WebM*A*S*H cast members. The wedding is cut short by incoming wounded, which leaves Donald in the mess hall, unable to move in his body cast. She is good-natured and has a bubbly personality. He is later promoted to Sergeant ("Promotion Commotion") and begins to take his duties even more seriously; the writers had decided to "tap into his street skills" to flesh out his character. For Rizzo, that was the motor pool. Later, when Trapper and Hawkeye explain to the soldier that all blood is the same, he reflects upon his behavior. Margaret receives her official divorce decree from Donald in the episode "Hot Lips is Back in Town". [citation needed] He was introduced in the show's sixth season as a replacement for Frank Burns, both in the unit's surgical team and as a foil for Hawkeye and B.J. Radar's lovable, put-upon persona is a key piece of the show for the eight seasons that feature him, and it's hard to imagine anyone else in the role. [13] Several of his teeth were knocked out by his German captors, for which he was later awarded a Purple Heart, one of four he holds: two from World War I, one for his teeth being broken by the Germans and another for having been gassed; one from World War II when his illicit still on Guam blew up on him; one from Korea, for being shot in the buttocks by a sniper. After the war ends and the 4077th is disestablished, he returned to Boston, where the position of Chief of Thoracic Surgery at a prestigious hospital awaits him. As for Klinger's religion, in an early show, Klinger said he gave up being an atheist for Lent. Unlike Blake, he is not afraid to put his foot down when the camp's antics get out of hand, but this is motivated by not wanting to see his troops get into trouble outside of the camp. Radar is from Ottumwa, Iowa, and joined the army right out of high school. In the book and the film, Trapper John is a graduate of Dartmouth College (having played quarterback on the school's football team) and serves as thoracic surgeon of the 4077th. Burns claims that he was performing superior work, even going so far as to donate blood to a critically wounded soldier in between treating patients and completing the Last Rites benediction in Latin for the deceased after Father Mulcahy passed out from exhaustion.
Captain Oliver Harmon "Spearchucker" Jones is a character who appears in the novel MASH (and its sequels), and was portrayed by Fred Williamson in the movie and Timothy Brown in the television series. Hunnicutt is played by Mike Farrell in the TV show. That didn't stop him, however, from delivering a great performance in the 2019 Oscar-nominated Scarlett Johansson/Adam Driver film "Marriage Story." While it wasn't a starring role, G. W. Bailey's performance as Sergeant Rizzo was always great to see on "M*A*S*H." The operator of the motor pool, Rizzo is often used as a gatekeeper in various plotlines throughout the show when other characters want to use a jeep or borrow money. In the wake of her split with Burns, she becomes more comfortable with at least some of the unit's more unorthodox ways and as time progresses, becomes a willing participant in some of the hijinks. [21] In the season 3 episode "O.R. In "The Price of Tomato Juice", Igor identifies himself as "Maxwell", and Major Frank Burns also refers to him as "Maxwell" in the following line of dialogue. and a scene showing a jeep driving off with the deceased Ho-Jon, causing a brief pause in the poker game.[56]. He makes his first appearance in the Season 2 episode, "For Want of a Boot", and his final appearance in the Season 8 episode," Good-Bye Radar" (which also marked Gary Burghoff's last appearance on the show as Corporal Radar O'Reilly). Flagg is an American intelligence agent who acts paranoid and irrational and appears to the staff of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital to be mentally unstable. First aired March 2, 1974. However, it appears that Margaret genuinely cares for her flock and is not merely shaking them down in pursuit of material gain. Sally Clare Kellerman (June 2, 1937 February 24, 2022) was an American actress and singer whose acting career spanned 60 years. Nonetheless, he also participates in and initiates practical jokes, such as secretly switching Major Winchester's clothing for that of other soldiers to make him think he is gaining or losing weight, or filling Frank Burns's air raid foxholes with water. He also has claimed to be in two different theaters of War during World War II: In the summer of 1944 on Guam; in December 1944 in the Battle of the Bulge. Today, Maxwell spends his professional time discussing the show that made him famous on the podcast "M*A*S*H Matters," which he co-hosts with writer Ryan Patrick. Initially outraged to find that they were traded on the black market, he learns that the candies were sold to buy an entire month's worth of food for the orphans. Freedman led Hawkeye to stop suppressing the memory of seeing a Korean mother smothering her crying baby to keep it silent, so a North Korean patrol would not find and kill or capture their group. scenes. Judy Farrell, known for her portrayal of Nurse Able on "M*A*S*H," has died at the age of 84. He once mentioned to Father Mulcahy that he sets aside three dollars from each salary payment for the local orphanage. (In the final regular episode of the series titled "As Time Goes By", Radar's teddy bear is put into the unit's time capsule to symbolize the soldiers who arrived as boys and left as men.). and Hawkeye. [45] This leads him to periodically prove himself, such as volunteering for a dangerous mission to demonstrate his courage to a soldier who had shot himself in the foot to get out of combat duty ("Mulcahy's War"), and putting himself in harm's way to retrieve or negotiate for medical supplies ("Tea and Empathy", "Out of Gas"). She appeared in 86 episodes of the series, more episodes than some main characters, such as Henry Blake and Trapper John. It is implied he assisted Hawkeye and Trapper in their schemes on the sidelines. The character's original defining characteristic was his continual attempts to gain a Section 8 psychiatric discharge from the Army, by habitually wearing women's clothing and engaging in other "crazy" stunts. In the pilot episode, to raise funds for Ho-Jon's education, Trapper "jokingly" suggests selling Spearchucker. For the episode, see, "Walter O'Reilly" redirects here. He is married with two daughters. [28], She is the head nurse of the 4077th MASH, the highest-ranking female officer in the unit, and fiercely protective of the women under her command.
In the series of novels co-written with (or ghost-written by) William E. Butterworth, Houlihan reappears as the twice-widowed Margaret Houlihan Wachauf Wilson, both husbands having expired on the nuptial bed through excessive indulgence in her still-outstanding physical charms. Judy Farrell, known for her role as Nurse Able in MASH, has died. She refuses to leave Korea until she finds her family, leading to the irony that although the end of the war means Klinger is free to return to the US, he chooses to stay with her in Korea and aid in her search.
WebLarry Gelbart (developed for television by) (251 episodes, 1972-1983) Larry Gelbart (written by) (30 episodes, 1972-1976) Larry Gelbart [30][29], Her nickname "Hot Lips" has different origins in the original novel, film, and TV show. In turn, Potter holds Burns' feigned military bearing and subpar medical skills in contempt. In season six, he receives a Dear John letter from Laverne saying she has found another man, whom she later breaks up with, then becoming engaged to Klinger's supposed best friend. Burns becomes even more erratic than usual after Houlihan's engagement and even a little before, such as when she was attending a meeting in Tokyo during Season 4 without him. In the film, he is an American (as he can be seen wearing the insignia of a US Army Captain), but his background is not discussed. One of the most distinct, memorable performances on "M*A*S*H" is that of Jamie Farr, who played the crossdressing Lebanese American corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger. He is also more reserved than his predecessor, often serving as the voice of reason when Hawkeye goes too far. As the orphanage director apologizes, Winchester reflects: "It is I who should be sorry. The AfterMASH episode "Madness to His Method" has as its frame Colonel Potter writing a letter in Missouri about the episode's situation to an unseen Freedman. The entire cast reunited in 1991 for Memories of M*A*S*H on CBS. In 2002, the surviving cast members came together for the M*A*S*H 30th Anniversary Reunion Special on FOX. Judy Farrell, known for her role as Nurse Able in M*A*S*H , died on Sunday. Clayton has somewhat less of a military bearing than Hammond, and seems to want to balance military expediency with "fatherly advice". WebBack in the day he was one of the best characters of all time on M.A.S.H., but like every part thats ever been written it had to end eventually. Hawkeye remarks, "Watch the cake die of malpractice!". M*A*S*H is a media franchise revolving around the staff of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital as they attempt to maintain sanity during the harshness of the Korean War. She was 84. Klinger was the first main character introduced on M*A*S*H not to have appeared in either the original novel or the subsequent film. The first name "Kealani" was never spoken on screen, but according to interviews with the actress, that was the first name used on set when referring to the character. On occasion, he assumes temporary command of the 4077th in the absence or disability of Colonels Blake or Potter. In addition, Potter, who had been managing administrative work before his assignment to the 4077th with the asset of knowing many of his superiors as personal acquaintances, possesses formidable skills as a surgeon and for keeping morale high in the operating room. Her long-standing affair with Frank ends after she finally realizes that Burns has no intention of divorcing his wife to marry her; she does have an engagement and subsequent marriage to Lieutenant Colonel Donald Penobscott. Klinger's discharge was dropped, and Freedman left the camp. [19], A borderline-incompetent surgeon (he twice failed the medical exams and only passed by buying the answers the third time - even so it took him seven years to complete medical school), his reputation for incompetence has spread even to the South Korean Army. However, as a similar omission exists regarding Colonel Potter's decorations, this may simply have been an error by the costume department. His mother is deceased and he has a sister (although, like Vermont, they are mentioned in some early episodes), and he is close to his father, whoas mentioned in the later episodesis also a doctor. Although Burns was Hawkeye's archenemy and Blake was Hawkeye's friend, one trait shared by Colonel Blake and Major Burns was a hypocritical attitude toward their marriage vows. In the episode "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet", Hawkeye says that he shares a tent with three other doctors. A hospital orderly who is innocent and not especially bright. As an indication of their respect for him, in the final episode Hawkeye and B.J. formally salute Potter as he leaves the camp, one of the few times either is shown doing so. On one occasion, he borrowed a deactivated hand grenade from Igor and used it to scare B.J. The Korean doctor who examines Ho-Jon discovers that Hawkeye has given him drugs to induce hypertension and tachycardia (so that he will fail the induction physical). He replaced Trapper, both in his position within the unit and as an ally of Hawkeye Pierce and a foil of Frank Burns, appearing in all but one episode of the rest of the series. In addition to his gullibility, Burns was shown to be incredibly greedy, selfish, and occasionally childish. When Rizzo was found out Charles played a prank and as Rizzo threw the grenade in the Swamp, Charles dived on the inactive grenade stunning Rizzo. In the novel, the confrontation is less violent, and Burns is simply transferred to a VA hospital stateside. In the film, when it is proposed that "Spearchucker" Jones will bunk with the other surgeons in the Swamp, Duke is disrespectful (implied to be because of his Southern heritage), until he is rebuked by Hawkeye and Trapper. Judy Farrell, who was best known for her role of Nurse Able on M*A*S*H, has died. [26] An example of his childishness was shown when Burns is passed over for command of the 4077th in favor of Colonel Potter; Frank has a temper tantrum and runs away until he gets cold, tired and hungry.[14]. Major Margaret J "Hot Lips" Houlihan appears in the novel, the film (played by Sally Kellerman), and the TV series (Loretta Swit). In "Morale Victory", he sends for a copy of the score for Ravel's Piano Concerto for the Left Hand to encourage a pianist who can no longer play with his injured right hand. Most of these are extremely flamboyant and the Reverend Mother herself is conspicuously glitzy and glittery. When Colonel Potter takes command, Klinger immediately tries the same with him, but Potter sees through the scam immediately. He is a board-certified neurosurgeon in the film, and in the episode in which Hawkeye becomes chief surgeon, Spearchucker's specialty is indicated as he struggles to do other types of surgery and when he asks Hawkeye for help, he says, "Anything outside the skull, I'm dead". Sutherland was born in Canada in 1935. In the early part of the series he was a stock character of comic relief who usually talked about the Korean orphans taken care of by Catholic nuns. Following Houlihan's marriage in the fifth-season finale, "Margaret's Marriage" (also Larry Linville's last appearance on camera as Frank Burns), in the two-part sixth-season premiere episode "Fade Out, Fade In" that introduces his temporary (later permanent) replacement, Major Charles Emerson Winchester III, the 4077th learns that shortly after the wedding, Burns suffered a mental breakdown while on a week's leave in Seoul. He is also mentioned, but does not appear onscreen, in the episodes "Mad Dogs and Servicemen", "Heal Thyself", "A Holy Mess", and "Trick or Treatment". ", Frank has a quiet, insightful conversation with Trapper, where he admits that he grew up in a strict family where he couldn't talk at meals, and that he became a snitch, "so I could talk to somebody.". Series writer Larry Gelbart stated during the M*A*S*H 30th Anniversary Reunion special that Klinger's antics were inspired by stories of Lenny Bruce attempting to dodge his military service by dressing himself as a U.S. Navy WAVE. In the pilot episode, Ho-Jon is accepted at Hawkeye's old college, just as in the novel. He is also overly suspicious of Koreans, going as far as to claim that South Koreans are communist infiltrators and hustlers, and is openly racist against Native Americans, although Colonel Potter, being part Cherokee, sternly puts a stop to that early on. In the TV series, Burns is a firm believer in military discipline and continues to fancy himself a superior surgeon; but his actions invariably reveal his incompetence and require one of the other surgeons to prevent him from making fatal mistakes. Like Roy, he is a medic, and he is frequently seen together with Roy. For the film, the voice is sometimes listed as that of Marvin Miller and sometimes as that of David Arkin, who played Staff Sergeant Vollmer. In the book, the character's full name is Hamilton Hartington Hammond, and he is stationed in Seoul. Episode 2/24, "A Smattering of Intelligence." Captain B.J. Frank is last referred to in the second-to-last episode "As Time Goes By", where the question is asked (by Winchester) if anything that was put in the 4077th's time capsule belonged to Burns. He served briefly in World War II; in 1950 he was drafted into the US Army Medical Corps and sent to serve at the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) during the Korean War. Freedman appears in 12 M*A*S*H episodes: "Radar's Report" (as Milton Freedman), "Deal Me Out", "O.R. Hunnicutt's mustache", The Real stories of MASH and disease-fighting Armed Forces medical scientists, "Heldenfels' Mailbag: Questions on 'Suits' and 'Taboo', "A soldier in a dress put Toledo into America's living rooms", https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068098/trivia/?ref_=tt_trv_trv, https://media.eagles.1rmg.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/30100729/Eagles-Hall-of-Fame-2021-1.pdf, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_M*A*S*H_characters&oldid=1146787842, Lists of American comedy-drama television series characters, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Vague or ambiguous time from November 2019, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Benjy Pierce (father--novel); Daniel Pierce (father--TV); unnamed wife and children (novel), Evelyn "Evvy" Ennis (ne Potter) (daughter); Son who is a dentist, Corey Ennis (grandson); Sherry Pershing Potter (granddaughter), Honoria Winchester (sister) She was 84. Skerritt was 37 years old at the time. Charles Winchester was born in his grandmother's house in the Boston, Massachusetts neighborhood of Beacon Hill, and is part of a wealthy family of Republican Boston Brahmins. Klinger eventually gives up his attempts at Section 8 when he is picked by Colonel Potter to become the company clerk following Radar's discharge. Both medals were stolen by Hawkeye and given to people who deserved them: an underage Marine (played by Ron Howard);[25] and a Korean mother and her infant son who had been shot just before she gave birth. [15] He unjustly accuses a rookie orderly, Boone (Bud Cort in the film), of killing one of his patients and nearly kills another patient, earning him retaliatory assaults from Duke and Trapper John. He visited the camp to do a psychiatric evaluation of Klinger, who was aiming for a Section 8 discharge). His name is only mentioned in the episode "Payday", though Hawkeye jokingly introduces him as his "brother-in-law Leroy" at the Officer's Club. Flagg appears in six M*A*S*H episodes: "A Smattering of Intelligence", "Officer of the Day", "White Gold", "Quo Vadis, Captain Chandler? McLean goes on to star in several failed sitcoms and make fun of After the series ended, Swit continued to work in television, including some voiceover work in shows like "Batman: The Animated Series" and "Cow and Chicken." Played by Linda Meiklejohn. During his brief run on the show, it was implied that he and nurse Ginger Bayliss (played by Odessa Cleveland) were romantically involved. The star was best known for working on the long-running smash-hit TV series MASH which aired from 1972 until 1983. He has a sibling, Kathy, who is a Catholic nun. (Sparky seems to be at his desk around the clock). But despite his stern military bearing, Potter is a relatively relaxed and laid-back commander, not above involving himself in camp hijinks and understanding the need for fun and games to boost morale during wartime, particularly in the high-pressure atmosphere of a MASH. And not especially bright Farrell, known for her role of Nurse Able MASH. He assisted Hawkeye and B.J especially bright at his desk around the clock ) who aiming! Herself is conspicuously glitzy and glittery, selfish, and Burns is simply transferred to a hospital. Trapper John is shown doing so from each salary payment for the M a! Exists regarding Colonel Potter 's decorations, this may simply have been an error by the costume.. Same, he is a Catholic nun selfish, and he is also more reserved than his,... Exists regarding Colonel Potter 's decorations, this may simply have been an error by the department..., the character 's full name is Hamilton Hartington Hammond, and childish... 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