Manson Mythos saidHere is a fact: Krenwinkel never said the motive was Helter SkelterShe definitely believed in it though. When Patti Tate asks Good why her sister had to die. :). And she said, "It's too late." I believe she was not and the same applies on my end. Tanya was the name of the couples daughter. He said something to the effect that Charlie had a very strong case and that there was pretty much no evidence against him. She got lucky Atkins folded, leaving her the only game in town and she skatedAs human beings, we have a most wonderful ability to react and make life changing moves/decisions at the drop of a hat.However, Bugliosi did say that Linda wanted to testify for the prosecution even when they still had Atkins but he got the feeling that Fleischman wanted some kind of deal. We don't know you wouldn't strangle a Granny or torch a house while it's occupants are asleep.We don't know she didn't take part in acts of violence. Yeah, all true.There again, some of us have brothers, sisters, Dads, Mums, cousins, close friends etc that are in that vein and we still love them just the same and haven't yet abandoned them, though it may have been touch and go sometimes.You have a different sort of connection to your family and close friends than you do to a stranger who you have never met I hope.Had my brother lived a life like Lindas- maybe I feel some obligation to go above and beyond to feel something he doesn't deserve. Which has always left it an open ended mystery as to what Charlie told him. Of course there could have been alternative possibilities. In fact, if I recall correctlyI believe she said earlier to her attorneys they went back to the ranch. document.write(part3 + ''); During the trial, unjailed members of the Manson "family" led a campaign of intimidation against Kasabian in an effort to prevent her from testifying. I care what holes there are in her testimony and where those holes actually lead. I think it gives some fairly revealing insights into Kasabian's personality (disorder?) March 1, 2023 Read More Linda Kasabian, a member of Charles Mansons cult and the star witness in the trial that sent him and three followers to prison for life, died on January 21st 2023 at a hospital in Tacoma, Washington, according to a death notice in the Tacoma News Tribune. He wants Rudy Weber and the hose at 1:00 but most of all he wants Tim Ireland's description of the scream before 1:00. ?Most definitely.Both were at different stages and had come through different experiences.However.there were also some similarities. Atkins herself made that point in "The Myth" Furthermore, Charlie was never charged with attempted murder for any of the other incidents on LaBianca night. ;) Their are people who will help and motivate you if you seek them just as there are people who will be happy to drag you down if you let them. Mine is that Linda left her child with a group of people she knew were capable of murder to save her own ass. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Fresh meat! Because the socialist told me to vote for her, despite only weeks earlier being the leader of a revolution against the 1%. !--CALIFORNIA got rid of the death penalty!!! lol your insight is interesting reading.. She mentioned to the Grand Jury that there were to be 2 death squads. Because there was no doubt that I knew that what was ever going to happen here was not going to be good. Because certainly the message couldn't be, "sorry you're in jail bud, but we kicked started a global race war last night". JUNTE-SE A MAIS DE 210 Grim, I have to disagree with you a bit. At the age of 16, she married Robert Peaslee, but divorced a short time later. Even if she was alone for as long as 2 or 3 minutes, a pregnant, tied, tired, scared {described by Atkins as "going out of her mind"} Sharon wasn't The Fugitive on TV who would take the first possible opportunity to effect escape.From the confusion that all of the perps have spoken of that night, what I've gleaned is that we have all the details of what happened at Cielo but the order of events has never been clear after Jay was shot. Remember, Al Springer testified that he liked Tex most of all in the Family. document.write(''); Reporters ask someone who is being arrested for murder to say something to which she replies "I don't care if the whole world comes down, I'm not talking." The trial jury completely rejected their testimony. She got lucky Atkins folded, leaving her the only game in town and she skated. So even if Kasabian was a Hippy, when pared down to essentials, Hippiedom was hardly presented as an advert for something wholesome. I do feel in those cases- had they gone along those nights I would still put them away- but I could get the understanding after all these years of why people would feel bad for them.By the way ever see what Ruth ended up looking like as an adult? I wonder if he and Fleischmann were on friendly terms.. Saint, If you are referring to that post above, I think that is entirely consistent with HS. Linda brought her 20-month old daughter Tanya to the ranch, along with $5000 she stole from a friend. WebLinda Drouin Kasabian Age 70 Born Tuesday 21 Jun 1949 Start a FameChain His Other Children Children Together Angel Kasabian Tanya Kasabian born 1968, age 50 (approx.) 3. There was little to tie Charlie to the crimes. That the motive for these seven horrendous murders was not money, it was not burglary or robbery. In a 2016 Rolling Stone article on the current status of Manson Family members still living, it was said she had been "living in near poverty". At one point he actually criticizes one of the defence lawyers for calling a witness without having spoken to them.I thought all lawyers know what they want those that matter to hear ! The couple had a daughter named Tanya together. Both accused of being racists who will spark a race war. Meet Linda Kasabian Husband, Robert Peasley. The two split up, but reconnected when Robert invited Linda to come out to California. I will not praise Deb because she is awesome and already knows it.But no mention of LADY DANGEROUS? If Kanarek had handled this properly they never would have heard it. She answered the question. When she was still young, her father abandoned the family due to financial problems. She was previously married to Robert Kasabian. Went to high school with her in Milford, NH. I did not mean to offend and apoligise if I didYou didn't offend at all.I'll stop now. The failed policies of passive resistance, marching and speeches must give way to the use of violence to bring about social change because the pigs are using violence against us. If Linda did in fact have a valid driver's license. Susan herself brought it up when speaking initially with Howard & Graham. "[8] Approaching the house from the driveway, Kasabian was met by Frykowski, who was running out the front door. Atkins did tell the Grand Jury Sharon was still roped up even though Abigail had escaped her ropes.
Just weeks after joining his ragged family of lost and damaged souls, Kasabian became involved in the brutal bloodbath that became known worldwide as the Tate LaBianca murders. And so on. And it is almost impossible - hell, it is impossible - to cut the guy who proclaimed himself the Devil before butchering nine people any slack. Her testimony was considered to be the most dramatic segment of the very long trial, and it received an unprecedented amount of news media coverage. Another interesting point: Kasabian never said the motive was Helter Skelter. After they are convicted they need to embrace the official narrative or they don't get out. They can't both be right, correct, so pick one. ?I think Linda is one person people on both sides can agree was no good personally. These savage murders were not committed to effectuate a robbery. var part1 = "deb"; In my opinion then and only then does the 'immunity' award begin to raise doubts in the minds of the jurors regarding her credibility. It has positive aspects but often, is anything but.Linda is one person people on both sides can agree was no good personally.I wouldn't say that about anybody. The perfect storm of just the wrong type of personalities- mixed in with just the wrong type of older influence who made their dark desires ok to live out. WebLOS ANGELES, Jul. Parent.2. If you really want my opinion- to me it confirms she had no intention of testifying. Dreath, pleased to make your acquaintance. Tvitni na twitteru. Dreath saidIf you really want my opinion- to me it confirms she had no intention of testifyingAnd yet, she did testify.I agree with you to an extent. Ask yourself: if her story is not accurate why didn't she just tell the truth? But I'll say no more and wait for the film to be released.Also, if you believe what is written in the Guinn book, while she didn't say Kasabian engaged in any violent acts, she claims she didn't do any of what she said on the stand. AustinAnn74 saidI never thought she was an innocent flower childOf her being a Hippie he commented that "if any witness was ever placed under a microscope, it was Linda Kasabian, and I am convinced that each and every one of you saw the same thing under that microscope, a young hippie girl whose aimless drug oriented life tragically led her to Spahn Ranch, Charles Manson, and two nights of murder ~ two nights of horror"Hippies were not seen as the vanguard of morality or these nice folk that straight society looked to as the shining example of what young people were to be. ", Q: "Did this impress you when he said you had a father hang-up? :)I'm putting myself in time out for awhile lolHave a great weekend. I find some of the holes {depending on what one may see as a hole} lead to interesting places but still nowhere that dents her essential picture of what happened.Or for purposes of this blog do they show an alternative narrative to what is the official narrativeIn terms of why they were put away, I've yet to be convinced that the alternatives proposed have been what actually took place. They were living with Charles Melton (a Both have different conclusions.I don't know what you get from that but I know what I get from that. When her second marriage, to Robert Kasabian, began to sour, Linda and her baby daughter Tanya returned to New Hampshire to live with her mother. I draw a line at the trials. Manson Mythos saidWhether Linda engaged in any violence or had the ability to do so isn't the big question hereI was responding to your The big question: How do WE know she wouldn't kill? ?Hmmmmm..perhaps I just tend to read through different lenses at times St, but my abiding memories of the Bugliosi~Kasabian makeover are of Vincey describing her and her testimony as "frank and repulsively truthful" and telling Laurence Merrick that he would have gone for a 2nd degree murder charge against her. 2 facts will always remain, namely that Tonya was safe and returned safely and that Linda set out out to retrieve her and did so.even in the worst of circumstances- people can make their own fate / But not Linda. There have also been a number of stories of the appalling way some care workers have treated the residents so this has also unfairly soured their general image in the minds of many. Those people would of gone unpunished, and were very capable of murdering again, especially Watson. It came up from a variety of sources, some of whom weren't even in the Family. "That Bugliosi doesn't speak contemptuously about her should always be balanced by the fact that in commenting on her life at the time, what he says is often negative. Why?In the grand scheme of things, with all that was going on, perhaps for those few seconds or minutes none of them envisaged Sharon attempting to escape as she was roped up. Welcome Dreath and thank you.
Charlie as well. After that it is Bugliosi, not Kasabian who is testifying. (One) - wallet - brown plastic with misc. Linda Darlene Kasabian (born Drouin; June 21, 1949) is a former member of Charles Manson's "Family". She seems to have done the exact opposite of Linda with her life- which just goes to show you, even in the worst of circumstances- people can make their own fate. Leslie told Marvin Part what she believed.Marvin Part thought she was mad.Part taped her and asked her questions that brought the very answers that had led him to the conclusion she was a lunatic.Part wanted the Judge to hear the tape but he refused and ordered 3 psychiatrists to listen to it to see if they felt she was fit to stand trial.Leslie herself refused to be examined by any psychiatrists because as far as she was concerned she was perfectly sane.Leslie fired Marvin Part.The events mash rather than bear out your assertion.We also overlook the fact both Manson and the girls could have easily attempted to put the entire thing on Tex WatsonThat's a really good point. Kasabian testified that at one point she heard the "horrible screams" of the victims and left the car. How many of us became murderers or aided and abetted murder? She told Richard Caballero that on LaBianca night, there were to be 2 death squads. Like how about BILL Clinton. As opposite the teachings of Christ as one can get.Is Linda a good person? I gotta disagree with you on that one. 'show the blacks how its done' + (3.) So when I started my lawsuits, I went to a Salvation Army store and with the luck of the Vikings, some guy had just donated a bunch of HIS custom made Italian suits. Linda Kasabian is famously remembered as the woman whose testimony helped send Charles Manson and a number of his murderous cult members to prison for life died at the age of 73 in Washington State. The two split up but reconnected when Robert invited Linda to come out to California. Manson, the mastermind criminal with an "uncanny ability" to brainwash people sent a girl who was on the ranch for a only a few weeks out on a murder mission, and didn't tell her the plan apparently.because she was licensed to drive?NOW. [Kanarek realizes something is wrong but whiffs by making too many objections and making them in the wrong order. I am not heartless. And Ruthann ended up turning out ok- even more of a reason phrases like "Dark to Light" apply- if you have to use them at all.I admit I am a little surprised people will defend Linda Kasabian so fiercely. It's not like he was shooting in the dark. Defense counsel were not 'the Dream Team'. All I am saying is that if your going to make a case for sympathy or redemption- who is a better choice? That's why anything said after a leading question should be tossed in the waste binDo you mean by the jury ?Do you feel Judge Older was somewhat derelict in his duty by letting so many leading questions go through ?So I'm not trying to prove Kasabian is actually lying. That said there are occasions too numerous to count in the Tate-LaBianca trial where he 'leads' his key witness to the answer he wants (and gets away with it). They both got to live out long lives. [2] She was regarded as kind and shy, but "forced to grow up too soon". But is like a badge of honor to people to refuse to give H.S any weight at allAnd it just seems strange to me that nobody is willing to consider it at all, as even a possibility, when all of the actual killers themselves have repeated the validation that it was for over 40 years with the exact same stories, and can hear the shame, embarrassment, and humiliation in the voice of a sobered up- middle aged Leslie Van Houten as she tries to explain H/S and the "Hole in the Desert" to her parole boards. Ask Van Houten. Today Mrs. Kasabian was granted a two-week delay before entering a plea in the Tate murder case to enable her [17] This program was broadcast in the UK on August 10, 2009, and also in the United States on September 7, 2009 and again on July 20, 2013, on the History Channel. No screaming for it to stop, etcThat would possibly be because at the time Kasabian asked for it to be stopped, Pat was inside struggling with Folger or chasing her through Tate's bedroom out to the pool. Linda Kasabian was 20 years old when she was arrested on Dec. 2, 1969, in Concord, New Hampshire, on a fugitive warrant from Los Angeles authorities, wanted for questioning in connection to the Tate-LaBianca murders. She took her baby daughter and followed a friend to Mansons Spahn Ranch. We do not know why any of them were picked. The news media coverage of the Manson trial had made Linda Kasabian a well-known figure by the time the sentences had been handed down, with opinions about her ranging from sympathetic to hostile. She spent her whole life getting into trouble. She married Robert Kasabian but that marriage turned sour she still held on. Linda Darlene Drouin was born in Biddeford, Maine on June 21, 1949, and raised in the New England town of Milford, New Hampshire. lol- it gets easier he had to teach me too :), St Circumstance saidBugs was never going to use Linda if Susan hadn't flipped on her decision to cooperateWell, he had no use for Linda as long as there was Susan. ME thinks there might be a REAL story there. In HS Bugliosi more or less says the same thing. Inside, Watson, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten murdered Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Low level of intelligence: thinking a socialist was going to turn the United States into an idealist utopia where college was free, black people got reparations and Marijuana grew wild for all to partake. Nothing devious. To Kasabian, the ranch situation sounded like the Hopi legends that she had read about as a girl, and she was intrigued. Instead, she found Charles Manson. We know very little of any consequence about what any of them were like or did prior to or after the murders ~ and to be honest, that's how it should be. Remember part of your goal is to get the jury to see her as at least as vile as your client. MM, Should I assume you don't believe Manson is innocent of any crime and are arguing motive and reasons testimony is weak, etc, a lot of which I probably agree with? There again, some of us have brothers, sisters, Dads, Mums, cousins, close friends etc that are in that vein and we still love them just the same and haven't yet abandoned them, though it may have been touch and go sometimes. I am not convinced the motive as described by Bugliosi is 100% accurate. var part3 = "Matt at Mansonblog dot com"; George Stimson reckons it was because she owed him, after Charlie had protected her from her husband and Charles Melton when they came to get their $5000 back. You are certainly entitled to that because we can't read her mind. Because certainly the message couldn't be, "sorry you're in jail bud, but we kicked started a global race war last night".Lol. Pat, in Guinn's book, presents herself as not wanting the murders to happen, going so far as to say that the following night at Waverley, before anthing happened with Rosemary, she prayed to God, asking him to make the murders stop and since she went ahead and exercised her own free will in participating in carnage and mutilation and God didn't strike her down and stop her, Leslie or Tex, she's not believed in God since that night.And she has a problem with Linda presenting herself as not being a willing participant.As a side issue, if Linda hadn't been at the car when they arrived at it after Cielo's action, would they have just driven off and left her ? She appears to have had no or little choice. Linda did choose her path, but so did Ruth. St Circumstance saidThat's the point lol. "[4] She began joining family members on their "creepy crawls", quietly sneaking into random homes in Los Angeles to steal money while the occupants slept. She stole money from her friends to impress people she knew for days. I have also enjoyed all of the comments related to this postlove all of the insights. Grim, Probably move the goal posts was not the best turn of a phrase. 'Now is the time for HS' only works if you have three parts: (1.) She participated in terrible crimes, and then left her child with the people who she knew committed them.Then she flipped on those people too.Who could trust Linda? The "They had really bad backgrounds and nowhere else to turn" sympathy is appropriate in cases like Diane Lake and Ruth. very young, and not absent- but actually encouraging and contributing to the delinquency of their kids type of parents.But not Linda. That night, Manson and Kasabian had sex in a Spahn Ranch cave. var part2 = ""; He also went on to say that he preferred Linda as she hadn't killed anyone but because of the grand jury deal, was stuck with Susan.Interestingly, even with Susan, he simply had no case against Linda. That is cover something up, replace it with something dramatic to help my caseI guess there's absolutely no possibility whatsoever that her story was true.Why would any lawyer not want to help their case ?Bug said Linda wasn't involved in any trouble prior to being at Spahn, yet he forgets she did admit to dealing drugs Did he actually say that ? Dreath saidBut wait a minute Grim, Atkins never mentions this event to the Grand Jury, not a wordThere are a number of things that don't get mentioned to the Grand Jury but she mentions a few times the confusion that was afoot and let's face it, she wasn't a reporter on the scene taking in every little detail. So WHY was Bugliosi and or the DA so obsessed with getting Charles Manson instead ?Bottom line question Robert; do you think Manson was guilty as charged or not ? Do you remember last years motive poll ? She's the black loving, anti-racism alternative. It's always the Charlie supporters who make those statements and spread those stories about other motives. Perhaps I'm cynical, and she found joy sponge bathing a freshly soiled senior. [4] According to Watson and Atkins, Kasabian stood rooted to the front lawn, watching with a horrified expression as her companions committed murder. I believe it. Please make it stop.' In 1969, 20-year-old Linda Kasabian came to California to find God. When Larry King asked her if at any point she asked Manson why are we doing this and why are these people being killed, she was at a total loss for words until Bugliosi spoke up and answered for her. No one knows why. I'll stop now. WebIn March of 1968, Linda and Bob had their first child, Tanya. The Vietnam WAR and those that "served" and those that didn't is NOW becoming a subject of contention. When he meets up with or has contact with Pat, she waives extradition, even though she's told Claude Brown she's scared of Manson finding & killing her. AND isn't it about time (over 40 years) for the WHOLE truth and nothing but the TRUTH to leak out from the CRACKS in man's so-called civilization. I should also add I think more than half of what is said about him and the various different accounts of life on the ranch is myth and fantastic sensationalism. Indeed, Tex has cleared Susan of stabbing Sharon Tate, while Pat cleared up the mystery of who carved WAR on Leno LaBianca and Tex has subsequently revealed he coerced Leslie into doing "something" {which is not to in any way diminish her responsibility}.But nothing regarding Linda, except the penalty phase debacle which all the main players have since admitted was lies and rubbish. WOW! They had a second child together, and Robert Kasabian left for South America. All the stuff we're interested in wasn't of such weighty consideration for a jury that wanted facts about who did what and why and were they guilty ?And there are times her testimony 'just don't make no sense'There were times when Kanarek's questions just made no sense ! But when I compare the before with the after in Jay's death, for me there's no comparison.The question is why would Atkins leave Sharon, alive and alone, in the house to take this little stroll?Going to get a knife from Linda, struggling with Frykowski towards the front door, shouting to Tex for helpThere is no one inside. Not because she was some kind of sunshine superwoman, but because others {TJ, Ella Jo, Brooks P, Juan Flynn} did likewise and some of those that she helped condemn to death in the gas chamber backed her up on this, both before her arrest and after. It's not fact. It should also lead us directly to Charles Manson (a loving father to HIS Family and a Natural Born KILLER to many others.Like no other time in History, WE are discovering new facts concerning just what makes the Human Brain tick and hopefully it won't be much longer until WE finally understand exactly why human beings do the "terrible" things THEY do.AND of course, that understanding will eventually lead to a sense of awareness in humans paralleled in all of history. Weblinda laroche husbandRelated. The couple had a daughter named Tanya who was born in 1968. At the time they went over and killed those people because they believed it was for H/S. A variety of sources, some of whom were n't even in the wrong order, NH:... As a girl, and she skated type of parents.But not Linda ask yourself: if story! She took her baby daughter and followed a friend to Mansons Spahn cave... Vote for her, despite only weeks earlier being the leader of a against! 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