It wears an Eotech EXPS 3-2, and a set of Troy Ind. Would you like to. Recently got another 2K of it from Ammomanso yes, I like it. Hence the reason I use XTAC as my plinking ammo, cheap and accurate; at least for my Colt. Most of my inventory is PMC. 200 Yds: 2367. Protect your purchase for life! Shop now and get Free Value Shipping on most orders over $49 to the WebPMC Bronze 223 Remington 55 Grain FMJ 20 rounds per box Newly-made, reloadable brass casings These 55-grain 223 Remington cartridges feature balanced boat-tail full metal jacketed bullets that slip through the air and impact with repeatable and consistent accuracy, shot after shot.
The boat tail design features a tapered bullet toward the base. PMC Bronze. All rights reserved. If you're just plinking I'd stick to what you know your rifles like. PMC 223A Ammunition, Case, Bronze Target 223 Remington, FMJ Boat Tail 55 GR - Brass, Boxer, Non-Corrosive, Reloadable - 1000 Rounds. 50 Boxes of PMC Bronze .223 Rem Ammo 55 Grain FMJ-BT, 1000rds . This PMC ammunition has a lead core enclosed by a strong metal jacket to make a non-expanding, deep penetrating bullet that is exceptional for range use. Plusits on the low end of recoil so I love it for competition. Shoots nice groups, is not a very dirty ammo, and after 5 years of storage on some of the PMC ammo used, there has not been any issues. PMC 223A: PMC Ammunition's popular Bronze Line provides high-performance velocity and accuracy in a cost-effective cartridge. BUIS. We sell this SKU by the 1000 Round Case. I reload PPU cases with 24.6 grains of N140 behind a 69 grain SMK, but use something like 22.4 grains in the PMC cases. Its meant to be shot a lot, enmass, in just about any 5.56/.223 platform, and for high round count training and practice. Is it consistent? Anytime you get rid of wolf/tula it is a good thing :bleh: well.. from VA, United States Both shoot equally clean and reliable. It is a moderate load that Chronographs in the 2850fps range, with a 60grn VMax. WebThe idea is to create greater accuracy due to better wind resistance and a more stable flight. When that depetes, it is no more. Dont pay more than 10-12. The accuracy specification from the US mil-spec for M855 (MIL-C-63989C) states that the average vertical standard deviation and the average horizontal standard deviation shall be no greater than 1.8 inches at 200 yards using an indoor range.* The accuracy testing is conducted using machine rested, bolt-action, heavy test barrels. Posted: 11/7/2012 11:32:07 AM EDT [#16] The companys most popular line, PMC Bronze, is designed for recreational shooters. I ended up trading him 12 boxes of wolf/tula 762x39 for his ak, for 10 boxes of that pmb brass for my ar. 50 Boxes of PMC Bronze .223 Rem Ammo 55 Grain FMJ-BT, 1000rds .
No problem with this ammo. from AZ, United States Web223 Remington.
It's just a 70 fps difference. It is a wonderful product. Mark, Her's is an M&P with a 16" barrel. ITEM NO: 223SP. Load up on Remington, Winchester, Hornady, Federal Ammo and many more.Get the lowest price per round on top calibers including .223, .308, 45 ACP, 9mm . Pretty clean, too. There are no reviews that match your criteria. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Here are the products we offer: We understand our success begins and ends with you. FMJ ammo is more likely to result in a through-an-through, which could impact something else downrange. When I sighted it in I had no problem hitting a 3" Adhesive target spot at 50 yards. If you can get your hands on a lot of it then go for it. I have got my stock going with these 2 different ammo's for plinking and Lake City 5.56 for when at home. I've reloaded mine a lot of times. Load up on Remington, Winchester, Hornady, Federal Ammo and many more.Get the lowest price per round on top calibers including .223, .308, 45 ACP, 9mm . I never noticed enough accuracy difference when plinking, but I always go for the hotter load if it's available (and the cost isn't outrageous) in case of SHTF. Fortunately, most areas of potential mercury contamination are void of such levels of acetone vapor. PMC Bronze is 3200. WebNow there is 925 Sterling PMC! Cheaper-than-dirt, out of stock. The tapered end leads to an increase in ballistic coefficient. Get 10% Off - Subscribe to Our Email List, Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Accuracy would require testing in your particular gun. WebPRODUCT DESCRIPTION. I've reloaded mine a lot of times. Be patient. It is heavier-duty, thicker brass so less interior volume. Regular Price $14.99 Special Price $8.99 $0.45. by That isnt its job. PMC Bronze .223 55gr. Accuracy would require testing in your particular gun. Fax: +1-866-534-3097 JavaScript is disabled. WebTop ammunition brands at low prices on Bulk Ammo to single boxes. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. WebPMC Bronze .223 Rem Ammo 55 Grain FMJ-BT 20rds - 223A . When you head out to the range for target shooting, you dont want to worry about how much each round will set you back. At Elevated Gunworks, we want to be your solution for your firearms and ammunition needs. If your range forbids ammo that can attract a magnet, the PMC .223 Bronze is nonmagnetic. PMC has been good for me. The tapered end leads to an increase in ballistic coefficient. My AR seems to like it and I have a mini-14 coming. Learn more about our Return Policy. Would you like to. It is heavier-duty, thicker brass so less interior volume. It is a wonderful product. Our popular Bronze ammunition makes it possible for recreational shooters and riflemen to enjoy high performance velocity and accuracy in a cost-effective cartridge. WebPMC Bronze .223 Remington 55 Grain FMJ Boat Tail Ammunition $13.99 Newest First Filter by All Showing 7 of 7 reviews by Pros: Clean and accurate Cons: None Best Used for: Target and competition Great buy reliable by Trump won, from FL, United States Written on December 12, 2021 3 5 Yes Report Abuse 223 pew pew pew I have not gotten too serious about grouping it out of the M&P. Regular Price $449.50 Special Price $419. It's just a 70 fps difference. The next two rounds were well within an inch. BULLET TYPE: PSP. As of yesterday SGGAmmo had 8 cases in stock, so I grabbed one. It is very clean burning so that means less solvent time, generally one solid go around of the weapon is all it takes. I went back to the local store and took them up on the case price deal they offered me. The .223 Remington cartridge provides smooth, reliable feeding in all types of semi-auto and bolt action firearms regardless of manufacture. Also, when you go hunting, you can bring plenty of ammo with you. WebBronze - PMC Ammunition Reliable performance from serious competition to casual paper punching Our popular Bronze ammunition makes it possible for recreational shooters and riflemen to enjoy high performance velocity and accuracy in a cost-effective cartridge. Web223 Remington. The tapered end leads to an increase in ballistic coefficient. Daniel Defense firearms, parts and accessories,, Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum. reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item within 30 days of Sensitivity The J505 has a detection range from 0.05g/m3 to Before I invested in this ammo I purchased a couple of 20 round boxes. 223 55 grain is reliable. Yes, plenty consistent for that high volume training. Take advantage of PMC Bronze affordability for any situation that involves high-volume shooting without compromising downrange results. Great ammo no fails so far. Do you have a source for thisother than gun store chatter? WebPMC Bronze 223 Remington 55 Grain FMJ 20 rounds per box Newly-made, reloadable brass casings These 55-grain 223 Remington cartridges feature balanced boat-tail full metal jacketed bullets that slip through the air and impact with repeatable and consistent accuracy, shot after shot. If you are a high-volume shooter, the PMC .233 cases can be reloaded several times. Anyone either not like it or have a better alternative? It's just a 70 fps difference. Why not go with the hotter 5.56, if it is the same price. The hand load I run is not a "Max Load" by any means. Clean, chambers and extracts well, consistent firing of over 120 rounds. WebBronze - PMC Ammunition Reliable performance from serious competition to casual paper punching Our popular Bronze ammunition makes it possible for recreational shooters and riflemen to enjoy high performance velocity and accuracy in a cost-effective cartridge. My Wife's AR eats it like candy. PMC 223A: PMC Ammunition's popular Bronze Line provides high-performance velocity and accuracy in a cost-effective cartridge. Written on March 15, 2023. awesome ammo and price! Plusits on the low end of recoil so I love it for competition. Load up on Remington, Winchester, Hornady, Federal Ammo and many more.Get the lowest price per round on top calibers including .223, .308, 45 ACP, 9mm . 9AM-5PM CT Sat-Sun (Chat & Email Only), PMC Bronze .223 Remington 55 Grain FMJ Boat Tail Ammunition. My S&W doesn't like it nearly as much and I get groups @ 100 that sometimes are as much as 2.5 maybe 3 inches. Probably overpaid, but what the hell. As we mentioned, the Boxer primer makes for more streamlined reloading because the primer, with its single flash hole, is much easier to remove than a Berdan primer with dual flash holes. Not a biggy since I clean it right away. I shot the 55gr PMC bronze vs. the X-Tac though my 1:7 16" LMT this weekend. BULLET TYPE: PSP. Fortunately, most areas of potential mercury contamination are void of such levels of acetone vapor. WebPRODUCT DESCRIPTION. I wouldnt have any problem purchasing again. receipt, and we'll cover the cost of return shipping. Doesnt get jammed and at 100 yds ok. Not too dirty plus the shells still ok if you want to reuse. The new PMC Bronze is really a good bit to shoot. It was great and seemed like a good SHTF ammo. (This ammo is very popular, so if we are out of stock, please check back soon). Come join the discussion about collections, gear, DIY projects, hobbies, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! With so many new gun owners, they might be happy to learn what experienced gun enthusiasts know: The PMC .223 bronze 55-grain ammo delivers reliability and quality at an affordable price. Good accuracy fair price reliable consistent. WebBronze - PMC Ammunition Reliable performance from serious competition to casual paper punching Our popular Bronze ammunition makes it possible for recreational shooters and riflemen to enjoy high performance velocity and accuracy in a cost-effective cartridge. 5. I may have gotten a bad lot though. I was pressed for time so I didn't get serious about accuracy, just functionality. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Although PMC Bronze is priced for high-volume shooting, they didnt compromise accuracy or performance to keep the price low. Very affordable and accurate rounds. PMC Bronze is 3200. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. The .223 centerfire rifle ammunition is probably the most popular single rifle cartridge for AR-15s. Intl. Never had one problem out of it in fact I havent had one failure from any PMC ammo, handgun or rifle. I suggest this ammo find its way into your cubby. After several hundred rounds through an A2 and MPR Ive found this ammo clean and consistently accurate. from SC, United States I have not had a single issue with this ammo. from FL, United States My personal favorite is PMC Bronze since its affordable, and the brass is great for reloading. With our supplemental limited lifetime warranty, Classic Firearms will extend the manufacturers warranty to cover costs associated with the repair or replacement of defective parts of your item after the expiration of the manufacturer warranty for as long as you own the item (subject to terms and conditions). SAVE $30.00. Although PMC Bronze is priced for high-volume shooting, they didnt compromise accuracy or performance to keep the price low. The tapered end leads to an increase in ballistic coefficient. The Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) cartridge consists of a lead core bullet enclosed in a heavy copper jacket, resulting in little or no expansion and deeper penetration of the bullet. Accuracy would require testing in your particular gun. The advances are amazing. 223A | Bronze Line | 55 Grain | 3200 FPS MV, 308B | Bronze Line | 147 Grain | 2780 FPS MV, 50A | Bronze Line | 660 Grain | 3080 FPS MV, 7.62A | Bronze Line | 123 Grain | 2350 FPS MV, 10A | Bronze Line | 200 Grain | 1050 FPS MV, 10B | Bronze Line | 170 Grain | 1200 FPS MV, 25A | Bronze Line | 50 Grain | 750 FPS MV, 32A | Bronze Line | 71 Grain | 900 FPS MV, 32B | Bronze Line | 60 Grain | 980 FPS MV, 357A | Bronze Line | 158 Grain | 1471 FPS MV, 380A | Bronze Line | 90 Grain | 961 FPS MV, 38G | Bronze Line | 132 Grain | 917 FPS MV, 38SA | Bronze Line | 130 Grain | 1100 FPS MV, 40B | Bronze Line | 165 Grain | 1040 FPS MV, 40D | Bronze Line | 165 Grain | 989 FPS MV, 40E | Bronze Line | 180 Grain | 985 FPS MV, 44B | Bronze Line | 180 Grain | 1750 FPS MV, 44D | Bronze Line | 240 Grain | 1497 FPS MV, 44SB | Bronze Line | 180 Grain | 980 FPS MV, 45A | Bronze Line | 230 Grain | 830 FPS MV, 45B | Bronze Line | 185 Grain | 900 FPS MV, 9A | Bronze Line | 115 Grain | 1150 FPS MV, 9B | Bronze Line | 115 Grain | 1160 FPS MV, 9G | Bronze Line | 124 Grain | 1110 FPS MV, 223SP | Bronze Line | 55 Grain | 3200 FPS MV, 308SP | Bronze Line | 150 Grain | 2820 FPS MV, 9A-BP | Bronze Line | 115 Grain | 1150 FPS MV, 45A-BP | Bronze Line | 230 Grain | 830 FPS MV, 40D-BP | Bronze Line | 165 Grain | 989 FPS MV, 38G-BP | Bronze Line | 132 Grain | 917 FPS MV, 380A-BP | Bronze Line | 90 Grain | 961 FPS MV, 50A (M/B) | Bronze Line | 660 Grain | 3080 FPS MV, 223A-BP | Bronze Line | 55 Grain | 3200 FPS MV, 223A M/B | Bronze Line | 55 Grain | 3200 FPS MV, Reliable performance from serious competition to casual paper punching. I shot 200 rds and not a single issue even with my trigger adjusted too light. The end result is more of a grey silver than the fine silver but gorgeous and you hallmark as sterling or 925. Is it accurate? Yes, but not match grade. If for any I've reloaded mine a lot of times. Is it consistent? PMC 223 Bronze is a high volume working round. ITEM NO: 223SP. Copyright 2022 Classic Firearms, LLC. Regular Price $14.99 Special Price $8.99 $0.45. 5 years ago this was 6 $ a box but times have changed. pmc 55gr xtac are not accurate for me i have a 16" rainier arms select barrel with poly rifling. I have tried it in several different Magazines with the same results. Trump won, The ammo features a Boxer primer with a single flash hole. Decent ammo. Love this ammo another brass ammo in the same price range I like is the American Eagle brass 55 grain FMJ. I will be buying again especially if the price drops a tad bit more. PMC 223A: PMC Ammunition's popular Bronze Line provides high-performance velocity and accuracy in a cost-effective cartridge. Web223 Remington ITEM NO: 223A BULLET TYPE: FMJ-BT WEIGHT: 55 grain BALLISTICS (barrel length: 24 inches) VELOCITY (feet per second) Muzzle: 3200 100 Yds: 2833 200 Yds: 2493 300 Yds: 2180 400 Yds: 1893 500 Yds: 1635 ENERGY (foot-pounds) Muzzle: 1250 BULLET PATH (inches) Muzzle: -1.50 100 Yds: +1.43 200 Yds: 0 300 Yds: -7.06 Arms select barrel with poly rifling involves high-volume shooting, they didnt compromise accuracy or performance to keep price. 200 rds and not a biggy since I clean it right away and action! A 70 fps difference as my plinking ammo, handgun or rifle for reloading of pmb... Local store and took them up on the low end of recoil so I did n't serious! Pmc Bronze.223 Rem ammo 55 Grain FMJ-BT, 1000rds working Round hands on a lot of it then for. Gear, DIY projects, hobbies, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and we 'll cover the cost return! 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