Please be aware that we are experiencing some issues with the National Licensing database, specifically with printingconditions and authorities on Firearms Certificates. West Yorkshire Joined February 2009. Some reduced details will also be recorded on other Police systems such as the Police National Computer and local Police information systems, however this will not include sensitive information such as bank account details. Please be aware that if you are disposing of a firearm or shotgun at a Police Station, we ask that you still inform Firearms Licensing via the below link. In some situations, they may be invited to disclose the information themselves. For more information about Positive Action please click here. For extended sentences, the original sentence plus the extended sentence is the length of sentence for the purpose of registration. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Understand why a few mph makes a difference to safety. Therefore, the West Yorkshire Police Overseas Registration Office will no longer receive or process registration applications. Thieves think cycle theft is a low-risk, high-reward crime. Every person liable to registration requirements will have an officer assigned to them from the Public Protection Unit, in the area in which they reside. Have you purchased or sold a firearm? This may be punishable by up to five years imprisonment. Please do not book one appointment and expect us to be able to see another person at that time. You will be taken to the BBC News website - this is in case you don't want someone to see you on this website. In these cases, the registration requirements are the same as those for release from prison. A person commits an offence if they fail to comply with the Sex Offender Registration requirements or provides false information. If you require further information on how to discharge a SHPO, it is recommended that you seek independent legal advice. Those who have been issued with a visa with the requirement to register but who are yet to travel, will have their visa reissued where possible or be notified of the changes in advance of travel. This list is extensive and contains a wide variety of offences including indecent exposure, rape, possessing indecent photographs of a child, sexual assault and meet a child following sexual grooming, to name just a few. If your application is not fully complete, it will be returned to you with a compliment slip. Valid identification You must produce Photo ID in order to attend the course This must be a physical document; digital copies will not be accepted. Do this at the time of purchasing the bike, otherwise you may not get around to it. The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clares Law) allows the police to disclose information about a person who has a history of domestic violence and abuse to their current partner or ex-partner.
We will be holding different face-to-face events to give people from our under-represented groups the opportunity to speak to our Positive Action Team in person about the different roles that we have available. However, any change of address / personal details should be reported separately to the Home Office via: No. The suspension means that any Foreign National who did not register as requested will no longer be expected to do so. This information will allow them to make an informed choice about their relationship. Your Entry Clearance visa will then be replaced in the UK by your BRP card, which allows you to remain in the country until your studies /employment have been completed. If there is immediate or imminent risk of harm to the child, this will be dealt with urgently. WebLogin - West Yorkshire Police Login If you have not previously submitted an application to West Yorkshire Police, please click create new account. The course gives drivers and riders essential advice to help them change their on-road behaviour and reduce reoffending. Failure to produce Photo ID will lead to your exclusion. The annual notification date will change if new or different information is notified as above. WebYou must arrive on time for registration. The prescribed Police stations for West Yorkshire are listed below: Previously, the list of prescribed Police stations was contained within the Sexual Offences Act 2003, however under the Police Crime and Sentencing Bill introduced in 2022 It became the responsibility of each Force area to clearly publish a list of their prescribed police stations so a good place to start may be the relevant Force website. This can be on one occasion, for example a cottage or caravan at the seaside for a holiday or two weeks in alternative accommodation due to flooding at their address. Wording on the Entry Clearance Visa should contain something similar to Police Registration within seven days of UK entry / Register with Police /Pol Reg. The scheme gives members of the public whether they are a parent, carer, guardian or another interested party a formal mechanism to make enquiries about individuals who are in contact with children.
This can be done via firms like BikeRegister ( and Immobilise
if there has been no change within 12 months, they must re-register ALL their details above every year. We have both online and in person events which give information and advice on applying for the different opportunities available. To improve the chances of recovering your bike if it is stolen, follow these tips: The below leaflets have been made available in order to be printed and displayed for educational and support purposes. They are however required to register if they are released to an alternative address, this includes an interim care facility or care home. There may be circumstances in which a relevant offender lacks the mental or physical capacity to apply for a review of the indefinite notification requirements without assistance. The process works in a similar way to the CSODS; a face to face meeting will be held with the applicant and any information held by the Police will be discussed with other agencies to see whether the information should be disclosed. WebThe primary objectives of the West Yorkshire Police Firearms Licensing Department are to Protect public safety by preventing foreseeable or avoidable harm; Deliver an efficient licensing process that is proportionate, rigorous, cost effective, fair and timely; Provide a fair and transparent service to the public.
We only accept credit/debit cards (not American Express) as well as Apple Pay. A person who has been in hospital is not required to re-register if they are returning to their previous address unless their annual re-registration date has passed. If you are from one of these groups please see our list of events below which you can attend to find out more about the roles and for information on how to apply. There is no police involvement, You must arrive on time for registration. This is because the fee covers the cost of processing your application. 227.9K Followers. You may be required to wait in a queue outside the police station at busy times. 912 Following. This requirement covers all types of visas. Record all your bike's details so that if your bike is stolen and then recovered, we will be able to match it to the description. 0
This means that the relevant foreign nationals of specified nationalities, aged 16 or over, usually granted more than six months' leave in certain migration categories are no longer obliged to register with the police. West Yorkshire Joined February 2009. The Sexual Offences Act 2003 also gives police the power to take the persons fingerprints and photograph when they make a notification at a Police station for identification purposes if required. If there is a risk to a child, that child may be referred to social services. The requirements are the same for all individuals liable to register regardless of the nature of the offence they were convicted of at Court. Whether you are subject to the requirements yourself, have a friend or family member who is subject to the requirements, have a professional interest in the requirements or are just wanting further information, the information below should answer some of your questions. You have rejected additional cookies. %%EOF
Also, as above, the registration of a new home address can only be made in the Police Force area where that address is located. Drivers and motorcycle riders are urged to remain alert to cyclists and keep safety in mind at all times, especially by passing by at a safe distance. A person who is detained in prison (not police custody following an arrest) must notify within three days of release from prison, regardless of where they are residing, this includes if they are returning to their previous address. In the event of any queries regarding this the Home Office have released the following guidance:-. One for one variations are free of charge (providingthe application is received within 7 days of sale). A copy of the registration form will be offered to the person registering. Anyone who has been referred by the police to attend a National Speed Awareness Course. You are less likely to have another speeding offence. WebWest Yorkshire Police is committed to recruiting from under-represented communities as we believe that a more diverse workforce will allow us to become more effective in preventing and reducing crime, keeping people safe and caring for victims. *PLEASE NOTE, we no longer accept cheques or postal orders as payment*.
This is very important and we MUST see that email /letter at your appointment as well as your BRP card. To apply for a firearm or shotgun certificate, please read the below information carefully. WebLog in | StarPortal Login details Please enter your supplied Notice number, Passcode and Vehicle Registration. Once we receive your application we will phone you for payment. There may be a rearrangement fee for changing your course, which is outlined in our course terms and conditions. You do not need to pay the fine and penalty points will not be added to your licence. If a person is subject to sex offender register requirements it does not mean they cannot travel abroad. The details required to be registered are as follows: It is a legal requirement that persons subject to Sex Offender Registration notify their travel plans seven days before departure UNLESS the details are not known at that time. WebLog in | StarPortal Login details Please enter your supplied Notice number, Passcode and Vehicle Registration. This should be completed and signed by your GP or other GMC registered doctor. We're happy to help. Payments can be made via debit/credit card over the telephone. Use arm signals before you turn right or left, Look behind you before you turn, overtake or stop, Don't ride on the pavement unless there's a sign saying that you can, On busy or narrow roads, don't cycle next to another person, When overtaking parked cars, watch out for car doors opening suddenly and allow room to pass safely, Register your bicycle model, make and frame number with a third party. Their address. For example, saddles and wheels. Account NOT for reporting crime. Anybody has a right to ask the police about their partner or ex-partners history of domestic abuse if they have concerns, or applications can also be made by other people, such as concerned family members or friends. Notice number Pin Number Vehicle registration I accept the terms & conditions and privacy policy Welcome to StarPortal I was expecting it to be a bit of a shaming exercise and potentially quite boring but I found myself really engaged and interested the whole way through. No. Notice number Pin Number Vehicle registration I accept the terms & conditions and privacy policy Welcome to StarPortal Please do not arrive more than five minutes before your appointment time. However, if you would like to add any additional authorities this will cost 20 per application. To be effective a security marking must be: Use locks of gold 'Sold Secure' standard. Notification of changes can be made in advance, for example, if a person knows the dates they are going to stay in a holiday cottage or if they know they will stay at a partners address for more than seven days they do not need to wait until the seven days has occurred, they can make that notification in advance. %PDF-1.6
Screen shots can be accessed easily on your phone. You are no longer required to comply with the terms of the scheme or report any changes of circumstance to the police. If you have a quick release wheels, take off the front wheel and lock it to the frame and back wheel. Information about sexual convictions may be disclosed. This is to ensure any safeguarding concerns are thoroughly investigated. The Home Office public enquiries number on 020 7035 4848 or [emailprotected], Any other enquires relating to Overseas registrations (AKA Police Registrations) should be directed to the Home Office directly via:, 2458 0 obj
WebWest Yorkshire Police Login details Please enter your supplied Notice number, Passcode and Vehicle Registration. WebWest Yorkshire Police official Force website. If it is a renewal application then this may lead to delays in renewing certificates and could result in you being required to lodge your firearms with a registered firearms dealer or in the case of shotguns with either a registered firearms dealer or a currentcertificate holder who has sufficientcapacity to accommodate them. The requirement will fall away for those who have already registered, any changes, including address should be communicated to the Home Office directly via: The Home Office public enquiries number on 020 7035 4848 or, Any other enquires relating to Overseas registrations (AKA Police Registrations) should be directed to the Home Office directly via:, It is important to understand the course content to be able to complete the course. We also provide information and advice for Police Officers, Police Staffand members of the public relating to the lawful ownership of firearms. The requirement will fall away for those who have already registered, any changes, including address should be communicated to the Home Office directly via: You will be taken to the BBC News website - this is in case you don't want someone to see you on this website. Op Quito. If you need help to book your Speed Awareness course call TTC on 0330 024 1805, TTC GroupHadley Park EastTelford, TF1 6QJLocation details. This could be sought from friends or family members or through independent legal advice. Account monitored 9-5 M-F NOT 24/7. Notice number Pin Number Vehicle registration I accept the terms & conditions and privacy policy Welcome to StarPortal Late arrivals will be refused entry and their case may be referred back to the police. As part of our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion strategy, we use Positive Action as a tool to help address under representation within our workforce. The interactive workshop is relaxed and informative and facilitated by a licenced NDORS (National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme) trainer. See something suspicious contact the Confidential Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321. When applying for permission to stay in the UK you will no longer be required to evidence your registration with the certificate. If you are unable to attend the events, but would like to speak to our Positive Action Team about recruitment opportunities for people from Ethnic Minority backgrounds, please email [emailprotected]. 999 In an emergency 101 Non emergency Contact us Report it Advice News / appeals My neighbourhood Jobs / volunteer About us Ask The To make an application for a review to West Yorkshire Police the individual only needs to request the relevant form from their local public protection unit, assigned officer or Police public enquiry counter (the form is called a 78d). WebThe police do not share your personal details with other applicants or members of the public and treat information in connection with the application in confidence, but individuals should be aware that the police may disclose some information in accordance with the legislation referred to above. It takes thieves a few seconds to cut through poor quality locks - make it as difficult for them as possible. These re-registrations should be completed as per an annual re-registration. Click herefor our online notification forms. If you have a police registration certificate, you should destroy it before throwing it away, for example by shredding it or cutting it into pieces. op testate section, expand the force publication strategy - covid-19 section, expand the band of south yorkshire police section, expand the other fees and charges section, expand the south yorkshire resilience forum section, expand the independent advisory group iag section, expand the barnsley independent advisory group section, expand the frequently asked questions section, expand the recruitment process and timescales section, expand the organisational structure section, Request information under the Freedom of Information Act, Licensed Premises - Call Outs.Ref:20171298, Burglary Statistics 2014-2017 + Outcomes Ref 20180924, Op Quito - Rustling Road Tree Felling Ref 20192798, Firearms Officers and Incidents Ref 20200212, Op Quito - communications & documents Ref 20193317, Sexual Offences & Hunter Groups Ref 20200005, Section 47 Childrens Act Offences Ref 20211261, Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme ref 20220260, ASB, CBO, Dispersal Powers, CPN Orders Ref 20220701, Operation Linden recommendations - South Yorkshire Police, November 2021, Operation Testate (tree-felling prior to Jan 2018), Operation Quito (tree-felling from Jan 2018), Freedom of Information Requests. SHPOs can be used to place prohibitions on an individual in cases where the individual has a previous sexual conviction and where the Court is satisfied that the risk posed by that individual requires restrictions on behaviour to prevent further sexual offending. So, if the individual, who normally does not reside with a child has any child at his address for 12 hours or more they must register that event within three days of it taking place. WebWest Yorkshire Police Federation Trenarren 3 Eastmoor Road Wakefield WF1 3RY Tel: 01924 295493/4/5 Email: Website: Twitter: @WestYorksPolFed Facebook: @westyorkspolfed LinkedIn: West Yorkshire Police Federation Chair: Craig Nicholls Email: Secretary: Chris Bentley Valid identification You must produce Photo ID in order to attend the course This must be a physical document; digital copies will not be accepted. The National Speed Awareness Course (NSAC) is designed to cover low-end speeding offences detected by automatic camera devices and police officers. Additionally, there are robust arrangements in place in relation to data security on ViSOR. The best kind of bicycle locks are made of a loop of solid metal. Account NOT for reporting crime. However, any change of address / personal details should be reported separately to the Home Office via: It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Please email us if you think you are going to be late, especially if you are travelling from Rotherham, Doncaster or Barnsley It's convenient, environmentally friendly and can help you keep fit when it is done in a responsible and safe way. Whilst you are waiting, please make sure you have all your documents ready for staff to see. Snap it, Flip it, Save it, Mark it (A4 poster JPEG), Snap it, Flip it, Save it, Mark it (A4 poster PDF), Cycle Security Crime Prevention Leaflet (PDF). Please use the following check list before sending: Please note, the photographprovided must bea recent photograph and of a true likeness. Guidance on Sexual Offences Act 2003 - (PDF), For more information about Sarahs Law please visit the Sarahs Law webpage, For more information about Clares Law please visit the Clares Law webpage,, West Yorkshire Police is the territorial police force responsible for policing the metropolitan county of West Yorkshire, England. Career Discovery Workshop (Police Staff) Registration. The application can only be made to the Police Force covering the area they are recorded as residing or staying in, in accordance with their most recent notification to the Police. The implications of being subject to a SHPO are not just that a person has to abide by the terms of the order but also that whilst subject to a SHPO they will also become liable to Sex Offender Registration requirements. We only accept credit/debit cards (not American Express) as well as Apple Pay. Notice number Pin Number Vehicle registration I accept the terms & conditions and privacy policy Welcome to StarPortal WebLog in | StarPortal Login details Please enter your supplied Notice number, Passcode and Vehicle Registration. Lock your bike at recognised secure cycle parking. A delay in receiving payment may result in a delay in processing your application. They will also no longer be required to communicate any updated personal details to the police. In the event of any queries regarding this the Home Office have released the following guidance:-. Any application received that does not include the medical proforma is not a complete application and will be returned. Report crime online, contact Police, read latest news and appeals, view CCTV appeals, get help and advice. Current Language
Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. If you have not been contacted within 4 working days of submitting your application, please contact the department. 227.9K Followers. If your BRP card has the wording Leave to remain, then you should have received an email or letter from Home Office Atlas which states that you must register with police within seven days. Webwww .westyorkshire .police .uk. We recommend contact via. They will also no longer be required to communicate any updated personal details to the police. You do not need to go to your appointment, or pay to register. Similarly, if an individual does notify a return date and then, for whatever reason, does not return on that date, they will also be required to re-register upon their return. This can be done via firms like BikeRegister ( and Immobilise Report crime online, contact Police, read latest news and appeals, view CCTV appeals, get help and advice. The police registration scheme ended on 4 August 2022. @WestYorksPolice. Cash is not accepted. The person who is told about the convictions is not allowed to tell anyone else. You will be taken to the BBC News website - this is in case you don't want someone to see you on this website. Every effort will be made to offer an alternative date, provided there is sufficient availability and time within the police deadline. Please be aware that when applying for the grant or renewal of a firearm or shotgun certificate we would request you complete the non mandatory social media accounts declaration and submit with the application form 201. You will be taken to the BBC News website - this is in case you don't want someone to see you on this website. If they have no address they must attend and register as No Fixed Abode within three days. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Webwww .westyorkshire .police .uk. Notice number Pin Number Vehicle registration I accept the terms & conditions and privacy policy Welcome to StarPortal You can contact us in one of the following ways: Where possible please use email as the preferred method of contact, Our telephone lines are currently on voicemail to accept non urgent calls. You are no longer required to comply with the terms of the scheme or report any changes of circumstance to the police. WebLog in | StarPortal Login details Please enter your supplied Notice number, Passcode and Vehicle Registration. However, if a further change is registered, such as a new bank card being issued, on say 10th December, then the annual re-registration date is reset and becomes before 9th December. Any person can make an application about a person (the subject) who has some form of contact with a child/children. Therefore, the West Yorkshire Police Overseas Registration Office will no longer receive or process registration applications. WebA person subject to registration requirements is required to register: Their name and any other names, be they alias names, new names as per Deed Poll, names used on social media, gamer tags or any other name they can be identified by. It is the fourth largest territorial police force in England and Wales by number of officers. This is to establish further information, for example more details about the subject and for the requestor to provide proof of identity. Or use secure skewers, which can increase security by securing the bike's components to the frame permanently, making it difficult for thieves to steal parts such as saddle or wheels. WebRegister as a foreign national As of the 5th August 2022 the Home Office have repealed the requirement under the Immigration Rules for certain foreign nationals to register with the police. All data is processed in accordance with Data Protection Act 1998. A person subject to indefinite registration requirements is eligible to seek a review 15 years from the date of their first notification following release from prison for the offence which made them liable to register. It is the fourth largest territorial police force in England and Wales by number of officers. If Police checks show that the individual has a record for child sexual offences, or other offences that might put the child at risk, the Police will consider sharing this information with the person(s) best placed to protect the child, usually the parent, carer or guardian. Being on the register does not place any restrictions or prohibitions on an individual. Should a foreign national apply for Leave to Enter at a later date, or for further Leave to Remain, the requirement to register with the police will also be dropped from their new visa conditions. And Wales by number of officers prohibitions on an individual wheels, take off the front wheel and lock to... 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