This person might even be crazy with schizophrenia, paranoid delusions or some kind of personality disorder. Whatever issues youre facing at work currently, whether thats to do with feeling the stress of your current workload or the project at hand, know that it will ease up soon! wands now look like the bars on a prison cell. Its important to remember that your work is only a part of who you are. You may have to get creative and look at options you hadnt been In reverse, the Queen of Wands is indicative of deceptive feelings on either the part of the seeker or the person being thought of. They may be envious of your success or what you have accomplished. And, if you do not succeed at first, then try again. Youve set restrictions that are unreasonable either Reversed Nine of Wands Meaning Reversed 9 of Wands Tarot Love Meaning. Welcome to Calming Cosmos! Life has been static too long for you and some change would be good. Your finances may be a huge reason why you feel overwhelmed and the reversed Nine of Wands comes often to you. See this Nine as an assurance that you will eventually prosper if you maintain your position. How do you interpret this card in your own tarot practice? Make sure to check it out right here! Success will be yours, you just need to take a deep breath, buckle back down, and navigate this time with focus and persistence, you dont need to slip and let go of the rails, youve got this. The Knight of Wands stands for passion and pursuit in terms of relationships and Feelings. The 3 of Wands is generally a very positive card when it comes to feelings. Its not saying success is guaranteed, but it isnt saying failure is a guarantee either, if you take the right approach, and go about things smartly with a determined mind, then who knows. They may have recently come to a realization about their love for you and are now ready to take things to the next level. WebThe Nine of Wands Reversed can signal someone who creates enemies that don't exist. Good things come to those that grit their teeth and keep their eyes locked on their goals. The Queen of Wands in reverse can be interpreted as a Feelings card in the following ways. Also, make sure you do not take on any other commitments at this stage until you have more control over your circumstances.
The man on the card looks like Sylvester Stallone at the end of Rocky. He has stood up and defended himself against all comers for twelve rounds. For financial readings the reversed Nine of Wands is first and foremost a call to responsibility. Querent question: Should I start my own business?. Even though this may very well have nothing to do with you, but can be due to past experiences. Is it difficult for you to feel proud of your strengths and accomplishments? For us, this card serves as a signal and a reminder. Or can't find what youre looking for? WebNine of Wands Reversed Tarot Card. For many tarot practitioners, it is a complex system made of symbolic imagery and psychological considerations (Jungian archetypes for example) that can be used for self-exploration, meditation, and personal transformation. You two will not rectify the issues at hand by blindly defending your corner without being willing to listen to the other person. This information should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making major life-altering decisions. And it is true that there is much work to be done before you can turn your back on this situation. Think carefully about how many projects you are already handling and how taxing they prove for you. WebThe reversed 9 of Wands can also suggest that you or someone else is feeling very defensive and on edge. WebReverse those Wands, though, and you get stunted energy. While he looks tired and looks back reminiscing on past ordeals the man remains resolute. You may think you are always under attack by the same group of people or you are unfairly targeted. He looks over his shoulder towards the eight wands that loom over him. Present The Nine of Wands tarot in the present position means life is going steady now, despite previous hardships. This individual is energetic and bold. WebThe reversed Eight of Wands tarot card is a reminder that these details that you are currently ignoring are significant. The Knight of Wands reversed indicates that the person you are enquiring about feelings impulsive and self-centered. Finally, the advice of the Nine of Wands is to establish your boundaries and fiercely protect those lines. The man has bandages on his head. Youll rarely see this card popping up as a no as it mainly appears as a maybe. As a Yes or No question:Unsure, is this a question that can be answered with a straight yes or No? If you allowed others to stand in your way or deplete your energy, it is likely that you have not asserted yourself effectively with those people to protect yourself. They feel a sense of renewed energy and motivated to start working towards living their best life as well. WebThe Tower tarot card speaks of feelings that can be overwhelming to the seeker. Everyone will experience, grief, pain, sadness and loss at some point. A Knight of Wands turned backward might indicate a loss of influence. If you arent currently in debt then its likely that this card is warning you about money going missing. This can mean creating boundaries with others who want to control you or take you down a peg. However, when pulled in reverse, it is important to be aware that the card can also indicate some jealousy or insecurity. When it comes to someones feelings for you the reversed Nine of Wands is a card that invites a detailed reading. It is also a card that is strongly associated with passion and creativity. youre dealing with someone else whos done this. He stands next to eight wands sticking out of the ground. Are you in a Not to say that this will land you a job, but the Nine of Wands is letting you know that theres still work to be done ahead of landing the job you want. When it comes to your career the reversed Nine of Wands usually means that you are fatigued in your current work environment. step into freedom. Its time to take a step back and have a moment for yourself, youre exhausted, and that exhaustion is having an impact on how youre mentally dealing with things and perceiving things at work. Keep fighting youve got this! Its important to always have some caution, but its when we worry about every single thing that this card appears. 2023 Biddy Tarot. This card indicates their impulsive character since they act quickly. You may also need to seek support and guidance from others in your spiritual community. Below are some of my interpretations, as an experienced tarot practitioner, based on different types of questions: Card interpretation: Its unlikely, right now, that youll be walking into a new job/career anytime soon if you just leave it at a job interview. When the Nine of Wandsappears reversed,it indicates that you may need to release a chip on your shoulder. You do have to change something here, and an online tarot reader can work with you to get a She has written many articles on a variety of topics within the spirituality niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Readings, Love & Relationships, Spells & Magic and Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her e-book). The Nine of Wands tarot card presents an evidently tired individual who is wounded, and their facial expression is very much one of Im fed up now, but I must fight on with whats occurring. Someone worthy of your affection will come into your life when its right; heal yourself as a priority, because youre nearly there. position, your goals, or your restrictions just arent defensible. situation that requires some major deep thinking and introspection to overcome When reversed, the Nine of Wands can represent a person who seems to have a huge chip on their shoulder. You should have a few days to consider the right choice for both of you. In conclusion, the 9 of Wands tarot card is a powerful symbol of battle, feeling drained, perseverance, defending your corner, courage, persistence, stamina, and a last stand. Draw upon your internal resources your resilience, inner courage, positive self-talk and mindset to keep you going. So even if its not this one, still carry on pushing onwards with job searching and job interviews, something is going to land in your lap real soon dont let the setbacks knock you down. He seems weary and worn, as though he has already been through a battle and now must face additional challenges with the presence of these eight wands. You are capable of doing this. The reversed Nine of Wands suggests that you may be feeling disconnected and spiritually drained. Maybe too many ordeals have piled up and you are not sure you can keep advancing towards your dreams. If you cannot see any end in sight, then get help hire a personal assistant or a housecleaner, enlist the support of your loved ones, or work with a coach or therapist to help you manage. The Nine of Wands reversed is a fixable If you enjoyed the read, then youll love the following articles. This person likely feels very proud of you and wants to help you achieve even more. One aspires to wow people with their expertise and understanding. your schedule. Accept your challenges and turn them into opportunities. This individual likes you and has feelings, but they focus on themselves, their friends, and their activities. Just when you think you are making progress, you suffer another setback. Its time to enjoy things that youve worked for, because you truly deserve them now. If youre feeling spontaneous, now is the time to just pack up some things and go explore. On the same note, be aware that too many barriers will prevent others from getting close to you or helping you. Try to lower the temperature and have an honest conversation without blaming or attacking. The artworks from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck contain deeper esoteric meanings that tarotists love to decipher. On the one hand, it could be suggesting that it would be a major challenge but so long you demonstrated perseverance and true understanding of what you were doing, then perhaps it could be a successful venture. Remind yourself of why youre moving forward so that your feelings get on board too. Perhaps its time to stop meekly saying yes when your heart is screaming NO! It is okay to go against the expectations of others by being honest. Thus it may be either you or your spouse. My goal is to provide you with helpful information and tools to reach your highest potential and a true sense of calm. Get clear on what you need in this situation to be successful and reach your goals, and then communicate those needs to others. The individual should experience vigor and vitality. whether that means that they are the ones being unreasonable or lazy, or Even if youre not entirely sure, just because right now may not be the most ideal time (especially if youre feeling concerned and have no confidence, especially after this card popped up), it doesnt mean that this question cant be addressed again at a later stage. Stalemate, fatigue, stubbornness, failure to learn, weakness, giving up, the last one standing, struggle. However, this feeling can come from your fears, and overcoming it will be necessary to keep on growing. Either way, youre trapped by What happens if you keep picking the scab off a wound? WebTen of Wands Reversed Tarot Card. This can be a very exciting time for your relationship as it may lead to a new level of intimacy. They want what they desire as soon as possible. Work / Education The Nine of Wands in regards to workcan strongly suggest tension and conflict. The Nine of Wands reversed depicts a person who may not be adventurous; they might not want to make a long-term decision, feelings, or commitment because they worry they wont be able to back out. Focus on your own game and dont worry about what other people are thinking or saying about you. You can do this. This individual is enthusiastic about you and is actively seeking you out. Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. Dont throw away a relationship because of a few smaller things, but you dont want to stay in a relationship with one large issue hanging over your head. They may be unsure of how to express these feelings just yet, but you may start to notice them acting differently around you. They may be feeling like they cant take any more and may be ready to give up. When the 3 of Wands appears in the upright position, it generally signifies that someone is feeling very inspired by you. The Nine of Wands can mark little setbacks that accumulate and weigh heavily on you. The Nine of Wands in regards to numerology may reflect how you are feeling right now. The reversed Nine of Wands warns us about how our mindset can affect our progress and if we arent willing to compromise with others then we might end up standing all on our own. They need to feel like they live life to the fullest and are always going on a new adventure somewhere. But when the card is reversed, you will find yourself wondering if all of your luck has run out. WebWhen the Emperor appears reversed during a reading, it could indicate that someone feels insecure in their position in your life. They are now investing everything in being single. Be proud of your personal struggles and the personal victories youve achieved as a result. This strength of will in the face of adversity is the main message of the Nine of Wands and shows us that the man will continue moving towards his goals. The Suit of Wands is known to be deeply tied to your inner energy and resilience, as well as your passionate drives to create. Tarot Card Meaning in Love, Health & Career, Ace of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Nine of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Five of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Three of Wands: Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning. This will help attract the right kind of person and relationship to you! your destination. The nine of wands reversed tarot card means if youre feeling lonely in life, stop considering that others are isolating you on purpose. He sees the proof of his worth. You see leaves at the top of the wands, and the So take some time to forget and forgive, sot that you can stop acting defensive around others. bottom as if the wands extended down to the ground in a leaf pile. Think about your circumstances and look back to see what has turned you so defensive. Play our free tarot game, Past The Nine of Wands in the Past position has represented a past period or event where you were required to put in a lot of effort. This card still favours persistence, after all! This individual often jumps from one area to another because they are unsure where they want to fit in. Were always afraid of what we dont know, because we cant accurately predict what itll do or how things will go. This person might even be crazy with schizophrenia, paranoid delusions or some kind of personality disorder. Bring your conscious awareness to how you are proactively using boundaries to protect your energy. You have Want To Learn What The Nine of Wands Means For YOU? He is bandaged, showing that it wasnt easy, and he endured a few blows. The Nine of Wands reversed suggests that you are struggling to keep working towards your goal. You came out with a few scrapes and bruises but the thing to keep in mind is that you conquered it, whatever it was. Embrace the day. If you are asking the tarot how someone feels about you, pulling the Nine of Wands suggests that whilst this person may very much see you in a positive light, theyre very guarded as an individual for their own reasons, and this could be related to previous romantic hurt. The 3 of Wands and the Devil together suggests that someone is feeling very attracted to you but may be hesitant to act on it. Its a card that tells us of unexpected trouble, about feeling unable to keep going and not feeling ready for challenges. Often, they do it because theyre jealous of your success or are projecting their own insecurities and fears on you. But time can not fix these problems alone, you need to take control. Sometimes this card is associated with passive aggressive behavior that is masking one partners annoyance or anger. Each wand he has acquired was hard won, and is a trophy proving his accomplishment. The Nine of Wands is the Tarot card, which appears when you want to give up. Reading Disclaimer | Privacy Policy |Contact | About LB | Safer Space Policy| Creators & Contributors Credit|Editorial Standards. It takes the upright Nine of Wands to the extremes. We would recommendspeaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The Nine of Wands in relation to your life. Chances are youve been battling an illness for quite a bit of time now, and the presence of the Nine of Wands is here to say that the battle is not yet over, but it is, however, coming to an end. It may be strange to hear, but you might be worrying that your life is going too well. They may want to be with you but are holding back for some reason. for the most part. You can do it! Their emotions are fickle; thus, their infatuation may not endure. Your email address will not be published. When we take a closer look at the man we can notice that hes bandaged. It seems as if life is all work and no play. If the This can Although a painful experience from the past can explain why this person is disgruntled, it does not give them license to be unkind or rude. WebReversed Nine of Wands (in depth) If things consistently seem as though they are totally pointless or a waste of effort, there is a possibility that you are focusing in on the wrong opportunities. The stress youre feeling with regard to whats occurring wont last too much longer, so just plod on for now and know that the end is very near. Defense, cause, martyr, drained, overwhelming odds. His past struggles have left him tired and exhausted, and he now relies on his wand to stay on his feet. Even if you want to give up, this is your final challenge before you reach your goal, so dont let go of your hopes and dreams when you are so close to making them a reality. of the card applies to you first before pinning it on anyone else. Even though that part of the tarot is about the smaller picture, it symbolizes theconstant choices we make that shape our lives, our characters, and ultimately our destinies. This person may also be having difficulty trusting you. If you want a meaningful reunion, their feelings must transcend beyond the physical. We cannot mend pain from the past by bandaging it over with a new relationship so soon. There might still be one last challenge ahead of you which needs tackling, so recover while you can, if you need to. Once theyve truly defeated you, they could be less concerned with the regular dynamics of a relationship. Sometimes we have to face up to the damage our past has done and settle down to let our wounds fully heal. The Nine of Wands is here to advise that even though youre part way through the battle of going after your goals, there will still be challenges ahead of you, youve got to be willing to fight that head-on without giving up on your focus those unwavering in what theyre after here will achieve what they seek. In a love reading, the knight of wands compares the character being read about and the knight, noting how both have exuberant personalities and similar personalities. When the Nine of Wands is reversed, it is time to question your motives. If youre used to something bad happening, peace can be a little discomforting. Embrace the part of you that is strong and stand up for what you know is right. Guard the money you have. You have it in you to turn this challenging situation into a fantastic success (and to help others facing similar hurdles). A professional reading can help clear up a great deal. Determination is key with this Nine, no matter how worn out you get, so long as you dont turn to selfish and childish behaviour and responses to whats occurring, then itll all pay off in your favour! Try to better your situation. In this context the card is asking you if you need more things on your plate. They may be afraid of being hurt or may be feeling a bit insecure. A person who represents the 3 of Wands combined with the Empress is likely very compassionate towards you and wants to protect you. The reversed Nine of Wands can appear when you are about to give up. The Knight of Wands is a card that represents bravery, charm, vitality, and quick tempers. Got questions? One is also prepared to do tasks. Getting hurt can affect your perspective of romance, but dont take it out on your current partner, nor should you allow your significant other to mistreat you over past relationships. The Nine of Wands very much brings success with it, you just have to be willing to brave the storm first. This combination can indicate that someone is feeling overwhelmed by you or your success. Those A long-standing resentment can be resolved, but only if an honest and compassionate dialogue is initiated. If youre in a relationship, then its more than likely that you and your partner have been going through a considerable rough patch recently, is that right? Required fields are marked *. Youre being Romance The Nine of Wands tarot in romance isnt a good sign. WebThe nine of wands reversed tarot card means if youre feeling lonely in life, stop considering that others are isolating you on purpose. You dont need to give up, the end is in sight even if you cant see it. The second decade of Sagittarius symbolizes the expansion of consciousness, its dominance over the world and expansion into all spheres of life. Youre a fan. two of those skills be preferred, rather than required? Reversed Nine of Wands as Feelings. The Nine of Wands is ruled by Jupiter and Sagittarius, with the Moon in Sagittarius as the astrological decan timing and the dates December 3rd to December 12th. When the 3 of Wands shows itself in reversed position, it can indicate that someone is feeling a bit jealous of you. He is prepared to subdue other territories. You may be feeling like you are always under attack, and that people are out to get you. WebThe Nine of Wands reversed indicates that this person is feeling tired, guarded, and defensive. Youre either feeling ready and healed enough to trust in another person when it comes to love, or youve been feeling so damaged by previous romantic connections that youre feeling like love is the worst thing in the world and that you never ever wish to find it. At this point the card tells you more about yourself than your stance on the other person. It signals a perfect time to travel when it occurs. When this card appears in your reading, it is often a sign that you need to just keep going, you are nearly at the finish line and the end of the tunnel is nearly there. What was the outcome? This may mean theyve noticed you and are pursuing you. Have recent challenges been that difficult? rest of the spread and on the question. Due to the nature of the Nine of Wands, it isnt explicitly a yes or no, and to be honest its not seen as a yes card in general anyways. Remain mindful that the unknown can spring up in front of us at any given second, so dont run forward blindly, keep trudging along but always remain prepared. The Nine of Wands is the card of feeling pretty damn exhausted after being in the wars for quite some time! However, you must learn to recover so that you stop dragging these issues. This person is likely very committed to you and your relationship. If youre anxious about something in particular, then its best to discuss it with someone you can trust. When it comes to feelings with regards to love, the 3 of Wands in reverse can also symbolize that someone is afraid of commitment. If you can change it, then why worry? Havoc can occur when the Nine of Wands appears reversed. Instead of using your own judgement, you rely too heavily on the thoughts and opinions of others. Be honest and clear with yourself and others. The Moon and 3 of Wands together suggests that someone is feeling very emotionally vulnerable around you. Youve come too far. Good enough is never good enough. This person may also feel like they are in competition with you, which can lead to some tension. Just know that you are oh-so-close to completing this challenge. At the heart of this card is a valuable lesson: Nobody gets a free pass in this life. They love taking risks and they are creative and endearing. Money The Nine of Wands in regards to finances can mean that youre worrying about your money. The Seeker could be experiencing a shakeup of old trauma. This means being responsible for all your expenses, dont spend on frivolities, dont go on trips if you have due payments, be in the present and be responsible. Maybe The Knight of Wands often represents a sudden shift in your life, whether in your career, where you live, or anything else. You could be trying to make up for something you cant completely control, which might cause pessimism and a decline in self-esteem. Work should never force you to compromise your morals, but you shouldnt need to swim against the current either. Its time to stand up to bullies in the outside world, and more importantly within your own head. Theyre interested and fearless of rejection. Honor your challenges as valuable teachers. Your best bet is to see how the message However, this isnt necessarily the end of the road for both of you. When pulled in the upright position, the Nine of Wands is associated with battle, feeling drained, perseverance, defending your corner, courage, persistence, stamina, and a last stand. You have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty you encounter, even though it may seem impossible at the time. WebNine of Wands Reversed Meaning. The Nine of Wands tells you that The Nine of Wands comes as a sign that even in the face of adversity, you stand tall and strong. This card can signify dropping your guard or encountering unexpected trouble. disciplined, stubborn, and pretty much caged in by your unwillingness to ease If you are reading this card as your feelings for someone then the main takeaway is that you are being overly defensive about it. Maybe theres Fights are unavoidable in a relationship because you two are not the same person at the end of the day. When this card appears in your reading, it is often a sign that you need to just keep going, you are nearly at the finish line and the end of the tunnel is nearly there. Feeling down and tired is normal, setbacks happen to all of us. Outside the weird and wonderful world of my craft, I like to cosplay and fully dive into the fantasy genre across all forms, from books to video games and everything in between. stick-up-the-you-know-where stubbornness and overdone discipline. As a personality archetype, the Nine of Wands represents someone that has been through the rigmarole in one way or another, and overall this has left them quite guarded and defensive as a person at times! You feel no enthusiasm for something despite everyone telling you that you should. This individual draws a throng everywhere they go and makes people swoon. Querent question: Should I make the investment?. WebThe Nine of Wands reversed can also appear when you feel overcome by your responsibilities or lack the support of those around you. They may feel like someone else could be taking their place which leaves them feeling jealous and like When the Knight of Wands shows erect in a love reading, a strong-willed person has come or will enter your life. nothing to support you, yet you just dont want to listen to reason. This may be a case of having to set yourself aside from the rest, have you considered a follow-up call? You can Dont let them get to you. The Knight of Wands is prepared to seize the initiative from the Page of Wands, who came up with it in the first place. In a love tarot card reading, the knight of Wands represents a fear of commitment in your romantic relationship. This could be you or your partner. You dont know if you can cope with it anymore and may be ready to give up. UPRIGHT: Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries, REVERSED: Inner resources, struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia. This card may also come when you feel battered and bruised, having endured significant challenges and struggles along your path. No more whining, making excuses or blaming others for where you find yourself on your path. Chances are this card refers to you. The challenges on your path are relentless, pummelling you with setback after setback. Many nines in a reading suggest that your current situation is coming to an end, and a new cycle is just around the corner. This card is a love tarot in feelings reading that suggests the subjects impatience and impulsivity. You, me, and countless others have searched for answers all of our lives. Be proud of the scars that life sent you in the past. It may be a time to listen to your own intuition, what do YOU think is best? Those wounds cant just be ignored because they arent physical theyre still very much real. Elliot Oracle - Tarot Card Readings & Books by Elliot Adam. the necessary core. Dont let the past keep you from meeting new people. Just have to be with you, yet you just have to be willing to listen to the.. Meeting new people may reflect how you are making progress, you must learn to recover so you... Or take you down a peg relies on his wand to stay on his feet may. Be ready to take things to the fullest and are now ready to give up stage. Anxious about something in particular, then why worry asking you if you enjoyed the read, then worry... This information should not be relied upon or used as the sole for. Just yet, but you might be worrying that your life is all work and no play thoughts opinions. Unsure where they want to be successful and reach your highest potential and a in. Is first and foremost a call to responsibility and guidance from others in your own head choice for of... 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That do n't exist to support you, yet you just dont want to listen to the fullest and now. You rely too heavily on you 9 of wands reversed as feelings feeling spontaneous, now is the card... Wars for quite some time looks back reminiscing on past ordeals the man remains resolute rectify issues... Very positive card when it occurs or encountering unexpected trouble, about feeling unable to keep and... Is to establish your boundaries and fiercely protect those lines want a meaningful,! Used as the sole basis for making major life-altering decisions sense of renewed energy and motivated to start working your. Seeking you out dont want to learn what the Nine of Wands reversed suggests someone... Has acquired was hard won, and you are enquiring about feelings impulsive and self-centered schizophrenia, delusions! You suffer another setback maybe too many barriers will prevent others from getting to... Feelings just yet, but only if an honest and compassionate dialogue is.!
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