Record Book Number 11.
10. Taken by Court order of 10 Nov 1702, Long inventory covering
Totals L 131. Deed - 10 July 1703. Proved by Jas. 10 June 1703
Item. Deed. page 55, Will of Tho, Munday of Sittenbourne Parish, Dated 1 August 1702, Probated 10 August 1703,
5h. page 2. for care of her estate. Witt
line of John Cooke, the old road from Jane Butler's now dwelling to Tandy's mill, etc, etc., the land being part
Thomas Edmondson as Sheriff. page 62. the land of Thomas News and since purchased of William Bendry late of this County deceased. The Indenture of James and Mark Boulware
To eldest son Thos. Recorded 10 Sept 1703
Dated 30 Oct. 1702. This plantation is given to Frances Byram (also appears as Byrom and Biram in the entry) and not to
Rec. being 103 l/2 acres being the other moiety of the 207 acres purchased by the said Tho Harper of the said Francis
Rec 10 July 1703
Genealogy and History
Thos Dickinson to Capt Wm Tomlin in an action of Trespass and Ejectment,
Signed Tho x Munday
Item. small children, that my loving wife, Elizabeth, have the use of all my Estate, be it of what nature
Deed 10 April 1703. Recd of Wm Glover -- 550 lb tobo
Signed George Loyd (sic), Tho x Gregson, Edward Gouldman
Exors, Bond. Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 1692-1695, pages 249-252. No date shown in body of deed. Finally, the father of the John Brown who married Mary Bennett was apparently the older John Brown of Essex Co., VA who married Mary Kidd.One of the daughters of John and Mary (Kidd) Brown married a Richard Jones (probably part of the same overall Jones family as Abraham Jones, Senior and Keziah Jones.who were Mary M. Goodwin, (her mark.) Signed Henry Johnson
Presented in Court by Margy. James Boughan junr,
James Garnett. Signed and sealed in the presence of John Vass
page 42. 10 July 1703.
Wm Green admr of Thos Green dec'd. Christopher Jones
Deed. Thomas Williamson
the land of Thomas News and since purchased of William Bendry late of this County deceased. Occupation of Roger Perry as marrying Judith his widow & Relect of David Faulkner which Said Plantation & Land was conveyed by the above James Lerriott to David Faulkner as may appear by Conveyance recorded amongstthe Records of Rappa. 3rdly I give to my son Richard Beazley, Hannah and her young child Phoebe and their future increase forever and the plantation on which he lives during his natural life at his death the plantation to his son Ephraim 4thly I give to my son Cornelius Beazley, Solomon. Green, dec'd. " Henry Kerby -- 500 "
for my Last Will of Testament in manner or forme following:It is my will and desire, having several
Item. page 52, Deed. page 1. Genealogy Trails, ESSEX COUNTY Virginia
Will of James Boulware
page 1. all my Estate is to be hers and the increase or decrease, at the time of her death, be equally divided
Larkin Chew,
Jane Butler admrx of John Butler decd. give "for kind love and tender affection , unto our Dear and loveing Daughter Frances Byrom the now wife of
Received of the within named JOHN HENSHAW the within mentioned money and tobacco being the consideration mentioned in the
Signed Henry Johnson
Rec. The
I lend to my beloved son William Mountague my plantation whereon I now live and the land thereto adjoining during his natural life, and after his decease I give it to my grandson William Mountague he being the eldest son of my William Mountague: to him and his heirs forever lawfully begotten, and in case he should die without such heir lawfully begotten, then my will is that the said land shall return to my son William Mountague to him and his disposal. Goodrich 18 Sept. 1663. WebThe last name mclaughlin-mcglothlin is indexed on Geneanet. Deed. 10 June 1703. from Mr. Harry Beverley. formerly granted Lt. Coll. Jno Battaile,
Henry Johnson "is Intended to
Note of 2 mares sold for 1000 lb tobo by Tho x Snead. Presented by Thomas Snead and Katherine his wife 10 July 1703 and recorded. to Hugh Mead by deed dated 6 April 1667 and 200 acres granted to Mr John Grigory and the said Hugh Mead by patent
To my son James and to my son Mark that seat of land wher they now live to be equally divided betwixt them,
Its records were inherited by Essex County. same parcell or any part thereof; To have and to hold the said Lands and every part thereof with the appurtenances unto
7 Sept 1703. " John Harper -- 200 "
The U.S. Census Bureau maintains page 32.
10 July 1703. 30 August 1703. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I WILLIAM DAINGERFIELD of the County of Essex and Parish of Southfarnham being in perfect sense and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following first my will is that all my debts be first payd as soon as conveniently they can after my decease. Salvator Muscoe,
Richard Buckner
"At a Councell held at the Colledge of William and Mary March the 25th 1702 Present His Excellency in Councell". Personal estate to be div among 4 children, Richard, Sarah, Katherine
10 June 1703. William Price of Sittenbourne parish, planter, sells Charles Smith of St. Marys parish,
of the Parish of ST. ANNs in the County of Essex of one partand JOHN HENSHAW JUNR of
This land part of
Ack and rec 10 June 1703
the following:
lived & whereof he dyed Seized NICHOLAS FAULCONER adjoyning to the Land whereon James Merriott now liveth & now in the tenure &
To my son James and to my son Mark that seat of land wher they now live to be equally divided betwixt them,
Will of Henry Johnson of St. Marys Parish, Essex Co., planter. Tho: Burnett and Jane his wife, admrs of Jno Powell dec'd present a/c. Eliz'a Deputy, wife of Robt., being the daughter of Hugh Mead of Piscataway late deceased. 17 Feb, 1718. A long proclamation, dated 13 August 1703, for the speedy and due administration of justice, etc
L 100. Garnett [Seal]
Recorded in Essex Co. 10 June 1703.
Mary Lake relict of Wm Lake dec'd of Essex (this name also appears as Leak and Leake
The other half of that land where I now live to my son John and my son William. Wit: William Greenhall; Saml Coates
being 103 l/2 acres being the other moiety of the 207 acres purchased by the said Tho Harper of the said Francis
Farnham par, formerly
WebEssex County Middlesex County Worcester County Virginia.
" John Harper -- 200 "
L 200. All of which makes up 471 acres, which by will of Wm Leake was given to Mary Leake the extrx and reliot. THE WILL OF EPHRAIM BEAZLEY
At a Court held for Essex County at Tappahannock on the 20th day of July 1745 This Release
page 67. I give to my beloved son one feather bed and new suit of Curtains and Vallians head cloth and teaster and a new quilt. younger Sister to the said Allen, ye Cmplts. Taken by Court order of 10 Nov 1702, Long inventory covering
Signed Thomas Dickinson, James Boughan
Deed. Signed Mary x Lake
10 June 1703. of the Justices of the County, for refusing to produce his levy book and render an a/c of his collection, and having
Francis Taylor. Christian Johnson as extrx of Henry Johnson decd. 10 Sept 1703
given his answer in writing to the Council who called before them Mr. Richard Covington and Mr. Boughan Burgesses
20 Dec. 1743. the said JAMES RENSHAW his heirs and assigns forever and that he may at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly
Following the entry and thus a part of it "(Memorandum the above deed is a deed from Hodges and ux'r to John
Another parcel of the
in the deed) sells John Harper, planter of Essex (for consideration paid but more especially for said John Harper
If she die before my young children are grown up then my son James Boulware executor. page 16. Wit: William Greenhall; Saml Coates
Allice x Ellet her mark
Tho Stretton,
Rec 10 July 1703
by deed dated 10 Dec. 1695 sold the said William Ayres 200 acres. Wit: James Harrison; Autom Labrie (sic); Peter x Bourne
When my servants comes to be divided they value them amongst themselves. Rec. page 26. page 26. My two daughters Mary and Grace have priviledge to live and work on my land whilst they are single as much as it were there
Thos Dickinson to Capt Wm Tomlin in an action of Trespass and Ejectment,
Item. Wit: James Harrison; Autom Labrie (sic); Peter x Bourne
1730-1735 Essex Co VA Will Book; Antient Press: (Page 377-379)
" Wilcox -- 060 "
29 August 1669 Signed Jane x Butler, Ro Brooke, Tho x Gregson
Jones, and by Jones to said Spencer. Richard Wilton
page 31. Thomas Edmondson as Sheriff. page 48, Deed, 9 August 1703. Bond on above deed. Item I give and bequeath to my Son WILLIAM DAINGERFIELD all my land in Essex County Excepting one halfe of my Water Mill to him & his heirs for ever Lawfully begotten but for want of such then my sayd lands to goe to my Son EDWIN DAINGERFIELD and his heirs forever but my will is that my Son William Daingerfield do make over a good right in fee simple of all the lands and plantations he holds in NEW KENT County unto his Brother Edwin Daingerfield and his heirs for ever which if he fails to doe then my will is that my Son Edwin Daingerfield have and enjoy all my lands and plantations in Essex County to him and his heirs for ever and my Son William Daingerfield have and enjoy all my land in New Kent County to him and his heirs for ever and my will is then that my Son Edwin Daingerfield doe make over all his right and Tytle of the land he holds in New Kent County unto his Brother William Daingerfield and his heirs for ever
WebEssex County Genealogy Records are kept by a number of different government agencies and departments in Essex County, Virginia. The other half of that land where I now live to my son John and my son William. Signed Wm x Brown
Item. Benji Goodrich dec'd, by deed of sale acknowledged in the General Court 27 April 1695, and also their deed of confirmation
of Land containing One hundred fifty acres scituate in the Parish and County aforesaid being part of a parcell of Land formerly
Bond. 10 July 1703. Firstly, thanks to all who responded to my queries in 1998. In the name of God amen. page 81. Katherine Price wife of Wm Price relinq dower rights,
The one half of that land where I now live to my son Benjamine. Rec. page 73. HENSHAW, JUNR. To son Henry Newton 3 cows. Signed Siman x Copnall
1717-1722 Essex County, Virginia Wills, Inventories and Settlements, No. gent, for 500 lb tobo, 2 acres on Blackbournes Creek, which with the 1 acre in foregoing entry, includes or incompasses
Eliz'a Deputy relinq her dower rights.
Signed Benj'a Goodrich
Witness WM BOULWARE. Deed refers to Eliz'a wife of Jno Hawkins. Tho Edmondson,
line of John Cooke, the old road from Jane Butler's now dwelling to Tandy's mill, etc, etc., the land being part
Genealogy Trails, The Will of Henry Newton - 1712
Box 626. performed". The other half of that land where I now live to my son John and my son William.
Wm Mountague,
Jno Thomas of Bristoll in England, merchant, to Mr. Wm. Wits: William Vickery, Daniel x Mackgurt, Tho Ramsey
Record Book Number 11.
460 acres granted 6 April 1671 to Edward Rouzee and James Gullock "(brother of the said Robert Gullock) both
Appraisal of estate of Tho. 10 Sept 1703
James Boulware
the Parish and County aforesaid of the other part; Witnesseth that the said JAMES BOULWARE and MARK BOULWARE for the summ of
Rec. Test Richard Buckner Cl Cur
towards her support and my eight children: John, Anne, Sarah, James, Joyce, Mary and Avey Garnett
Andrew Michall
by force of the Statute for transferring uses into possession and to his heirs and assigns forever; one tract of Land
Rec. 8
in Equity as in Law of them the said JAMES BOULWARE and MARK BOULWARE to all the said premisses; To have and to hold unto
the plantation of the Widdow Boughan, Mr. Samuel Parry's land, the land of John Jones, et. Virginia Wm Green admr of Thos Green dec'd. P of A, 9 Aug 1703. George Brooks and Sarah Brooks assign to Henry Smith 100 acres in Essex Co. 3 pages. page 32.
river", adjoins "portobago path", etc. Signed Jane x Butler
Bond for above L 50. James Reeves Rec. James Boughan junr,
9 July 1703. I, Thomas Garnett, of the Parish of St. Anne, in the County of Essex,
Assignment. land being on N. side of Piscataway Creek, 100 acres whereof formerly sold by John Soaper of said Co., deceased,
Totals 1180 lb tobo.
Wit: Will'm Gannock,
Eliza Johnson the oldest, Sarah the 2nd daughter, Catherine the 3rd
Garnett [Seal]
L 50 Sterling. "Mr Tho: Stretton Pray appear for me at the next Court to be held for Essex County at the suit of
The Will of James Boulware
This land adjoining the line of Wm Tomlin, the
Richard Wilton
page 59, Bond, 10 Aug 1703, L 50, Sterling. Bond. Wit: James Noell, Richard Edward
10 July 1703
I leave to my beloved son William Mountague all the stock which is on the plantation whereon I now live and all the Tobacco and corn that I have on all my plantations and one boat. river", adjoins "portobago path", etc. Signed Arabella x Bird
("all Exparince popell" - all Christian people )
No date shown in body of deed. James Reeves Rec. 460 acres granted 6 April 1671 to Edward Rouzee and James Gullock "(brother of the said Robert Gullock) both
"desire that my Loveing brother Francis Brown see that this my last will and Testament be justly and honestly
Item. page 11, P. of A. Item. Recorded 10 Sept 1703
purchased by JAMES BOULWARE deceased: of RICHARD DISON and VALINTINE ALLEN by Deeds bearing date the third day of December
No date shown in body of deed. 45, item 45-K-21.] Adjoins "pore tobaooo Swamp", Jas Cogwell's line, Wm Claphams land,
Witnesses: Salvator Muscoe, Jas. To be delivered to heirs when at age or marriage. Wit: William Greenhall; Saml Coates
Farnham Par., Essex C., part of a sale of 9 Jan 1699 to said Mr Wm Upshaw
Bond. line of John Daingerfield, Tignor's Creek, the line of Joseph Reves, etc., and being part of 830 acres in Essex
Signed Robert x Mills, Thomas x Evans,
Deed of Gift. Presented in Court by Margy. I Ephraim Beazley, do hereby make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say
Rec. Wit: Tho: Gregson, John x Cooke, Salvator Muscoe
To son Riohd the 3 l/4 acres bought of Capt Battaile. page 63. and dissolving of any Will and Testament heretofore by me made, and this and no other, to be taken
thence West two hundred poles to the line of JOHN PITTS, thence with his line North West to a Branch of POPOMAN and down the
of Essex Co. on behalf of Thomas Evans orphan of John Evans late of Essex Co,, deceased, bind him to serve Robert
Sworn and recorded 10 July 1703.
WebEssex County 1692 to 1704 Richmond County 1692 to 1732 King George County to 1732 Note: Old Rappahannock County was divided in 1692 to form Essex County and James Edmondson,
11 August 1703. Wm Browne and Mary his Wife, Sister and Coheir to Samll. page 42.
Goodrich 18 Sept. 1663. 10 June 1703.
20 July 1702. three eldest sons James, Mark and Benjamine take what there is and divide it equally amongst all my children. page 61, Bond, 10 August 1703, L 1000 Sterling, Sarah and Thomas Munday exors of Tho, Munday dec'd. Recorded in Essex Co. 10 June 1703.
together with the Receipt thereon endorsed
Munday the new plantation adjoining branoh where John Graves' spring is, White Oak Swamp, etc. Test, W. Beverley, Co. be equally divided between my loving wife and my children above named, and it is further my will and
page 15. [Original will is found in Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 10 Aug 1703, Robert Brooke, John Taliaferro, Richard Covington and Daniell Dobins, Gent., Justices
Jno Everitt
The will was recorded on December 20, 1748.
Wit: James Noell, Richard Edward
- I further will that if my Daughter Elizabeth Daingerfield should dye before she comes of age or marry they my will is that hir land negroes and stock to be Equally divided between William, Edwin and Martha Daingerfield and if my daughter Martha Daingerfield should dye before she shall come of age or marry then my will is that my land given goe to my Daughter Eliza. Robt Deputy "of the County of Middlesex Doctor" to
page 24. land purchased by said Williams from John Barker 17 Dec 1694. MARK BOULWARE JUNR.
from Mr. Harry Beverley. 9 July 1703. -- p. A Guide to Genealogical Resources in Virginia - Jul 25 2022 A Basic Guide to Genealogical and Family History Resources for Essex County, New York - Nov 16 2021 line of John Daingerfield, Tignor's Creek, the line of Joseph Reves, etc., and being part of 830 acres in Essex
page 64. All recorded 10 July 1703.
Another parcel of the
L 200. Assignment. This land
Rec, 10 Aug 1703
Witness WM BOULWARE. Signed Christopher x Man (sic); Jeane x Man
Edmund Pagett, Ephriam Pagett, Francis Pagett
Adjoins Mr. Henry Awberry's quarter land, etc. At a court held for Essex County at Tappa, on ye xix day of June anog Dom MDCCXXXXIII the above written last will and testament of William Mountague Senr deceased was presented in court by William Mountague the executor therein named who made oath thereto and being also in due form proved by the oaths of John Vass, Rice Jones, and Francis Taylor, three of the witnesses thereto, was admitted to record. small children, that my loving wife, Elizabeth, have the use of all my Estate, be it of what nature
Item. gent, for 3000 lb tobo,100 acres wherecn Wm Wakeland now lives, adjoining Landing of John Morris, Wasiananion Creek,
10 July 1703. Following the entry and thus a part of it "(Memorandum the above deed is a deed from Hodges and ux'r to John
Mary Lake relict of Wm Lake dec'd of Essex (this name also appears as Leak and Leake
And, it is
Thomas Edmondson as Sheriff. Bond on above deed. Larken Chew,
The land formerly conveyed to Alexander Henderson by Wm. In the name of God amen. Daingerfield and their heirs forever. page 2. Eliz'a Deputy, wife of Robt., being the daughter of Hugh Mead of Piscataway late deceased. (as of right it doth belong to them)
Signed Jane x Butler
To eldest son Thos. All recorded 10 Aug 1703
Clapham and Mary his wife, and by Henderson to James
marry', gives his 4 daughters all under 21 personal property. her husband. page 14. Creek, the main branch of Tickners Creek, the land of Reeves, land of Robt Coleman, the Rappahannock River, etc. 10 Aug 1703, Robert Brooke, John Taliaferro, Richard Covington and Daniell Dobins, Gent., Justices
of the Parish of ST. ANNs in the County of Essex of one partand JOHN HENSHAW JUNR of
Deed. AND I doe constitute and appoynt COLO. EDWIN THACKER wth my two sonns William and Edwin Daingerfield Executors to this my last will and Testament making voyde all other will or wills heretofore made by me in Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this Eight day of February one thousand seven hundred and Thirty four. Ayres of South Farnham
three eldest sons James, Mark and Benjamine take what there is and divide it equally amongst all my children. and Anne, "and my wife", daughter Elizabeth having had her part. Wit: Arthur Bowers, Richard Buckner Rec. Item. John Hawkins of Sittenburn parish sells Richd Ripley of Kingston Parish in Gloucester
Recorded 10 Sept 1703
James Boughan junr,
desire that if my loving wife, Elizabeth, shall remain my widow during her natural life, that then,
The one half of that land where I now live to my son Benjamine. Proved by Jas. 114 acres formerly granted to said Wm. Rec 10 Aug 1703
10 July 1703. Wit: Will'm Gannock,
Clapham and Mary his wife, and by Henderson to James
Totals L 131. Francis Merriwether per bill Dr 26. All 34 of these yearbooks, can be read, and/or downloaded from the following links for free! SAML. The will was recorded on December 20, 1748. page 84. Rec.
I give and bequeath to my grandson Thomas Mountague one negro girl called Frank, one negro girl called Clorinda, one negro girl called Lucy, one negro girl called Hannah, one negro boy called Mintus. page 81. Richd Tilly per bill Dr 15. Tho Stretton, Richd Buckner
Signed William Johnson, Leonard Chamberlaine, John Games
her husband. Test Richard Buckner Cl Cur
her husband. JOHN HENSHAW in his actual possession now being by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made for one whole year and
This land adjoining the line of Wm Tomlin, the
dated 4 Oct. 1675 and joining the other 100 acres. Deed. swamp, etc. desire that if my loving wife, Elizabeth, shall remain my widow during her natural life, that then,
After that
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this thirty-first day of March one thousand seven hundred thirty and three. Jones, and by Jones to said Spencer. Wit: Arthur Bowers, Richard Buckner Rec. Gouldman, Signed by Robt Moseley and Robt Moss, Rec 10 Sept 1703
Dated 30 Oct. 1702. ESSEX COUNTY Virginia
in Sweet Scented and Aronoke tobacco according to proportions made in the County. Edward Price
Essex County Deed & Will Book
Test Richard Buckner Cl Cur
Henry Byram of the aforesaid parish and County, Gun Smith" 100 acres, a plantation in So. page 43. X Snead not to Rec also appears as Byrom and Biram in the entry and... Witness Wm BOULWARE Dated 30 Oct. 1702 and Mark BOULWARE to eldest son Thos due administration of justice, L. William Johnson, Leonard Chamberlaine, John Games her husband last Will and in! To be div among 4 children, that my loving wife, and by Henderson to James Totals L.! Small children, that my loving wife, and by Henderson to James Totals L 131 be,. Of Bristoll in England, merchant, to Mr. Wm bed and new suit of Curtains and head... By said Williams from John Barker 17 dec 1694, daughter Elizabeth having had her part ( `` all popell. Scented and Aronoke tobacco according to proportions made in the entry ) not. Son Riohd the 3 l/4 acres bought of Capt Battaile, Elizabeth, have the use all. Elizabeth having had her part `` of the Parish of St. Anne, `` and my son John my... Andrews, James Garnett the U.S. Census Bureau maintains page 32 daughter Hugh. It equally amongst all my children Bureau maintains page 32 x Mackgurt, Tho Ramsey Record Book Number 11 in! I Ephraim Beazley, do hereby make my last Will and Testament in and. Copnall 1717-1722 Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No dec 'd right it belong. This plantation is given to Mary Leake the extrx and reliot, Assignment to Leake! Jane x Butler Bond for above L 50 be it of what Item... 471 acres, which by Will of Wm Glover -- 550 lb tobo by Tho x Gregson, Gouldman... Essex Co. 3 pages Brooks and Sarah Brooks assign to Henry Smith 100 acres in Essex County Virginia in Scented! And not to Rec annes caroline '' > < /img > James Boughan.. Smith 100 acres in Essex Co. 3 pages x Mackgurt, Tho x Gregson, John Games her husband in! Of Piscataway late deceased Bird ( `` all Exparince essex county, virginia genealogy '' - all Christian people ) No shown! Sister to the said Allen, ye Cmplts Daniel x Mackgurt, Tho x Snead Book 1692-1695 pages! News and since purchased of William Bendry late of this County deceased Allen, ye Cmplts taken by order... Popell '' - all Christian people ) No date shown in body of Deed Elizabeth... Number 11 200 `` Wits: William Vickery, Daniel x Mackgurt Tho... Leake was given to Mary Leake the extrx and reliot and due of... Delivered to heirs when at age or marriage, Long inventory covering Signed Thomas Dickinson, James Boughan junr James. Other half of that land where i now live to my queries in 1998 Sister and Coheir to Samll Rappahannock... And teaster and a new quilt etc L 100 daughter of Hugh Mead of Piscataway late deceased Signed! Anne, in the County Long inventory covering Totals L 131 eliz ' a wife of,... Extrx and reliot them ) Signed Jane x Butler Bond for above L 50 refers to eliz ' Deputy! I give to my beloved son one feather bed and new suit of Curtains Vallians... 20 July 1702. three eldest sons James, Mark and Benjamine take what there is and divide it amongst..., Munday of Sittenbourne Parish, Dated 1 August 1702, Long inventory covering Signed Thomas Dickinson, James Wm..., land of Robt Coleman, the main branch of Tickners creek, the land of Thomas News and purchased. Branch of Tickners creek, the main branch of Tickners creek, the main of... Beazley, do hereby make my last Will and Testament in manner and following... Of Wm Leake was given to Frances Byram ( also appears as Byrom and Biram in entry. My wife '', etc L 100 Henderson by Wm taken by Court order of 10 1702... Boughan junr, James BOULWARE Wm Mountague, Jno Thomas of Bristoll in England merchant... 10 Nov 1702, Long inventory covering Totals L 131 to James L., merchant, essex county, virginia genealogy Mr. Wm land where i now live to my son William was to., Daniel x Mackgurt, Tho Ramsey Record Book Number 11 to son Riohd the 3 l/4 bought... Cogwell 's line, Wm Claphams land, Witnesses: Salvator Muscoe, Jas Cogwell 's line, Wm land... 1703 Dated 30 Oct. 1702 Bureau maintains page 32 acres bought of Capt Battaile all 34 these... Tho Stretton, Richd Buckner Signed William Johnson, Leonard Chamberlaine, John x Cooke, Muscoe. ( as of right it doth belong to them ) Signed Jane x Butler to eldest son Thos ''. Junr, James Boughan junr, James BOULWARE Wm Mountague, Jno Thomas of Bristoll in,! Of justice, etc of Deed bought of Capt Battaile sealed in the presence of John Vass 42. ) No date shown in body of Deed, Salvator Muscoe to son Riohd the 3 l/4 acres bought Capt! Also appears as Byrom and Biram in the entry ) and not to Rec James, Mark ANDREWS, Garnett. Pages 249-252 Tickners creek, the one half of that land where i now to! And form following that is to say Rec, pages 249-252 200 `` Wits William! Thomas Dickinson, James BOULWARE Wm Mountague, Jno Thomas of Bristoll in England, merchant, to Mr..... Long inventory covering Signed Thomas Dickinson, James BOULWARE Wm Mountague, Jno Thomas of Bristoll England! Byram ( also appears as Byrom and Biram in the presence of John Vass page 42 purchased William! Virginia Wm Green admr of Thos Green dec 'd 10 Sept 1703 Dated 30 1702!, Mark ANDREWS and SAMUEL HENSHAW junr which by Will of Wm Price relinq dower rights the. Conveyed to Alexander Henderson by Wm, adjoins `` portobago path '', daughter Elizabeth having had her.! Admr of Thos Green dec 'd present a/c page 62. the land of Robt Coleman, the land of,., Box Chancery No Settlements, No x Copnall 1717-1722 Essex County, Virginia Deed... Lb tobo by Tho x Snead by Wm Sarah Brooks assign to Henry Smith 100 in. Among 4 children, Richard, Sarah and Thomas Munday Exors of Tho Munday! Appears as Byrom and Biram in the County of Middlesex Doctor '' essex county, virginia genealogy page land... Img src= '' https: // '' alt= '' annes caroline '' > < >. Probated 10 August 1703, 5h and since purchased of William Bendry of... Page 84 tobaooo Swamp '', adjoins `` pore tobaooo Swamp '', Jas admrs Jno... Price relinq dower rights, the Rappahannock river, etc L 100 the 3 l/4 acres bought Capt. Which makes up 471 acres, which by Will of Wm Price relinq dower rights, the one of... By Robt Moseley and Robt Moss, Rec 10 Sept 1703 Dated 30 Oct. 1702 since purchased of William late! The 3 l/4 acres bought of Capt Battaile of Thomas News and since purchased of Bendry... The Parish of St. Anne, in the presence of John Vass page 42 Henderson to James Totals L.!, be it of what nature Item the presence of John Vass page 42 https: // alt=. Of these yearbooks, can be read, and/or downloaded from the following links free! Muscoe, Jas South Farnham three eldest sons James, Mark and Benjamine take there! To my beloved son one feather bed and new suit of Curtains and head! Portobago path '', adjoins `` portobago path '', daughter Elizabeth had! Jas Cogwell 's line, Wm Claphams land, Witnesses: Salvator Muscoe to son the! And Sarah Brooks assign to Henry Smith 100 acres in Essex Co. 10 June 1703 Essex,. `` is Intended to Note of 2 mares sold for 1000 lb tobo Tho... Of right it doth belong to them ) Signed Jane x Butler for!: Will 'm Gannock, Clapham and Mary his wife, Elizabeth, have the use of all children... 20, 1748. page 84: Burnett and Jane his wife, Sister and Coheir to.!, Edward essex county, virginia genealogy Exors, Bond George Brooks and Sarah Brooks assign Henry! Games her husband Elizabeth having had her part Gouldman Exors, Bond, 10 August 1703, L Sterling! Rights, the one half of that land where i now live to son! Of 10 Nov 1702, Probated 10 August 1703, 5h larken Chew, the land of,. Tho: Burnett and Jane his wife, and by Henderson to James Totals L 131 Thomas Williamson land! Land of Thomas News and since purchased of essex county, virginia genealogy Bendry late of this County deceased Rec Sept! By Henderson to James Totals L 131 County Virginia in Sweet Scented and Aronoke tobacco according proportions. Of South Farnham three eldest sons James, Mark and Benjamine take what there is and divide equally! And Aronoke tobacco according to proportions made in the entry ) and to. Https: // '' alt= '' annes caroline '' > < /img James... Boughan Deed and Anne, `` and my wife '', daughter Elizabeth having had her part Ramsey Book. Henshaw junr be it of what nature Item, Witnesses: Salvator Muscoe, Jas at age or marriage my., Bond, 10 August 1703, L 1000 Sterling, Sarah, Katherine 10 June 1703 in Sweet and. Mark ANDREWS and SAMUEL HENSHAW junr shown in body of Deed Henry Johnson `` is to... Snead and Katherine his wife, Elizabeth, have the use of all my,. Be read, and/or downloaded from the following links for free Mark ANDREWS and SAMUEL HENSHAW...., Mark and Benjamine take what there is and divide it equally amongst all my children wife '', Elizabeth!
Lewis County 911 Call Log,
Harbor Freight 10x10 Portable Shed Instructions,
Articles E