The Donald S. MacDonald Prize was founded in memory of Professor Donald S. MacDonald, Georgetowns first Distinguished Professor of Korean Studies and founder of the Korean Studies Program. The Michael Krupensky Award honors the member of the graduating class whose interests and activities in fostering Russian culture have been most notable. Named in honor of the ReverendEdward B. Bunn, S. J., Georgetown President from 195264 and Chancellor from 196472, the award, a $200 bronze medallion, is given annually to the undergraduate who makes an outstanding contribution to a student publication. This award is named in memory of the mother of Edward J. Ingebretsen, Professor Emeritus of English. It had been three years since Pomp and Circumstance played on that lawn. The International History Outstanding Student Award is presented annually to a graduating senior who majored in International History (IHIS) and who has demonstrated excellent performance through written work, cumulative grade point average, leadership andother markers of academic success in IHISrelated coursework or activities. This award is given to a graduating senior who has exhibited a commitment to cura personalis, a Jesuit value meaning care of the whole person that is rooted in the Catholic and Jesuit tradition and is central to a Georgetown education. The prize honors the graduating senior who writes the best paper on Korea. The Leroy Grever Award was established as a memorial to Leroy W. Grever (19481977), faculty member of the Russian Department in the School of Languages and Linguistics (now the Department of Slavic Languages in the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics). This is presented to the outstanding major in Comparative Literature. This medal was founded by Dr. Edward P. Luongo and Mrs. Virginia P. Luongo and is awarded annually to the pre-medical student of the senior class who has accomplished outstandingachievement in the Humanities. The Caino Medal for Achievement in Spanish. Physics Department Undergraduate Research Award. Final honors, determined after all spring grades have been included, are posted on This award was founded by Dr. Ernest R. S. Witten (C1938, M1944)in 1977 to honor the ReverendStephen F. McNamee, S.J. First-year grades will be released as a group (i.e. Grace Aldridge Foster served as project manager and editor of the Free Speech Project during its first year. The Alma Thomas & Bruce Nugent Award in African American Studies recognizes a graduating senior whose outstanding artistic talents and visionary leadership within academic and arts communities embody the creativity, imagination, and innovation of African American arts and culture. The George M. Roth Award is named for a devoted enthusiast of German language and culture and great supporter of German cultural events in the Washington area. The Alma Thomas & Richard Bruce Nugent Award. This award was donated by the Textile Veterans Association, Hospitalized Veterans Fund, Inc. in honor of Mr. Henry M. Leslie, President of Leslie, Catlin and Company, Inc. in New York City. This award was founded by H. M. Greenspun, editor-publisher of the Las Vegas Sun.
WebDuring my 3L fall semester at Georgetown University Law Center, I had an abortion. DuBois Award in African American Studies recognizes a graduating senior whose outstanding scholastic achievement, unwavering commitment to racial equity, and visionary leadership within academic and non-academic communities embody the ideals of African American Studies. WebOtherwise, the graduate is employed. The honor of this award is bestowed upon a graduating senior of the College who has demonstrated throughout their college career concern for others, academic achievement, sportsmanship as a member of an inter-collegiate team, and dedication to the educational and spiritual goals of Georgetown University. The award is given each year to the graduating student who best manifested a spirit of humility, cooperation, and commitment as a person for others in all phases of their college life. Visit for full details. The procedure for auditing a course is as follows: Language courses (at the expository writing level and below) and Consortium courses may not be audited. The whole lawyers we were educated to be are advocates who remember their roots, while also focusing on what lies ahead, Morgan said. The Italian Cultural Society of Washington Award. Missouri Baptist University One College Park Drive Saint Louis, MO 63141-8698. (15061552), who inaugurated the field of East Asian Studies when he lived and studied in Japan between 154952, and whose influence on Japanese language and culture is felt to this day. It is awarded to the graduating senior in any major whose work in creative short fiction demonstrates technical skill and promise in the art of the short story or narrative. The Foley medal was founded by the Department of History in memory of Michael F. Foley, professor in the Department from 1967-1984. The Stephanie Waterman Medal is named in memory of a student in the School of Foreign Service who was captain of the Varsity Tennis team and who died in Senegal in 1985. Professors who are asked to reassess work by individual students should be prepared to reassess work of all other students in the class. It is awarded annually to the pre-medical or pre-dental student whose academic record is outstanding and whose co-curricular activities and interests havcontributed to the educational goals of the College. On Sunday, May 22, the entire Class of 2022 came together as one in front of historic Healy Hall on the Georgetown University Hilltop campus. In addition, grades earned on Georgetowns Global Living and Learning Community Programs, on Georgetown-administered summer programs abroad, or at SFS-Qatar, are also computed in the students cumulative Quality Point Index (see more information on courses taken abroad and the QPI). The purpose of the Portuguese National Honor Fraternity is to recognize excellence in the study of the Portuguese language and the Portuguese and Brazilian cultures, as well as to stimulate greater interest in these areas on the part of students in colleges and universities in the United States. This award is given to a graduating senior who has exemplified an outstanding integration of faith, work,and life in service to others. Each year the Dean presents an award to the student with the highest scholastic average in the graduating class. Requirements include, in addition to outstanding academic achievement, two courses in college level mathematics or science, completion of language study through the intermediate level, and evidence of good character. It is presented annually to the Studio Art major who, in the judgment of the faculty, best exemplifies excellence, creativity, and initiative in visual art.
The Deans Medal is awarded to the graduating senior who earns the highest scholastic average during undergraduate study at the School of Foreign Service in Qatar. This medal was founded by personal friends in the memory of the Reverend John J. Murphy, S. J., at one time Prefect of Discipline and Professor of Moral Philosophy at the College. This medal is awarded to the outstanding student of Portuguese in the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics.
WebThe College of Arts & Sciences ceremony is planned for Saturday, May 20 on Healy Lawn (Rain Site: McDonough Arena). Guests should be seated before the procession begins. Students with any deficiencies should confer with the appropriate professor. Studied History and Political Science at Eastern Illinois University. Law Class of 2020 October 26, 2021 Dear Members of the Georgetown Law Class of 2020: I write to you with an update on our plan to honor and recognize your class. The Georgetown Law Journal Meritorious Service award is presented to graduating journal members whose hard work and spirit as non Senior Board members made an outstanding contribution to the journal. John Vinton Dahlgren (C1989)founded a medal to be awarded to a student chosen by the Department of Mathematics, with the approval of the Dean, who has shown the most progress in the field of mathematics. The Brennan Medal, founded by the Reverend Patrick H. Brennan, S.J. 12:00 p.m., Senior Convocation, Healy Lawn (Severe Weather Site: McDonough Arena), 3:00 p.m., School of Nursing Commencement, Healy Lawn (Severe Weather Site: McDonough Arena), 6:00 p.m., McCourt School of Public Policy Commencement, Healy Lawn (Severe Weather Site: McDonough Arena), 9:00 a.m., Graduate School Commencement (includes Biomedical Graduate Education), Healy Lawn (Severe Weather Site: McDonough Arena), 12:00 p.m., School of Continuing Studies Commencement, Healy Lawn (Severe Weather Site: McDonough Arena), 3:00 p.m., McDonough School of Business Graduate Commencement, Healy Lawn (Severe Weather Site: McDonough Arena), 9:00 p.m., Senior Ball, Washington Hilton, 9:00 a.m., College of Arts & Sciences Commencement, Healy Lawn. WebThis award was founded by H. M. Greenspun, editor-publisher of the Las Vegas Sun. Established in 1996, the E. Joseph McCarthy award is presented either to an outstanding French major who will pursue post-graduate work in Frenchor to the French major who has the highest combined grade point average in the major and overall. The lowest GPA of the next ten percent (i.e., the top 25-15.001%) of the previous years graduating class will be used to determine the GPA needed to graduate cum laude. The Deans Award for Commitment to Social Justice is given to a graduating senior who lives the values of the School of Nursing & Health Studies through an active commitment to social justice-oriented activities. December 21, 2021: Update Message to Graduate, Professional, and School of Continuing Studies March 23, 2022: Undergraduate Class of 2020 Commencement Weekend (COL, SFS, NHS, MSB) March 23, 2022: Class of 2020 Commencement Weekend (Graduate, Professional, SCS) Undergraduate Class of 2020 The Chapman Medal for Undergraduate Research in Biology. Ignatius of Loyola, Announcements, Yearbooks, and Class Rings. Senator from Florida, and is awarded for the best essay on the United States Constitution. Established in 1989 in memory of Martha Khoury Semaan, by her son, Khalil (BSLA 1954), the annual income from this fund is awarded to the graduating senior demonstrating the greatest achievement in Arabic. Despite the 90F heat, smiles were broad as the graduates and faculty processed in, wearing full academic regalia. Webgeorgetown law graduation honors 2021. Reception for McDonough School of Business Graduate Students, Hariri Building, 5:00 p.m. Studied History and Political Science at Eastern Illinois University. Go forth and set the world on fire. St. Ordinarily, the student is to be selected from the senior class and from those majoring in Economics. WebThis award was founded by H. M. Greenspun, editor-publisher of the Las Vegas Sun. Incidences of delinquency will be reported to the Departmental Chair and appropriate academic Dean. WebFor the first time since Georgetown transitioned to a virtual environment due to the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, students in the Class of 2021 convened in person to celebrate their commencement at Nationals Park, home to the Washington Nationals Major League Baseball team. Students nominated by the members of the society, approved by the Dean of their School and the President of the University, who have demonstrated outstanding qualities of scholarship, service, and loyalty to the University are elected to the society in junior and senior years. Award is named in honor of St. Francis Xavier, S.J. and is in good academic standing with the deans office. The student-faculty ratio is 4.8:1. The Hispanic Studies Medal is given to a member of the graduating class for high scholastic achievement and strong interest in Spanish language and coursework related to Hispanic Studies. The award was established in 1983 by the Sociology Faculty to encourage the use of socio-cultural knowledge for the realization of a more just society. This medal was founded by Stephen Mallory (C1869), U.S. georgetown law graduation honors 2021. This medal shall be awarded annually to that senior Biology major who has clearly demonstrated the highest level of scholarship in the area of Senior Thesis Research. This medal was founded by the members of the Biology Department to honor their Chairman and colleague, Dr. George B. Chapman, for the quarter century of devoted service he has given to the College as a distinguished educator and scientist. The medalis awarded to the senior Philosophy major who maintains the highest average in advanced philosophy courses. Career Exploration & Professional Development, Graduation Information & Replacement Diplomas, Student Records, Transcripts & Certifications, Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits at Georgetown Law, JD Pass/Fail Policy (effective Summer 2014), Barring any unforeseen circumstances, grades are generally available 4 weeks after the end of an exam. Theta Alpha Kappa Undergraduate Achievement Award. Recipients are very involved in multiple community service organizations both as a member and leader. in Securities & Financial Regulation. Khoury Johnson served as project manager and editor of the Free Speech Project from January 2018 July 2021. The Connecticut Alumni Club established this medal to be awarded by the Department of Government to the graduating senior whose record and performance are the most outstanding in the judgment of the faculty in the field of Government. It had been three years since Pomp and Circumstance played on that lawn. The Joseph S. Lepgold Medal was created in 2001 by friends and colleagues of Professor Lepgold, to honor the memory of his contributions as a teacher, mentor, and scholar to the School of Foreign Service and University Community. Each year, Sigma Theta Tau presents the Tau Chapter Award for Outstanding Senior Scholarly Project to students in both the traditional and second degree baccalaureate nursing program. The Matteo Ricci, S.J. Students on academic probation are not eligible for incompletes. The Africa Prize honors a graduating senior for overall academic achievement and for the writing of a superior thesis in African Studies. WebThe part-time program application fee at the Law Center at Georgetown University is $85. In the event that a student is unable to meet the standard deadlines due to illness or an emergency at the end of the term, the student may request a provisional grade of N (incomplete). The Karl H. Cerny Award was established by the Department of Government to honor a former member and chairman of the Department for his leadership, scholarship, and commitment to teaching. The National French Honor Society, Pi Delta Phi, has a chapter at Georgetown. The Certificate in American Studies Award honors the graduating senior who, in the judgment of the faculty, has written the best senior thesis. The Culture andPolitics Medal is awarded to a graduating senior who was written a senior thesis that demonstrates academic excellence and innovative scholarship in Culture and Politics. Eligibility for selection is restricted to the top three percent of the sophomore class, the top seven percent of the junior class, and the top ten percent of the senior class. P. 202-687-0100. Visit for full details. The Westin Scholar Book Award is sponsored by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), which created a fund to support students who are identified by their professors as future leaders in the field of privacy or data protection. The Peter F. Krogh Scholars Millennial Awardis given to the best thesis in the Krogh Scholars Seminar. 1:00 4:00 p.m. The medal is awarded to a student of the College for proficiency in both oral and written translation of the odes of Horace. *Due to updates in grading curves J.D. Founded in memory of Hank Coakley (C1941), Lieutenant, United States Army Air Force, who died in the service of his country in World War Two, the Coakley Medal is the gift of his wife, through the Henry Beckman Coakley Foundation. Gamma Kappa Alpha has a chapter at Georgetown. The McSorley Award honors this rich tradition of dedication to just causes through research, scholarship, and service. On Sunday, May 22, the entire Class of 2022 came together as one in front of historic Healy Hall on the Georgetown University Hilltop campus. The medal is awarded annually for excellence in writing in any genre except drama, includingfiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The grades S (satisfactory) and U (unsatisfactory) are applicable to courses taken for credit but not for quality points. Academic regalia for undergraduate and graduate programs can be purchased in person or online from theUniversity bookstore. Award in Japanese is presented annually to the outstanding major in Japanese. Undergraduates with an overall B average, and a B+ average in French, who have demonstrated a sincere interest in French culture are eligible for membership upon recommendation from the faculty. The medal isawarded annually for the best historical essay written by a graduating senior in the College majoring in History, as chosen by a committee of the Department of History. McCourt Reception, Dahlgren Quadrangle, 9:00 a.m. Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony, Healy Lawn (Rain Site: McDonough Arena), 11:00 a.m. Undergraduate Reception, Cooper Field (Rain Site: Healey Family Student Center and Leo J. ODonovan Dining Hall)The undergraduate Class of 2020 and their guests are invited to join their faculty for light refreshments immediately following the ceremony.3:00 p.m. Graduate and Professional Commencement Ceremony, Healy Lawn (Rain Site: McDonough Arena). Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Chemistry or Biochemistry. This medal was founded by J. Lynch Pendergast (C1873), former President of the New York Alumni Chapter. The competition is open to all full-time first-year students, sophomores, and juniors in the College. The purpose of the Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society is the following: (1) To recognize outstanding scholastic performance in the fields of Italian language and literature; (2) To encourage college students to acquire a greater interest in, and a deeper understanding of Italian culture; (3) To honor those who foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the U.S. or Canada and Italy. Emily Fruchterman Kirk MacKinnon Morrow Helen Mun An Nguyen Dillon Rodriguez Deans If, in any given year, the Department should determine that none of the essays submitted for consideration are of sufficient quality, the medal will not beawarded in that year. All requests for N grades must be approved by both the instructor of record for the course and the students dean. TheJohn W. Witek, S.J., Prizein Japanese Studies was founded in memory of Father John Witek, a historian of the Jesuit missions in East Asia and Japanese history. This medal is awarded to the outstanding scholar-athlete of the graduating class. Magna Cum Laude; Top 10% *(Based upon the cumulative grade-point average) 3.78. This award was established as a tribute to the memory of the ReverendFrancis P. Dinneen, S.J., Professor of Linguistics. WebAdmitted to practice law in Missouri and Illinois. Webgeorgetown law graduation honors 2021 georgetown law graduation honors 2021. georgetown law graduation honors 2021 07 Apr. 37th and O Streets, N.W. REMINDER: Students who receive two grades of AP, AF, or a combination of both on their transcripts will not be eligible for graduation honors. The Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali Faculty Award honors the student who is among the five best students in terms of academic average, has international exposure, and has demonstrated leadership outside of the classroom. Selection criteria includesrigor of research and overall contribution to the field. 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