sebastian stardew valley

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Sebastian is a computer programmer that lives in his parents basement, although there is more than meets the eye to this purple haired, angsty Stardew Valley bachelor. H uma notificao em seu computador, e Sebastian explica que Sam pedindo para sair, mas ele preferiria no sair. Cuestan un poco de ver, pero si te fijas puedes ver cmo aletean. ",, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Sebastian es un rebelde y serio solitario que vive en el stano de sus padres. Sebastian is a troubled recluse who lives in the basement of his parents. Fortunately, weve got all the information players need to romance Sebastian in Stardew Valley below. Ele sugere que um dia voc v em um passeio com ele, com o qual voc concorda ou no. Me distraigo con facilidad A lo mejor debera tomar ms caf, Pasando un buen fin de semana? Se o jogador no tiver P de coelho no inventrio, todos os solteiros vo ficar furiosos ao saberem que o jogador namora todos ao mesmo tempo. Voy a estar aqu trabajando en mi moto un rato., En casa no me senta muy valorado Pero aqu me siento donde debo estar. Ey, queda pizza en el congelador? He visto algo movindose ah Algo grande y oscuro. Va a la parte del lago fuera de la entrada de las minas. El contenido est disponible bajo la licencia. Explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Returns to his room after leaving the kitchen. Moreover, if you dont invite Sebastian or Abigail to the Flower Dance Festival, theyll dance with each other instead. Suena ridculo., Me imaginas viviendo en una granja?#$e#Es ridculo, pero ltimamente pienso en ello., Qu hay de nuevo? cumpleaos), que puede aumentar o disminuir A esas horas no hay ni un ruido., Buenas. WebA Murder in Stardew Valley: Our Attempt at a DIY Murdery Mystery. Robin sai da sala, e Sebastian expressa sua irritao de que ningum leva seu trabalho a srio. Nah., Ahora, si fuese una rana tropical, dnde me escondera?, Apuesto a que este lugar tiene un aspecto guay bajo la lluvia., Es bueno alejarse del ordenador y ver el mundo real algunas veces. Sebastian resides at 24 Mountain Road (the Carpenters Shop) with his family. These are items that Sebastian doesn't like and won't reactfavorablyto. Voc se lembrou do meu aniversrio? Se te dan dos opciones, "Est ocupado Debera marcharme." Uma mente aguada a mais poderosa das lminas. Make sure to talk to Sebastian at least once every day to Have you met Sebastian in Stardew Valley? Lo siento, Qu? Cheira delicioso. ", "Mago. Te recuerda que hay un mundo muy grande ah fuera., Las ranas no son muy felices en invierno. Voc pode respond-lo: Escolhendo a opo do santurio de sapos, deixa Sebastian mais entusiasmado em fazer um cu para sapos, enquanto a segunda opo ele aceita, mas ainda deseja que o sapo tivesse um amigo. No lo pillo., Qu ganas de que llegue una estacin ms fra y hmeda. Their last choice depends on their class: if theyre a wizard, defend their friends while the wizard is mumbling, if theyre a healer then heal Sebastian, and if theyre a warrior, block him. He plays in a band with Abigail and Sam and loves games. Join series producer Eiji Aonuma for a look at gameplay from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, including Links new abilities. Independentemente se o jogador escolher qualquer (quaisquer) opo/es, eles decidiro dar um "gelo" por uma semana depois do evento. Maru y yo siempre nos pelebamos de nios. Creo que empieza a las diez., Cunto movimiento hay hoy Voy a quedarme a pasar el rato por aqu., Ey, [Jugador]. Now they will have a terrarium and they can encourage Sebastian to get a frog if theyd like. Sandy is a lovely lady who works at the Oasis shop in the desert. However, you'll need to know how to get your hands on this item if you want to use Common Mushrooms for yourself since you can't farm them at your own farm. En Nochevieja (28 de invierno), te regalar una Cerveza para celebrar el nuevo ao. Se me olvida lo bonito que puede ser., Suelo vestir de negro, pero con este calor, Um Ests soltero/a, no? Cutscene: [6]. Hell tell you that hes working and ask you to wait. Leaves his room and heads to the kitchen. Fortnite Creative 2.0 Patch Notes: New Features, Changes, and Differences, New Fortnite XP Glitch Map Code for Chapter 4 Season 2, Pickled (Corn, Green Bean, Parsnip, Tomato). Sebastian works as a freelance programmer, and expresses frustration that his job not taken seriously by others. And if youve ever come across a guy with deep blue hair, thats Sebastian. Goes to his computer after being on his bed.. Leaves his computer and goes to the kitchen. Stardew Valley's Sebastian may be popular thanks to his bad-boy persona, but there's actually a lot more to the character than meets the eye. Ya lo s Estoy siendo un poco dramtico., Hmm No tengo mucho que decir. He asks the player if they would like to go on a ride at some point and they can agree or disagree with no negative hit to their friendship. Ja Ojal la vida fuese as de interesante, Lo siento, no he hecho la cena. WebStardew Valley Introduction Quest: Greet 28 People. He has a bit of a "emo" attitude, preferring darkness to the light and having an interest in things most people consider creepy. A great way El intelecto es el filo ms peligroso que hay. Voc pode ver um ou dois sapos brincando por ali com frequncia! Ni siquiera es mi verdadero padre., He estado leyendo un libro sobre un granjero. Mucha conmocin, demasiada interaccin social Ms estrs que diversin, para mi gusto., No Hay otra persona con la que quiero bailar., Ugh Maana es el peor festival del ao, pero de lejos. Las clases no afectan a la amistad, y puedes conseguir una puntuacin perfecta con cualquier clase: Ve a la playa en un da lluvioso entre el medioda y 11pm. What is the best profession? Se o jogador no casado e deu um buqu a todos os solteiros, e tem 10 coraes com cada um, e viu seus eventos de 10 coraes, entrar no Saloon Fruta Estrelar ativar um evento. His residence in the shop's basement seems to further isolate him, and it seems he's not a fan of it either, as he often makes the comment "Maybe my room would be less depressing if I had a window". Despus del suceso, la habitacin conyugal de Sebastin cambia permanentemente para tener un terrario que contiene ranas. Sebastian vive no poro da marcenaria de sua me Robin , no norte da cidade. In Fall, you can forage them throughout most of the area. Sebastian recibe una notificacin de Sam pidindole salir, pero Sebastian dice que prefiere no hacerlo. Sebastian vive en el stano de su madre Robin de la carpintera, al norte de la ciudad. After all, your character was a bard. However, Sebastian is undeniably the best male love interest in Stardew Valley. Here's a look at who likes Common Mushrooms and who doesn't: Depending on the season, you can find Common Mushrooms in different locations around the Stardew Valley map. Heres a list you can use to track his taste: A snack from the Movie Theater also boosts your relationship with Sebastian. ", "Me alegra que hayas encontrado un nuevo hobby. Solamos estar muy unidos., Qu planes tienes para este invierno? Not hard like challenging; annoyingly difficult, pro-strats, dear-God-why hard. Quem sabe?. Una vez casado, Sebastian se mudar a la granja. Anh l mt trong mi hai nhn vt c th kt hn. Est sorprendido de verde afuera en la lluvia. Take down enemy squads and capture towns and bases to secure victory and keep the peace. Estaba pensando ideas para un juego que quiero hacer. And evolve to become the ultimate, Star Trek: Resurgence is an interactive narrative video game that tells an original story in a choice-driven adventure set within the iconic sci-fi universe. A segunda voc diz que ela te d uma sensao estranha de tristeza. 1 Stardew Valley Sebastian Gifts Gifts. Sebastian receives one new event in Stardew Valley Expanded. It's very slimy. Sophia's aged hand-crafted wine from Blue Moon Vineyard. It comes in a prestigious basket riddled with leaves, with a shiny bow to wrap it all together. Makes a wonderful gift! The Triple B. It has a chewy consistency and is very juicy. Ahora vete a ganar dinero para sacar adelante a la familia., Siempre tienes un aspecto genial, incluso despus de currar todo el da por la granja., No siempre te lo demuestro, pero estoy muy contento de ser tu marido. Sale de su cama y se pasa a su ordenador. Who is Sebastian? If you're trying to woo someone in Stardew Valley, it's important to give them the gifts they like the most. Siento que realmente este es mi sitio., Estar de pie en este lugar realmente me hace querer fumar pero estoy decidido a dejarlo ahora., Me he levantado pronto y he regado algunos cultivos en tu lugar. Smokes at the train station after leaving the house. Fumando en la orilla del lago, cerca del puente. However, Sebastian is undeniably the best male love interest in Stardew Valley. Sebastian lives in the basement of his mother Robin's carpenter shop, north of town. Heads to the river after leaving Sams home with Sam. Meeting him around 8 PM to midnight outside his house triggers an event wherein he invites you for a ride. Departs from home to smoke near the train station. As with all Stardew Valley characters, Sebastian is a big fan of receiving gifts - as long as he likes them, that is. Tengo que ponerme una buena capa de protector solar si quiero mantener mi palidez, Has pensado ya qu vas a echar en la sopa del luau? Las maanas en las que Sebastian se queda todo el da dentro de la casa de campo, puede ofrecerte Caf. Anyway, this is the only Stardew Valley quest he belongs in. Sashimi is a cooked dish. Entra a la habitacin de Sebastian cuando est ah. Uma tradicional flor da primavera. Te confiesa sus verdaderos sentimientos y se abrazan bajo la luna llena. Sebastian es el nico aldeano al que le gusta la, A pesar de las fuertes insinuaciones de que Sebastian est enamorado de, Si ests casado con Abigail y pierdes corazones, ella dir "Me pregunto si he elegido bien. Es mi festival preferido., Quin se cree Demetrius que es para decirme lo que tengo que hacer? Voc pode dar Sebastian at dois presentes por semana (mais um no seu aniversrio), o que vai aumentar ou diminuir sua amizade com voc. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Un huevo negro azabache con motitas roja. Gracias., Oh, era hoy mi cumpleaos? Aside from these exciting events, you may encounter these questions from him that can increase your points. Podr un(a) nuevo(a) y encantador(a) granjero(a) cultivar su ayermado corazn? The video also reveals a Nintendo Switch OLED Model The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom edition will be available on April 28, 2023, with a Nintendo Switch Pro controller - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom edition and Nintendo Switch carrying case - Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom edition available on May 12, 2023.The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be available on Nintendo Switch on May 12, 2023. Ele agarra o sapo com sucesso, depois, analisa o sapo preocupadamente; sua perna est extremamente machucada. ", "Mago. Ahora estoy algo ocupado, Vas a ir al pueblo hoy? A estas alturas ya casi los considero amigos mos., No te preocupes por m, yo nunca tengo fro, Me siento ms relajado por la noche Incluso podra comprar alguna baratija., Pasar tiempo con la familia es agotador a veces., Ey, [Jugador]. An no te conozco demasiado., Ey A veces cuesta pensar en nuevos temas de los que hablar. Here's where to find it. Ele fuma seu cigarro algumas vezes, e ento te pergunta o que voc acha da cidade. Monday. Puedes ver el atardecer sobre Pueblo Pelcano desde el porche., A lo mejor he tomado demasiado caf No estoy muy cansado. D um timo presente. He leaves his house and walks over to the lake next to it to smoke. Goes home after departing from Sams place. Ve tirando y divirtete., No tengo ni idea de por qu caminan esos esqueletos Qu mal rollo. Sebastian is the son of Robin, the local carpenter. stardew elliott emo amino Odio verme obligado a hablar de banalidades., Por qu no me cuentas cmo te ha ido el da cuando nos metamos en la cama? Lastly, void eggs and void mayonnaise are not used in any bundle. Hmm La edad aporta sabidura., Debera aprender a cocinar. Espero que este ao tambin tengan expuestos a los esqueletos. Stardew Valley Gift Guide . Horrio Primavera Vero Outono Inverno Casamento Relacionamentos Sebastian mora com sua me, Robin, junto com seu padrasto Demetrius e sua meia-irm Maru. Stands close to the tunnel, west of the train station. Si no, admite que nunca se ha sentido as con otros chicos, pero que t eres diferente. The characters' names are also in alphabetical order, just to make it easy for you to scroll down to whichever villagers you need to find Gifts for. Moves away from the bed to go to his computer. These are items that Leah is neutral about. Se siente aliviado por tu llegada y te pide ayuda para salvar a una rana herida que se esconde entre los arbustos. Me cuesta acordarme de hacer las tareas., Nunca me canso de la lluvia Especialmente en el campo., Me alegro de que ests en casa Es una buena noche para quedarse a cierto., Buenas. Anyhow, heres his schedule for every season in Stardew Valley, alongside some deviations: Youll encounter this schedule after earning six Friendship Hearts with him and when its raining. Just follow the link to find our definite farming guide! He and Sam are both a bit rebellious, but Sebastian's a bit quieter about it. Ya lo he visto todo., No me apetece nada nadar, si eso es lo que vas a decir. Parece que tienes fro Ven, acrcate., Buenas. Passes time in front of Haley and Emilys house with Sam. Standing to the western area of the train station, by a tunnel. WebSebastian um bom amigo de Sam; Os dois podem ser encontrados na casa de Sam ou no Saloon Fruta Estrelar jogando sinuca. (Picture: Waifu Simulator 27 - YouTube) Depending on the season, you can find Common Mushrooms in different Deja el Mercado Nocturno para volver a casa. WebStardew Valley >> Villagers >> Sebastian Here you will find the best gifts for Sebastian, as well as Sebastian's entire list of loved, liked, neutral, disliked, and hated gifts. Sebastian Is Stardew Valley's Best Male Love Interest Sebastian is a difficult person to talk to because he sits at his computer programming all day. MORE: Stardew Valley: Walks to his computer after getting out of bed. Ah, solo has venido a saludar? Isso legal., meu aniversrio e voc me d isso? Youll find Sebastian by the lake, and he tells you that a fractured frog is hiding by the bush and asks for your help. However, it is no secret that among the bachelors in Stardew Valley , Sebastian is one of the most popular ones, thanks to his endearing personality and great character arc. Fortunately, he has a wide array of liked items that players can fall back on to increase his relationship score. Puedo hacer lo que me apetezca y no tener a nadie dndome la brasa todo el rato. Amaranth, Amethyst, Apple, Apricot, Autumn's Bounty, Bean Hotpot, Blackberry Cobbler, Blueberry Tart, Bok Choy, Cauliflower, Cherry, Cheese Cauliflower, Chocolate Cake, Chowder, Coffee, Coleslaw, Cookies, Corn, Cranberry Sauce, Diamond, Dish O' The Sea, Earth Crystal, Eggplant, Emerald, Fiddlehead Risotto, Fire Quartz, Garlic, Green Bean, Hashbrowns, Ice Cream, Jade, Kale, Maki Roll, Maple Bar, Maple Syrup, Miner's Treat, Parsnip, Parsnip Soup, Pepper Poppers, Pink Cake, Pizza, Plum Pudding, Pomegranate, Poppyseed Muffin, Potato, Pumpkin, Quartz, Radish, Radish Salad, Red Plate, Rice Pudding, Roots Platter, Ruby, Salad, Spaghetti, Stir Fry, Tomato, Topaz, Trout Soup. Vive en la parte inferior, por lo que ambos ojos estn encima de su cabeza. Tiende a ser absorbido profundamente por juegos de computadora, cmics, y novelas de ciencia ficcin, y pasar grandes cantidades de tiempo realizando estos pasatiempos solo en su cuarto. Here are all the gifts you can give to Sebastian and how each will influence your relationship with him. He can be tough to woo since he usually isn't found outside of his room during the day and has some peculiar likes that may be tricky to get a hold of, especially early on. Lo eres todo para m. In Fall, you can forage them throughout most of the area. Raw fish sliced into thin pieces. Si el jugador est soltero/a y le da un ramo de flores a todos los solteros disponibles con amistad de 10 corazones con cada uno, y tras ver el evento de cada uno de los solteros con 10 corazones, tras entrar en Saln Fruta Estelar se mostrar una escena. Ahora que lo estoy viviendo, me gusta, Todo ha ido bien, y ahora (nombre del segundo nio) forma parte de la familia. Bsicamente solo cuando llueve. Leaves his home and attends the Night Market. Es una mala costumbre. Upon meeting him, he may seem like a rebellious loner whos heavily invested in his work, computer games, and great sci-fi novels. ", "Fico feliz que tenha achado um novo hobby",, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, Sebastian um rebelde solitrio que mora no poro dos seus pais. Leaves his computer and makes his way to the kitchen. Sebastian lives to the north of Pelican Town and is quite happy to sit indoors and spend his time on games, books, and comics. If he does leave his house it tends to be later in the day, but hey, who doesnt love a sad video game boi. Either way, you'll want to know how to marry Sebastian in Stardew Valley; who could resist his brooding charm? Dirgete a La montaa entre las 11am y 5pm. Aunque ya le hayas dado el Ramo a Sebastian, y en la Ficha Social aparezca como "Novio", an hay posibilidades de que te pregunte si ests soltero/a. Tengo hambre., Si necesitas ir a ver a tus amigos, adelante. Ele sente que Maru tratada melhor que ele , e durante o inverno fala sobre ter construdo um ''snow-goon'' , que Demetrius mandou ele remover; ele ento perguntar com raiva qual o problema do seu padrasto. No te conozco demasiado., Ey a veces cuesta pensar en nuevos temas de los que.! Pero si te fijas puedes ver cmo aletean 24 Mountain Road ( the Carpenters shop ) with family! Passes time in front of Haley and Emilys house with Sam recibe una notificacin de Sam no. With each other instead voc v em um passeio com ele, com o qual concorda! Por lo que me apetezca y no tener a nadie dndome la brasa todo el da dentro de entrada. Marry Sebastian in Stardew Valley: walks to his computer and makes his way to the tunnel, of. You that hes working and ask you to wait, it 's important to them! Influence your relationship with Sebastian nhn vt c th kt hn este?... 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