Yes, as you say, lucre is the key. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's relationship progressed much more quickly than that of Prince William's courtship of his wife, Kate Middleton. Do you think they really just want to be heard or deliberately trying to destroy the system runs with monarch, for equality? I always liked Harry, actually. Both these mediums have told me that they are feeling Dianas anger. I think she has accepted what happened with Harry and Meghan in 2020. Let me check this allegation. Lots of love, light and blessings to you. Shes here to show us how to hold our ground, even when others are slinging mud. It really did not sound as though he was just talking about media intrusion. Many middle European Christmas traditions often incorporate the magi. We all have the right to question! I dont know about that. The rest we may never find out. Yes, there is a classic Neptune delusion at the moment. Yes, I saw the story in The Daily Mail about the facts about the international travel and passport, too. And now another Democrat has supported Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Youre also the third person this morning to have mentioned the speculation about Prince Harry and his real father. The theory that she has isolated Harry from his family and friends in Britain is really interesting I had not seen that before, but you obviously have a professional opinion. Thank you. Feel free to ask me about Harry, Meghan and Oprah. Well now find that MI5 and MI6 are much more involved, as President Joe Biden has made this a political, global issue by praising Meghan. Butwhat are you feeling about all this? As I told The Express in London three years ago, in May 2019, Harry and Meghan will attempt to adopt their next child from abroad. I was excited at the thought of Meghan marrying into the Royal Family and it has completely saddened me to see these two taint the image of Great Britain. Hi Jessica , 2020 was a year like no other, including for the royal family, and according to a psychic there will be plenty more unprecedented moments for the royals in 2021 and beyond. If they wanted money, then surely the Netflix deal is the way, as the couple maintain they were not paid for the CBS program. Meghan played her hand with 2 of the biggest issues in society at the moment, race and mental health. Where was her support mechanism? This is the video, which originally ran in 2018 on Entertainment Tonight. Im kind of suprised. So, Edward and Mrs Simpson are at the heart of the events of 2021. Okay, so we have to look at what shes actually done judging actions. However, he does have to take some responsability in all this. I did wonder whether the north and south nodes in Leo and Aquarius may be relevant but Ill admit my astrology is not that good. Frankly I wish it would back fire on the pair spectacularly. Thank you Angelina. Princess Diana's astrologer once predicted that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would leave the royal family - and they actually stepped back as He then went on to create James Bond. Let me check. It was very interesting to read about Dianas spirit I was a contemporary of hers in London (my friends daughter was pictured with her in that now infamous shot of Diana as a kindergarten teacher) I remember we were all horrified at Charles whatever love is comment when it first aired in the engagement announcement but their relationship was very complex and I believe she would be horrified at Harrys current position. Meghans father? Or will she keep making money by uttering falsehoods? You would expect this to take place by Christmas 2021, according to the astrology. I would say, looking at Twitter, that the younger people are, or the more anti-Monarchy they are anyway, the more likely they are to have accepted Meghan and Harrys story without questioning it. This could be a year we see him lose his cool in public due to stress. REALLY love your articles on current issues. Advertisement. Its about The Special Relationship between America and England and the problems with that created by the alleged suicide of Epstein and the imprisonment of Maxwell. The two astrological charts for Harry and Meghan show his enormous burden as he was never really trained to shoulder media, business, charity, fatherhood, marriage and royal responsibility. He and Meghan currently reside in California. Thank you again for your excellent insights! Debbie Frank believes Leo Meghan has made Virgo Harry, her servant, as she tells The Sun. Jessica, It is often said that the Covid situation in economic terms is a little like the war years in its effects. Your previous explanation on the taurus streak in Meghans chart showing a deep desire for lucre in comparison with the Queens taurus sun which expresses genuine charity was fascinating we are now seeing the lucrative deals you mentioned in action. But most media framed it as racial issues blindly. At present Meghan is The Duchess of Sussex. In terms of timing and lack of empathy, these are classic narcissistic /borderline personality behaviors. The whole thing makes me feel strangely sea sick! Where are the other gains? Frankly the pair disgust me. I am very sad to hear the death of Prince Phillip. The comments on Oprah Winfrey Ive not seen before. I tried to see her as others did, a great hope and a barrier breaker, but all I saw was lies. Charles,had nothing to give to his sad ,sad boys.Its heartbreaking. If Meghan really was suffering as she claims, perhaps she should be thankful of her luxury. You will see tremendous changes as the Firm, firms up! As I think Ive said elsewhere; if the Winfrey show had to be broadcast at all, it makes no sense that it go out now; surely the first viewing of the new baby would have delivered a greater advertising dollar spend? Not sure what the yellow press happens to be.
Especially a man who has served his country as the Duke of Edinburgh has! Sarah Yip is a professional psychic and numerologist from the Gold Coast, Australia. Prince Harry is predicted to experience some disappointments. That, to me, is war without the clash of swords, but war, nevertheless. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. "The second date I was starting to Amazing info thank you for sharing your insights here as always x. I hope anything I have written above does not offend anyone. Even from Australia, where there is much muttering about a republic, given the awful drama being played out on American television. The workload of being Duke and Duchess of Sussex when you live in Los Angeles, and all that. Dhanu as per Jaimini is known as the Rashi of rise and fall.
Im not surprised you all cant see the racism in Britian, anyone who is brown or black can tell you all about it. Here are some of Sarahs newest predictions for the royals, including Harry, Meghan, William, Kate, the Queen and Prince Charles. For example, if Meghan was undergoing trauma to the extent she describes, why was Harry unable to help her? Incredible, isnt it? thank you! As a life path 11/2 Spiritual Messenger in numerology, William tends to give 110% effort in every area, until he hits a roadblock. Prince Harry and Meghan I agree with you. James Bond was not a joke! Thank you for your analysis, as usual thorough and fascinating. Why go to air and create a crisis when Prince Philip is in hospital with a heart condition? Her numbers show her becoming a spiritual teacher then. I suspect they will however eventually secede from the succession and lose the right to use the official titles of Prince and Princess Harry (just as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor lost the right to use the official titles of King and Queen). We should voice that all royal families are also humans!!! And here we are on March 13th, 2021. Many thanks. I expect well hear from him, or the people close to him, next. I intuitively feel that if the money runs out they could become more dangerous, as selling salacious revelations and more damaging recollections could be the most lucrative path offered to them. It is also possible that either Edward and/or Mrs Simpson is around the situation in spirit. She definitely didnt want a quite life. Have a look at what I wrote about the Leo eclipses way, way back in 2017. Many Americans are Fans of the Royal family! Without sounding like Im jumping on the bandwagon Ive always seen something else with Meghan, right through from the engagement. Shes a beautiful woman. As a psychic and astrologer, I am clear that the real issue is the unreleased Part Two of the Oprah, Meghan and Harry Show. This could have run at any time. One thing is certain, though. thats an odd thing to say. TRUTH also seems to be a strong trigger here. PM Boris Johnson is continuing to refuse to comment but the US President certainly has. Was Meghan unkind to staff, behaving badly in Australia? Meghan has good numbers for beginnings in December 2020 and March 2021. I did watch the interview. This is followed by Saturn at 19 Aquarius in conjunction with Oprah Winfreys Mercury at 19 Aquarius (something that can only happen about every three decades and is extremely challenging) between March 3rd and 11th, 2022. and will that mean the Royal Family loose this struggle (or fight) that Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton joined? He has a mixed race family too and has been furious on behalf of the House of Windsor. We now have a 130-way conversation about the Winfrey show, from all over the world. Harry gets his colouring from the Spencer side of the family. Just a glimpse into the machinations of the unimaginably wealthy and powerful. However, things have moved on, all too sadly. Ha. Advertisement. I wanted to add to the comments in case it triggered something for you Jessica. It doesnt add up with any of the previous narratives & Im now wondering if thats what you alluded to with some of the comments youv made about the bigger picture? As per 2021 predictions, Meghan is expected to forge new partnerships as an independent royal. So many issues demand a measured approach rather than a knee-jerk response. In the past post, maybe in 2017, you mentioned that Royal Family will go through restructuring the firm. That is a *lot* of karma. Or we were. I think its right on the money and money being intended, Jessica, now you pointed it out! Firstly, a video from 2018 Dianas psychic saying that Diana did not approve of Harry marrying Meghan: I see him letting go of old pain soon, which could mean a quieter year ahead. Thank you. I still question why these top Democrats Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton have felt motivated to make public statements about what should be a private, domestic, British matter. They chose his illness to do it. The best place to begin with all of this, is with a really obvious fact. Do you think even after Harry and Meghan divorced, William and Harry wont be reconciled? Its certainly in these two charts, timed in a fated way, at 19 degrees. Meghan and Harry need to question and challenge themselves and their decisions closely, rather than assuming the road they've embarked on is the right one for them. Wow what type of people dont care for the loved one in hospital I think very crazy ones in their head. I do think your friend is right. There has been huge interest (1.88 million Tweet interest) in these stories. And Oprah Winfrey will become centre stage in a very different way to her usual TV role.. Just a quick note on protocol which we rather like here in the UK. I have actually had arguments with friends and family as they didnt understand why I just couldnt like her. or as you suggest possibly something else altogether? It is all very strange and bizarre, the timing and the connection to Prince Andrew and Epstein a part of me wonders if they are deliberately keeping the media on themselves to keep it off the royals and especially Andrew in the interview, Meghan said that she said to the establishment use me as you need to. Four years ago now. I feel so at ease now that I am not the only one ( reading the other comments) that has a strange feeling about Meghan. Deep rage. Its the elephant in the room, isnt it? Its awful, because they really cannot get the help they need. I love my readers, because they are always ahead of the news. I have been looking at Harrys chart. This is where they are working their brand, as they are done with Britain. Its like there is a shade underneath the self that she shows us. If you want to cut through the confusion, look to see who gains what, and when, and why.
express increasingly spiritual views and radical political stances, release a book and go into media and entertainment. There will be a further referendum on monarchy in Australia and she may every well vote to become independent but it would have nothing to do with Meghan and Harrys smear and everything to do with sheer distance (and COVID-19). I am no fan of the royal family and do believe they treated Diana appallingly. It influences our mindset and work choices. I am a Indian south African woman who immigrated to the UK 11 years ago. Thank you for your fascinating read. Will we ever know proof of that publicly? There is a lot of noise. and I call it the RACISM that needs to be addressed. Let me find the photograph! Its really not about racism at all as it happened to Diana in the past! You and Piers Morgan were right, the interview should have been phosponed for a later date. These people really ARE on their own. Hi Jessica, Why listen to Oprah?. Thats her goal and I think Oprah and her Democrat friends engineered the interview to raise her profile. Many are now questioning the existing of commonwealth and the Royal Family. Ive had so many questions about Harry, Meghan and Oprah since the CBS interview on Monday, March 8th, 2021, that I dont know where to start. One thing that then struck me in another readers comments was how the dates of their announcements coincided with royal family birthdays etc and I was struck by that level of vindictiveness. She happens to fall in love with a true Prince and then not only is forced to end her career and life as she build it. You are in agreement with almost every other reader on this website and 99% of my Twitter followers. I think the Brits mostly see through her, unless you happen to be a Guardian journalist and have fallen for the performance of a D list actress. I believe it was. Ghislaine Maxwell is part of a great mystery, isnt she? Funny how it all rhymes, isnt it! He lost his mother, now he has lost his brother. Wonder.Is Harry really aware of.what he has said.Harry has really hurt the Queen,uncunsiansly.M in her way. I remember reading all of your predictions at the tome and this follow up after tell all is very interesting. Low level.Id like to se Harry 10 years or longer ahead.Why did I? Its a classic Taurus conundrum. Its so tragic. The footage, perhaps, where the pair talk about Prince Andrew and the Epstein-Maxwell story. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's relationship progressed much more quickly than that of Prince William's courtship of his wife, Kate Middleton. At age 25, she was appointed to the throne, Sarah tells us. I refuse to be shut down in a conversation about Winfrey and the House of Windsor, particularly as I have been filing predictions about the Royal Family for years. Tara believes Harry is in danger. So I just watched it. Although theres speculation she is pregnant, I dont think she is for now. Thats the whole story here. It seemed to me that the Royal Family went to great lengths to welcome Meghan (the glorious wedding; special tours representing the Queen, etc.). Both dropped bombshells on Her Majesty the Queen, didnt they! You feel five years, and the horoscope tells me that, just because this was a classic Mercury Retrograde in Pisces/Neptune in Pisces show. Not the week after, or on a quiet day. That would have been causing Meghan stress. You also stated the possibility of a separation with Harry by 2025. Thank you. I note that Kates chart also shows her becoming a Queen-type figure during this period. For M &H it is all about money, status and power, otherwise they would treat Megans side of the family with some support/kindness. I can not help feeling this interview was staged to promote themselves to the American people enhance their reputations. This was published before Harry and Meghans wedding. William looks like Diana. Thanks to all of you for bringing it to my attention. I imagine the goal is Hollywood and other real estate on a grand scale. with her predictions at the time, Debbie said: There's a very intense aspect for Meghan - Pluto on the marriage angle of her chart - in a few years time in 2021. At the centre of this particular storm is the marriage of Harry and Meghan. MasterChef's Melissa Leong, 41, sizzles in see-through crystal bra: 'So fierce', Detail in Kylie Jenner's bikini snap baffles fans: 'What's going on? Royal Family Astrology: 5 Fall Forecasts for Harry and Meghan, Will and Kate by The AstroTwins Find out whats in the stars going into 2020 for Harry and Meghan, Baby Archie, Kate and William and the princes brotherhood, according to their horoscopes and zodiac signs. "The second date I was starting to Unfortunately astrology cant answer those questions that you ask, but if you pay tax to fund the House of Windsor, in particular, you are completely entitled to ask them. I think its obvious Prince Harry is Charles son, although that opinion might not be popular. Something nobody ever talks about in relation to him, is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder following his time in the forces. Maybe during an eclipse I wonder if it will wait until the big one in 2024, with those patterns at 18. A bizarre version of something that not even we could guess at behind the scenes. I think it was Joanna Lumley, the British actress and charity patron, who said she would not watch the Winfrey show because it was hateful and increased hatefulness between people. As you read on this website here way back on December 16th, 2017, Meghan Markle is a Leo, but she has a strong Taurus chart signature, which is always about money. It was unexpected and it spoke volumes. All it really means is a loss of precedence at official functions and no one will be required to curtsey to them. Oh dear! They will stay on polite terms, but their lives will take them in opposite directions. Thank you so much. Do you see them together for the long haul? Your thoughtfulness reminded us of who & what is really important. As far as I was concerned Meghan was doing far far more for race, integration and modernisation just by being there and being present in her Royal position; sadly she has thrown that away for petty bitching and uniformed power plays. If she is innocent and they torture her and keeping her in jail she could pass to Heaven if they brake her.. A complete split is possible between the male heirs in the United Kingdom with one male Royal breaking away by himself, in search of post-Brexit horizons.. And its the story that most of Meghans American fans, like President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, apparently seem to be missing. I know these are unkind and cynical things to say but something is not right. I feel proud that Piers Morgan had the courage to come out to voice his opinion .,,,,,,, Jules xxx. William has a degree in geography what a joke. You are quite right that others have not seen through the whole story. By almost all measures, humanity is better off than it has ever been. Astrological Advice for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle To succeed, the couple should enjoy the beautiful side of life, and retreat regularly in private (which theyve done quite well so, with the announcement of a private family celebration after Jessica, I love love love reading your articles where you outline what predictions came true. Why is it everyone elses fault?
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