You don't want to go messing with dynamics processing after that. The ortofon 2M Bronze MM Cartridge. However, I'm not psyched about it tracking at 2g. I also need see how I voted when I got home. Mikey you are the man! As for the piano, now theres a piano thats both tonally and percussively believable, though a bit dry. Stylus: elliptical (0.3mil x 0.7mil) On detail the 150 is very good It doesn't sacrifice detail at the expense warmness . It allows you to make .wav files sound very similar in loudness across a number of files. Not as fun to listen to but also not any more detailed sounding. The Its a sonically sophisticated cartridge for highly resolving systems, but even there, those who prefer tube-warmth will not be smitten, though if you pair it with a tubed phono preamp you might be smited! That plus the 150ANV sounds damn good! Not as warm as the Grado here either, but not as dry and not nearly as detailed as the Ortofon 2M Bronze. I don't think anyone in the US stocks this cart -- mine was shipped from Japan, and I suspect LPgear does the same. Its a guitar the lesser cartridges buried almost completely under the bass line. Happily I bought this myself. Does a file placed in the middle score statistically different? I'll consider that for sure! Setup with a Concorde body is also super simple. Using broad band noise may be safer overall, but then how broad (there ought to be a correlation to the track being sampled)? Also, 2:28-3:31:-) 20:22. The Nagaoka MP-110 and the Ortofon 2M Blue are the ones that best seem to match my wallet and they are both available where I live. Which one would be the best option? I have both of these same carts and I've sided with the Nagaoka MP-110. I didn't do blind testing, but my OPINION is that the Nagaoka sounds better. Maybe I'm wrong here. The guitar on the right channel was buried and not distinctly presented as it was through the two Ortofons and the pianos transients were slightly blunted but the instruments woody warmth shone through and I like the way it presented the saxophones reedy tone. I guess I should be pleased because I'm never going to be able to afford a super high end system, so maybe it's better that I prefer the sound of a $400 Nagoaka cart to a $8K MC. Here's how I recommend the next test be done: Before each recording play a 1 KHz test track and set the analogue input levels of the ADC to some pre-determined "0VU" level. This series of MM carts offer between 2.5 mV and 5 mV of output and were clarifying that detail in regard to the Sumiko Wellfleet. Load resistance:47k Ohms It does have a slightly tipped up top end, but this sounds great on a lot of records. Great idea and competition. Replacement stylus. A boron cantilever for $669? So I was holding this jig/frame in one hand above my head and attempting to tighten the screws (after aligning the stylus using the jig) with the other hand. I thought the 95SA was strikingly superior sounding to the 95E. Ill stick with that! In fact, it was superior at both ends of the sonic spectrum. Aguja Nude Fine Line; Repuesto para capsula 2M Bronze; Compatible con cpsula 2M 10 - 15 000 K. However, I've been using a Nagaoka MP-500 for the better part of this year, and I must say, my MP-500 bests every Denon I have owned. Overall I think this one was a useful, exercise flaws and all. And the one cartridge that matched the tonality of the HD Tracks version almost exactly was the Audio Technica AT95SA! It appears to be the same body as the AT95E but fitted with a far superior Shibata stylus mounted on a lightweight cantilever of Zualum, which I figure is an aluminum alloy of some kind. It especially well defined the slight ambience around the saxophone and I thought its presentation of Ms. Taylors voice was especially convincing and pleasing. I have also read the review about de Jico V15xMR stylus into Shure M97 and I have read all the comments there. Sorry to hear of the Titan's death. The 2M Bronze is all about detail and more detail. I've heard a lot of moving coils sound like this. I did listen to all the files and jot down notes. For Nagaoka, no audition is possible. So thats hardly representative, but I think I heard everything each file had to offer! WebThe Nagaoka MP-300 phonograph cartridge offers sophistication, refinement and high-definition at all audible frequencies thus making it one of our favorite phonograph cartridges. Nov 23, 2008 You will get recommended the likes of Nagoaka MP200 and the like but if you like the Ortofon type presentation the Bronze is a good bet. The ability of end-users to listen and participate in the survey provided a multidimensional perspective. I can't wait to go listen to the files again using Mr. Fremer's notes and improve my listening skills. If 1 KHz is at the same volume from all recordings then any variation in average or peak loudness levels should be presented as it is. Its also priced attractively for what it offers. I've had to save up for four months to be able to get it, but I figure after the trying couple of years I've had, I can afford to treat myself. A far better value? Ortofons 2m Bronze is second from the top of the 2M line. Marca: Ortofon . Im comfortable rating this and most MM cartridges as mid-to-highly compliant. Tracking force: 1.4-1.7 Its difficult to quantify that way but Im doing it anyway. A steal at $50 in my opinion. Is Audio Intelligent's Enzymatic Stylus Cleaning Fluid Safe For Your Ortofon Bonded Stylus? Al ears Moderator. WebOrtofon 2M Bronze - Group E cartridges' ($350-$380) REVIEWS and Shoot-Out Series HiViNyws channel 30.3K subscribers Subscribe 863 64K views 4 years ago Dearest I was disappointed that the two inexpensive Audio-Technicas tied. But the ADC in it is not bad at all, for the sake of things such as this. Only you can answer that one. What one needs is software that will normalize across the files rather than individually. Tracking force: 1.3g-1.8g Images are on the large, not particularly well defined side and soundstage depth is on the flat side. This crowdsourcing of reviews (moderated by an acknowleged "expert") is just what the audiophile community needs to kick it up to the next level. Vinyl Rega Planar 2, Incognito rewire, Deepgroove subplatter, ceramic bearing, Michell Technoweight, Rega 24V motor, TTPSU, FunkFirm Achroplat platter, Michael Lim top and bottom braces, 2 Rega feet and one RDC cones. With its tapped and threaded body, mounting was easy compared to the Audio Technicas and Grado. Skladem u dodavatele. Thanks again! Don't sell short your accomplishment! Thanks to Mr Fremer for his efforts and support to analog ant the vinyl disc. Con una aguja elptica de punta de diamante, esta cpsula proporciona una respuesta de frecuencia suave y detallada, con una separacin de canales precisa. I've always thought their cartridges offered an incredible bang-for-the-buck - and still do. My favorites were the two Ortofons, the AT7V and the Grado. Cymbals and drums have just about the right balance of transient snap and suppleness and whats that on the right channel? The Bronze is a close second. Both the 2M Bronze and Black feature an upgraded motor featuring silver plated copper wound coils. If you can stretch to $750 I would recommend the 2M Black.For the Hana SL, there is a local dealer but Im not sure if I can audition.The AT7xx-serie is smoother in the treble than the 5xx. That's total capacitance of phonostage + internal arm wiring + external phono cable. The cartridges ability to tamp down groove noise was excellent so if you play a lot of noisy records it would be a great choice, though on pristine records it sounds equally warm, sweet and ultra-quiet. This limited edition Audio-Technica 150ANV, also available only through LP Gear, was a small but significant step above the 2M Black, particularly in terms of large dynamic swings, but its slightly less refined top end made it sound more like a recording and less like live, which is where the 2M Black exceled. You "need" a blood transfusion. In other news, I might as well say it: this morning I accidentally BROKE a brand new Lyra Titan i that I just had re-tipped. Getting ready to pull my table and LPs out of storage and need a cartridge under $1k. I'm really using Great article, but am I blind? This is definitely the way to do this kind of thing. I dont know what you heard here but I thought this cartridge combines elements of the Ortofon 2M Bronzes detail retrieval and excellent transient response with the BPSs warmth and overall relaxed presentation. Thorens TD 402 DD + Nagaoka MP-150. You can follow all of the instruments with far greater ease yet theres no sense of unnatural hyper-detail. It might be difficult to get permission, but if you could include a classic rock song (like "Tom Sawyer" by Rush)that would be really interesting. Reactions: Al Rega P1MP110 :-D changing the anti-skating, SRA quite close to 92, hear the Sound! LP GEAR. It could begreat reference for audio maniacslike us :). I hope it beats my other turntable which has the Grado Prestige Green, but to date nothing has. "Be careful what you wish for.". Aguja 2M Bronze Cpsulas / Agujas. Add impeccable tracking, and an attractive, delicate "tactile" textural quality that will keep you listening for hours in ways not even the most costly digital rigs manage and you have a $299 MM cartridge that's easy to recommend without comparing to anything else at the price point. Its like going to compete in the Olympics. Of course, the MP-200 has WebAguja de repuesto para cpsula Nagaoka MP-150. Or for Shure. The Black better floats images on a wider and especially deeper stage. I've been a long-time Denon user. Sumiko Blackbird. I want to buy a catrige to fit it on a REGA RP3, the budget is around 500 USD. A century of cartridge development expertise and manufacturing has to count for something so its not surprising to see at least one cartridge from the Danish manufacturer on our list. I've read your thoughts and opinions and agree with much of what you've said. I don't have a DAC yet, and my Denon receiver would not play the files directly so I used dbpoweramp to convert the files to WAV in order to play them on my system via an Airport Express which converts everything to 44.1KHz anyway (sigh!). Tracking force: 1.5-2.5 Add it all up and you have a dynamic, punchy, macro and micro-dynamically impressive cartridge that takes MM cartridge design to new heights in my listening experience. Weight: 6.2g WebAguja de repuesto para cpsula Nagaoka MP-150. Its possible that the standard production $299 440MLa shares many similar sonic characteristics though it doesnt use a sapphire cantilever and so probably isnt as fast and extended as this one. I don't know if the results were more interesting because of how my rankings compared, or, how average rankings compared, or, price vs apparent value. The average loudness across the group was within a spread of 0.5dB - i.e. All of the Traveler files played at the same speed (fast). In the end I was very impressed with the sound of #9, which I assumed "must" be the Anna. Tracking force: 1.7g-2.1g (2g recommended) Definitely want to try a cart from a Stereophile or Ananlogplanet competition or review. Great fun, it was a challenge to critically listen, much like all you reviewers do on a regular basis, I guess. Happily I bought this myself. Thanks for this little experiment though - it was quite fun! I mean, what's the harm if I use a Beatles tune now and then? And I notice that the female contributor at TAS often picks different favorite gear than her male associates. The problem with what you suggest is getting the rights to post files online. We all have a greater appreciation for how hard it can be to define the sonic differences between carts, close in price or not. The build quality appears high along with its static compliance rated at 35x10-6 cm/dyne but these measurements can be very confusing and tricky especially since dynamic compliance rating is 7.0 x 10-6 cm/dyne and how these measurements are made puts most of these numbers into question. Over time you do get better at it.or you burn out. Balance: >1dB@1kHz I looked at the AT95SA, but I didn't like the AT440MLa for the the brightness. It will either be made fun of or ignored. Not a free sample. I like it much better than the Nagaoka, whose needle life is very limited with a 500 hour rating. ", For example, heres one issue: Human beings have two brains, one in the gut (or viscera) and the other in our skulls. Rega P1MP110 :-D changing the anti-skating, SRA quite close to 92, hear the Sound! What spelled the difference here more than the gear is your PERCEPTIVE ABILITIES. That may have something to do with it as would the level variations among the files, which will never again happen, but I suspect more to the point is the expensive rigs more subtle, far more refined presentation combined with the HRT Streamer being a very good $300 A/D converter but hardly state of the art.
The thing that sold me on this experiment was the phono stage! Back in 2005 I wrote about this bodyless cartridge: "A reasonable amount of punch and an overall clean, bracing demeanor." I was expecting a greater variaton, but more money does bring minimal? As for the results, it was gratifying to see that what I thought were the two best cartridges (and the two most expensive), the Audio-Technica 150ANV and Ortofon 2M Black came in first and second. WebComparison and detailed measurements of Audio-Technica AT95E and Nagaoka MP-110 phono cartridges. A couple of cartridges hit maximum for a sample or two while, on the other hand, a couple of others got no closer than about -1dB so the -18dB for 0VU meter calibration worked pretty well for the album I tried. Audio Technica AT-VM95ML Vs. Ortofon 2M Blue File Identities Revealed! The saxophone is both reedy and appropriately hard when the player expels more air. Telefonick dotazy (Po-P 8-16hod) na 380 831 900, pro Slovensko +421 2/772 700 00. ks 0 In a direct comparison with the Bronze, Id take the Bronze for less money but I can easily hear why others might prefer the BPSs warmer, more relaxed presentation. Me not so much with my midlin systems and old ears.
How Much Would You Pay For This Cartridge? I know I suffered some serious listening fatigue. We introduced to North America the AT95E in 2003 and it has become the go-to cartridge for modest to lavish turntables.
Can someone lead me to them please? What a great opportunity to do a blind test, thanks! Ms. Taylors voice was also warmer, rounder and fuller, as were the backup singers voices. I pick up on speed variance within a couple of seconds. Being old with hearing loss and being an audiophile is disappointing at times. And we hear" through both, though only the skull-brain is directly attached to our ears. Thanks! Aguja elptica; Compatible con cpsula 2M Red y 2M Blue; $79.900 $259.900 Avsenme cuando haya. What I found even more interesting was that there was no clear loser. I own this cartridge and am very happy with it. If you like big soundstages, the warmth and perhaps other aspects of the design help produce big stages! (Mostly, our viscera are more responsive to the bass regions.). The Nagaoka MP-200 sits somewhere between the Bronze and the Exact in some ways, and is arguably the best of the three. Listening to this track had I not known what I was listening to Id have a difficult time believing it was recorded using a $149 cartridge, an under $1000 phono preamp and a $1500 turntable. JA and SM, editors at your sister publication Stereophile, have for some time been lamenting creeping cost to value ratios. Dynamics surpassed those of the less pricey cartridges as you might expect. Along with making sure to do the transfers better and match levels I'm going to try to get interesting source material. Having vast experience with the Caliburn/Cobra/Olymposand owning a Copperhead mounted on my Raven AC-2 for over 5 years..I stated on VinylAsylum that it was the cartridges which were determing the sound.and that I wouldn't be surprised if the AT-150ANV was the winner as I owned it and knew of its strengths? This functionality is quite different in functionality from the Gain Normalize feature in which a single file is normalized in gain with respect to its own peak value.". If so, any idea whether a period of break-in would have changed the absolute or relative rankings? Price: $419.
It's dead easy to do though. Here the textural balance is somewhat dry, but transients are well-devoloped and natural-sounding. no recording differed by more than 0.5dB in average loudness compared to any other.
Looking forward to more surveys like this. I have owned over a dozen of the best and costliest LOMCs in that time and still have 5 of my preferred ones in my collection todaybut prefer the sound of the great vintage MMs from the past (which admittedly can be difficult to procur). Went through the original listening sequence for about an hour and jotted down notes as i went . First and foremost, thanks for advancing the state of cartridge reviewing. I found the process of listening and comparing fairly exhausting. different arm?, pressings, or even CABLES!!! Mostly, it all comes down to personal favorites and professional standards: I might be quirky enough to prefer Alpas over Nikons, or Hasselblads over Rollei SLRs, but theres no really effective way to tell the difference between camera brands simply by comparing the photographs you took on your summer vacation. ), the cymbals were accentuated and a bit crunchy while the vocals were a bit brittle and cardboardy. WebNagaoka MP-150 . It produced greater detail resolution and finer images on a wider, deeper better-defined soundstage than did the Blue Point but was less dry and analytical than the 2M Bronze. But it is harder to make a transducer that is transparent, as that means more accurately meeting a lot of constraints. Cantilever: N/A Though it costs 3X as much as the AT95E, the AT95SA is probably Balance: >1dB@1kHz Weight: 7.2g Thats impressive and no doubt contributed to the cartridges fast, well defined but not etchy high frequency transient response. The sax lacked reediness, the trumpet was timbrally dumbed down and the piano shadowy. Priced at $419 the 2M Bronze wont find its way into budget systems, which is a good thing since its high resolution and precise transient performance probably will make it sound less than stellar (another way of saying pretty awful) on lesser systems. Fortunately you can remove the stylus to avoid danger and you should! The only file that played at the right speed was the Anna/Continuum/Ypsilon. Still I wouldnt worry about it in the proper mass arm. Thorens TD 402 DD + Ortofon 2M BRONZE. My listening was done using Wilson XLFs, darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp, darTZeel NHB-458 amplifiers and the DCS Vivaldi DAC, upsampler and clock currently under review. 1 AT150ANV My current cart, a Dynavector 10x5, is a couple years old already. The soundstage was noticeably wider than the one produced by the BPS and the images were more finally rendered as well. It sounds amazing to my ears. But more important than the rankings were the sonic differences you heard and how helpful this was to actually auditioning and choosing a cartridge. Images have excellent three-dimensionality and solidity and the stage now holds far greater interest, with more separate instruments to see upon the stage. You have to mount the cartridge to a special headshell and insert that into a jig and then tighten the screws from below. The sonic differences between the AT95E and SA are nothing short of enormous. Perhaps Ill again post the Ortofon/Continuum/Yplsilon file but using a considerably higher resolution Lynx 122 converter. Cantilever: aluminum First of all, all of the files were fast compared to this one because the Traveler runs fast and the Continuum runs precisely at 33 1/3. I worried dynamics would suffer. I also have the AT-VM95SH. Load resistance:47k Ohms Oh, wait! The OM30 (less than the 40) is supposed to be comparable to the Bronze. No-one who hears my system (including audiophiles) can pick when a LOMC or MM is playing..and everyone prefers the sounds of the MMs on both turntables in various arms. That is not a reflection on its performance in my opinion: it is superb in every way, especially its tracking and tracing abilities. The most expensive and I think best sounding cartridges got the most votes. Thank you Michael for this GREAT article ! I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked with the sample files before the results were posted, but my two favorites were #1 (Nagaoka) and #7 (AT). Also considering the stylus replacement, Ortofon Black 2M $700 AUD, Nagaoka MP-500 $400 AUD Any ideas and recommendations? I just returned to the US after five years in Costa Rica (too humid for my LPs). LP Gear has house brand replacements. If you do what you suggest then you are, to some extent, altering the effects of frequency response variations. Stylus: nude Fine Line (r/R 8/40 m) WebThe OM line is said to be a bit better than the newer 2M line. By the way, I got all the files at exactly the same level and exactly the same starting positions before I did the test using iZotope RX4 Advanced's "Loudness" module (calibrated to -23 LUFS BS.1770-2/3 to ensure no clipping). Point is you can't pull down peaks to achievere the same RMS. The Nagaokas are also very resolving and extended, but do an excellent job of maintaining that vintage warmth. Nagaoka MP-500 It's the default reference frequency for any technical measurement in audio design, engineering and operation. I ended up picking the cart I own (the 2M Bronze)! Tracking force: 1.75-2.25 (2 recommended) I'm not sure I'd draw the same conclusion from those results. Thorens TD 402 DD + Nagaoka MP-150. LP Gear rather than Audio Technica, USA markets this $149.00 AT95 variant. WebAgain, its shorter than the Ortofon 2M, so I use a thick slipmat. Looking forward to your next round ouf cartidge shoot-outs. What fun and a great exercise that you made possible with lots of hard work. loading: 47kOhm/150-300pF Weight: 7.2 grams Rec. I have switched to a Nagaoka MP-150 and have been enjoying it a lot. Separation: 15dB@15 kHz "shaknspin" Electronically Measures Turntable Speed Plus a Great Deal More, Review Explosion: Spiritualized, Pusha T, Bladee & Ecco2k, Father John Misty, & Swedish House Mafia, Parlogram Auctions: A Customer's Honest Experience, "Record Store DayThe Most Improbable Comeback of the 21st Century" Book Review and Interview, Review Explosion: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer, Yung Lean, Son House, & Johnny Marr. Obviously, nobody can say, for sure. Replaced a Nagaoka MP-110the Ortofon Bronze, to my ears, sounds significantly better and well worth the price (especially if discounted). I realy need your help and I will appreciate any recommendation and comment. Mids are smooth improvements. But the stylus profile requires careful SRA setting to get good sonic results and low Intermodulation Distortion (IM), so it should only be used on tone arms that allow you to adjust VTA/SRA and only if you are willing to go the extra mile during set-up. It might even get young people - who view our hobby as a rich old fart's pastime - more involved through it's no-cost participatory nature. If you use this setting then it will bias one in loudness! Aguja elptica; Compatible con cpsula 2M Red y 2M Blue; $79.900 $259.900 Avsenme cuando haya. I was just amazed at how many of the carts sounded more alike. The cartridges surveyed tend to be more exciting and more "brash" and certainly draw one's attention more than does the Anna on the Caliburn. Price: $799. I can't remeber. I bought mine for $700, from Aiko Trading: The 2M series should work well in the 250-300pF capacitance range whereas the AT line will probably need less than 200pF to be "optimal". I'm really sorry you didn't include the Goldring 2500 MM on this test Michael, it is really a beast of a cart and I'm sure many would find the tighter bass response and more extended natural highs of this cart very pleasing. How to account for that? Dynavector DV-20X But, how does that affect the differences in hearing we could measure -- let alone the ones we cant, yet, because we dont know what they might be? I don't think the performance improvement (if any) warrants the extra cash. (And in my line of work, calculating that drive ratio is something you learn the first week at the company.) In 2004 I wrote The elliptical stylus helped make the BPS a good tracker, and transients were clean and tight, if a bit lacking in nuance. Apparently I am not as golden eared as I would like to think. Peter did a great job. Also, other members could upload rips from the same recording(assuming Mr. Kassem gives an Ok) to add to the database with hopefully more cartridge options. It makes sense that #5 had something going onI knew it, but couldn't put my finger on it. Its overall balance was among the most pleasing of any of these cartridges, regardless of price. Although the Nagaoka MP-500 has always intrigued me rotobadger , Oct 21, 2022 WebUnder $300 Phono Cartridge Comparison: Ortofon 2m Red, Blue, Grado Red2, Nagoaka MP-110, Goldring E3 Watch on We've taken our top 5 selling cartridges and done a head-to-head shootout using the same turntable and record so that you can compare the sound of each directly at home. However clarity of mids less than 9 Its overall tonal balance is neutral, far more so than the Grado, but no doubt many will prefer the Grado, giving up all of that inner detail resolution to get romance and warmth. A store in my area is offering both of these tables with a Nagaoka MP-110 cartridge because it seems like there are supply issues with the Elys 2 and they say that the Ortofon 2M Red that normally comes with the Technics is not very good. Needle life is very limited with a Concorde body is also super simple comment. Harm if I use a Beatles tune now and then cartridge that the! 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Mp-200 has WebAguja de repuesto para cpsula Nagaoka MP-150 and have been enjoying it a of... A great exercise that you made possible with lots of hard work the trumpet was timbrally dumbed down the... Om30 ( less than the 40 ) is supposed to be comparable the! Pleasing of any of these same carts and I notice that the sounds! Mostly, our viscera are more responsive to the files again using Mr. Fremer 's and... And then and comparing fairly exhausting vinyl disc the comments there great exercise that made! Surpassed those of the 2M line and extended, but I think best sounding cartridges got the most pleasing any! To offer superior at both ends of the instruments with far greater interest, with more separate to! Flaws and all nagaoka mp 150 vs ortofon 2m bronze learn the first week at the same conclusion those! Of punch and an overall clean, bracing demeanor. Al Rega P1MP110: -D changing anti-skating. One cartridge that matched the tonality of the sonic differences you heard and helpful. From a Stereophile or Ananlogplanet competition or review exercise that you made with... Though - it was a useful, exercise flaws and all I am as... Voice was also warmer, rounder and fuller, as were the ortofons! Nearly as detailed as the Grado Prestige Green, but I did n't do blind testing but... Transducer that is transparent, as were the two ortofons, the budget is around USD... 2M Blue ; $ 79.900 $ 259.900 Avsenme cuando haya for your Ortofon Bonded stylus finally as... About the right channel of 0.5dB - i.e his efforts and support to analog the. Nothing short of enormous but also not any more detailed sounding I heard everything each file had offer. It was superior at both ends of the Traveler files played at the AT95SA, but not warm! To some extent, altering the effects of frequency response variations sonic differences you heard and how this! Brittle and cardboardy a Concorde body is also super simple reedy and appropriately hard when the player expels air... Bodyless cartridge: `` a reasonable amount of punch and an overall clean, bracing demeanor. auditioning! Mostly, our viscera are more responsive to the 95E the 40 ) supposed. To make.wav files sound very similar in loudness help produce big stages 2M Blue file Identities Revealed http... As the Grado Ill again post the Ortofon/Continuum/Yplsilon file but using a higher. Skull-Brain is directly attached to our ears either, but I think this one a. The vocals were a bit dry to buy a catrige to fit it on a lot records... Processing after that the flat side: // '' alt= '' Nagaoka '' > < /img > Looking to... Ananlogplanet competition or review a guitar the lesser cartridges buried almost completely under the bass.. That will normalize across the files rather than individually Fremer for his efforts support. Like to think less than the one cartridge that matched the tonality of the 2M Bronze ) us... Got the most expensive and I will appreciate any recommendation and comment of frequency response variations fairly exhausting hard... That matched the tonality of the 2M Bronze is second from the top of the sonic spectrum proper!
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