If they could not read or write, they had to say it to someonewho would write it down for them. #68 ORTIZ Son of Orti #224 HOFFMAN German occupational surname meaning property manager. #543 OWEN Lives by the yew tree, or person who appears youthful. WebThe following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the 1920s. 18. #465 MALONE From the Gaelic surname OMaoileoin meaning follower of St. John. #762 CORDOVA Habitational surname for a family from the ancient city of Crdoba, Spain. Create account; Log in; Personal tools. #123 WALLACE Welsh or Foreigner. #873 BERNAL Spanish surname meaning son of Baruch. Auer (German Origin), meaning "Dweller near a Marsh, Living by a Water Meadow." Eaton (Old English Origin) - Derived from the word 'Eatun', meaning 'homestead by an island' or 'a river'. #863 FELIX Originally a term of endearment, meant happy one. #449 ADKINS Family or son of Adam. Clifford (English Origin) - A family last name for people residing in a place in Herefordshire. #448 TRUJILLO Family from the city of Trujillo, Spain. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. #953 MAYNARD Strength, strong. This change of adopting a surname first happened in China, which makes sense, considering they've been the country with the largest population for thousands of years. #410 ROBBINS Family of Robin. #367 HORTON From the farm on muddy soil. These are the most popular given names in the United States for all years of the 1910s. Langley (English Origin) - Village in the south of Langley Mill in Derbyshire. #647 TAPIA Lives in or behind a mud wall. Ainsley (English Origin) - People coming from Nottinghamshire, Annesley, or Ansley in England. You can use the links below to view more common surnames. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. #797 BROWNING Descriptive surname from the Olde English brun meaning someone with brown hair or skin. #916 CRANE Nickname surname given to a man who was tall and thin like a crane (bird). #144 WOODS Family who lived in or near the woods. #771 KERR From the word kjarr, meaning wet ground covered with brush. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. #957 SANFORD From the sandy ford. WebHistorical Person Search Search Search Results Results Glenn B Sutherin (1910 - 1929) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Meaning near the water channel, strait. It is believed that they evolved from a practice called 'by-name' which used to reflect one's trade and locality in the name. Did you find your name on the list? #251 FRANKLIN Free man. #245 HARPER Occupational surname for someone who played or made harps. #909 FRY Born free. 11 References. #621 RANDALL Son of Rand/Rande. Birdwhistle (Old English Origin) - Meaning 'a fork or junction on a river where birds nest', derived from the pre-seventh century term 'bridd twissel'. #710 HUTCHINSON Son of hugh, or son of the close, beloved relative. #894 HERRING Occupational surname for a fisher or seller of herring (fish). Torres. #684 CLINE From the German klein meaning little, small. #13 GONZALEZ Son of Gonzalo. #3 WILLIAMS Son or family of William. It is a toponymic Web1910s American Style: Image courtesy of Valerie Mendes and Amy de la Haye, 20 th Century Fashion, 1999 The lounge suit was also a popular American style of the 1910s. WebCurrently, the most popular last name in America is Smith, with a total count of 2,442,977 people who have the surname. Dayton (English Origin) - Taken from the name of a city in Texas. #825 KNAPP Hilltop. #912 BENTON From the town with the bent grass. #512 OROZCO Habitational name from Orozco, Spain. #444 BURGESS Free man of a fortified town. #589 BASS Big/tall or an occupational surname for someone who caught or sold fish. #412 RAMSEY Locational surname from the town of Ramsey, UK. There are four different evolutions of surnames, patronymic, locative, occupational, and nicknames, but note that last names have become increasingly more complicated over time, something which can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of your surname. Jennifer is widely regarded as the leading expert on popular baby name trends and the naming process, serving as the authoritative source on the subject for national and international media. #369 LYONS Son or family of Lyon. Dudley (English Origin) - A town in England. #56 PARKER Occupational surname for someone worked as a park keeper or game keeper. #325 BATES Son of Bartholomew. #616 HOOD Scottish occupational surname for a maker of hoods or nickname for someone who wore one. #16 THOMAS Son of Thomas. #885 CASE Occupational surname for someone who makes boxes, cases, or chests. Data from the Social Security Administration. #622 SINGLETON Habitational surname of people who lived in a town named Singleton or in or near a burnt clearing. #596 WHITAKER From the white field or from the wheat field. WebThe following table shows the 200 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the 1900s. The following table shows the 100 most popular given names for male and female babies born during the last 100 years, 1911-2010. #600 ZUNIGA From the town of Estuniga, Spain. #627 SKINNER Occupational surname for someone who made hides or pelts. 35. #725 ROSARIO Contraction of the Spanish Mara del Rosario, given to a girl who was born on the festival of Our Lady of the Rosary, celebrated on the first Sunday in October. #974 POLLARD Strong descendent of Paul. #500 HARRINGTON From the town of stony ground. Berrycloth (English Origin) - It comes from the Old English 'beara' (grove) and 'cloh' (ravine). #891 GOULD Descriptional surname for someone with golden hair or occupational for someone who worked with gold, like a jewelry maker or gilder. From the word engaingne (ingenuity). They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. These slaves were frequently named after their owners or the physical characteristics they exhibited. #867 HANNA From the Gaelic Ohannaigh, meaning descendant of Annach literally meaning iniquity. 3 List of deputies. From Ceallaigh.
They typically end in either 'son' or 'dottir.' The table below shows the top 250 most popular baby girl names in 1910, with a total count for the number of births registered with that given name. Arizona becomes the 48th state and last of the contiguous states admitted to the Union on February 14, 1912. #962 VU Vietnamese surname meaning fighter/soldier. #60 REYES Literally translated to Kings, it refers to the phrase La Virgen de los Reyes, meaning the Virgin of the Kings. #708 CLAY Occupational or habitational surname for someone who worked with clay or lived on clay land. #791 BARTLETT Son or family of Bartholomew. #537 MARSH Family who lived near the marshland. (Watt was a nickname for Walter) #232 LAWRENCE Family of Lawrence or from an area named Laurence. #401 AGUIRRE From a prominent place. #597 DECKER Occupational surname for a thatcher or roofer. #542 STOKES From the Old English stoc meaning trunk of a tree. You can also click any of the names in the table below to find out more about the origin, meaning, and ancestry of each last name. Occupational last names make up some of the most common surnames found in the United States today, most notably Smith, which has been the most common last name in the USA for decades. Barlow (English Origin) - Derived from the names of many villages in Northeastern England like in Lancashire and Yorkshire. This led to last names like Lake, York, and Marsh. #910 DELAROSA From the family of Rose, or from an area where wild roses grew. #233 SANDOVAL From Sandoval, Spain. #404 CHANDLER Occupational surname for a candle-maker. #83 CHAVEZ Occupational surname for a key maker. Abram (Old English Origin) - Derived from Abraham a prophet in the Old Testament. #199 SPENCER Occupational surname for a butler or steward of a manor. The surname Smith occurs roughly 828 times per 100,000 Literally Priests Town. #140 OWENS Son of Owen. #525 FRENCH Person from France. #569 NASH From the place near the ash tree. #402 LIN Chines surname meaning from the forest. 43. #880 MAYER Occupational surname for a mayor of a village or town. Much of this has to do with where surnames came from and their meanings. #991 HENDRIX Family of Heinrich. #167 DIXON Son of Dick/Richard. #218 ANDREWS Family of Andrew. Baker Meaning: One who bakes bread Origin: #169 HUNT Hunter. Web(Top) 1 Composition. For each rank and sex, the table #124 MORENO Brown-skinned. Given to a young person who was excitable or energetic. #73 REED Red person with reddish complexion. From the latin ramus meaning branch. Literally means Son of bringer of wisdom. #557 SHEPHERD Occupational surname for a herder of sheep. This page is currently showing names ranked from 1 to 1000. #513 SALAS Literally means room, hall. Could be habitational or occupational for someone who worked in a mansion. #214 HUDSON Son of Hugh. #766 WINTERS Nickname surname for someone who was literally cold or unemotional. Literally means place of swans. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. #635 BRIDGES Lives near a bridge or a bridge builder. 53. The people at that time also used some of these last names as the first name of their children. Along with Elsie and Walter, other 1910s baby names that are currently in the US Top 1000 include Arthur, Evelyn, Florence, George, Harry, Josephine, Raymond, English, Scottish, German, French, Italian. #307 NEWMAN Stranger, newcomer. #370 PHAM Vietnamese surame meaning extensive. 21. #516 ANDRADE Habitational name for people who lived in the small parish of San Martio de Andrade in the town of Pontedeume, Galicia in Spain. #44 BAKER Occupational surname for family of a baker. #82 BROOKS Family who lived by or near a brook (creek). Literally means the beacon/lighthouse. #317 KELLER German occupational surname for a winemaker. Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. #950 DONALDSON Son of Donald. #461 WU Chinese surname meaning gateway to heaven. #954 GALINDO Spanish surname of unknown meaning. To search, press CTRL-F on a PC, or -F on a Mac, then enter your last name. #40 FLORES Son of Floro. #559 ALI Exalted, revered. #845 REILLY Gaelic name from OReilly, meaning son or descendent of Raghailligh. #1000 ARCHER Occupational surname for an archer/bow man. #978 LU Chinese surname of unknown meaning. While European surnames tend to follow the above rules (even if they are in different languages) Americans run into a few problems when it comes to finding the origin of their surname. Churchill (English Origin) - The last name goes back to pre-seventh century Old English words 'cyrice' (church) and 'hyll' (hill), giving it the meaning 'the church on the hill'. #800 SLOAN From the old Gaelic given name Sluaghadhan, meaning a leader of a military expedition. Astley (English Origin) - The name of a village in Chorley, Lancashire, comes from the Old English 'ast' (east) and 'lah' (woodland clearing). #661 FOLEY From the old Gaelic surname, OFoghladha, meaning Descendant of the pirate. #345 SCHWARTZ Person of dark or swarthy complexion. #562 TREVINO Lives in a house on a boundary, or where boundaries meet. #159 PORTER Occupational surname for someone who transported items. #427 KHAN Chief, ruler. #335 FRAZIER Scottish clan surname, meaning varies but possibly near the strawberry field. #289 PARK Korean surname, meaning gourd. #278 McCOY Anglicized form of a Scottish surname meaning son of Aodh. These are the most popular given names in the United States for all years of the 1910s. #614 CAMERON Nickname surname meaning bent nose. #603 MELENDEZ Visigoth surname meaning Entire Gift. #28 RAMIREZ Son of Ramiro. #744 MACDONALD Son of Donald. It can also be an occupational last name meaning 'a hawker' or 'dealer of commodities'. It is derived from words meaning 'hermitage' and 'clearing'. #115 ROMERO From or traveler to Rome. #854 MAYS Either family of Matthew or a nickname for a guy who is a good friend. Step One Begin by entering the first and last names of your relative. 2. #803 CALHOUN Variant of the Scottish surname, Colquhoun, meaning nook or corner. Gastrell (Old English Origin) - Taken from the last name of the infamous Rev. 1899 All years 1901. #300 MEJIA Unknown meaning, might be a religious surname referring to the Messiah. #946 KRUEGER German occupational surname for someone who made or sold glass/pottery kruog, or ran an inn krug. #484 INGRAM People from England. #403 CUMMINGS Possibly from the French town Comines. #655 HORN An occupational surname for someone who either played a horn instrument or made small articles, like spoons, out of animal horn. 51. #143 McDONALD Son/family of Donald #714 GILMORE From the Celtic surname MacGille Mhoire, meaning servant of the Virgin Mary. #197 DUNN Dark or brown in complexion. #560 SHAFFER German occupational surname for someone who was a household manager or steward. #682 CALLAHAN From the Gaelic surname O Ceallachain. #663 MATHEWS Family of Matthew. Because these border changes and immigrations happened decades and centuries ago, surnames in the United States are no longer limited to just one race. #184 RICE Welsh surname meaning fiery warrior based on the name Rhys. #748 ENGLISH Person from England. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. #985 JARVIS From the given name Gervase meaning spear or spear/valley. #377 McKINNEY Form of the Gaelic Mac Cionaodha meaning son of Cionaodha (pagan god of fire).
Bradshaw (English Origin) - Name first found in Lancashire at Bradshaw, now part of Greater Manchester, it comes from 'brad' (broad) and 'sceaga' (thicket). #195 PAYNE Originally meaning pagan. 56. #213 ARMSTRONG Literally means strong man. The 200 most popular names were taken from a universe that includes 11,372,948 male births and 12,402,331 female births #716 VILLEGAS From the house near the village. #850 BENJAMIN Son of my right hand. #753 KEMP Champion. #290 YANG Chinese surname meaning willow tree or aspen. #919 VILLALOBOS From the town of Villalobos, Spain, meaning the village of wolves. 12. #839 QUINTERO Spanish surname meaning fifth or a person from Quintero in Ourense province, from the word quinteiro, meaning farmstead. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. #52 PHILLIPS Family of Phillip. Hearst did much to create "yellow journalism"--with the emphasis on sensationalism and the lowering of journalistic #540 ZAMORA Family from the ancient city of Zamora in North West Spain. #480 FARMER Occupational surname for a person who worked a farm. #829 NOBLE From nobility. #189 NICHOLS Family of Nicholas. #181 WARREN Lives near a warren/animal enclosure. #314 BARRETT Warlike person, quarrelsome. #309 CURTIS Person with manners. It is possibly related to people from Chatham in Kent or Chatham Green in Essex and is derived from Celtic 'cd' (wood) and Old English 'hm' (homestead). 46. #495 NORMAN From the northern region of France. #494 STRICKLAND From the cow pasture. Edevane (Old English Origin) - Ead means 'prosperity or happiness'. #396 DANIEL God is my judge. Famous bearers of this name include the Americans Louis Armstrong (1901-1971), a jazz musician, and Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), an astronaut who was the first person to walk on the moon. Literally means lives by the stream that leads to the port or bay. Literally means yew tree. Bentham (English Origin) - Village in Badgeworth civil parish, primarily Bentham in Yorkshire or Gloucestershire in England; comes from Old English 'beonet' (bent grass) and 'hm' (homestead estate) or 'hamm' (enclosure hemmed in by water). 14. Literally means high rock. Hackney (English Origin) - Victorian-era last names of people from a town in eastern London. Burton (English Origin) - A town in Leicestershire, England. Occupational last names make up some of the most common surnames found in the United States today, most notably Smith, which has been the most common last name in the USA for decades. Other names like Knight, Prince, Baker, Farmer, and Tanner all came about due to this naming tactic. Literally means wild olives. #611 LAM Chinese surname meaning Forest. #674 CHOI Korean surname meaning one who oversees the land and the mountain. Because victorian last names were used to reflect the occupation of the people, they also became a status symbol. #636 BRUCE From various place names in Normandy, France. #662 ATKINS Family of Adam. #804 SEXTON Occupational surname for someone who worked as a sexton, a warden of a church.
#348 WATTS Family of Walter. #743 PRINCE Nickname surname for someone who acted royal or above their station. #215 CARROLL Irish surname from the Gaelic O Cearbhaill meaning fierce in battle. Thus this led to the rise of popular Spanish-sounding surnames like Rodriquez and Garcia in the US. #216 LANE Irish surname from OLaighin, meaning the descendant of Laighean. #353 MORAN Sea Warriors. #641 VINCENT Conqueror. Sometimes, Americans would take part of this first name and make it a last name. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. #121 REYNOLDS Family or son of Reginald, or the King (rey). Clare (Irish Origin) - Taken from the name of a county of Ireland, it is also related to Clare in Suffolk, which is an eastern county of England. #255 CARR From an area of wet, rough ground #805 CHUNG Chinese/Korean surname literally meaning hanging bell flower. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. #786 McINTYRE Son of the carpenter or craftsman. #111 GONZALES Son/Family of Gonzalo. #219 ALVARADO From the white land. 52. #238 ESTRADA Literally means street or way #397 SIMON One who harkens. #180 FOX Cunning like a fox, or a person with red hair. #849 GILES Holy man or one who does good. #872 McCONNELL From the Gaelic MacDhomhnuill meaning son of Donald/Donal. #550 BARRERA Family that lived near muddy area or ground of clay. #76 RAMOS Family from the wooded area. 2 1941. Literally means oak. #959 MADDOX From the ancient Welsh male name Matoc meaning good fortune. #711 KAUR Sikh surname meaning Princess. 62. #95 PATEL Indian/Gujarati surname meaning Landowner. 69. #886 SAMPSON The sun. #418 CARDENAS From the land of thorns. #518 CONNER An occupational surname for an inspector of weights and measures. IN THIS ARTICLE. Therefore you cannot guess someone's race based on their surname. Each Member's genealogy is stored in a separate tree. #341 SUTTON From the South. #639 MEZA Lives in or near a mesa, plateau. Chester (English Origin) - A city in northwest England. Literally means Little Valencia and Valencia means bravery, strength. #268 GILBERT Bright Pledge. #691 HO Chinese surname with several meanings, descriptive of a chin waddle or characteristic long-lasting. #642 YORK From the ancient city or county of York, UK. #774 ORR Lives near a slope or shore. #970 CHERRY Occupational surname for someone who grew or sold cherries. #173 WAGNER Occupational surname for a wagon maker. #904 COSTA Someone from the coast or a bank of a river. 90. Data from the Social Security Administration. #576 HOLLOWAY Lives near the holy spring. Victorian last names have also been associated with good luck and positivity, and as a result, inspire people to name their children and loved ones such names. #799 LOWERY Family of Lawrence. Variation of Suarez. WebMost popular baby names of 1900. #355 STEELE Occupational name for a foundry/steel worker. #45 HALL Occupational or place surname for a person who lived or worked in a hall. #599 COLLIER Occupational surname for someone who sells or burns charcoal. Given to a person who was a champion of a competition such as jousting. #425 CHAN Chinese surname literally meaning field or plain. #374 WOLFE Wolf or Wolf-like. #499 FRANK Person from France. Wassa was a feminine Anglo-Saxon given name. The 200 most popular names were taken from a universe that includes 1,231,299 male births and 2,353,353 female births #33 ALLEN Little rock. #128 BRYANT Family of Brian. Someone who might have been named David would be David of the Lake or David of the Marsh when he was first given the name. #164 SHAW Family who lived near a dense wooded area. #22 PEREZ Son of Pedro (Pedrez/Perez). WebJames Robert John William Richard Charles David Thomas Donald Ronald Females Mary Barbara Patricia Carol Judith Betty Nancy Maria Margaret Linda 1941 [ edit] Males Robert John James William Richard Charles David Thomas Ronald Donald Females Mary Barbara Patricia Carol Linda Judith Sandra Maria Betty Nancy 1942 [ edit] Males James Robert John #107 COLEMAN Son of Colum. 60. Hear ye! #411 LIU Chinese surnmae meaning to kill, destroy. #831 WEEKS Is from or works in a dairy farm, from the old English word wic. #956 ESTES From the East. #222 BERRY From the fortress, castle. #271 ESPINOZA From the thorny area. Barney (Old English Origin) - Means 'barley island' or 'a barn'. #306 JUAREZ Son of Suero. #120 GRAHAM People who lived in or near a gravelly homestead a contraction of the name Grantham (like Downton Abbey) #995 DUKE Leader (of an army or troops). #498 PARSONS Occupational surname for a parson or priest. Means valor, courage. #339 GREGORY Possibly from Gregorian monks, literally means watchful, awake. Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of BabyNames.com, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. #701 BRENNAN From the Irish surname O Braonin, meaning descendant of Braonn. Literally means raindrop or drop of moisture. #709 TANNER Occupational surname for someone who tanned hides. #828 BRAVO Brave, proven in battle. 7. #422 QUINN An Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname O Cuinn, meaning counsel. # 143 McDONALD Son/family of Donald # 714 GILMORE from the last 100 years, 1911-2010 from! 970 CHERRY Occupational surname for someone who worked in a dairy farm, from Old... Son or descendent of Raghailligh # 569 NASH from the ancient city Crdoba., cases, or chests wheat field SLOAN from the Olde English brun meaning someone with brown hair or.. Or spear/valley religious surname referring to the Union on February 14,.., baker, FARMER, and became a status symbol QUINTERO Spanish surname meaning fiery based... Macgille Mhoire, meaning the descendant of Laighean McINTYRE son of Orti 224... Military expedition years, 1911-2010 inn krug spear or spear/valley area where wild roses grew SEXTON, warden... 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