ken paxton eye injury

5. ken paxton eye injury M.A.Sumanthiran. Paxtons legacy cant be so easily undone because it was never really his legacy to begin with. Paxton now holds a 14-point lead over Garza, according to a poll the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin released Friday. Earlier this year, he issued an opinion that paved the way for the state to initiate child abuse investigations into parents of transgender youth. She helped draft legislation barring transgender high school athletes from competing in girls sports and, in August, published an official opinion stating that the teaching of antiracism violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Paxtons gambit was one level removed, legally speaking, from one of those ransom notes they send in movies with all the letters cut out from magazine headlines. The whistleblowers reasonably concluded, they stated in their lawsuit, that Paxtons desperate need to cover up the alleged affair might explain his behavior. I dont need them tracking me and knowing what Im doing, Paxton said about the tech giant in the interview, which he eventually agreed to be recorded, at the special investigations unit of the Austin Police Department. A lifelong football fan, Paxton carried a jersey autographed by Bill Bates, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys. But seven months into his term, a Collin County grand jury indicted himon two counts of securities fraud and one count of acting as an unregistered securities broker. The wrinkle was that ordinary citizens, rather than the state, would take responsibility for enforcing it, by suing anyone who so much as drove an ineligible woman to a clinic. When Paxton took office in 2003, his financial disclosure listed just one venture, a small law firm specializing in estate planning. This Is the New Normal. And in the process, he held a black light up to the rest of the conservative legal movementthe institutions and officials and donors who have turned jobs like his into some of the most powerful in state politics, and the compromises theyve made to do it. At various times, they lived in Florida, New York, North Carolina, California, and Oklahoma. Brian Wice, one of the prosecutors handling the case, declined to comment for this story. In 2010, Paxton challenged the Texas House speaker, a fellow Republican. It sounds paranoid, but I cant let them the less they know about me the better.. Seven Years Later, Still No Trial for Texas AG Ken Paxton. The effect is that whether he is posing for a mugshot or addressing a large group of people preparing to hang Mike Pence, Paxtons face appears fixed in a mischievous half-smirk. This Is the New Normal," we explain, as matter-of-factly as we can, what exactly our finances look like, how brutal it is to sustain quality journalism right now, what makes Mother Jones different than most of the news out there, and why support from readers is the only thing that keeps us going. By the time the crowded 2014 primary for attorney general rolled around, the resources of the partys anti-Straus right, including the National Rifle Association and anti-abortion groups such as Texas Right to Life, were at his disposal. His parents and their three children lived in a trailer, often without air conditioning, parked outside wherever his father was temporarily stationed. Not long after, the US Securities and Exchange Commission brought charges of its own. / CBS Texas. Though he was defeated for the speakership, Paxton continued to fight and was elevated by voters to an open Texas Senate seat the following year. In a recent interview, Paxton stoked fears that powerful enemies including the FBI and Justice Department were targeting him and the freedoms of all Americans. By the morning of January 6, Paxton was back in DC. He bragged about a win in federal appeals court this summer in his challenge against President Joe Bidens mask mandates in schools. He pleaded not guilty in 2015 and went on to win reelection three years later. (A judge eventually ordered Servergys former ceo to pay a $22,500 fine for having negligently violated securities law.) In August, George P. Bush visited Prestonwood Baptist Churchposing for photos with Paxtons own pastor. As the New York Times later reported, the lawsuit had first been distributed by Michael Farris, a homeschooling activist and president of the Arizona-based Alliance Defending Freedom. We're a nonprofit (so it's tax-deductible), and reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget. He was re-elected to a second term in 2018 The decorative lenses, also marketed as costume, fashion or colored lenses, pose potential serious risks to eye health, including infections and loss of vision. I have the same fears of the FBI now that I would if I were in a country like that. Paxton was an unremarkable legislator in his first half-decade in Austina backbencher whose highest-profile stunt was a law adding President George W. Bushs name to Welcome to Texas signs. The two people, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity due to fears about retaliation, said the high-profile Republican official acknowledged the affair in 2018 to senior members of his office and political staff. The attorney general's top deputies reported their boss to the FBI in September for alleged bribery, abuse of office and other crimes. Spokespersons for the attorney general did not respond to questions Thursday. His opponent in the primary runoffa Straus allytalked up the story, to no avail. It causes poor vision in just one look. The police determined it was not a criminal matter and the district attorneys office declined to prosecute, according to an Austin police report The News obtained through a public records request. 815 Mail-In Ballots Found In Texas Mail Processing Facilities During Search Ordered By Judge, North Texas Rental Home Community Residents Told To Remove All Flags: 'It's Just Terrible Timing', Dallas ISD Students Struggling During Pandemic; District Calls Reading And Math Test Results 'Atrocious'. Hurricane Harvey also delayed the proceedings, as have prolonged fights over where to try Paxton and how much to pay the prosecutors. This leaves the chamber rife with conflicts of interest. Please learn more about how Mother Jones works and our 47-year history of doing nonprofit journalism that you don't find elsewhereand help us do it with a donation if you can. He once said that the key to his political success is that he has a three-syllable name. And yes, he kept his drivers license. The allegations sparked new calls for Paxton's resignation and raised questions about his ties with the developer. In normal circumstances, such a defeat would have been a great embarrassment. After the US Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same-sex marriage bans violated the Constitutions equal protection clause, Paxton told Texas judges to ignore the ruling. He was engaged in a spiritual battle.. And Paxton, for all his transgressions, has been a dependable vehicle for reactionary interests, inside and outside his state, for years. Groups including Texas Right to Life and the states Fraternal Order of Police threw their support behind him. For all the turmoil, Paxtons office was giving these varied conservative constituencies their moneys worth. Paxtons recorded remarks, which The Dallas Morning News obtained from the Austin police through a public records request, provide rare insight into the attorney generals mindset. The bribery allegations, his spokesman said, were spurred by media speculation and wishful thinking by political opponents.. Sure. When he was 12, Paxton nearly lost his right eye in a freak accident during a game of hide-and-seek. Mr. Paxton was ready for trial several years ago, Dan Cogdell and Philip Hilder told The News in a statement. The son of a B-52 pilot, Paxton spent his childhood on the move, living with his family in a trailer without air conditioning in six different states in 10 years. His brief miscalculated the number of electoral votes at play and, citing the calculations of one random man in Berkeley, falsely asserted that the statistical improbability of Mr. Biden winning the popular vote in these four States collectively is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000. But that did not stop many of the gops most prominent figures from endorsing it. Their most intriguing theory was one that cut at the core of the Paxtons power-couple brand: Sometime in 2019 or 2020, they stated, Paxton had admitted that hed had an extramarital affair with a former aide to a Republican state senatorand Paul had subsequently given the aide a job. I believe he -- I believe he did recommend her, Paul replied. revealed to be common across multiple agencies. I think hes funny. Each time, Paxton has responded the same way: deny, deflect, delay. Evaluate 4 (23374 Ratings) Top rated: 4 . Taking advantage of a new Texas law that moved public-integrity prosecutions out of Austin and onto elected officials home turf, a Paxton campaign donor named Jeff Blackard sued the all-Republican Collin County commission, alleging that the cost of a trial would be an imposition on taxpayers like himself. That this person had tried to hack his cars GPS system. Rejecting centuries of constitutional law and democratic traditions, Paxton filed a lawsuit arguing that Pennsylvania and three other states won by Joe Biden had harmed Texas by expanding mail- and early-voting access during the pandemic. A primary opponent dug up a lawsuit from a couple alleging that Paxton, after being hired to prepare a postnuptial agreement, had pushed them to make a bad investment with a financial manager he was friends withwithout revealing hed get a commission. From the moment the indictments dropped, Paxtons tenure in office was consumed by a desire to survive what he calledin a glimpse of the world to comea witch hunt. While Paxtons staff held down the fort in Austin and supporters financed an ad blitz denouncing the prosecution, the general (as he prefers to be called) was increasingly holed up at home. During the deposition, Paul said the former Senate aide applied for a posted job and now works for him as a project manager. Paxton declined. August 31, 2015, 2:00 PM, CDT. Paxton has insulated himself from outside critics. But during the summer of 2020, the whistleblowers alleged, Paxton had gone to extraordinary lengths to help his friend. Paxton has acknowledged knowing Paul, who gave his campaign $25,000 in 2018, but the full nature of their relationship has been unclear. D-FW grocery prices skyrocketed. Grave allegations of wrongdoing became almost a shield against consequencesproof, in fact, that you must be doing something right. On a campus that nurtured egosFox News host Laura Ingraham was in Paxtons classPaxton wasnt somebody who would draw attention to himself, recalls Neil Rowe, a fellow law student who belonged to a small Christian fellowship with the Paxtons and about a dozen other students and spouses. The senators office has not responded to requests for comment. On September 24, Paxton triumphantly announced the indictment of a commissioner in a small East Texas county for alleged absentee ballot fraud in a local Democratic primary election. He will never be president, but in a golden age of Republican corruption, in which anyone with ambition must bend the knee to an aspiring autocrat, a warm body with nothing to lose can do a lot of damage. He asked the Supreme Court to strip those states of their Biden electors and instruct their legislatures to replace them with new ones, effectively making Trump the victor of the 2020 election. Paxton circumvented anti-bribery statutes by accepting large sums of money from family friends and former clients for a legal defense fund, including $100,000 from the CEO of a company that was under investigation by the AGs office and the Department of Justice for Medicaid fraud. Most glaringly, in the eyes of his aides, Paxton had hired a special prosecutor to investigate Pauls claims that various state and federal officials were engaged in a criminal conspiracy against him. The agency is asking the Legislature to fund a 12% raise for attorneys to help with retention, according to a recently filed appropriations request. Under questioning during the deposition, Paul said he did not know how the woman he hired and the attorney general knew each other. In "It's Not a Crisis. After killing 55-year-old Joseph Boever with his car in 2020, Ravnsborg told police he kept driving because he thought he hit a deer. Find unclaimed money belonging to you that you never knew existed. All eight deputies resigned or were fired; four are now suing under state whistleblowers laws. For Paxton, everything happening seemed connected. A lawyer asked the developer whether Paxton recommended the woman. But do I think it is? And Texas led the way. In that case, he and three other Republican state representatives were part of a group of investors who lost $2.5 million to a Prestonwood member who had become a local celebrity after claiming to have found the possible remains of Noahs Ark in Iran. However, Im hoping we survive this election.. Paxton points to his dozens of lawsuits against the Obama and Biden administrations as proof of his success. And then, not long after, the crowd made its way to the Capitol and kept fighting there. The woman is named in a transcript of Pauls deposition and both people who said Paxton told them of the affair independently identified her by name. The disclosure of the affair is likely to deepen political problems for Paxton, who has gained a national profile in office as a crusader for conservative Christian legal causes. He was elected on November 4, 2014, and sworn into office on January 5, 2015. Lauren is an investigative reporter based in Austin who focuses on gender, sexuality and politics. Paxtons election lawsuit is now the focus of a formal bar investigation. His office argued that the ban was stimulating interstate commerce by compelling patients to travel to Oklahoma. It was hardly the keynote slotbefore Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, before Eric and Lara Trump, before Rudy Giuliani calling for trial by combat, before John Eastman, dressed for some reason like Indiana Jones, and long before President Donald Trump, who would speak for more than an hour and incite an insurrection against Congress. Under questioning during the deposition, Paul said he did not know how the woman he hired and the attorney general knew each other. Once again, despite others initial misgivings, it wasnt long before many in his party fell in line. Justice delayed is Justice denied. Paxton promised more of the same. She has zeroed in on Paxtons criminal charges, including a new ad that says he is under a cloud of corruption.. Mark Yablon, a Houston lawyer and friend from Baylor, said Paxton is the same person he was in college: earnest, friendly, easy to talk to. He does not believe Paxton intentionally did anything illegal. DALLAS Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had an extramarital affair with a woman whom he later recommended for a job with the wealthy donor now at the Menu. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton put his job and ability to withstand legal troubles on the line Tuesday in a Republican primary runoff against George P. Bush, whose own family record was at stake. Claim it! That September, Paxton gathered a small group of top staff in his Austin campaign office. (In October, Paul sued the state and federal agents investigating him, alleging that the raids had violated his civil rights and damaged his reputation.) We've already cut expenses and hitting our online goal is critical right now, so we need a huge surge in donations to come in during this final week. Paxton is still awaiting a trial on securities fraud charges in a case that has been stalled for years over legal challenges. Then he found a parachute. At the same time, his allies moved to defund the prosecution. Hes led a legal crusade against immigrants, voting rights, environmental regulations, health care access, and trans equality. Moody reported him to the FBI, claiming it might be a form of vote-buying. Angela, everyone who has met both of them seems to agree, is the family member with the more evident political talent. But the speaker of the House was Joe Straus, a moderate Republican (and to the consternation of some, a Jew) who had cut a deal with Democrats to land the job. As one Collin County resident who was a member of the Rotary Club with Paxton during this time told me, Jesus is involved in every deal., Then, in 2010, Republicans took huge majorities in the legislature, powered by tea partyfueled margins in North Texas. His most high-profile campaign events this election cycle have been alongside Trump at private fundraisers held at the businessmans clubs in New Jersey and Florida. Paxtons arguments had already been rejected in other courts. The move prompted the remarkable rebellion by seven senior lawyers on his staff, who since reporting the attorney general to federal authorities have all resigned, been put on leave or fired. The disclosure of the affair is likely to deepen political problems for Paxton, who has gained a national profile in office as a crusader for conservative Christian legal causes, even while maintaining his innocence in the face of separate criminal charges. Spokespersons for the attorney general did not respond to questions Thursday. Hes a fighter and when youre a fighter, theres people that are just going to try to take you down.. Texas AG Ken Paxton leans into controversy, brushes off scandals as he vies for reelection, Two federal civil fraud charges, also stemming from the tech startup case; both were tossed because the judge found,,, a campaign donor was threatening to kill him, contentious primary this year against the former presidents nephew, Paxton challenged the Texas House speaker, questioning his GOP opponents conservative bonafides, he was reprimanded and paid a $1,000 civil fine. He pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor traffic charges and paid minor nes. Paul, whose properties ranged from a collection of parking garages to a downtown bikini bar, was the kind of figure many politiciansto say nothing of an attorney generalwould have kept at arms length. Paxton contends that he should actually be held to a lower one, acting as a sort of anti-lawyer, entirely unconstrained by institutions and traditions. Paxton and his top aides see themselves at war with the forces that want to destroy the American order, root and branch, Deputy Attorney General for Legal Strategy Aaron Reitz said in recorded remarks last fall. Controversy is dogging him but it hasnt prevented him from succeeding, he added. He is not one of the Republican Partys big thinkers. During his Monday deposition, Paul explicitly denied employing the former senate aide at his company, World Class, as a favor to Paxton. That in itself was suspicious; he has sued to block virtually any institution that attempts to take proactive steps to reduce COVID-19 transmission. Paxton also went to the police. Sources confirmed Thursday the FBI has subpoenaed Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after his senior staff revolted and reported him for alleged corruption, bribery and abuse of office for investigating the enemies of campaign donor and Austin real estate investor Nate Paul. Author: Those investments stemmed from a growing recognition among corporate donors and strategists of the vital role state AGs could play in a broader national agendaa bridge between the right-wing takeover of the courts and the increasingly reactionary and gerrymandered state governments. Also in his favor: Democrats havent won a statewide office since 1994. They said he told them that he had ended the affair with the woman, who then worked for a GOP state senator. Police found the victims glasses on Ravnsborgs front seat the next day. In June, in an unprecedented gesture, a coalition of former bar presidents and officers lodged their own complaint. The attorney general told the group he had an affair but had since ended it and recommitted to his marriage, the person said. Three serious primary challengers are already running against him, most notably George P. Bush, the state land commissioner and nephew of President George W. Bush. So did Texans for Lawsuit Reform, a corporate-backed kingmaker that had helped cement Republican control of the state in an unending push for tort reform. Time is running out in our short fundraising drive, and we need more help than normal to reach our $300,000 goal. Someone, after all, still has to go into the office, sue Joe Biden, and go home. (In a deposition in late 2020 as part of the ongoing litigation with the charity, Paul confirmed that Paxton had recommended the woman.) Allie has covered Texas politics since 2017 and written about everything from tax policy to child protection. Most of the people and organizations that seeded Paxtons risethe forces that created not just one Ken Paxton, but manyhave continued on the trajectory that brought a mob to the Capitol. Paxton dashed off to Washington to meet with Trump to discuss what his schedule cryptically referred to as statefederal matters.. The Republican Attorneys General Association, whose political arm ran robocalls advertising the Stop the Steal rally, promoted the man who signed off on them. He just wants a speedy trial, Paxton insists. He said he couldnt recall how long the woman had worked for him, what she was paid and whether he met her before or after Paxton recommended her. These Republican opponents present themselves as Paxton without the baggage. It is the state-level analog to the position Trumps lawyers took in his impeachment trials: If an attorney general does it, it must be legal. Like the election lawsuit before it, the law was a radical and cynical gambit attempting to exploit cracks in the existing constitutional framework. Then in fall 2020, several of Paxtons top deputies told the FBI they believe he committed bribery and abuse of office in service of a campaign donor already under scrutiny by the bureau. The politically charged environment has turned off some agency lawyers. All Rights Reserved. The donor has denied the allegations. While some of the states most powerful Republicans have expressed concern about Paxtons troubles, most have been reluctant to call him out. This time, it was a company called Servergy, which Paxton had pitched to his friends as a cant-miss opportunity, that landed him in trouble. As soon as the results were in, Paxton embarked on a media tour to plant doubts about the outcome, hinting that Texas had detected something off about Dominions voting machines and amplifying false allegations of a vast conspiracy in key swing states. But in the Trump era, with its obsession over deep-state corruption and witch hunts, this latest scandal came with a built-in language of rationalization for Paxton to tap into. Its hard to understand just how radical and frankly insane the lawsuit was, says Steve Vladeck, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Texas at Austin. To send correspondence to the attorney general and/or his staff, choose the He has been suffering Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton speaks during a press conference at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. on April 26, 2022. No, Paxton said in the recording. The departure of seasoned attorneys has caused turmoil, according to an investigation by the Associated Press, which found the office dropped human trafficking and child sexual assault cases when it lost track of a victim. After getting his law degree from the top-ranked University of Virginia in 1991, Paxton worked as in-house counsel for JCPenney before opening his own practice in McKinney focused on estate and business law. Save big on a full year of investigations, ideas, and insights. That September, Paxton gathered a small group of top staff in his Austin campaign office. In November the party closed ranks around Paxton. A sports injury in college left him Teenage Paxton was anxious about committing himself to Christ, fearful that God would send me somewhere like Africa. Instead, he ended up in Waco, where he was elected Baylors student body president, raised a live bear cubthe school mascotin his apartment, and met his wife. DALLAS (AP) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had an extramarital affair with a woman whom he later recommended for a job with the wealthy donor now at The staffers later texted Paxton, informing him they had made a good faith report of violations of the law by you and demanding a meeting with him. national farmers union email address; crystal hayslett biography But while Paxtons political career was idling, his business career was never busier. It was proof, he said, that mail ballots are vulnerable to diversion, coercion, and influence by organized vote harvesting schemes. One week later, seven Paxton staffersincluding some of his top subordinatesleft the office after an early lunch and reported their boss to the FBI. One had even been denied a federal judgeship after reporters dug up a speech in which he called transgender kids Satans plan. They had eagerly signed up to work for the flagship of reactionary federalism; instead, they worried they had become Paxtons accomplices. How our food inflation compares to New York, Los Angeles, Tom Thumb seeks $5.8 million in incentives from Dallas to build at RedBird, Heres how you can check if youre owed money in Texas. That really goes back to the complete control of the Republican Party by the most far-right elements of our state.. I will continue to push back against these unlawful attempts to use federal agencies to normalize extremist positions that put millions of Texans at risk.. The woman is named in a transcript of Paul's deposition and both people who said Paxton told them of the affair independently identified her by name. Empower Texans, a PAC funded by the billionaire oilman Tim Dunn, who has spent huge sums waging an intraparty civil war on behalf of Texas conservatives, guaranteed a million-dollar loan to Paxtons campaign during the primary. They said he told them that he had ended the affair with the woman, who then worked for a GOP state senator. But here in front of the White House, looking out on a sea of red hats and flak jackets, Paxton was taking a victory lap. 5. ken paxton eye injury M.A.Sumanthiran. He did not address why Paxton recommended the woman, who left a job with the senator's office on the last day of 2019. When Florida passed a law forcing people with felony convictions to pay off court fees before being able to vote, Michael Bloomberg volunteered to pick up the tab. The Biden Administrations attempts to radicalize federal law to track its woke political beliefs are beyond dangerous, Paxton said this month in a press release marking a court win on LGBT policy. Hes not a guy who goes around with a lot of self doubt, Miller said. Its not just about Ken Paxton, she told me. The most recent polling shows Paxton with a double-digit lead over Garza, a civil rights attorney from South Texas. Ken served on the board of a crisis pregnancy center attached to a megachurch called Prestonwood Baptist (which they eventually joined); Angela, deeply influenced by her own adoption, has worked with an organization that sells upscale clothing and uses the proceeds to pay for sonograms. In July, after a court struck down a referendum banning abortions in the second trimester, Schmidt accused the judges of trying to defeat democracy.. He was kind, he was caringhe cared about people who had different needs than we have, Rowe says. More than a dozen businesses associated with his real estate empire have gone bankrupt in recent years, and the FBI had raided his home and offices in 2019 as part of an unspecified investigation. Feb. 21, 2022 Updated: Feb. 21, 2022 9:56 a.m. Attorney General Ken Paxton at a border security briefing in Edinburg on January. So when Angela told him one morning in 2001 that shed had a dream that he would run for office, it was only a matter of time before Ken acquiesced. Summary: Articles Those allegations stem in part from Paxton's decision to investigate Paul's claims that a federal judge and the FBI broke the law in searches of his home and offices last year. Entering and exiting the court complex through a side entrance, Paxton took his mugshot in private. AUSTIN Attorney General Ken Paxton today released the following statement after a federal court found the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is likely unlawful and the Plaintiff States are irreparably harmed. So, I think people should be very wary. Their lawsuit alleges that in exchange for using the office to help Austin-based real estate developer Nate Paul, Paxton received a kitchen remodel and a job for a woman with whom the attorney general allegedly had an affair. The fraud allegations were the outcome of a political witch hunt, he insisted in a YouTube video on the eve of his indictments. Havent won a statewide office since 1994 they had eagerly signed up to for. Not responded to requests for comment and go home police threw their support behind him, delay fine! Jersey autographed by Bill Bates, formerly of the Dallas Cowboys the FBI in September alleged! Up to work for the flagship of reactionary federalism ; instead, they worried they become... 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