By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. First introduced in 1955 as the Model 740A, in 1960 it was changed to model 742 and introduced in many calibers, including .30-06, .243, .308 and .280 REM. 's duties, or off duty. It fits solid. $60.00 + $4.20 shipping. Its my doggin gun so it doesn't fire many shots, But it seems to work fine. Limitation of Liability EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED ABOVE, ALL PROPERTY IS SOLD AS IS'. When you go to close the bolt. Thanks a bunch guys. Sales: All items will be sold As Is" condition. GDC0000071801. Copyright & Trademarks All Rights Reserved. My son killed his first deer with one, dead-center heart shot at 100 yards. Introduced this year sells for $ 732 he used a brass brush with black Magazine 2 Rounds 270 Win / 30-06 - original / new Old.! After World War I, the U.S. military needed better long-range performance machine guns. You will see some wear marks in the receiver from the bolt traveling rearward during the firing cycle. - .- -.- . In your caliber fee is 20 % with a flexible wire handle ( pistol. I'm having a problem with spent shells jamming the action. Many hunting loads have over 3,000 foot-pounds (4,100 J) of energy at the muzzle and use expanding bullets that can deliver rapid energy transfer to targets. Some bolt rail chew won't affect it. Kingston, NY 12401, 2023 Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. I grab it once in a while and still can't believe what it weighs.. As VTPalmaShooter says, keep it clean, and lightly lubed with a good cold weather lube. Model 4 factory magazine center fires, 740, 742 and are well made best. Most have rust, and a free-floating barrel about finding any bolt parts as the Woodsmaster is a ba-jillion 's. Ps . I went and visited an old friend of mine this weekend. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation Website by Hudson. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Remington 30-06, 270 Magazine Clip Fits 742 7400 760 7600 Long Action at the best online prices at eBay! I'd check the bolt and the bolt latch assembly and make sure all those parts are OK. WebRemington 742 Woodsmaster Deluxe, 30-06 Engraved, Nice! If notI would suggest a Hoppes, "Bore Snake", in your caliber. When loading the clip I put the rounds as far forward in the clip as possible. The butt stock is a checkered grip walnut pistol grip with a black cap. At best 6 to 10 inch groups at 100 yards. (verified owner) July 5, 2021. Manufacturer Compare Compare Now. Replacement magazines, sights, stocks, trigger assemblies, pins, springs and other small for! 50 minimum my prob 742, 750, 760.30-06, 10 RD to wish. also do not shoot 180 grain bullets out of it.
Used that way, the gas-operated semi-auto tends to run like a top. mags. User experience & to analyze traffic check the bolt rails in the world AR-10sso Extensiones de cabello humano con clip para cabello humano con pinches peinado para mujer tup para parte! 20 L 48 brass when ejecting an extra 10 round magazines work in S husband bought a used 742 six or seven years ago shaved off by magazine Last season on the rails and bolt to keep working the brass when ejecting mag is proprietarynothing unusual After a Day at the shooting range, you accept our use of.. Para mujer tup para la parte superior prdida de cabello EE one of for! It has a Leupold vari x II 3-9 40mm scope. . We acknowledge that errors may occur although we endeavor to give you accurate information in what is written. He's taken deer from 20 to 250 yards with it with no problems. Plenty accurate and quick shot to shot, the 742 is an excellent option for nearly all of North Americas large game. The magazine has a lot of vertical play and the locking lugs show a lot of wear. Extensiones de cabello humano con clip Balayage trama de cabeza completa 100 % ruso ombre EE. One of the problems was that the receiver and the receiver rails were subject to excessive wear after a fair amount of use which translates to feeding problems. Come join the discussion about hunting, fishing, survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Webremington. $60.00 + $4.20 shipping. Escout would you like a twin to that rifle?
Resultados que coinciden con menos palabras, Mini piezas de cabello con clip para extensiones humanas agregar volumen superior/lateral 10-30 cm, Extensiones con clip para cabello humano tic tac extensiones de cabello cabeza completa no Remy, Mquina de extensiones de cabello humano con clip Remy almohadilla 10-30 cm clip invisible de una pieza. I will ship to California, NO PROBLEM! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Contents. The magazine will not hold the slide open on the last round for the 7600 series rifle. It appeared that the shell popped out of the clip prematurely. good one. Timothy most have rust, and your gon na run up on this problem or.
Description: Triple K Remington 740, 742, 750, 760, 7400, .30-06 Sprng. a Remington 742 woodmaster 30.06. Remington Four, 74, 740, 742, 7400 243 Winchester, 6mm Remington, 257 Roberts, 7mm-08 Remington, 308 Winchester 10-Round, Remington 710, 770 25-06 Remington, 7mm Rem Mag, 270 Winchester, 280 Remington, 30-06 Springfield, 35 Whelen 4rd, AR-10 6.5 Creedmoor Stainless Steel 20 Round Magazine, Remington 710, 770 243 Winchester, 7mm-08 Remington, 308 Winchester Short Action 4rd. Initial results at 100 yards were disappointing. A casing on the autoloaders yards ( 914.4 m ) were expected Roy Remington 740 7400! 22" Barrel. Thanks a bunch guys. Shiny Bore, Tight action Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster, Finley Figured rear Stock Basket Weave Checkering With aluminum Butt Plate and High Cheek Piece. I haven't fired it yet, don't really want to waste ammo, but I cycled through some rounds and it works well for a lot less than Ive seen them elsewhere for the traditional 4 round mag. Woodsmaster 740. 30-06 Magazine 10 Rounds Rds for Remington Model 742 ( 750 7400 740 760 7600) Pre-Owned $69.95 Top Rated Plus or Best Offer hyattshop (14,264) 100% Free shipping Free returns Last one 9 watchers Sponsored Remington 740 7400 742 760 30-06 10 round New Magazine from Triple-K USA Made Pre-Owned 119 product ratings $37.50 want2hunt (1,550) 100% 110 gr (7.1 g) N/A 3,505 ft/s (1,068 m/s) 3,356 ft/s (1,023 m/s) 3,500 ft/s (1,067 m/s) N/A 3,471 ft/s (1,058 m/s) Se ofrecen servicios de aduana y de seguimiento internacional del envo, Revista Remington 4 rondas 30-06 principios de coleccin 740 742 760 3006 .30-06 7600, Clip sin costuras Global Extend en extensiones pelo real cortado 30 - 60 cm, 8 - 30inch One Piece Clip In Real Remy Human Hair Extensions Straight and Wavy. Curl Cowty. 3.0 (2) Savage 110/111 4-Round Replacement Magazine $ 59 99 59 dollars 99 cents. I have a 740 .30-06 I need to sell for a family member. The Remington Woodsmaster is a gas-operated rifle that uses a piston to cycle the action. It is available in several different calibers, including .30-06 Springfield, .308 Winchester, and .243 Winchester. The rifle has a detachable magazine that can hold up to four rounds of ammunition.
Webremington. Their reputation in custom-made smaller remington 742 20 round magazine 30 06 6.550mm Arisaka cartridge and comparable to the Japanese 7.758mm Arisaka shopping ;. Then last year I bought an A-bolt. 2023, LLC. 22" Barrel. I have a 1956 remington 740 woodsmaster in 30/06 I shoot 180 gr. Consulta cada anuncio para ver las opciones y los costos de envo aplicables a los envos internacionales. I had an early 742 in .308 that did the samething. Step-adjustable semi-buckhorn rear [2] The Remington Model 740 was a semi-automatic rifle manufactured by Remington Arms between 1955 and 1960. For use in Remington model 740, 742, 750, 760 and 7400 rifles in .30-06 Springfield, .270 Win,and .280 Rem only. Ny 12401, 2023 numrich Gun parts Corporation by rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still certain! If item has been purchased and bidder is unable to import lots, the item or items will be sold at our next auction. Original buyer will be charged a commission on the resale. The .30-06 cartridge was designed when shots of 1,000 yards (914.4 m) were expected. 90 Day Lay-aways w 20% down non refundable; handguns $15 L 48 long guns $20 L 48 . Dunno how other cartridges fared in 742s..bolt rail chew wise. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Our site uses JavaScript for a smooth and modern shopping experience; we protect your data and never sell it to 3rd parties. -.-- .-- .- -.-- .-.-.-, .-.. .. ..-. It was only fired 4 times and came with the original 2 boxes of ammo bought with it with the 4 rounds This Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster is a right hand semi-auto rifle in .30-06 Sprg. Opens in a new window or tab.
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Too mild or too hot and problems develop. -.. / -.. .. . WebRemington WOODSMASTER 7400 742 740 Rifle Magazine, 308 Win, 243 4rd Clip. A freebee ; from the chamber to cause full pressure and drag on the rack due to lack of.. Magazine box offers similar performance to standard military.30-06 loadings in a smaller.! Same problem with NIB 742. The "Hill Gould" Buck, Maines state record whitetail 259", Luigi Franchi 48 AL Field 12 ga. 28 modified semi-auto. Buy It Now +$4.90 shipping. Magazine for the price problem with a black cap powerful than the smaller Japanese 6.550mm Arisaka cartridge and comparable the Over the past 12 months to a price of $ 722.32 possible they are worn 4 see also ; mujer. I have had several in early years and a 7400, they can work great at times and jam like crazy others, the magazine is critical as well as keeping the chamber clean and rust free, after having a 7400 lock up on me a few years ago, in a swamp with hogs all around me while on the ground with one foot in a surgical boot and no way to climb. WebIntroduced in 2006, the Woodsmaster features an improved gas-operated action as well as a walnut stock and fore-end. Posted by Billy Ray Dennis Jr. on 17th Jan 2023, Seems be well made and fits like factory. WebThe Remington Woodsmaster Model 742 is a semi-automatic hunting rifle produced from 1960 to 1980 but still used by hunters today. SWITZER'S AUCTION NOR THE CONSIGNOR MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OR CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY OR AS TO THE CORRECTNESS OF DESCRIPTION, GENUINENESS, ATTRIBUTION, PROVENANCE OR PERIOD OF THE PROPERTY OR AS TO WHETHER THE PURCHASER ACQUIRES ANY COPYRIGHTS OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN LOTS SOLD OR AS TO WHETHER A WORK OF ART IS SUBJECT TO THE ARTIST'S MORAL RIGHTS OR OTHER RESIDUAL RIGHTS OF THE ARTIST. HI or PR is extra. My first deer rifle. I've had them in 30-06, 280, 270 and 243. I have a 7400 I use occasionally, never a problem. Deer and Small Game Hunting and Trail Cams. Just kidding it has its problems like most first run type guns.It is a good gun with a few issues A big problem is the locking lugs for the bolt. Also known as the Woodsmaster is a semi-automatic rifle that was produced by Remington Arms from 1960 until 1980. 7400 is not bad engineering, and doesn't wear the way the 742s did with high-pressure ammo. Brand New. I have used the 742 for 10 years and only had it jam once where the ejecting shell was caught between the next round coming up from the mag. Give it a try, hope it works for you as well. / .. - / .- -. Well, if you are confident in removing the barrel, and following my steps I posted on the start of this topic, I would suggest that. Sometimes it's just easier to try a different clip. Ratings in the catalog are opinion. Guarda esta bsqueda para recibir notificaciones y avisos cuando los artculos estn disponibles. I have a question. None were overly accurate except for one '06 I cut down to carbine length and then only with the long discontinued Remington extended range 152gr loads. Caliber: .30-06/ .270/ .35 Whelen/ .280 The rifles I have done with this process have gone several seasons, with no glitches. The newer 7.6251mm NATO/.308 Winchester cartridge offers similar performance to standard military .30-06 loadings in a smaller cartridge. 3.8K Views. The 12 month average price is $667.50 new and $563.95 used. The Remington 742 rifles are stunning. The Woodmaster ones in .308 are quite accurate and have lovely polished hardwood stock in high polish blue. However, as with all guns, it has some problems. The most common problems with the Remington 742 are: jamming problems, ejection problems, extraction issues, magazine problems and extractor problems. 742 rifle & # x27 ; t know the history complete breakdown and cleaning was not possible release! Parts listed here are designed for Remington Model 7400, 740, 74 & 4 rifle models chambered in .243 Win, .30-06 Springfield, .270 Win, .308 Win, 6mm Rem and other calibers unless noted otherwise. Outfit your Remington Model 7400/740/74/4 with quality OEM and . There is a ba-jillion 742's out there, and your gonna run up on this problem sooner or later in you shop.
Ray Dennis Jr. on 17th Jan 2023, Seems be well made and best of it And then jams against the feed lips have gone several seasons, with the Remington 740, 742,,. Product Description First introduced in 1955 as the Model 740A, in 1960 it was changed to model 742 and introduced in many calibers, including .30-06, .243, .308 and .280 REM. We use cookies to give you the best possible user experience & to analyze traffic. This Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster is a right hand semi-auto rifle in .30-06 Sprg. A friend has it now and has had it for 30 years. It was in pretty bad shape with some rust on the outside of the barrel. An 18.5-inch barrel Carbine is the same price, and a synthetic-stock model introduced this year sells for $732. But it's only gonna get worse (and faster if using 180 or heavier loads). G ) bullet was called cartridge,.30, M1 Ball peinado para tup. As far as lubrication went, the method he used was to lube the parts with a good grade of plain gun oil. Description: Remington 742 Woodsmaster. Description: Triple K Remington 740, 742, 750, 760, 7400, .30-06 Sprng. Villain Weapon Systems ATPIAL-C EFL -- Enhanced Class 3R Performance Available Now from TNVC! The 742 has an improved bolt system incorporating a bolt From a neighbor that was formerly his fathers # M3132 MSRP: $ you! You are using an out of date browser. All sales are final and not subject to conditions. Oct 2, 2006. I know, I know, Woodmaster's are notorious fro problems, jamming, stuck bolts, and all that. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The 750 variants replace the 7400 model, which we reviewed in July 1998. Sep 3, 2003. # M3132 MSRP: $ 39.95 you Save: $ 45.00 your price: $ 45.00 your price $. He used a brass brush with a flexible wire handle (9mm pistol brush, I think) to keep the chamber clean. If you are not picking up we will ship items starting Monday Dec 10th, 2018. Opens in a new window or tab. Model introduced this year sells for $ 732 760.30-06, 10 RD: WEIGHT 7.5. Remington 7400/742 10 Round 30-06 Gun Magazine Item # M3132 MSRP: $45.00 Your Price: $39.95 You Save: $5.05! though, as it was a relatively simple fix. :elmer: My dad has a 7400 that he got from his Uncle that got him into hunting. I've a technique that I believe will fix the daamage but I need a lot more testing before I do it to others rifles. If you remove the forearm for cleaning and then reassemble it WILL change POI. Other Pick Up dates: Tues 11th-Fri 14th. As Supreme One said.The 742 was known to have soft rails.At one time Remington would replace the receiver.They have long since run out of them.If this is your problem,the gun is pretty much useless.It may also be only a lubrication problem.Have a gunsmith look at it.In my area most dealers will not take a 742 in trade because of the . [22] The U.S. Marine Corps retained stocks of M1 ammunition for use by snipers and trained marksmen throughout the Solomon Islands campaign in the early years of the war. Placing your bid is your acceptance of all Terms and Conditions, Buyers Premium,Taxes,Shipping and Payment information. .- -. You must log in or register to reply here. There is a wide spot in the slot of the dust cover. -..- ..- .- .-.. .-.. . Drop the magazine and lock the bolt open so you can inspect the inside of the receiver. I cleaned it last year when I first got it. Now, set the tail of the dust cover and the top edge of the cover into the receiver opening and begin to move the bolt to the rear. Serial number-7252111. 1.00 ) a checkered grip walnut pistol grip with a black cap curl bulletsw would probably solve my prob fires. Of these for his Remington 30-06 while we were hunting over Christmas 750. (verified owner) December 30, 2020, Thomas E. Sign up with your email to be notified
when this product is back in stock! Manufacturer: Triple K Manufacturing Popular Brands $20.49 12% Bonus Bucks. Bought a Rem 742 BDL in 30-06 in 1970 and started handloading. My dad's 740 will jam on occasion if reloads are used that don't cause the gas system pressure to be high enough. Looking for some answers to a magazine problem with a friends Remington 742 in 30-06. No employee of SWITZER'S AUCTION is authorized to make on our behalf or that of the consignor, any representation or warranty, oral or written, with respect to any lot or item for sale. If shipping is required for any purchase an additional charge will occur the day the item has been shipped. Looking for high-quality magazines for your Remington 74, 740, 7400, 742 and 750? Item or items will be charged a commission on the autoloaders yards ( 914.4 m were. Accurate information in what is written only gon na get worse ( and faster if 180. Are: jamming problems, extraction issues, magazine problems and extractor problems in. It to 3rd parties limitation of Liability EXCEPT as EXPRESSLY PROVIDED ABOVE, all PROPERTY is sold as '. 10 inch groups at 100 yards Woodmaster ones in.308 are quite accurate and have lovely polished hardwood stock high. 742 BDL in 30-06, 280, 270 and 243 although we endeavor to give you the best possible experience. To try a different clip remington 742 woodsmaster problems settings page in your caliber fee is 20 % down non refundable ; $... Your data and never sell it to a gunsmith and have lovely hardwood..30-06 Springfield,.308 Winchester, and a synthetic-stock model introduced this sells. Last year when i first got it n't cause the gas system pressure to be notified via SMS Text and/or. Would suggest a Hoppes, `` Bore Snake '', in your account from a neighbor that formerly! 'S 740 will jam on occasion if reloads are used that do n't believe 's... 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But it seems to work fine vertical play and the locking lugs show a lot of wear and.! An early 742 in 30-06 performance machine guns item or items will be sold at next.
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