. . . . 27, 31. . . This wiring configuration is designated TID A. . Allison 4th Generation Controls consist of the following elements: Remote 12V or 12/24V Max Feature Sealed Transmission Control Module (TCM), Remote Pushbutton or Lever Shift Selector, Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) or electronic engine throttle data or PWM signal, Engine, Turbine, and Output Speed Sensors, Control Module (Electro-Hydraulic Valve Body), Optional Engine Coolant Temperature Input. . Minimum Fluid Operating Temperatures. . . . . More information on both types of shift selectors is continued below. . . WebThe U.S. Armys follow-on contract specified Allison automatic transmissions based on their proven performance since the introduction of the JLTV A1 in 2015. . . . . . . . approximately 10 percent or the running clearance exceeds a maximum value, which may indicate a non-wear-related issue. . . . . SCTI provides a technical HELPLINE at. . Whenever a transmission is overhauled, exchanged, or has undergone internal repairs, the TCM MUST. . . . Worn or damaged clutch pack. . . . . . . OM History: A historical record of the last 6 resets, including mileage at the time of each reset, may be viewed using the Allison DOC For PCService Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The technician should be able to use jumper wires and breakout harnesses and connectors. . . . . MEASURING CLUTCH AND RETARDER PRESSURES . . . . . . . . . . . Also, be aware of other interlocks that would prevent attaining D (Drive) or R (Reverse). ABBREVIATIONS . . enhance vehicle handling. Terminals may have been bent or lost the necessary tension to maintain firm contact. . The N (Neutral) button has a raised lip to aid in finding it by touch. Frequently test for the presence of oil level diagnostics if the transmission is known to contain an OLS. 58, 57 FLUID RECOMMENDATIONS . . . The system that enables the transmission to default to totally hydraulic operation has been incorporated to minimize the impact of an electrical interruption. . . . When the TCM detects a non-electrical problem while trying to make a shift, the TCM may try that shift a second or third time before setting a DTC. . . . . . . The service tool manufacturer will furnish instructions for using the tools or equipment. . . . . Repeated or premature failure may be a sign of an incorrect application. . . . . . . . TCMs are available in both 12V and 12/24V configurations to match the configuration of the vehicle electrical system. . . . . Autoselect is deactivated following the first 20 engine starts where engine and transmission communication are present. . . . Have transmission inspected by authorized Ford dealer. . . . Figure 112. . . Lever Shift Selector . clutches are applied to lock the transmission output. . . . . . . . No signal to Transmission Control Module pin 43. Review wiring and make proper connection for PTO series installed PTO load applied prior to turbine shaft achieving lock-up speed. . GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING OF PERFORMANCE COMPLAINTS, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If an OLS is known to be present, but has not been detected, troubleshooting the OLS circuit is required. 855 844-SALE | 855 844-7253. Some procedures require using specially designed tools. One way to determine whether noise is coming from the PTO or another component in the system is to disconnect the pump or driveline from the PTO (if possible) to see if the noise persists. . . . . Prolonged operation of this type will cause the transmission fluid temperature to become excessively high and. Even when operation is restricted, the vehicle can be operated to reach a service assistance location. . . . . . Refer to the appropriate service manual for valve locations. 114, 18. Clean dirty terminals or connectors with isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab, or a good quality, non-residue, non-lubricating, cleaning solvent such as LPS Electro Contact Cleaner or LPS NoFlash Electro Contact Cleaner. . Repair parts for the external harnesses and external harness components must be obtained from St. Clair Technologies Inc. (SCTI). Allison 4th Generation Control Mudules with Prognostics. . . If the rating is correct for the transmission, perform the following steps. . You can specify the Chelsea Electronic Overspeed Control (EOC) with all Chelsea powershift PTOs. . 5VDC supplied by the TCM. . . Torque converter not in lock-up mode. . . SCTI provides a technical HELPLINE at 519-627-1673 (Wallaceburg). . . . 20-WAY TRANSMISSION FEEDTHROUGH HARNESS CONNECTOR, Figure 12. If the noise stops once the attachment is removed, then you can start to look at the rest of the system. . . . . . If the engine temperature indicates a high temperature, an engine or radiator problem is indicated. . Refer to Pages D15 and D16 for VIM wire number and terminal information. . . . . . Remove and clean. . . Electrical issues may include wrong or omitted parts, bad connections and/or poor grounding. . . . . . . . . The mechanical aspect has a few key areas of concern. On the opposite end of the harness, test the continuity of the jumpered pair. . . . . . Both the main and lube filters must be changed when the SERVICE TRANS indicates the main filter should be changed. . . . . . . . . . Remove and clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Prognostics Package includes the following functions: Use the Allison DOC For PCService Tool to review the current status of any of these functions and a history of indicator resets. . . WebAllison Transmission MT643 Disassembly + Diagnosis for REBUILD. . . . iii TRADEMARKS USED IN THIS MANUAL . . The electronic control of the transmission is performed by a microcomputer. . Locate the appropriate troubleshooting chart and follow the instructions. . . NOTE: Illustration is not to scale. . . . . Menu. . . . . . . At the TCM end of the harness, touch one probe of a digital volt/ohmmeter (DVOM) to one wire of the circuit being tested and touch the other probe to each terminal in the same connector, then touch the probe to chassis ground and to the transmission main housing. . . . . . WebThe U.S. Armys follow-on contract specified Allison automatic transmissions based on their proven performance since the introduction of the JLTV A1 in 2015. . . The TCM monitors the OLS input voltage on wire 116. Control System Prognostics Operation and Display. . Manual resets may also be performed by one of the following methods: With the ignition ON and the engine OFF, shift between N R N R N D N to reset the value displayed on the shift selector to OK. Display the Filter Life Monitor information and press and hold the MODE button of the Allison shift selector for 10 seconds. . Refer to Appendix A if a circuit problem is suspected. . . . . . If your transmission is installed in an older vehicle, check the vacuum lines and other parts connected to the transmission. 230 and 270 Series 231 and 271 Series 250 and 251 Series . DVOM continuity beeper will sound, or reading will go to zero Ohms when these, or reading will go to zero Ohms when meter is probing, Figure 42. . . . Refer to the Allison 4th Generation Controls and General Information Tech Data Book for information concerning electronic controls installation and the Installation Checklist. . . . . . . . . nabuckeye.org. . . Drive the vehicle; confirm DTCs have not returned. Repair parts for the external harnesses and external harness components must be obtained from St. Clair Technologies Inc. (SCTI). . . BEGINNING THE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCESS, 3-7. . Use the Allison DOC For PC Service Tool and the code display procedure described in Section 6. . If high temperature in either the engine or transmission persists, stop the engine and have the overheating condition investigated by maintenance personnel. . . . . . . TCM Reprogramming tab, used to enable the reprogramming capability of the Allison DOC For. . When disconnecting a harness connector, be sure the pulling force is applied to the connector itself and. 116 19. . . . . . SCTI recognizes AT, manufacturers, and SCTI part numbers. . . . (2)TCM Reprogramming tab, used to enable the reprogramming capability of the Allison DOC For PCService Tool . . . .ii IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE . . Most troubleshooting tests consist of determining resistance, continuity, and testing for shorts between wires and to ground. . . . . . . . . . OUTPUT FUNCTIONS . For example, taping a wire that has been rubbing on a frame rail will not correct the problem unless the rubbing contact is eliminated. Other CMCs can be changed at any time and are not related to autodetect. . . 855 844-SALE | 855 844-7253. . . SYSTEM OVERVIEW . . Even if the vehicle is moving. . . . . . . . . . . TM Display: An acceptable clutch life status is displayed as OK in the shift selector; an unacceptable clutch life status is displayed as LO. . . . . . . . Some procedures require using specially designed tools. . . . . . Be sure to reset the Adaptive Shift parameters and Autodetect information when it is installed in the original vehicle. . . . Three speed sensorsengine speed, turbine speed, and output speedprovide information to the TCM. . . . A retarder will be identified as present and the retarder autodetect logic will stop once it is detected for three consecutive ignition cycles. Once a problem solution is discovered in the manual do not look further for other solutions. . . . . . 71 72. . The PTO will automatically disengage at that speed. . . . 73, SECTION 8. Worn or damaged clutch pack. Multiple throttle sources can be detected on a single engine start and multiple confidence flags can be set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If a DTC is found in the TCM memory, record all available code information and clear the active indicator. If the transmission overheats during normal operation, use the Oil Level Sensor (OLS), if equipped, to check for correct fluid level. . . . . . . . Oil Level Sensor (OLS) . . . . . . . . . . . Allison Transmission (AT) is responsible for warranty on these parts. . . . . . After the OLS circuit is repaired, reset autodetect or manually select the OLS function using the Allison DOC For PCService Tool. Use special tools when and in . . Be sure the transmission model matches the calibration in the TCM. . Once that shift has been retried, and a fault is still detected, the TCM sets a DTC and holds the transmission in a fail-to-range mode of operation. 64 65. . . . . Speed sensor information is also used to control the timing of clutch apply pressures, resulting in the smoothest shifts possible. . . . . . . . . TRANSID (TID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shut off the engine and ignition before any harness connectors are disconnected or connected. Rotation is picked up by gears meshing or mating with other gears, in order for the Chelsea P.T.O. . . . . . Copyright 2008 Allison Transmission, Inc. P.O. . . 117 D. Engine Coolant Temperature . . . . . . . Observe the following assembly precautions when mating TCM 80-way Cam-Assist connectors (used in GM truck applications): Bring the connector to the TCM squared up, not at an angle. Message over the SAE J1939 communication interface. When the power shift PTO is disengaged, the solenoid de-energizes. 55 A. Fluid Level Check Procedure . . . . . R1. . . . . . The turbine speed signal is generated by the rotating-clutch housing spline contours. . . . . . Find a facility My Transmission . . . . . . . Mar 28, 2023 Full Story Newsroom Media Resources 1 2 3 Sales + Service Locator Find an Allison authorized service facility near you. Use special tools when and in 614, 71. . . . . . . . . . A. Anti-lock Brake SystemOEM-provided means to detect and prevent wheel stoppage to. . . . . . . Webtransmission. . . The solenoids produce an output pressure that is proportional to current from the TCM. . . . . . . . . Jumpering the wires together creates a circuit between wires 111 and 174. . . . 36 39. . . . . . . . CONTROL MODULE (Figures 17 and 18). . Service Manuals SM4013EN and SM4014EN, plus Parts Catalogs PC2150EN and PC2456EN may be used in conjunction with this manual. There are three full-function pushbutton shift selectors and a strip pushbutton shift selector. . . . . When the C5 clutch is exhausted, as in second through sixth ranges, PS1 verifies the position of the C1 and C2 latch valves. . . . . . . . . Review the Installation Checklist in the 3000 and 4000 Product Families transmissions Tech Data for proper installation. . . . . . . . . . . The root cause of a problem as well as the symptom must be corrected to be sure of trouble-free operation. . Hot Check Procedure. . Jax Austin. . . Shut off the engine and ignition before any harness connectors are disconnected or connected. 5.If difficulties arise, you have unanswered questions, or if you are unable to quickly identify the root cause during troubleshooting, please contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC): Technical Assistance Center PO Box 894, Mail Code A01 Indianapolis, IN 46206-0894 Phone: 1-800-252-5283. . . . . . . The newer ones have a clutch pack applied by pressure from the transmission. . . . . . . See the selector information section for that procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The TCM issues commands to various solenoids in the two valve bodies to govern fluid flow to the clutches (including torque converter clutch). . . . . . . . . . . . Allison Transmission is responsible for warranty on these parts. . . . . . The turbine speed sensor on the 4000 Product Family transmission is located on the outside of the main housing. . . . . . . Clear any DTCs that may be present and test drive the vehicle to confirm the repair. . . INPUT FUNCTIONS . . . External Wiring Harness. . . Whenever a transmission is overhauled, exchanged, or has undergone internal repairs, the TCM MUST. . . . . Additional copies of this publication may be purchased from authorized Allison Transmission service outlets. 36 38. . . . . . . . Filter Life Valve Hydraulic Schematic. If theres anything out of place, switch them back and try again to see if you can duplicate the problem. . . failure is in the application itself. . . . . 158) all use a 1 for the first digit and the. . . . The Diagnostic Trouble Code section lists DTCs and their description. . . Multiple sources can be detected on a single engine start cycle. . TESTING FOR OPENS, SHORTS BETWEEN WIRES, AND SHORTS-TO-GROUND. If the engine is not supported, the TCM will lock to a non-SEM state. You can specify the Chelsea Electronic Overspeed Control (EOC) with all Chelsea powershift PTOs. . . . Do troubleshooting at the temperature level where the problem occurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 C. Throttle Source . . 4.Test drive the vehicle to confirm a DTC or performance complaint. jonathan michael schmidt; potato shortage uk 1970s . . . . It is necessary to determine why a problem occurred. . . . . . WebAllison Transmission MT643 Disassembly + Diagnosis for REBUILD. . . . . . . The solenoid regulator valves are controlled by solenoids that control transmission clutch application. WebAllison AT545 Transmission Parts Breakdown. . . . . . . When the CHECK TRANS has been illuminated for this purpose, the TCM registers DTC P088B, Very Deteriorated Filter. This manual provides troubleshooting information for the 3000 and 4000 Product Families Transmissions. . . . . . Welcome to the TS3989EN Troubleshooting Manual. . . . The PTO will automatically disengage at that speed. . . . . . . . . . . 116 A. Retarder . . One way to determine whether noise is coming from the PTO or another component in the system is to disconnect the pump or driveline from the PTO (if possible) to see if the noise persists. If the code reappears, refer to Section 6, Diagnostic Trouble Code, and the appropriate code chart. . . . Strip pushbutton shift selectors are used primarily by non-North American OEMs. . . Autodetect searches for the presence of pressure control solenoid 5 (PCS5) to the retarder during the first 35 engine ignition cycles. Terminals may have been bent or lost the necessary tension to maintain firm contact. . . . . iii WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES . . . . . . . . . Main mod may be commanded ON in neutral at any throttle position. . . . If the light does not come on during engine start, request service immediately. . Wire, terminal, and connector repair information. . . . . . . Technicians need to know how to use a digital volt/ohmmeter (DVOM) to make resistance and continuity tests. Webwant your PTO shaft to turn. . Subscribe. . . . . . . . . . . . Description of the 3000 and 4000 Product Families Allison 4. . . . There is no limit to the number of engine starts for autodetection of the throttle source until a confidence flag is set for a source. . 20 GB Hard Drive (40 GB or greater recommended), 600 MB free hard drive space required to install the program (after software installation, the operating system requires sufficient free hard disk dpace to run the program), 1 GHz (or greater) 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 512 MB of RAM system memory (1 GB recommended), One available USB portUSB 1.1 (USB 2.0 recommended), Full administrative privileges are required to install, update, and run Allison DOC For PCService Tool. . . . Here are some breakdowns of the potential causes and solutions for troubleshooting the PTO. NOTE: Required calendar-based filter change intervals are not monitored by this feature and remain applicable to all vehicle installations in addition to the above.
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