This is how each service personnel system manages the process. Initially, the Navy Rating Modernization System eliminated all rating titles. They gather news and stories distributed via writing or through television broadcasts. 4) Military applicants that have not completed the JSAMTCC program may still be evaluated for authorization to take the mechanic knowledge test based on documented MAINTENANCE DATA ANALYST 221.367-038. Music (55) Marines perform music or music-related activities in support of military ceremonies, official functions, community relations, recruiting and Marine esprit de corps.. There were no grouping of similar trades together, making it hard for someone to know the meaning of an MOS code without a manual. This MOS has three enlisted positions: basic ammunition and explosive ordnance disposal marine, ammunition technician and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technician. Maintenance personnel conduct administrative procedures, repair analysis, technical inspection procedures, testing of ordnance equipment and quality-control methodology. They are then followed by the SQI, ASI, and SLI as an enlisted MOS would be. MOS designations can include civilian workplace equivalents, such as administration, engineering, construction, information technology, communications, logistics, maintenance, healthcare, and so on. Potential enlistees, as well as active-duty personnel considering a job change, should make themselves well-acquainted with the job requirements of the fields that interest them before talking to a recruiter or military career counselor. AFSCs for Command & Control Systems Operations: 1C5XXCommand and Control Battle Management Operations, 1T0XX Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape, 2A0XX Avionics Test Station and Components, 2E1XX Satellite, Wideband and Telemetry Systems, 2E6XX Communication Cable and Antenna Systems, 3E1XX Heating, Ventilation, AC, Refrigeration, 3E2XX Pavement and Construction Equipment, 4M0XX Aerospace and Operational Physiology. Financial Management (34) Marines help with budgeting finances and generating spending forecasts. The Army Healthcare system relies on the support of the well-trained men and women of the Medical Community. An officer with the naval aviator designator of 1310 might have an AQD of DV3, SH-60F carrier anti-submarine warfare helicopter pilot, or DB4, F-14 fighter pilot. "Instead they will be 'Second Class Petty Officer, or 'Petty Officer.' They are an alphanumeric combination and may only be associated with specified MOSs, although in practice some ASIs are available to every MOS (e.g. Adjutant Generals Corps includes these designations: Army Acquisition Troops includes the Acquisition, Logistics and Technology Contracting NCO (MOS 51C). The final digit further defines the job within the same functional area. Interpreter/Translator (MOS 09L) provides interpreting and translating of foreign languages spoken and written into English, and vice versa. Because the modern Army goes airborne, Army Aviation operates and maintains helicopters, planes, and unmanned aerial vehicles. All occupation codes follow a general pattern and standard of training. You wont graduate without a job assignment because most new recruits like you will go straight to a tech school or advanced training before your first duty station. Former Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Michael Stevens led the controversial review earlier this year for the Secretary of the Navy on behalf of Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson. Retrieved from, N.A. Jobs include basic financial management marine, financial technician, non-appropriated fund audit technician and fiscal/budget technician. 2 Intermediate (is only used for pilots, 4 Staff (relates only to the level of functional responsibility and is restricted to positions above, The career group is 63 (acquisition manager), The functional area is A (all 63 officers are "A"), The qualification level is 3 (fully qualified), The prefix "T" designates a formal training instructor (other prefixes are available for other specialty positions), 11HX Rescue Pilot (includes both helicopter and fixed-wing), 11UX Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Pilot, 12EX Experimental Test Combat Systems Officer, 12FX Fighter Weapon Systems Officer (WSO), 12RX Recce/Surv/Elect Warfare Combat Systems Officer, 12SX Special Operations Combat Systems Officer, 15W Weather and Environmental Sciences Officer, 16GX Air Force Operations Staff Officer, 16PX Political-Military Affairs Strategist, 17SX Cyberspace Warfare Operations Officer, 18AX Attack Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot (18X established in October 2009, 18GX Generalist Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot, 18RX Recce Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot, 20C0 Maintenance Group Commander or Deputy Group Commander, 21AX Aircraft Maintenance Officer (MXO), 30C0 Mission Support Group Commander or Deputy Group Commander, 41AX Hospital Administration, Health Services Administrator and Medical Service Corps, 42TX Occupational Therapist Biomedical Specialists, 43AX Aerospace & Operational Physiologist, 46YX Privileged Advanced Practice Nurse, 47DX Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist, 48GX General Medical Officer (GMO), Flt Surg, 89C0 Air Advisor (Basic) Mission Commander, 89E0 Air Advisor (Advanced) Team Leader, 89F0 Air Advisor (Advanced) Mission Commander, 89H0 Combat Aviation Advisor Team Leader, 89I0 Combat Aviation Advisor Mission Commander, 89W0 Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team, 92J1 AFROTC Educational Delay-Law Student, 92J2 Funded Legal Education Program Law Student, 92M0 Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) Medical Student, 92M1 Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Student, 92T1 Navigator/Combat Systems Officer Trainee, 92T3 Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Pilot Trainee, 92W4 Wounded Warrior-Limited Assignment Status, 92W5 Wounded Warrior-Retired/Discharged, 95A0 Non-Extended Active Duty AFRC or ANG USAFA Liaison Officer or CAP Liaison Officer, 96D0 Officer not available in awarded AFSC for cause, This page was last edited on 15 March 2023, at 02:07. They may oversee repair and maintenance of transport equipment, service fuel and water tankers and HUMVEEs. These were 5-digit codes; for example a maintenance data systems specialist was 39150 and a weather technician was 25170. Support operations Logistics, medical, legal, chaplain Revision in 1993 5 character system 1st Career group (3-support, 4-medical) 2nd Career field (4-primary care, 5- Specialty badges are assigned to each naval rating, and worn on the left sleeve of the uniform. Operating in small teams assigned complicated missions, members of the Special Warfare and Special Operations Community tackle salvage operations, IED (improvised explosive device) disposal, hostage rescue, and small boat operations. An MOS, or military occupational specialty, involves the breathtakingly wide range of jobs carried out by members of the United States armed forces more than10,000 different specialties covering a vast array of skills, interests, opportunities, and levels of responsibility. (ND) Understanding Military Skillsets: Part II. The Nuclear Field (NF) offers three ratings: The construction branch of the Navy, SEABEE comes from the abbreviation CB for Construction Brigade. Beyond their work as builders, however, Navy construction workers and engineers are warriors, trained in combat tactics and maneuvering in defense of their positions and construction sites. The Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) is an alphanumeric code used by the United States Air Force to identify a specific job. Aircraft Maintenance (60/61/62) comprises the 6000 field. They issue and inspect gas masks and related equipment and train Marines on how to use them. Engineer, Construction, Facilities and Equipment (13) Marines have duties such as welding and metalworking and are responsible for maintenance, operation and repair of heavy engineering equipment. Utilities includes the establishment, operation, maintenance and repair of power generation sites, heating, shower and laundry facilities, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. To help ascertain a prospects fitness and suitability, the several military branches require applicants to pass certain tests. not always be coded with DoD management headquarters function codes. Certain field specialty code letters were reserved. 6F0X1. Marines do not compete for promotion or retention based on their NMOS, only their PMOS (or basic MOS, for those who have yet to complete training for a PMOS). Electronic Warfare Specialists are designated MOS 29E. The Duty AFSC (DAFSC) reflects the actual manpower position the Airman is assigned to. Military Occupational Codes (MOC) are alphanumeric codes assigned to each military occupational specialty. Additionally, an alpha suffix (a "shredout") denotes positions associated with particular equipment or functions within a single specialty (an Afrikaans specialist in the Germanic linguist field would have an "E" shredout). The list of US Army military occupational specialty codes is published on the United States Army Human Resources Command (HRC) PAMXXI website.[1]. In this case, the soldier becomes a 68Z at the SGM level, not the MSG level. Additionally, there will no longer be a distinction between 'airman, fireman and seaman. Air Force designations fall into nine categories: Operations, Logistics, Support, Medical, Professionals (Chaplain and Legal), Contracting and Financial, Special Investigations, Special Duty Assignments, and Special Reporting Identifiers. WebINTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST 059.267-014. Intelligence (02) includes jobs responsible for gathering, processing and disseminating sensitive classified information. The following document includes the updated, new, and the older MOS codes for the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard enlisted personnel. These occupations are designated by a five-character alphanumeric code the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC). The first four-digit code number indicated the soldier's job; the first two digits were the field code, the third digit was the sub-specialty and the fourth code number (separated by a period) was the job title. Duties and tasks are identified by rank because the Marine Corps MOS system is designed around the belief that increased duties and tasks accompany promotions.
Engineer Senior Sergeant (MOS 12A): Leaders skilled in assorted engineering-related roles, among them reconnaissance, demolitions, construction, rescue and training. The 18X was for special forces candidates who had not yet passed the "Q" course. It includes jobs such as air control electronics operator and air traffic controller. Within each occupational field, there are usually several codes available. A system of ratings is also used in the United States Coast Guard.
WebU.S. The AFSC is similar to the Military Occupational Specialty Codes (MOS Codes) used by the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps or enlisted ratings and USN officer designators and Naval Officer Billet Classifications (NOBCs) used by the United States Navy and enlisted ratings and USCG officer specialties used by the United States Coast Guard. When an enlisted soldier is promoted from sergeant first class to master sergeant in most career types, that soldier will be reclassified administratively to the "senior sergeant" of their career management field. Information from your device can be used to personalize your ad experience. When the special duty tour is completed, members typically return to their primary AFSC (enlisted job). Retrieved from, N.A. Additionally, Airmen that have retrained into multiple specialties will have several Secondary AFSCs (2AFSC, 3AFSC, etc.). (ND) Finding your Air Force Job (AFSC). As a new recruit, you will learn the job language of your military branch. Ground Ordnance Maintenance (21) Marines carry out the inspection, repair and maintenance of weapons systems. Special Investigations (OSI) (7S) is not an entry-level position. For officers, the MOS 0802 indicates that it is in occupational field 08 (field artillery) and designates the "field artillery officer" (02) MOS. The first four code symbols were made up of a two-digit code for the career field, a letter code for the field specialty, and a number code (1 to 5) indicating level of instruction in their field specialty. They must understand various military laws and proceedings to help both Marines and civilians. Infantry (03) includes ground forces trained to locate and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or repel their assault by fire and close combat. Each series contains a number of related job titles. Military Crosswalk Search Search codes or titles from the Military Occupational Classification (MOC) . Along the way, he has racked up state and national awards for writing, editing and design. That soldier is reclassified administratively from MOS 12B to MOS 12Z "senior engineer sergeant"). WebMilitary Occupation Codes Air Force Communication - Computer Systems Control - MOC 3C2X1 Communication - Computer Systems Operations - MOC 3C0X1 Communication - Computer Systems Planning & Implementation - MOC 3C3X1 Communication - Computer Systems Programming - MOC 3C0X2 Electrical Power Production Apprentice - MOC 3E0X2 In October 1993, the Air Force implemented a new system of AFSCs, aligning occupations with the force wide restructuring that was implemented under Merrill McPeak. Originally, the four-digit MOS code mostly listed the recruit's civilian profession. Electronics Maintenance (59) Marines maintain, repair and operate of different types of electronic equipment within the Marine Air Command and Control Systems network, supporting air defense, weaponry, surveillance, radio communication, data monitoring and air traffic control. WebJob Classification Number/TitleArmy Military Occupational CodesCoast Guard RatingsMarine Corps Occupational CodesAir Force Specialty CodesEnlisted Code Description 36B Financial Management Officer CodeDescription 36A Navy Ratings and DesignatorsEnlistedOfficer CodeDescriptionCodeDescription Enlisted CodeDescription Officer EnlistedOfficer MPs also investigate crimes and have arrest authority. The U.S. Navys version of job codes ratings for both officer and enlisted classifications. LIGHT AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY CREWMEMBER 378.684-030. Supply Administration and Operations (30) Marines perform ground supply administration and operations, including maintaining supply warehouses, ordering and processing equipment and coordinating the distribution of supplies. For example, a combat engineer (MOS 12B, part of CMF 12) is promoted from sergeant first class to master sergeant. This was to aid in classifying what military job they could be assigned. They are responsible for communicating plans and coordinating and implementing communication strategies to build relationships. Assignments include transporting equipment and personnel, as well as delivering combat action to enemy ground troops. The two-digit number is usually (but not always) synonymous with the career management field (CMF). Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) (05) includes MAGTF Marines, planning specialists, information operations specialists and security forces advisors. Soldiers without any ASIs are assigned the default ASI of "mk lmk00" (zero-zero). There are a wide variety of jobs in avionics, including unmanned aerial vehicle avionics technician, aircraft avionics technician, communications/navigation systems technician and cryptographic systems technician. Enlisted airmen have a five digit code, and officers have a four digit code. Marines in the logistics unit may support the MAGTF in assaults and operations ashore. Motor Transport (35) is considered a primary MOS and is reserved for Marines holding ranks from Private to Sergeant. Ratings identify general enlisted occupations consisting of specific skills and abilities. Retrieved from, N.A. Retrieved from, Powers, R. (2019, September 20) Navy Careers: What You Need to Know About Navy Enlisted Ratings. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (57) Marines defend against any type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) attack that could occur in their jurisdiction. Web0238 Information Security Officer 0239 Chief Information Security Officer 17C Cyber Operations 170A Cyber Operations Technician 25B Information Technology 170BSpecialist In 1983, there was a reform of this system. Use the translator tool below to convert your MOS/AFSC/Ratings code to a civilian occupation. This field also includes motor vehicle operators who complete motor transportation school to learn to drive a variety of USMC vehicles. The first digit in both represents the career group. '", The fleet at large did not respond to this favorably. Training (09) encompasses Marine instructors, including drill, combat, marksmanship, small weapons, water safety and survival, and martial arts instructors. Master at Arms (MA) responsibilities include running security patrols and law enforcement operations, operating brigs (jails), and providing protection for high-ranking dignitaries and government officials. Retrieved from, Hamilton, D. (2021, December 16) U.S. Marine MOS: What is Your Military Occupational Specialty? WebMilitary Title. Sample results: Air Force specialty codes (AFSC) The code "10C0" is the United States Air Force But, each branch of the military has its own unique way of documenting them. We specialize in military to civilian transitions. WebMILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY CODES Following are the updated, new, and the older MOS codes for the U. S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and U. S. AIR FORCE CODES Current MOS Codes 1992-MOS Codes Prior to 1992 MOS Codes Title Creditable Experience 2A333 45234 43131 Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Warrant officers also had a five-symbol code but it was different. Meteorology and Oceanography (68) Marines collect, assess and disseminate intelligence relevant to friendly and enemy force strengths and vulnerabilities. What is the best way to get the job you want-crush the ASVAB! Examples would be a recruiter, first sergeant, or military training instructor. WebAir Force Active Duty ; Air National Guard ; Air Force Reserve ; Base Locator; Careers; Career Finder; Career Categories; Specialty Careers; Pay & Benefits ; Air Force Active Duty Jobs include basic legal services, legal services specialist and legal services reporter. For example, an artillery officer who has had schooling in communications and public speaking could end up with a functional area in public affairs (FA46). Each job is given a unique designation; related specialties within a category get the same two numbers, followed by a letter assigned to a particular specialty. light armored reconnaissance Marine (Primary, combat rubber reconnaissance craft (CRRC) coxswain (Necessary, reconnaissance Marine (parachute qualified) (Necessary, reconnaissance Marine (combatant diver qualified) (Necessary, reconnaissance Marine (parachute and combatant diver qualified) (Necessary, light armored reconnaissance leader (Primary, light armored reconnaissance master gunner (Necessary, light armored reconnaissance operations chief (Primary, This page was last edited on 17 March 2022, at 00:54. No tables, rankings or lists are fully comprehensive and do not include all companies or available products. Eighth and ninth characters: two-letter requirements and qualifications which are a language identification code (LIC). 9 Reporting Identifiers, typically used for Airmen in transit status AFSC 2 T 371A Fire Truck and Refueling Maintenance The second digit is a letter that identifies the career field of Transportation & Vehicle Management. Give Field Artillery (08) Marines have various areas of responsibility and expertise. The officer AFSC consists of four alphanumeric characters: As with enlisted AFSCs, prefixes and suffixes may be applied to make the AFSC more specific. In this article, we are going to provide you with the definitive guide to all military occupational specialties for all services and all ranks. | 501(c)(3) Non-profit Credit Counseling Organization. But not everyone will enter basic training with a guaranteed job. In this case, you will pick a career during basic training. Combat Camera (46) Marines use various camera equipment to photograph people, places and deployments for historical intelligence/civil affairs. My Next Move Mi Prximo Paso My Next Move for Veterans Resource Center O*NET Web Services Code Connector. This level of training includes correspondence courses, more on-the-job training, and for some jobs, a 7-level technical school. Using the above example, the AFSC X1N371E would refer to a Germanic Cryptologic Linguist who is aircrew qualified and specializes in Afrikaans. The first two digits designate the field and, the last two digits identify the promotional channel and specialty. The Office of Naval Intelligencecollects, analyzes, and produces scientific, technical, geopolitical, military, and maritime intelligence. These roles all require high levels of fitness, mental toughness and tactical proficiency. 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