Having scoured the castle without finding any signs of him in the castle, nor any other intruder for that matter, Minerva, upon seeing that the Fat Friar remained adamant that the exchange had indeed taken place, nevertheless decided to increase patrols around the castle before she went to the Ministry of Magic to notify the rest of the Calamity Management Team. Severus Snape, her colleague and former student. Harry then explained that he and Ron had gone into the Chamber to find Ginny, having realised the mystery, and had slain the monster within. She was the colleague whom she had more violently clashed with than any other colleague in her long and varied career. Protego Horribilis: A variation of Protego that protects against dark magic. In the aftermath of the incident, the Headmistress noted that in light of the fact that the school had suffered no lasting damage from this latest surge, (not counting the students' new favourite excuse for not finishing their schoolwork in time; 'the Calamity stole my homework! This spell is cast by the Hogwarts teachers during the battle for Hogwarts. She supported him unequivocally even though she had never been fully in his confidence. [1], After graduating from Hogwarts, Minerva was offered a position at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the British Ministry of Magic. [1], Though her feelings for the Ministry of Magic were affected by the fact that she had recently suffered an emotional crisis, Minerva didn't much enjoy her home in London and workplace, where some of her co-workers had an ingrained anti-Muggle bias. Even when Severus was appointed Headmaster and Alecto and Amycus Carrow were given free rein in the school, Minerva did as much as she could to protect the students. McGonagall was very angry by Crouch's teaching methods and shouted at him. However, she didn't wish to see them expelled. [26], When the time came for the annual Sorting Ceremony, however, which saw the sorting of among others Kevin Farrell, Robyn Thistlethwaite, Cassandra Vole, Fischer and Colby Frey, Daniel Page and Lottie Turner into their respective houses, when the time came for the last of the newcomers on the list to come up to try on the Sorting Hat, however, Ivy Warrington, the Headmistress was surprised to find that they were one student short. 7 What is the weakest spell in Harry Potter? Protecting Hogwarts McGonagall uses the spell piertotum locomotor and in the film, Smith portrays the joy the professor gets from using the spell amazingly. If it is not Expecto Patronum, then why does it deter Dementors? This quiz will put that to the test by putting you through some of the Harry Potter spells to see if you know what they do. Ignoring Snape's frustrated questioning of Dumbledore's whereabouts, Minerva and Snape used the Fire-Making Spell to successfully free Ben from the Cursed Ice, taking care to target as further as possible from his body. After being released from the hospital, she required the aid of a walking stick for several days. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. See these familiar faces and more in #HogwartsMystery coming April 25. None,[2] or green[5] [26], Headmistress McGonagall welcoming the new students. [1], By this time, Minerva was shocked to learn from her oblivious mother (in the middle of a chatty letter of local news) that Dougal had married the daughter of another farmer. [55], Determined to run the school as normally as they possibly could under the circumstances, despite the rising tensions surrounding the Calamity, and even though Hogwarts was hit with a massive Pixie infestation and recquired all of the professors to spend time finding and removing nests of nettlesome Pixies from the premises,[56] the Inter-House Quidditch Cup was held as planned, and at some point after the tryouts of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Professor McGonagall announced to an gathering of students in the Great Hall that Rose Granger-Weasley had made the it as their new Chaser. The second one, however, was incredibly enough none other than Kit Gerrard, a former reporter for the Daily Prophet and one of the missing London Five. She was capable of blending into Muggle crowds though Harry noted that the appearance didn't suit her. Always a brave and private person, Minerva poured all her energies into her work and few people excepting perhaps Albus ever realised how much she suffered. McGonagall comforting Harry after refusing to allow him to go to Hogsmeade. If not done correcting, the caster may be splinched, meaning some part Why were kitchen work surfaces in Sweden apparently so low before the 1950s or so? [11] She also watched with some happiness when Peeves chased Umbridge from the school, commenting that she would've joined Peeves in chasing Dolores away in the school grounds, but Peeves had appropriated her walking stick. While Ivy was noted to have yet to turn up the following day, the missing pupil was eventually found later that evening by her schoolmates, who had decided organising a search party of their own. Previously, she was suspicious of Riddle in spite of the fact that she wasn't his teacher and thus shared her fears with Dumbledore in private. Though these duties took up much of her time, Minerva would face even greater challenges at Hogwarts. Minerva never hesitated in displaying her loyalty to Dumbledore. It was an honor to show Warwick Davis, Michael Gambon, and Dame Maggie Smith the #HogwartsMystery avatars of the iconic characters they originally brought to life in the Harry Potter films! Avoid QGIS adds semicolon to my CSV layer thus merging two fields. Minerva knew Albus Dumbledore for the majority of her life. This spell is The two were members of the Order of the Phoenix in the Second Wizarding War. [63], Other items on the list included a school crest, her Order of Merlin, First Class, which she had framed and kept in her office, and an old photo of Dougal McGregor, about whom she refused to comment when Pickering asked about the man's identity, saying only that he was "a man [she} once knew" and that that was all she was prepared to say on the matter. But after James's death, she, the rest of the wizarding community, assumed it was Sirius who betrayed the Potters since he was expected to be their Secret-Keeper. Shortly before the annual Start-of-Term Feast, Headmistress McGonagall was informed by Mr Filch that a rather temperamental ghoul had found its way into an empty classroom on the third floor, a notice she passed onto the student body upon their arrival with the instruction to stay clear of said area until the intruding creature had been dealt with. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Web0:00 / 2:23 Professor McGonagall Protects Hogwarts | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. The Stunning Spell (Stupefy), also known as the Stupefying Charm, or Stunner for short, was a charm that stunned the target, rendering them unconscious. Fortunately, Professor Hagrid had found her and brought her forward, explaining that she had been distracted by some of the bushes outside the castle. [11], Umbridge is chosen as Headmistress over McGonagall, After Dumbledore escaped arrest, Umbridge was appointed Headmistress over Minerva, but had virtually no support. She was very close to her Muggle father, whom in temperament she resembled more than her mother. She later had two brothers, Malcolm and Robert Jnr, who revealed magical ability in due course. [101] Although she was fully willing to punish him for his misdeeds, Minerva would not hesitate to intervene in their affairs whenever necessary to keep them safe and ensured that Harry would not be punished too severely. Minerva survived the Second Wizarding War and became Headmistress full time, a title she still held into the early 2020s. When Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy did not arrive at Hogwarts with the Hogwarts Express on 1 September 2020, Minerva sent owls to their parents and later met with Harry Potter, Ginny Potter and Draco Malfoy, along with Minister for Magic Hermione Granger and her husband Ron Weasley, to find them. She did, however, admit to being suspicious of Snape's true allegiance though she trusted him simply because Albus did. From August 2017 onwards, Maggie Smith is the oldest cast member still living in the series, after the death of, A younger Minerva McGonagall is portrayed by, It is also possible that she took a break in her career at some point in her life like. When Lockhart resigned due to his self-induced amnesia, McGonagall was cheerful along with the rest of the staff and students at the news. [1], Sometime in the 1910s, among her first students were Newt Scamander and Leta Lestrange, the latter of whom was frequently in trouble with Minerva for magically retaliating against vicious gossip about her half-brother's death by hexing her peers. She then uses a special spell to protect the castle and its occupants as they prepare to fight. During the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Marcus Flint posed as Dementors to sabotage Harry's performance, only to get struck down when Harry reflexively cast a Patronus Charm at them. After he became Headmaster, Dumbledore would later on in his career also trust her enough to allow her to become Deputy Headmistress of the school and fill in for him on the occasions of his absence. She would come and go from 12 Grimmauld Place wearing a Muggle dress rather than her robes, which Harry thought made her look odd. Human[3] It began when she and her friends had asked themselves how Ivy could have known about, let alone learned how to cast, a Vanishing Spell against Cassandra Vole without remembering how, why or when he even learned it, and ended with a frightening encounter with her own worst fears in the Room of Requirement. Minervas father, the Reverend Robert This information most likely not privy to her. In late November the same year, the Ministry's internal Calamity Management Team discovered the existence of a secret society known as The Unforgivable, as well as evidence that suggested that it had not only been manipulating the Calamity from the start. Minerva saw this appointment as an affront to the school itself and did little to hide her disgust. Below is a list of all Harry Potter spells known to wizard and what they do. She was sort of a loving grandmother to him and expressed concern with both Dumbledore's choice trusting Hagrid to safely transport Harry to Little Whinging, and of the choice of family with whom Harry would stay. McGonagall and the Weasleys get along well, considering they were all in Gryffindor House and fellow members of the Order of the Phoenix. Upon learning this, Minerva tried to track down to make some further inquiries, only to discover that she had apparently gone missing as well. Having been informed that while Winifred Warrington had indeed vanished shortly before Ivy arrived at the school, the incident had been ruled an accident, and that Ministry officials had even assisted the family in trying to get her back. [21], Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup in 1994, In the spring of 1994, though disgusted by the Slytherin Quidditch team's dirty tactics during the final Quidditch match after witnessing Draco Malfoy grab onto the end of Harry's Firebolt to stop him from catching the Golden Snitch (which infuriated her to the point where she stopped telling Lee Jordan off and actually joined him in firing furious comments at Malfoy), she witnessed the Gryffindor Quidditch team win the Quidditch Cup for the first time since Charlie Weasley had played for the team during his Hogwarts education. Though their reason for being there was not one of ill intent, as they had been assigned some homework by Professor Gorski that required them to discover a secret at the school with historical significance, which in turn had led to their pursuit of a map that was believed to lead to a hidden treasure by following the leads given to them by various portraits, Their most disconcerting revelation, however, was also the one that Professor McGonagall had the most difficulty believing. A notable example of this is when Leta sealed shut the mouth of a fellow student during her third year after the other girl had been speaking ill of her behind her back. [27], During the meeting, it was also revealed that Harry had began to experience nightmares and pains in his scar; something that he had not experienced since his final defeat of Voldemort, which the former Dumbledore's Army members was concerned might meant that some remnant of the Dark Lord might linger in some way. When Professor Slughorn announced the emminent arrival of a delegation from the Ministry of Magic, led by the Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, she gave Harry leave to vacate the office so that she could prepare to receive the new arrivals and inform them about what had happened. If not done correcting, the caster may be splinched, meaning some part [47] At a later date, she also invited some of its volunteers to Hogwarts in order to show them the original architect's blueprints for the castle to help them to better understand the transformative powers of magic. [1], Minerva was quickly recognised as the most outstanding student of her year with a particular talent for Transfiguration. Minervas father, the Reverend Robert Ron Weasley was a student at the time McGonagall was a professor at Hogwarts. This spell is used by Professor McGonagall during the battle for Hogwarts. When Pansy Parkinson suggested they take the deal offered to them by Voldemort that of their lives in exchange for Harry Potter Minerva ordered the cowardly girl and all those not willing to fight to leave.[12]. Have just heard that James S Potter has been Sorted (to nobody's surprise) into Gryffindor. Minerva, having accepted the invitation to partake as a panel speaker, joined Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley in talking open and honestly about what they had gone through, which resulted in an enlightening and emotional evening from which the agents of the SOS Task Force was later known to have benefited greatly from. The rebel alliance Dumbledore's Army founded by the students reformed and McGonagall helped to keep their meetings a secret. When Minerva was attacked and sent to St Mungo's, Dolores was pleased that she at last had complete control of Hogwarts. During the First Wizarding War, McGonagall helped the Ministry of Magic by spying on Death Eaters, and when the Second Wizarding War came along, she decided to join the Order of the Phoenix. Piertotum Locomotor It is a transfiguration spell that is taught by Professor McGonagall to her Third Year students at Hogwarts. It is possible that, after the war, McGonagall and Filch were still co-workers. [1], Minerva in her earlier years as a Professor, Instead, Minerva sent an owl to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, asking whether she might be considered for a teaching post. With this in mind, and in view of Ivy's recent disappearance, Minerva still reached out to the Warringtons to keep Ivy's family informed about the situation, at which point she got in touch with Ivy's grandmother, whom the Headmistress eventually invited to the school in the hopes that she could help shred light on Ivy's erratic behaviour and apparent memory loss. [37], The enchanted garden where the contest was held. Hence, Minerva was extremely shocked and disappointed in Hermione when she said she had gone looking for the Troll that invaded Hogwarts, under the impression that she could stop it.
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