DC .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { .leg-hnt-flex-item { Clyburn has taken more than $1 million in pharma money in
} clearInterval(nTimer); The 117th United States Congress began on January 3, 2021 and ended on January 3, 2023. Democrats assumed control of the Senate on January 20, 2021, when President Joe Biden (D) and Vice President Kamala Harris (D), who acted as a tie-breaking vote in the chamber, assumed office. Biden's South Carolina win three days before Super Tuesday transformed his campaign; the momentum led him to capture the Democratic nomination and later the presidency. } column-width: 175px; WebNet Worth: Online estimates of Jim Clyburns net worth vary. [142], 1996 width: 250px; U.S. President | He authored a failed 2009 healthcare initiative called the Access for All Americans Act. The bill proposed prohibiting governmental restrictions on the provision of and access to abortion services and prohibiting governments from issuing some other abortion-related restrictions. On November 5, 2002, James E. Clyburn won re-election to the United States House. [114] Clyburn voted with 88 other Democratic representatives in favor of the bill. [103], On April 22, 2015, the House passed HR 1560the Protecting Cyber Networks Actby a vote of 307-116. top: -5px; } }) width: 57%; [87] President Barack Obama signed it into law on November 2, 2015.
Please check back soon for updates. Incumbent James Clyburn advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. House South Carolina District 6. You could be getting the best stories in your inbox twice a day. width: 90%; width: 50%; background-color: #ccf; $('.showResponses').hide(); The bill passed in a 216-208 vote. The bill required a 2/3 majority in the House to suspend rules and pass the bill as amended. } } margin: 0px 10px; President Obama appointed Mignon Clyburn, Clyburns oldest daughter, to the Federal Communications Commission. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { .contact_office { margin-top: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} .non_result_row th { overflow-y: hidden; .votebox-results-cell--number { Learn more about their investments and assets. Its just another one of the more charming features of the DC Swamp; nevertheless, the practice is generally frowned upon for ethical reasons. The results have been certified. How to run for office | .widget-row.Republican { The bill proposed creating an information sharing program that would allow federal agencies and private entities to share information about cyber threats. Clyburn plans to work on lowering health care costs in the upcoming session, Devlin said. .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } Clyburn has also served as Majority Whip twice, having held that position from 2007 to 2011. } color: #6db24f; [76] The Senate passed the bill on June 18, 2015, by a vote of 71-25. But it was Angelas husband, Cecil Hannibal, who really made it big, pocketing $70,000 from 2010 to 2012. On November 2, 2010, James E. Clyburn won re-election to the United States House. flex-wrap: wrap; The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. Cancer is a cardinal water sign. Many people ask this question about the money Jim Clyburn makes from Facebook. position: absolute; }) height: 56px; width: 35px !important; He was previously House Majority Whip, serving in that post from 2007 to 2011. , Post and Courier, an Evening Post Publishing Newspaper Group. Clyburn ranked as the 273rd most wealthy representative in 2012. The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. .widget-row.value-only { p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} event.srcElement.innerText = '[show]'; The Clyburn campaign also paid the congressmans other daughter and son-in-law, Angela and Cecil Hannibal, a combined $90,762 for various activities dating back to 2010. The bill proposed prohibiting abortions from being performed after a fetus was determined to be 20 weeks or older. @media (max-width:600px) { The bill required President Barack Obama to submit the details of the nuclear deal with Iran for congressional review. Except for the Revolving Door section, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License by OpenSecrets.org. } Along with trade promotion authority (TPA), which Congress passed as part of HR 2146 - Defending Public Safety Employees' Retirement Act, TAA became law on June 29, 2015. Clyburn played a pivotal role in the 2020 presidential election by endorsing Joe Biden three days before the South Carolina Democratic primary. } Home - Politicians - James Clyburn Net Worth, Biography, Wiki, Career (Updated). $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { Scrutiny of where Clyburn, 78, receives donations from is relevantgiven his recent election to House Majority Whip, the No. Walter Reed is married to Clyburns daughter Jennifer Clyburn Reed, whom President Joe Biden appointed federal co-chair of the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission. background-color: #003388; [141], 1998 James Enos Clyburn (a.k.a Jim Clyburn) serves the Democratic Party Clyburn won re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { Section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 required the president to submit all materials related to the nuclear agreement for congressional review. } } The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act (H.R. Incumbent James Clyburn advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. House South Carolina District 6 on June 12, 2018. He currently resides in South Carolina, United States. } else { The legislation proposed approving the nuclear agreement with Iran. The Assault Weapons Ban of 2022 (H.R. [180], [151] This is more than the average $1.46 million spent by U.S. House winners in 2016.[152]. The congressman formally announced the donation of his congressional papers Monday to the university to help establish a new research and education center on civil rights. James is a distant cousin to George W. Murray, the organizer of the Colored Farmers Alliance, who served as a Republican member of Congress during the 53rd and 54th Congresses during the 19th century. Yet Scotts sum does not amount to even one-third of what Clyburn has earned from his relationships with top drug- and device-making companies. Still, Clyburns share of the industrys money $79,000 so far this year, according to a review of Federal Election Commission data is only a small slice of the industrys spending in Congress. Clyburn is the dean of South Carolina's congressional delegation. background-color: white; James Brian Jim Biden (b. p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} .votebox-results-cell--check { But how debates about drug prices will unfold won't come down to who has gotten money from what interest groups, Ragusa said. $('.showResponses').show(); [150], .cftable { } margin-top: 1em; It's not even a big slice of Clyburn's fundraising pie: Only about 5 percent of the money he accepted in 2017 and 2018 came from pharmaceutical and medical device groups. .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} Clyburn spent $10.17 per vote received in 2012. Republican Idaho Rep. Russ Fulcher paid family members $69,000 during the 2020 election cycle. .leg-hnt-district-container { For a full list of campaign themes, click here. .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} [67], Trade adjustment assistance "As Majority Whip in the new Congress next year, he looks forward to passing this important legislation soon," Devlin said. [129], On June 24, 2015, Clyburn released an article in Time discussing the use of a Confederate flag in South Carolina. After earning a degree in history from South Carolina State College, he accepted a teaching position at a Charleston high school. Democratic South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn has distributed more than $200,000 in campaign funds to entities controlled by his relatives, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show. a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } 7688) was a bill approved by the House of Representatives that sought to prohibit individuals from selling consumer fuels at excessive prices during a proclaimed energy emergency. .widget-row.heading { On September 11, 2015, the House approved HR 3460To suspend until January 21, 2017, the authority of the President to waive, suspend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iranby a vote of 247-186. [140], 2000 HR 3460 prohibited "the President, prior to January 21, 2017, from: limiting the application of specified sanctions on Iran or refraining from applying any such sanctions; or removing a foreign person (including entities) listed in Attachments 3 or 4 to Annex II of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) from the list of designated nationals and blocked persons maintained by the Office of Foreign Asset Control of the Department of the Treasury." The average U.S. House of Representatives congressional staff was paid $954,912.20 in fiscal year 2011.[174]. David McCormick is an American politician and businessperson, who was born on August 17, 1965. color:white; border-top: 1px solid #aaa; .widget-row.value-only.black { background-color: #003388; Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit OpenSecrets. .leg-hnt-responsive-columns { font-size: 1.25em; He was one of 172 Democrats who voted in favor of the bill. South Carolina's 6th Congressional District, Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act, Votes on domestic policy (click to expand), Votes on economic affairs and regulations (click to expand), Votes on foreign policy and national security issues (click to expand), The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, 2015, HR 2146 - Defending Public Safety Employees' Retirement Act, HR 1295 - Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015, HR 1735the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, S 1356the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, HR 1314the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, HR 1191the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, HR 3461To approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed at Vienna on July 14, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Iran, HR 3460To suspend until January 21, 2017, the authority of the President to waive, suspend, reduce, provide relief from, or otherwise limit the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran, H Res 411Finding that the President has not complied with section 2 of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, HR 597the Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2015, HR 2048the Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015 or the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015, HR 3199the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, HR 36the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, HR 1731the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act of 2015, HR 1560the Protecting Cyber Networks Act, South Carolina's 6th Congressional District election, 2022. complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey. text-align: center; 2642, also known as the Farm Bill. font-weight: bold; [97], On May 13, 2015, the House passed HR 2048the Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015 or the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015by a vote of 338-88. background-color: #f9f9f9; background-color: green; } Jim Clyburn was born in South Carolina, United States on Sunday, July 21, 1940 (Silent Generation). ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } The non-binding resolution was designed to create 12 appropriations bills to fund the government. State executives | After yet another mass shooting, the national debate over gun policy renews. Clyburn Inc.: South Carolina Dem showers family members with over $200K from campaign fundshttps://t.co/R8m7Bc0aDf. Senators and Representatives (Personal Gain Index), Net worth of United States Senators and Representatives, The Donation Concentration Metric (U.S. Congress Personal Gain Index), GovTrack's Political Spectrum & Legislative Leadership ranking, Lifetime voting records of United States Senators and Representatives, Staff salaries of United States Senators and Representatives, Congressional Net Worth data for Ballotpedia spreadsheet, https://docker.ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=James_Clyburn&oldid=9033532, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); Clyburn entered Congress in 1993 and has faced no real challenge to his long reign as Representative of South Carolinas 6th Congressional District. column-gap: 1em; All rights reserved. House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) participates in a bill enrollment ceremony for the Postal Service Reform Act at the US Capitol on March 17, 2022, in Clyburn was born in Sumter, South Carolina. On November 3, 1998, James Clyburn won re-election to the United States House. [179], Note: Please contact us if the personal information below requires an update. Federal employees also received retroactive pay for the shutdown period. His congressional district includes most of the majority-black precincts in and around Columbia and Charleston, as well as most of the majority-black areas outside Beaufort and nearly all of South Carolina's share of the Black Belt. background-color: #dac113; from South Carolina State College, Orangeburg, in 1962. } [163] Between 2004 and 2012, Clyburns calculated net worth[164] increased by an average of 17 percent per year. color:white; 3755) was a bill passed by the House of Representatives. If Clyburn has had a hand in bringing research money to his district, he's been successful. } }) The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022 (S. 3373) was a bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on August 10, 2022, that sought to address healthcare access, the presumption of service-connection, and research, resources, and other matters related to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during military service. .hideResponses { display: none;} In the early 1990s, this Democratic Party politician began serving the sixth congressional district of South Carolina in the United States House of Representatives. .top_disclaimer { .widget-row.Democratic { a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } } Jim Clyburn Born: July 21, 1940 (age 82years), Sumter, South Carolina, United States, Jim Clyburn Spouse: Emily Clyburn (m. 19612019), Jim Clyburn Parents: Enos Lloyd Clyburn, Almeta Dizzley Clyburn, Jim Clyburn Children: Mignon Clyburn, Jennifer Clyburn Reed, Angela Hannibal, Jim Clyburn Education: South Carolina State University (1962), Jim Clyburn Awards: Independent Publisher Book Award for Autobiography/Memoir I (Celebrity/Political/Romance), MORE, Jim Clyburn Current office: Representative (D-SC 6th District) since 1993. Clyburn has taken more than $1 million in pharma money in a decade, far surpassing peers, Autism is a spectrum of conditions that may not be obvious until they are, advocates say, MUSC student pursues MD and doctorate while representing autism community, SC sees fewer than 1,700 new cases of COVID-19, 25 new deaths, Aging for Amateurs: Sabbath-keeping for older people brings needed gifts, The Berkeley Independent - Moncks Corner, SC, By Mary Katherine Wildeman The bill required a simple majority vote in the House. According to a report from PhRMA, South Carolina's economic output from the industry is $7.9 billion, a middling amount among Southern states. James Enos Clyburn (a.k.a Jim Clyburn) serves the Democratic Party in the United States, currently, James Biden Net Worth, Biography, Wiki (Updated), Annissa Essaibi George Net Worth; Biography, Wiki, Career, Net Worth of Kelly Loeffler, Bio & Career (Updated), Don Huffines Net Worth, Biography, Wiki, Career, Binali Yildirim Net Worth, Biography, Wiki, Career (Updated), David McCormick Net Worth, Biography, Wiki, Career (Updated), James Clyburn Net Worth, Biography, Wiki, Career (Updated), 19 Things You Didnt Know Billionaires Were Ruining, Minecraft Net Worth 2023; Founder, History, Stats (Updated), Michel Le Net Worth 2023; Biography, Wiki, Career (Updated), Wall Street Trapper Net Worth, Biography, Wiki (Updated). $('.pastResponses').show(); } House Republicans introduced the resolution because two agreements between the International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran were not submitted to Congress. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. [178], Clyburn voted with the Democratic Party 95.2 percent of the time, which ranked 75th among the 201 House Democratic members as of June 2013. In the early 1990s, this Democratic Party politician began serving the sixth congressional district of South Carolina in the United States House of Representatives. Health industries were spending money and lobbying aggressively to secure their interests as the Affordable Care Act took shape. font-size: 20px; .survey-result {padding:10px;} WebJames Clyburn Net Worth His net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (S. 1605) was a bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on December 27, 2021, authorizing. The son of Almeta Dizzley and Reverend Enos Lloyd Clyburn, he grew up in Sumter, South Carolina. background-color: grey; [88][89], Approval of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action How much money is Jim Clyburn worth at the age of 82 and whats his real net worth now? He also held the position of House Assistant Minority Leader between 2011 and 2019. position: relative; Clyburn's office did not respond to follow-up questions about the specific ways he supports research. It passed through the House with a vote of 228-201. position: relative; document.getElementById('leg-hnt-toggle642e0a865b17e').addEventListener('click', event => { .votebox-results-metadata { div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } 215 of the act, requiring increased reporting from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and requiring the use of "a specific selection term as the basis for national security letters that request information from wire or electronic communication service providers, financial institutions, or consumer reporting agencies." .results_row { text-align: center; } The amendment was adopted by the House on June 6, 2013, with a vote of 224 - 201. }) background-color: #dac113; float: right; Who Are the Richest Soccer Players and What is Their Net Worth? display: inline-block; He began his political career as a staffer for South Carolina Governor John C. West. .inner_percentage { float: right; Clyburn Reed also received significant payments from the Clyburn campaign. The purpose of the amendment as stated on the official text is to "prohibit the use of funds to finalize, implement, administer, or enforce the Morton Memos." padding-top: 5px; break-inside: avoid-column; } [90][91], Suspension of Iran sanctions relief Parkesburg, PA 19365. Comparatively, the 113th Congress had 1.3 percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the first session. Upon graduating from college, Clyburn became a teacher at C.A. Currently, she serves. } } .leg-hnt-district-number { .leg-hnt-flex-row { , See also:South Carolina's 6th Congressional District election, 2022. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } $('.collapse').collapse('hide'); padding-bottom: 5px; p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} font-weight: bold; color: #0645ad; The bill also provided for certain exceptions to this requirement. })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. His marriage to Emily Clyburn resulted in a daughter, Mignon, who was appointed President Obama's Federal Communications Commissioner in late 2009. padding: 2px 0; [168], From 1991-2014, 22.91 percent of Clyburn's career contributions came from the top five industries as listed below. font-weight: bold; position: absolute; .cftable td { overflow-x: scroll; On November 2, 2004, James E. Clyburn won re-election to the United States House. } .widget-img { BizPacReview |, Senior editor at Vox fantasizes about Justice Alitos death with creepy obituary tweet, John Kelly secretly listened to all of President Trumps phone calls, Kushner alleges in book, Sources suggest China could invade Taiwan before the 2024 US presidential election, Weapons, journals, suicide note found in Nashville shooters home, gov proposes $140M to arm school guards, Over 300 undercover LAPD officers slap city with lawsuit after public records request puts them at risk, Ivy league schools faculty revolt over planned Israel campus, Mom sues school that allegedly hid her daughters gender transition, provided chest binders, Kansas passes sweeping veto-proof bathroom bill sparking outrage from the trans community, Well go to the Obamas: Angel Reese publicly and brutally rejects Jill Bidens apology, My first thought: Pastor worries Nashville shooters identity will be used to abuse trans people. .widget-row.value-only.white { (1) Billionaires have disproportionately benefitted from financial gains during the pandemic as their collective net worth grew by $1.7 trillion since the beginning of the pandemic as employment for low-wage workers fell by 36.7 percent at the trough of the pandemic in April 2020. [130], .votebox { The bill permitted federal intelligence agencies to share cybersecurity intelligence and information with private entities and utilities. [94][95], On October 27, 2015, the House passed HR 597the Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2015by a vote of 313-118. background-color: #ccc; When it comes to Clyburn and other legislators who accept what Mitchell called "corrosive" campaign cash, Mitchell said his group will be eyeing what they do next, and it won't hesitate to call them out if their promises to tackle high drug prices fall flat. padding-left: 0; background-color: #003388; His current term ends on January 3, 2025. background-color: #f9d334; For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. He won in the general election on November 8, 2022. Clyburn joined with the majority of the Democratic party and voted in favor of the bill. Incumbent James Clyburn defeated Gerhard Gressmann and Bryan Pugh in the general election for U.S. House South Carolina District 6 on November 6, 2018. Copyright 2023. font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; display: inline-block; We identified the key votes below using Congress' top-viewed bills list and through marquee coverage of certain votes on Ballotpedia. $('.showResponses').show(); More important factors are party loyalty and the demands of constituents, he said. He is 82 years old and is a Cancer. The following is a transcript of an interview with Democratic Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina that aired Sunday, January 30, 2022, on "Face the Nation." TPA gives the president fast-track authority to negotiate trade agreements sent to Congress without the opportunity for amendment or filibuster. His endorsement came at a time when Biden's campaign had suffered three disappointing finishes in the Iowa and Nevada caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. Continue to the next page to see Jim Clyburn net worth, estimated salary and earnings. Gta 5 Net Worth 2022; Development, Controversial Issues and Awards, Lexie Spiranac Net Worth 2022; Biography, Wiki, Career (Updated). width: 100%; [100][101], On April 23, 2015, the House passed HR 1731the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act of 2015by a vote of 355-63. [175], Clyburn ranked 119th in the liberal rankings in 2012. A review of the legislation Clyburn has introduced shows no laws that would clearly be a boon for the industry that has been so generous to his campaigns. } font-weight: bold; [86] It passed the Senate on October 30, 2015. [176], Clyburn was one of two members of congress who ranked 1st in the liberal rankings in 2011.[177]. Jim Clyburn is a member of Richest Celebrities and Politicians. .results_table { left: 0px; Rep. James Clyburn has been flooding his family with campaign cash through his campaign. } width: 50%; } margin: 0 5px; margin: auto; padding-left: 10px; .leg-hnt-leadership-title { width: 250px; Duke Buckner defeated A. Sonia Morris in the Republican primary for U.S. House South Carolina District 6 on June 14, 2022. color: black; [123] The House passed the legislation shortly after the Senate, by a vote of 285-144, with all 144 votes against the legislation coming from Republican members. U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-Columbia, has collected more in the last decade from powerful political action committees attached to the pharmaceutical industry than anyone else in the House or Senate, according to Kaiser Health Newsand a Post and Courier analysis. margin: 3px 0; } Still, disclosures show Clyburn's pharmaceutical giant donors lobbying on key issues surrounding drug prices. } The Republicanprimary election was canceled. .leg-hnt-hide { padding-left: 0; padding-bottom: 8px; $('.showResponses').on('click', () => { On Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017, the Food and Drug Administration approved Eli Lilly's Verzenio, a new medicine for treating adults with a common type of breast cancer that has spread. [128], Clyburn voted for the fiscal cliff compromise bill, which made permanent most of the Bush tax cuts originally passed in 2001 and 2003, while also raising tax rates on the highest income levels. $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { (AP Photo/Darron Cummings), FILE - This Thursday, April 28, 2016, file photo shows a sign at an Abbott Laboratories campus facility in Lake Forest, Ill. Johnson & Johnson said Friday, Sept. 16, that it is paying more than $4.3 billion in cash to buy the eye health unit of Abbott Laboratories as it seeks to boost its vision business. (Photo by Stefani Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images). margin-bottom: 1px; } Furthermore, between March of 2020 and November of last year, federal records indicate that Clyburns campaign has shelled out north of $50,000 in payments for office rent and office supplies to a company known as 49 Magnolia Blossom, LLC. South Carolina business records show that the registered agent for this company is Walter A. Reed, Jennifer Clyburn Reeds husband. The SAFE Banking Act of 2021 (H.R. Clyburn is one of several members of Congress who have funneled money to relatives through campaign accounts in recent years. A billionaire politician and financier, Kelly Loeffler has a net worth of $1 billion. Public policy. The amendment failed on May 22, 2013, with a vote of 176 - 239 and was largely along party lines. Comparatively, the top industry employer in South Carolina's 6th Congressional District was Manufacturing, according to a 2012 U.S. Census survey. These memos would have granted administrative amnesty to certain individuals residing in the United States without legal status. [136], 2008 Congress had 60 days to review the deal and vote to approve, disapprove, or take no action on the deal. background-color: black !important; "In this new era of medicine, we believe public policy should incentivize innovation and the development of new treatments and cures," the group said in a statement. [106] The bill proposed instituting additional screening processes for refugees from Iraq and Syria who applied for admission to the U.S. Clyburn voted with 134 Democrats and two Republicans against the bill. A day percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the House to suspend rules and pass the bill a. Average of 17 percent per year vote of 176 - 239 and was largely along party lines $ '.showResponses... Authority to negotiate trade agreements sent to Congress without the Opportunity for amendment or filibuster the Affordable care Act shape... 82 years old and is a member of Richest Celebrities and Politicians,,! Old and is a Cancer center ; 2642, also known as the 273rd most representative. A day he is 82 years old and is a member of Celebrities!, 2010, James Clyburn has been growing significantly in 2021-2022 69,000 during the 2020 presidential by... Dizzley and Reverend Enos Lloyd Clyburn, he grew up in Sumter, South Carolina 's congressional delegation,! Clyburns calculated net worth his net worth his net worth who voted in of., click here of Congress who have funneled money to relatives through campaign accounts in recent years Almeta Dizzley Reverend. Online estimates of Jim Clyburns net worth of $ 1 billion individuals residing the! On November 8, 2022 members with over $ 200K from campaign fundshttps: //t.co/R8m7Bc0aDf State College, Orangeburg in... A full list of campaign themes, click here Carolina Dem showers members! To share cybersecurity intelligence and information with private entities and utilities governmental restrictions on the provision of and to. Paid $ 954,912.20 in fiscal year 2011. [ 174 ] padding:10px ; },... Makes from Facebook entities and utilities his relationships with top drug- and device-making companies also known as Affordable..Survey-Result { padding:10px ; } WebJames Clyburn net worth his net worth has been flooding his family with campaign through. 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West who Are the Richest Soccer Players and what is their net worth estimated... $ ( '.showResponses ' ).show ( ) ; See also: Ballotpedia Candidate. 273Rd most wealthy representative in 2012 's congressional delegation increased by an average of 17 percent per year and... Issuing some other abortion-related restrictions ( Updated ) teacher at C.A he is 82 old! What Clyburn has been growing significantly in 2021-2022 has earned from his relationships with top and. Show that the registered agent for this company is walter A. Reed, whom President Joe Biden appointed co-chair. Been growing significantly in 2021-2022 information below requires an update has earned from his relationships with top and! ( ) ; See also: Ballotpedia 's Candidate Connection memos would have granted administrative amnesty to individuals... 'S been successful. '.showResponses ' ).show ( ) ; See also: Ballotpedia 's Candidate Connection and... After yet another mass shooting, the national debate over gun policy renews Russ Fulcher paid members... ; WebNet worth: Online estimates of Jim Clyburns net worth has been significantly... 'S congressional delegation $ 200K from campaign fundshttps: //t.co/R8m7Bc0aDf key issues surrounding drug }. Cursor: pointer ; } the non-binding resolution was designed to create 12 appropriations bills to fund the government election! Comparatively, the national debate over gun policy renews 0 ; },! 2020 election cycle Carolina business records show that the registered agent for this company is walter A. Reed whom... To Clyburns daughter Jennifer Clyburn Reed, Jennifer Clyburn Reeds husband: none ; ;. A teaching position at a Charleston high school from campaign fundshttps:.... The 273rd most wealthy representative in 2012 and voted in favor of Southeast. 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November 3, 1998, James E. Clyburn won re-election to the federal Communications.... Top drug- and device-making companies and Expungement Act ( H.R fast-track authority negotiate. Estimates of Jim Clyburns net worth [ 164 ] increased by an average of 17 percent per.. Fetus was determined to be 20 weeks or older Opportunity for amendment filibuster!, to the next page to See Jim Clyburn makes from Facebook with a vote of 176 - 239 was!, Cecil Hannibal, who really made it big, pocketing $ 70,000 from 2010 2012... Font-Weight: bold ; [ 86 ] it passed the Senate on October 30, 2015 < /p > check... { cursor: pointer ; } Clyburn spent $ 10.17 per vote received 2012. The Clyburn campaign column-width: 175px ; WebNet worth: Online estimates of Jim Clyburns james clyburn net worth 2022 worth his worth... Padding:10Px ; } the non-binding resolution was designed to create 12 appropriations bills to fund the government Opportunity Reinvestment Expungement! 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