughout our county look forward to this annual summer tradition of getting together for some food, fellowship and fun. The picnics are for Dutchess County residents ages 60 and older. The OFA also offers orientation sessions at local businesses or meeting venues. Information about legal services offered by OFA to Dutchess residents 60 and over. Director Tancredi said, Last year, seniors successfully adapted to the drive-through format and took the opportunity to enjoy their to-go meals at parks throughout the county. 2023 www.poughkeepsiejournal.com. We're going to need some help mailing copies to our subscribers. The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation has a long, proud history which has brought us to where we are today. These summer picnics were made possible through private and public partnerships, including support from many of the local municipalities as well as local businesses. hb```hV!10p\l -0g=+7K|\fp`ba`=)_T\FA?|)8L2mYc#D f+Y|y. Locations, function googleTranslateElementInit() { Summer Senior Picnics Return in 2019 for a 27th Year Phone (845) 486-2555.
This picnic is for city of Beacon residents.
NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages, or with any type of disability. Given this development, we are happy to provide even more options for seniors who attend our picnics, offering them even more socialization while learning about the OFA and the countless services and programs it offers.. County Executive Marc Molinaro said, Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and New York State have eased mask-wearing and social-distancing guidance for those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, vaccinated seniors are now allowed to be maskless at gatherings, including our Office for the Agings senior picnics.
Besides McKnight, Sepe speaks weekly with another senior.
Interested in taking part as a volunteer in OFA's "Friendly Calls" program, but can't get to a volunteer orientation due to work commitments during the day? For dates and times that we are closed for the holiday, or due to weather conditions, please call 845-452-5104 ext 220. Space is limited at each picnic, and seniors who wish to reserve their space at the picnic are encouraged to call (866) 486-2555. - | - The Spring 2023 issue of OFA's THRIVE60+ newsletter has been printed. To make a reservation for the picnic corresponding with your municipality(Village and Town of Rhinebeck, Village and Town of Red Hook, Town of Milan and Village of Tivoli), call the Office for the Aging. The 2017 Senior Picnic Schedule is as follows: May 31: Town and Village of Pawling, Towns of LA County Senior Centers, Programs and Activities are a great place for adults ages 60+ years to stay fit, active and to meet new HM-@qN0,^r`{VE@$o)u 5630] ^
* Wednesday, June 23: Memorial Park, Robert Cahill Drive, Beacon. To help defray costs both the county and some municipalities obtain sponsors for the events. There are two OFA Friendly Calls Volunteer
William R. Steinhaus, County Executive Today, the Department owns 182 beautiful parks including natural areas, wildlife sanctuaries, lakes, trails, arboreta and botanic gardens and local, community and regional parks.
of Senior Programs & Sevices & the City of Peekskill. * Wednesday, June 16: Church of Regina Coeli, 2 Harvey St., Hyde Park. She told Patch the response has been excellent, coming from the seniors getting the calls and the volunteers making them. endstream
OFA can assist homebound older adults (age 60+) in Dutchess County in obtaining vaccinations for influenza and/or COVID-19 boosters. There is a $4 charge for anyone 59 or younger or non-resident guests for all local picnics. Creative and innovative recreational programming offers something special for every member of the family and a number of special events are held annually for the enjoyment of the entire community. Golden Living is prepared by the Dutchess County Office for the Aging, 114 Delafield St., Poughkeepsie, New York 12601, telephone (845) 486-2555, email: ofa@dutchessny.govwebsite: www.dutchessny.gov/aging STILL SPOTS AVAILABLE AT PANCAKES IN THE PARK (Fri 3/26) Other rent free spaces are provided by local libraries, houses of worship and other civic groups. Tivoli Memorial Park, 1 Katherine Lane, Red Hook. We offer an array of programming that provides socialization, recreation and fitness opportunities for older adultsto remain active and energized. Click here for a basic brochure outlining Dutchess County OFA services. Web12.
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To arrange an in-home vaccination appointment, call OFA at 845-486-2555 during business hours or email ofa@dutchessny.gov. County Government >> Departments >> County Executive >> Steinhaus Administration Archives >> 2011 News Releases >> 2011 Senior Social Picnic Program, For Further Information Contact: She said there are close to 60,000 people over the age of 60 in Dutchess County, so more volunteers are needed. Office for the Aging annual events are excellent ways for businesses that serve Dutchess County seniors to improve their visibility, while at the same time helping Additional sponsorships are available for businesses that would like to reach out to the senior community. Proper and adequate nutrition is of the utmost importance to healthy seniors. The Office for the Aging offers dozens of Senior Exercise and Brain Games (Mental Fitness) classes throughout the county.
These summer picnics were made possible through private and public Click here for a flyer with more information. This is an instructor led aquatic exercise program that allows the participant to get a great workout without the impact on joints and other body parts that traditional aerobics classes create. The administrative office is open Monday through friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. This year, were thrilled to add a sit-down option at the picnic venues, for all the seniors who want to stop and ask questions of OFA staff and local elected officials who attend.. SENIORNEWS:Older Americans give voice to #AgeOutLoud. As was the case last year, the picnics will be drive-thru affairs, according to the office. * Wednesday, June 30: Bowdoin Park, 85 Sheafe Road, Poughkeepsie. Antelope Valley Trails and Recreation Council, Baldwin Hills Regional Conservation Authority, Community Development Commission of the County of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation Golf Advisory Committee, Inter-Agency Council of Child Abuse and Neglect, Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office, Los Angeles County Community and Senior Services, Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, Los Angeles County Department of Consumer Affairs, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Flood Control District, Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning, Los Angeles County Office of County Counsel, Los Angeles County Fish and Game Commission, Los Angeles County Quality Productivity Commission, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, Nature Centers Associates of Los Angeles County, San Dimas Canyon, Nature Centers Associates of Los Angeles County, Eaton Canyon, Nature Centers Associates of Los Angeles County, Placerita Canyon, San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, Santa Clarita Valley Trails Advisory Committee, Schabarum Regional Park Support Foundation, Val Verde Community Benefits Funding Committee, Deane Dana Friendship Park and Nature Center, Eaton Canyon Natural Area and Nature Center, Santa Catalina Island Interpretive Center, Report Grafitti, Dumping, or Other Facility Damage, Hacienda Heights Community and Recreation Center, Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden, San Dimas Canyon Natural Area and Nature Center, San Fernando Recreation Park and Aquatic Center, Santa Catalina Island Nature Center at Avalon Canyon, Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park, Whittier Narrows Natural Area and Nature Center. The county provides county owned tents. POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. Senior picnics have resumed for the summer, the Dutchess County Office for the Aging have announced. Legal Statements Fax (845) 486-2571. All picnics begin at 12 noon. If you are available during the first week of April, and can volunteer to come to OFA and help prepare issues of the newsletter for mailing,please email bjones@dutchessny.gov. Participates and assists in special events such as the summer picnic program; 14. OFA staff continues to mail reminder postcards to seniors throughout the county, though the postcard is not required to make a reservation. Contact Us -.
Weve expanded capacity again in 2021, and seniors have been as enthusiastic as theyve ever been about calling us to reserve their spot at their communitys picnic..
OFA Community Service Workers can help you explore benefit programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Medicare Savings Program, Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC), housing applications, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps). We can also be reached by email atofa@dutchessny.gov. The Senior Socials are a great opportunity to learn more about the programs and services offered by the Division of Aging Services as well as other County divisions such as Veterans Services.
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