There is no chatting between us, but I suspect that Words with friend uses bots to keep you playing as much as possible. You are correct! Zynga bought them out. I hope nobody is falling for these inane stories. A woman has revealed how she was almost scammed by an online Casanova while playing a popular online word game. I was scammed out of $70,000 over the course of a year. Derek said his wife died in a horrific car crash and he has a son in boarding school in Florida. In this post, well walk through the most common Words With Friends Scams and how to spot them. He continued to send me a lot of pictures, some of him when he was younger with his two girls. Meshell2tt 3 yr. ago Scammers or bots. I answered one, but usually dont pay attention to chat and after a few days she resigned. Michigan. Just going to see how this going to play out. I didnt want to be mean to anyone but it was all very suspicious with their dates joined all between May and July of 2019 yet their skill was very good. They always want to go on another firm of contact so they can send you pictures, and want to see yours. His story was consistent & his voice matched. The funny thing is that they all ask the same questions. , Exactly! Since I got a new iPhone about a month ago Im BOMBARDED with game requests from guys I dont know. I would love to make contact with you to compare her experience to yours and hopefully show her that she is being scammed and lied to by this creep. We had so much fun stringing him along! You can also hit their name and most have only been playing the last month or too. Been in hospital for a yest anf a half. Watch out for a Daemon Luke Madein. Credit: Wikimedia Genuine players I as a guy never message anyone first especially after hearing the stories from my regulars. I am almost certain he is a Nigerian scammer. It always starts the same, innocently asking how I am, then where do I live. You just want us to buy more credits from you. I hope no one else gets hit by this guy. Words with Friends is a popular online game that combines the way you used to play Scrabble with fun and innovative new rules, in a crossword-style game! Have a young lady sending photos Becky Hickson they all seem to have a similar story. Anyone getting those? Widowed 7 years I have to laugh at their use of English.. I love playing WWF, but it is so funny when they immediately come up with their back stories (all of them were widowers, save for one divorce), they have either a child or a grandchild they are raising alone, and are looking for friendly companionship. If you do play with strangers and you shouldnt then dont share personal information. The came back as Travis Austin! he messaged me on 2 different games, clearly a scammer, reported him! Give me a break. Hes been romancing me and is actually very good. Just a lonely married man in a sad marriage to a mean wife. To bad we cant have nice things. Me too. A few years back it did not have that. Can we be friends , and, Im widowed etc. Creeps. Address:SocialCatfish, LLC39252 Winchester Rd. I showed Mom how to block a player on WWF. I love Words With Friends but he has left bad memories. Supposedly a single father with a daughter. He had 2 fake identities on was Kerry-dean his cousin, leave messages fo me on wwf swearing to Samuels sincerity. It was easy in beginning but then you forget what you said & make a mistake. 51 from Spokane, I am currently being chatted up by frank williams, oil rig worker dead wife, 2 kids, beautiful house etc. Ive been playing for years but suddenly almost every game is ruined by a creeper. I am at a loss for what to do. Steven Cohen, freelance writer with the UN in Yemen. sharing names a pics of scammers trying to take advantage of words with friends players. Made the mistake of telling one guy I worked in the medical field and lo and behold, hes an orthopedic surgeon for NATO going to the Ukraine. I all of a sudden got requests on Words from Im in great demand. That I have to admit I have received countless times and I block them immediately. He wanted to know where I was playing from. Larry wanted my phone number and said that he meant me no harm. I played that guy too. When I tell them I dont use gmail, they insist I get one right away. Do not go to any other site outside of the game. All of them have lost their wives (mostly during child birth) and have a kid. Anyone know?? Made the mistake of giving one my email. The others are Oil rig supervisors or project managers. They were concerned for her health since he was so sexually active with strangers he met online no one really knew how many. She persuaded me to invest, which cost me around $8,000 and then I discovered this was a scam. Zynga needs to know. Most want me to download hangouts. Countless unfinished games because once they find out Im a happily married housewife who wont follow them to Google Hangouts, they just stop playing. So to win we eventually have to buy more points so that we can exchange them for better letters to play. Dont play online games with people you dont know in real life. His knowledge of the english language is not good and hell drive you nuts about going on Hangouts. I had a guy Kennedy Derek said he was from Germany living in Florida. And yet another scammer emerges! he is homeschooling his daughter because his wife died of cervical cancer. Claims hes German, and in So you never know, could meet your soulmate. When they try to start a conversation I do not waste time talking to them. Call your best friend or your skeptical relative and ask, does this seem legit to you?. Can you share some info about the person you might have come in contact with who is named Fred Anderson? Also a petro chemical engineer. I am much smarter than this. Collisions #6, Lyfts stock cools as Monday-morning reality sets in Collisions #7, Initial Paradox Offering: Uber Collisions #10, The new triple play: transportation, information, delivery Collisions #11, a collaboration between people and programs, on the internet, nobody knows youre a dog., Depending upon my mood. Anybody interact with DAVID HEWITT? My theory is that they have had many games resigned on them. Tap on your Profile. Ive given no money to anyone and wont but its still wrong and Im encouraging them. One of his first questions he asked was if I was married and had kids? WebJust found out my sister (45) met a man on words with friends (Scrabble with strangers). Hasnt asked for money yet but Im sure that will eventually come. Ive had these guys bugging me for years! Sadly there will always be someone out there who is taken in. Watch out for Luis Chanaga. When I say no, they keep pushing. Googled himh really is a generaltoo bad his English is poor and he knows nothing about the military! Oh yes, his parents died in a car crash when he was 12 years old and he was raised by a priest, father Andrew. Guy is from a foreign country, the wife is dead, and his daughter needs help. They usually ask where Im located. All he wanted to do was chat .. Im not playing to chat! Have you noticed how many of them have names that could both be christian names? I told him upfront that I suspected he was a scammer and he said he was badly hurt at the accusation.
Says hes a general in Afghanistan, works on a huge oil rig and claims to be very wealthy but cant access his funds from the ocean. He was smooth. Scammers all. As is ID. Guess it takes all kinds of people! I thought that was strange. Then, he was really busy being one of only two electrical technicians on the ship w/a crew of 27. At least he laughed, but that was the end of that. I tell these guys I am married, broke, 6 kids. After a year, we finally have a hearing tomorrow to hopefully get conservatorship over her. Ive had a few Russian women try to spark up convos. That was pretty disturbing to me. The Centaur Scenariois a little more likely and still scary. Was fine until I requested vacation for him only to be contacted that wanted $24,500 for a 3 month leave!! I heard a story about two people on WWF that eventually got married. Loving, wants to build a family. THIS is the kinder, gentler Uber? Not sure how we can stop it! Just take it as a hard lesson learned, albeit an expensive one, dont beat yourself up over it! Hi Wendy, I think Im talking to the same guy right now. This is why you should only contact your friends when playing Words With Friends so that you dont run into a scammer. WebHere Are Photos We Have Found Being Used Recently By Scammers! Web9 SharonButtah 3 yr. ago Had the very same experience until I changed my profile picture to a baby pic. Just MUTE the chats with all males. I have encountered three US Army generals so far. First thing was a pic of a handsome marine. They are all engineers too! She is 70 years old almost and completely brainwashed. (response- in WITSEC and somewhere CONUS). I have talked to him on phone and accent so thick I could not understand him and his voice does not match his photo. Whether it is true or not, I dont know. I said well if you want me to send you money, you have to send me that first. They all say the same thing!! Need to buy internet or we cant talk. Martins Smork said he was on offshore oil rig; widower with a grandson who lived with relatives. Another jonathon tager has a son 14 works on oil rig. I should have meant that I do send occasional chats too, but there are always more than appropriate. then I told 1 guy I think everyone is same guy just using different names. But Im worried they hacked my phone. The profile pictures are usually extremely attractive and provocative, and they immediately strike up a conversation. 2. Muhammadhamdan731- this was interesting!Zabal Palace price of Dubai! Use a Google Image search to check if their profile picture is genuine. And you want me to go to Google Hangouts just to see what they will say. Id love to compare notes/photos. It was the Dear right off the bat that made my antenna go up. First was a civil engineer that suppose to have found diamonds and gems and needed someone to help bring them back into the states but didnt trust anyone with the shipping passcode but me and wanted to me to pay for the special delivery. I reached out and he of course said he was sorry that someone scammed her using his photos. These are other ways that they try to get you to give them money then get really mad that you dont. Same thing is happening to me. Im so sorry to hear that! Look at results on both teams. One of them asked me what I did for a living and I ignored him so he kept asking over and over so I told him I was the wife of a mafia kingpin. English is great and spelling too. Heard this or variations si much its like a broken record. Another name he gave me Martin Von Grossmann, who is a business man and obviously his name is being used. Another give away is many of them claim to have really great jobs, (military. They hypnotize you with sweet words that most normal men wouldnt use. I always do a reverse image search. Online reports show users out as much as $60,000 from overseas scammers impersonating an online date or friend they grew to trust. I play along with them for a while but eventually call them a scammer and Im blocked. Said he was an investment broker with Mineroptions and sold bitcoins. He was none to pleased. One way I determine if I have accepted a game with a fraud is to click on profile and view stats. When youve learned to read the clues, dont tell them how theyve tipped their handit will only make the better for the next victim. Too many and he made me uncomfortable. Tonight this was a Micheal (big red flag with spelling) Siebert from Albany NYC. His wife has died and he is raising his three kids alone. At least he was a good player on the game lol. When I told him I wouldnt access his account (of almost $700,000) and have money transferred to my account, he then had no way to get home to access his own account. I think hes on WWF. Kelvin is telling me hes stuck on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico and wants me to sell my house to get enough money ($300,000 needed) to leave the rig so we can be together. Suppose to be from Denver Co, Got one called donald scott. 59 I dont understand how someone can sound so sincere and just hurt people and take advantage of them. I allow them to think they have my undivided attention and when they ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I work for the government. Not just resigned. Thomas?? I recall playing some of the people mentioned here like Luis Chanaga and Don Smith and the marines stuck overseas. Still talking to the same guy? Adamphilips556- playing since 11/4/2020 Living a double life.. Contact us below for any inquires. They all seen to be American working in the Army in Afghanistan (latest one William Milton a General no less), sometimes brought up in an orphanage (for the awwww factor), all seem to have lost their wives to cancer (again awww) and all want to go on whatsapp, hangout or facebook so they can look at your beautiful photos. I want to sue Words With Friends. My profile picture was the Betsy Ross flag. Do not fall for it. Im going through the precautions of protecting myself just in case. He said my son reminded him of him. when I called him by General Townsends name, he seem shocked. But no one has said how they get the game we are playing together to DISAPPEAR? But the conversation continued with the offer of exchanging phone numbers and pictures, which I of course decline and end the game.
Then, he needed to get back to work. April 2018. Weve been chatting for quite some time and he finally showed his true colors Hes working in Germany and needs me to get him a $500.00 Amazon gift card because his machine is broken. I have been a WWF player with my close friends for many years and I recently experienced a very crazy weekend with over 15 people asking me to play. On Words with Friends, you can be matched up with users you know nothing about. In the middle of Black Sea with Russian ships all around. I have saved photos of this Martins Smork. I had a picture of myself standing outside with a horse nibbling on my palette couldnt really see my face. Who was in contact with a Scott frank ??? I might add: If they say they are from the USA, & licensed here for work, you can check to see if they actually have a License as an engineer, etc. Then said he lives in Houston TX. I do not care if I am rude to them or not (and I am actually not a rude person). Next time, Im going to string him along. Collisions #12, Why Amazon Should Buy Lyft Collisions #4, Nonprofits are the real threat to Uber and Lyft Collisions #2, Ford Follows Facebook, Flounders Collisions #3, Why Uber Eats wont save Uber from Collapse Collisions #5, Who Might Own a Car in the Future? I typically only play with women and I almost never start the new games. As soon as I said Im married a lot of them stop playing but one Ive still been chatting with, just to see how far it goes. I figured the first time, once I told this supposedly young attractive woman I was 65 and happily married for 35 years, shed either just end the game or keep playing , finish and that would be it. Shame, I could of happily spent my life just looking at him , Im flooded with these as well. Thank God Im poor!!! Kids, Annie & Logan are being homeschooled to be safe but Robert goes to the hospital to be w/his friend, James, who was recently in a car wreck. Daniel Williams or Daniel William ? Its nothing more than a job to them. He has white hair and looks to be55-60. Although this game may sound like a harmless pastime, scammers are on the prowl looking for people to scam on these platforms. Yup I knew that guy Luis Chanaga and several others like Thomas Drier and Rob Smith. Im sure hes been smooth enough to make her believe anything.
The minute they find out all you want to do is chat they end the game. Gorgeous ( arent they all) I think he tried to tell me something before all the sudden our game was shut off. Ty be safe smart. I have another possible female who is asking about thanksgiving and seems real but who knows. I get one or two a day. You can play Words with Friends on your computer or smart device. They may all be the same guy! Ive had over 50 men with the exact same statements and questions your mom received . Very handsome & 9 years younger than me. All their stories are the same and have noticed their first names could also be last names. At least Luis Chanaga didnt ask me for money or gift cards lol. Im familiar with the request to go to Hangouts in Goggle, Bill Valentine is a engineer, in the marines , claimed he lost his wife Alice due to lung cancer, works on a oil rig for four months in Mexico ocean, whats funny is he said I told my grand daughters about you and they wanted to email me but the funny thing they were messing up the names of who they were and who I was, I was having fun with thisbut I finally stopped this little game. 12 talking about this. We talked for TWO MONTHS and I grew to love him because he professed his love for me early on. I played WWF with Nicolas Aleksandra from August 2017 to approx. I am so disgusted with myself for being duped this way. Another one of their ploys is that theyre sending her money back plus more.. Then, they will say that the money package is being help up in port and that she will need to send them an additional $3k to have it released to her.. Just be very cautious to never give them real info about yourself. Each time you give information they collate it and keep it. All the charm & concern about what Im eating & resting enough. Also one of his workers killed himself by jumping of the rig. I hope his wife finally knows and leaves him because he should never be trusted. Have you had them resign but its not shown up on the win/lose/timed out/resigned bit? Caught him in many lies because he couldnt keep is story straight. Thats when I blocked him. It is clear that theyre hounding her daily. Snow ( GOT- or what??) I had a lot of these scammers, every day it seemed. I said goodbye. . Ive seen him still using the stolen pic on wwf. I have been scammed by James Anderson, James Tuscher, Bernard Charles, beware. The responses here seem to be females receiving from males so Im kinda curious. Not sure if this has been mentioned. Trying to pick up pointers on new ways to scam? Unfortunately he uses a flip phone so cannot take pictures (but how can he use whatsapp and send pictures?) Anyone come across this guy? Now I am getting the option to engage in Chat or not with some players, so It looks like WWF is trying to do something about it. It is quite sad to hear that there are still people falling for these blood suckers! I dont think so! I feel like such a fool. Then Ill ask them for money cuz Im 87 years old and need emergency hemorrhoid removal surgery. I live with embarrassment and shame now. After reading all these scenarios, I am so glad I followed my gut. Some of these people are the worst social engineers I have ever met, where are you playing from? are you married? do you have kids? what do you do? all most of them are trying to do is scam your personal details, .. She complies instantly. WebJan 11, 2023 - Explore Juanita Sage's board "Scammers" on Pinterest. Connypeterson I is part of his email, which I think was stolen, but cant find out Nice pictures on Facebook. Beware! I envy him so much already. He asked me music I like. I blocked him. Yes Davis was the one who asked me if I knew how to chat because I failed to respond to him after replying hello. The game timed out eventually. He asked why I didnt ask my husband to buy me one. Changed my photo to be one of my dogs and scammers have stopped. Dead wife (cancer, childbirth, accident), one or two kids, with the nanny or in boarding school while hes away. I was flattered and gave him one of my email addresses that I use. All started out Social Catfish, is a reverse lookup search engine to find people and verify identities that was founded in 2013 by co-founder David M. and Moe M. We often work with press about romance catfish scams for free if it makes sense for both parties and attribution is properly given to us. My favorite is Anthony Paulo. Says he is a doctor working in Syria for the UN. It was inappropriate under the circumstances. I did not put it together until I just heard from friends that someone is trying to scam my Facebook account. Yes, Im familiar with that, avoid Bill Valentine or Morgan Anderson both supposedly from CA . And the homeschooling bit is a nice touch. When men ask for my phone number I give them the number to Dial A Prayer (704 482 0022 ). They will ask for a cell #, email, hangout or whatsapp. I also find it insulting that they assume youre playing to be chatted up. I must have hit an age where they think I will fall for this garbage. This is one reason why Owen and his ilk almost never use the first names of their intended victims, preferring my dear or honey or the like: they dont want to blow it and address Mary as Sally.. He wants $132,000. Someone is going on there using an old Facebook account and asking for a friend request. Once out of curiosity I actually answered their messages to see what Step 4 would be. But now I dont respond. He got mad when I wouldnt do it. Having said that, 99% of the people I play with are good people. really full of it!! I came searching because I had two different profiles asked me for my google hang out profile. During a recent visit, Mom shared an odd experience she had while playing that turned out to be a new kind of scam. And he actually called me on the app. UN wasnt sending their supplies would I go to Walmart and get $200 card and send him. But after talking to them, they changed their tune but the one still calls once in while. On my screen, it shows my name, although theyve always called me by my screen name. Glad u caught on and didnt lose anything major.. like some poor women. From Europe but who now live in the USA I have only been on for a little while and had 6 so called men friend me to play wanting to know temp and whats for dinner. After a month she wanted me to go on to Telegram. I was wonderingcan these scammers (or bots) access any info from my cell phone thru this app? I accept the invitation to play with them but after I play my first game, I mute the chat. We have to fight this by exposing them on every site. He now lives in DC. Same weird way of talking. Checking for a friend who has a similar story.
They get real .mad. Same old, same old! One just started a game with me yesterday, Curdias9. I found checking their profile if they are legit they have played the game much, much longer and also have a FB account you can find easily. Oh well have a wonderful life. He says your amazing and Ive never seen anyone as gorgeous as you ha ha. I do play with people I dont know but my nickname makes it clear that I dont chat and if a player leaves a message I ignore it. Many scammers are on Facebook and we need to stop them when Facebook's team can't stop them. The bald head is everywhere on google representing him as a church family and community man. LOL! Lol. These guys stop playing as soon as you stop talking. One guy was listed as if in college but he looked 60 something in his picture. We can't seem to locate that property in our records. Are we in third grade?) Doesnt last more than a week usually. I talked w/him for three & a half weeks & have been surprised at how hard it has been to stop wanting to talk w/him. A 7-figure contract he made sure to tell me (and pictures of him in his Porsche). Fredrick Andrews. We verify information to confirm if the person that you've met online is really who they say they are. He was was looking for someone to love. It might seem beyond belief that anybody would ever fall for this, but innocent people have been falling for the Nigerian Prince scam for years and to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Then asked for $6,000 to complete a business deal to secure our futures. I figured out I was chatting with more than one person and one had to be female. It didnt use to be this bad. When I start a game with a new male player I have a laugh with my husband about how long it will take them to start chatting! 14 year old son Because their goal is to get you to fall in love with them, talking to scammers online will initially be a very pleasant experience. I have noticed also that with these two people, there is no date on their profile when they joined WWF, whereas normal people have. FYI. Words With Friends ranked highest outside of dating and social media apps, according to the ACCC, with 38 scam reports resulting in $598,075 in losses. Owen (or whoever) strikes up a casual conversation with what he hopes is a lonely, older, female WWF player. I said it was like playing a video game or choose your own adventure story. Because of this, people willingly engage with these scammers and have no idea that they are being targeted in a scam until after they lose thousands of dollars. on my phone, so we can talk private. Owen then asks the woman player for money. He me several times for my email address and I kept saying no. Not this guy lol! Thats where they were picking up the crude oil. My grandmother (85 female) has been scammed out of over 1.2 MILLION dollars from 1 or many scammers over the last probably 1-2 years. Originally said he was from Arkansas but now in Africa on British mission trip. Omg, Im reading all these and its the same thing Im getting, usually 3 or 4 a day. Claimed his married was just to keep his job and for his kids. Ive been chatting for 3weeks with one who has a very creative story but has now sent me his phone # and is requesting mine. James Mata- playing since 11/5/2020 I think he at least used a real name and was a real person. If a user directs you to message them elsewhere, such as through social media platforms or Google Hangouts, beware. Came to the US at 19. They are mostly all engineers on a oil rig off the coast. Play along for a bit..feeding false info. Look out for Frank Wilson who is on a peace keeping mission in Kabul Afghanistan and for Andrew Charles who is an offshore oil rig engineer. Gary Scott sound familiar James curtis. I thought we ended things when I called him out on an obviously fake picture he sent me, but now hes talking to me again like nothing is wrong. I hadnt askescany questions of him but he told me his life story. Same line! It is so nice to be flattered, but oh, I smelled a rat! Do not ever give money to anyone you meet through Words with Friends. Until today, I thought for the most part things were innocent although he was constantly asking questions about me and telling me how much he liked me. Robert Ellington did. Ive been messing with them too knowing they are phishing. Charmed me for three months. But the English syntax always gives them away! Curious to know the outcome, I am so happy for all the posting on here. You can stop it by changing your gender to male and putting a non female picture, your dog, something else you like. He has asked for money. Remember Satan posed as a snake. 4. Definitely a scammer. His wife died from cancer several years ago. My grandmother has paid for Jaydens tuition many times. His daughter needs an operation that costs $20,000, but Owen is stuck aboard a ship of the coast of Turkey, or some other remote place. Has anyone been contacted by a German named Joaquam Sylvester Roberts who says working in Craotia working as construction manager whose wife died of leukemia & has daughter named Victoria. I wonder if they know General Kaiser who I also over there. Names a pics of scammers trying to do is scam your personal details, she. Died in a horrific car crash and he said he was badly hurt at the accusation supposedly ca! Have that ask my husband to buy me one bad memories well walk through the most Words. 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