But it usually is combined with a lot of knowledge To be cynical and ignorant and to spin those two things into a virtue? Their repartee thus concluded, they move on to the mutually fascinating subject of Washington traffic jams. Rhodes is married to the chief foreign policy adviser to former U.S. Let me ask you something, he says. When I ask her where Rhodess control over drafts of the candidates speeches came from, she immediately answers, Obama, but then qualifies her answer. But the way it changed Ben Rhodess life is still unique, and perhaps not strictly believable, even as fiction. He leans back and opens a drawer in the file cabinet behind his desk, and removes a folder. How do we sell it to the public? Ann Norris works at the State Department as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Legislative Affairs. Her father retired as the president and chief executive of the Virginia Electric and Power Company in Richmond. I immediately understood that its a very important quality for a staffer, Hamilton explained, that he could come into a meeting and decide what was decided. I suggested that the phrase decide what was decided is suggestive of the enormous power that might accrue to someone with Rhodess gifts. But then there are sort of these force multipliers, he said, adding, We have our compadres, I will reach out to a couple people, and you know I wouldnt want to name them . Getty Furthermore, he was raised along with his older brother, David Rhodes, who is the former president of CBS News(2011-2019). At least, he tried. Additionally, he invested his time traveling in the world for years in order to how democracy has been endangered in the USA in order to write After the fall. See, Im sympatico, the sneakers proclaim. Ann Norris grew up in California and went to college at UCLA. I went to work to write speeches for Barack Obama! Some of Bens colleagues at MSNBC include: Steve Kornacki political correspondent. But once you are attuned to the distinctive qualities of Rhodess voice which is often laced with aggressive contempt for anyone or anything that stands in the presidents way you can hear him everywhere. From 2002-2007, he worked for former Congressman Lee Hamilton at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, supporting Hamiltons work on the 9/11 Commission and Iraq Study Group. Boost thinks very highly of me. Yet Rhodes bridled at the suggestion that there has been anything deceptive about the way that the agreement itself was sold. He turns to Price. The White House point person during the later stage of the negotiations was Rob Malley, a favored troubleshooter who is currently running negotiations that could keep the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in power. Ben Rhodes (White House staffer) has been married once. In July 2012, Jake Sullivan, a close aide to Hillary Clinton, traveled to Muscat, Oman, for the first meeting with the Iranians, taking a message from the White House. So it felt really good. Picture him as a young man, standing on the waterfront in North Williamsburg, at a polling site, on Sept. 11, 2001, which was Election Day in New York City. AUTHORS, PODCASTERS, POLITICAL COMMENTATORS IN USA Those are matters for the negotiators and area specialists. Thats industrial-strength hubris. I was surprised, Hamilton remembered. He stated with respect to the U.S. government that, "nevertheless, we act like somehow Bibi Netanyahu believed in the two-state solution. Menu Log In Sign Up [6][7] Rhodes then attended Rice University, graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 2000 with majors in English and political science. Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you on our big day! The writer attended the Collegiate School graduating in 1996. moreover, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 2000 with majors in English and political science from Rice University. In an interview with NPR, Ben Rhodes talked about the toll that working in the highly-charged White House took on him and on his relationships. That as much as Iraq is what angered me..
[20] He later criticized Trump administration's involvement in the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen. The best result we found for your search is Gregg D Rhodes age 50s in Trappe, MD. He is the son of an Episcopal father from Texas and a Jewish mother from New York. Rhodes found out about the Iranian action earlier that morning but was trying to keep it out of the news until after the presidents speech. WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS; Anne Rhodes, Benjamin Huneke, https://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/26/style/weddings-celebrations-anne-rhodes-benjamin-huneke.html. JPEG The nerve center for the selling of the Iran deal to Congress, which took place in a concentrated three-month period between July and September of last year, was located inside the White House, and is referred to by its former denizens as the war room. Chad Kreikemeier, a Nebraskan who had worked in the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, helped run the team, which included three to six people from each of several agencies, he says, which were the State Department, Treasury, the American delegation to the United Nations (i.e., Samantha Power), at times D.O.D. (the Department of Defense) and also the Department of Energy and the National Security Council. I profoundly do not believe that the United States could make things better in Syria by being there. In addition, he is the co-chair of National Security Action, a political NGO with Jake Sullivan. WebBen Rhodes. But it was Hobbesian, she adds. He arrives here every morning between 8 and 9 from a modest two-bedroom apartment in a grad-student-type building in an unpretentious Washington neighborhood around the corner from his favorite post-collegiate bar. [11][12], In 2007, Rhodes began working as a speechwriter for the 2008 Obama presidential campaign. He has a brother, David is a former President of CBS News. I can name them, I said, ticking off a few names of prominent Washington reporters and columnists who often tweet in sync with White House messaging. Web1997. Bens wife works as a senior adviser on global womens issues. We had test drives to know who was going to be able to carry our message effectively, and how to use outside groups like Ploughshares, the Iran Project and whomever else. Mark Bowden, best-selling author and national correspondent for The Atlantic, moderates.. They literally know nothing., In this environment, Rhodes has become adept at ventriloquizing many people at once. 0. Moreover, in the summer of 2001, the journalist worked on the New York City Council campaign of Diana Reyna. If a couple has created a wedding website through The Knot, you can find it by using our Couple Did you present this theory to Ben Rhodes?, Oh, God, Rhodes says. Rhodes walks me out into the sunlight of the West Wing parking lot, where we are treated to the sight of the aged Henry Kissinger, who has come to pay a visit. Therefore, Ben authored the book, The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House(June 5, 2018) to narrate his partnership and ultimately friendship with Former President Obama. Then he drives to work in his Beamer, which appears to be the one grown-up luxury he and his wife, Ann Norris, who works in the State Department and longs to return to her childhood home of California, can afford. Rhodes expressed concern that the Biden administration is making the same mistake. And thats what its like to work in the U.S. foreign-policy apparatus in 2016.. Please enable Javascript. Hamilton nodded. Rhodes at a nuclear-security summit meeting in March, where President Obama met with President Xi Jinping of China. Rhodes strategized and ran the successful Iran-deal messaging campaign, helped negotiate the opening of American relations with Cuba after a hiatus of more than 50 years and has been a co-writer of all of Obamas major foreign-policy speeches. He currently competes full-time in the NASCAR Gander RV & The New Yorker says that the Israeli plan, code named Black Cube, was deliberately targeting people who had been proponents of the Iran nuclear deal. I dont know how you feel about Don DeLillo., Yeah, Rhodes answers. You'll be taken to a page where you can enter their first and last names, as well as the month and year for their wedding. By eliminating the fuss about Irans nuclear program, the administration hoped to eliminate a source of structural tension between the two countries, which would create the space for America to disentangle itself from its established system of alliances with countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel and Turkey. Mr. Rhodes has a B.A. Heres what you need to know about Ann Norris: In June, 2017, Ann Norris, a former State Department official, who is married to Ben Rhodes, a prominent advocate of the Iranian nuclear deal, received an e-mail from a woman who introduced herself as Eva Novak. They elect who theyre going to believe. For those in need of more traditional-seeming forms of validation, handpicked Beltway insiders like Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic and Laura Rozen of Al-Monitor helped retail the administrations narrative. March 13, 2022. That image has always stayed with me, he says. Later, the writer criticized the Trump administrations involvement in Yemen. Ben is 45 years old. But we are not betting on that., In fact, Rhodess passion seems to derive not from any investment in the technical specifics of sanctions or centrifuge arrays, or any particular optimism about the future course of Iranian politics and society. He had also developed a healthy contempt for the American foreign-policy establishment, including editors and reporters at The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker and elsewhere, who at first applauded the Iraq war and then sought to pin all the blame on Bush and his merry band of neocons when it quickly turned sour. The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obamas Foreign-Policy Guru, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/magazine/the-aspiring-novelist-who-became-obamas-foreign-policy-guru.html. The president set out the timeline himself in his speech announcing the nuclear deal on July 14, 2015: Today, after two years of negotiations, the United States, together with our international partners, has achieved something that decades of animosity has not. While the presidents statement was technically accurate there had in fact been two years of formal negotiations leading up to the signing of the J.C.P.O.A. People construct their own sense of source and credibility now, she said. Trumps staffers called the conspiracy the Echo Chamber conspiracy and theorized that Ben Rhodes was its leader. He got a weird look in his eye.. He i Together, the couple has two daughters. The cream of the crop are here this early p.m. for a private, off-the-record lunch with the president, who will preview his annual remarks to Congress over a meal that is reported to be among the best in the White House chefs repertoire. You have to have skin in the game to be in the news business, or depend in a life-or-death way on its products to understand the radical and qualitative ways in which words that appear in familiar typefaces have changed.
I see it throughout the day in person, he says, adding that he is sure that in addition to the two to three hours that Rhodes might spend with Obama daily, the two men communicate remotely throughout the day via email and phone calls. With one bold move, the administration would effectively begin the process of a large-scale disengagement from the Middle East. I expect cynicism in Washington. A Nwe York Times profile said that it was near Bens favorite college bar, and also close enough to their daughters daycare that they could walk her there. The fact that the president largely let his surrogates do the talking and the selling of the Iran deal and even now, rarely talks about it in public does not reflect his level of direct engagement. What novel is this that you are living in now and will exit from in eight months and be like, Oh, my God? I ask him. Ben Rhodes: A Memoir of the Obama White House, As former deputy national security advisor and one of President Barack Obamas closest aides, Ben Rhodes provides a behind-the-scenes account of some of the most consequential and controversial moments of the Obama presidency as described in his new book The World as It Is. [15], Rhodes was instrumental in the conversations that led to Obama reestablishing the United States' diplomatic relations with Cuba,[16] which had been cut off since 1961. Ben Rhodes. The Iran experience was the place where I saw firsthand how policy, politics and messaging all had to be brought together, and I think that Ben is really at the intersection of all three, Malley says. His ability to navigate and shape this new environment makes him a more effective and powerful extension of the presidents will than any number of policy advisers or diplomats or spies. He and his wife have two daughters, Ella and Chloe. Their oldest is a girl, Ella, who was born in 2015. [19], In 2015-16, Rhodes defended U.S. political and military backing of Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen. Moreso, the book is also available for retail on Amazon at $13.99(hardcover) and $14.99(Kindle). Additionally, Ben and Ann are proud parents of two daughters. and secretary of defense and also enough of a product of a different culture to give honest answers to what he understands to be questions of consequence. Connections are made between two opposing ideas that were not apparent in the meeting. He was like the kid who carried the briefcase to school, Ben says of his brother, who worked at Fox News and Bloomberg before moving to CBS. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. He sent her a letter and included what would wind up being his only piece of published fiction, a short story that appeared in The Beloit Fiction Journal. Neither is his older brother, David, who is president of CBS News, an organization that recently revived the effort to declassify the contents of the redacted 28 pages of the Sept. 11 report on the eve of Obamas visit to Saudi Arabia, on which Rhodes, as usual, accompanied the president. I would often just call him and say, Give me a reality check, Malley explained. Thom W. Blair Jr. performed the ceremony at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. In the absence of rational discourse, we are going to discourse the [expletive] out of this, he said. Thats bad. Yet one problem with the new script that Obama and Rhodes have written is that the Blob may have finally caught on. According to both Hamilton and Edward Djerejian, Bakers second on the I.S.G., Rhodess opinions were helpful in shaping the groups conclusions a scathing indictment of the policy makers responsible for invading Iraq. His father is a Texan lawyer who took his sons to St. Thomas Episcopal Church once a month, where Rhodes felt like the Jewish kid in church, the same way he felt like a Jewish Christian at Passover Seders. On the largest and smallest questions alike, the voice in which America speaks to the world is that of Ben Rhodes. I stopped sleeping very well. From there, she went on to work for the State Department, first in the departments office of global womens issues, and then in the State Departments Bureau of Legislative Affairs. In the front office, his assistant, Rumana Ahmed, and his deputy, Ned Price, are squeezed behind desks, which face a large television screen, from which CNN blares nonstop. Greetings! Theyre agreements between governments. You dont write, you dont call, Wolf Blitzer, the CNN anchorman, parries. The president and Rhodes communicate regularly, several times a day, according to Denis McDonough, Obamas chief of staff, who is known for captaining a tight ship. The idea that there was a new reality in Iran was politically useful to the Obama administration. Indonesia was a place where your interaction at that time with power was very intimate, right? Rhodes asks. We can do things that challenge the conventional thinking that, you know, AIPAC doesnt like this, or the Israeli government doesnt like this, or the gulf countries dont like it. Its the possibility of improved relations with adversaries. Rhodes then became the chief note-taker for the Iraq Study Group, the bipartisan commission that excoriated George Bushs war in Iraq. Yes, he is married to his wife Ann Norris. But he lived in a place where he was surrounded by people who had either perpetrated those acts and by the way, may not have felt great about that or else knew someone who was a victim. Additionally, he later graduated in 2002 with an MFA in creative writing from New York University.
Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, in his office.CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times. So I wonder: How did he get from there to here? He saw the first tower go down, and after that he walked around for a while, until he ran into someone he knew, and they went back to her shared Williamsburg apartment and tried to find a television that worked, and when he came back outside, everyone was taking pictures of the towers in flames. I have a reputation for my notes. Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks, twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages they pose an enormous danger to civilians; they have to be stopped. He has worked as a speechwriter and senior advisor for President Obama for eight years. He referred to the American foreign-policy establishment as the Blob. Now they dont. Farhi, Paul (May 6, 2016). ", "Former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes with Peter Beinart", "Biden Team Forgets History:' Israel And Its Lobby Dissed Obama in Borderline Offensive' Racial TermsBen Rhodes", "White House aide Ben Rhodes responds to controversial New York Times profile, cleans up his mess", "10 Problems With That New York Times Magazine Profile of White House Aide Ben Rhodes", "The Leading Global Thinkers of 2015 - Foreign Policy", "A stunning profile of Ben Rhodes, the asshole who is the president's foreign policy guru", "Israeli Operatives Who Aided Harvey Weinstein Collected Information on Former Obama Administration Officials", "Opponents of Iran Deal Hired Investigators to Dig Up Dirt on Obama Aide", "Beat sweetener: The Benjamin J. Rhodes edition", "Ben Rhodes: 'Obama has a serenity that I don't. One result of this experience was that when Rhodes joined the Obama campaign in 2007, he arguably knew more about the Iraq war than the candidate himself, or any of his advisers. This is somewhere else. Standing in his front office before the State of the Union, Rhodes quickly does the political math on the breaking Iran story. Obama and his aides used political elders like him, Robert Gates and Hillary Clinton as cover to end the Iraq war, and then decided to steer their own course, he suggests. Obamas particular revulsion against a certain kind of global power politics is a product, Rhodes suggests, of his having been raised in Southeast Asia. I am silent in these meetings, taking notes. Don DeLillo, I think, Rhodes answers. 2005-2023 Honeyfund.com, Inc. All rights reserved. He could say, Here is where I think the president is, and here is where I think he will be. He continued, Ben would try to anticipate: Does it make sense policywise? WebRhodes wife, Ann Norris, was a senior foreign-policy and defense advisor to former Senator Barbara Boxer. Ben also attended Rice University where he graduated with majors in English and political science in 2000. It took me 45 minutes. The CBS News anchor Scott Pelley tells a story about how members of the press destroyed the lawn during the Monica Lewinsky scandal and were told that they would be allowed back once the grass was replanted. Rhodes (center) and Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, listening as President Obama spoke to reporters during an off-the-record discussion. What the precise trade-offs would be, between forms of sanctions relief and forms of restraints on their programs, that was left to us to feel out.. By Matthew Norris and Laura Logan 47 weeks ago "I am so happy for the both of you. Ben Rhodes (White House staffer) has not been divorced. But that cant be true, I tell Panetta, because the aides he is talking about had no independent power aside from the authority that the president himself gave them. Luckily, the reporters on the couch in the West Wing waiting room dont know it yet.
National Security, Report: Begun Is Half Done: Prospects for US-North Korea Nuclear Diplomacy, Report: President Trump Should Rethink NATO Missile Defense. I was like, Oh, finally someone who gets it.. Mrs. Huneke, 31, is an investment banking associate at Morgan Stanley in New York. Rhodes was born on November 14, 1977. His mother is Jewish from the Upper East Side, and worships John Updike, and reads The New Yorker. It has been rare to find Ben Rhodess name in news stories about the large events of the past seven years, unless you are looking for the quotation from an unnamed senior official in Paragraph 9. Ben and Ann have two children. Ben possesses a height of 5 ft 10 in ( approx 1.78m ). Everything changed that day. It was, Were prepared to open a direct channel to resolve the nuclear agreement if you are prepared to do the same thing and authorize it at the highest levels and engage in a serious discussion on these issues, Sullivan remembers. Ben Rhodes, show more of Ben Rhodes photos or correct name Ann Norris show more of Ann Norris photos or correct name. In Panettas telling, his own experience at the Pentagon under Obama sometimes resembled being installed in the drivers seat of a car and finding that the steering wheel and brakes had been disconnected from the engine. The buck stops with the establishment, not with Obama, who was left to clean up their mess. Here is the president adjusting Rhodess tie; presenting his darling baby daughter, Ella, with a flower; and smiling wide while playing with Ella on a giant rug that says E Pluribus Unum.. Ben was born in NYC, New York, in the United States on November 14, 1977. Price turns to his computer and begins tapping away at the administrations well-cultivated network of officials, talking heads, columnists and newspaper reporters, web jockeys and outside advocates who can tweet at critics and tweak their stories backed up by quotations from senior White House officials and spokespeople. I watch the message bounce from Rhodess brain to Prices keyboard to the three big briefing podiums the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon and across the Twitterverse, where it springs to life in dozens of insta-stories, which over the next five hours don formal dress for mainstream outlets. As she explained how the process worked, I was struck by how nave the assumption of a state of nature must seem in an information environment that is mediated less and less by experienced editors and reporters with any real prior knowledge of the subjects they write about.
All information on this site is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. The bully pulpit by and large doesnt exist anymore, he explained.
It isn't enough for CBS News to mention the relationship as a parenthetical statement as they did in yesterday's coverage. So he hired him on at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank. May 5, 2020. WebSpring 2020 Fellow, Center for the Political Future. Its not as easy as standing in front of a press conference and speaking to 70 million people like past presidents have been able to do, he said. "[14] Rhodes was the adviser who counseled Obama to withdraw support from Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak,[5] becoming a key adviser during the 2011 Arab Spring. I also understand why Obama pulled the plug on Americas engagement with the Middle East, I say, but it was also true as a result that more people are dying there on his watch than died during the Bush presidency, even if very few of them are Americans. [18] He began contributing to Crooked Media, NBC News and MSNBC. [23][24] Rhodes was featured in the HBO documentary The Final Year, along with John Kerry, Samantha Power and Susan Rice. We obtain this information from publically accessible sources and endeavor to make sure it's correct. With Jake Sullivan, he is the co-chair of National Security Action, a political NGO. He is the master shaper and retailer of Obamas foreign-policy narratives, at a time when the killer wave of social media has washed away the sand castles of the traditional press. Deputy Assistant Secretary for the negotiators and area specialists Steve Kornacki political correspondent he.. Iran story something, he is married to his wife Ann Norris photos correct! Creative writing from New York University Echo Chamber conspiracy and theorized that Ben Rhodes works a! The bully pulpit by and large doesnt exist anymore, he says Rhodes answers,. Performed the ceremony at St. Stephen 's Episcopal Church to spin those two things into a virtue were... 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