That said, Mike was the best on the day, the competition was definitely fixed. Five years later in 1976, Mentzer would go on to win Mr. America with his revamped high-intensity training program. Mike Mentzer used the following supplements to help fuel his gains: Whilst we dont know the exact brand of supplements Mike Mentzer uses, we have some recommendations based on what he takes. Leg curls 2 x 6-8 If you dont give your muscles enough time to rest and fully recover, you will not only stop making progress, but you could lose muscle if you over-train for too long. I interviewed Lou Ferrigno, John Grimek, Paul Anderson, Doug Hepburn, Frank Zane, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Lee Labrada, Steve Reeves and both Mike and Ray Mentzer, among others. The routine I followed was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts, he began. FREE 30 Minute Fitness Call (Book a time now): Dumbbell flyes or pec deck 1-2 x 6-8 Id complete two cycles of those two exercises and then move on to two sets of bent-over barbell rows to finish up my lat work. During his downtime, Mike began studying to be a psychologist in 1974 to keep his academic mind active. Mike Mentzer had one of the sharpest minds in the muscle game. ANALYSIS: A pre-exhaust superset for chest: flyes before presses. Recovery always precedes growth, and growth was our ultimate goal. Pre-Exhaust Supersets Do a set of an isolation exercise before a set of a compound exercise for that same body part without resting. His shoulders were never his strongest body part, because of the injury he incurred during the early 70s. As you age, your body undergoes changes With Valentines Day just around the corner, everyone is looking for gift ideas and ways to spend time with their special Hormones are chemical substances released by glands in the body to regulate various functions. Do Your Hormones Affect Weight Gain and Loss. That brought his bodyweight up again, but only slightly. It struck me that Mike had been the only high-intensity advocate who actually broke with Arthur Jones on the point of employing a split routine. This will ensure that the body does not have time to adapt or plateau in its development. I knew that hed been all over the board in terms of sets and reps throughout his early career, starting out with a whole-body workout performed three days per week, on which he gained no less than 70 pounds over three years, bringing his bodyweight up from 95 pounds at age 12 to 165 pounds at 15. When Mentzer won the 1976 Mr. America, he was celebrated as much for his training philosophy as his physique. He helped raise the weight so it could be lowered as slowly as possible on negative reps. Or he spotted while Mike Mentzer paused between reps and grinded out a few rest-pause reps. We had to recover first. Whether youre looking for a complete body transformation or just finding a routine to add to your current workout plan, Mike Mentzers Heavy Duty approach and diet plan are a solid foundation to begin building on. Squats 1 x 6-8 In 1971, Mike suffered a severe shoulder injury that put a long-term pause on his training. Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps). Mike Mentzers Heavy Duty workout routine was unique because it was a. that was only performed one day per week. According to Mentzer, this exercise style produced the best results because it minimizes muscle damage and allows for more effective workouts. Incline presses 1-2 x 6-8 Was there anything else you did differently with this routine? I asked eagerly. Mentzer cut the number of sets he used and upped his intensity. In 1971, he was introduced to Arthur Jones, the creator of high-intensity training for bodybuilding. FREE 30 Minute Fitness Call (Book a time now): Mentzer had adopted the HIT philosophy of Arthur Jones and expanded it into his own radical system, which Mentzer named Heavy Duty. She is the face behind the workout routine articles here on Jacked Gorilla. For example, here is what a 12/6/6 drop set might look like for the shoulders: Perform 12 reps, drop the weight by 10%, rest 10 seconds And Mike was the physical proof that High Intensity Training also called HIT does work well enough to create the best physique. They can also be produced synthetically or How Frank Zane Built One of the Greatest Physiques the World has Ever Seen. ANALYSIS: Here we see the first of Mentzers pre-exhaust supersets: leg extensions before leg presses. In other words, when we can no longer complete another rep with good form, then the set is over. His return came at the 1975 Mr. America show where he placed third, behind Robby Robinson and Roger Callard. And perhaps if ones schedule permitted one to experience that kind of two-hour, incapacitating, exhaustive effect, one might want to do it. I found that when I split the routine, doing half the body one day, the fatigue was even less than halfit was much less than half. Dumbbell side lateral raise (5 sets, 8-10 reps) 2. One-Arm Dumbbell Laterals | SETS: 1 | REPS: 6-9 | MAX WEIGHT: 70 lbs. Not everyone is going to become Mr. Olympia, but we can all improve ourselves.. Now, its time to refuel your body with the proper nutrients to help repair and grow Tracking macros is becoming popular among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts because of its effectiveness. That was the most result-producing routine that I ever used. I asked Mike why he thought that such a split routine was more productive than the three-days-per-week whole-body program that had carried him through to victory in the Mr. America contest. After retiring from bodybuilding, he took HIT even further, advocating very low volume, low rep, heavy training with multiple days of rest between each workout. It wasnt the long-term recovery that was required. As a 27-year-old professional bodybuilding rookie in 1979, noted especially for his shoulder, arm, and leg density, Mike Mentzer was a phenomenon. If you read nutrition labels, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and maltose, all refer to sugar. And there were times when we skipped even two days in between workouts, 72 hours. WebShoulder drop sets allow you to increase the strength of your training stimulus by prolonging the time under tension of a set and making your shoulders work longer. Take rest: You must allow enough rest between workouts so that your body can recover from the stress placed on it during its last workout session. Mike thought for a moment and raised his ham of an arm to scratch an itch on his opposite shoulder. Standing Barbell Curl 1 set x 68 reps, Dumbbell Concentration Curl 2 set x 68 reps. Id follow that up with one or two sets of dips. Soon thereafter, Mike Mentzer began consulting with HITs creator and revamping his training. Standing barbell curls 1 x 6-8 Try to grow increasingly stronger in this range. Not everyone is going to become Mr. Olympia, but we can all improve ourselves.. However, because there are only two workouts, Mentzer modified this to include legs on push day and shoulders on pull day. : The amount of effort you put into each set must increase as your body adapts to your routine. Mike Mentzers Shoulder Workout On this shoulder routine, he would hit 5 different exercises by doing an average of 5 sets and 10 reps. Five years later in 1976, Mentzer would go on to win Mr. America with his revamped high-intensity training program. During his downtime, Mike began studying to be a psychologist in 1974 to keep his academic mind active. I remember meeting my brother in the gym for one of our usual workouts. Squats 1 x 6-8 As a 27-year-old professional bodybuilding rookie in 1979, noted especially for his shoulder, arm, and leg density, Mike Mentzer was a phenomenon. If you choose to, you could follow the barbell curls with chin-ups (underhand).
It was just too much all at once. When 19-year-old Casey Viator won the 1971 Mr. America after training HIT-style under Arthur Jones tutelage it caused a sensation in the bodybuilding world. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Whereas Arthur Jones prescribed one 20-rep set per exercise, Mentzer lowered the ideal rep-range to 6-8. Perform fewer sets: Perform only one heavy set for each body part, rather than multiple sets. Mentzer starting pumping iron at the age of 12 at a bodyweight of 95 pounds. : Once a week is all you need. Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 5 sets at 8 reps each set. FREE 30 Minute Fitness Call (Book a time now): Mike thought for a moment and raised his ham of an arm to scratch an itch on his opposite shoulder.
Divide your body parts into two workouts, and allow 48 hours between workouts. Utilize pre-exhaust supersets. The first workout would be legs, chest and triceps; the second workout was back, shoulders and biceps. Hopefully, his plan will inspire you to achieve all your workout and bodybuilding goals! With all the other demands I had in my life at that time, I was really forced to do something about it. In grammar school and Ephrata High School, he received "all A's." Behind the neck overhead press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) 3. Mentzer recommended eating various fruits every day. Mike and I talked about a great many subjects during that trip, but first and foremost on my mind was finding out what Mike Mentzers most productive training routine had been. Standing dumbbell curl (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 6. Failure was insufficient for Mentzers Heavy Duty system; the system went above and above, involving three techniques: forced reps, negative reps, and rest-pause. All of a sudden it occurred to me that it would be useless to train with anything less than all-out intensity, since that was required to induce maximum growth stimulation. Five years later in 1976, Mentzer would go on to win Mr. America with his revamped high-intensity training program. Here is Mike Mentzers shoulder routine: 1. Also note that he does squats after the leg extension and leg press superset. You have to recover before you can grow, Mike continued, So, we figured, why work out again? Yes, I used this type of routine throughout my professional bodybuilding career, but the greatest gains I got from it was when, rather than following it on the usual four-out-of-seven-day schedule, I began spacing it so I trained every other day on a split routine. No, perhaps not, he said. You have to recover before you can grow, Mike continued, So, we figured, why work out again? If your gym doesnt have a pullover machine, you can substitute, straight-arm pulldowns or dumbbell pullovers. In later years, however, he confided that he had reservations about making such a strong case for genetics. Nautilus presses 2 x 6-8 It wasnt the long-term recovery that was required. Mike Mentzer trained with at least one partner (frequently his younger brother, Ray, 1979 Mr. America winner) who spotted him and assisted when he reached failure. Emmy has been studying celebrities careers, lifestyles, and workout routines for over 3 years. It consisted of very few exercises per workout, each performed for one set only. If they find its too exhausting, try the four-day. Finally, I asked Mike to summarize his experience for the benefit of all those bodybuilders looking to build mass. We knew that recovery was important in terms of overall, or systemic, recovery. He won the 76 Mr. America contest at a bodyweight of 205 pounds while training on such a program, but he didnt stay with it, switching eventually to a split routine performed four days per week. And since growth was our primary goal along with getting defined, at that point we realized that it would have been counterproductiveperhaps even harmfulto our progress to have trained before we allowed recovery and growth to take place.. Mentzer started pumping iron again in 1975 after a four-year hiatus. That three-days-a-week program left me so exhausted that when I did another full-body program on Monday, I was so shot afterward that all I could do was go home and sleep for a while.. For the year between the 1979 and 1980 Mr. Olympias, as high-intensity training (HIT) rode the crest of its foremost adherent, Mike Mentzer, it seemed on the verge of transforming bodybuilding. The techniques Heavy Duty prescribed foremost were forced reps, negative reps, rest-pause, and pre-exhaust, especially pre-exhaust supersets. And if, in fact, I had not recoveredand it was obvious to myself and my brother that we had not recovered, as we were both extremely tiredwhy train at all? Superset workouts. Behind the neck overhead press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) 3. Cable triceps pushdown (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 3. Dont forget to share this article with your friends and family. Barbell preacher curl (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 7. Nautilus pullovers 2 x 6-8 If youre looking for a muscle-building program, its likely one of the best you will find. And finally, Id finish up with biceps, where Id do one set of standing barbell curls to failure followed by one or two sets of either seated concentration curls or preacher curls., Legs Mike Mentzers shoulder Workout exercises include: Bent over dumbbell raise: 5 sets 8-10 reps Seated machine press: 5 sets 6-8 reps Dumbbell side lateral raise: 5 sets 8-10 reps Behind the overhead neck press: 5 sets 6 After speaking with Jones directly, Mike decided to switch back to a three-days-per-week whole-body routine, performing approximately five sets per bodypart in high-intensity fashion. Machine Shoulder Press 2 sets x 68 reps, Dumbbell or Machine Rear Lateral 2 sets x 6-8 reps. Concentration curls 2 x 6-8. It consisted of very few exercises per workout, each performed for one set only. And if, in fact, I had not recovered, and it was obvious to myself and my brother that we had not recovered, as we were both extremely tired, why train at all? [4] [2] Early life and education [ edit] Mike Mentzer was born on November 15, 1951, in the Germantown section of Philadelphia and was of German descent. After speaking with Jones directly, Mike decided to switch back to a three-days-per-week whole-body routine, performing approximately five sets per bodypart in high-intensity fashion. Mike Mentzer was an incredibly influential bodybuilder in the 1970s. For the 1980 Olympia, Mike's chest was not at it's biggest and best. Have you ever wondered how professional bodybuilders like Mike Mentzer set up their training and diet program? WebTransform Your Physique in 8 Weeks! From there Mike moved on to the routines advocated in the various muscle magazines that espoused 20-sets-per-bodypart training, even at one time extending that to 40 sets per bodypart. And Mentzer again ends with a compound exercise: weighted dips. Everything You Need to Know About Simple and Complex Carbs, Lets Get Ready To Rumble! That would be it.. Mike Mentzer spent the next few years recovering from a shoulder injury. (Updated), Priority Training Principle: How to Eliminate Weaknesses, 21-Curls & Half-Rep Training: Ultimate Guide, Study Finds Similar Muscle Growth With Vegan vs. Omnivore Diets. Mentzer came from a well-educated home. They also contain beta-glucan, which lowers cholesterol and helps with blood sugar control. In grammar school and Ephrata High School, he received "all A's." Mentzer also practiced what he calls intelligent cheating. Meaning he would have an extra meal that consisted of whatever he wanted, such as pizza, ice cream, or pie, once a week. Do your last warmup with approximately 75% of your working weight and stop before reaching failure. Their enthusiasm is often a hindrance; theyre so willing and able to train marathon-style to acquire a muscular physique that they often overtrain. Mike Mentzers Shoulder Workout On this shoulder routine, he would hit 5 different exercises by doing an average of 5 sets and 10 reps. His favorite fruit choices were apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, apricots, blueberries, and bananas. Mike was seated at his desk, and I was directly across from him on a sofa in the living room when I first asked him about it. At the very young age of 12, this phenomenal bodybuilder started training, later entering professional bodybuilding in his teen days. Mentzer started pumping iron again in 1975 after a four-year hiatus. Biceps is the last body part in what is essentially a pull workoutback, traps, bicepsthough with the addition of deltoids. Emmy Wallin is a writer for Jacked Gorilla. No, he said, it was the immediate response, the immediate fatigue. Straight arm pulldown (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 2. Nautilus machine pullovers were also a favorite of fellow HIT-man Dorian Yates. He stood only 58 yet packed 215 pounds of rock-solid muscle on his frame. For example, do workout A on Monday, B on Wednesday, A on Friday, B on Sunday (or Monday, if you prefer to take weekends off). The specific amounts of food you eat will depend on your goals. You should not train without power and complete more than eight to ten reps per set and no more than six sets per body part. ANALYSIS: Note that Mike Mentzer, who was noted for his tremendous trapezius development, did more sets for traps (4) than biceps (3) and the same amount as for triceps (4). Have you ever wondered how professional bodybuilders like Mike Mentzer set up their training and diet program? If you want to work out more often than once per week, then youre overtraining and should not expect any results from your efforts. Mike Mentzer said carbs are your energy source, and you need them if you want to be big and strong and have a lot of energy. He was a student of Arthur Jones and an advocate of Jones's HIT (High Intensity Training) method. The Role of Genetics Instead of restricting carbs and eating proteins and fat at every meal, he advocated a low-frequency diet called eating fewer meals with more calories per meal. Bent over dumbbell raise (5 sets, 8-10 reps) 4. Its versatile; you can use it in a wide range of dishes, from stir-fries to curries or salads. The workout included here best represents an effective and practical Heavy Duty routine. Some of his favorite vegetables you can eat are broccoli, green beans, zucchini squash, spinach, and onions. I remember meeting my brother in the gym for one of our usual workouts. Toe presses 1 x 6-8, Chest How Long Will I Live? Mike didnt follow the typical high-carb approach either, which usually included eating lots of fruit or drinking fruit juices during workouts. Without question genetics played a huge role in providing the foundation for the muscular mass that Mike built, as he was the first to admit. Assist each other in going beyond failure. Or perhaps you Are you tired of hitting a plateau in your fitness routine? Really, the buildup of lactic acid was so quick, so dramatic and so severe that until my body metabolized itusually about two hours laterI was almost incapacitated. This can lead to muscle loss rather than gain. Mike Mentzer understood that he had to stick to a clean diet and he took a fairly broad approach to his nutrition in terms of different food sources. Workout frequency fell, workout intensity rose. I interviewed Lou Ferrigno, John Grimek, Paul Anderson, Doug Hepburn, Frank Zane, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Lee Labrada, Steve Reeves and both Mike and Ray Mentzer, among others. Mike said, Youre not going to gain fat from eating carbs like white rice. So he was one of the first guys who started talking about high-carb diets for bodybuilders. His triceps, in particular, when viewed from behind, reminded one of two large watermelons hanging out of a T-shirt. Eggs:A great source of protein and convenient food to have in the fridge for when you need something quick to eat. Capping off the year by winning the heavyweight division of the Mr. Olympia (Frank Zane won the overall), he emerged as bodybuildings heir apparent. This made him a strong advocate of a training philosophy known as High-Intensity Training, developed by Arthur Jones, which lifted heavyweights with relatively few repetitions and emphasized quality over quantity. Nautilus Machine Laterals | SETS: 1-2 | REPS: 6-9 | MAX WEIGHT: 250 lbs. Superset Young bodybuilders reading this should be cautioned against doing too many sets on too many days for all bodyparts. This is because the arm muscles are relatively small when compared to the traps. But it was obvious that due to our general exhaustion we hadnt even recovered our overall systems energies and so forth, let alone grown. A good source of protein, chicken breast is low in fat, especially if you remove the skin before cooking it. For the 1980 Olympia, Mike's chest was not at it's biggest and best. Mentzer starting pumping iron at the age of 12 at a bodyweight of 95 pounds. And perhaps if ones schedule permitted one to experience that kind of two-hour, incapacitating, exhaustive effect, one might want to do it. What does Mike Mentzers workout routine look like? Capping off the year by winning the heavyweight division of the Mr. Olympia ( Frank Zane won the overall), he emerged as bodybuildings heir apparent. All of a sudden it occurred to me that it would be useless to train with anything less than all-out intensitysince that was required to induce maximum growth stimulation. The formula is: brief training, intense training, infrequent training, he said. We knew that recovery was important in terms of overall, or systemic, recovery. He was one of the few men ever to win the Mr. Universe title with a perfect score and also one of the first bodybuilders to promote high-intensity training as a means for building muscle seriously. Mentzer starting pumping iron at the age of 12 at a bodyweight of 95 pounds. For information contact Joanne Sharkey at (310) 316-4519, visit www.mikementzer .com, or order the books directly from . And perhaps if ones schedule permitted one to experience that kind of two-hour, incapacitating, exhaustive effect, one Oats are a great source of complex carbs, which are a good source of energy and keep you fuller for longer. Pushdowns 1 x 6-8 For the year between the 1979 and 1980 Mr. Olympias, as high-intensity training rode the crest of its foremost adherent, Mike Mentzer, it seemed on the verge of transforming bodybuilding. By keeping your workouts short and infrequent, you can maintain constant muscle growth for years on end. I would start with leg extensionssix to eight reps to failureand then continue beyond that with forced reps and negative reps, and then go immediately to leg presses, preferably on a Nautilus Compound Leg machine, as that would allow me to go from one exercise to the other without pausing. Mike thought for a moment and raised his ham of an arm to scratch an itch on his opposite shoulder. At the very young age of 12, this phenomenal bodybuilder started training, later entering professional bodybuilding in his teen days. And, as I stared in disbelief at the massive shoulders and arms he was sporting that day, I had empirical proof of the efficiency of his most productive routine., Editors note: John Little is the co-author with Mike Mentzer of High Intensity Training The Mike Mentzer Way (New York: McGraw Hill; 2002). Concentration curls 2 x 6-8. I train in Golds, when I do train, and I see this as probably the most pervasive mistake among bodybuilders, including advanced bodybuilders. Mike said, Youre not going to gain fat from eating carbs like white rice. So he was one of the first guys who started talking about high-carb diets for bodybuilders. Leg extensions 1 x 6-8 If you want to work out more often than once per week, then youre overtraining and should not expect any results from your efforts. He does the same reps (6-8 to failure + 1-3 after-failure) for even body parts like calves, for which many bodybuilders do higher reps. Dumbbell Flye or Pec-Deck Flye 2 sets x 6-8 reps, Incline Barbell Press 2 sets x 68 reps. Train with at least one partner. WebShoulder drop sets allow you to increase the strength of your training stimulus by prolonging the time under tension of a set and making your shoulders work longer. WebMike Mentzer Workout Routine - Pros and Cons. It was going to be a revolution. For a non-steroidal athlete, the key is to train intensely. WebTransform Your Physique in 8 Weeks! Behind the neck overhead press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) 3. Universal Machine Shoulder Press | SETS: 1 | REPS: 6-9 | MAX WEIGHT: 350 lbs. Then I might finish off with two sets of lying triceps extensions. He was a student of Arthur Jones and an advocate of Jones's HIT (High Intensity Training) method. The results were transformative, but life prevented Mentzer from truly showing them off. As a 27-year-old professional bodybuilding rookie in 1979, noted especially for his shoulder, arm, and leg density, Mike Mentzer was a phenomenon. And, as I stared in disbelief at the massive shoulders and arms he was sporting that day, I had empirical proof of the efficiency of his most productive routine., Web site 2021 Drew Baye. I asked him if perhaps exhaustionsuch as that experienced on the whole-body routinewas, then, truly a requisite for growth stimulation, bearing in mind Jones adage that unless you were made nauseous from a set of barbell curls, you didnt know what hard training was. Mike Mentzer had one of the sharpest minds in the muscle game. Single leg hamstring curls (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 5. Boxing is a demanding sport Want to get in shape for summer? Young bodybuilders reading this should be cautioned against doing too many sets on too many days for all bodyparts. WebMENTZERS 79 SHOULDER WORKOUT. It went beyond. I asked him if he thought that the problem might have been more effectively remedied by simply taking protracted recovery periods in between workouts. 20-Rep set per exercise, Mentzer modified this to include legs on push day and shoulders on day! Your gym doesnt have a pullover machine, you can eat are broccoli, green beans, squash! 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