0000005648 00000 n
What would be that CPI sweet spot for the business, you think? ALL INQUIRIES OR CONCERNS REGARDING THE CITY OF TORONTO MUNICIPAL WASTE COLLECTION PLEASE CONTACT THE 311 HOTLINE BY PHONE OR WEB AT TORONTO.CA/311. Basing our standard fuel surcharge to this index makes sure customers are assessed a fuel surcharge that is correctly adjusted and easy to calculate. Rail is the most environmentally efficient mode of surface transportation and at BNSF we are committed to improving the efficiency of our network in a way that benefits both our customers and the environment. A large, green button with the text "Link Account" can be found on both of these pages in My Account. At BNSF, we are committed to providing you the information you need to make informed transportation decisions. Our teams remain focused on recovering inflationary cost pressures with our strongest-ever core price yield results. The amount or percentage of the Environmental Charge is not specifically tied to the direct or indirect costs to service a specific customer account. And I would also tell you, Hamzah, to your question about why we're different from other industries.
Online or on the phone. Retirees may not work at BNSF any longer, but many are active in their communities and play an important role as unofficial ambassadors for BNSF. And we've said kind of somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000 to 1,200 positions there as we -- and I mentioned in my prepared remarks that we've seen 30% reduction in the labor cost at those first five that we've done. Q: Why is there a surcharge when the cost of fuel is less than what it was when my contract began or was renewed? I think part of that is that the customer is watching -- they're watching these business shows on TV as well, and they know inflation is out there. We continue to advance our long-term strategic priorities of providing the best workplace for our employees, investing in technology and automation that differentiates WM and permanently reduces our cost to serve, and leveraging our sustainability platform for growth. WebAspen will pick up unlimited bagged or bundled yard waste each week along with your regular trash collection during the yard waste season, April-November, weather And just to be clear, that 60 basis points is just a pass-through math. At BNSF, we are proud and honored to receive recognitions from various organizations. Did he miss the call?
Thank you. We don't really -- we don't capture fuel in our core price or our yield numbers. Find out if intermodal is right for you. SBC Waste Solutions is fully committed to providing our customers with safe and reliable quality waste services at a reasonable and most efficient pricing . Devina Rankin -- Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. *Stock Advisor returns as of July 27, 2022. As a result, our company assess a Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge on customer invoices.. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. Obviously, ADS had an impact on margin. The standard to fuel/environment charge is designed to help our cover these costs and attain a reasonable operating margin. If you are a CN eBusiness user you can get your rail miles and route by clicking here. But we have started to become -- and I think last quarter or the quarter before, started to do some direct offtakes for renewable natural gas. I mean, there's some surcharges there. And just lastly, Jim, I mean, what do you think is the right level of CPI for the business? SBC Waste Solutions uses the surcharges to try to recover the all company-wide costs for diesel, natural gas, and other hydrocarbon-based fuels and products used by SBC Waste Solutions above the $.95/gallon diesel cost baseline, only from those customers subject to a fuel surcharge, this this exclude anyone who is exempt from the surcharge, as well as non-paying customers. First of all, I mentioned that on the price side, we -- to Michael's question, we have a very price-inelastic customer base. Is that fair to say? It also allows a consistent approach that can be calculated by our customers when they read the WM Collection Fuel Surcharge Table. Waste Management (WM-2.75%) Q2 2022 Earnings Call Jul 27, 2022, 10:00 a.m. %PDF-1.4
It sounds like you're feeling -- you're kind of moving past peak inflation here, but I guess who knows how long it will take to get back to normal inflation. That the conversations have changed a little bit? Time-sensitive information provided during today's call, which is occurring on July 27, 2022, may no longer be accurate at the time of a replay. Railroading is a big world filled with impressive and interesting people. John talked a bit about this labor shortage, and I don't think that's a short-term trend. As we move into the second half of the year, we expect inflationary cost pressures to ease on a year-over-year basis given the proactive steps we took to raise frontline wages in the second half of 2021. We're encouraged to see supply chain constraints in certain asset categories begin to show promising signs of improvement, though we are proactively managing the business in anticipation of the longer delivery schedules we've experienced over the last year. Service Advisory notifications inform BNSF customers of temporary changes or interruptions to transportation service. I don't know that we're different from other industries necessarily. startxref
Yes. Once activated, the button will disappear and become Pay My Bill, so if you don't see the green "Activate E-Billing" button and instead see Pay My Bill, you are already enrolled in E-billing and no action is required. Actually, that last question really feeds into what I wanted to ask about, which is kind of the medium to longer-term planning for some of the investments that, Jim and John, you've talked about in terms of ramping up ASL's percentage within the fleet, of course, the recycling automation. Those things are partially offset by approximately $190 million of higher costs, which were driven by a combination of inflation pressure and incentive compensation. And my point being is if all of this unwinds from an inflationary standpoint or there's a recession, you don't walk back unit prices.
That's not at all what this is. Thank you. But I'm wondering if you could comment on that. Please choose one of the following divisions: We see that you are serviced by our Michigan locations. And then all of a sudden, we kind of finished digesting ADS, and then we get this big headwind from fuel. These adjusted measures, in addition to free cash flow, are non-GAAP measures. Can we talk about that? So I think that what you're talking about, your question is really around -- is it where we expect to be with respect to capital? The current charge is 3.6%. All rights reserved. 0000001335 00000 n
Q2 revenue: $1.708B Up 40.4% year over year Net income: $64.3M Solid waste pricing: +7.3% Along with a 1.9% revenue contribution from fuel surcharges, these increases were described as the highest in company history. M&A: $360M Year-to-date annualized revenue contribution from 28 deals closed to date We announced the continuous investments last quarter or a couple of quarters ago and which is taking low-value plastics that we weren't getting paid a lot for and some of those mixed papers that I mentioned that are low value as well, and combining them and making a roofing material. WebThe environmental charge will not fluctuate each month. E-Billing can be activated from the Overview page, or from the Service Details page. And just you had flagged an above-normal M&A year. FedEx Domestic Fuel Surcharge Table (Diesel price per Euro/ liter) Fuel surcharge percentages and amounts, associated trigger points and methods of calculation are subject to change without notice. For 170 years, BNSF Railway has been an essential connector safely and efficiently transporting freight from point A to point B. Youll find a full listof our servicesundertheServices menutabat the top of the page. Find images, videos and PDFs that help tell you more about BNSF. But there's a couple of different components to your question here. Residential is a good view of that between capital and opex. GFL is proud to be aNorth Americanleader in solid waste management, liquid waste management, and soil remediation services. An increase in the environmental component occurred for most of our customers in April 2010. And any change in valuations you're seeing in the private market? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. That's that's helpful color. And the operating improvements, whether it's SG&A or operating cost, if it's 5,000 jobs, let's put a number on that of $50,000 to $100,000 per, it's a big -- it's a material impact to opex and to SG&A. So you're right. Here, youll find news releases, customer notifications and media assets available for use by news organizations. The regulatory cost recovery charge will not fluctuate each month. The Environmental Charge is on all invoice charges, including the Fuel Surcharge, but excluding the Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge and taxes. First, you'll need to log into My Account. This site is updated every Monday evening. So we feel like while we're still seeing labor inflation, it's not going to be at the same rate. Open All CN 7403 Mileage-based fuel surcharge - Carload traffic CN 7404 Percent-based fuel surcharge - Intermodal CN 7405 Percent-based fuel surcharge - Intermodal The Energy Fee calculation has two components, a percentage and an additional flat fee. But I don't know for sure and we haven't really done the math. That's a big chunk of the indirect pressure we're seeing. Your line is open. Locate pricing for any product from grain to coal or from lumber to steel -- as well as information on national tariffs, demurrage and storage charges, fuel surcharges and finance charges. They know it's real. SW Fuel Surcharge Workbook Fuel Surcharge LSN Form - 1st Billing Period Fuel Surcharge LSN Form - 2nd Billing Period Fuel Surcharge LSN Form - 3rd Billing Period Fuel Surcharge LSN Supplement - 1st Billing Period sign up for training opportunities and more. Cost basis and return based on previous market day close. and disposal, recycling, HAZMAT emergency response. And I think the benefit we'll see is in terms of what we did with our labor, which is a big chunk of our operating expense line. And there's other obviously inflationary pressures, but I think you got it right. Yet now, you have a very profitable sustainability business with renewables. 0QIRLA`i{UC#mjRoWH$b4Gs!l;S7S#(Z`[),. But our company, we do believe that we're starting to take some share. It is -- what do we expect this impact to be? The late fee calculation is listed on the invoice and/or in your GFL service agreement. Shop online for BNSF-branded merchandise. MpGdMS\X/_Y#A^z9gx:{$hL=C+T%cmC\ 9QxU\+i'.56j\~+ZvX=e#Pgn/s+Fdf*JTRj8lOTnB _dUc=m06c'crT c1Nat
'] crHQ]Q^. tC4dP],xeQEIEcz.Qw,>0+!fQ'8DEc]Y48'U '0=b1$.Q]7d1Xt:2fvEhu(+Me_a`1X,,,Er:2v@snu!1 We reviewed our environmentally related costs for 2009 and projected costs for 2010 for those customers paying the charge and determined that increases to such costs (as measured on the volume of waste that we collect and dispose) coupled with maintaining an acceptable operating margin, warranted a change in the environmental component to 7.5%. So the rate of change in open market might go from a seven core to a five core, but the underlying unit prices are very, very sticky, price per yard, price per ton, price per pull. So as I think about the macro economy overall, I do think there is a recession coming. And really, our outperformance relative to expectations is in two places, and that's our traditional solid waste business that outperformed expectations by about 40 basis points and the renewable energy business that outperformed expectations by 20 basis points. Q: What does this charge cover? Highlighting our commitment to safety, service, communities and our heritage. Thank you. Our next question comes from Jerry Revich of Goldman Sachs. I think you'd see pricing in those open market businesses follow that down but not exactly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I mean, outside of wages, are things still ramping, cooling off? The Environmental Charge percentage will not fluctuate each month; however, the percentage may be changed periodically, at our discretion, if there is a business determination that warrants a change. Q: I am already assessed a disposal tax or other government mandated fees, why is there an additional charge? Once you've navigated to the specific account you need an invoice for, select the Billing & Payments tab in the second-level navigation bar. One moment. So to kind of complete the answer there -- and good color, John. Jim, I'd like to follow up on the price conversation because I think this is one of the most critical issues the industry has going for it. Optional services that allow you to utilize or store equipment on BNSF property for an extended period of time. Or is it about what we think the impact will be from an operating standpoint by not backfilling some of these roles? It is currently set at 7.5% of all invoice charges, including the fuel surcharge (excluding taxes). See if the industry or facility you are looking for is served by the BNSF using our Serving Carrier Reciprocal Switch Inquiry tool. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Log in to the Employee Portal to access safety rulebooks, pay and benefits information, Thank you. 0000005090 00000 n
Learn more about our trains, how we operate them, and the variety of railcars we haul, in the informative BNSF Virtual Train Tour. So you really kind of talked about it, primarily volume, right? We consider a typical M&A year to be between $100 million and $200 million of acquisitions. Not a Governmental Tax; Future Changes 0000002165 00000 n
A: This charge helps us keep up with the changing costs of diesel, and products that we use . We have deliberately connected fuel-related expenses to actual fuel costs, guaranteeing a cost savings for our customers if Rumpkes fuel-related expenses decrease. After that, we apply the environmental percentage to the total invoice, which includes the fuel surcharge. Net income, EPS, operating EBITDA and margin, and operating and SG&A expense results have been adjusted to enhance comparability by excluding certain items that management believes do not reflect our fundamental business performance or results of operations. Serving Carrier Reciprocal Switch Inquiry. Network Update notifications inform BNSF customers on a biweekly basis of the overall state of our network. So there's not really an option for us to change that unless they choose to change their bid specs. And we expect that to play out through, not only the end of '22, but '23, '24, and beyond. And then, of course, if it requires a filing of some type, then we'll have justice look at it. (Some customers are charged a flat rate per load or other rates, which are terms in their contract or service. A: Yes. Second half volumes are expected to remain strong and for the full year, we expect collection and disposal volume growth of about 2.5%. Our advanced technology MRFs are yielding tangible benefits, resulting in about a 30% labor cost savings per ton compared to the rest of the single-stream network. And we're not seeing them turn that off. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The baseline cost is measured in diesel cost at $.95 per gallon. Get stock recommendations, portfolio guidance, and more from The Motley Fool's premium services. And the -- most other companies out there in our space just don't have the technology or the wherewithal. 0000008293 00000 n
On the renewable energy side, we have captured $27 million in the first half of '21 -- or '22, and we expect another $10 million to $20 million of incremental earnings in the back half. And that obviously is impacted as you're having to keep older trucks in the fleet. And then also, there's a second component to that, which is holding on to those price increases, and that's why there's always a little bit of give and take in pricing. That's a real positive in terms of the stickiness of price, and price is one of the big three. Just I've been getting some questions about housing, just kind of your exposure there. Additionally, early results from our pilot programs to fully optimize our roll-off routes are showing efficiency gains in the range of high single to low double-digit percentage increases. By logging in to MyAccount, you can also pay your bill or add a new service to your account. Right. A complete reference guide for the tools available for carload customers from set up, planning, and shipping to management. Jim, how are you feeling about the pricing point relative to the mid-20s that you underwrote the investments in? Just quickly to conclude. Now I'll turn the call over to WM's president and CEO, Jim Fish. Our next question comes from Michael Hoffman of Stifel. *Average returns of all recommendations since inception. Domestic Express Freight) and the charge per pound for U.S. I think you're spot on, Michael. Bg~NQA{WU1nH(+V 2! [Operator instructions] At this time, I'd like to turn the call over to your host, Ed Egl, senior director of investor relations. Right. Operating EBITDA increased more than $100 million in the second quarter, driven by an increase in the operating EBITDA of our collection and disposal business of $107 million. EIA/DOE average is published each Monday and will be used for invoices created during that week. It continue to be strong relative to our initial expectations. It is equal to 9.75% of the Sale Price for residential trash service; including any admin or hauler specific fuel/environmental fees. BNSF is forever proud of its heritage and history, and we combine that with a never-ending drive to explore new technologies and approaches where appropriate to enhance safety and efficiency. I mean we kind of consider -- we consider recycling to be traditional solid waste, but it's a bit of both. By contract or at sbc waste services discretion, some customers pay a nonstandard fuel surcharge or are exempt from any fuel surcharge. And just one last point. WebPublished Rates. .cuW*e^\Xj_e0'zj#O6S1Z%&c1NGN?2^y_a(k&MKhLqIw>cBwZI8E9 ;3+h`CE=:F_FqhO`5|qh3`E0*Uh#L!FWh3a0lc!Q)kHCc(1=T CY4fFc8@[ O
When we get to the first half of 2023 is when we get the real tailwind in -- it's primarily residential because that's the line of business that is most tied to an index. You can rely on BNSFs team of experts to help educate you on the benefits of incorporating our rail network into your supply chain. If we think about volume a little bit, and so just maybe a little bit of inside baseball here. Surcharge: A surcharge is a fee or other charge that is added to the cost of a good or service. So when we look at capital being below our guided levels, it really is more in the traditional solid waste space and specifically for trucks. And what we can say there is that we're extremely pleased. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The year-over-year increase in operating expenses as a percentage of revenue was largely driven by fuel and commodity price impacts, 70 basis points from higher fuel costs, 30 basis points related to the alternative fuel tax credits received in 2021 that have not yet been renewed for 2022 and 30 basis points from the impact of higher commodity prices on our recycling brokerage business. It appears that we currently do not offer service in your area, but please check back at a later date, as this may change. For faster service, please use the support form in MyAccount to submit a ticket for assistance. How often does the Fuel Detailed information and maps covering maintenance on the BNSF network. Certain GFL branches offer yard waste collection service. bnsf.com Update notifications inform BNSF customers of new Web tools at www.bnsf.com, or changes to existing tools. So on the down 120 basis points on the margin walk, it was 70 basis points from fuel, 30 from the CNG credit, and 30 from commodities. SBC Waste Solutions is dedicated to providing customers with safe and dependable waste management at an affordable cost. This is a very strategic approach to reducing our labor dependency by taking advantage of these very high-turnover numbers in some of these jobs. Our volume in the first three weeks of July looks good in that special waste stream. Thank you. But look, it's been a great acquisition for us. And I think that's what you would see with our pricing is that if inflation starts to really taper back down, that you'd see a bigger percentage of our price go to margin improvement, not just cost recovery. Locate pricing for any product from grain to coal or from lumber to steel -- as well as information on national tariffs, demurrage and storage charges, fuel Click hereto log in and add a service to your account. Click hereto find information about the different options for paying your bill. It was up 19% for Q2. For more information on yard waste plans in the following organized cities, click links below. We expect actually to give some of that up in the second half of the year. The percentage is tied directly to the national average price of diesel fuel as reported weekly by the Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy (EIA/DOE) in its Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices Index. So one is how did we perform relative to the expectations that we laid out at the beginning of the year. Some state and local governments levy these surcharges to solely support agency costs for solid waste facility licensing, permitting, registration or operation. The percentages and amounts may be changed at the discretion of Liquid Environmental Solutions. Our pricing accelerated sequentially as we continue to address persistent inflationary cost pressures throughout the business. Find answers to common questions about services, accounts, and billing on our FAQ page. You can find your holiday schedule in MyAccount. Such environmental costs include, among other things, landfill cover material, engineering, testing and maintenance at landfills and other disposal facilities, the disposal of tires, batteries, oils and fluids and the monitoring and management of vehicle emissions. US Department of Energy, Haul It Away: Rumpke's Junk Removal Service, Office Trash Removal & Recycling Services, Commercial Dumpsters And Container Options, Waste & Recycling Management Solutions for Restaurants, School & University Waste And Recycling Services. Our standard Fuel/Environmental Charge is meant to help cover costs and achieve an acceptable operating margin. Special waste is leading because it's largely industrial-type jobs, and those industrial companies have some discussion as to when they spend a lot of those dollars. But I just want to kind of think about it conceptually. So we're pleased with the fact that we're able to put landfill pricing through. It's designed to be neutral from an EBITDA standpoint, but it does hurt us on the margin line. What did your cost increase for fuel just comparing the $129 million? Learn more about the index. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. A: The Environmental Charge is intended to cover overall enterprise-wide costs for our operating companies to operate in a safe and environmentally responsible manner and to achieve an acceptable operating margin. Pricing Update notifications inform BNSF customers of changes to existing rates or price structures. To common questions about services, accounts, and I would also tell more... Businesses follow that down but not exactly cookie consent to record the user consent for cookies. Just lastly, Jim Fish and good color, john have a very sustainability! And local governments levy these surcharges to solely support agency costs for solid waste but! 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