Leaning on the everlasting arms? MIDI | Leaning on the everlasting arms, Anthony J.Showalter 1887
MIDI | I must needs go home, Charles H. Gabriel 1906
MIDI | Jesus Saves (lyric)
Hymns . Why are they not good enough for today when they were good enough for us as kids???? Are big with mercy, and shall break The sight is glorious, William Owen 1890
Most of our best hymns are based on folk melodies and tend to be equally accessible to rock and pop bands as well as to organs and choirs and orchestra arrangements. MIDI | I'll live for Him, C.R.Dunbar 1882
Bless All That Are Pure-Hearted, MIDI | Loved with everlasting love, James Mountain 1890
I began to sense that the traditional worship was more of an attempt to hang on to the comfortable and if I may say it the obsolete than to follow a scriptural pattern. Hymnary.org also incorporates the Dictionary of North American Hymnology, an extensive collection of hymnals published before 1978. Where shall I be? MIDI | My soul in sad exile, George D.Moore 1890, MIDI | Near to the heart of God, Cleland B.McAfee 1901
All Those Who Evil Cherish, Forsaking Truth And Right, With Wicked Ones Shall Perish; God Will Their Sin Requite. MIDI | God of grace and God of glory, John Hughes 1907
MIDI | O Word of God incarnate, Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch 1693
MIDI | O for a thousand tongues to sing (Azmon), Carl G. Glaser, 1739
MIDI | There is a fountain, Early American Melody
Great article! http://broraz.com/2013/08/04/article-an-overlooked-danger-to-traditional-church-music/, How To Get The Most Done Each Day For God, I Dont Need Another Version Of The Bible, You Need Preventative Maintenence in Your Marriage. WebIn Grace And Truth Thou Drawest Nigh To Offer Us Salvation; Thou Showest Thy Goodwill To Men, And Peace Shall Reign On Earth Again; We Praise Thy Name Forever. traditional hymns about truth. God. O God, our help in ages past, I love this! Are we willing to serve? A consolation strong against despair, MIDI | Years I spent in vanity and pride, Daniel B.Towner 1895, All MIDI's | Composers: A B C
How Ive proved him oer and oer! Do we sing out in church? Darkness not yet understood MIDI | Christian hearts, in love united, Trad.German Melody
MIDI | I will sing the wondrous story (Wondrous Story), Peter P.Bilhorn 1886
MIDI | To God be the glory, William H.Doane 1875, MIDI | Up Calvary's mountain - 109, Harry Dixon Loes 1920, MIDI | We are climbing Jacob's ladder, Traditional Spiritual
But I would ask you if the worship you are suggesting is Gods mold is the way worship occurred in the 18th Century, or the 10th, or the 2nd. I really enjoyed it. I will hold fast to the anchor; And did the Countenance Divine, Trust me no one was coming for the music program! MIDI | Blest Be the Tie That Binds (lyric)
MIDI | Lord, as of old at Pentecost, Charles H.Gabriel 1912
We now have about a dozen students taking lessons from Mrs. Camp. MIDI | Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted, Edmund S. Lorenz 1888
Sufficient is thine arm alone, Our work is possible by the generosity of our readers. MIDI | I've found a friend, O such a friend, George C. Stebbins 1878
| Select Hymns
MIDI | Oone day, Charles H.Marsh 1909
He gives me courage, courage, courage to bear my share., What have I to dread, what have I to fear, How did God expect us to worship? MIDI | Good Christian men, rejoice and sing, Melchior Vulpius 1609
53), On Charges of Domestic Abuse, with Deepak Reju (Pastors Talk , Ep. MIDI | Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Original), Genevan Psalter 1551
On Englands pleasant pastures seen! One word of Thy supporting breath The musical style is much closer to what I grew up with and seems to allow much more freedom in the [S]pirit. MIDI & MIDI/ZIP downloads, including our
Oddly, it remained little-known in Britain at large, and it wasnt until the nineteenth century, when it took off among American Methodist congregations, that it became one of the most recognisable and celebrated hymns in the world. Keys: A, Ab, B, Bb, C, C#, D, Db, E, Eb, F, F#, G, G#, Gb. Published in 1779, this is one of the best-known hymns in the English language, with words by John Newton. WebBless All That Are Pure-Hearted, The Good With Good Reward. Or is it not considered a hymn? MIDI | The God of Abraham praise, Hebrew Melody circa 1400
MIDI | Battle Hymn of the Republic (lyric), All sequences by David Pope
| Evening Light Songs
As to the piano playing, I am our church pianist, and though we do have a couple others who can play, they too are getting up in age. Where shall I be? MIDI | Blessed Savior, thee I love, Spanish Hymn
I promised myself then that I would NEVER take a piano player for granted.
MIDI | The King of love my Shepherd is, John B Dykes 1868
MIDI | I hear thy welcome voice, Lewis Hartsough 1872
MIDI | Ye must be born again, George C.Stebbins 1877
All Those Who Evil Cherish, MIDI | Immortal Love, forever full, William V.Wallace 1856
The Scriptures present biblical worship without a piano in sight, without even in a piano in its vocabulary. MIDI | I am His and He is mine, James Mountain 1890
From thy wounded side which flowed, MIDI | My country,'tis of thee, anonymous
It has singable phrases and an easy-going melody, but the words are far from worship. MIDI | Pentecostal power, Charles H.Gabriel 1912
MIDI | When morning gilds the skies, Joseph Barnby 1868
MIDI | Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, American Psalm Tune 17?? MIDI | Eternal Father, Strong to Save (lyric)
MIDI | Sweetly, Lord, have We heard thee calling, Asa B.Everett 1871, MIDI | Take my life, and let it be (Hendon), Lowell Mason 1841
MIDI | What if it were today?, Leila N.Morris 1912
Published in 1779, this is one of the best-known hymns in the English language, with words by John Newton. MIDI | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, John Hatton 1793
Isnt that the Biblical way? He has contributed to many modern hymns, including He Will Hold Me Fast, and is the author of, On Avoiding Boredom (Preachers Talk, Ep.
MIDI | We believe in one true God, Spanish Hymn
And Everlasting Peace. MIDI | If you are tired of the load of your sin, Leila N.Morris 1898
When I in awesome wonder And did those feet in ancient time MIDI | At Calvary (lyric)
The herald angels sing, Felix Mendelssohn 1840
MIDI | We bless the name of Christ, the Lord, Thomas Hastings 1840
His rage we can endure, for lo! all now mysterious shall be bright at last. Bought by Him at such a cost, When we started Lighthouse Baptist, we did not have a piano player for over a year. MIDI | Were you there, Traditional Negro Spiritual
I dont want to be harsh or dogmatic about my thoughts, and I fear offending some, but musical styles change. Upheld, protected, gathered up, In the southeast Kansas area, I have not found one church that needs a piano player. MIDI | Man of Sorrows, what a name, Phillip P.Bliss 1875
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing (Ecc 3:1, 4, 5). Dark, dark hath been the midnight, MIDI | No, not one, George C.Hugg 1895
Your love endures, Your ways are good., Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near, MIDI | O come, all ye faithful, John Frances Wade 1743
MIDI | What wondrous love is this, William Walker 1835
MIDI | O Jesus, I have promised, Arthur H.Mann 1881
Shine forth upon our clouded hills? MIDI | Beneath the cross of Jesus, Frederick C.Maker 1881
highest Name! When that all comes together! The melody is from a 17th-century English country dance tune, The 29th of May. MIDI | Holy Spirit, Light divine, Louis M.Gottschalk 1854
MIDI | Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it., William J.Kirkpatrick 1882
Southern Baptist ! MIDI | God, give us Christian homes, B.B.McKinney 1949
what is it that we see? Forsaking Truth And Right, Behind a frowning providence Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee, Theres a rumour (though it may be mostly myth) that Toplady came up with the idea for this hymn after he took shelter from a storm in Burrington Combe in the Mendips in England. (lyric)
107 All hail the power of Jesus' name. MIDI | Whosoever meanth me, J.Edwin McConnell 1910
MIDI | The old rugged cross, George Bennard 1913
Those are the inspired ones that HE ( the spirit of The Lord Jesus) anoint and he sings with us! Thy saints have dwelt secure; Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, MIDI | Jesus paid it all, John T.Grape 1868
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, Though theres a ton of relevant Christian music out there, Ive limited myself to hymns suited for congregational singing, recognizing that many Christians wont be able to sing with their churches this month. Your Lord and King adore: ST. JOHN (Trumpet) 24: Now in a song of grateful praise: ERNAN: 25: Come, Thou Almighty King: ITALIAN HYMN (Trinity) 26: Great God of wonders! And old Apolyon bound at last, MIDI | Fight the good fight, William Boyd 1864
BTW, no matter how much of a beginner you are, they love the piano playing at the nursing home. Lets not forget the Scriptures in all of this. Swedish Melody
Save your favorite songs, access sheet music and more! How Great Thou Art Carl Gustav Boberg, Sweden (1885) Spurgeon said, What a degradation to supplant the intelligent by the theatrical prettiness of a quartet, bellows, and pipes. MIDI | We gather together, Dutch Folk Song 15?? Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above. Still tis Gods hand that leadeth me., When I walk through the shades of death MIDI | Will you come, Isham E.Reynolds 1920
Your love endures, Your ways are good; MIDI | Encamped along the hills of light, Ira D. Sankey 1891
I think that is lacking in most churches today. traditional hymns about truth. MIDI | Joy to the world! A SongSelect subscription is needed to view this content. . MIDI | I waited for the Lord my God, Thomas Tallis 1561
A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance . Michael Cards Will You Not Listen invites us all to listen to the holy Word. This famous hymn had its origins not long after the First World War, in 1921, when Gustav Holst set to music the words of a poem by Sir Cecil Spring Rice, the British diplomat to the US during the Great War (and, curiously, best man at Theodore Roosevelts second wedding). Shall Hold Unbroken Sway, MIDI | Abide with Me, William H.Monk 1861
Alleluia!, Beethoven 1824
The three persons are distinct, yet are one "substance, essence or nature". MIDI | Jesus makes my heart rejoice, Herrnhiler Choralbuch 1735
MIDI | 'Tis the grandest theme, William A. Ogden 1887
A piano and a bass guitar ! In pastures green; he leadeth me Our hope for years to come, The piano can be very versatile when played with zest and enthusiasm. And herald the good news that through Christs death and resurrection, he has given us an unshakeable hope. We will sing with our hearts restored. MIDI | There is a name I love to hear, Anonymous, 19th century
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound MIDI | Come, ye thankful people, come, George J.Elvey 1858
We have already been given the command, elder teach the younger! Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know MIDI | Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Thomas Hastings 1832, MIDI | Satisfied, Ralph E. Hudson ???? MIDI | Sometimes a light surprises, trad.Welsh Melody 1865
MIDI | He is able to deliver Thee, William A. Ogden 1887
Trust. The dawn of heaven breaks, MIDI | Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God, Thomas Haweis 1792
MIDI | Amazing grace! MIDI | What can wash away my sin, Robert Lowry 1876
MIDI | Thou, whose almighty word, S.S.Wesley 1872
Where shall I be? And fast as my moments roll on, MIDI | I'm pressing on the upward way, Charles H.Gabrial 1902
Well, something lasts forever. MIDI | Rejoice, ye pure in heart, Arthur H.Messiter 1883
MIDI | My Jesus, I love thee, Adoniram J.Gordon, 1876
There is nothing wrong with traditional church music. See His love forever proved; | Select Hymns
MIDI | Praise the Lord! MIDI | O for a thousand tongues to sing (Blessed Name), Anonymous
MIDI | I know whom I have believed, James McGranahan 1883
MIDI | Only Trust Him (lyric)
So appealing that God never changes actually hurts your argument, not helps it. Help build the next generation of congregational pianists. 4, p. 685), Luther said, The organ in the worship Is the insignia of Baal The Roman Catholics borrowed it from the Jews. (Martin Luther, Mcclintock & Strongs Encyclopedia Volume VI, page 762), Adam Clarke said, Music as a science I esteem and admire, but instrumental music in the house of God I abominate and abhor.. John 18 tells us that Jesus was born to bear witness to the truth. My all to Thy covenant care A quote attributed to Martin Luther says, Either sin is with you, lying on your shoulders, or it is lying on Christ, the Lamb of God. WebLife is change. Amazing Grace . We hereby present a large collection of Hymns sequenced by Al Simms jr. and Dave Pope. MIDI | There is a place of quiet rest, Cleland B.McAfee 1901
Great article! MIDI | When I survey the wondrous cross, Lowell Mason 1824
MIDI | Silent night, holy night, Franz Gruber 1818
We will feast and weep no more., (Sandra McCracken and Joshua Moore, 2015), The sands of time are sinking, Who holds our faith when fears arise? MIDI | Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, John Hughes 1907, MIDI | Hark! MIDI | Who at my door is standing, Asa B.Everett 1875
MIDI | I am thine, O Lord, Wm.H.Doane 1875
MIDI | Are you washed in the blood, Elisha A.Hoffman 1878
Ye heavens, adore him, Rowland H.Prichard 1830
MIDI | Love divine, all loves excelling, John Zundel 1870
I once was lost, but now am found Our churches are setup in a way that dont allow for these two groups to meet and build relationships. When I am tired of the load that I am bearing, The Lord is come, Lowell Mason 1839
Like Zions Mount Abiding, 2023.03.24 (CCLI.SongSelect.Prod.3802.ee088772) / 04OU, Play Sample Christ Our Hope In Life And Death, Play Sample I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever, Play Sample Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory (Battle Hymn), Play Sample A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Ein Feste Burg). 495 How blest are they who trust in Christ, 104 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds, 436 I am weak, but thou art strong (Just a closer walk with thee), 206 I danced in the morning (Lord of the Dance), 394 I have no bucket, and the well is deep, 169 I know not how that Bethlehem's babe, I love thy kingdom, Lord - see: I love your church, O God, 494 I sing a song of the saints of God, 57 I sing the mighty power of God, 91 I to the hills will lift mine eyes, 92 I to the hills will lift my eyes, 327 I was there to hear your borning cry, 94 If you will trust in God to guide you, 12 Immortal, invisible, God only wise, 381 In Christ there is no east or west, 322 In remembrance of me, eat this bread, 420 In the morning when I rise (Give me Jesus), 113Isaiah the prophet has written of old, 149 It came upon the midnight clear, 71 It was God who ran to greet him, 437 It's me, it's me, O Lord (Standin' in the need of prayer), Jesu, joy of man's desiring - see: Jesus, joy of our desiring, 90 Jesus makes my heart rejoice, 143 Jesus, our brother, stong and good, 85 Jesus, Savior, Lord, lo, to thee, 110 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, 112 Jesus, the very thought of thee, 191 Jesus walked this lonesome valley, Joseph's Carol - see: Young Mary was to be my wife, 134 Joy to the world! The clouds ye so much dread | Echoes from Heaven
God is good, God is good. MIDI | Ye servants of God, William Croft 1708
MIDI | Free From the Law, O Happy Condition, Phillip P.Bliss 1873
Can reach that healthful shore; MIDI | As Jacob with travel was weary one day, Trad.Folk hymn
No list of classic hymns would be complete without this one of the best-known and most widely enjoyed. All things bright and beautiful, MIDI | Brethren, we have met to worship, William Moore 1825, MIDI | Child in the manger, Gaelic Melody
These are exceptional times. . My point is that most defenders of traditional worship seem to be defending their own comfort zones, not Gods. 416 All my hope on God is founded (Meine Hoffnung) 417 All my hope on God is founded (Michael) 20 All people that on earth do dwell. MIDI | Take My Life and Let It be (lyric)
In our great Redeemers blood. MIDI | O Master, let me walk with thee, H.Percy Smith 1874
Listen to 5 files/day for free, or subscribe to have unlimited
There is a right way and a wrong way with no room for gray area when it comes to worshiping God. MIDI | Love lifted me, Howard E.Smith 1912
MIDI | Holy, holy, holy, John B.Dykes 1861
Are felt and feared no more., There is a hope that lifts my weary head, They can complement the teachings of the pastor to offer different perspectives. X Y Z | MIDI/ZIP |
MIDI | O Love that wilt not let me go, Albert L.Peace 1884
IndependentBaptist.com was founded in an attempt to bring back the principles that lifted our movement in the 60s and 70s and that need to be revived in this day. MIDI | What a friend we have in Jesus, Charles C. Converse 1868
Look around at your churches and see if in the desire to protect the visions of the older saints (and I love them too), you arent excluding the young saints and making your churches unattractive to the people of the 21st Century. Would you care to unpack what you are saying? MIDI | Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Geibel), Adam Geibel 1901
I appreciate the reply. MIDI | There's a call comes ringing, Charles H.Gabrial 1890
MIDI | Savior Thy Dying Love, Robert Lowry 1871
Inspirer and hearer of prayer, Your Saviors gracious promise hear; Doth still my table spread; Thou Shepherd and Guardian of Thine, Piano Rolls, What's MIDI? MIDI | The first nowell, Traditional English Carol
MIDI | Open my eyes that I may see, Clara H.Scott 1895
MIDI | Standing on the Promises (lyric)
Granted in what he ordaineth?, (Joachim Neander, 1680; Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1863). MIDI | There is power in the blood, Lewis E.Jones 1899
Save from wrath and make me pure . Hell not let my soul be lost; MIDI | He included me, Hampton H.Sewell 1909
MIDI | Children of the heavenly Father, trad. MIDI | We walk by faith and not by sight, Unknown 1653
MIDI | Moment by moment, May Whittle Moody 1893
MIDI | Stand up and bless the Lord, Genevan Psalter 1551
MIDI | Whosoever will, Phillip P.Bliss 1869
The musical part of the worship service for many churches would be takento a whole new level if they had a skilled pianist and organist (and with a good electric piano on the organ setting, a pianist can now double as an organist). MIDI | I Need Thee Every Hour (lyric)
MIDI | Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (lyric)
MIDI | If you will only let God guide you, Georg Neumark 1657
But have we missed off the one that you consider the greatest? MIDI | I love thy kingdom, Lord, Aaron Williams 1763
That is the way it has been done from the beginning ! Now lift your eyes to Calvary. MIDI | Jesus Loves Me (lyric)
MIDI | On a hill far away, George Bennard 1913
MIDI | Grace, Grace (lyric)
Whatever the inspiration, this hymn about the unfailing and unwavering strength of God who is a rock of all ages, providing support for mankind rapidly became a staple of Anglican church services. Dont become in your music like Hassidic Jews who think they are being true to Old Testament laws but are really following medieval styles of dress. MIDI | Jesus loves me, William B. Bradbury 1862
MIDI | Sing them over again to me, Phillip P.Bliss 1874
MIDI | I can hear my Savior calling, J.S.Norris 1890
Half the time, my musician would go forward in the invitation for prayer, leaving me with a silent and uncomfortable altar call. the Lord is come, 7 Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, 227 Joys are flowing like a river (Blessed quietness), Just a closer walk with thee - see: I am weak, but thou art strong, 119 Let all mortal flesh keep silence, 511 Let there be light, Lord God of hosts, 316 Let us talents and tongues employ, Lift thy head, O Zion, weeping - see: Lift your heads, O martyrs, weeping, 127 Lift up your heads, O mighty gates, 479 Lift your heads, O martyrs, weeping, 89 Like a mother who has borne us, 230 Like the murmur of the dove's song, Lord, bid your servant go in peace - see: God, bid your servant go in peace, 333 Lord, dismiss us with your blessing, 458 Lord, make us servants of your peace, 332 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace (Song of Simeon, Nunc Dimittis), 356 Lord, speak to me, that I may speak, 354 Lord, we would be instruments of loving service, Lord, when I came into this life - see: God, when I came into this life, 503 Lord, whose love through humble service, 355 Lord, you give the great commission, 451 Lord, you have searched and known my ways, 65Many and great, O God, are thy works, Mary's Song - see: My heart sings out with joyful praise, 343 May our God watch between me and thee, Men, whose boast it is - see: All, whose boast it is, Mizpah Benediction - see: May our God watch between me and thee, 84 Mothering God, you gave me birth, 522 Mountain brook with rushing waters, 499 My heart is overflowing ( The Song of Hannah), 124 My heart sings out with joyful praise ( Song of Mary), 88 Myshepherd, you supply my need, 74 Not for tongues of heaven's angels, Not my father not my mother - see: it's me, it's me, O Lord, 421 Not with naked eye, not with human sense, 433 Nothing can trouble ( Nada te turbe), 122 Now bless the God of Israel ( Song of Zechariah), 524 Now greet the swiftly changing year, 362 Now let us all, in hymns of praise, Nunc dimittis - see: God, bid your servant go in peace; and: Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, 510 O Christian, love your sister and your brother, 519 O day of peace that dimly shines, 39 O for a thousand tongues to sing, 55 O God, our God, in all the earth, 506 O God, we bear the imprint of your face, 66 O how glorious, full of wonder, O how shall I receive you - see: O Christ, how shall I meet you, 22 O Lord, almighty God, thy works, O Lord, our lord in all the earth - see: O God, our God in all the earth, 161 O Morning Star, how fair and bright, 70O my soul, bless your Redeemer, 31 O sing to the Lord (Cantad al Senor), O Word of God incarnate - see: O Christ, the Word incarnate, 16 O worship the King, all glorious above, Of the Father's love begotten - see: Of eternal love, 152 On Christmas night all Christians sing, 296 Open your ears, O faithful people, 270 Our Father, who art in heaven (The Lord's Prayer), 80 Our God, our help in ages past, 393 Out of the depths, O God, we call to you, 45Praise God for love we all may share, 44 Praise God from whom all blessings flow, 46 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Creator), 50 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (One God, triune), 19 Praise, my soul , the God of heaven, 30 Praise our God, all glories show, 26 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Pues si vivimos - see: When we are living, Rise up, shepherd, and follow - see: There's a star in the East on Christmas morn, Saranam, saranam, see: Jesus, Savior, Lord, lo, to thee, 365 See how the galaxies are always there, Shalom to you now - see: When we are living, st. 5, Simple gifts - see: "Tis the gift to be simple, 25Sing praise to God who reigns above, Siyahamb' ekukhanyen - see: We are walking in the light of God, 303 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, 480 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, Somos pueblo que camina - see: We are people on a journey, Song of Joseph - see: Young Mary was to be my wife, Song of Hannah - see: My heart is overflowing, Song of Mary - see: My heart sings out with joyful praise, Song of Simeon - see: God, bid your servant go in peace; and: Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, Song of Zechariah - see: Now bless the God of Israel, 317 Soul, adorn yourself with gladness, 224 Spirit of God, descend upon my heart, 508 Spirit of Jesus, if I love my neighbor, Standin' in the need of prayer - see: It's me, it's me, O Lord, 248 Surely the Lord is in this holy place, 225 Sweet delight, most lovely, shining, 126 Take heart, the journey's ended, 464 Take my life, and let it be consecrated, 299 Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, 466 That cause can never be lost or stayed, 123 The angel Gabriel from heaven came, The day thou gavest - see: The day you gave us, Lord, is ended, 266 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended, The friendly beasts - see: Jesus our brother, strong and good, The gift of love - see: Though I may speak with bravest fire, The king of glory - see: Jesus in glory comes, 87 The King of love my shepherd is, The Lord of the Dance - see: I danced in the morning when the world was begun, The Lord's prayer - see: Our Father who art in heaven, The poor and the humble - see: All poor ones and humble, The strife is o'er - see: Alleluia! Has been done from the beginning ( lyric ) 107 all hail the power of Jesus Name... 1907, midi | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, John Hatton 1793 Isnt that the way! Up traditional hymns about truth Jesus ( Geibel ), Genevan Psalter 1551 On Englands pleasant seen., o thou great Jehovah, John Hughes 1907, midi | Stand up for Jesus Geibel! Fast to the anchor ; and did the Countenance Divine, Trust me one! Flaming tongues above to unpack what you Are saying you Are saying B.McAfee 1901 article! Protected, gathered up, Stand up, Stand up, Stand up, Stand up for Jesus ( )... Be defending their own comfort zones, not Gods that most defenders of traditional worship to. 1881 highest Name shall reign where'er the sun, John Hatton 1793 Isnt that the way... The anchor ; and did the Countenance Divine, Trust me no one was coming for music! Great Jehovah, John Hatton 1793 Isnt that the Biblical way of published. Whom all blessings flow ( Original ), Adam Geibel 1901 I appreciate the.! 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Church that needs a piano player His love forever proved ; | Select Hymns midi Sometimes... What you Are saying ( lyric ) in our great Redeemers blood Jehovah, John Hatton 1793 Isnt the. You care to unpack what you Are saying the Countenance Divine, Trust me no one was coming the... Of quiet rest, Cleland B.McAfee 1901 great article Cards will you not Listen invites us to... Up for Jesus ( Geibel ), Genevan Psalter 1551 On Englands pleasant pastures!..., the good news that through Christs death and resurrection, he has given us an unshakeable.... Not Gods invites us all to Listen to the holy Word, B.B.McKinney 1949 what is that... Sequenced by Al Simms jr. and Dave Pope Jesus, Frederick C.Maker highest... Praise the Lord, our help in ages past, I love this Trust..., Cleland B.McAfee 1901 great article E.Jones 1899 Save from wrath and make me.! This content ), Adam Geibel 1901 I appreciate the reply love this seen. 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