Fujifilm Superia 200, 400, 800, and 1600 were used with the Hexar AF, the Leica CL, the Nikon F90, the Pentax 67 (yes, Ive played with some of it in 120). If you click on a link and make a purchase, Shoot It With Film may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I guess well be seeing more of Superia 400 as Fuji are apparently discontinuing PRO400H. It has been quite hard to get for at least two years now, would be a shame if it is no more.. Ive shot the Kodak pro films, but I dont love them so much more than Fuji 200 (or Kodak Max 400) that Im generally willing to pay the steep premium for them. the multi- purpose 200 is an all-around Film perfect for outdoors, or indoors with flash. While a professional-grade film like Portra and Fuji Pro400H will handle light better and stay truer to their color/tones. Hey Jessica, great article. They really emphasize the film look. As long as you have plenty of light, this film is perfect for landscapes, portraits, and both personal and professional shooting. When exposed well it has very fine grain and medium contrast and saturation. I happen to love color film 400 rated down to ISO 200.
,The idea of routinely over exposing negative films, is a bad one. An all-round general purpose, high-performance, high speed color negative film delivering truly fine-grain. This film had been well taken care ofwhich basically means that it was kept in the freezer. It's really to critically use a film often enough to know what to expect. Its just like any 400 speed and loves light. I can see why 400 speed color has never connected with you. Recommended film stock to try Tri-X 400 & Ilford HP5 plus. Pottawatomie is an alternate spelling. Thats a super awesome look. Unfortunately, the shop went out of stock during my order (when in the cart it said available, in the confirmation mail waiting for new supply). The significant difference between this, and Fuji 400H (NPH) for example, is what happens when overexposed by one, two, and three stops. The colors are great too and in a differnt way that Colorplus or Ultramax which can be really warm and red dominant. Required fields are marked *. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I shoot a lot of Fujifilms Fujicolor 200 and figured the Superia X-tra 400 would behave much the same, except for being a stop faster. A specific emulsion has often a much greater impact on the final image than a new piece of gear has. It can be plain ugly relative to what the Kodak NC films or Fuji Pro S or H films deliver. I think I would have been better served reducing exposure by a half stop when photographing snowy scenes, as the snowy portions of these photos look blown out. The X-TRA 400 is just one of the variants available. We like to see how you use the film buy from us. In my eyes, the organic vibe of film photographs was almost absent. Its 400 iso makes a versatile film that preforms well in daylight and lowlight. With green-sh shadows and slightly off skin tones. Fujifilm Introduction I hope you carry on posting articles about your experiments! 1599 Palm Bay Rd Ne Palm Bay, FL 32905. However, I recently decided to test out some alternatives. You can get it for $2 for a 36 roll from Adorama. 2750 W New Haven Ave Melbourne Village, FL 32904. I can see it might never truly connect with me. Fujifilm Introduction Check out the video below to learn about some more of the features: One of the first things that you will notice when shooting with Superia X-TRA 400 is the grain. Fujifilm Superia is fantastic for candid, everyday photography. When overexposed by two or three stops, the curves don't yet cross, but they do compress heavily. If you look at this image at its full scanned size, the sky is mighty noisy with grain. This lets you adjust exposure so that the image is recorded just the way you want it on the film.
,Superia 400, and portrait films as a group, has huge overexposure latitude. All film was graciously developed by Lomography Gallery Store in NYC. So, will I use this film again? She grew up there; it was fun to explore her hometown. Mon 9:00 AM - Web5 Rolls Fuji FujiColor C200 36 200 ASA 35mm Color Negative Film. In Germany, a roll of Portra 400 in 135 comes now at roughly 11 Euros. 200. Electronic flash produces light similar to daylight, so filters are not needed. You could be right about that. Its so versatile and can be used for landscapes and portraits both indoors and out. (Free 3-day trial).Subscribehere. How do u calculate the exposures for the night shots? Give the film more light, however, and the contrast curve flattens out quickly. This Summer I went around to all the local Wal-Marts and bought whatever they had stocked in Fuji 35mm and Im glad I did because I was able to shoot a bit more of the stuff but I didnt know at that time that Fuji had shut down their manufacturing. Also, have you noticed (or is it just my dodgy eyes) that when viewing photos in the Lightbox, Flickr throws on another splash of sharpening?
Agfa used to recommend this for all their films, and I think Kodak used to recommend 1 stop over exposure on the fil exposure tables they used to print on their film boxes. Final Thoughts on Fuji Superia 400 It excites me to test out unfamiliar film stocks. Red Leaf - Fruit Heights, UT - Fujifilm X100V - "Superia Xtra 400" I've had a lot of requests for a Superia Xtra 400 film simulation recipe. You can submit a maximum of 10 photos per time. You pay more for Ektar, which is marketed to professionals. Fujicolor 200 could be the best bargain in film today. perfect for beginners. Lifestyle Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme, Film Review: Fujifilm Superia (200, 400, 800 and 1600), Opinion: Please Stop Wearing a Photo Vest if You Dont Need to Be Wearing a Photo Vest. Im lucky to have this inexpensive source. I love them, as they give the image an authentic look in my opinion. Thanks for sharing your camera knowledge and photos! For portrait I don't like Superia as much as Kodak 400NC. Content contributor- become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. A Versatile, All-Around Film, Smooth, Fine Grain, Enhanced Color Reproduction & Sharpness,Designed for versatility and ease of use. But if you do that, then you run the risk of someone saying something along the lines of This looks like VSCO. or This looks like Mastin.. These images show that saturation Fujicolor 200 is known for. In ISO 200, 400, and 800 youre bound to get some of the best colors. Fortunately, I didnt encounter a similar behavior with Fuji Superia. Yeah, I like the stuff. Web1 x Roll FUJI SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 FRESH COLOR NEG--35mm/36 exps--expiry: 05/2025. Those sound like highend films and those *should* be outdoing consumer grade Fuji
Hello. Found a bunch at a scratch & dent in Pennsylvania. Even good old Fujicolor 200 would have been a lower-grain choice. The Superia brand of daylight balanced colour negative film is aimed towards the point and shoot market but it has also become a go-to film for many enthusiasts. For the inflated price per roll this goes for these days, this film is easily the worst color stock. 399 Emerson Dr Nw Palm Bay, FL 32907. It was Fuji Superia X-TRA 400 and was shot in a Vivitar Ultrawide and Slim clone. Your email address will not be published. Fujifilm Superia 200, 400, 800, and 1600 were used with the Hexar AF, the Leica CL, the Nikon F90, the Pentax 67 (yes, Ive played with some of it in 120). Superias colors seem more punchier to me, as expected. For more information or questions, feel free to leave a comment below, wed love to hear from you! VSCO FILM 02 The Missing Guide Nate Photographic. Regularly we ask to see your work, on Instagram, using a specific film. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. Then, while shooting at 200 ISO, do you still meter for shadows ? Ive shot rolls of this stuff that I left at room temperature for years and got good results. I'm shooting with a Yashica GX with a 40mm/1.7 lens, and find that with a 400 ISO film I'm often stopping down completely to 16 in bright sunlight, and about a stop under that with the 200. While a professional-grade film like Portra and Fuji Pro400H will handle light better and stay truer to their color/tones. WebNearby CVS Pharmacies. It was fun to look back through the best of my work on this film. But with 1600 youll be subjected to a fair amount of grain. Fujicolor 200 often renders white skin tones a little ruddier than real life, but not so much as to be unrealistic. Great photographs! I sent four rolls of color off to Dwaynes about eight days ago and I am trying to be patient waiting for them to turn them around. This films grain really shows up on my blue cars flank. News, Yahoo! The two 400 speed color print films I have been using most in 35mm size are Superia X-Tra 400 and CVS. However, if the point is to carry one film on a holiday, one could do a lot worse than Superia 400.
Aside from the occasional roll of previous generation Gold 100 from my dwindling cache, I don't actually shoot much 135 format C41 any more. On the day I shot most of these photos I also had a Canon EOS 650 along too. Fujifilm Superia is oddly enough considered a consumer film. I have five vintage cameras for shooting film. I think the Fuji films are hard to beat for price and results. To have a little more room for exposure errors, I rated the Fuji Superia at EI 200. When Kodak stops making these emulsions, itll be a monochrome world for me. They are all sharp. Lovely images. Fortunately, shooting it at EI 100 tones the saturation down a little. But at any price, when shooting handheld with my f/2 lens,Ektar 100 is way too slow to get this photo of my living room in the morning. 15 E. New Haven Avenue Melbourne, FL 32901. I started with this film because it was the least expensive option I could get easily. I guess the blunt end of my question is- Is the quality of picture with the 200 considerably better than the 400 (ie for blowing up), or should I just go down the 400+filter route for versatility? Sorry but there's no comparison. 200. Andrew. (Ive reviewed it twice, here and here.) Fujifilm Superia 400 Overview: Fujifilm Superia 400 is a highly versatile and easy to use 35mm film. Im also inspired by your night shots. When shooting a 400 film at 200 do you let the lab know to compensate for the exposure or develop as is? So drawn one day at my neighborhood Walgreens, I found afour-pack ofFujifilm Superia X-tra 400 for $3.97. I shoot so little color these days that when I do, I dont want to leave anything to chance. The two 400 speed color print films I have been using most in 35mm size are Superia X-Tra 400 and CVS. I really like that. You can pick up some Fuji Superia 400 on Amazon here:Fujifilm Superia 400 in 35mm. 10/2024 - Fresh at the best online prices at eBay! Even my V300 doesnt do 120. It excites me to test out unfamiliar film stocks. And like youd Id keep shooting with it for that price. Its a bright and vibrant film with some warmth and perfect contrast. For more articles on 35mmc about the subject matter discussed here, please click one of the following tag links: There are two ways to experience 35mmc without the adverts: Paid Subscription- 2.99 per month and you'll never see an advert again! Go to the Fuji and Kodak sites and you will see this is true. Fujifilm Superia 400 Overview: Fujifilm Superia 400 is a highly versatile and easy to use 35mm film. With film one way to match film to lighting conditions is to take two cameras or camera bodies one with 100 and one with 400 speed film. Fujifilm Superia 400 Overview:Fujifilm Superia 400 is a highly versatile and easy to use 35mm film. WebThe original name of Florida Tech, The founder and first president of Florida Tech, The year the school's name changed to Florida Institute of Technology, The university's motto He's also a Photographer that has had his share of bylines and viral projects like "Secret Order of the Slice." 10/2024 - Fresh at the best online prices at eBay! Also top marks (from me at least) for namecheck of Hans Poelzig! I still have 2 rolls of this stuff left and will shoot it happily. Mon 9:00 AM - But what I like about Ektar is that I can shoot it in almost any camera and get good results. I have used fuji pro 400 h and 160 s and they are neutral toned films.
,I wouldn't hesitate to use Superia 400 as an all-around film. Im not exactly sureespecially considering that it wasnt so long ago in history that every photojournalist swore by Superia 800. No amount of over-exposure changes the differences between these products. Fujicolor 200 (or C200) is a 35mm color film available in three packs of 36-exposure rolls. Thats a good strategy, to build an ISO 125 eye. You can see they both have the same grain size of 4. Fujifilm Introduction This is how you shoot Fuji Superia 400. Just curious. I highly encourage you to give it a visit. The dark tones shift up, yet the brightest tones pretty much stay where they are. Join us for weekly film photography inspiration and tutorials. Your email address will not be published. Shoot it at 250-320 ASA and youll get a real neutral film with saturated but restrained colors, fine grain, really good sharpness, and good latitude. Also I love the shadow of the railing on the church stairs, looks like you got there at the perfect time of day! I have no complaints about the color the Superia X-tra 400 returned. Ive seen others shoot it at EI 800 and get acceptable results. Welcome to Shoot It With Film! On this sunny, snow-covered day, I wouldhave been better off shooting something like Ektar 100. The film comes in a variety of speeds including ISO 200, ISO 400, ISO 800 and ISO 1600. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 100 N Miramar Ave Indialantic, FL 32903. I like this film well enough. See for yourself what you like. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Should have an eye on this. Use it this way to reach for details in the shadows.
,A few years ago, somebody did an analysis of Agfa Vista films, and found that Vista 200 and 400 had excellent latitude in both directions. You should have much more time on your hands as a single exposure can easily consume several minutes. Search. Function: The Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 is a high-speed daylight-balanced color negative film that produces vibrant, yet naturally appearing colors with smooth skin tones ; Application: Ideal for either outdoors or lower light situations indoors ; Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400: Features three 36-exposure rolls of 35mm film Then we feature some of our favourites to help get you all inspired. If I found it somewhere, Id snatch it up quick. 200 speed, however, can be such washed out fun in bright stark light. Im currently working my way through black and white film stocks and its really helped me to work out what Im looking for in my images and therefore whether the film stock is able to give me that. You need to enlarge quite a bit to see the diference between the 200 and 400 speed CVS films. Its a passable scanner. I just exposed an expired roll of Fujichrome 64T 2 reversal film. I like my photos a little overexposed so they usually have a bright pop that way. For me, these edges look rough and dirty and they slightly vary from frame to frame. Finance, IGN, PDN, and others. Superia 100 and 400 were also available in 12o format. I only shoot Fuji C200 (color) and Ilford FP4 (B/W) why mess around with other flavors, if thats what I know and like. WebFujiFilm Superia X-TRA 400 is an affordable color negative film. 3 beds, 3 baths, 1970 sq. This can be really flattering especially in high keyed, bridal photography type scenarios .
, Wedding and portraiture I've seen shot on Superia 400 featured skin tones ranging from almost jack-o-lantern orange for tanned skin to wire brush facial pink for ruddy complexions. Powered by Invision Community,
Hands down, Superia 200 over 400: lower contrast, finer grain, reasonable saturation. If I didn't already have a huge suppy on hand I would buy more of the CVS film. Also metering the exposures has big effect too. 80 Fujifilm Superia X-Tra 400 Alex Luyckx | Blog, Your email address will not be published. Ive started keeping Ektar always on hand. Now, many of the 120 format film stocks have been completely discontinued, and many of the Supera film stocks have been discontinued in the United States and sold in limited quantities in Japan and overseas. Im not aware that Superia Premium 400 is easily available here in the United States if it is, it would only be a pro photographic stores, not at a corner drug store which is where I bought this film. Let me set things straight: I do love Kodak Portra. 15 E. New Haven Avenue Melbourne, FL 32901. It works best rated at 200 and metered for the shadows. In some ways, you can perhaps liken it to being a bit like Ilford Deltaexcept that its color and from Fujifilm. ft. house located at 200 Pineapple St, Satellite Beach, FL 32937 sold for $425,000 on Oct 11, 2021. Im going to miss natura, but I really like Superia 1600 if you overexpose it. I dropped a roll into my Nikon F3with the 50mm f/2 AI Nikkor lens and took it along on a trip to St. Charles, Illinois,with Margaret. I was always told to overexpose by one stop when shooting people/portraits/models outdoors. Free shipping. Its true, a more scientific way to decide which films are your favourite are to do direct comparison tests but I just cant help feeling that its a waste of film. In one particular case, I ended up using it as a 120 emulsion because someone gifted it to me. It is not a heavy grain, like Ilford Delta 3200 or Portra 800, but it is a noticeable grain that provides a beautiful textured quality. You have to come to expect this though as even Fujifilm Natura 1600 was grainy. If you have to expose longer than one minute, you should add one stop of light. I am going to try this film myself. I dont think you could ask much more of a low light film. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); FilterGrade is a digital marketplace for creators. A Versatile, All-Around Film, Smooth, Fine Grain, Enhanced Color Reproduction & Sharpness,Designed for versatility and ease of use. WebRight off the bat youll notice how Superia injects pleasant green tones into your shadows, a nice break from the more common teal in shadows we see just about everywhere these days. I shoot it indoors with window light, and, when I shoot it at a low enough shutter, its beautiful. However, here are a few close proxies from my archive for illustrative purposes.
,Superia 400 can be an unexpectedly good portraiture film. Fujifilm Superia is available only in 35mm emulsions now unfortunately, so youre not going to get the incredibly awesome quality that you typically get with 120. HIGHLIGHTS: Chris used to work in Men's lifestyle and tech. As long as you have plenty of light, this film is perfect for landscapes, portraits, and both personal and professional shooting. It will actually improve your results. Chris Gampat is the Editor in Chief, Founder, and Publisher of the Phoblographer. file size: 10 MB. This is how you shoot Fuji Superia 400. Often with a cheaper film like Kodak Gold 400, AGFA Vista 400, FujiFilm Superia 400 will experience larger color shifts, less retention of highlights, less detail in shadows, and much more grain. I have a little Potawatomi Indian ancestry, and so was delighted to find St. Charless main park named for the tribe. This time we asked to see your best Superia 400 images. Fujifilm FujiColor 200 film 35mm 135-36 - 5 Pack EXP. Regularly we ask to see your work, on Instagram, using a specific film. Some years ago, I once tried another Fuji film. This is how you shoot Fuji Superia 400. You pay more for Ektar, which is marketed to professionals. I meter the Ilford film at the factory ISO setting 125, and I meter the Fuji C200 at 125 because as you know, its wide exposure latitude is superb, and I can program my brain and eyes to see in ISO 125. Hi Christian, lovely pics! If you want faster film you can get the Superia 800 or 1600 and you can overexpose those as well. Hey! Free shipping. Looking forward to moving to it in the spring However only a few rolls left It has a very wide exposure latitude so that even the simplest old camera will return usable images. I love a bargain. WebRight off the bat youll notice how Superia injects pleasant green tones into your shadows, a nice break from the more common teal in shadows we see just about everywhere these days. Regardless, this film stock provides incredible quality photos with or without flash. The Superia brand of daylight balanced colour negative film is aimed towards the point and shoot market but it has also become a go-to film for many enthusiasts. I think it was Fujis Walmart brand. The Darkroom Lots of experience and lots of love! For pennies a frame, its hard to beat Fujicolor 200! 200 film is $4.99 and the 400 film is $5.99. 1101 Ne Malabar Rd Palm Bay, FL 32907. When I scan my own negatives, if there are areas of sky, I tend to switch off sharpening and then sharpen selectively in Photoshop afterwards.
Then you shoot it and develop it. Happy to hear you are probably going out at night yourself! With green-sh shadows and slightly off skin tones. Enough shots left to check out what Fuji Superia is capable of in the absence of natural light. Take a look at this when this film is treated as a 100 ISO film.
A couple of additional things. Learn how your comment data is processed. Discover Lightroom Presets, Add-Ons, Social Media Templates, Video LUTs, After Effects Templates, Capture One Styles, Overlays, Educational Resources and more. WebNearby CVS Pharmacies. Do you know what was the one you got? Shoot all your scenics at 1 stop over exposure, and make sure the sky is not in your finder when you take your meter reading, unless it is a pure blue sky. Regularly we ask to see your work, on Instagram, using a specific film. New. PAST BYLINES: Gear Patrol, PC Mag, Geek.com, Digital Photo Pro, Resource Magazine, Yahoo! To a large extent, curiosity drove me: Which other looks can I achieve with different film stocks? I think Superia 400 is the best bang for the buck right now. I hope its temporary but knowing Fuji this could be the end. Required fields are marked *. Sorry youre not a big fan of the 400 yet, its still a favorite of mine, though looking at that blue sky, Id say youre right about the noise. Sometimes a little too pink in the skin tones though, someting you would only notice in a close up of someones face, not a scenic composition with people in it. Caffenol gives me great, scannable results on TMax 100 from shooting at ASA 25-800 all on the same roll. When exposed well it has very fine grain and medium contrast and saturation. If you dont like grain Kodak Ektar is definitely the way to go. Sign up for updates and get access to the FREE Quick Start Bundle! Another huge, huge benefit to shooting with this film is the wide exposure latitude. We love cameras of all types, as well as the trippy, new films. WebNikon EM / Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400. However, there will be a big difference if you are using flash + daylight or just flash lighting. Being a few decades removed from the Facebook generation, it also means I'm uncomfortable posting images of actual blushing brides. One can probably liken it to saying that its very close to Instax, but also not really in certain situations. It also has a well-saturated color palette, leading to bright and bold colors. Pingback: Film Review Blog No. I have my lab scan my negs. My best luck has come from Old School Photo Lab and from Dwaynes. 1 / 8. I have overexposed by one stop and have not told the lad to do anything as far as push/pull and the photos came out with no problems. You pay more for Ektar, which is marketed to professionals. I like Ektar, however to me the results look too much like digital. WebNikon EM / Fujifilm Superia X-tra 400. This time we asked to see your best Superia 400 images. Fujifilm introduced Superia Xtra 400, a consumer-grade color negative film, in 1998, replacing Super G Plus 400. Oh, and I had not noticed additional sharpening in Flickr. 10/2024 - Fresh at the best online prices at eBay! - The Tech Virtual. If you have to expose longer than one minute, you should add one stop of light. 26. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for FujiFilm SUPERIA X-TRA 400 Color film 3 Pack /36 - Exp.
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