top 10 scariest scps

This washard to rank. At face value, that probably doesnt sound nearly as bad as a random man infiltrating your wedding and dooming your marriage with his unexplainable curse, but as you read through the article, it becomes very clear very fast just how dangerous someone like that is. This website contains a huge collection of the scariest stories. Pure darkness, the only thing you can see a red light you cant reach. From eerie entities to dangerous objects, the SCP Foundation has a wide variety of stories that can leave readers with a [] Why It Gets Its Classification: The article notes that SCP-2852 cant be caught or prevented from messing up peoples events. While, sure, abandoned theme parks have been seen in horror before, a part of this particular SCP that Id overlooked when I read it the first time was the fact that its extremely dangerous, no-entry Red Zones are apparently growing over time. Ghost story or not, its wonderfully creepy. Many peoples blood. Who is the scariest SCP? These are my favorites of those that Ive read so far, but you may disagree, and thats OK! Never ring it, or he can touch you. This warning attached to a rusted cowbell is best heeded, lest you want the shambling creep shown in the picture stalking you just out of your line of sight. He is the Boogeyman that keeps you awake at night, waiting to snatch at your sleeping body with his abnormally large hands. If such morbid death befalls those who enter this mysterious, supernatural location, what does it mean for the world that the zone is spreading and no one knows why? 8 Writing Prompts to Get You Started Writing Cozy Fantasy, Bookish Gift Guide: 10 Bookish Gift Ideas for Bookworms, Top 10 Ambience Channels on YouTube (For Writers), Incredible Horror Animators on TikTok to Inspire The Spooky in You, Think Your Fantasy Novel Sounds Stupid? It just makes me fear that one zone. If you are new to the SCP Foundation and (understandably) overwhelmed by the myriad of articles you can read through, I highly recommend watching Tats TopVideos. This will sound messed up, but growing up I loved watching 1,000 Ways to Die, a show that featured reenactments of unusual deaths that have occurred in recent history. The punny nickname of this SCP is only the icing on the perfect nightmare cake that thisthing is. While it is technically contained so long as no one ever gets anywhere near infection sites, actually curing or preventing the illness after exposure is another matter entirely. - Quora Answer (1 of 18): I've read lots of SCPs over the years, one of the SCPS that got stuck in my mind/that I find eerie is SCP-352 "Baba Yaga" (SCP-352 artworks by Alex Andreev) SCP-352 is an elderly woman of unspecified age. Originally, I had a negative view of SCPs and found many of them to be crude copies of other scary creatures, but as of late, some have started to grow on me. So Im gonna go ahead and say Yes on this one. Ironically, not for the person in the suit, I guess? Why do all SCPs fear 173? Fortnite The best Fortnite horror map codes for Creative Mode By Joseph Knoop published 7 October 2020 These are the scariest adventures and most fun mini-games for the Halloween season.. SCP-1875 is a Chess Automaton which sits at a mechanical chessboard. Once those infected are far gone enough, they will actively seek out other lifeforms to infect. By the way, scp stands for S.ecure C.ontain P.rotect The Top Ten 1 SCP-096 Why It Gets Its Classification: I checked out the comments on this one and saw some people say it should be classified as Euclid because its not all that difficult to contain. Welcome! Some dimensions he hops to are fairly tame and sometimes even pleasant, but theyre usually confusing, fucked up, or both. This SCP is somewhat poetic, what with a composers masterpiece being hislifeblood. Why It Gets Its Classification:Eat the cakes, or theyll keep duplicating, over and over and over again. What It Does: Its a satellite that orbits the Earth and can be fired by the O5 Council at varying intensities, causing massive cognitive damage to those affected by its blast. That could happen to anyone. Seemingly harmless to those in the room, it can cause immense psychological damage and trauma to those viewing it through a camera. : This is I must not tell lies taken up to 11, and that was creepy enough! When any natural light turns you into a horrid slime-like creature forever suffering, never dying? After the eighth night, however, the rest of the family will begin to detect the creatures presence, which will understandably create a growing sense of paranoia. And as Im writing this, were all under quarantine, so Im sure lots of us have plenty of time to kill. Can you imagine living in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic wasteland with no explanation as to why for as long as eight years? They all just ceased all activity at exactly the same time. The real gem of this article is the journal written by a man who ended up trapped inside SCP-3008, where we learn about the groups that have formed over time and the fact that some people have been stuck there for years. 4: SCP 513- The Bell and the Long Armed Man. If it ever got out into the real world, a very high number of people would die. (LogOut/ They might not be the scariest SCP monsters, per se, but they offer stories and events . You remember that episode in Avatar: The Last Airbender where King Bumi puts a ring of Jennamite on Sokka and Kataras fingers and it slowly begins to engulf and suffocate them? Upon reaching the target, captures them under the sheet it wears, securing them in a presumably extremely painful way. Or maybe I just decided I wanted to rate my favorite scary SCPs again. We just wouldnt realize it because part of the effect he has is that he immediately blends in with the family as if hed always been there. Crazy. Love this article! You cannot hurt the individuals made part of the crowd, as they dont seem to feel any pain. You are objectively correct that it's the best one. Failure to eat nearly every cake in the 24-hour timeframe results in a new instance of SCP-871 manifesting. Top 10 Amazing Facts About Taiwan; Top 10 Scary Times People Didn't Realize They Were Being Recorded; Read our privacy policy for more info. The Angry Noodle is a blog on all things speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, and everything in between. (15% of events): Congrats, I guess! From simple tales of strange household objects to novel-length dissections of universe-ending cosmic terrors, the SCP wiki covers almost every imaginable facet of the horror genre, and these are some of the most important reads for newcomers. Posts and quizzes for lovers of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. For those new to this rabbit hole of eldritch horrors, the SCP Foundation is one giant collaborative writing project in which entries are written in the form of classified files. Email me at with your request at any time! From not knowing youre unable to sleep to the constant paranoia and pain inflicted by invisible 966 stalkers, becoming prey to these vicious creatures is arguably much more terrifying than the quick deaths offered by previous SCPs on this list. These chocolates dont make me question reality too muchhence the lower existential crisis ratingand they may not be seen as the best SCP out there to most, but they do manage to make one of my favorite desserts just a little bit less appetizing. So now, no matter where it fires, it will cause permanent psychosis in all unfortunate enough to be hit by the blast. You cannot ask someone to kill it for you, cannot try to attack it yourself, cannot even try to set in motion of chain of events that might end in its demise. Honorable Mention: SCP 096: The Shy Guy You are objectively correct that it's the best one. More SCPs are added to the official Foundation wiki very often, and maybe the most terrifying one has yet to even exist. Credit to the article creators. Kind of? So maybe its just nostalgia talking when I rank this as one of thebestSCPs. Why It Gets Its Classification:Its possible to take precautions to avoid anyone accidentally creating the wormhole leading into this non-dimension. But it seems that messing around with reality-altering technology means your safety cannot be guaranteed. Look away then it's instant death. The best SCPs, I think, are the unpredictable ones. Its a particularly powerful and terrifying SCP, even if its notoriety has diminished thanks to newer and more dangerous anomalies being added to in-universe lore. This is because this cursed piece of music demands to be finished, and in a mad attempt to finish the piece, all who approach it drain themselves of blood as they write. SCP-420-J (+1097): posted 12 Dec 2009 02:17 by Quikngruvn A living thing with a hatred for ALL living things, human or otherwise, is terrifying for a variety of reasons. Why is it scary? Protect. Why It Gets Its Classification: Well, its not exactly easy to keep someone contained who can punch you in the face and make you think that you just got a random nose bleed. Youre essentially decaying alive over the course of about five years or so. Its also not known if the show directly causes the people who appear on it to die the same year theyre featured or if they were meant to die anyway and thats why they were featured. What is it that they see? After all, what better answer is there to the question, Which SCP is the scariest? than, All of them combined?. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? In a way, this fits with their lore; either they cant be easily seen, or the last thing youd want is to catch even a glimpse of them. A mysterious pond from which creatures, monsters, and even human beings emerge from that just happens to be the color and consistency of human blood. What It Does:Self-explanatory. The greatest crossover of all time. : Im no fan of Reagan or his policies, but this demonic video tape is pushing it a bit. Its not like youd know. I just cant get enough of rating my favorite SCPs, so if you liked this article, check out the next one: Bryanna Gary is the founder of The Angry Noodle, former editorial assistant and current drafter of articles about things she likes to talk about. What It Does: Anyone who eats these chocolates will become extremely appealing to those around them, and will be consumed. This SCP is an absolute killing machine. Crisis level should be decently high because its a bizarre infinite dimension, an endless labyrinth that you cant escape from no matter how hard you try. You know your stuff! Not only does it slowly envelop and suffocate victimswhich is already terrifying in and of itselfbut the SCP-409 process is a slow crystallization of the victim inside and out that is described as extremely painful. If thats not bad enough, once the victim is entirely crystallized, they explode into thousands of fragments. The effects it has vary depending on the event itself, but some highlights include compelling the godparents to eat the skin of the baptized child during Blue-Level events, permanently psychologically and even physically damaging the children of couples married during a White-Level event, and compelling children attending a Black-Level event to consume a mixture of blood, wood pulp, and dead Tibicen linnei (cicadas) in a bowl. MarioThePumer. But consider this: imagine something as innocuous as a crappy old IV stand randomly transporting you to an alternate version of our world where life apparently existed at one point, but there are absolutely no signs of it anywhere and the world is draped in permanent darkness? Its a huge endless maze from which there is (usually) no returnand lots of faceless store employees ready to fuck your day up. Unlike more dangerous SCPs where your death is inevitable, 173 must be stopped by your own determination and ability to keep your eyes open. You will always be compelled never to harm it, and even to actively protect it. The creativity with all of the different creatures in different worlds that SCP-507 encounters is astonishing. That means that, in a way, the SCP Foundation could be dooming the entire world unintentionally throughout multiple dimensions by trying to investigate the cave and then coming back, unless theyre alerted beforehand the way we are in these addendums. A figure in black also appears on some stills. Painful Death? SCP-4666 SCP-072 SCP-2718 SCP-432 SCP-939 SCP-835 SCP-001 (When Day Breaks) SCP-3000 SCP-1000 SCP-1602 Which SCPs do you find to be the scariest? The slime mimics your loved ones, trying to tempt you out into the sunlight, to make you one of them. And thats good enough for me. This is basically the rated-R version of that. : Imagine seeing something nobody else sees. *noodle noises*. Still, Id rather not die, thanks. <3. 5 SCP-1875. So yeah, Euclid. Why is it scary? The unknown frightens us and intrigues us, but what happens when we are stuck in an unfamiliar place? Everything this guy says and does is interpreted as completely normal. . A lot of you have probably heard the running joke about IKEA that its infinite. The Foundation itself is a secret government organization studying and containing dangerous anomalies of all kinds: from useful objects, to horrifying monsters, to unexplainable events. What is the scariest SCP object? It will not consider any SCPs that rely on outside events for their scare value, nor will it rank SCPs based on how dangerous or popular they are. 5. Create a free website or blog at Why is it scary? By the twelfth night, one of two things will happen: I rank this one a little lower in terms of Scare Factor only because this is one of those SCPs that, while horrifying, has a bit more specific criteria that makes it easy for most people to avoid it. Theyre not the most dangerous or durable SCPs out there, but instances of 939 would be undoubtedly terrifying to come across in real life. (LogOut/ The only reason I didnt rank this one 10/10 was because, although its a home furnishing labyrinthine nightmare, its at least contained to the inside of the store. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. If thats not Keter, I dont know what is. Still, it was the first that gave me that good ol existential dread, which is why it makes it number one, the best SCP in my humble opinion. The lore is an almost bottomless well, and the list of SCPs just keeps getting longer. I found this SCP creative, unique, and unsettling in all the right ways. 4. But its more than that. 7 SCP-087. Euclid. However, for those viewing this SCP through a video camera, horrifying hallucinations occur. I'm Bree/Noods/Noodles. SCP-643 is a good example of why Safe doesnt always mean, well, safe.. There are thousands, if not millions of SCPs out there with as many foundation tales to be told. Hear me out: This SCP is the perfect example of just how easily everything in the SCP universe could absolutely fall apart; how no one is ever really entirely safe. : https://kingsmenbeardclub.comSubscribe To Most Amazing Top 10: A. Go check them out if you like being scared shitless! SO MANY QUESTIONS! Every instance of him transporting is recorded along with a request that he makes after he returns, and the one that really got to me was when all he asked for was a hug. <3. Also, his design would be pretty uninspired if it werent for that snakelike mouth of his. It can also create its own pocket dimension, using it on victims to torment and hunt them. It self-replicates every 24 hours. I ranked the existential crisis level pretty low, however, because while it is a terrifying SCP, it doesnt make me dread the reality of our existence itself; just makes me kinda scared of crystals. The blast was so detrimental to those affected that it caused permanent psychosis to everyone struck, and the location is permanently affected by a kind of cognitohazardous radiation that immediately drives anyone who gets near it to insanity as well. 1 SCP-682. It probably comes as no surprise to SCP fans that it ranks so high, as I can imagine few situations more hopeless for humanity than the literal Sun becoming an SCP that turns you into a monster trapped inside yourself and unable to die. Hes hilarious and very personable. I rated its existential crisis level higher because the zone spreads and that has horrifying implications, but it doesnt give me quite the mind-numbing existential dread that makes me question my own existence the way some of the higher ones do. SCP-2718: Beautiful story, really shook me on the first read (at least, from what I understood), and really nicely done containment procedures. Painful Death? Needless to say, I had to give this one a 10/10 crisis rating. It's super important in urban fantasy and I myself need to do it more, haha! Watch popular content from the following creators: Sl_falanga(@sl_falanga), Tat(@nerdymixedpan), R3D_H3AD(@r3d.h3ad.and.friends), turtle_interest(@turtle_interest), Sl_falanga(@sl_falanga) . What It Does: Transports anyone close to it to an alternate dimension where there appears to be no life anywhere. : Its mostly unexplainable, and what it does is horrifying. So why is this even on the list? Although the SCP Foundation exists to protect the world from dangerous anomalies, they can also be pretty cold and calculating, so I was pretty happy to see that they approved that particular request. Absolute *chefs kiss*. Painful Death? Email me at with your request at any time! When entering its hunting phase, the crowd will chase down prey, and, once that prey is cornered, insert one of its tendrils into the victim and replace their innards with an unidentifiable fluid. Why is it scary? Here is the list of my 10 favorite SCPs. Had to give this one a high existential crisis rating. This alone would not be so terrifying, but instances of 939 have one more unnerving trick: their breath contains aerosolized amnestics. But youcanhurt the mass at the center, if you can find a way to injure it even with its crowd constantly surrounding and protecting it. v0.7. What It Does: It appears to be a normal IKEA store until you walk in and suddenly find that you cant escape, ever. . It focuses on stories about supernatural and scientific anomalies and the efforts of the Foundation to contain them. But what if something as innocuous as a transit ticket could trap you in an unknown place forever? Ilovedthe article for this one. At the end of 12 daysoof. This is one interesting SCP. It's fast, strong, flexible, and ridiculously intelligent. It doesnt seem to kill directly, but it drives everyone in its blast radius to insanity, and people can be very creative with their kills. Also, there are multiple dimensions, and most of them seem pretty fucked up. SCP-2030: 1,000 Ways to Die But Also Punkd, 2. The SCP Foundation is a brilliant concept and with that alone, is home to many great horrors and nightmares. If that doesnt make you question everything, I dont know what will. Probably. SCP-823 has an unfortunate tendency to kill its guests, from fusing two attendees together after emerging from the Tunnel of Love dark ride to dismembering guests in its house of mirrors. : SCP 1875 is scary on two different levels, firstly because it is haunted, and secondly that human souls, childrens souls were somehow manipulated to run the machine. If you are ever looking for an SCP-focused channel, The Volgun has a great reading on this SCP and is an all-around awesome channel for immersing yourself in the SCP universe. The Sculpture SCP-173 There's no better place to begin than the beginning, SCP-173. And woe betide those innocents that wanted more cowbell. Nothing you put in between you and 106 will stop it from pursuing you; only the anguished screams of another person will distract it long enough for you to escape. Even at night, because moonlight reflects sunlight, you are never safe, and 2. If monsters from all other series were included, it would be impossible to rank only 10 of them. Pasta Patrons I Would Like to Marry This Month (but only if you want to <3): Gabrielle GreyAudrey Keith-HortonJon-Paul McGowan. Why is this even on the list? The next SCPs on this list wont have images to go with them. Mundane Utility: The Everyday Uses of 5 Powers in Fiction, 5 Analog Horror Series to Keep You Up at Night, Cutest Minor Characters in Animated TV Shows, Has at least one child under the age of eight. Those looking for terrifying SCPs that dont quite count as monsters on their own should check out the SCP-001 proposal When Day Breaks, as well as 087, 701, 2935, 3008, and 5000. Contain. A fellow SCP-5000 fan, lets goooooooooooooo!!!! What are the scariest/creepiest SCPs you know? Unlike 939 instances, which are animalistic in both nature and appearance, 106 is malicious. This one used to scare me a good bit, but not as much as some of the others. The ten scariest SCPs in my opinion.

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