08:43 The teachings of Jesus watered down. Just in case you missed that, John, Jesus isnt anti-wealth, Hes anti-avarice. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. He overturned tables. This parablealso shows that sometimes laziness leads to poverty. In August, the Washington Post ran a piece on how the embrace of a Scandinavian Jesus is not just foolish but a reflection of the legacy of white supremacy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Should Christians Be Encouraged to Arm Themselves? I love the guy but the fan clubs really freak me out. . You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! A couple of other important points are (1) Several times Jesus encouraged His disciples and all Christians to give voluntarily, and (2) Jesus stated in Luke 10:7 that a worker deserves his wages. Jesus was a guy who was peaceful, radical, nonviolent revolutionary(from the video), When we think of Jesus, we do get the image that He is peaceful and nonviolent. Cite 1 actual teaching of Christ trump or the GOP have fought for in the last 40 years. John Fugelsang Jesus, Cutting, Lazy 57 Copy quote Show source The history of the church has been largely a history of "believers" refusing to believe in the way of the crucified Nazarene and instead giving in to the very temptations he resisted--power, relevancy, spectacle. Can you? And I hope we can come up with some ideas on how those of us who consider ourselves to be Christian can steer clear of some of the politically-motivated trappings of fundamentalism.KEY QUESTION: The irony is that many conservative Christians believe they are supposed to have a bad reputation, they are supposed to be hated, and even persecuted. the Sabbath), rebuked authorities, and questioned the Jewish law. Jesus chose to live amongst people because that was His ministry, to reach out to others. Loving the Second Amendment while opposing the NRA is every bit as natural as loving Jesus while opposing Westboro Baptist Church. You're thinking of Jesus. Just one. Market data provided by Factset. Anti-Tax fetishist Grover Norquist owns a bust of Ronald Reagan, who raised taxes 11 times. In 2007, he premiered the acclaimed solo show All The Wrong Reasons Off Broadway at New York Theatre Workshop. "Kos" and "Daily Kos" are registered trademarks of Kos Media, LLC. For the past several years,Ive seen a lot ofmemes with Fugelsang quotes and many spoke to me. Celebrity Jeremy (@CelebrityJeremy) August 10, 2020, Joanne Mason (@JoanneMason11) August 10, 2020. Gay Marriage isn't Special Rights, it's Equal Rights. Well, technically, He never spoke of it. Jesus was Someone doesn't understand history or geography. Web86.2k Followers, 683 Following, 11.1k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from JF (@johnfugelsang) ), And Im glad weretalking about Jesus and the GOP candidates today, because wehear them talking about Jesus, Of course, thats only if youactuallybelieve whats, 17 of some of John Fugelsang's best quotes on politics, religion and the 2016 RNC, ex-nun mother and father who was aFranciscan Brother, Ways to get involved in the upcoming elections. Recently,Idecided to look forothers. Jesus even called the lazy servant wicked. John Fugelsangs quote is so theologically off, its embarrassing. Jesus was executed on the orders of local ethnic leadership. Very unlikely. But Al Jazeera America represents something more than news that isnt profit or ratings driven they represent foreign investment in a country where the two-party system outsourced your jobs. Almost the entire book of Revelation is metaphorical. Micha Green (@magconservative) August 10, 2020. There's a mass lack of historical literacy. I cant get over it. The Pulpit commentary does an excellent job of interpreting the peace of Jesus: The Prince of Peace did not come to cast in peace as something from outside. Southern Italians and people from the Levant are the same color. Trusted by 5,500 companies and developers. 1 Timothy 6:17-18: Command those who are richin this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. You complain and demand zero compromise - so the GOP obstructs Obama so the economy doesn't improve - then you complain and demand even more zero compromise. Well never sell your personal information. Along with tearing down statues of Confederates and slave owners, social justice warrior Shaun King declared that all depictions of Jesus as a white man had to go: statues, paintings, stained glass windows, the works, as they were all a gross form of white supremacy.. America doesn't have an abortion problem - it has an unwanted pregnancy problem, and an abortion symptom. Who wouldn't want to vote for a guy who was a peaceful, radical, non-violent revolutionary; who hung around with lepers, hookers, and crooks; who never spoke English; was not an American citizen; anti-capitalism; totally anti-death penalty; anti-public prayer (Matthew 6:5); but never once anti-gay; didn't mention abortion; and was a long-haired, brown-skinned, homeless, middle-eastern, Jew?
This high quality print poster comes in multiple sizes. Not sure where Fugelsang is getting this from. Change). WebSee more John Fugelsang at http://www.Effinfunny.com/John-Fugelsang I did not come to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34). Fugelsang responded saying, Please name one teaching of Christ Trump campaigned on or fought for legislatively. I next saw him when he hosted Americas Funniest Home Videos for a stint. (LogOut/ "Goodness gracious, that's why he's a mess", "Notable Undergraduate Alumni of Film & TV", "Actor and Comedian Fugelsang to Speak on Humor and Politics Inside UW-Green Bay News", "Eliot Spitzer Ends His Show on Current TV", "Backstage with Charmien LaFramenta and Carol Burnett, NYC. Transgender teen arrested for planning shootings at Colorado schools and churches, Rep. Rashida Tlaib says its fascism to expel your opponents for demanding action on gun, Miami Herald: Rebekah Jones is a whistleblower and her son was arrested over memes, Biden proposes changing Title IX to prohibit schools from categorically banning trans, John Kirby calls it ludicrous that we left millions of dollars in stuff in Afghanistan, Shock video captures the moment Ron DeSantis stormtroopers took away Rebekah Jones son, NPR TV critic says Chief Twit Elon Musk could have just spent five minutes listening to their content, WOMP-womp: Receipt-filled THREAD rains ALL over the Lefts weve got Clarence Thomas, So-called journalist doesnt care much for House GOP subcommittee investigating Hunter Biden laptop, John Kirby goes full Baghdad Bob with remark about totally non-chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal, KJP effectively endorses and justifies future acts of violence in response to anti-LGBTQ, Biden admin review of disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal finds somebody to blame (just guess), Two men tried telling me to sit down/shut UP for calling out trans-women (aka MEN) guess how, Supposed journalist cant be bothered to do journalism before spreading Rebekah Jones, Nutball Rebekah Jones lies about corrupt, fascist pig DeSantis having her son arrested;, all depictions of Jesus as a white man had to go, Shock video captures the moment Ron DeSantis' stormtroopers took away Rebekah Jones' son, Rep. Rashida Tlaib says its fascism to expel your opponents for demanding action on gun violence, Biden proposes changing Title IX to prohibit schools from categorically banning trans students, Rep. Rashida Tlaib says it's fascism to expel your opponents 'for demanding action on gun violence', California Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Greatest tweet ever: John Fugelsang explains who the only white people in the Bible were: Jesus executioners. It would show itself eventually, but from within outwards., Who hung around with lepers, hookers, and criminals, What does Fugelsang mean by this? It's not a complicated position. John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) August 10, 2020, Washington Post: 'The embrace of a Scandinavian Jesus is not just foolish' but a reflection of the legacy of white supremacy https://t.co/ka91GIdXlE, Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 5, 2020. Of Danish, German, and Irish descent,[3] he is the son of a former Carmelite nun and a former Franciscan monk. I've come to view Jesus much the way I view Elvis. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) June 26, 2022 Blaming Obama for Iraq violence is like blaming Daniel Craig because Octopussy sucked. I think it was more about ethnicity/culture and family of origin. That was June. Many of us arefriends with a leper, hooker, or criminal, if we arent one ourselves. American actor, host and political commentator. Then he interviews author Tom Wheelwright on the Trump tax returns and his book "Tax Unless hes speaking of the adulterous woman, but thats really a stretch since theres no connection to be made there, theologically speaking. John Fugelsang - Finding Jesus in a Morass of Religion. Because you don't!" That Jesus approved of sin, or? You're thinking of Jesus., Blaming Obama for Iraq violence is like blaming Daniel Craig because Octopussy sucked., Jesus never called the poor 'lazy,' fought for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarenes or asked a leper for a copay., Anti-Tax fetishist Grover Norquist owns a bust of Ronald Reagan, who raised taxes 11 times., Impeach President Reagan retroactively for agreeing with Obama on the assault weapons ban., Gay Marriage isn't Special Rights, it's Equal Rights. (LogOut/ If you were a freak as a kid, you're an interesting adult. He graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts with a degree in Film and Television and studied Theatre at the Circle in the Square Theatre. Get full access to Crazy Hope at www.livehopenow.com/subscribe, The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Not as a battlefield, or a gaggle of sinners needing to be saved, but as brothers and sisters reflecting the image of God, made for connection, perhaps even, in need of each other?Watch the full unedited video on YouTube here.Quotes from John:I aspire to be Christian. Trump has largely positioned himself as a Christian politician, surrounding himself with people like Mike Pence, who recently called for the criticism of Christian education in America to stop. Shane Claiborne Believe, Giving, Temptation 10 Copy quote Show Kos Media, LLC. Then you get to blame Obama for the slow recovery, which is sorta like John Wilkes Booth blaming Lincoln for missing the end of a play. Web John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) March 29, 2010 Religious Hypocrisy And Im glad were talking about Jesus and the GOP candidates today, because we hear them ", Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Here are 17 of my favorite quotes that only touch uponthe mans talent, compassion, humor, and intelligencestarting with: Gay Marriage isn't Special Rights, it's Equal Rights. Size. ?, John #BLM Metcalf (@jymetcalf) August 10, 2020. WebJohn Fugelsang has been a follower of The Christian Left since it was a Facebook group back in 2009. All Rights Reserved. My guest is actor, comedian, writer, and Even still, I dont want to throw the Baby Jesus out with the bathwat, Thank you so much for listening to this beautiful conversation I had with Krispin. Also, theres an important distinction that many seem to overlook when it comes to capitalism and greed there is a difference between self-interest and selfishness; C.S. I've always been very interested in politics and in religion. It says to be generous with wealth. Fugelsang was born on Long Island, New York. I wasn't any good at sports, but I could name all the presidents by the time I was six. Who was a long haired, brown skinned thats in Revelations. Being gay is natural, hating gay is the 'lifestyle choice.'. In this episode we talk about the different Attachment Styles he describes in his book, Attached To God. John Fugelsang performs comedy at a Women Who Write event in 2011. Self described comedian @johnfugelsang wants to be the nations authority on Christianity? Im so excited for you to listen. Devin Swindle (@PDSwindleHU) August 10, 2020. The first show for the new tour was at the Barrymore, April 22, 2017, Madison, WI. been justified for crucifying Jesus as a violent man who assaulted innocent people in the Temple that day. Never fought for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarenes. Additional film, television, and stage credits include Becker, Somewhere in the City, The Michael Richards Show, Beyond Belief, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Hamlet, Blue Window, and Savage in Limbo. However, it can be used for the good or the bad. Then Jesus said to them Give back to Caesar what is Caesars (not, Give back to Caesar what is yours) and to God what is Gods.(Mark 12:17). Additionally, Jesus Himself said, Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. Claim: Jimmy Carter said, "If you don't want your tax dollars to help the poor, then stop saying that you want a country based on Christian values. 43. In his video , he ends his quote by saying, thats only if you believe whats actually in the Bible. In late 19th/early 20th century America, even THEY weren't considered "white". WebOn Sunday, comedian-actor John Fugelsang, eschewing comedy for the moment, decided to inject race relations into the Bible, tweeting, The only white people in the Bible are the Remember, the ppl telling us to hate all Muslims b/c of Omar Mateen are the ones fighting for Mateen to have easy access to assault weapons. "There is only 1 candidate who will uphold the constitution" - Newt Gingrich, referring to the guy who wants to bring back torture. If it is the first time you login, a new account will be created automatically. They represent facts over opinion and they represent our cultures coming together just a little more, whether you bigots like it or not. 'Special Rights' are for political churches that don't pay taxes. Christianity is under attack and its always been under attack by people who declare themselves Christians and actively work against everything Christ talked about. Harass Those Protesting It At World Cup What do you think? John explains why people think hes a heretic. Jesus never called the poor 'lazy,' fought for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarenes or asked a leper for a copay. Jesus loves all people. John 'Special Rights' are for political churches that don't pay taxes. Why Women CAN Teach, Preach, andMinister. You dont give a damn abt Jesus teachings. I love the guy but the fan clubs really freak me out, -- John Fugelsang, Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist who gives away free healthcare. LADY GAGA CALLS MIKE PENCE THE 'WORST CHRISTIAN' DURING CONCERT OVER WIFE'S JOB AT ANTI-LGBTQ SCHOOL. All rights reserved. Use an Android phone or Google Chrome for desktop?
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