battleheart legacy guide

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Student of the Mind (Wizard) - 15% cooldown reduction. This is an all purpose build that can do just about anything. Activate your elemental weapon, then use Aura of Light, Power Infusion and Wrath and then run into battle. Slay Living to discard those annoying healers and Green Cyclops from the battlefield, however only a few chance it has for it to instantly kill your target. Power Infusion (Paladin) - You always want as much damage output as possible. Requires dual-wielding. Flame Weapon: Although this may not be the best one of the weapon buffs, it is the best when it comes to mana strike, and that is why we are using it. In Battleheart Legacy, you will explore a rich and detailed fantasy world, customize your unique hero with dozens of powerful skills and items, do battle with hordes of enemies, encounter quirky characters and discover the stories of a troubled realm. Impending Doom: To take advantage of all the crits this does. All other points go into INT. This build is remarkably self sufficient and low concentration invested making it ideal for farming legendary weapons/armor in the arena. Use your defensive cooldowns, wisely. Moreover, the 10% instant cooldown is totally useless with this build and cowl has a better defense. Dual Wield - This increases damage and attack speed. Meteor (Wizard)- My latest addition, not entirely sure if this one is worth it but it seems to work great for now, mostly put in to combo with Tornado, but gives the build a little bit more damage that it really needed. Aura of Light: (Paladin) For 10 seconds, all of your attacks will heal you for 25% of the damage dealt. Sign me up. Power Infusion (Paladin) [optional]: The 50% damage boost means faster kills and more healing (thanks to Aura of Light). If you don't have this, then this build it kinda pointless. Note that Radiance is great to use on injured clerics to stop them from healing or teleporting, or in conjunction with Aura of Light to heal you for potentially huge amounts. With your 30% critical strike rate and impending doom you will always have a skill to spam. Mana Strike: A really strong AoE with flame weapon, it only has a ten second cool-down making it very powerful. Pocket Gamer - Mobile game reviews, news, and features. Weapons: Anything. The only must here is the Choker of the Red Feast, or you would suicide real quick with all the BM spamming. Karma Kick, Savage Pounce, or Ghost Hand are great tools to bring long-ranged foes into close-quarters combat. Stacks with Word of Retribution and Devout. Spam your attack skills. Frenzy to lower cooldown for error margins. At the end of the battle, ask the Battlemage to teach you. Thanks to a deep and flexible skill set, your hero can learn traits, abilities, and special moves from a huge range of different warriors - and then mix them up for a completely personalised skill sheet. Use whatever you want, it matters little. (Passive), Removes all negative status effects from your body, and unleashes a retaliatory explosion around you. Honestly, as long as the build can still physically function, gear is entirely up to you. Features A strategic, real-time combat system . Fly in with blade rush. Heal when needed. If low on health use holy word & Aura of Light. Wishlist. Victory Banner: Extra damage is important and crit chance is too. Find the enemies and then figure out a line where you can cross the most enemies. And its just plain fun. These guide & skill tree & tips will help you to complete your adventure and to beat bosses. Guide for Battleheart Legacy - skill tree, tutorial, tips, hidden characters. As requested, focus your firepower on the ranged archers and mages. submitted by KLO Glacial Spike (Wizard)- Another high impact spell that works well with our many sources of Instant Cooldown. Accessories: Anything with helpful properties. This build, like the previous one, uses the Ninja passive skill Impending Doom to shorten the cooldowns of your active skills, this time so that you can almost always be under the effects of either Aura of Light or Intimidate. This attack features area damage, which is important for the arena. 36 Attack Power. Divine Hammer (Paladin) - It's powerful, aoe damage is useful at any level, Whirlwind (Barbarian) - Hitting multiple enemies at once helps A LOT with crowd control, Power Infusion (Paladin) - The bonus damage is great for dealing masses of damage and taking down enemies, Intimidate (Knight) - Stuns your target and sends everyone else into panic!!! Once your health drops to 30%, activate Premeditate, then activate Last Stand. This is good with the amount of skill you will need, and also with Flame Weapon. Time Stop: This lets you grab a break against enemies. 148Apps is an independent publication of Steel Media Ltd that has not been authorized, sponsored, or approved by Apple Inc. Would you like your application reviewed on 148Apps? How to Unlock While traveling the map, after getting to level 5, you will get into a random encounter labeled "?? Gear tends to accumulate, and if you are going a melee route for example, you can probably safely sell that expensive but useless mage's armor you picked up. Revenge: Very powerful against heavy hitters as it blows it back. This app will be your new best friend. Since assassinate deals lesser damage on full health enemy, use Shadowstep instead if you have dagger as your main weapon. ", try expanding the sheet (little button at the top right of it), select the AI5:AI16 range and change the format to plain text. All the skills in this build can be learnt when you reach level 27 without the use of Bard's Generalist. If the wizards are REALLY getting you down, Silence (Battlemage) can replace Intimidate as it is just as effective if your fighting a large group of spread out mages. Also increases crit chance, especially with Flame Weapon. In case you weren't already convinced spamming tornadoes was a good idea heres another reason to spam tornadoes. Holy Word: (Paladin) Utter a word of prayer to heal your wounds. Battleheart Legacy - The classic mobile RPG, now available on Steam! You get penalized a percent of your gold each time you do. You have good AoE with Manastrike and Aura of Disease, Good sustain with Drain Life and Life Leech, good single target damage with Wandering Plague and auto-attacks. Aegis: Can prevent tons of damage with a high enough spellpower, in later colosseum waves, it becomes basically a damage buff due to the giant amount of damage you are tanking. Dual Wield: (Ninja) Allows you to dual wield one-handed melee weapons. Counter Strike is capable of dealing critical damage. Avoid hits, do lots of damage, blah blah blah. Changing elements resets Mana Strike's cooldown. Lasting Affliction: These last two can be replaced without harming the build too much, but lasting affliction does help with horror. Necromancer Edit Being a Necromancer demands great Intelligence and Charisma, along with minor Endurance. You have a massive 46% cool down speed reduction. Whenever you are stuck at some level use our Battleheart Legacy Guide. Flame Weapon on at all times, use Blood Magic(will be referred to as BM from this point on) before using any of your skills, and use Song of Inspiration(will be referred to as SoI from this point) to refresh them. This build was built specifically for the arena, I have not tried it at all in any of the main game, and it requires many, many high tier class skills to complete, so I would not recommend going for this at all if you're looking for something to beat the main game with. (10 sec cooldown), Your target is seized by an arcane force, pulling them into melee range and briefly stunning them in the process. Now how to play. Your high damage will keep you healed without any defensive skills. Whenever you are stuck at some level use our Battleheart Legacy Guide. Main survivability skill that keeps you from dying. In addition to the starting classes available at the beginning of the game, there are some classes that you will have to explore to find - like the Ninja, Bard, Necromancer, and Monk. This build has no sustain so finishing fights quickly and cleanly will help save health potions. Staff Master (Wizard) [optional]: Staves work well with this build, but you can use whatever you like here. 2x Howling Sickle (2x 10% crit, 30% crit damage) if you prefer a more balanced build, 2x Black Candle (2x 50% crit damage) if you want bigger numbers. Offer to help, and then defeat the band of attackers. Savage Pounce (Barbarian) can replace Divine Hammer, depending on the situation (mostly used in levels with lots of walls/chasms. It can do Insane damage and is good for movement. (10 sec cooldown), Increases critical damage with spells by 50%. Your whole battleplan is to keep everything CCed with Intimidate, Horror, Mass Hysteria, Lasting Affliction and cooldown reduction. As for accessories, anything that increases your crit damage or attack speed will work well with this build; do not use anything that increases your attack damage or skill power as these quickly become 'diluted' at higher levels, nor should you use anything that increases your crit chance since this should eventually be 100% from your skill alone once you're at a high enough level. Explore Everything! Enables you to clear waves easily while standing in a same spot. Hero builds | Battleheartlegacy Wiki | Fandom in: Strategies & Guides Hero builds Edit These are various Hero Builds to follow if you are stumped on what to do. Pretty good, but perhaps replaceable if there is something more unfair. Frenzy (Barbarian) *Important but not required, Aura of Light/Holy Word(Paladin) *Important but not required, Caltrops (Ninja) *Important but not required, Radiance (Paladin) *Optional but Powerful, Preferred weapon: Dual Wield, Archery, Staff Master, Colossal weapons, Shield Training, Favored Soul (Bard) *Important but not required, Impending Doom (Ninja) *Important but not required, Student of the Mind (Wizard) *Important but not required, Death Wish (Barbarian) *Optional but Powerful, Accessories: Almanac of Annihilation X2 or any cooldown or higher crit chance). This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use". After wave 22 you can let your hero die as you are *almost guaranteed* to have over 100 kills by then. If Aegis is down and low on health, use premeditate then Last Stand. In Battleheart Legacy, you never need to restrict yourself to one of type RPG class. When you encounter a food poisoned cyclops or a skeletal mage use the following. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.Battleheart Legacy and its images are trademarks of mika mobile. Impending Doom: (Ninja) Each time you crit, your cooldowns are reduced by 1 second. It's a bit of a mishmash. When leveling, use mage armor to boost spell power and go for critical chance accessories. Holy Word (Paladin) - due to this build's high CHA stat, this ability will heal a significant amount of HP. Real_Bit_1633 3 yr. ago. Word of Retribution (Paladin) - increases your damage by 20% whenever you use Holy Word or getting healed by potions. See all our Battleheart Legacy guides in one handy place. It is well worth your time to invest it in upgrades as soon as you can. You can add extra things to it if you like. Are you looking for a collection of the best guide and tips for Battleheart Legacy? Flame Weapon: (Battlemage) While active, weapon attacks deal fire damage, are strengthened by your spell power, and have a 10% increased critical strike chance. Best Armor: Battlemage Raiment (24 armor, 31 spellpower, 6% attack speed, 6% cooldown), Best Shield: Draconic Bulwark (best shield), Best Accessories: Antique Hourglass (18% attack speed, 13% cooldown) and/or Zombie Flesh (7 armor, 6 spellpower). All rights reserved. Pocket - Mobile games industry news, opinion, and analysis. I can get to around 200 kills in the arena consistently, and I've found I only ever actually die when I'm spamming too hard and forget about my CC/healing, so I'm sure it can go farther. Passive skills can either give you a bump where you need it (defense, damage, etc), or completely change your tactics (equip giant weapons, deal extra damage at low HP). Premediate is very useful in small areas like in the Coliseum because it lets you use Blade Rush/Twin Strike twice in a row (both of those skills are much more powerful than Savage Pounce), Frenzy (Barbarian) - CD reduction and attack speed buff, Optional: Power Infusion (Paladin) - Damage buff, Lethality (Ninja) - Increased crit damage by 50%, Cowl of the Red Fang - 5% crit and 50% crit damage, Howling Sickle- 15% crit and 30% crit damage, Choose female, red hair, name her Amelia, and equip a sword. Aura of light: Do I really need to explain why this is in here? Which is where we come in, with a complete skill tree from each class. Trying to tank through the golem's rage (when he turns red and hits extra hard) when you're not a high enough level (but with tier 7 armor and trinkets) will still easily tear you apart. This last slot can really be anything, but I run life leach, Battlemage Raiment: Great armor, give spell power and armor and attack and cooldown speed. This reduces Revenge's cooldown from 30 seconds to 15 seconds. There is a different version of this build optimized for arena. Aura of Light (Paladin)- Extremely overpowered source of healing, combos with any damage sources you have, particularly Tornado, with 2-3 tornadoes up you are pretty much unkillable. A little kiting is required for higher Colosseum waves but overall, it is fun and challenging to play. 3. You may need to do new game + to fully utilize this build to its max potential (JK you don't, you should be able to make this build by around lvl 27 or so). Always make sure tornado or blizzard are up and you have teleport on. Enter the fugitive hideout. Your choice on which one you like/want to use. I've found that the Mor'Doth Doomplate (legendary heavy armor) is more useful in the long run than the Cowl of the Red Fang (legendary Rogue armor) since the extra +15 armor really helps, and even though your skills and stats will increase your damage output as you level up, the same cannot be said for your armor. Try not to use this without power infusion. 2x Almanac (20% CD redcution each), 1x "high level red monk armor" (10% cooldown, Wraps of the Dragon). Primary Wizard/Necromancer with help from Witch Knight and Ranger Wandering Plague is great for the big stuff or boss fights. You get to choose from 12 different classes. pretty much anything that improves dodge is useful here, but ghost stones are crucial. I'm 100% sure there is no spell that does this ones job better, completely necessary in my book. summon as many minions as possibl, use corpse explode to thin crowds and make more bodies for minions. This build centers around using dodge and the counterstrike skill from the monk. Tips for beginners. Shield Training: Because you need a shield to be a tank. Adrenaline Rush (Barbarian) - Killing an enemy heals you and briefly increases your movement speed, Lethal Edge (Rogue) - You have a +10% crit chance with daggers and swords. The Necromancer shares key attributes with the Wizard , Witch and Bard How to Unlock Go to the Mage Academy Tower, and speak to a student near the headmaster who mentions a crypt where all the cool kids hang out. (Passive), Disrupt the magical abilities of all nearby enemies, preventing them from casting spells for 8 seconds. Impending Doom+BM+SoI makes it so that this build has little to no downtime. That is all :) music: It mostly utilizes the skills of the ninja and the necromancer, my favorite character. Changing elements resets Mana Strike's cooldown. Lethality - Extra 50% damage each time you crit. But there's no way of knowing what skills you can learn from each master, until you dump a bunch of coins in their coffers and boost the required skills. Heal if you can, and if you cannot, Last stand, 6. This is the entire premise of the build. Add Extra things to it if you have teleport on lethality - Extra 50 % damage each time you,! Kills by then to teach you which is important and crit chance is too to 30 %, Premeditate! Useless with this build it kinda pointless does help with horror you like here available. Wield one-handed melee weapons news, opinion, and features quickly and cleanly will help save potions! A line where you can, and if you have dagger as your weapon! Holy word: ( Paladin ) - due to this build can still physically function, gear is up... Stop: this lets you grab a break against enemies Glacial Spike ( Wizard ) [ optional ]: work. * to have over 100 kills by then of skill you will always a! More bodies for minions it only has a ten second cool-down making very. 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