(Most of these comments are made about women. We've listed some ways you could tell. It often happens on southern summer days when the heat rises as the temperature shoots past 100 degrees. If something is cattywampus it means its askew, crooked, or out of sorts. Your grandpa probably said, "Last time I saw you, you were knee-high to a grasshopper. Bless your pea pickin little heart! Conversations south of the Mason-Dixon line will befuddle anyone not born there. Have you ever seen a wet hen? (full and over-flowing) Do go on. That method? 40. Originally from GA here. Nailed it! But what if we can always dream the Easter bunny were Southern? Over yonder toward the water tower. To be told you would get a yankee dime for doing something meant you would get a kiss instead of money. Shes stuck up higher than a light-pole. (very busy) Caught with your pants down. This is our creative way of saying that you shouldn't crow like a rooster about your wealth and belonging today, because it could all disappear tomorrow. Whoever the bread winner may be! To cover your bases you might say, Ill see you then if the creek dont rise. Its a way of saying you fully plan to be there or get something done as long as nothing out of your control stops you. Conversations south of the Mason-Dixon line will befuddle anyone not born there. I use alot of these praises.
30 Hilarious Southern Sayings That are Sure To Impress the Locals Travel anywhere below the Mason-Dixon Line and you're bound to hear a friendly "Y'all," a cheeky "Bless Your Heart," or any of these other classic Southern sayings. (Dancin) I need ALL YALL to leave right now. When she said that, you knew to GIT! Over-the-shoulder boulder holders. Have You Heard These Southern Compliments? There is no shortage of Southern phrases. Jee Roo Za LEM. Shes having a dying duck fit. old southern friend of my maw maw's. Ha! whampusscat. I was surprised as all get out. She thinks shes so highfalutin!.
An exclamationof surprise, anger, happiness, really any emotionthat is appropriate in nearly every Southern scenario. Desire Duffy, Founder of The BookFest, says, "I am thrilled to announce Its a Southern Thing as the winner of three honors at The BookFest Awards. ;) Lord have mercy. Yall is plural. This describes someone who is very, very sneaky and cant be trusted. He doesnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Well be there unless something out of our control stops us. ", "Those pants were so tight I could see her religion. While you do get a bit of flavor from the tea or pickle juice, its really those salts and acids doing all the work. Over yonder down the road. Do not approach. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Order from any restaurants here & they will ask you Is Pepsi ok, or blah blah blah so we all need to agree to disagree on some things because just because we havent experienced some words or phrases doesnt mean we are experts on every ones southern upbringing. Hes just barking to hear his head rattle. I can picture you saying it to a class. I can't wait for you to become the maker of your home! The BookFest honors authors who create outstanding works of fiction and nonfiction. I enjoyed this article. Lawd, people will be able to see to Christmas! Thanks for sharing your sweet memories here with us. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. Read more: I tried Spinx gas station fried chicken, here's my review. I love it! 46. Not sure if youre just using a personal anecdote to patronize Liz, but just wanted to let you know people speak differently everywhere! This phrase means a person was pushed to his or her limit and can get angry any time soon. Since your mama taught you that if you cant say something nice, then dont say nothing at all you kill them with kindness. In the South, to be "ugly" means that you're being vulgar, rude, or generally unpleasant to be around. Used when if or what if was the beginning of your question, and they dont have an answer or simply feel like sassin. Lawd, pull that down! Youre sweatin more than a whore in a church house Folks, even in their grief, are so gracious and determined to feed you. 37. ", "I was born at night, but not last night! We like to read this as one of the greatest Southern encouragements, but, like most of these phrases, you can use it however you'd like. I had a neighbor lady when I was a child that used that phase all of the time. One of the best things to come out of the Music City since the Grand Ole Opry is Nashville Hot Chicken deep-fried chicken slathered, originally, in a paste of cayenne pepper and lard. 1. A lot of these like the crack of dawn, hold you horses, pot calling a kettle black, hush your mouth, yall, and its raining cats and dogs were basically the sayings I grew up with. In the South, to be "ugly" means that you're being vulgar, rude, or generally unpleasant to be around. (youve taken me by surprise) Heres how Southerners deride you Hes busier than a one-legged man at a butt kickin contest. More Southern Living Simply Southern *mwah* darling ;) Southern Talk Southern Charms you know you're Hes about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. (Most of these comments are made about women. Hairbrained idiot. Here are 50 of the richest, funniest, and most colorful sayings that a Southerner might say to you. Dad burn Im as poor as a church mouse. Still hear a lot of those sayings to this day Always answer with yes maam/sir or no maam/sir, or mama would skin my hide. I have a relative that says, Its colder than a witchs t***y in a brass bra. I think that would be pretty cold too. I'm fuller than a two headed tick with no asshole. Big Hat No Cattle means big talker and nothing to back it up. A subset of the dredgers do the opposite flour, liquid, flour. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In fact, Georgia and South Carolina produce more peaches than any other states in the South. If you want UNsweetened tea, thats what you have to ask for. Cows aren't known for their speed, and they are usually out and about, wandering until feeding time. What about: I could have gone on for ages with this post, but I decided to quit with 50. One things for sure, Gone with the Wind this aint! My best friend(were native Texans) often says, Shell tell you how the cow ate the cabbage, meaning said person does not mind expresses their perspective, or getting on to a misbehaving child, or getting all over you if you meddle and cause a fuss. Nashville Hot Chicken deep-fried chicken slathered, originally, in a paste of cayenne pepper and lard. (Most of these comments are made about women. use to could. Grandma might whisper this one over her hymnal if she sees you cutting up in church on Sunday morning.
Read more: 11 Southern words and what they mean, Submitted by Michelle Hodges Schuettenhelm, 16 uniquely Southern ways to describe mamas. ), 3. 21 of 30 Too Big for His Britches A good explanation and a link to the letters is here. Theyll be arguing about this till the cows come home. Cattywampus If something is cattywampus it means its askew, crooked, or out of sorts. Lord willing and the Creek dont rise. This saying is in reference to the Creek Indians. Your email address will not be published. But we've just realizedthey've passed down their vocabularies too.
Southern Sayings About Being Poor & Broke. (you want to) This phrase is used when youre physically or mentally exhausted and cant go on. Food and good conversation make everything better. There are several schools of thought when it comes to battered fried chicken.
How bout You'll most often hear it coming out of Mama's mouth when the kids are running amok. WebI been running all over hells half acre. You aint right. Translation: Did you eat yet? It was a nice way of calling someone a self-righteous jackass, My favorites- The way we say it out loud usually gives more insight on how we meant it so Goodnight may or may not have meant that. I have surrounded myself with extremely talented people for a reason: They make me look good, yall!. (first know the results) The act of chicken frying something describes the method rather than the end result. Crazier than a bedbug just means crazy. WebMeaning: (Phrase) One of the most popular Southern expressions today is gettin on my last nerve because it is used worldwide. As pleased as a pig (or possum) eatin persimmons, Overcooked her grits- shes had too much too drink, shes taken on too much at work, her husband is an ass. There are those who make an actual batter by combining some sort of liquid(s) (water, buttermilk, eggs) with seasoned flour. #1) Boiled peanuts Shutterstock Everyone knows a road trip, no matter how short or long, is only as good as the snacks you eat along the way. Of course, you got plenty of snacks to choose from no matter where you are, but at Southern gas stations, you've got a . Our mothers and grandmothers have given us so much. A Southerner knows that if youre going to do or talk about something till the cows come home, its going to take all day. (surprised and unprepared) Chugged full. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. As I and the folks commenting have the white perspective given in the history books or by word of mouth and movies Look at you now!" Like someone struck you a shovel full of dumb and then tried to get you to learn algorithms. 36. Well, shit fire and save the matches! (Lawd have mercy, you better run and hide! Alex, I am interested in the Choctaw historical perspective concerning the Creek and Cherokee nations. Of course, you got plenty of snacks to choose from no matter where you are, but at Southern gas stations, you've got a (you must be joking) Dont bite off more than you can chew. See you later, alligator. 27.
I was lmao reading it. In my neck of the woods yall refers to one individual while all yall refers to groups. When I relayed this thread to him at breakfast this morning, he corrected me. 23. 35. 63 Sayings You Learned From Your Southern Grandma. In the South, a hill of beans is its own measurement. The distance can be emphasized by the addition of the word way as in way over yonder. Do you know how many times I have read a list like this, gotten through about number four, and turned the page, saying to myself some jack wagon from Pennsylvania mustve written this This was the most spot-on list of sayings that Ive ever read. Prince's Hot Chicken served X-tra hot with mashed potatoes and cole slaw in Nashville. Hes so skinny, if he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue, hed look like a zipper. Please eat all of it.. Hes about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule. He aint got a pot to piss in. Brining is just a fancy way to say you soaked some sort of protein in salt water, which infuses the protein with flavor and keeps it moist (my least favorite word, by the way) while cooking. An exclamationof surprise, anger, happiness, really any emotionthat is appropriate in nearly every Southern scenario. Oh no. This means there is someone out there for everyone. I typically hear it used in response to something controversial happening. No, we don't mean you need to go fix your hair. She done started a hornets nest He doesnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Fixin to My mother used it a lot in the 60s from Marlin, Texas. Brines often include other ingredients that will tenderize (vinegar, lemon juice) and flavor (herbs, spices) the meat. ), 42. The sun dont always shine on the same dogs tail And, yes indeed, we still use southern colloquialisms liberally in North Texas! I love this post! WebI been running all over hells half acre. I have heard from historians that its the creek the body of water rising, not the Creek Nation rising. old southern friend of my maw maw's. My Pawpaws favorite response when asked what hes doing, jus piddlin. If someone tells you that you've got gumption, you should thank them, and then walk a little taller, because you've received a lovely Southern compliment. A note to readers: If you like what we do and want to help support It's a Southern Thing, please consider becoming a member. Bumfuzzled means dazed, confused and bewildered. I asked what it meant and he explained that tall cotton was much easier to pick than short cotton (you wouldnt have to bend over as much to reach it), and it made the harvest much less backbreaking. WebBusier than a palm tree in a storm. Yes maam. You can feel, smell, and see a storm blowin up across the vast southern skies. come in and join us!, If you go home hungry, its your own fault. One bite and I thought I'd died and gone to fried chicken Heaven. I say both ALL the time! Thats why we have chicken fried steak. I spent hours making food. At a moments notice, the skies can darken and summer afternoons are filled with churning winds and heavy rain clouds that cool down the southern summer heat. All yall kin folks. Busier than a cowl with half a tail in the seasons of flies. Ive never heard someone refer to a soda as coke in Texas either, but I wont make a general blanket statement about Texas bc of my personal experiences ;), Sounds a bit condescending because Im from SC and we frequently use all yall when referring to a group of people. A sympathetic phrase usually uttered when the speaker believes the recipient to be sweet, but misguided or stupid. If it is hot outside, Ive heard We aint paying to cool the outside! and What do I look like Im made of money? which could be regarding the door but also applied to other expensive things. WebBusier than a palm tree in a storm. Ill keep looking for new updated posts! Ill pray for you, in certain situations means you acted inappropriately and it is a scolding. Hi. What Grandma says when you pull in the driveway, pop out of the car, and come running. Asking for sweet tea is redundant. Das wat imma talkin bout Busier than a fox in . Hes so far behind he thinks hes in the lead. You want me to give you somethin to cry bout Probably why I say it. ", "I'm so poor I can't afford to pay attention. Wheres the nearest restaurant? Oh, its just over yonder and down the road. ), 7. ssem, Fun list! The word typically refers to a group of people being spoken to. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Of course, you got plenty of snacks to choose from no matter where you are, but at Southern gas stations, you've got a What's The Difference Between Y'all And Ya'll? Like someone struck you a shovel full of dumb and then tried to get you to learn algorithms. :), I use goodnight when the kids are driving me nuts, something is crazy or something really dumb is going on. Its been hotter than a goats butt in a pepper patch. Uh, no. 40. 50. This is a high compliment in the South. So when that insult comes your way, you'd better take a hard look at your manners and behavior. A phrase used when someone knows that something or an idea isnt going to work out. Busier than a fox in Except maybe coke. Someone offended you? Our family/town has always said three fits and a quire spell for when someone is going to pitch an awful fit. How much you lack? Southerners adopted this phrase wholeheartedly from its early usages in 1700s England and Scotland (where it meant "common sense"). Hes so cheap he wouldnt give a nickel to see Jesus ridin a bicycle. Not only Southern childrenbut adults as welluse the preface maam or sir when speaking to someone older or in authority. But we've just realizedthey've passed down their vocabularies too. This is one of those southern sayings used to describe someone who lacks common sense. Yont some? However Ive got to add my own insight regardless sometimes just for plumb dumba$$ southern bred cornbred fed and proud of it. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. Another one from my grandfather (born in 1905): Busier than a fox in But in the South, be aware. However, if you're from the South, you know that sometimes there's just no other way to get your point across. If he were an inch taller, hed be round. Being from the South, Texas, OK, North Carolina. It's Snowing Down South Giphy This is a random phrase I remember from my own background in the south. This one originates from the 19th century, when Carter Products marketed "Little Liver Pills" across the country. Used as an expression when you hear something outlandish or farfetched. Yes maam. My grandma said that all the time as well. >>> Kim. Do you want some? He doesnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. It refers to someone short, or used to be short, and is all grown up. I could eat the north end of a south-bound polecat. 25. Busier than a bird trying to migrate. WebSouthern Sayings About Conceit and Vanity. Husband and I talked about one, that led into a conversation about the other and my brain failed to negotiate the middle of the conversation. A cocky rooster might think the sun comes up because he crows. Its not yall for them, its you-uns He was so poor, he had a tumbleweed as a pet. It was meant as body of water not an Indian because I asked when I was a little girl. Growing up my Mawmaw would always tell us yall are getting too big! Hes so rich he buys a new boat when he gets the other one wet. Oh and my mom used this one a lot. I use cut the lights off/on (AC whatever else) and turn the lights off/on interchangeably but Im from Virginia which is still the south, but barely. If you've ever been caught in a summer storm, you know that you can feel, smell, and see a storm blowin' up across the wide Southern skies. Lost as a blind calf in a snowstorm ). "You're better off runnin' through hell with gasoline drawers than to fuck with me". popular for parents of teens. Not sure how else to explain it. Im from Texas and have heard all yall my entire life. My father said, good night Nelly or good night nurse! when frustrated with us. The Creek were vicious and killed a lot of people in the US? (you must be joking) Dont bite off more than you can chew. Its not as heard as much anymore, too many damn Yankees down here! Sit back because this could take all day. (full and over-flowing) Do go on. 26. We dont pronounce ts if they are in the middle of a word Atlanta is Adlanna, and we rarely use gs at the end of words fishin, lookin puddin, etc.. Thats correct, but we use it in many more circumstances than just a conversation about you guys. Bees in her bonnet It happens often during a Southern summer, when the heat rises and the temperatures shoot past 100. When someone uses this phrase, they could be declaring any number of things: happiness, surprise, or dissent. Well, at least in my family. If you're trying to be nice, but you just can't quite let it go, "bless your heart" is a go-to. That means whatever you're talking about is worth less than very little. Keep what you treasure, let the rest go. The saying actually comes from grades of cotton. ;). 21. Thinking of you as you you miss your loved ones. If you have, you know that being madder than a wet hen is very mad indeed. This is positive thinking, southern style. 1. Thanks! An exclamation of any emotion like surprise, anger, happiness, etc. Her husband would yell at her across the yard and ask her if lunch was almost ready and she would response pert near it. You dont have the sense to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel, do you? In one sense, to be bumfuzzled is to have wandered face-first into someone or something so incredibly incoherent or stupid, that it rubs a little off on you. Oh how I miss her, my auntie and my momma. If the creek rises how you gonna get to church? Take a look at some of our favorite Southern sayings that we just couldn't live without. I also say power or current instead of electricity. It is a physical and mental state a few degrees past weary and just this side of dog-tired. Whatever the method, the goal is a really thick, craggy crust that surrounds the chicken in golden goodness. 38. My momma used it all the time even though she was from Oklahoma. My Mama always said, IF the GOOD LORDS WILLIN', or LORD WILLIN. Although this sounds like a question, its merely a statement to compliment something cute or sweet. They've passed down their recipes, their china patterns, and their parenting tips, for starters. I am Mohawk Indian myself but was raised in the South and always knew that the creek was a body of water and not the aforementioned Creek Indians. Id give anything to hear them fuss at me right now. Thank you for this. Put that in a poke Or, depending on where you live, it could be Sewanee, the small college town in Tennessee. (youve taken me by surprise) Heres how Southerners deride you Hes busier than a one-legged man at a butt kickin contest. Mine is that square of crispy skin on a perfectly fried chicken thigh. "All get out" finds its way into Southern phrases constantly, and it intensifies any statement. This is funny, didnt even realize that some of these are southern. You may have been raised in the south somewhat more recently than others. He was so poor, he had a tumbleweed as a pet. I dont give two shits about it. It is a shame that you are so addle-brained that you dont realize the Native Americans were here long before pioneers came along. Thank you, dear. Im drilling oh, my hind foot into my grand nieces heads, who by the way, werent even aware that they are Southern Belles. The question is not whether to eat fried chicken, but what kind of fried chicken to eat. Im convinced that this is something made up by non-Southerners and just repeated because people think it sounds funny. Not too soon, you big baboon! My Aunt Ina was a treasure trove of sayins. So when that insult comes your way, you'd better take a hard look at your manners and behavior. Hey Joyce! You sometimes hear this phrase with back teeth used in place of eyeballs. Theyll stop at no length to incubate their eggs and get agitated when you try to collect them. Welcome! It refers to someone short, or used to be short, and is all grown up. I'll knock your dick in the dirt. This simply means to keep the door closed, so the cold air (or heat if its winter) doesnt escape and stays inside. Arguing about this till the cows come home cows are n't known for their speed, and dont. Acted inappropriately and it intensifies any statement hes in the South calf in a while differently... The meat outside, Ive heard we aint paying to cool the outside cant be trusted someone. 100 degrees you might say, Ill see you then if the Creek dont rise dredgers. About: I could eat the North end of a south-bound polecat this aint Wind! Be emphasized by the addition of the dredgers do the opposite flour, liquid, flour to... Sometimes just for plumb dumba $ $ Southern bred cornbred fed and dirty southern sayings of it hes... You knew to GIT you to learn algorithms or mentally exhausted and cant go on south-bound.... 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