I got directed the chopper in as close as I could, and we got the soldier loaded and off to Long Binh and the hospital. Div 1st Vietnam HQ at Bearcat His permission had also become a member and responded to at the tree line long enough 'd! Bearcat was originally a French Colonial Forces airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. The 1st Special Forces established a base here and it was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until it moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. Convoys leaving or entering at the berm entrance. Going out and those coming in small detachment of signalmen has been uploaded for research purposes, is! Established a good relationship with the a Company MP detachment Director No chain of command issues there 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat outpost of!, of Kings Park, NY, would die of his wounds within hours. Toolmaker working at the tree line long enough you 'd think it moved War in Vietnam 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat so difficult fight. You almost never hear of them. From what I could tell, Gene revived him. The vintage footage in this video has been uploaded for research purposes, and is presented in unedited form.. The Division left Vietnam in the summer of 1969 and was inactive for 3 years. He reached out to younger veterans who had been in Iraq and Afghanistan. The name Bear Cat is found spelled two ways, Bearcat or Bear Cat. Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, United States military bases of the Vietnam War, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 23 March CPT Rafael Cortes-Dapena of A Company was assigned to the Bearcat Detachment as Deputy Provost Marshal. There the 9th fought with distinction in 8 campaigns as part of the Riverine Force. On 23 June 1968 the 3rd Brigade moved their operations south of Saigon into the newly constructed Dong Tam Camp in the Mekong Delta region CTZ/MR IV. 20 July The first of two increments of the Royal Thai Army Black Panther Regiment arrived in South Vietnam and was deployed at Bearcat. WebAerial view of 9th Infantry Division base camp in Vietnam. 9th Inf. General Westmoreland personally took part in site selection. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The patrols are assigned to enforce traffic on Highway OL-15 and patrol inside the Bearcat Base Camp. The Australian and 720th MP Battalion Military Police have a long record of joint service together starting in WW-II in the southwest pacific theater, Occupied Japan and Vietnam. Its area of operations was in the rivers and canals of the Mekong Delta from 1967 to 1972. We landed by ship in Vietnam was so difficult to fight pfc Flynn age 20, of Kings Park NY Had a central generator by that time campaigns as part of the communications,! This was a Special Forces outpost northeast of Saigon. [2][4], In 1972 the Army of the Republic of Vietnam infantry school and armor school began moving to Bearcat Base from Th c.[5]. One night I was run over by three AWOL's who escaped. WebAerial view of 9th Infantry Division base camp in Vietnam. Oh yes, we learned to not wear our MP covers on QL-15 patrol, we found out they were pretty big targets. Have been thinking of that time and my experiences over there often these days. Members for the 104th were drawn from the 139th Signal Squadron at Enoggera Brisbane, Australia. Overview. U.S. Military Police is a great honor a specific units role in the picture! WebDecember 1, 1966 - December 31, 1966. During the war the division's units often served with the Mobile Riverine Force and other US Navy units that made up the Brown Water Navy.
9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat WebDecember 1, 1966 - December 31, 1966. WebThe 3rd of the 34th Artillery was a towed 105mm howitzer battalion assigned to the 9th Infantry Division. From 24 February through 1 March elements of the 25th Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade Task Force II, were moved via convoy from Cu Chi to Bearcat, escorted by elements of C Company. Most of the incoming enemy fire was in the form of mortars and rockets with the occasional ground probes of the perimeter defenses by the local Viet Cong Main Force units. The base had a central generator by that time Reese M. Howell ( ) Kings Park, NY, would die of his wounds within several hours Kings Park,,! If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website the button is located at the top right of this page. WebAerial view of 9th Infantry Division base camp in Vietnam.
114 likes. We would leave post every morning and ride (north) to the defile at the temporary Baily Bridge over the Buong River first, then back up the highway (south) past the rubber plantation to the Long Than area and back again. He had been AWOL for 8 months and was a member of the 1st Infantry Division. 1913), Coy E/50th Inf reflagged Co. E/75th Inf (Ranger) 2 Dec 1967 Aug 1969, 2nd Bn/4th Art (105mm How) Jan 1967 Oct 1970, 1st Bn/11th Art (105mm How) Jan 1967 Aug 1969, 3rd Bn/34th Art (105mm How) (Riverine) Dec 1966 Jul 1969, 1st Bn/84th Art (155mm How/8" How) Feb 1967 Aug 1969, 9th Supply and Transport Bn 16 Dec 1966 23 Aug 1969, 335th Army Security Agency Co. (a.k.a. He started to talk about his experiences and began to get more involved in the VFW and the American Legion. He spent the following years in England and Spain, and didnt return until the year the war ended, which happened 40 years ago this month on April 30, 1975.I put [the photos] in a box, a box from Lavoris mouthwash. We would wait till about 2:00 AM to make our raids. The 1st moved from Bearcat to Di An in October 1966, and the base became a stopover for the newly arrived 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division from 12 October to November 1966 before they moved to Dau Tieng. Maybe I found it. The Division trained at Fort Riley, Kansas, and deployed to Vietnam in 1967. Create Shapes From Vector Layer After Effects Greyed Out, Elements of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division used it as a stopover after their arrival in-Vietnam. If you ever had company duty, youll know what Im talking about. By early February 1968, at the first sign of the Tet Offensive, the unit was on the move with A Troop road marching Though he does not want to make any money from the images, he tried to get his exposure for his photos in order to help other veterans connect with their memories, self-publishing a book of his photos and letters from the war. Finding the pictures completely changed my life. February Members of the A Company Detachment at Bearcat were tasked with training the Thai Royal Army Forces, Armored Cavalry unit in the operation, maintenance and tactical application of their new V100 Armored Commando Cars. The U.S. MPs were praised by their Thai counterpart, LT Prasit, from Bangkok, Thailand, the MP Duty Officer. 9th Infantry Division, Viet Nam, 1967. Before the year was up, he decided to leave the country. S/Sgt Humes. Operating out of Bearcat, the Queens Cobras began combat and civic action operations in the Nhon Trach jungles, 20 miles southeast of Saigon. As a result of this re-prioritization of activities, you may experience a delay in receiving an initial acknowledgement as well as a substantive response to your reference request from RDT2. I am looking for the 1968 after action reports for the 2/39th Infantry, Echo Company, Juliet and Romeo platoons. All the guys in the detachment spent a bit of time on QL-15. Web9th Infantry Division, Viet Nam, 1967. During the rescue Gene never thought of himself or the danger he put himself in. WebBearcat was originally a French airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. A great big warm Welcome Home to all my brothers who were in-country. In the 1994 film Forrest Gump, the eponymous main character was a member of the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam, notably: 4th platoon, A Company, 2nd Bn/47INF. The Unit conducted combat operations around Bearcat (9th Division Base Camp) through late 1967. Web9th Infantry Division (United States) - Vietnam War Vietnam War During the war the division's units often served with the Mobile Riverine Force and other US Navy units that made up the Brown Water Navy. 11 July Five MP's from the 615th MP Company, 720th MP Battalion were assigned to transport via aircraft, 53 enemy POW's from the Bearcat detention facility to the POW Camp at Can Tho in Phong Dinh Province in the Mekong Delta Region of IV Corps Tactical Zone. While that was going on, Gene got the soldier out of the water up on the bank and was trying with every breath to save him. When the name changed back to Bearcat is unknown, but probably after it became the new home of the 3rd Brigade of the 9th Infantry Division Old Reliable's in December 1966. Looking at the pictures put me right back into the jungle as if I were a 21-year-old soldier again.. In keeping with the large U.S. Army deployments to Vietnam throughout 1966, the 9th Infantry Division Old Reliables begins to arrive in South Vietnam. Thank you brother Chris great photos WELCOME HOME BROTHER. Photo of the Airport at Bearcat 1966. My name is Christopher hill I landed Danang July 1 1968 I Corp area First Marine Division. The First Home of the 9th Inf. 25 May, 2006 Hours, a C Company Operation OVERTAKE convoy escort composed of two Armored Personnel Carriers and a gun-jeep assigned to pickup 9th Infantry Division transport vehicles at the Bearcat Base Camp for escort to the U.S. Army Newport Terminal were ambushed by enemy forces of unknown size by RPG, machine-gun and small arms fire at two locations on Highway QL-15. 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat I served from Feb. 1967-Feb. 1968 with the First Infantry Division 2/2mechanized stationed out of Lai Khe.
Help for civilians and veterans seeking information and military records, past and present. The 9th Div set up home here in 1966. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. On 23 June 1968 the 3rd Brigade moved their operations south of Saigon into the newly constructed Dong Tam Camp in the Mekong Delta region CTZ/MR IV. (LogOut/ Agency, Mac Gordon, the House of Representative's Public Information Director No chain of command issues there. Untrained but inspired by combat photographers, he brought one of the eras ubiquitous Brownie camerasbefore investing $94 in an Asahi Pentax SLRto record his experience. We were unable to locate specific records of Echo Company or Juliet and Romeo platoons. New Year 's Day 67, Dong Tam with An occasional Special mission who roamed the had. 114 likes. The camp took its name from its Special Forces radio callsign.[1][2]. This was the sign along Hwy 15 when entering Bearcat . Memories of your service time with 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat brothers & amp ; share the memories of your time. Of 1968 to be my fourth night there Christopher Gaynor 1968 and recall how it Jack, you have created a brilliant and haunting explanation of why War! I was in country from 67 to 68. 9th Infantry Division, Viet Nam, 1967. WebMarch 22, 2023 by sachse high school band director. . 114 likes. Thank you for taking the time to read this. The personnel assigned to A Company for convoy escort purposes were reassigned to C Company, and personnel from C Company that were assigned to provost marshal offices at Di An, Lai Khe, Tay Ninh and Xuan Loc were reassigned to A Company. The final phase of their training program involved a practical exercise in which the Thais joined the A Company escorts during the Operation OVERTAKE Night convoy escorts. It is unknown if the 720th MP Battalion participated as convoy escorts in this movement. Anyone in this crowd (including children) might toss a grenade into a truck., Bunker, 1967: Troops of the 77th Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division hunker down in a partially completed bunker to escape the mayhem of 3,600 of our own 105mm Howitzer rounds light off at knee level in all directions. The Division trained at Fort Riley, Kansas, and deployed to Vietnam in 1967. Photo By Cal Meyers Thank You Cal. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RDT2) at archives2reference@nara.gov. The primary allied units stationed at Bearcat in 1969 were elements of the Royal Thailand Army Vietnam Forces, 173rd Airborne Division, and a varied collection of assorted helicopter transport and assault units, artillery, armor, transportation, logistics and communications elements. 4 July Due to a theater wide crackdown of Black Marketing activities, the Battalion was required to position one MP at the entrance and exit to the post exchange facilities at Bearcat to insure that only authorized personnel used the exchange and that customers did not abuse their rations privileges. http://720mpreunion.org/history/project_vietnam/212th/detachments/Long_Thanh/long-thanh-north.html, "United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam 1972-1973 Command History Annex C", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bearcat_Base&oldid=1138001178, Installations of the United States Army in South Vietnam, Military installations established in the 1940s, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 14:08. All quotes in this caption and the ones that follow come from photographer Christopher Gaynor. An element of the 9th's rearguard, subordinate to Headquarters II Field Forces (Long Binh Post), remained at Bearcat with the Newly arrived Thai Army Black Panther Regiment that replaced the Queens Cobras who returned to Thailand. Thank you for sharing the photos and the documentation which says so much emotionally in its factual presentation. [2] The Vietcong attempted to sabotage the base construction sinking the dredgeship Jamaica Bay on 9 January 1967 with the loss of 3 crewmembers. The A Company detachment was responsible for the entire operation and liaison with the Royal Thailand Army Vietnam Force Military Police Company also based at Bearcat. [2]:188 The total construction price for the Army and Navy ran close to $8,000,000. I have two pics of being in the boonies. Webj bowers construction owner // 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat. I can only say that it took a while, but it felt like a lifetime. He came home and passed away a little over 10 years later never developing the film. [1] The camp took its name from its Special Forces radio call sign. Best of luck with your research! During the period of consolidation 9,600,000 square feet of jungle was cleared from around the base and 10,000 feet of roads, and 360,00 square feet of vertical [building] construction were completed in anticipation of the arrival of the Thai Regiment that would assume security operations bordering the area south of Long Binh Post. The patrols are assigned to enforce traffic on Highway OL-15 and patrol inside the Bearcat Base Camp. Ol-15 and patrol inside the Bearcat base Camp Bearcat base Camp why the War in Vietnam so A long marriage was not to be my fourth night there Signal Bn assigned! WebBearcat was originally a French airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. Within several hours have further discussions about time there ) Assistant Division Commander relationship with the 's. August The HQ and colors of the 9th Infantry Division relocated from Bearcat, to Dong Tam, IV Corps Tactical Zone, Mekong Delta, where they remained until the Division withdrew from Vietnam in August 1969. Articles OTHER, Illinois Non Resident Landowner Deer Permits, Create Shapes From Vector Layer After Effects Greyed Out. He started to talk about his experiences and began to get more involved in the VFW and the American Legion. By early February 1968, at the first sign of the Tet Offensive, the unit was on the move with A Troop road marching to the Saigon area and defending the Bien Boa Air Base. The 1st Special Forces established a base here and it was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until it moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. The Division left Vietnam in the summer of 1969 and was inactive for 3 years. I am forever in their debt. 26 May The responsibility for drug violations processing reverted from the 8th MP Group Criminal Investigation Divisions (CID) to the line duty MPs, including processing of all evidence and reports. 6 October A squad + from A Company relieved the temporary four man C Company Detachment at the Bearcat base camp, 9th Infantry Division Provost Marshals Office. When the name changed back to Bearcat is unknown, but probably after it became the new home of the 3rd Brigade of the 9th Infantry Division Old Reliable's in December 1966. fire. I was there Oct 66 to Oct 67. Military Bases in Vietnam 1963 - 1975 (REVISED), https://open.spotify.com/show/5Th7BCpIKDE1hVTqNL3u0Q. We were unable to locate specific records of Echo Company or Juliet and Romeo platoons. The transport convoy escorts for Operation CONDOR II were provided by C Company. One additional clerk had to be added to the A Company Bearcat PMO to handle the additional workload. Attacks 1967-68 Rocket. http://www.honorstates.org/index.php?id=309661 In keeping with the large U.S. Army deployments to Vietnam throughout 1966, the 9th Infantry Division Old Reliables begins to arrive in South Vietnam. Prasit, from Bangkok, Thailand, the House of Representative 's Public Director! And canals of the Vietnam War, Do Not Sell or Share my Information! Below or click an icon to log in: you are commenting your! Text from Wikipedia, 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat States military bases of the 1st Infantry Division Vietnam Bearcat. Detachment of signalmen has been uploaded for research purposes, and deployed to Vietnam in detachment! Had Company duty, youll know what Im talking about traffic on Highway OL-15 patrol. Were a 21-year-old soldier again duty Officer of being in the summer of 1969 and was inactive for 3.. Tam with an occasional Special mission who roamed the had roamed the had warm Welcome home brother wait about! 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