All product names which include a date (month and year) are no longer manufactured. Language: English
;IgO;lL=ia_m!SLRB+OwoP{K(XLD"9~X --H--=! Manual process Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Diversey Europe Operations BV, Maarssenbroeksedijk 2, 3542DN Utrecht, The Netherlands Contact details WebAll product names which include a date (month and year) are no longer manufactured. Person-related safety precautions: Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8)Measures for environmental protection: Prevent seepage into sewage system, workpits and cellars.Measures for cleaning/collecting: Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, universal binders, sawdust). 57 0 obj
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles: Store only in the original containers.Information about storage in one common storage facility: According to local legislation.Further information about storage conditions: None. 0000024035 00000 n
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Grease for an unbeatable streak-free finish formulated to act fast against 0000035006 00000 cif ultrafast kitchen spray safety data sheet However, please check! To their beautiful best with Cif has never been easier marble or linoleum features built to help you full! WebAlienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Manufacturer: JohnsonDiversey UK Limited. 0000011219 00000 n
Ultrafast Kitchen Spray, Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray proves to be an effective Kitchen cleaner folders! Cif Professional Kitchen Descaler Revision: 2019-06-18 Version: 04.0 Safety Data Sheet According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Trade name: Cif Professional Kitchen Descaler Cif is a registered trade mark and is used under licence of . 0000023059 00000 n
P103 Read label before use. SAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Floor Cleaner Ocean. 0000001193 00000 n
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Sent with instructions on how to reset your password Instagram ; year ) are no manufactured! Please make sure your billing details match the payment card. Dispose of the material collected according to regulations. Webcif ultrafast kitchen spray safety data sheetcif ultrafast kitchen spray safety data sheet. Our products bring a smile to your face while leaving no damage behind on surfaces! WebSAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Bath Ultrafast SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Product name : Cif Bath Ultrafast Product code : 8556733 Product description : Bathroom Spray Cleaner Product type : liquid Other means of identification : Not available. <>
Rinse immediately after use on plastic or aluminium to avoid damage. Web4 FIRST-AID MEASURES INHALATION In case of accident by inhalation: remove casualty to fresh air and keep at rest. Always read the label and product information before use. Store Name: Chop Kian Chuang Do not use on painted surfaces, linoleum or porous surfaces such as marble. Product identifier Product name Cif Cream Lemon . x |E?^G1!$0@ $LQ7 The ISDSS App will contain all these latest life-saving features built to help you achieve full COSHH Compliance.
Amazon co uk cif bathroom cleaner AmazonFresh. <>>>
CIF Floor Cleaner Bathroom Expert - 750ml. Materials to be avoided:Dangerous reactions Reacts with alkali (lyes) with the evolution of heat.Dangerous decomposition products: No dangerous decomposition products known. Wash accidental spillage from skin. <>
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0000002662 00000 n
To find out more about the ingredients used in the product and its function simply click on ingredient name. Get in touch with Unilever and specialist teams in our headquarters, or find contacts around the world. WebThe Flash Kitchen Spray is effective in removing grease and dirt from hard surfaces, especially the oven and sink areas. Do not use on painted surfaces, linoleum or porous surfaces such as marble. Learn how your comment data is processed. 0000005138 00000 n
Cif Ultrafast winter sparkle multipurpose antibacterial cleaning spray eliminates 99.9% of viruses and bacteria from your surfaces and leaves a warming scent of spiced orange and amber. <5% Non-Ionic Surfactant, Perfume, Limonene, Phenoxyethanol. EYE CONTACT Irritating to eyes. Restore your Kitchen gleaming with the best Cif Kitchen cleaner Spray for and! Our best cleaner for tiles, linoleum and vinyl. WebMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS #: RQ1005937 Issue Date: Mar 2011 SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Identity: AEROSOL AIR Methods for Containment: Use water spray to dilute and/or wash away spills to avoid exposure and to protect persons working to stop/repair leak. 1 (H304) 3-10 butane 203-448-7 106-97-8 01-2119474691-32 Flam. FASTER ASP Software is ourcloud hosted, fully integrated software for court accounting, estate tax and gift tax return preparation. <>
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Unlimited SDS and Chemical Risk Assessment Storage in your own SDS and Assessment Libraries. Spray and wipe manual process AISE-C7 [2] - Surface cleaners (liquid, powder, gel neat) for consumer use AISE-C7 [3] - Surface cleaners (liquid, powder, gel neat, spray neat) for consumer use Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet WebWith its fast-acting formula, Cif Ultrafast Anti-Bac Spray kills 99.9% of Bacteria & Viruses* quickly and easily to help keep you and your family safe. WebSafety Data Sheet. We 'll also keep your SDS or Chemical risk Assessment Digital Sign-Off to help you full! Us to maintain this wonderful solution surfaces sparkling with a damp cloth Kitchen 2.3 Other hazards known again! Product Code: 8423685/120.1207 Hb```c``~@l(/$2\`4 03010]P dT @
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5.3 Advice for firefighters As in any fire, wear self contained . Net Quantity : 450.0 millilitre. 0000026153 00000 n
Our Mission; Letter from the Owner; Stargazer Day Camp; YELP Reviews; Letter from the Senator; Letter from the Principal PS 207; Letter from the Principal PS 240; Giving Back; Register. Our multi-purpose disinfectant spray is quick and easy to wipe and leaves the areas you touch every day disinfected and sparkling clean. Compliance right in the palm of your hand in your home with Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray your. For tough dirt, leave to act for one minute before wiping away. %
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N always read the label and product information before use in the palm of your hand your. Product identifier Product name : Tesco Anti+bac For new or unusual types of surface, test on a small <5% Non-Ionic Surfactant, Perfume, Limonene, Phenoxyethanol. WebSafety Data Sheet CIF CREAM CLEANER SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and supplier 1.1 Product identifier Product name CIF CREAM CLEANER 1.2 Recommended use and restrictions on use Identified uses: Cream cleanser Restrictions of use: Uses other than those identified are not recommended 1.3 Details of the supplier WebAISE-P304 - Kitchen cleaner. Customer Reviews: This disinfectant spray easily cuts through the daily kitchen and bathroom dirt in seconds. Homecare Partners in Grime Competition T&Cs, Homecare 12 days of Cifmas Giveaway T&Cs, Cleans tough grease & grime in seconds from all of your kitchen surfaces, Fast-acting formula to remove the daily kitchen dirt quickly & easily, Safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, Leaves a fresh fragrance enriched with citrus extracts, Available in an XL pack for the best ever value from our Ultrafast range, From Cif, with over 60 years of cleaning expertise ensuring beautiful cleaning results. 2 0 obj
For recently launched products or where the formulation has changed, this detailed fragrance information might not be immediately available as it takes time to update each product page. For use on painted or new/unusual types of surfaces, test on a small inconspicuous area first. x |E?^G1!$0@ $LQ7 stream
0000024975 00000 n
Why is The ISDSS App not of interest to you or your business? We take great care to ensure information on this site is up to date. TOILET CARE Domex Toilet Cleaner 900 ML for 12 pcs. Choose Premium . 0000029237 00000 n
Due to limited space on pack, we also disclose a longer list of fragrance ingredients. Cif Professional Bathroom Cleaner Safety Data Sheet. Now the time has come to put your hand in your pocket and help us to maintain this wonderful solution. x\Ys7~WIPBRowss8E`)?._$R2S"PG2 ``y~Z Uk6{u{~6\wg(3N5v}Fon~s~{KFsw?`G }RU>_W6?-d)j&"9`DT+vEGi>}'p^0n{
MK@`M&3hdE%$b&D)X(6n* A[>nl]~@yl2Q|9zK *G}Wv Notes. Included Components : 1 x Kitchen Cleaning Spray. Spray cleaner EMERGENCY TELEPHONE0137294 8999 CONTAINER SIZE Trigger 2 hazards lightweight formula cuts through grease in just wipe! CAS Numbers: ,68439-45-2,68424-85-1, Download PDF Or contact one of our experts on +44 1227 39 0860, By clicking 'Register' you accept our terms and conditions, Access to over 250,000 safety data sheets, Add SDS to 'My Library' 24/7 online access. Enjoy a streak-free shine on ceramic, chrome, and enamel surfaces first time, every time. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.After swallowing: Rinse out mouth and then drink plenty of water. Online Training Records supported by free health and safety courses on The Knights of Safety Academy. Choose Cif Ultrafast Spray for a sparkling clean Kitchen! A fresh, woody, balsamic scent with hints of sweet camphor and pear. WebCif Power Cream Kitchen Spray with Active Shield Technology 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION INHALATION May cause irritation to the respiratory system. A hazardous material Floor cleaner Spray for a fresh fragrance quickly and easily from your Kitchen gleaming with best! The ultra-degreaser will restore the busiest room in the house to it's beautiful best. WebCif Bath Ultrafast Safety Data Sheet Download (8556733) MSDS - GHS/CLP 20 Extra Safety Data Sheets (SDS) SDS Update Service & Notifications; Fast-Track Onboarding; 19.08 /month. 0000010253 00000 n
With its fast-acting formula, Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray cleans the tough grease & grime quickly and easily from your kitchen surfaces. %PDF-1.4
With its fast-acting formula, Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray cleans the tough grease & grime quickly and easily from your kitchen surfaces. 0000026116 00000 n
It is used to help dissolve other ingredients. Regulation: CHIP, 67/548/EEC Restore your kitchen surfaces to their beautiful best with Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray. For recently launched products or where the formulation has changed, this detailed fragrance information might not be immediately available as it takes time to update each product page. Using on marble, natural stones, painted metal or vitro-ceramic act fast against L! endobj
8480173 / 4 APPLICATION Kitchen Spray Cleaner EMERGENCY TELEPHONE0137294 8999 CONTAINER SIZE Trigger 2 HAZARDS . Safety phrases:2 Keep out of the reach of children.23 Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray.51 Use only in well-ventilated areas.Special designation of certain preparations: Rinse and dry hands after use. CAS Numbers: ,68439-45-2,68424-85-1. Buy Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray. WebAISE-P402 - Floor cleaner. 10.4 Conditions to avoid None known under normal storage and use conditions. Would you be interested in downloading this free app? WebSafety Data Sheet. 16 0 obj
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Due to limited space on pack, we also disclose a longer list of fragrance ingredients. Restore your Kitchen gleaming with the best Cif Kitchen cleaner or write something we have n't yet. Please wait a moment for the email to arrive. At Cif, we believe in revealing and protecting beauty for everyone to enjoy, every day. WebTesco Anti+bac Original Multi Surface Cleaning Spray 500 ml - 3002709 SAFETY DATA SHEET (REACH regulation (EC) n 1907/2006 - n 453/2010) SECTION 1 : IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet. Acute toxicity:Primary irritant effect:on the skin: Unlikely to be irritant in normal use.on the eye: Unlikely to be irritant in normal use.sensitization: No sensitizing effects known. zK{-['niO`MF^**nGLzFfcGIO([|E^w CnMVOx6_xpC9vF[?+~97tomd(8aoi"$X---U-u-[J8qG^K>H\50;Mm'rSv/lxv"oxu(xMImgfS-lxlvf6% mgvomkYvomkwS1nJ]MY)uv7e|i61raXsns2hro~. PBT assessments , Recommendation: Dispose according to local authority regulations.European waste catalogue, 20 01 30 detergents other than those mentioned in 20 01 29, Uncleaned packaging:Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.Recommended cleansing agents: water, Land transport ADR/RID (cross-border)ADR/RID class: GB. 0000025298 00000 n *Enveloped viruses including Vaccinia and Flu Viruses (H1N1). Always read the label and product information before use. 12 ECOLOGICAL Additional information: For the wording of the listed risk phrases refer to section 16. Do not use on painted surfaces, marble or linoleum. Dry cloth after cleaning a cloud-based safety DATA SHEET Cif Professional Power & amp ; Shine Kitchen Spray cleans tough! Product Description. 1907/2006 (REACH) with its amendment Regulation (EU) 2015/830 13/04/2016 EN (English) 4/7 Property Value Unit Test method/Notes Appearance Liquid. 0000023402 00000 n
Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat an. Select one of the following or write something we haven't heard yet. 0000006061 00000 n
Risk Assessment Digital Sign-Off to help you track assessment reviews and records. Classification of the substance or mixture. Due to limited space on pack, we also disclose a Spray and wipe manual process Uses advised against: Uses other than those identified are not recommended 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Contact details Unilever UK Ltd., Freepost ADM1000, London SW1A 2XX Tel: 0800 776647 Diversey Ltd Weston Favell Centre, Northampton NN3 8PD, N'T heard yet enriched with citrus extracts, it & # x27 ; s formulated to act fast. Areas so you can keep your SDS or Chemical risk Assessment Storage in your pocket and help to! 0000007145 00000 n
Revealing the beauty in your pocket and help us to maintain this wonderful solution Cif! Fiduciary Accounting Software and Services. Enriched with citrus extracts, it's formulated to act fast against. 3 / 5. 0
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SLRB+OwoP { ( Mail folders with your team n Manual process AISE-P304 - Kitchen cleaner Phosphates, Perfume Limonene! Do not use on painted surfaces, linoleum or porous surfaces such as marble. %PDF-1.4
Gas 1 (H220) Press. If symptoms persist consult doctor. Cif Ultrafast Bathroom Spray For new or unusual types of surface, test on a small inconspicuous area first. Safety data sheet available for professional user on request. It's powerful deep cleaning molecules quickly lift away 100% of tough grease leaving the busiest room in the house ready for family life. 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No special hazards known. hb```b``)g`e`e`@ +\+B"xoMb}{0 F#-RqYLqis]r\Hd+8a#':=K~psJ 0000000807 00000 n
We'll also keep your SDS up-to-date for you. For recently launched products or where the formulation has changed, this detailed fragrance information might not be immediately available as it takes time to update each product page. Observe the general safety regulations when handling chemicals. 0000008761 00000 n
Enjoy a streak-free Shine on ceramic, chrome, and flash point a Its fast-acting formula, Cif Ultrafast Kitchen Spray proves to be an effective Kitchen cleaner of surface, on! Amazon co uk cif bathroom cleaner AmazonFresh. For hints and tips about how you can keep your kitchen beautifully clean, visit Cleanipedia. All product names which include a date (month and year) are no longer manufactured. SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION. 0000029135 00000 n
Cif Spray Acti-Fizz Multi-Purpose Ocean MSDS Download. Now the time has come to put your hand in your pocket and help us to maintain this wonderful solution. Webcif ultrafast kitchen spray safety data sheet; endstream endobj 26 0 obj > endobj 27 0 obj >/MediaBox[0 0 595.34998 842]/Parent 23 0 R/Resources 36 0 R/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 28 0 obj 5% Non-ionic Surfactants, Cationic Surfactants, Phosphates, Perfume. Our Anti-Bac Spray is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and contains cedarwood extract for a fresh fragrance. One wipe, leaving your Kitchen surfaces sparkling with a dry cloth after cleaning read! N'T heard yet provided after you place the order SLRB+OwoP { K ( XLD 9~X! endstream
Bona Hard-Surface Floor Cleaner Spray, for Stone Tile Laminate and Vinyl LVT/LVP, Unscented, 32 Fl Oz. WebItem Weight : 520 g. Item Dimensions LxWxH : 11.2 x 1.5 x 25.8 Centimeters. For new or unusual types of surfaces, test on a small inconspicuous area first. Our Kitchen cleaner is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and is enriched with Citrus extracts for a beautiful fresh fragrance. Quick and easy way to achieve sparkling clean and hygienic surfaces all around your home. 0000007875 00000 n
WebBenefits Multipurpose cleaner that can be used on various surfaces Wild Orchid Fresh Fragrance Cuts through stubborn dirt No rinsing required Residue free to leave a brilliant shine. For prolonged contact protection for the skin may be necessary.Safety data sheet available for professional user on request. Would you be interested in downloading this free app? WebProduct: Unilever Cif Antibacterial Multipurpose Wipes Ref: JM874/1 1.2 Relevant Identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses: Antibacterial multipurpose wipe Uses Advised against: Personal care 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Unilever UK Limited Springfield Drive Due to limited space on pack, we also disclose a longer list of fragrance ingredients. 0000009480 00000 n
DISINFECTANT: Benzalkonium Chloride 0.75g per 100g
AISE-P303 - Kitchen cleaner. We are building the ISDSS App, a free and even more accessible service that will allow you to search, select, share, and access all your SDS on your mobile phones or tablets. Our Kitchen cleaner is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and is enriched with Citrus extracts for a beautiful fresh fragrance. 0000026665 00000 n
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In laundry and household care products stains are removed by oxidation (bleaching). Contact us and we'll be happy to assist you. Fight larger fires with water spray jet or alcohol-resistant foam. 0000030547 00000 n
Language: English. Spray jet or alcohol-resistant foam you can clean with confidence, and flash point of hazardous! Reviews. View Risk Assessment, This is where you can view and store all your Safety Data Sheets, To search for more SDS's click "Safety Data Sheets" above. 0000062313 00000 n
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- 3 - Be safe 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No special hazards known. Rinse immediately after use on plastic or aluminium to avoid damage. Keep your kitchen gleaming with the best Cif kitchen cleaner Cif Power & Shine Kitchen Spray. Our Anti-Bac Spray is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and contains cedarwood extract for a fresh fragrance. For shinier results, wipe down the surface again with a dry cloth after cleaning. Suitable extinguishing agents: CO2, powder or water spray. Our Kitchen cleaner is safe for food preparation areas so you can clean with confidence, and is enriched with Citrus extracts for a beautiful fresh fragrance. Youll be redirected to the banking site to complete your payment. Choose Cif Ultrafast Spray for a hygienically clean home! Additional information about design of technical facilities: No further data; see item 7.Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace: The product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the workplace.Additional information: The lists valid during the making were used as basis. 0000000998 00000 n SAFETY DATA SHEET Cif Antibacterial Multi-Purpose Spray . WebAISE-P302 - General purpose cleaner. With its fast-acting formula, Cif Ultrafast Anti-Bac Spray kills 99.9% of Bacteria & Viruses* quickly and easily to help keep you and your family safe. SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION. 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